释义 |
epidermal- 英?[?ep?'d?:m?l]
- 美?['ep?'d?m?l]
实用场景例句Telia are dark brown or black, and shine from the intact host epidermal covering. 冬孢子堆呈暗褐色或黑色, 覆盖在完整的寄生表皮下显得发亮. 辞典例句 Epidermal growth factor is a single - chain peptide with 53 amino - acid residue. 表皮生长因子( epidermal growthfactorEGF )是最初从小鼠的下颌下腺提取的一种含有53个氨基酸残基的单链多肽. 互联网 Contact with the epidermal cells of Health dentate processes, and mutual chimera. 表皮细胞接触处密生齿状突起, 且互相嵌合. 互联网 The nucellar epidermal cell cuts off several layer nucellar parietal cells. 珠心表皮细胞平周分裂产生多层珠心周缘细胞,为厚珠心. 互联网 Conclusion epidermal autografts is now a highly efficient therapy for stable vitiligo. 结论:自体表皮移植术是目前局限性白癜风一种疗效较高的方法. 互联网 The epidermal folds around their mouths collect molecules for olfactory analysis. 他们嘴周围的表皮褶皱能收集微粒分析气味. 互联网 Properties: softly thoroughly remove dead epidermal cells, whiten skin. 特点: 柔和的祛除皮肤表层死细胞, 嫩白肌肤. 互联网 It'sloughing of the skin at the dermal - epidermal junction with epidermal detachment. 它会腐蚀皮肤的表皮与真皮接合处,使得表皮脱离. 互联网 The leaf epidermis contained gelatinous epidermal cells and hydrapoten. 叶表皮上有胶质化表皮细胞和水钵的结构. 互联网 The density and structure of epidermal LC returned to normal 8 days after cessation of UVR. 停止照射后8天LC密度及结构基本复原. 互联网 Objective To investigate the curative effects of autologous epidermal grafting light for treatment of vitiligo. 目的:研制皮肤发疱仪,并临床应用于自体表皮移植治疗白癜风,分析治疗效果. 互联网 Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis ( TEN ) syndrome is an uncommon, acute, life - threatening, medication related disorder. 毒性表皮 坏死 溶脱为一少见 、 急性 、 致命且与药物有关的疾病. 互联网 The research on epidermal cell has attracted more and more interest of the researchers. 表皮干细胞的研究已引起越来越多研究者的关注. 互联网 Objective : To investigate the clinical nursing method for children of Toxic epidermal necrolysis ( TEN ). 目的: 探讨11例重症中毒性大 疱 性表皮松解症患儿的临床护理方法. 互联网 Ingredient: Microcystis sugar source, chamomile extract, soft malt extract, seaweed polysaccharides, epidermal growth factor. 成份: 微囊糖源, 甘菊萃取液, 软麦芽提取物, 海藻多糖, 表皮生长因子. 互联网 英英释义Adjective1. of or relating to a cuticle or cuticula
词根词缀前缀: epi- 表示"在……上,在……周围,在……后面" adj.epidemic 流行性的,传染的epi在……周围+dem人民+ic……的→在人民周围→流行的 epidemiological 流行病学的epidemiology[n.流行病学]+ical……的→epidemiological流行病学的 epidermal [生]表皮的,外皮的epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+derm皮+al……的→在皮上面→表皮的 n.epidemiologist 流行病学者epidemiology[n.流行病学]+ist专家或人→epidemiologist[研究]传染病的学者 epidemiology 流行病学epidemic传染的+ology学科→epidemiology流行病学 epigram 警句,格言epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+gram写→写在上面的话→格言 epigraph 铭文epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+graph写,刻→刻上的话→碑文 epilogue 后记,结尾部分epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+logu说+e→在后面说的话→后记 episode 一段经历,片段epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+s+od路+e→在路上→一段经历;片段 epitaph 墓志铭epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+taph墓→墓上的[字]→墓志铭 epithet [贬低人的]短语或形容词,绰号epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+thet放→放在名字上的另一个名字→侮辱性的称呼 epitome 梗概,缩影epi在……上,在……周围,在……后面+tome卷册→[一卷书后的]梗概