释义 |
词态变化- 第三人称单数:?pillages;
- 过去式:?pillaged;
- 过去分词:?pillaged;
- 现在分词:?pillaging;
- 名词:?pillager;
实用场景例句The rebels went looting and pillaging. 叛乱者趁火打劫,掠夺财物。 牛津词典 The town had been pillaged and burned. 这座城镇被洗劫焚毁。 牛津词典 [不可数名词]They brought back horrific accounts of murder and pillage. 他们带回了残杀掳掠的可怕消息。 牛津词典 Soldiers went on a rampage, pillaging stores and shooting. 士兵们横冲直撞,洗劫商店并且开枪射击。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 ...the boldness to pillage and rape. 抢劫和强奸的胆子 柯林斯高阶英语词典 If we pull legions from the west, the Goths will pillage us instead. 如果我们把西线的军团调到这里,抢劫我们的将换成高斯人. 电影对白 The AI will no longer pillage Barbarian Cities. AI不会去摧毁野人城市了. 期刊摘选 The transfer of power in 1947 was accompanied by slaughter and pillage of huge proportions. 1947年的权力转移是伴随着屠杀大面积掠夺而来. 期刊摘选 Tribute formerly paid to freebooters along the scottish border for protection from pillage. 勒索贡物从前为防止海盗抢劫,沿苏格兰边境向海盗上贡之物. 期刊摘选 It was almost a pillage. 这简直是一场洗劫. 辞典例句 The invading troops were guilty of rape and pillage. 侵略军犯了抢劫和强奸的罪. 《简明英汉词典》 Eighteen shillings a month, together with diet and pillage. 月饷十八先令, 加上伙食和战利品. 期刊摘选 To enter by force in order to conquer or pillage. 侵略以武力进入以便征服或掠夺. 期刊摘选 The rape and pillage of the east was a terrible crime. 对东部(国家)的强劫和掠夺是臭名昭著的罪行. 期刊摘选 The sense of wrongs, the injustices, the oppression, extortion, and pillage of twenty years suddenly and found voice in a raucous howl of execration. 二十年来所深受的损害、压迫、勒索、掠夺和不公平的对待,一下子达到了最高峰,在一阵粗声粗气的谩骂叫嚣里发泄出来。 辞典例句 There were no signs of violence or pillage. 没有暴力或劫掠的迹象。 柯林斯例句 词根词缀后缀: -age 1. 名词或动词后缀,表示"状态,总称"; 2. [做的]状态,过程; 3. 名词后缀,表示"费用"; 4. 名词后缀,表示"场所,物品" n.damage 损害,伤害dam+age状态,总称→n.损害,伤害 carriage 运费carry携带,运送+age费用→carriage运费 postage 邮资post邮件+age费用→n.邮资 railage 铁路运输,铁路运费rail铁路+age费用→n.铁路运输,铁路运费 towage 拖[船,车]费tow拖+age费用→n.拖[船,车]费 waterage 水路运输,水运费water水+age费用→n.水路运输,水运费 anchorage 停泊地点;抛锚地点anchor铁锚+age场所,物品→n.停泊地点;抛锚地点 appendage 附加物append附加+age表示名词→n.附加物 beverage [水,酒等之外的]饮料bever饮,喝+age场所,物品→n.[水,酒等之外的]饮料 cottage 村舍,小屋,别墅cot小床,小屋+age场所→cottage村舍,小屋 heritage 遗产,继承物;传统herit继承+age场所,物品→n.遗产,继承物;传统 hermitage 隐居处hermit隐居士+age场所,物品→n.隐居处 luggage 行李,皮箱lug拖拉+age物品→需要拖运的物品→luggage行李,皮箱 village 村,村庄vill茅屋+age场所,物品→n.村,村庄 wreckage 残骸,碎片wreck残骸+age场所,物品→n.残骸,碎片 advantage 优点,长处,有利条件;利益,好处ad+vant=van前卫,先锋+age状态,总称→n.优点,长处,有利条件;利益,好处 dotage 老年糊涂,溺爱dot打点,打盹+age状态,总称→n.老年糊涂,溺爱 drainage 排水;下水道drain排干+age状态,总称→n.排水;下水道 foliage 叶子[总称]foli叶+age状态,总称→n.叶子[总称] marriage 结婚,婚姻;结婚仪式marry结婚+age状态,总称→marriage mileage 里程mile英里+age状态,总称→n.里程 patronage 赞助,惠顾patron赞助人+age状态,总称→n.赞助,惠顾 percentage 百分率percent百分比+age状态,总称→n.百分率 pilgrimage 朝圣pilgrim朝圣+age状态,总称→n.朝圣 shortage 不足,缺乏short短+age状态,总称→n.不足,缺乏 tonnage 吨位,吨数ton吨+age状态,总称→tonnage吨位 verbiage 罗嗦,冗长verbi=verb词语+age状态,总称→词的状态→冗长 visage 脸,面貌vis看+age状态,总称→n.脸,面貌 n.&v.pillage 抢劫,掠夺pill抢夺+age状态,总称→n.&v.抢劫,掠夺 v.envisage 想象,设想,展望,正视en进入+vis看+age[做的]状态→进入看的状态
同义词vt. & vi.掠夺robburglarizelootplunder 其他释义burglarizedespoilrobransackpreylootrobberyraidforaydispossessplunderpirate