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Liberty is in do or die. -- Robbert Burns, British poet.
多一分斗争,添一分自由!不在斗争中生,就在等待中死. 英国诗人彭斯.
I'm living life do or die, what can I say?
我在要么杀,要么被杀的生活中煎熬, 我能说什么?
Prissy: > This is a do - or - die situation for me. I need my coffee!
苹思: 对我来说不成功无宁死, 我需要咖啡!
That's right I'ma be by her side ( do or die )
是的莪会在她身旁 ( 无论生或死 )
Apparently It'should always be do or die.
A DO OR DIE effort is needed.
This is a do - or - die situation.
In the slow - bicycle race, they wobbled along the track with identical do - or - die looks on their faces.
在自行车慢行竞赛中, 他们骑着车,摇摇晃晃地在跑道上行着,脸上都带着一副相同的破釜沉舟的神情.
The other army was large but our men showed a do - or - die determination and won the battle.
I had to get down that rock face , do or die down, before nightfall.
It's still the same old story, a fight for love and glory, a do or die.
它是个古老故事, 为爱情和荣誉而战, 非战即亡.
He has the obsessive do or die attitude.他具有极其顽强的态度。I was determined to get there—do or die.我已下定决心要去那儿——不到那儿誓不罢休。
He has the obsessive do or die attitude.
I was determined to get there—do or die.