Miss Venezuela Claudio - Moreno was first runner - up , Spain is the third Miss Helen - abusers .
委内瑞拉小姐克劳迪奥-莫雷诺获 亚军, 第三名是西班牙小姐海伦 -林德斯.
Miss Panama Justine Pasek, first runner - up , is to ascend to the title of Miss Universe 2002.
环球小姐 亚军 的巴拿马小姐帕塞克, 将接下二○○二年环球小姐头衔.
The PolyU Team won the first runner - up to get a trophy and $ 10000 cash prize.
理大普通话辩论队以三胜一负之佳绩勇夺 亚军,可得奖杯乙座及一万元奖金.