释义 |
greenery- 英?[?gri:n?ri]
- 美?[?ɡrin?ri]
实用场景例句The room was decorated with flowers and greenery. 屋里装点着花卉和绿叶植物。 牛津词典 They have ordered a bit of greenery to brighten up the new wing at Guy's Hospital. 他们订购了一些绿色植物,以给盖伊医院的新配楼增添一抹亮色。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Steaming greenery and damp anacondas. 那里有散发着蒸气的潮湿草木和游弋其中的蟒蛇. 期刊摘选 Greenery can inspiratory carbon dioxide, release oxygen, to people healthy have profit greatly. 绿色植物能够吸入二氧化碳, 释放氧气, 对人们的身体健康大有裨益. 期刊摘选 On greenery, M & S reckons that British consumers divide into four broad groups. M & S估计在绿色产品上的英国消费者可分为四大类别. 期刊摘选 As sunlight floods through full height glass windows, the lush greenery of people's Park beckons. 落地长窗, 即可远眺人民广场葱郁绿色亦可让灿烂阳光洒落满屋. 期刊摘选 The central building is soft because it is wrapped with greenery and timber garden stakes. 中央建设是软的,因为它是包裹着绿色和木材花园的利害关系. 期刊摘选 Use this one greenery eventually, braid gave green mountain, embroider green of great capacity. 终于用这一片一片的绿叶, 编织出了绿的山, 绣出了绿的海. 期刊摘选 Even the Banks of canals and rivers are covered in greenery. 即使是沟河岸边,也都是绿草如茵. 期刊摘选 We clothed barren mountains with greenery. 我们绿化荒山. 期刊摘选 Greenery has sprouted out in the waste land behind the factory. 在工厂后面的荒地上突然长出了草木. 期刊摘选 Everybody was riding out Peachtree road to gather greenery and have a picnic and melon cutting. 人人都离开桃树街去采集青枝绿叶,举行野宴和吃西瓜去了. 飘(部分) In his first budget, too, Mr Obama has proposed spending more on greenery. 奥巴马在他第一个预算中就提议要更多地投资环境领域. 期刊摘选 Leaning against the tree trunk, he gazed at the greenery stretching before him. 他痴痴地靠着树干, 望着眼前的一片新绿出神. 汉英文学 - 家(1-26) - 家(1-26) Green agriculture relies on greenery photosynthesis to produce food and fibrous agriculture on land. 绿色农业在陆地上依靠绿色植物光合作用生产食物和纤维的农业. 期刊摘选 The spring was encircled by hills, thick with greenery , a regular painting of blueand green waters. 四周是山,环抱着一潭春水, 那又浓又翠的景色, 简直是一幅清绿山水画. 期刊摘选 Greenery on the island is rare and mainly comprises of grass and algae. 这里的植被稀疏,并且主要由草和藻类构成. 期刊摘选 The spires of churches are to be seen pricking up through the greenery. 透过葱翠的树林可以看见那耸立着的教堂的塔尖. 期刊摘选 The more the private sector invests in greenery, the less resistance there is to legislation. 私营部门对绿色能源的投资越多, 立法的阻力也就越小. 期刊摘选 I like camping in the open and enjoy the greenery. 我喜欢在户外露营,因为我喜欢欣赏草木. 期刊摘选 This is one area of greenery where California cannot claim to be the global leader. 加利福尼亚还不能声称自己是这个绿色领域的全球领跑者. 期刊摘选 The constuction of landscape and modes, urban designing and urban greenery should be strengthened. 最后提出应加强景观地段和节点的建设, 加强城市设计,加强城市绿化. 期刊摘选 But consumers'commitment to greenery is rather doubtful. 消费者对绿色环保的承诺则更加令人怀疑. 期刊摘选 Greenery is also popular at the local level. 在地级市,环保问题同样广受欢迎. 期刊摘选 The Greenery is open from 6 a.m. till 1 a.m. 绿茵阁的服务时间是从早上6点至凌晨1点. 期刊摘选 Hello. Is that Greenery Restaurant? 顾客;喂, 绿荫阁餐厅 吗 ? 期刊摘选 While outside, take a moment to enjoy the dogwoods , redbuds, azaleas , and greenery. 去户外看看美丽的植物, 感受一下清新的绿化带吧. 期刊摘选 Housemates will get a swimming pool again, and a garden with more greenery than ever before. 同居者将再获得一个游泳池和一个花园——比以往任何时候都有更多绿意. 期刊摘选 The room was decorated with flowers and greenery. 屋里装点着花卉和绿叶植物。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 词根词缀后缀: -ery 1. 表名词,"行为,情况"; 2. 表名词,"场所,地点" n.bravery [U]英勇,勇敢;勇气brave勇敢的+ery行为,情况→n.[U]英勇,勇敢;勇气 bribery 贿赂的行为bribe贿赂+ery行为,情况→n.贿赂的行为 chicanery 欺诈,欺骗chicane诈骗+ery行为,情况→n.欺诈,欺骗 effrontery 厚颜无耻ef出+front前面+ery行为,情况→脸面出去→不要脸 robbery 抢劫,劫掠,盗取robb=rob抢+ery行为,情况→n.抢劫,劫掠,盗取 trickery 欺骗,诡计trick诡计+ery行为,情况→n.欺骗,诡计 bakery 面包店bake烤+ery场所,地点→烤[面包]的地方 cemetery 坟墓,墓地,坟场cemet睡觉+ery场所,地点→n.坟墓,墓地,坟场 fishery 渔场fish鱼+ery场所,地点→n.渔场 greenery 温室,草木green绿色+ery场所,地点→n.温室,草木 monastery 男修道院,僧院monast一个人住+ery场所,地点→n.男修道院,僧院 nursery 托儿所nurse养育,护理+ery场所,地点→nursery托儿所 refinery 精炼厂refine精炼+ery场所,地点→refinery rosery 蔷薇园,玫瑰花坛rose玫瑰+ery场所,地点→roser蔷薇园y