The non - physical assets of a company such as patents, copyright, a brand name, goodwill etc.
指属于公司的专利 、 版权 、 商标 、 商誉等 非 物质资产.
Objective To investigate the reason of circulation system symptom of patients with non - physical disease.
目的探讨 非 器质性疾病患者循环系统症状的原因.
As this occurred, Shamballa also shifted into the hands of those with great non - physical plane power.
当这发生, 香巴拉也移入那些巨大的 非 物质层力量的掌握中.
He spoke of his contacts with benevolent non - physical entities whom he called INSPECS ( Intelligent Species ).
他谈到了自己与他称之为INSPECS ( 能物种 ) 善良的 非 肉身实体的接触.