Development of human resources development is conducive to the long - term planning.
—— 制定有利于人力资源发展的长远规划.
Long - term planning is always rather a hit - or - miss affair.
凡是定 长远 的计画都难免出偏差.
Misunderstanding one : give more consideration to the short - term gains, short of an overall, long - term planning.
误区 一: 多考虑 短期 收益, 缺乏整体 、 长远 规划.
It's a stressful time, and one in which long - term planning is becoming more and more difficult.
这是个压力重重的时代, 此时要想实现 长期 的规划越来越困难.
A modeling technique, multi - cycle mixed - integer linear programming, for optimizing long - term planning in process industry was introduced.
介绍多周期混合整数规划模型技术在过程工业 长远 规划方案优化中的应用.