单词 | hooligan |
释义 | hooligans是hooligan的复数
复数:hooligans n. criminal,gangster,lawbreaker,mobster,thug 例句释义: 无赖,足球流氓,小流氓,地痞流氓 1. At least I speak two languages. You know only the vulgar violent grammar of hooligans, look at yourself, beer brain. 至少我会说两种语言。你只知道那些低俗的、极端的流氓语法,看看你自己吧,啤酒脑袋。 www.helloworldcup.com 2. It was, as a matter of fact, a paradise for the foreign adventurers and a sanctuary for warlords, bandits, hooligans and local despots. 租界时期鼓浪屿社会是西方各国冒险家的乐园,也是军阀、土匪、流氓、恶霸的庇护所。 www.btlunwen.com 3. Boris Tadic, Serbia's president, called for calm and said the protesting Serbs were "hooligans" . 塞尔维亚总统鲍里斯?塔迪奇呼吁(双方)保持镇静,并称那些反抗的塞族人是“流氓恶棍”。 www.ecocn.org 4. He said the "hooligans" abused patrons, chanted obscenities, ripped down posters and knocked over cardboard figures advertising films. 他说,这些“小流氓”辱骂顾客,唱着淫秽歌曲,撕开海报,还敲打宣传电影用的人形纸板。 www.exam8.com 5. River fans, particularly the raucous hooligans known as barrabravas, did not take the news well. 河床队球迷无法接受比赛的结果,尤其是喜欢大声喧闹的「足球流氓」(barrabravas)。 www.ecocn.org 6. The property had been plagued by a band of local hooligans who frequently came to steal. None of the previous watchmen could stop the theft. 菜园子附近住着二、三十个泼皮,他们常来菜园子偷菜,已换了几个看园子的人都管不了他们。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. She was cheated out of a thousand yuan while her son was beaten black and blue by some hooligans. 她自己被骗了一千元,儿子又被一群流氓打得鼻青脸肿。 www.jukuu.com 8. Ever since that debacle, the regime has declared it the justified suppression of a counterrevolutionary riot by a bunch of hooligans . 自从那次事件后,官方一直声称这是一次对一群反革命暴乱分子的合法镇压。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Attracting people dedicated (and thick-skinned) enough to fend off special interests and trolls (internet hooligans) is tough. 吸引住人们,让他们足够热诚(足够厚脸皮),避免有人心怀不轨,也要小心网络流氓,这绝非易事。 www.ecocn.org 10. Milosevic had deftly channeled the destructive energy and zeal of these "football hooligans" into paramilitary units for almost a decade. 将近10年来,米洛舍维奇曾将这些“足球流氓”的破坏力和狂热巧妙地纳入准军事组织中。 www.america.gov 1. The police are training to deal with any security threat, from political demonstrations and angry fans to hooligans and terrorist attempts. 警方正在训练,以应付任何安全威胁的政治示威,愤怒的球迷,对足球流氓和恐怖分子的企图。 bbs.5i5i.cn 2. This came after remarks last month in which Putin branded the U. S. government "hooligans" for printing money. 这段话正好在他上个月因印钱而谴责美国政府是“流氓”之后。 blog.xmnn.cn 3. Fans are portrayed as violent hooligans or as shallow imbeciles with no sense of proportion. 球迷们被刻画成了暴力的流氓或者浅薄的傻瓜。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The football hooligans had slashed some of the seats in the train. 足球迷中的流氓用刀砍坏了列车上的一些座位。 www.tdict.com 5. Dear friend, this your speech about friends or enemies is mad like the hooligans brain. 亲爱的朋友,你的关于朋友或敌人的言论太愚蠢了,简直就是流氓思维。 www.helloworldcup.com 6. Its better-educated people have no love for the Islamist hooligans in their midst. 其受过良好教育的市民对于混迹其间的伊斯兰流氓没有好感。 www.bing.com 7. Great Britain exports war, beginning from the serious things like Falkland, Afghanistan, Iraq. . . going to hooligans . 大不列颠对外输出战争,这从一些严重的事件开始,例如马尔维纳斯群岛、阿富汗、伊拉克…并逐渐变成流氓。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. His friends are just a bunch of hooligans. 他的朋友们只是一群流氓。 www.kekenet.com 9. They have turned themselves into the mouthpiece for these hooligans, and have damaged and targeted the radiant face of the Islamic republic. “他们(译者注:指国际记者们)把自己变成了这些无赖的喉舌,把矛头对准并已然损害了伊斯兰共和国的光辉形象”。 www.bing.com 10. Here the men are gentlemen, where football hooligans are of world civilization. 这里的男人很绅士,这里足球流氓却是世界文明。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. In one, two near-naked hooligans are destroying an elegant marble statue of a Roman nobleman. 在其中的一副画中,我们可以看到两位几乎赤身裸体的小流氓正在砸毁一个雅致的罗马贵族大理石雕像。 www.ecocn.org 2. Football is a violent game. People run and bump and fight and shout, just like a gang of hooligans. 足球是比较暴力的运动,人们又跑又撞,又叫又打,像一群流氓。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It's the criminal bankers, the Wall Street hooligans, and their pathetic w#ores in WashingtonDC who are the parasites destroying the world. 是那罪恶的银行家,华尔街的那些流氓,他们在华盛顿的那些可悲的傀儡,那些寄生虫,毁了世界。 www.milfuns.com 4. dear beer brain, I know what is the honour for you, to forget the brain and to do wars and violence everywhere like hooligans. 亲爱的啤酒脑袋,我知道你所谓的荣誉是什么,就是在任何地方盲目地发起战斗和暴力冲突,就象流氓一样。 www.helloworldcup.com 5. Renoir , taunted by hooligans, is saved by Diaz who opens his eyes to the nature of painting. 勒努瓦被流氓围攻,是迪亚兹救了他,并打开了他将大自然融入绘画的眼界; dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Have vegetarian Edward almost repressed anger, not to teach the inner (eat) those hooligans. 有素食者爱德华几乎压抑的怒火,不是教内(吃)那些流氓。 www.12345677.com 7. Typical Britain -- the land of football hooligans " can I hear you say ? " 我是不是会听到你说“典型的英国人———足球流氓的国度”? www.jukuu.com 8. That's right! Certain pimps are in the police force , they are demonstrate their own shame! Hooligans and police are good friends. 太对了!警察队伍里绝对也有拉皮条的。他们就是在丢人现眼!流氓和警察是好哥们! www.dajunshi.com 9. Unconvinced, Mr Yadav, whose party was among the hooligans in parliament, withdrew its support from the government. 无法容忍的是,MrYadav和他在议会中的流氓政党宣布撤销对此的支持。 www.ecocn.org 10. Morris dancing, football, football hooligans , beer louts, pretty country. 莫里斯舞、足球、足球流氓、醉鬼,还有美丽的景色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Why did you hang out with those guys? They are hooligans! 你为什么要和那些家伙出去玩呢?他们是小混混啊! images.koolearn.com 2. I am not surprised that Tom mixes with the hooligans. Birds of a feather flock together. (汤姆和那些流氓来往,我并不感到奇怪。物以类聚嘛)。 www.wwenglish.com 3. their anonymous perpetrators look like cowardly hooligans, not heroes. 这些匿名的作案者看起来更像流氓,而不是英雄。 www.ecocn.org 4. were on a list of 800 known hooligans barred from attending matches in Argentina that authorities there gave to South Africa. 這十七人名列於各國政府提交給南非的被禁在阿根廷入場觀賽的800著名足球流氓名單之上。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. Football is the game for gentlemen played by hooligans, Rugby is the game for hooligans played by gentlemen. 足球是流氓们玩儿的绅士运动,橄榄球是绅士们玩儿的流氓运动。 bbs.1872.net 6. And usually somewhere in the mix are hooligans looking for a riot. 通常有些地方还会混杂着一些流氓以便寻找机会制造暴乱。 www.bing.com 7. Then, we ask a group of hooligans to go into the rooms and thrash the rooms. 之后,我们请一群小流氓冲进房间,在房间里乱敲乱打。 www.elanso.com 8. Larry: Yes. . . whereas when football players do that they call them hooligans! 拉里:是啊,可足球运动员有那些行为的时候却被骂作流氓! www.24en.com 9. Not punishing these hooligans amounts to condoning their behaviour. 不惩处这些流氓阿飞等于容忍他们的行为。 www.englishvod.net 10. The hooligans will CNN the whole town in the following few days, I'm afraid. 恐怕在接下来的几天内,那几个暴徒会无耻地洗劫小镇。 www.ypgogo.com 1. Not punishing these hooligans amounts to condoning their behavior. 不惩处这些无赖就意味着宽恕他们的行为。 www2.scut.edu.cn 2. Good to sing and to support the football without violence and without justifying the hooligans. 好好唱歌去吧,好好支持你的球队,不要搞暴力,不要偏袒那些流氓。 www.helloworldcup.com 3. A first-grade: in the female classmate in front to take off pants, the female classmate say I hooligans. 小学一年级:在女同学面前脱裤子,女同学说我小流氓。 www.aixxs.cn 4. Right-wing political parties and football hooligans have all used it as their flag of convenience in the past. 无论是右翼政党还是足球流氓,都把它作为他们的方便旗。 www.uk.cn 5. Football hooligans ran riot through the town. 闹事的足球迷在城里胡作非为。 dict.netat.net 6. What are we going to do with these hooligans? 我们怎么处置这些小流氓呢? zhidao.baidu.com 7. Political hooligans with tanks, missiles and guns! 政治流氓,坦克,导弹,枪支 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Market also suffered a beating on the local ruffians and hooligans meal. 还挨了市场上地痞流氓一顿揍。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Johnny's way of dealing with hooligans was very crude but highly effective. 约翰尼对付流氓的办法很粗野,但却十分有效。 www.tingroom.com 10. Until the mid-1930s our neighbourhood was a haunt for thieves and hooligans and we even had famous thieves living in our yard. 直到1930年代中期,我们家附近常有窃贼流氓出没,我们院子里甚至就住着一群“名偷”。 www.langmanzg.com 1. These football hooligans went mad when their favourite team was defeated in the World Cup. 当他们心爱的球队在世界杯比赛中惨败时,这些足球流氓发飙了。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Why some hooligans have interest to casual villainy? 为什么一些流氓对偶然的作恶那么感兴趣呢? hi.baidu.com 3. At that time, I thought homosexuality is what hooligans do. My son was a nice boy, how could this be possible? 那时,我觉得同性恋是那些流氓们做的事,而我儿子是个好孩子,这怎么可能? blog.sina.com.cn 4. Many hooligans went to matches carrying weapons and looking for a fight. 许多去看比赛的足球流氓都带着武器,准备随时挑起事端。 lixiaomin88888888.blog.163.com 5. Those petty hooligans wined and dined him and then dragged himsintosevil doing. 小流氓先请他吃喝,然后拉他下水。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. And the PiFu is ACTS have hooligans limbs developed simple-minded = foolhardy. 而流氓则徒有匹夫之蛮勇=四肢发达头脑简单。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The store is looted by a mob of hooligans. 商店遭到一群流氓的抢劫。 qq163s.cn 8. He saved you from soccer hooligans. 他在那帮足球流氓手里救了你?。 www.b2b99.com 9. Don't mess about with those hooligans. 不要跟那些流氓搞在一起。 www.hotdic.com 10. Hooligans nim a that much! ! ! 小流氓尼玛那个多啊!!! www.bing.com 1. The two hooligans set about each other at once. 两个小流氓马上互相扭打起来。 www.hotdic.com 2. It's time to get tough with those football hooligans. 是时候对足球流氓采取强硬措施了。 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 3. The hooligans robbed the man and bashed him up. 那些小流氓抢劫了老人还把他打成重伤。 www.hotdic.com 4. He was roughed up by hooligans. 他被流氓打了。 www.hotdic.com 5. It's time to get tough with football hooligans. 是时候对那些足球流氓采取强硬措施了。 jiabag.blog.163.com 6. It's time a lot of football hooligans were put behind bars. 现在该是把很多足球流氓囚禁起来的时候了。 www.kekenet.com 7. At that time, I thought homosexuality is what hooligans do . 那时候,我认为同性恋都是些流氓痞子。 www.24en.com 8. It's time for a football hooligans and fans. . . Take your ball and let's show them who is really cool! 是时候让足球迷过把隐了,让大家知道谁才是真正酷毙了! dictsearch.appspot.com 9. What are you going to do with these hooligans? 你打算怎样处置这些小流氓? www.bing.com 10. So I think that in the speech contest you are on the hooligans side, isn't it? 所以,我认为在这场辩论中,你是站在了流氓一边,不是么? www.helloworldcup.com 1. Then, it is this group of hooligans game. 接着,就是这群流氓的游戏。 www.bing.com 2. in an effort to price out football hooligans , most saturday concessionary fares are being ended 为了向足球流氓收取使他们望而却步的高价,大多数的星期六优惠票价正陆续取消。 www.ichacha.net 3. Handling procedure of fighting, hooligans nuisance incident 发生打架斗殴、流氓滋扰事件的处理程序 wenku.baidu.com 4. Bands of hooligans roving round the streets 成群结伙在街上游荡的流氓 blog.hjenglish.com 5. On the Legal Regulation for British Football Hooligans 浅析英国对足球流氓的法律规制 www.ichacha.net 6. Right-wing politics and football hooligans 右翼倾向政治与足球流氓 www.uk.cn 7. On Cause of Violent Behavior of Soccer Hooligans 足球流氓暴力行为产生的原因 service.ilib.cn 8. Timbs for my hooligans in Brooklyn 给我布鲁克林的小流氓们 zhidao.baidu.com 9. it is time to get tough with football hooligans 现在该对足球迷小流氓采取强硬措施了。 www.ichacha.net |
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