单词 | freshwater |
释义 |
例句释义: 内河,淡水湖,淡水珍珠,淡水河,淡水中生长的,淡水的,淡水资源,淡水馆,清水 1. The freshwater pump is at the heart of the delivery system that ensures a constant supply to the fixtures in galley, head and shower. 淡水泵位于输水系统的中心,以确保能稳定地提供淡水给厨房,洗手间和冲凉房用。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It's surprising to see freshwater scenery at a place so close to the sea. It's beyond my expectations! 在离海这么近的地方,竟然能欣赏到淡水风光。真没想到啊! club.pojaa.com 3. The choice to have sex has everything to do with location, at least for tiny freshwater creatures called rotifers. 是否做爱完全取决于场所,至少淡水小生物轮虫就是这样想的。 www.bing.com 4. There is no doubt that the ice formed on land, freshwater, but interestingly, the sea ice is frozen water. 毫无疑问,在陆地上结成的冰是淡水,然而有趣的是,海水冻结的冰也是淡水。 www.xiami360.com 5. but no one knows how much freshwater has been dumped into the ocean. 但是从来没有人调查过因为极地冰雪的融化。 www.tingroom.com 6. CWX type self-priming centrifugal vortex pump can be used for pumping freshwater and seawater for drinking, washing and for sanitation. CWX系列自吸离心旋涡泵适用于船舶抽送饮水、洗涤及卫生用的淡水和海水。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Worldwater. org is dedicated to providing information and resources to help protect and preserve freshwater around the globe. 世界水组织致力于提供信息和资源,以保护世界水资源。 biositemap.com 8. A highly modernized city-state with a population of around 5 million, Singapore has no native freshwater supplies. 作为一个人口达五百万高度现代化的国家,新加坡却无法自给淡水。 www.bing.com 9. Malta produces only about 20% of its food needs, has limited freshwater supplies, and has no domestic energy sources. 马耳他的产出仅仅占所需食物的20%,淡水资源有限并且国内没有能源供给。 www.ebigear.com 10. An old lagoon was formed during Chunqiu to Tang Dynasties later, turned into a freshwater lake gradually. 春秋至唐代,本区由古泻湖逐步演变为淡水湖; www.ceps.com.tw 1. It's a huge freshwater fish, easy to catch and eat, and tempting to introduce into non-native waters. 尼罗河鲈鱼是一种体型巨大的淡水鱼,易于捕捞和烹饪。所以人们尝试将它引入原产地之外的水域。 www.bing.com 2. Freshwater animals are under siege all over the planet, and the species-rich Southeast is no exception. 世界各地的淡水动物都饱受侵害,美国东南部的丰富物种也不例外。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. For a taste of the Mediterranean you won't go wrong with a meal at Pilu. This eatery at Freshwater won Australia's best Italian restaurant. 要是你想一尝地中海美食的风味,皮鲁一定错不了,这家位于淡水附近的小餐馆里有全澳洲最佳意大利菜。 www.elanso.com 4. Groundwater used for freshwater drinking supplies can be easily over-exploited. 作为饮用淡水供应的地下水很容易被过度开发。 bbs.depv.org 5. Any of numerous minute marine and freshwater crustaceans of the subclass Copepoda, having an elongated body and a forked tail. 桡足动物任一种桡足亚纲的大量海洋或淡水甲壳纲小动物,身体细长,尾部分叉 dict.ebigear.com 6. The river runs somewhere close by, for I hear the call of a moorhen, and I see by your build that you're a freshwater mariner. 河流就在附近不远,因为我听到红松鸡的叫声。从你的体格看,我想你一定是一位内河水手。 www.bing.com 7. freshwater from a burst glacial lake to a rapid drop in air temperatures by a few degrees Celsius along North America's East Coast. 淡水从爆发冰川湖流到北美东海岸,沿岸海水的温度很快降到只有几摄氏度。 ngmchina.com.cn 8. In the case of the new dishwasher detergents, the main benefit is viewed as the protection of bodies of freshwater. 回到先前提到的机用清洁剂,它的主要优点被认为是可以保护淡水资源。 www.bing.com 9. The peculiar life cycle of the freshwater eel was almost tailor-made for the harvest season, and for stockpiling food for the winter. 鳗鱼特殊的生活习性非常适合秋季捕捞,之后贮藏起来作为过冬的食物。 www.bing.com 10. Concentrated seawater is left at the bottom of the chambers, and freshwater vapour condenses above. 浓缩的海水留在了蒸馏室的底部,而淡水蒸汽则漂浮在上空。 boboan79.blog.163.com 1. American alligators are found in freshwater coastal wetlands across the southeastern United States, from Louisiana to the Carolinas. 在美国东南部淡水海岸的滨海湿地,从路易斯安那州到卡罗来那州,可以找到美洲鳄的踪迹。 bbs.cnnas.com 2. Areas like this, where freshwater meets the ocean, create dazzlingly diverse ecosystems called estuaries. 在这样的地区里,淡水湖与海洋相遇,创建了一个名为河口的多种多样、光辉灿烂的生态系统。 www.bing.com 3. The Everglades is one of the only places on Earth where freshwater alligators and saltwater crocodiles live in the same area. 大沼泽地国家公园是淡水鳄鱼和盐水鳄鱼生活在一起的地球上仅有的几个区域之一。 www.remword.cn 4. Freshwater animals are under siege all over theplanet, and the species-rich Southeast is no exception. 整个地球上的淡水动物都陷入了生存危机,连拥有丰富物种的东南部地区也不例外。 www.bing.com 5. Without an influx of freshwater, the concentration of salts and minerals in the soil began to build up, making the remaining water saltier. 由于没有淡水流入,土壤中的盐分和矿物质浓度越来越高,咸海的水也越来越咸。 ngmchina.com.cn 6. And if they do not take measures will lead directly to the destruction of freshwater resources and pollution adverse consequences. 如果他们不采取措施,将直接导致淡水资源和污染的不良后果的破坏。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The relationships between the distance of saltwater intrusion and freshwater discharge were also established through the model prediction. 本研究亦建立不同淡水流量与盐分入侵的距离之关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The delicate white tufa towers formed where freshwater springs percolate up from the bottom of the lake. 柔和、白色的钙华塔形成于淡水泉从湖底渗透出来的地方。 www.kekenet.com 9. Members of the Japanese military and firefighters from around the country have doused the damaged units with both seawater and freshwater. 日本全国各地的军队和消防队员已经向受损机组喷了海水和淡水。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The sediments would release a lot of nutrients normally locked up in permafrost into freshwater cycles. 沉积将发布在永冻土通常锁的很多营养素入淡水周期。 www.oursci.org 1. The freshwater sweat then evaporates and condensates into dew on wall of the greenhouse and is collected in a freshwater tank. 淡水汗珠蒸发并冷凝成露水在温室的墙壁上,然后被收集到一个淡水罐子里。 www.bing.com 2. A freshwater catfish (Clarius batrachus), native to southeast Asia, that is able to breathe out of water and travel short distances on land. 步鲇,蟾胡子鲇:一种淡水鲇鱼(蟾胡子鲇),产于东南亚,能够露出水面呼吸并在陆上(近距离)移动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Tonle Sap is the largest inland freshwater in Southeast Asia, known as "the lake of life" in Cambodia! 洞里萨湖是东南亚第一大淡水内陆湖,被称为是柬埔寨的“生命之湖”! q.sohu.com 4. And these fishes could be divided into freshwater, migratory and estuarine kinds, among which the former was the preponderant kind. 这些鱼类可分为淡水、洄游和河口3个生态类群,其中以淡水类群为优势类群。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. China is the fourth country in total freshwater amount, but is one of the poorest countries in per capita water. 而我国虽然淡水资源总量名列世界第四位,但却是全球人均水资源最贫乏的国家之一。 www.zidir.com 6. There is much more freshwater stored in the ground than there is in liquid form on the surface, according to the USGS. 根据美国地质调查局,更多的淡水储存在地下,其数量多于在地球表面上以液体形式所呈现的水。 www.bing.com 7. And yet, in 2007, the freshwater Norfolk Broads were nearly flooded after storm surge conditions at sea. 不过,2007年的海上风暴潮,差点淹没了诺福克郡的淡水湖区。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Detractors also worry that freshwater aquifers in the area could be compromised by the Dead Sea's water in the event of an earthquake. 批评者也担心,一旦发生地震,该地区的淡水蓄水层将被死海海水所破坏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The IMS freshwater generator is an environmentally friendly system with no process chemicals and no raw cartridges to dispose of. IMS淡水制造机是一个不用工艺化学品并且无须处置原水滤筒的环境无害系统。 www.1x1y.com.cn 10. in recent years there have been chronic freshwater shortages around the world , especially in west china. 目前世界各地淡水资源匮乏日益严重,尤其在我国西部地区,该问题更为突出。 www.ichacha.net 1. The bittern still faces threats, including sea level rise, where freshwater sites along the coast could be inundated by saltwater. 麻鸦依然面临着威胁,包括海平面升高会导致海水涌入沿岸的淡水。 www.bing.com 2. SDS-substrate-PAGE method was modified and used to characterize the proteinases from the digestive organs of freshwater fish. 改进SDS-底物-PAGE技术以用于分析检测淡水鱼中的消化蛋白酶。 www.dictall.com 3. The main task of this study is to measure the fracture toughness of freshwater ice, and the nominal bending strength. 本文的主要研究任务是测定淡水冰的断裂韧度和名义弯曲强度,确认其主要的影响因素; www.fabiao.net 4. They were diving at the local freshwater lake sothere was nothing to be worried about, he reasoned. 他坚信这是片清澈的海域,因此没什么好担心的。 www.bing.com 5. Guandu Nature Park consists of a mosaic of freshwater and brackish ponds, mudflats, marsh, rice paddies , and woodland. 官渡自然公园构成的马赛克淡水和咸水池塘,泥滩,沼泽,稻田,和林地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Hose tests to be carried out with freshwater only. 软管试验只能用淡水。 www.1x1y.com.cn 7. any of several small Indo-Australian freshwater fishes that catch insects by squirting water at them and knocking them into the water. 几种印度-澳大利亚的小淡水鱼,通过将水滴喷向昆虫并击落它们而捕食昆虫。 www.hotdic.com 8. The desalination of the sea water and re-use of waste water are relatively practical approaches to solve the freshwater shortage problem. 海水淡化和废水利用是解决淡水紧缺比较实用的方法。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. MICHAEL A. MALLIN is an aquatic ecologist who has extensively studied pollution in freshwater, estuarine and coastal marine systems. 马林是一位水域生态学家,广泛研究淡水、河口及沿海海域的生态系统。 10. According the designers, one hectare of mangroves should be able to produce 30, 000 liters of freshwater a day. 按照设计师的说法,一公顷红树林每天应能生产出30,000升淡水。 www.bing.com 1. The pearl river delta is China's grain, sugar, mulberry and freshwater fish is one of important origin. 珠江三角洲是中国粮食、蔗糖、桑蚕和淡水鱼重要产地之一。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Water system integration with regeneration recycle can reduce freshwater consumption and wastewater discharge to the practicable maximum. 考虑再生循环的水系统集成可以最大限度地节省新鲜水用量,并同时减少污水的排放。 www.chemyq.com 3. Diatoms A phylum of the protoctista whose members are unicellular algae found in freshwater, the sea, and soil. 一类藻类植物。藻体一般为单细胞,有时集成群体。普遍分布于淡水,海水以及土壤中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Before this alkaline lake went dry, tufa formed when a freshwater spring percolated from below and formed calcium carbonate deposits. 在此之前碱性的湖变干的,石灰华形成一个淡水泉水从下面渗出形成碳酸钙沉淀。 www.showxiu.com 5. Beach sands with snail shells revealed they were doing the butchering on the banks of a freshwater lake, like Yardi today. 湖滨沙地里的蜗牛壳表明,他们是在一些淡水湖如亚迪湖的岸边进行宰杀活动的。 www.bing.com 6. Some of the vast freshwater resources of the Shield are used to generate electricity. 地盾内有些巨大的新鲜水源被用来生产电力。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Concerns have been raised about sedimentation, fisheries and the migration patterns of endangered freshwater species. 对于沉积物、渔业以及濒临灭绝的淡水鱼类迁徙路径的担忧日益高涨。 www.bing.com 8. Pearl hunting or pearl diving refers to a now largely obsolete method of retrieving pearls from pearl oysters or freshwater pearl mussels. Pearlhunting或者pearldiving指的是一种潜水找寻珍珠蚌的老式采珠方法。 www.hjenglish.com 9. How will agriculture cope with increased competition for water and freshwater system services from other economic sectors? 农业将如何应对来自其他经济部门的对水资源和淡水系统服务的更大竞争? www.fao.org 10. The minimum freshwater scheme is obtained by making minimum freshwater consumption as the objective in the water allocation exercise. 最小的淡水方案藉由在水配置练习作最小的淡水消费作为目的被获得。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The mouth of the river is dammed and a freshwater lake created behind the dam . 河口筑起了拦河坝,坝后便形成了淡水湖。 www.bing.com 2. The USGS provided critical measurements and modeling of freshwater and nutrient delivery to coastal waters throughout the Nation. 美国地质调查局提供了重要的测量数据及全国各地淡水和营养到沿海水域的输送模型。 www.bing.com 3. A small Eurasian freshwater fish(Gobio gobio) related to the carp and used for bait. 鮈鱼一种小型的亚欧淡水鱼(鮈鱼鲤科),与鲤鱼近缘,用作鱼饵。 www.dictall.com 4. They provide the region with its freshwater supply and are crucial to the local people. 它们成为该地区当地人至关紧要的淡水资源。 www.uk.cn 5. In the American West, a burgeoning population created a double-whammy of surging power demands and dwindling freshwater supplies. 在美国西岸,蓬勃增长的人口产生了能源需求持续增加和淡水资源供应减少的双重打击。 www.bing.com 6. Disposal wells typically are subject to regulatory requirements to avoid the contamination of freshwater aquifers. 处置井一般应服从于管理要求,以避免淡水水层的污染。 www.infopetro.com.cn 7. Where the freshwater economists were purists, saltwater economists were pragmatists. 在经济学里,淡水经济学家是纯化论者,咸水经济学家是实用主义者。 www.bing.com 8. That means state and federal governments will have to play a stronger role in managing freshwater resources. In the U. 这意味着各州和联邦政府要在淡水资源管理中扮演更重要的角色。 www.bing.com 9. Goss studied Daphnia magna, a tiny freshwater crustacean used in many aquatic toxicity studies. 戈斯研究了大型水蚤-一种用于多项水生毒性研究的微小淡水甲壳动物。 www.bing.com 10. Pointed out the seawater slurry technique replaced the freshwater one, and introduced the index properties of seawater slurry. 提出了采用海水泥浆替代淡水泥浆的技术及介绍了海水泥浆的相应指标。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. Water covers three quarters of the Earth, but only a small fraction is accessible as freshwater. 水覆盖地球的四分之三,但是仅有很少一部分是可以获得的淡水。 www.fao.org 2. The cleansed freshwater could then release into the ocean through forward-osmosis membranes in the sides of the plastic bags. 净化后的淡水通过在塑料袋两面的正向渗透膜流入海洋。 www.bing.com 3. Danshui Town, located in freshwater coast of Guangdong, long history and is famous hometown of overseas Chinese. 淡水镇地处广东沿海,历史悠久,又是著名的侨乡。 blog.163.com 4. Yet if the crisis has pushed freshwater economists into absurdity, it has also created a lot of soul-searching among saltwater economists. 虽然危机把淡水经济学家推进了谬论里,但许多咸水经济学家也开始自我反省了。 www.bing.com 5. Mosquitofish, freshwater fish with a taste for mosquito larvae, are highly social. 食蚊鱼是淡水鱼,以蚊子幼虫为食,高度的群体化。 www.bing.com 6. A primitive, bony freshwater fish(Amia calva)of central and eastern North America, with a long, spineless dorsal fin. 弓鳍鱼北美洲中部和东部的一种原始、多骨的淡水鱼(弓鳍鱼弓鳍鱼属),具有长的无脊的背鳍 dict.ebigear.com 7. That means it's still almost always cheaper to use local freshwater than to desalinate seawater. This price gap, however, is closing. 这就意味着在当地几乎总是可以找到比淡化海水更廉价的淡水,然而,这种价格差距正在消失。 www.bing.com 8. On earth, majority of freshwater resources for poles and alpine glaciers, most of the rest goes deep groundwater. 地球上的淡水资源,绝大部分为两极和高山的冰川,其余大部分为深层地下水。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. It's more common all over the world for freshwater fish, like tilapia and trout . 这种养殖方式在全世界养殖淡水鱼类中更为常见,例如养殖罗非鱼和鳟鱼。 www.showxiu.com 10. Reaching a maximum length of about 16 inches (40 centimeters), the freshwater fish is native to northeastern and mid-Atlantic North America. 这种最长可达16英寸(40厘米)的淡水鱼原产于东北美和中大西洋。 ng.trends.com.cn 1. Freshwater giant stingrays are among the largest of the approximately 200 species of rays. 淡水巨型黄貂鱼是大约200种鳐鱼中最大的几种之一。 www.huaxia-ng.com 2. Garden watering, rockery circulation, fountain make spring apply to the freshwater aquiculture draining off and washing. 适用于淡水养殖和排水灌溉、花园浇水、假山循环、喷泉、造泉,汽车清洗、地下室和池糖冲洗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. This version of hydroponics uses an aquarium as a hatchery for freshwater fish, while vegetables grow on top in glass pods. 这个鱼缸被用作淡水鱼的孵化器,蔬菜生长在上面的玻璃容器内。 www.kongduan.com 4. The Danube delta hosts over300 species of birds as well as45 freshwater fish species in its numerous lakes and marshes. 多瑙河三角洲不计其数的湖泊和沼泽哺育着300多种鸟类和45种多瑙河及其支流中特有的鱼类。 www.dictall.com 5. Any of various marine and freshwater fishes of the family Sciaenidae that make a drumming sound. 一种石首鱼科海洋鱼或淡水鱼,能发出击鼓声 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Africa to Oceania: Red Sea and East Africa and most inland freshwater bodies over the Indian Ocean and western Pacific. 非洲到大洋洲:红海与东非与印度洋与西太平洋中大多数的内陆淡水水域。 fishbase.sinica.edu.tw 7. freshwater crustaceans of the order anostraca that lack a carapace and characteristically swim upside-down. 透明的淡水鳃足类的任何一种,无甲壳并且倒置游动。 dict.ebigear.com 8. Barramundi Where: tropical freshwater rivers and estuaries, inshore reefs, tropical freshwater dams. 地点:热带淡水河,河口,近海珊瑚,热带淡水水库。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In many places, much of the freshwater supply is used for irrigation. 在许多地方使用淡水灌溉。 www.51voa.com 10. A freshwater biomonitor system is designed to perform in situ monitoring of the organism behaviors in freshwater. 为满足对水质变化进行实时监测的要求,设计了淡水生物监测仪。 tech.zidian8.com 1. freshwater if they are able to obtain 20 litres of water per person a day within one kilometre walking distance from the household. 在发展中国家,如果在离家一公里的步行范围内每人每天得20升水,便被视为有淡水者。 www.jukuu.com 2. Thus, the flow of life from freshwater to brine is compressed into talking distance. 这样一来,从淡水到盐水的生命流,就被压缩到了一个鸡犬相闻的范围之中。 dongxi.net 3. small freshwater crustaceans with a shield-shaped carapace. 小型淡水甲壳动物,长有盾牌状甲壳。 qq163s.cn 4. Ionescu further pointed out that all known hard-core halophiles, or salt-loving microbes, die if you put them in freshwater, and vice versa. Ionescu进一步指出所有已知的喜盐生物放入淡水中会死,反之亦然。 www.bing.com 5. Drought usually refers to the total freshwater enough to satisfy the people, survival and the development of economic climate phenomena. 干旱通常指淡水总量少,不足以满足人的生存和经济发展的气候现象。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Nine of the 10 lakes are freshwater, fed by an underwater aquifer. 10个湖泊中有九个是淡水湖,水从地下喷涌而来。 blog.163.com 7. in North America, for instance, 39 percent of freshwater fish are imperiled, up from 20 percent only a few decades ago. 例如,北美有39%的淡水鱼处境堪忧,而就在几十年前这个数字还只是20%。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. "Freshwater being a vital resource, the downward trends are a great concern. " “淡水是一种重要的资源,所以大河流量的减少是一个十分令人担忧的问题。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Companies and employees of freshwater pearls has a remarkable knowledge, especially in the technical processing of freshwater pearls on. 公司及公司员工对淡水珍珠有着卓越的认识,尤其是在淡水珍珠的技术加工上。 www.tonke.cn 10. Saltwater and freshwater aquatic life zones cover almost three- fourths of the earth's surface with oceans dominating the planet . 盐水和淡水的水生生活区域覆盖了四分之三的地球表面,伴随海洋在行星中佔主要地位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Other freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems have been degraded by pollution. 其他淡水和陆地生态系统也因污染而退化。 www.dictall.com 2. Freshwater is becoming increasingly scarce with the livestock sector accounting for nearly one tenth of global human water use. 淡水资源日益稀少,而畜牧业占全球人类用水量的近十分之一。 www.fao.org 3. Material: profiled by the yellow sea pearls Austrian crystal agate stone composed of black freshwater pearls. 原料:由黄色异形海水珍珠奥地利水晶玛瑙石黑色淡水珍珠等组成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Increased salinity in estuaries could reduce the abundance of freshwater species but could increase the presence of marine species. 河口水质变咸可会减少淡水鱼的品种数目,相反该地区海洋鱼类的品种也可能相对增多。 www.weather.gov.hk 5. More funds should be devoted to the conservation of freshwater resources and endangered species. 应该把更多的资金用于淡水资源和濒危物种的保护上。 www.1363.cn 6. What are the major mechanisms by which the microbial loop regulates the metabolism of freshwater ecosystems ? 微生物环将以怎样的机制调节淡水生态系统的代谢途径? dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Primitive ray-finned freshwater fishes of North and Central America and Cuba. Characterized by elongated jaws and heavy ganoid scales. 雀鳝原始的条鳍淡水鱼,分布在中美洲与北美洲及古巴。特徵为瘦长的颚与重的硬鳞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The group is generally hermaphroditic, although males are rare and female parthenogenesis is common in freshwater species. 这类组群通常是雌雄同体的,尽管雄性稀少;雌性的孤雌生殖现象在淡水物种里普通。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. small freshwater turtle having a strong musky odor. 有浓烈的麝香味的小型淡水龟。 www.dictall.com 10. The complex natural climate cycle has given the freshwater nesting grounds running through this area complex changes between wet and dry. 复杂的自然气候循环赋予了这个区域内相通的淡水栖息地复杂的干湿变化。 1. When power shortages stop pumping stations, both freshwater supply and wastewater treatment are threatened. 由于电力短缺,抽水站工作无法进行,淡水供应和废水处理均受到了威胁。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Freshwater and marine resources are increasingly polluted; soils and once-prolific fisheries are growing barren. 淡水资源和海洋资源日益受到污染;土壤和一度丰富多产的渔场日趋贫瘠。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Worldwide, the fish most commonly produced through aquaculture are catfish and tilapia, both freshwater species. 在世界范围内,通过最常见的养殖鱼生产的鲶鱼和罗非鱼,淡水物种都。 bbs.5i5i.cn 4. Inch- long mollusk imported accidentally from Europe ; clogs utility inlet pipes and feeds on edible freshwater mussels . 一英寸长的软体动物,偶然从欧洲引入;阻塞公共的管道。 www.bing.com 5. Globally, the negative impacts of future climate change on freshwater systems are expected to outweigh the benefits. 对全球而言,气候变化对淡水系统负面影响将超过收益; www.climatechange.cn 6. Even so, industrial emissions of pollutants are still act recklessly and care for nobody pollution rare freshwater resources. 即便是这样,工业排放的污染物依旧肆无忌惮的污染着稀有的淡水资源。 www.bf55.com 7. This investigation showed that Zhongshan City had abundant freshwater zooplankton species. 研究结果表明,中山市淡水浮游动物资源比较丰富。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A new freshwater species is a refreshing discovery in a region plagued by pollution and development. 在一个饱受污染与发展之苦的地区,新淡水物种的发现是十分令人振奋的。 www.bing.com 9. After hatching in the salty Sargasso Sea, the eels swim to freshwater rivers in the United Kingdom and the East Coast of North America. 在北大西洋西印度群岛附近的马尾藻海的咸水当中出生后,它们会游往英国和北美洲东海岸的一些淡水河流当中。 big5.cri.cn 10. Coal- Tar Creosote for the Preservative Treatment of Piles , Poles and Timbers for Marine , Land and Freshwater Use. 海上,陆地及淡水中用木桩,电杆和木材的防腐处理用煤柏油杂酚油规程。 www.bing.com 1. The electric eel (not a true eel) is a sluggish inhabitant of slow freshwater, surfacing periodically to gulp air. 电鳗不是真正的鳗,行动迟缓,栖息于缓流的淡水中,不时上浮水面,吞入空气,进行呼吸。 www.tdict.com 2. Students in this field study the many varieties of life in lakes, ponds, rivers, and other inland bodies of freshwater. 水产生物学专业的学生研究内陆淡水,如湖泊,池塘,河流等里面的各种生命体。 www.oxvard.com 3. Any of several small new World freshwater fishes of the genus Fundulus, related to the killifishes. 科鱼产于新大陆的一种底?属小型淡水鱼,与弹鱼有亲源关系。 www.chadanci.com 4. The 'blue revolution' of freshwater aquaculture and mariculture is growing exponentially. 淡水农业和海水养殖的“蓝色革命”正在以指数方式增长。 www.scidev.net 5. mostly North American freshwater fishes with a thick-lipped mouth for feeding by suction; related to carps. 主要产于北美洲的淡水鱼,嘴长有厚厚的吸盘,通过吸吮进食;与鲤鱼有关。 qq163s.cn 6. Three studies were presented that examined the dangers that changes in ocean and freshwater environments could cause to people. 会上提交了三份报告,主要研究海洋和淡水环境变化对人类造成的危害。 www.bing.com 7. It's so fresh and the flavor is kind of light for a freshwater fish . 因为是淡水鱼,所以鱼肉鲜美,口味也比较淡。 www.bing.com 8. Trent's plan is to grow freshwater algae in nutrient-rich waste water inside semi-permeable plastic membranes. Trent的计划是将清水海藻种植在充满富营养废水的半透塑料薄膜里。 www.hjenglish.com 9. CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- No matter how you slice it, the freshwater planarian possesses an amazing ability to regenerate lost body parts. 伊利诺斯州CHAMPAIGN--无论你如何对其进行切割,淡水涡虫都能令人惊异的再生被切掉的部分。 news.dxy.cn 10. Both marine and freshwater fisheries are beset by a number of very serious human impacts. 无论海洋渔业还是淡水渔业,都为人类造成的一系列严重影响所困扰。 www.kuenglish.info 1. On May 25, the Shanghai Water Authority disclosed possible contamination of the city's freshwater supply by unusual " salt tides. " 5月25日,上海水务局披露,由于异常出现的“咸潮”,城市供应的淡水可能受到了污染。 dongxi.net 2. The southern Duars has moderately fertile soil, heavy savannah grass, dense, mixed jungle, and freshwater springs. 南部Duars有肥沃的土壤、茂密的大草原、密集多样的丛林和泉水。 www.ebigear.com 3. New lower-cost desalination plants could expand freshwater supplies for coastal population centers. 新型的低成本脱盐厂能够增加对高人口沿海地区的供水。 www.docin.com 4. small voraciously carnivorous freshwater fishes of South America that attack and destroy living animals. 南美洲淡水鱼,是贪婪地肉食的且攻击并毁灭活着的动物。 www.jukuu.com 5. The lake, near the city of Provo, is the largest natural body of freshwater in the state. 该湖位于普罗沃附近,是犹他州最大的天然淡水湖。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. The world's only freshwater porpoise is down to fewer than 1800 individuals, less than half the estimated population a decade ago. 这种世界唯一的淡水豚的数量已经锐减到1800头以下,现在的数量还不到十年前估计数量的一半。 www.bing.com 7. anabas: . a freshwater fish of the family anabantidae, native to Africa and southeast asia and including the gourami and climbing perch. 攀鲈:一种攀鲈科淡水鱼,产于非洲和东南亚,包括丝足鱼和攀鲈 dict.ebigear.com 8. SA : Major conservation and sustainability worries involve freshwater and topsoil. 环保人士担心的议题包括淡水资源与表层土壤。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 9. For skin or eye irritation, rinse well with plenty of freshwater and seek immediate medical attention. 对皮肤、眼睛发炎、冲洗和大量的淡水并立即就医。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. halfbeaks; marine and freshwater fishes closely related to the flying fishes but not able to glide. 鱵;与飞鱼是近亲的海洋和淡水鱼类,但不能滑行。 www.jukuu.com 1. freshwater turtles having bright yellow and red markings; common in the eastern United States. 身上有明亮的黄色和红色斑点的淡水龟;常见于美国东部。 www.dictall.com 2. During the preparatory process of the Summit, broad-based support has been indicated for the International Year of Freshwater, 2003. 在该首脑会议的筹备进程期间,表明将对2003年国际年提供广泛基础的支助。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Old World freshwater catfishes having naked skin and a long anal fin more or less merged with the eellike caudal fin. 东半球的淡水鲇鱼,体表无鳞,有类似鳗鱼尾鳍的很长的臀鳍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Appearances can be deceiving, say the freshwater theorists. 淡水经济理论家说表象能欺骗人。 www.bing.com 5. Ecosystems are particularly affected by large-scale fishing, freshwater use, and agriculture. 生态系统尤其受大规模渔业生产、淡水利用及农业活动的影响。 bbs.depv.org 6. small European freshwater fish with a slender bluish-green body. 欧洲淡水中蓝绿色细长小鱼。 tr.bab.la 7. Ostracods, small aquatic Crustacea, occur in almost every marine, brackish and freshwater habitat. 介形虫,小型水生甲壳纲,出现在几乎所有的海洋,半咸水和淡水栖息地。 www.ccebook.cn 8. Efficient irrigation, for instance, would reduce freshwater withdrawals almost by half. 比如高效的灌溉,能将淡水资源的损耗减少一半。 www.ecocn.org 9. With nearly a quarter of the world's population, but just 8% of its freshwater, China is the thirstiest nation on earth. 中国是世界上最缺水的国家,人口占世界的四分之一,可淡水却只有世界的8%。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. For human needs, the amount of freshwater for drinking and agriculture is particularly important. 人类饮用和农作物灌溉所需的淡水对于我们有着极其重要的作用。 www.bing.com 1. The CITES meeting also gave preliminary approval to giving greater protection to the Freshwater Sawfish. 濒危野生动植物国际贸易公约会议还初步批准给予淡水锯鳐更多的保护。 www.bing.com 2. Review on "open new age of sea-route of freshwater" 点评“开创内河浅水航道船舶运输新纪元” www.ilib.cn 3. Nader Al-Khateeb, the Palestinian director of the group, says the Jordan has lost freshwater sources. 该组织巴勒斯坦方负责人称:约旦河已丢失淡水资源。 online.cumt.edu.cn 4. Inspections of freshwater fish at local markets would be stepped up. 会加强检验本地街市售卖的淡水鱼。 www.bing.com 5. Plants also grow in freshwater biomes, in the water and near the shore. 植物也生长在淡水区,生长在水里或是岸边。 www.funshare.com.cn 6. The limiting factor, Cui explained, is the availability of freshwater for the start of the process. 崔解释说,其中的限制因素是启动这个过程所需的淡水的可用量。 www.bing.com 7. These are freshwater springs, jetting into the bottom of the Dead Sea from inside craters. 那是淡水的泉水,从内部凹坑中涌入死海底部。 www.bing.com 8. Creation of additional freshwater ponds will also benefit waterbirds and herpetofauna. 淡水池的建造亦将有利于水鸟和两栖。 www.epd.gov.hk 9. the movement of charged atoms move from the saltwater to freshwater creates a small voltage that can be put to work. 是带点原子从盐水移动到清水时,产生了可以工作的电压。 www.bing.com 10. Though the sahuagin were, perhaps, the best at hiding their stench in freshwater torrents. 但沙华鱼人可能是其中最擅长在淡水急流中隐藏行踪的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. In the United States nearly half the 573 animals on the threatened and endangered list are freshwater species. 美国列入受威胁及濒危物种名单的573种动物中,将近一半是淡水物种。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The shortage of freshwater has become a serious global problem and it increasingly be a problem with the growing water pollution. 淡水资源短缺已成为一个世界性的问题,并随着水污染的日趋严重这一问题更加突出。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Eventually these trapped seals adapted to their freshwater conditions, and fur coats would eventually replace their blubber. 最终,这些被困密封适应淡水条件,毛皮大衣将最终取代他们脂。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Our factory warmly welcome the old and new friend to instruct join and develop the freshwater pearl market together. 工厂热忱欢迎世界各国新老朋友光临指导,加盟连锁,共同携手开拓淡水珍珠市场。 www.jukuu.com 5. Zoologists discovered the colony of freshwater crabs when they examined water quality in a channel running under the Imperial Forum. 动物学家是在对一条流经帝国广场地下的水道进行水质测试时,发现淡水蟹的栖居地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Climate change is already modifying the distribution of both marine and freshwater species. 气候变化已经改变了海洋和淡水物种的分布。 aeol.com.cn 7. Crocodiles lurk even in the freshwater ponds, and scorpions scuttle over the rocks. 即使是淡水洼地也有鳄鱼潜匿其中,此外,蝎子也会在岩石上跑来跑去。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 8. Fish traders sell fresh catch in Yueyang town, which lies on the shores of Dongting Lake, China's second largest freshwater lake. 这张照片拍摄的是岳阳镇上的鱼贩,岳阳是中国第二大淡水湖洞庭湖边的一个城镇。 www.yousoon.net 9. Tremendous deposits of ice, nine-tenths of the earth's freshwater, lie stored atop Greenland and Antarctica. 众多冰川及占全球总量十分之九的淡水囤积于格陵兰岛与南极洲的两端。 www.bing.com 10. We recommend the Midday 6000 to be used in conjunction with the Aqua Flora for Freshwater. 中午,我们建议将在6000与淡水水上植物一起使用。 www.52fish.com.cn 1. The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is setting a new standard of care for the source of 95 percent of America's surface freshwater. 五大湖恢复倡议项目正在建立一项新的标准,关注美国地表淡水95%的水源。 www.bing.com 2. And while I mostly refer to fish and fishing in salt water, these same principles apply to the freshwater environment. 虽然我说的主要是指海水鱼和海水鱼的钓法,这些同样的原则亦适用于淡水环境。 lure8.com 3. Methane is formed in freshwater by microorganisms degrading organic matter in the sediments in the absence of oxygen. 甲烷在淡水中氧气存在的情况下在沉积层里通过微生物的自然降解来生成。 www.bing.com 4. Experts predict this would in effect destroy the lakes and their surrounding freshwater wetlands. 有关专家预测说这项措施实际上会破坏掉所有的湖泊以及它们周边的淡水湿地。 www.ecocn.org 5. On the mainland, popular activities include freshwater fishing at Lake Hanabanilla, a mountain reservoir enclosed by tropical forest. 埃利亚斯说:“在大陆,受欢迎的活动包括在哈那芭乐纳湖淡水养殖,这是一个热带森林包围的山区水库。” www.dltcedu.org 6. This means some freshwater eels migrate great distances to reach their saltwater destinations. 这说明一些淡水鳗鱼必须长途迁徙到它们的咸水产卵地。 www.hjenglish.com 7. In the Mekong River Delta in northeast Cambodia, a ST-EP project brings visitors to view the endangered freshwater dolphin. 在柬埔寨东北部的湄公河三角洲,一项ST-EP项目组织游客去观看濒临灭绝的淡水豚。 blog.163.com 8. North American freshwater food fish (Morone chrysops) having a silvery color and blackish stripes on each side. 金眼鲈,白鲈:一种北美洲淡食用鱼(白鲈)属,银色,两边各有黑色条纹。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. About 280 million tons of sewage flow annually into Chaohu Lake, one of China's five largest freshwater lakes. 巢湖是中国五大淡水湖之一,每年有两亿八千吨的污水注入巢湖。 www.prayforchina.com 10. The existing projects, though, are looking at freshwater algae. 虽然现在的计划正着眼于淡水藻类。 www.ecocn.org 1. Read about freshwater biodiversity in the southeast in National Geographic magazine. 参考国家地理杂志关于美国东南部淡水生物多样性的文章 www.bing.com 2. Therefore, the scale freshwater fisheries to the further development of people of insight have to continue to work hard. 因此淡水渔业要上规模进一步发展,还得有识之士的继续努力。 blog.twioo.com 3. R is a measure of the amount of regenerated water needed per unit of freshwater saved. R是对每一单位是不可或缺的大量再产生的水衡量淡水的解救。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. freshwater catfish of the Nile and tropical central Africa having an electric organ. 尼罗河及中非热带淡水鲶鱼,有发电组织。 www.jukuu.com 5. Thus the province has a very rich freshwater fish resource; however the area is poorly studied. 可以想象广西有着充沛的淡水鱼类资源,但对这里的研究还不是很多。 www.bing.com 6. Another coin from the creative minds of Palau, this piece has real blue freshwater pearl embedded in sterling silver. 同样来自帕劳共和国的创意硬币,这枚纯银币镶嵌的是真正蓝色淡水珍珠。来源 www.bing.com 7. Manchhar Lake is Pakistan's largest freshwater lake, and its water level varies considerably over time. 曼查尔湖是巴基斯坦最大的淡水湖,其水位随时间变化非常大。 career.51youcai.com 8. What are the major types of freshwater systems and how have we affected them ? 什麽是淡水系统的主要类型而且我们是如何影响他们? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The projected rise in sea level could increase saltwater intrusion into freshwater ponds and rice fields. 预计海平面的上升可能导致海水流入淡水池塘和农田。 www.bing.com 10. The bathing lakeside is an ideal site for freshwater bath, sunbath and sand bath. 滨湖浴场波平沙细,湖水清澈,空气清新,是淡水浴、阳光浴、沙浴的理想场所。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Oil-producing freshwater algae would naturally clean the wastewater by feeding on nutrients in the sewage. 产油的淡水藻类能以污水中的养分为生达到自然清洁废水的作用。 www.bing.com 2. silvery herring-like freshwater food fish of cold lakes of the northern hemisphere. 北半球冷水湖中类似鲱鱼的银色可食用淡水鱼。 www.dictall.com 3. The International Year of Freshwater , 2003 provides an excellent opportunity to maintain the momentum and raise public awareness. 2003年国际淡水年为保持势头和提高公共认识提供了一个良好的契机。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Everyone agrees that we are in the midst of a global freshwater crisis. 我们正陷入全球淡水资源危机之中已成为共识。 www.bing.com 5. For more clean water news, photos, and information, visit National Geographic's Freshwater Web site. 欲了解更多洁净水的新闻、照片和信息,请访问《国家地理》的淡水网站。 www.bing.com 6. The resulting freshwater can then be distributed to the fields using gravitational flow. 这最终的淡水可以利用万有引力流动分步到农场。 www.bing.com 7. Fishers and scientists announced this week the catch, and release, of what is likely the world's largest known freshwater giant stingray. 渔夫和科学家们本周宣称,他们捕捉并释放了一条可能是世界上最大的淡水黄貂鱼。 www.huaxia-ng.com 8. Just on the other side of the lock are natural waterways that wind through freshwater marsh. 只是对锁另一边是淡水沼泽,通过自然风水道。 bbs.5i5i.cn 9. Icebergs are large pieces of freshwater ice that break off snow-formed ice shelves or glaciers and float in open water. 冰山是由雪形成的冰架或冰川断裂而成,主要由淡水冰组成,一般漂浮在开阔海域。 www.bing.com 10. The results showed that the permeability of porous media decreased by 64% when seawater was flushed by freshwater. 研究结果表明,当淡水驱替咸水时,含水介质的渗透性降低64%; www.ceps.com.tw 1. There are ninety-three registration stations in shanghai freshwater, most of which register vessels pass in and out manually. 上海市内河网上共有九十三个签证站点,其中大多数签证站每天对进出港的船只人工进行登记。 www.fabiao.net 2. The current depends upon a balance of salt and freshwater. 暖流的形成取决于淡水与盐份间的微妙平衡 www.tingroom.com 3. The first limiting amino acids in the muscles of marine cultured and freshwater cultured Scylla serrata were both valine. 海水与淡水养殖锯缘青蟹肌肉的第一限制性氨基酸均为缬氨酸。 4. If not taken and the measures will lead directly to the destruction and pollution of freshwater resources and other adverse consequences. 如不采取及对措施,将直接导致淡水资源的破坏和污染等不良后果。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Almost sixty percent of the world's freshwater withdrawals from rivers, lakes and other water resources go toward irrigating fields. 来自河、湖和其他水源的世界淡水排水量的60%都流向了灌溉用的农田。 www.unsv.com 6. Full spectrum, color temperature of 10000K, bold blue, yellow and orange spectral parts show off colors of freshwater and seawater animals. 全光谱、10000K色温、鲜明的蓝色、黄色、橙色光谱可以让淡水和海水动物更鲜艳。 cn.ec51.com 7. For more information on the reproduction cycle of freshwater aquarium shrimp please read the article Shrimp Reproduction. 更多信息,对生殖周期的淡水水族箱虾请阅读这篇文章虾繁殖。 www.52fish.com.cn 8. elongate freshwater cod of northern Europe and Asia and North America having barbels around its mouth. 北欧和北美长身淡水鳕,嘴部周围有鱼须。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Huge algae outbreaks again pose a threat to drinking water supply from Taihu and Chaohu, two of China's major freshwater lakes. 中国两大淡水湖太湖和巢湖再次爆发藻害。大面积的湖藻爆发,将威胁饮用水的供应。 learn.wulongonline.com 10. Environment Canada's The National Water Research Institute (NWRI) is Canada's preeminent freshwater research facility. 本网站是加拿大卓越的淡水研究机构。 biositemap.com 1. slender freshwater fishes of Eurasia and Africa resembling catfishes. 亚欧和非洲类似鲶鱼的细长淡水鱼。 www.1stenglish.com 2. The kokanee is a small, nonmigratory, freshwater subspecies. 科克尼红大麻哈鱼为小型、不迁移的淡水亚种。 dict.kekenet.com 3. Simply put, according to Chinese authorities and government reports, China's massive economic growth outpaces its freshwater supply. 简单来讲,根据中国有关当局和政府的报告,中国巨大的经济增长已经超过其淡水供应。 dongxi.net 4. Almost 60% of the freshwater withdrawal from rivers, lakes and other water resources are used in irrigating fields. 世界60%来自河流,湖泊和其它水资源的淡水用于灌溉土地。 voa.hjenglish.com 5. the freshwater of a whole continent. 一整个大陆的淡水 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Serve it at 8C as an aperitif, with seafood, poached sea and freshwater fish, asparagus and goat's cheese. 配餐建议可作为开胃就存储于8C,配以海鲜、河鲜、芦笋和奶酪一起食用。 www.999mywine.com 7. Together with media network Circle of Blue they have provided free international access to global freshwater data. 它和媒体网络CircleofBlue合作,免费提供全球淡水数据。 www.scidev.net 8. Piranhas are freshwater fish that are found in rivers and floodplains of South America. 食人鱼是一种淡水鱼类,多发现于河流及南美涝原上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. ferocious fishes of warm regions resembling but unrelated to the freshwater gars. 温带地区的凶猛鱼类,与淡水雀鳝相似,但没有关系。 www.hotdic.com 10. Farmers are the biggest users of freshwater resources. 农民是淡水资源的最大使用者。 www.bing.com 1. Nevertheless, even within a community as small as a freshwater spring, we can recognize several quite distinct habitats. 而且,甚至生存范围像一个淡水泉那么小的群落中,我们也可以找出几个截然不同的栖息地。 tech.bowwin.com 2. Ingredients for bass and other freshwater fish, ingredients for the ham, mushrooms, fat pork, Long Zheng made. 主料为鲈鱼或其他淡水鱼,配料为火腿、冬菇、肥猪肉,笼蒸而成。 www.kb120.com 3. From there, they drift and swim toward the coast, where they enter the mouths of freshwater rivers and streams in the spring. 它们随着海浪漂流到岸边,在岸边生活数月,等待来年开春游到淡水河里或小溪里。 www.bing.com 4. Passed toxicity for marine and freshwater fish farming applications. 通过海洋及淡水鱼养殖毒性实验 dict.ebigear.com 5. Adding a clay deflocculant to freshwater mud typically improves fluid-loss control. 在淡水泥浆中加入粘土悬浮剂会大大增强滤失控制。 www.infopetro.com.cn 6. The urban rain is not waste water, but valuable freshwater resources. 城市雨水不是废水,而是宝贵的淡水资源。 www.13191.com 7. In this paper, Lijiang Ancient Town is described for the use of freshwater resource as attractive landscaping . 本文中,丽江古城利用淡水资源作为景观用水发展旅游业。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Freshwater fish populations are in precipitous decline. 淡水鱼类的数量也急速锐减。 www.bing.com 9. They are found in freshwater marshes and pools throughout the Amazon Basin, from Colombia to Brazil. 它们常见于淡水沼泽和池塘,从哥伦比亚一直到巴西,足迹遍布整个亚马逊盆地。 www.bing.com 10. We must all take the water issue seriously, better understand the link to food security and stop the trend towards overuse of freshwater. 我们必须重视水资源短缺问题,更好的了解水资源短缺和食物安全之间的联系,并且停止过度用水的趋势。 www.ecocn.org 1. Lake Erhai is an important freshwater lake in Yunnan Province. 洱海是云贵湖区的一个重要淡水湖泊。 www.chemyq.com 2. A manatee swims in a freshwater spring in Crystal River, Florida. 一头海牛畅游在佛罗里达水晶河的淡水泉中。 www.bing.com 3. They apply what they learn to address the problems of freshwater and saltwater environments. 他们应用所学的知识来解决淡水和咸水环境问题。 www.oxvard.com 4. Reduced runoff is increasing the pressure on freshwater resources in Africa. 河流的径流量减少正增加非洲地区淡水资源的压力。 mcs.szpt.edu.cn 5. Learn about freshwater resources and how they are used to feed, power, and sustain all life. 了解了淡水资源以及他们如何用于供养人类,发电,和供养所有的生命。 www.bing.com 6. Cattails thrive in this freshwater lagoon in South Carolina's Huntington Beach State Park. 香蒲在南卡罗来纳州的亨廷顿海滩国家公园的淡水泻湖里茁壮生长。 www.bing.com 7. Chaohu's museum, shown here, houses a Han dynasty tomb, and the city is known for its huge freshwater lake. 上图为巢湖市博物馆,是在汉墓的基础上修建而成。该市以大面积的淡水湖闻名。 dongxi.net 8. Freshwater snails are important biological indicators of water quality and the primary source of sustenance for firefly larvae in Taiwan. 淡水螺是台湾水质的重要生物指标,同时也是萤火虫的主要食物来源。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Bounded by four of the five Great Lakes, plus Lake Saint Clair, Michigan has the longest freshwater shoreline in the world. 范围内的4个大湖,加上圣克莱尔湖,密歇根州已海岸线最长的淡水中的世界。 q.sohu.com 10. That's because freshwater ecosystems are so closely linked to human activity. 这是因为淡水生态系统和人类活动密切相关。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Our company has large amounts of sea pearls, freshwater pearls and pearl necklaces for sell. 本公司出售大量海水珍珠、淡水珍珠、珍珠项链。 www.tianya.cn 2. Step 1: take live fish, Spanish mackerel and other fish can also be a snakehead, carp, carp and other freshwater fish. 步骤1:取活鱼,可以是鲅鱼等海鱼,也可以是黑鱼、草鱼、鲤鱼等淡水鱼。 news.zhishi.sohu.com 3. The researchers, based at Cambridge University, focused on bdelloid rotifers, female microscopic organisms that live in freshwater pools. 剑桥大学(CambridgeUniversity)的研究者们对生活在淡水池塘中的雌性微生物蛭形轮虫进行了研究。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Bioluminescence is mainly a marine phenomenon. It is not found in freshwater. 生物发光现象主要出现在海洋中,淡水中并无此种现象。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Freshwater eels, of the genus Anguilla, are ancient fishes. 鳗鲡属淡水鳗鱼是古鱼类。 www.bing.com 6. On May 13th Wisconsin's governor approved $50m for a new local graduate programme in freshwater science. 5月13号,威斯康辛州州长批准了向当地一项新的淡水科学研究生项目投入5亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 7. We actually have an infinite amount of ocean water; unfortunately we don't have an infinite amount of freshwater. 实际上海水是取之不竭的,不幸的是淡水总量有限。 www.bing.com 8. We are talking about freshwater, crops, pollination, fibre and erosion regulation. 我们所说的有淡水、粮食作物、授粉、纤维、以及控制水土流失等。 www.eucma.org 9. large aggressive freshwater turtle with powerful jaws. 下鄂有力、好斗的大型淡水龟。 www.hotdic.com 10. Here, we briefly review the diversity of cold-active phages in marine and freshwater lakes. 该文主要对海洋和淡水湖泊中低温噬菌体的多样性进行简要综述。 www.lifescience.net.cn |
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