The fluorescence of AaH - 1 is quenched by I ~ -, acrylamide and N - bromosuccini - mide ( NBS ).
表明能改变AaH -1 的 pH 环境 、 构象或使之变性的因素都能使它的萤光强度和 出血 活性同时发生相应的改变.
Cis , cis - 1, 4 - dibromo - 1,2 , 3,4 - tetraphenyl - 1,3 - butadiene is obtained from the reaction of 1 , 4 - dilitho - l, 2,3, 4 - tctraphenyl - l , 3 - buladicnc with carbon tetrabro - mide.
1,4-二锂-1,2,3,4-四苯基-1,3-丁二烯与四溴化碳反应生成顺, 顺 -1, 4- 二溴-1, 2, 3,4-四苯基 -1, 3- 丁二烯.