释义 |
obsequiousGRE - 英?[?b?si:kwi?s]
- 美?[ɑb?sikwi?s, ?b-]
词态变化- 副词:?obsequiously;
- 名词:?obsequiousness;
实用场景例句an obsequious manner 谄媚的态度 牛津词典 smiling obsequiously 谄媚地微笑着 牛津词典 Barrow was positively obsequious to me until he learnt that I too was the son of a labouring man. 巴罗竭力讨好我,直到得知我也是工人家庭出身。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He looked at the two ladies with an obsequious air. 他看着两位太太,满脸谄媚的神情. 辞典例句 The obsequious brush curtails truth deference to the canvas which is narrow. 谄媚的画笔依从狭窄的画布把真理打了折扣. 期刊摘选 No nonsense about emotions, nostalgia or image. No obsequious talk to persuade Swedes in doubt. 抛开情感 、 怀旧情绪或形像不谈, 也不提用讨好性的言辞来说服心存怀疑的瑞典人. 期刊摘选 Matrons, millionaires, educators, journalists, coachmen all bowed to him in obsequious homage. 太太 、 阔佬 、 教育家 、 新闻记者 、 马车夫——所有的人都卑躬屈膝地拜倒在地. 期刊摘选 The manager's obsequious assistant annoyed the other employees in the department. 谄媚的经理助手惹恼了部门内的其他职员. 期刊摘选 He was obsequious to his superiors, but he didn't get any favor. 他巴结上司, 但没得到任何好处. 期刊摘选 No, let me be obsequious in thy heart. 不, 请让我在你心里长保忠贞. 期刊摘选 The landladies paid court to her, in the obsequious way landladies have. 女店主们以她们特有的谄媚方式向她献殷勤. 辞典例句 He is a worker who is obsequious to the boss. 他是个对老板卑躬屈膝的人. 期刊摘选 Eldest son one's life life is to listen, obsequious, but finally however risk danger in desperation. 大儿子一辈子唯命是听 、 唯唯诺诺, 但最后却铤而走险. 期刊摘选 The obsequious brush curtails truth in deference to the canvas which is narrow. 阿谀的画笔顺从目光短浅的画布,真理因而被削弱. 期刊摘选 Chandler's weasel face screwed into an obsequious smile. 钱德勒黄鼠狼似的脸上现出了谄媚的笑容. 辞典例句 She is an obsequious shop owner. 她是个善于谄媚的店主. 期刊摘选 Don't toady to or be obsequious to rich or powerful people. 不谄媚奉承有钱或权势的人. 期刊摘选 He is obsequious to men in power. 他对有权势者谄媚. 辞典例句 He is an obsequious shop owner. 他是一个善于讨好顾客的店主. 期刊摘选 The secretary is exceedingly obsequious to the manager. 这个秘书对经理极尽阿谀奉承之能事. 期刊摘选 Barrow was positively obsequious to me until he learnt that I too was the son of a labouring man. 巴罗竭力讨好我,直到得知我也是工人家庭出身。 柯林斯例句 词根词缀词根: sequ =follow,表示"跟随,追" adj.obsequious 逢迎的,谄媚的ob加强+sequ跟随,追+ious……的→拼命跟随别人 sequacious 前后一贯的,盲从的sequ跟随,追+acious多……的→跟随太多的→盲从的 sequent 接续而来的sequence[[n.先后,次序;连续,数列]]拿省鷄dj.接续而来的 sequential 连续的,一连串的sequent=sequence[n.先后,次序;连续,数列]+ial……的→adj.连续的,一连串的 subsequent 后来的, 并发的sub在后面+sequ跟随,追+ent表形容词→随在后面的 n.consequence 结果,后果,影响;重要性con全部+sequence连续→全部连续不断的跟随而来→结果,后果;重要性 second 秒;片刻;瞬间 second=sequ跟随,追→次等的→第二→秒[分为小时第一等级,秒为二] sequence 先后,次序;连续,数列sequ跟随,追+ence表名词→跟随→连续 subsequence 后果sub在后面+sequ跟随,追+ence表名词→随在后面 num.second 第二second=sequ跟随,追→次等的→第二→秒[分为小时第一等级,秒为二]