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实用场景例句Let's have lunch out on the patio . 咱们在外面平台上吃午饭吧。 牛津词典 Sun used due West exposing just the Northern edge of the patio to sunlight. 过去太阳刚刚在西方落下,只将天井的北部边缘显今朝阳光里. 期刊摘选 They plink on the pipe and plunk on the patio roof. 它们叮叮当当地敲击着排气管,砰然掉落在露台顶上. 期刊摘选 But also the library takes care of the exterior, with reading areas and a urban patio. 同时,图书馆非常注意外部空间的处理, 设置了阅读区和休息庭院. 期刊摘选 East Patio Chafang store is located in Taiyuan Street Kangning Xi Corning Area One. 东沁园茶坊位于太原市小店康宁西街康宁小区一号. 期刊摘选 Hawaii a veranda or roofed patio often furnished and used as a living room. 一个阳台或是有屋顶的天井,通常它可以摆上家具,被当成一个起居室用. 期刊摘选 Imagine breakfasting on the patio on a beautiful summer's morning looking out at the tide. 想象一下吧,美丽的夏日清晨,看着潮起潮落,在天井里吃着早点,该是多么惬意啊. 期刊摘选 Spacious and luxurious apartment with 2 double bedroomsand a beautiful patio. 宽敞、豪华的双人间设有一个小型迷人的露台. 期刊摘选 A spacious Patio and a breakfast room are available for the guests. 酒店设有宽敞的露台和早餐室供客人使用. 期刊摘选 And your house, your street and your patio. 还有你的家, 你的庭院和你的小镇. 期刊摘选 The piano nobile, the residents'daily domain, is organized around a patio. 钢琴钗, 居民的日常生活领域, 是围绕着庭院. 期刊摘选 They're pretty hard to ignore when you are outside on the patio. 当你在外面的庭院的时候你会成为被忽略的目标! 期刊摘选 Lo ú nico que quiero es que lo tengas encerrado en tu patio. 她必须关小些. 期刊摘选 They had a barbecue on their patio on Sunday. 星期天他们在院子里进行烧烤. 《简明英汉词典》 The patio was made of stone slabs. 这天井是用石板铺砌而成的. 《简明英汉词典》 Each workshop has a roof garden and a patio with a " park. " 每个车间拥有一个 “ 公园里的花园和一屋顶露台. ” 期刊摘选 The patio gave an unimpeded view across the headland to the sea. 从阳台望去,视野越过海岬直到大海. 《简明英汉词典》 He once said that he fries fish on the patio. 而他的母亲,就在自己家的院子里烧菜. 期刊摘选 I went out on the patio and sat down and enjoyed each page. 我到外面院子里坐下,仔细欣赏了每一页. 期刊摘选 They plink on the vent pipe and plunk on the patio roof. 雨点把排气管敲得叮当作响,露台顶棚上砰砰砰砰,响个不停. 期刊摘选 Then he opened the door to the patio. 没一会儿又把客厅通阳台的门打开了. 期刊摘选 Lily: That's why I'm reading my paper and having my coffee on patio this morning. 莉莉: 这就是今天早上为什麽我要在院子里看报纸喝咖啡. 期刊摘选 Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon. 他们的露台能望到水平线,而在我们的露台只能望到前院. 期刊摘选 Huey Lucas : [ enters back patio ] Frank, we got a problem. 休 伊·卢卡斯 (来到后院):弗兰克, 我们有一个问题. 期刊摘选 Gift Baskets, Kitchen Accessories, Patio Furniture and Accessories, Leather Goods and Bags, Bathroom Accessories Gifts Articles. 采购产品礼品篮, 厨房配件, 庭院家具及配件, 皮具及手袋, 浴室配件礼物. 期刊摘选 Your idea of a night out is sitting on the patio. 晚上出门玩对你来说实际只是意味着坐在院子里. 期刊摘选 An opening in the patio looks out on to the golf course of the condominium. 庭院一面的开口朝着房子共有的高尔夫球场. 期刊摘选 Let's have lunch out on the patio . 咱们在外面平台上吃午饭吧。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 Dan informed her that he would be out back on the patio cleaning his shoes. 丹告诉她说他要去房子后面的露台上擦鞋。 柯林斯例句 We often get complimentary remarks regarding the cleanliness of our patio. 我们经常听人称赞我们的露台非常干净。 柯林斯例句 英英释义Noun1. usually paved outdoor area adjoining a residence
词根词缀后缀: -o 1. 表名词,"音乐术语"; 2. 表名词,"人,物或状态" adj.&adv.solo 单独的[地];独唱的[地]sol单独+o音乐术语→n.独奏 adj.&adv.单独的[地];独唱的[地] n.solo 独奏 sol单独+o音乐术语→n.独奏 adj.&adv.单独的[地];独唱的[地] basso 低音部,低音歌手bass低音+o音乐术语→n.低音部,低音歌手 concerto 协奏曲concert音乐会+o音乐术语→n.协奏曲 crescendo [音乐]声音渐强cre增长+escend开始+o音乐术语→n.[音乐]声音渐强 diminuendo [音乐]渐弱di使+minu=min小+end+o音乐术语→n.[音乐]渐弱 oratorio 清唱剧orat说+ori+o音乐术语→n.清唱剧 piano 钢琴pian轻柔+o音乐术语→n.钢琴 soprano 女高音,最高者sopran高音,高声+o音乐术语→n.女高音,最高者 tango 探戈舞tang+o音乐术语→来自黑人的舞 bravo 亡命徒brave勇敢的+o人,物或状态→bravo亡命徒 dynamo 发电机dynam力量+o表名词→n.发电机 fiasco 大失败,惨败fiasc+o人,物或状态→意大利词,愿意为易碎的瓶子 fresco 壁画fresc=fresh新鲜的+o人,物或状态→指画在墙上的画鲜艳 gusto 爱好,兴致勃勃gust趣味+o人,物或状态→n.爱好,兴致勃勃 impresario [剧院或乐团等]经理人,主办者impresari=impresar+o人,物或状态→n.[剧院或乐团等]经理人,主办者 maestro 音乐大师maestr=master大师+o人,物或状态→n.音乐大师 magnifico 贵族,高官,显要人物magnific庄严的,崇高的+o人,物或状态→n.贵族,高官,显要人物 manifesto 宣言,声明manifest显然的,明白的+o人,物或状态→n.宣言,声明 motto 座右铭,箴言mot动+o人,物或状态→motto→行动指南→座右铭,箴言 patio 庭院,平台pati=pat+o人,物或状态→n.庭院,平台 relievo 浮雕relieve浮现+o人,物或状态→relievo浮雕 tyro 新手tyr+o人,物或状态→来自拉丁文tiro,新手 volcano 火山volcan来自罗马神话中的火神Vulcan+o人,物或状态→n.火山