单词 | hooked on | ||||||||
释义 | hooked on
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 某事着迷上瘾,被吸引,鈎上 1. Benjamin Moody got hooked on calculators the moment his father bought him one to help with his math homework when he was 15. 在本杰明-穆迪(BenjaminMoody)15岁那年,父亲为了帮助儿子学数学给他买了台计算器,穆迪一下子就迷上了它。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Thailand's is not the only Asian economy hooked on cheap labour. Neighbouring Malaysia also depends on millions of guest-workers. 泰国并不是唯一依赖便宜劳工的亚洲经济体,邻国马来西亚也仰赖数百万的外籍劳工。 www.ecocn.org 3. The area is covered with the lid, and a small loop for attachment of the strap is able to be hooked on to the hook. 该区域被所述盖覆盖,并且用于安装所述带子的小环能够钩在该钩上。 ip.com 4. "Shelfari is such a great site. I joined a couple of months ago and I have been hooked on it ever since, " read another. “Shelfari真是个不错的网站。我几个月前加入其中,从此便迷上了它,”另一条评论写到。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The funny thing about a graduate thesis is that you get so hooked on it, you think you're doing Nobel Prize work. 最有趣的是每个人如此地痴迷于毕业论文,好像这可以获得诺贝尔奖一样。 www.bing.com 6. Like it or not, we are all hooked on the attractive prices of these imports, driven in part by the phenomenon of emerging markets. 不管喜欢与否,我们都深深依赖于进口商品富有吸引力的价格,而出现这种低价的部分原因就是新兴市场的崛起。 www.fortunechina.com 7. Guys fantasise about sex all the time and one of the best ways to keep them hooked on to you is to indulge their fantasies. 他们对于性爱往往充满幻想,让他们可以时时刻刻被你牵着走最好的办法就是,纵容他们。 bbs.internet.org.cn 8. Girl you had me hooked on your love but it was all a game to you. 女孩你让我迷上了你的爱,但对你这只是一个游戏 zhidao.baidu.com 9. I had never seen anyone so beautiful before in my life. I was simply hooked on her the first time I saw her. 在我生命中从没有遇到过任何人云云美丽,我第一次看到她就被她吸引住了。 www.nich163.com 10. After two years of breakup, I'm still hooked on him. 分手两年了,我还是依恋着他。 www.360abc.com 1. From the high beginning, I was hooked on weight loss, say it is said to be fascinated by it would be better tied down. 从高一开始,我就迷上减肥,要说是迷上倒不如说是被牵制。 www.dota123.com 2. Britons have been hooked on drink and drugs for so long that it is hard to imagine them dropping the habit. 英国人酗酒和吸毒的历史如此长久因此想要他们摆脱这一习惯是不可能的。 xiaozu.renren.com 3. He had first got hooked on the subject in the late 1940s, at the end of his clinical training at Auckland hospital. 早在10世纪40年末,当他还在奥克兰医院临床实习时他就对这一课题产生了浓厚的兴趣。 www.ecocn.org 4. Bard and a number of other places are recognizing that if you engage students early in their careers, you can get them hooked on science. 巴德和其他地方的成员正在意识到这一点即你能否把学生在从业前吸引过来,你就必须能把他们的职业与科学挂钩。 www.bing.com 5. The company was hooked on expansion; in 2001 it was opening more than three restaurants a day. 公司痴迷于迅速扩张,2001年,平均每天就开了3家店。 www.bing.com 6. A pilot study suggests people hooked on tanning beds may be victims of an addictive neurological reward-and-reinforcement trigger. 一项初步研究表明,人们沉迷于日光浴中时,会诱发成瘾性的神经系统奖赏和适应现象。 www.bing.com 7. Economies hooked on this model find themselves excessively specialized in primary products that promise little productivity growth. 这些国家会特别发展期初级产品生产,而其生产力不会得到提升。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 8. But then he got hooked on heroin and lost his job and his wife--I never saw a man go to the dogs so fast! 但是后来他染上了海洛因并且失去了他的工作和妻子--我从来没有见过一个人堕落得如此之快。 bbs.24en.com 9. Furthermore, some people get hooked on coffee because of the caffeine, and that has always been considered negative. 此外,一些人被吸引住,因为咖啡因咖啡,一直被看作是负面的。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. it's a pun. They use the fish hook to make you think about how you can get hooked on smoking. 那是个双关语.用上钩让你联想到吸烟上瘾。 talk.oralpractice.com 1. Suddenly our parties had become a business, and I was hooked on capitalism by accident. 突然之间,我们的聚会变成了一家企业,我无意中迷上了资本主义。 www.ftchinese.com 2. When he saw the beautiful girl, he was totally hooked on her. 看到这个漂亮的女孩,他完全迷恋上她了。 bbs.pancn.com 3. IN THIS ARTICLE: Getting hooked on the Internet isn't confined to a few computer nerds. 本文简介:沉醉于因特网而难以自拔的人已不再局限于少数计算机迷了。 www.ebigear.com 4. Scientists reported yesterday the discovery of a gene that increases the chances of becoming hooked on the drug. 昨天有科学家称发现了一种增加毒瘾几率的基因。 www.bing.com 5. If your kid gets hooked on vides games, turn that addiction into a bargaining chip. 假如你的孩子玩电动游戏上瘾,把这种瘾变成可以讨价还价的筹码。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 6. There is an anti-consumer movement with a ready answer: we're helpless, enthralled by advertisers and hooked on shopping. 有一种反消费运动提供了一个现成的答案:在广告的迷惑下,我们沉迷于购物,无能为力。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Good luck with that. Americans are hooked on them and corporations are pushing them like crack rocks. 祝你好运。美国人可上了中国制造瘾,公司企业像推销可卡因一样地推销它们。 www.ltaaa.com 8. There is also the longer-term question of whether consumers might get hooked on price cuts. 同时,还有一个长期问题也没有解决——顾客会不会对降价成瘾? www.ecocn.org 9. This was an excellent book. This is the book that got me hooked on Nicholas Sparks! 非常棒的一本书。就是这本书让我迷上了尼古拉斯! tieba.baidu.com 10. Addiction occurs when a person gets hooked on the feeling associated with a behavior. In this case love. 当一个人着迷与行为伴随的感受,成瘾便发生了,爱情也是如此。 blog.163.com 1. Depp: No, thank God I never hooked on anything. I never had a monkey on my back. 不,没有,谢天谢地,我从没有对任何事情上瘾过。 post.baidu.com 2. Zain is the face of human suffering. He's strapped, chained and, uh, hooked on the mechanical appendage that keeps him hanging. 杰尼的形象是人类痛苦的一种表达,他被皮带捆绑着,被锁链和钩子锁在了金属架上保持着受刑的姿势。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Lots of parents also watch these shows alongside their kids, and they get just as hooked on the stories - and perhaps the products. 许多家长在孩子身边也看这些节目,他们之所以沉迷于这些故事之中,或许与这些产品有关。 wenwen.soso.com 4. As a junior naval officer, while on a short tour of duty at sea, he'd got hooked on the Dr Kay Scarpetta novels by Patricia Cornwell. 作为海军下级军官,在出勤海上的短暂旅途中,他都会沉迷于帕特丽夏·康威尔的《凯·斯卡皮特博士》。 www.bing.com 5. Hooked on Phonics into eight languages was especially challenging because we were doing sounds, not words! 将发音变为语言极具挑战,因为我们是在做语音,而不是词语。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. We want you to get hooked on asking, "Which thought feels better? " Let the feeling of relief become what is most important to you. 这就是不再继续纠缠在一些让你感到不快的事情上的好处——放下,你会得到解脱。 www.xici.net 7. Pete got hooked on heroin and lost his job and his wife, now he went to the dogs! 皮特吸上了毒品,失去了工作,妻子也走了现在他可是穷困潦倒了。 www.letsebuy.com 8. Brazil's growing middle class is hooked on a clutch of inexpensive new papers that are heavy on murders and bikinis. 越来越多的巴西中产阶级,开始迷恋上这样一些一抓一大把的报纸,这些价格便宜的新报纸,里充满了谋杀及身着比基尼美女的新闻与图片。 www.bing.com 9. Tissues Out: Hooked on amphetamines, Sara is committed to a mental institution. 泪点:萨拉由于安非他命上瘾而被送进精神病院。 www.bing.com 10. A child hooked on TV is a viewer open to commercial messages, and there are plenty of those targeting children of all ages. 对电视着迷的小孩就像一个观众在看商业广告,而且其中有针对各各年龄孩子的大量广告信息。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I wonder how many of these kids get hooked on tranquilizers, or go on to experiment with drugs and alcohol in middle school? 我想知道到底有多少孩子已经因服用药物而安静下来,或者正在中学阶段感受着毒品和酒精的刺激? dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The 2008 race provided drama and suspense to a nation hooked on reality television, mystery novels and Hollywood epics . 2008年的选举给一个整天沉溺于真人秀节目、悬疑小说和好莱坞大片的国家提供了戏剧性事件和悬念。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. a thief and sadist who can project holographic images using his implants . he is a drug addict , hooked on a mix of cocaine and meperidine. 一名小偷和虐待狂,他能够靠植入技术设计全像摄影的图片。是一个被古柯碱和呱替啶混合剂控制的毒瘾患者。 www.ichacha.net 4. The TV drama always stops in the middle of a plot in order to get the audience hooked on the next episode. 电视剧总是在情节中间停住,让观众不得不关注下一集。 tr.hjenglish.com 5. It's a lot like Methamphetamine. People get hooked on it for a reason. 这非常像甲基苯丙胺(一种兴奋剂)人们因为某个理由而对它上瘾。 www.elanso.com 6. He did this so he wouldn't be the only one hooked on the drug. 这样,他就不会成为唯一一个对药物成瘾的人了。 www.bing.com 7. The idea is to get people hooked on the music, which then reels them in to the theaters. 他们是要让听众为音乐深深着迷,然后就会被吸引到剧院。 www.bing.com 8. People can get hooked on Internet searching, online dating, Web shopping, porn sites, on-line gambling, or even checking their email. 人们会沉迷于网络搜索,在线约会,网上购物,色情网站,线上赌博,甚至是查收电子邮件。 www.bing.com 9. Forget everything, breaking up before the bye are no longer gone, there is addiction to escape, but I was hooked on the whole it. 忘记一切,打破之前,再见了,不再走了,有瘾逃跑,但我总体上大呼过瘾。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Checks crane instruments to make sure that loads hooked on their machines are within safe working limits. 检查吊机的各部件,确保其在安全的重量范围内工作。 job.yn16.com 1. My mom got me hooked on the products this past year after I started to break out. 我妈妈让我迷上了产品在过去的一年后,我开始打破。 www.gokee.cn 2. Some adults are hooked on computer games as well. 一些成人对电脑游戏也上瘾。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Trichomes simple, straight on pedicels, hooked on fruit, absent elsewhere. 毛状体简单,直接在花梗上,钩上水果,在别处缺席。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. You want to share what's in your heart today, but you might become hooked on your own words in the process. 今天的你超渴望说出自己内心所想,但是小心,这可能也是搬了石头砸到自己脚唷。 www.douban.com 5. She's completely hooked on the idea of a camping holiday. 她一心想着来个野营度假。 dict.hjenglish.com 6. Colleagues Who Are as Hooked on Games as You. 同事和自己一样都是游戏狂人。 tag.csdn.net 7. Those in the South-West and Wales also tend to be hooked on their phones. 而住在英格兰西南部和威尔士的居民往往也喜欢煲电话粥。 www.hxen.com 8. Samples are hooked on star frame and placed in an inner chamber. 样品放在架子上,放在内部容器里面。 www.hongpuchina.com 9. Home shows on cable TV have created an avid following of fans hooked on the idea of before-and-after design. 有线电视上的各种家庭节目让一大批人迷上了前后比较设计。 www.bing.com 10. Wasik became an amateur Internet scientist, hooked on analyzing ephemeral media memes, or what he calls nanostories. 韦斯基成了业余网络科技家,对稍纵即逝的媒体文化基因(或者他所说的纳米故事)津津乐道。 www.bing.com 1. Its appeal transcends geeks. So when we came across this cool Darth Vader USB Flash Drive, we were at once hooked on. 它的魅力指数远胜于惹人厌的程度,所以当我们看到这款超赞的达斯·维德USB闪存驱动器时,马上就被它吸引过去。 www.elanso.com 2. Now drivers hooked on digital maps are looking for more than just streets and turns. 现在司机上钩数码地图现正追缉不止街道和曲折。 www.sjgcz.cn 3. The problem is not just restricted to young kids. We know parents who are hooked on these things. 问题是不仅对青少年要约束,孩子父母也要以身作则。 www.bing.com 4. To get your child hooked on reading, set aside a regular time each day to enjoy a book together. 为了让你的孩子对阅读着迷,每天留出固定的时间和他一起读一本书。 www.for68.com 5. An economy hooked on a handful of commodities is also vulnerable to price shocks. 一些相互牵连的商品经济很脆弱,容易受价格冲击。 www.ecocn.org 6. In it, Dr. Kessler explains why and how we get hooked on unhealthy food. 在书里,凯斯勒博士道明了为何人们锺情于不健康食品。 www.bing.com 7. We begin to be hooked on English movies. 我们开始对英文电影着迷。 www.tingclass.net 8. Nick's millionaire Lebanese-born lover, Wani, is hooked on extreme porn and takes bucketloads of cocaine. 尼克的黎巴嫩籍百万富翁情人-万尼(Wani)沉迷于极端色情片,且吸食大把的可卡因。 www.bing.com 9. Fish hooked on the high seas, however, belonged to whoever caught them. 但是,在公海捕获的鱼,则归捕捞者所有。 bbs.kaoyan.com 10. Suddenly they are hooked on favorite video games and watching funny videos on YouTube. 忽然之间,他们开始沉迷于自己喜欢的电子游戏,在YouTube上观看有趣的视频。 www.elanso.com 1. But the thing that gets you hooked on the whole vaporous cocktail is nicotine. 但是让你沉迷于这种“气体鸡尾酒”的是尼古丁。 www.cctv.com 2. David got hooked on hard liquor as a teenager. 在十几岁时就喝烈酒成瘾。 bbs.maplesky.net 3. Every attendee at this 1991 conference of computer graphic experts was probably once hooked on Pong. 参加1991年这次会议的计算机图形专家们,可能都曾经迷恋过“乒乓”游戏。 www.bing.com 4. Howard: Baby, baby, don't get hooked on me. 宝贝,别被我迷住了。 www.kekenet.com 5. That fat kid must be hooked on sweets. 那个胖男孩儿是个糖罐子。 bbs.hughr.org 6. The west has become hooked on cheap consumer goods, and China is its primary source. 西方已对廉价的消费商品上瘾,而中国是这些商品的主要来源地。 www.ftchinese.com 7. And small mouth bass have got me hooked on Sunday afternoons. 我爱礼拜日下午钓鱼看黑鲈吃鱼饵上钩。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Indeed, the world has become hooked on cheap capital on both sides of the Pacific. 事实上,世界已经对太平洋两岸两个超级大国提供的廉价资金上瘾了。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Once one gets hooked on drugs , it's very hard to get off . 毒品一旦吸上瘾,就很难戒掉。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I'm hooked on that new dress; it must look gorgeous on me! 我对那条裙子着迷,我穿上它一定很漂亮! www.kekenet.com 1. I bet that if you give robotics a try, many of you will get hooked on it. 我相信,如果尝试一下机器人技术的话,那么许多人都会被它迷住的。 www.ibm.com 2. Listen to the cheers and jeers from the crowds and get hooked on Midnight Bowling 3D! 倾听观众们的欢呼或者倒彩声,在《午夜保龄3D》游戏中爱不释手! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. And in this case a man got hooked on a bamboo sleeping mat. 而这里,这个男人觉得一个竹凉席是很不同的。 zy.luyustu.com 4. If our customers get hooked on the low introductory price, they will buy and become more loyal to our brand. 如果顾客被我们的低价位所吸引,他们就会购买我们的牌子,并成为我们忠实的消费者。 www.ebigear.com 5. The real reason I still do it after 14 odd years though is that I'm totally hooked on being part of the artistic process. 为什么在14年后我还选择继续当模特,是因为我被模特艺术吸引住了。 www.yayan123.com 6. Mr. Green got hooked on gambling, and lost his shirt. 格林先生沉迷于赌博,输掉了大笔的钱。 xkg2009.teacher.com.cn 7. Brown got hooked on gambling, and lost his shirt. 布朗先生沉迷赌博,而且输掉了大笔的钱。 weblog.xfxy.org 8. I know, but I'm hooked on nicotine . 我知道,但是我已经对尼古丁上瘾了。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Don : Why? I love it. Okay. I admit it. I'm hooked on caffeine. 东:为什么?我喜欢喝啊。好吧,我承认,我对咖啡因有点上瘾了。 www.ebigear.com 10. Huh. I'm really hooked on these cigarettes. 我是对烟上瘾了。 bbs.onxiu.cn 1. Don : Why? I love it. Okay. I admit it. I'm hooked on caffeine. 东:为什么?我喜欢喝啊。好吧,我承认,我对咖啡因有点上瘾了。 www.ebigear.com 2. This is true. Advertisers and TV broadcasters are hooked on music, and that brings money to record labels. 广告和电视通告与音乐挂钩,这能为唱片公司带来收益。 www.kekenet.com 3. Huh. I'm really hooked on these cigarettes. 我是对烟上瘾了。 bbs.onxiu.cn 4. They have said that smokers are hooked on their own kind of drug, nicotine. 他们说,吸烟者给他们自己的那种毒品即尼古丁勾上了。 www.zftrans.com 5. He's become hooked on studying Chinese. 他学汉语学上瘾了。 blog.netat.net 6. Most young people are hooked on the rock and roll. 大多数青年对摇滚乐有偏好。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. Everyone in our family is hooked on the new TV show. We never miss an episode. 我们家人人都迷上了这部新电视剧,一集也没错过。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. And Daddies hooked on Mary two doors down. 父亲们迷恋隔壁女邻居玛丽。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. A large ring of keys was hooked on his belt. 他的腰带上挂着一大串钥匙。 dict.hjenglish.com 10. Just trust me once you got hooked on the sound. 一旦你被这种声音迷住你就相信我了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Just trust me once you got hooked on the sound. 一旦你被这种声音迷住你就相信我了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I believe you will be hooked on collecting stamps. 相信你一定会迷上集邮的。 www.99zuowen.com 3. I got hooked on TV when Iwas sick. 生病期间我看电视成瘾了。 www.ecally.com 4. I realized I was hooked on it. It totally mesmerized me. 罗杰斯说,“我意识到自己对它上了瘾,它让我完全入迷了。” www.bing.com 5. He gets hooked on playing games. 他对打游戏非常着迷。 joejoewu.blogchina.com 6. By that point, I was so hooked on writing and telling stories that I probably wouldn't have stopped at ten. 当时,我极其热衷于写作、热衷于讲故事,写了十部作品都不肯罢手。 dongxi.net 7. I'm much hooked on Elvis Presley's songs. 我对猫王的歌曲非常着迷 dict.hjenglish.com 8. Are you one of the millions who've gotten hooked on ABC's hit show "Dancing with the Stars? " 和数百万人一样,你是否也是一位ABC播出热门节目“与明星共舞”迷呢? bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Once you get started you will be hooked on Ultimate. 一旦你开始尝试,就会对极限飞盘入迷。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. Dude! She's totally hooked on you! 老兄,她完全迷恋上你了! 18.womanfriend.com 1. Dude! She's totally hooked on you! 老兄,她完全迷恋上你了! 18.womanfriend.com 2. Don't be hooked on that girl, she's seeing somebody. 不要对那个女生着迷,她有男朋友。 www.tingclass.net 3. I am hooked on her. 我对她很是着迷。 www.peilian365.com 4. John was hooked on heroin. 约翰吸海洛因成瘾。 dict.hjenglish.com 5. They are like addicts, hooked on a habit they can ill afford in either economic and ecological terms. 他们就像瘾君子一样,迷上了一个他们无论在经济上还是在生态上都难以承受的恶习。 www.bing.com 6. I've got hooked on the internet. 我上网成瘾。 www.tingclass.net 7. She is not hooked on soap operas, she is melodramatically fixated. 她不是对肥皂剧上瘾,只是情节性的注视。 www.tianya.cn 8. Can you bring me something? I am totally hooked on this game! 你能给我带点东西吗?我对这个游戏着迷了。 talk.oralpractice.com 9. In the Spring Festival Evening, I was hooked on magic. 在春晚之后,我迷上了魔术。 www.365magic.com 10. I admit it. I am hooked on playing Boggle on my iPhone. 我得承认我被我iPhone上的“超级拼字”游戏迷住了。 www.bing.com 1. I admit it. I am hooked on playing Boggle on my iPhone. 我得承认我被我iPhone上的“超级拼字”游戏迷住了。 www.bing.com 2. I'm hooked on that idea. Let's do it. 我被这主意吸引住了,咱们就照着办吧。 www.tingclass.net 3. He is hooked on marijuana. 他吸大麻上了瘾。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. he is hooked on those drugs. 他对那些药已经上瘾了 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I am afraid Mike was hooked on that charming young lady. 我觉得迈克被那位漂亮的年轻女士迷住了。 www.carreviews.cn 6. Or are you so hooked on shaking things up that you're never quite satisfied? 或者对不满意的事情进行大刀阔斧地改革已经让你上了瘾? www.weihai.gov.cn 7. Many Distributors are hooked on DOPE. . . and growing revenue-are you missing out? 许多分销商上了“掺杂”(DOPE)的钩……收入在增长——您是否也迷失了自己呢? blog.sina.com.cn 8. hook I am hooked on video game. 我迷上电子游戏了。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. I'd hooked on to that one word, pretending. 我被“伪装”这个词电到了。 www.bing.com 10. I am really hooked on it. 我对它真的很着迷。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I am really hooked on it. 我对它真的很着迷。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Are you hooked on chatting on the internet lately? 你最近是不是着迷于上网聊天? www.kekenet.com 3. Increasing numbers of women admit to being hooked on internet porn. Why is this happening, and where are they finding help? 越来越多的女性承认自己沉迷于网络色情。为何会这样,他们在该哪里寻求帮助呢? club.pchome.net 4. Are you hooked on games. 你被游戏迷住了吗? blog.sina.com.cn 5. When I was in Japan I learned that over 1 million teens never leave their room, hooked on computers and virtual relationships only. 在日本时我了解到,那儿有100多万青少年从未离开自己的房间,每天只是挂在网上,沉醉于虚拟的社交关系中。 www.bing.com 6. Do you think you're hooked on internet? : No 你认为你沉迷于网络吗:不 blog.pcicp.com 7. Uninstall shopping apps that you are hooked on 卸载掉让你上瘾的购物应用程序 www.bing.com 8. That I almost got hooked on cuz you ran away 我几乎被迷住因为你的你离开 clond.blogcn.com 9. Has dislodged from your uterus, hooked on 因为脱落钩住了你丈夫的穿环 www.tingclass.net 10. NEWS: Binging Rats Get Hooked on Junk Food News:老鼠沉迷于垃圾食品 www.bing.com 1. girl you had me hooked on that beautiful view, 宝贝,你使我的目光定在那漂亮的景色上 wenwen.soso.com 2. Get hooked on computer games 玩计算机游戏成瘾 www.itreviews.cn 3. Brothers hooked on Mary Jane 兄弟们沉迷美女明星玛丽 zhidao.baidu.com 4. I am currently hooked on the first season of the show Lost 我现在在追看第一季的电视剧“迷” bbs.tennisonly.com.cn |
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