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实用场景例句The newspapers accused local police of laxity in dealing with gamblers. 报纸指责当地警察在对付赌徒方面执法不严. 《简明英汉词典》 The laxity of export control authorities has made a significant contribution to the problem. 出口控制部门工作懈怠,是造成此问题的重要原因。 柯林斯例句 The army must maintain strict discipline and allow no laxity. 军队非讲纪律不可,纪律松弛是不行的. 互联网 Second, there is a certain degree of laxity. 二是有点散. 互联网 In 1975 we criticized weakness, laziness and laxity, but some leading bodies still have those problems. 一九七五年我们讲过软 、 懒、散三种情况, 现在有些领导班子还是这个问题. 互联网 Conclusion. The significantly greater neutral zone of immature spine suggests greater ligament laxity. 结论: 幼羊的中立区明显增大表明其韧带松弛. 互联网 But bloating, laxity, conceit, extravagance and inertia are to be found in certain degrees. 现在是有点肿 、 散 、 骄 、 奢、惰. 互联网 英英释义Noun1. the quality of being lax and neglectful
词根词缀词根: lax =loose,表示"松" adj.lax 懒散的,松弛的lax松→adj.懒散的,松弛的 laxative 通便的,放松的lax松+ative表形容词或表示物→放松的[药]→泻药 n.laxative 轻泻药 lax松+ative表形容词或表示物→放松的[药]→泻药 laxity 松驰,放纵lax松+ity表名词→n.松驰,放纵 relaxation 松驰,消遣relax松驰,放松+ation表名词→n.松驰,消遣 release 释放, 让渡, 豁免re重新+lease=lax松→n.释放, 让渡, 豁免 v.relax [使]松驰,放松re重新+lax松开→重新松开→松驰,放松