Adhesive through moisture penetration and volatile or becomes solid - state of cutan, and produce cohesive force.
胶粘剂通过水分挥发或渗透,由液态变为固态的胶膜, 并产生粘结力.
Through the determination of volatile solvents, adhesives have becomes solid - state, and cutan bond production.
通过溶剂的挥发, 胶粘剂由液态变为固态有胶膜, 并生产粘结力.
However, as the PS version photographicsensitive cutan - alkali poor performance of phenol - formaldehyde resin, caustic etch and dissolved.
然而, 由于PS版的感平胶膜酚醛树脂的耐碱本能机能不差, 很便当施到碱液的浸蚀而凝固.