单词 | fresh food | ||||||||||||||
释义 | fresh food
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 新鲜食物,新鲜食品,鲜美的食物 1. The report said the two under arrest are the vice president and the fresh-food director of the Jiulong Wal-Mart outlet in Chongqing. 报道说,被捕的两人是重庆沃尔玛九龙广场分店的副总裁和新鲜食品部主任。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The arriving clan members were all very excited to see roughly 1, 500pounds of fresh food already brought to ground! 刚到的部族成员看到这重约1500磅的新鲜食物已经被放倒在地都非常兴奋! www.bing.com 3. One of the mummies the team scanned was a princess in her 40s, who presumably ate fresh food and wasn't sedentary. 小组扫描的其中一具木乃伊生前是一位王妃,死亡时40岁左右。科学家推测她生前食用新鲜食物,也没有久坐的习惯。 www.bing.com 4. Please allow me to introduce for you : unripe and fresh food are on the first floor , the general merchandise is on the second floor . 有我来为你介绍:生鲜和食品在一楼,百货在二楼。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The company has advanced production line of vacuum fresh food, frozen fresh food production line, small grains production lines. 公司拥有先进的真空保鲜食品生产线、速冻保鲜食品生产线、小杂粮生产线等。 www.tjtychina.cn 6. Japan's core CPI, which excludes volatile fresh food prices, declined 1. 2% from a year earlier in February, recent government data showed. 最近的政府数据显示,2月份日本的核心CPI较去年同期下降了1.2%。核心CPI不包括波动较大的鲜活食品价格。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Instead of eating the garbage you'll usually find in cafeterias, yum allows you to have good, fresh food everyday. 有了Yum,你就不用吃咖啡馆提供的垃圾食品,而可以每天享用新鲜优质的食物。 www.bing.com 8. Such fresh food? by itself has no toxic effects on the human body! 这种物质食入体?内,本身对人体并无毒害作用! www.tmdfish.com 9. On the counter that serves as the kitchen there is no fresh food, only a jar of protein powder. 作为厨房使用的吧台上没有新鲜事物,只有一罐子营养蛋白粉。 www.ecocn.org 10. The covered markets where fresh food used to be sold have collapsed, with scores of people still buried beneath. 以前出售新鲜事物的市场已经倒塌,几十人被埋在下面。 bbs.koolearn.com 1. Purchase fresh food from reliable sources. Do not patronize illegal hawkers. 应从可靠的地方购买新鲜食物,不要光顾无牌小贩。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 2. A study has found that to get maximum defence against heart disease, you need to eat at least eight daily servings of fresh food. 据一份最新的健康研究显示,为了能更好的预防心血管方面的疾病,我们每天所要食用的蔬菜与水果至少要佔到饮食总量的8成。 big5.cri.cn 3. Fresh food is not only good for nutrition, but good for the mind as well. A fresh tomato can really boost psychology. 新鲜食物不但营养健康,而且对心情也有好处。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. I played with them for a while then fed them with the fresh food which contained fruit, tree leaves and grass. 我和他们玩耍了一会后,就用水果,树叶,青草等新鲜食物来喂它们。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Since Chinese reform and opening up, the domestic retail format of fresh food is increasingly diversified. 改革开放以来,国内生鲜品零售业态日益多样化,形成了超市与农贸市场共存的局面。 www.fabiao.net 6. The core consumer price index, which excludes fresh food, rose just 0. 2 per cent in November from a year earlier. 去年11月,日本不包括新鲜食品在内的核心消费价格指数仅较上年同期上升0. www.ftchinese.com 7. Bundled in warm winter coats, hats and gloves, they wait in the crisp, early morning hours for a free package of canned and fresh food. 他们穿上冬衣,带着帽子和手套保暖,为了获得免费的罐装和新鲜食品,在干冷的清晨排队等上好几个小时。 www.xmwaiyu.com 8. In the Antarctic the need to provide artificial light is a small price to pay for fresh food, given the cost of importing it. 在南极,提供人工照明所需的花费与进口食品的运输费用相比可谓微不足道。 www.bing.com 9. Of course, drought-tolerant crops and the infrastructure to get fresh food to markets must be developed in parallel. 当然,同时也必须开发耐旱作物和建设基础设施,从而让新鲜粮食进入市场。 www.scidev.net 10. We have made major improvements to the optimised storage conditions of fresh food - both refrigerated and frozen. 我们帮助阁下以最佳的方式存放各种食物:冷藏或冰冻。 www.red-dots.com 1. A good diet, with losts of fresh food, not processed food with its preservatives and chemicals, is essential. 良好的饮食在于新鲜的食物,而不是在于添加了防腐剂和其他化学物质 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Your new diet should include as much fresh food as possible, especially items high in fiber and low in fat. 你的新膳食应当囊括尽可能多的新鲜食材,特别是那些高纤维低脂肪的。 www.bing.com 3. With a harsh winter coming, uncertainties remain for fresh food prices. 随着寒冬来临,新鲜食品价格的不确定性依然存在。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Kroger, a retailer based in Ohio with sales of $70 billion, gives 3, 600 tons of fresh food a year to food banks. 位于俄亥俄州的克罗格公司每年就将3600吨的新鲜食物放进了食品银行,该公司销售额为700亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 5. Plus, eating fresh food means it probably spent less time travelling, which saves enormous amounts of oil and carbon dioxide emissions. 此外,吃新鲜食品意味着可能减少运输的时间,那是对石油和二氧化碳排放的减少的贡献。 www.bing.com 6. Now I havebeen eating some of my fresh food packed for my first week before I getinto my mostly dehydrated food from Mountain House. 现在我已经开始逐渐适应吃点航行前打包的一些新鲜食物,当然,我大部分食物还是来自山屋的脱水食物。 www.bing.com 7. Late at night, they drive to the store and quietly jump into its car-sized dumpster, picking out unopened packages of still fresh food. 夜半时分,他们开车到达这个商店,轻轻地跳进像汽车大小的废物箱,捡出仍然新鲜的未开封食品。 learning.sohu.com 8. Fresh food is not only good for nutrition, but good for the mind as well. 新鲜食品不仅营养丰富,而且对宇航员的心态还有好处。 www.bing.com 9. The social gaming company has said that its goal is to offer sustainable and fresh food rather than be flashy or excessive. 这家社交游戏公司曾说,它的目标是提供可持续的、新鲜的饮食,而不是华丽或过量的饮食。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Children need plenty of good fresh food to nourish them. 孩子们需要好的、新鲜的食物来滋养他们。 www.englishdata.cn 1. Local agriculture is directed towards the production of high quality fresh food crops through intensive land use. 本港的农业主要采用精耕细作方式,生产优质的新鲜副食品。 www.hotdic.com 2. And its fresh food is not obviously cheaper than at local markets. 而且新鲜的食品和当地市场比显而易见地不便宜。 m.yeeyan.org 3. The farmer usually likes planting can the fresh food sweet kind of cassava which makes money in the local market sell. 农民通常喜欢种植能在当地市场出售赚钱的鲜食甜种木薯。 www.bing.com 4. But even if we buy fresh food without packaging, we still produce rubbish from the plastic bags used everywhere to carry shopping home. 不过,即使我们没有买到新鲜的食品包装,我们还生产垃圾到处使用塑料袋携带购物回家。 www.shuxuehi.com 5. A fridge of the future that tells you what to cook with your left-overs and automatically re-orders fresh food is being designed in the UK. 英国正在研制一种告诉你用剩下的食材能做什么菜,还能自动订购新鲜食品的未来冰箱。 www.24en.com 6. and the ability (and money) to stock a pantry and at least occasionally supplement it with fresh food. 还要有储备食物的能力(与金钱),至少偶尔能补充新鲜食物。 www.bing.com 7. In July, consumer prices excluding fresh food fell for a 17th consecutive month. 七月,除新鲜食品外的消费者价格指数连续第17个月下降。 www.bing.com 8. Serves fresh food to guests which is prepared a la minute, is consistent in good quality, and reflects the style of the outlet concept. 为客人提供新鲜食物,即使是最后一分钟准备,都要持续保证食物的高品质,充分体现餐厅风格及经营理念。 job.veryeast.cn 9. You need a six-figure budget if you want to shop at one of those earthy grocery chains that sells nonprocessed fresh food. 如果你想要去那些出售未加工过的新鲜事物的纯天然食品连锁店购物,你需要六位数的预算。 www.bing.com 10. As a result, the group of defenseless pigs, bring themselves to the hungered and ferocious carnivore just like fertile fresh food. 其结果是,毫无自卫能力的这群猪,给森林中饥饿而凶猛的肉食动物,送去了肥美鲜活的食物。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In June, the core CPI -- which excludes volatile fresh-food prices -- had lost 1% from the year-earlier month. 6月份,排除了波动性较高的新鲜食品价格的核心CPI比去年同期下降了1%。 www.bing.com 2. Buying fresh food daily may also mean a more healthful diet. 每天购买新鲜的食物也让饮食更健康。 www.bing.com 3. A Red Locust adult consumes roughly its own weight, about two grams, in fresh food in 24 hours. 阿红蝗虫成人消耗大约在24小时内自身的重量,在新鲜食品2克。 www.5151best.com 4. For many urban dwellers, the country conjures up images of clean air, fresh food and physical activities. 对于许多城市居民来说,农村总是让他们联想到干净的空气、新鲜的食物和体力活动。 chinese.wsj.com 5. They had arrived too late to grow many crops, and without fresh food, half the colony died from disease. 由于来得太晚,他们错过了种植农作物的时机,有一半的移民因没有新鲜食物死于疾病。 www.360doc.com 6. These plants could provide oxygen, fresh food, and even medicine to astronauts while living off their waste. 这些植物依靠宇航员们的排泄物生存,却能够提供氧气、新鲜的食物、甚至药品。 www.bioon.com 7. Fresh air, fresh food and plenty of sunshine are good to people's health. 新鲜空气,新鲜食物和充足的阳光对人们的健康有益。 zzc2953214.a.lunqun.com 8. The Perishables Group is a consulting company in the fresh food industry. 易腐烂食品集团是新鲜食品行业的一家咨询公司。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. Dandelion is a medicine used along with fresh food, has high nutritional value of health care. 蒲公英是一种和新鲜食物一起食用的药物,它有很高的营养价值。 www.healthweneed.com 10. But his daily emphasis is on fresh food, baking bread, preparing vegetables and planning menus in advance. 但是他日常工作的重点还是在于准备新鲜食品,烘烤面包,准备蔬菜和预先开好菜单。 www.bing.com 1. Fresh food and fresh air. The perfectrecipe for a healthy life. 新鲜食物和新鲜空气。健康生活的最佳处方。 brand.hjenglish.com 2. The unemployment rate fell to an eight-year low in May, and core consumer price inflation, which excludes fresh food, rose to 0. 6 per cent. 5月份失业率降至8年低位,扣除新鲜食品的核心消费者价格指数(CPI)升至0. www.ftchinese.com 3. We have had enough of fast food. We need to eat some fresh food. 我们吃了太多快餐,该吃写新鲜食品了。 www.hxen.com 4. their share of fresh food products in 30%, 10% less than local stores. 其货品中新鲜食品所占比重为30%,比本土店少10%。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The area produces nearly half of the US supply of fresh food. 美国几乎一半的新鲜食品供应来自这里。 dongxi.net 6. When fresh food and water are not available, the camel can feed off its hump . 在缺乏新鲜食物和水时,骆驼能以自己的驼峰为营养来源。 dict.v.wenguo.com 7. Nowadays, people demand healthy and fresh food. 在当今时代,人们的健康和新鲜食品需求。 wenwen.soso.com 8. CO: Any contraband? Any fresh food, live plants, or animals? 官员:有没有任何违禁品?有没有新鲜食品、植物或动物? www.ivyenglish.com.cn 9. Starting today, fresh food sold in supermarkets must have a country of origin label or "COOL" for sure. 从今天开始,在超市出售的鲜肉将贴上出产国或“冷食”标签。 www.kekenet.com 10. Not technically a city, but Dazhai is the best destination in China to enjoy fresh food as well as a stunning natural landscape on one trip. 大寨严格意义上来说并不是一座城市,但在这里不仅能欣赏到美丽的自然风光,还能品尝到新鲜的绿色食品。 edu.163.com 1. Besides the meal and pantry food lockers, a fresh food locker is packed at KSC and installed on the Shuttle 18 to 24 hours before launch. 除了饭和食品室的食品柜,一个新食品柜也在肯尼迪天空中心被打包,并在发射前18-24小时装上航天飞机。 www.bing.com 2. Core consumer prices, which exclude volatile fresh-food prices, fell by 0. 1% in the year to July. 排除可变食物价格的核心消费者价格在年内截至7月份已下降0. www.ecocn.org 3. The problem Wal-Mart has had in store openings is that it can't find fresh food managers as quick as it would like. 沃尔玛在开店过程中遇到的问题是,无法如期尽快找到生鲜食品管理人员。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The refugees are here to sell their camp rations so they can get a greater variety of fresh food with the cash. 难民们在这里出卖他们从难民营里分得的食物,卖了之后,用现金就可以买到种类不同,而且更新鲜的水果。 www.bing.com 5. Buy fresh food whenever possible. 尽量购买新鲜食物。 2plus3.cheu.gov.hk 6. Subway became a major fast food presence in the early 2000s, and one that offered fresh food. 赛百味在二十一世纪初成为主要的快餐提供商,一家提供新鲜食物。 www.kle100.cn 7. Buy fresh food that does not need a lot of packing . 买不需要太多包装的新鲜食物。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Rapid development of sophisticated and complex e-commerce marketplace using HTML5 and CSS3 for fresh food industry. 快速发展的成熟和复杂的电子商务使用新鲜食品工业HTML5和CSS3市场。 www.bing.com 9. Walgreens, a chain of almost 7, 800 drug stores, now has a large selection of fresh food in ten "food oasis" stores in Chicago. 沃尔格林,一家拥有接近7800家分店的连锁药店,现在已经在芝加哥的十家“食品绿洲”商店中拥有一个大的挑选。 www.kekenet.com 10. There's a lot of schools actually getting fresh food into schools. 有许多学校的的确确把让新鲜的食物进入了校园。 www.ted.com 1. The fresh food had better be flown to Beijing. 这些新鲜食物最好空运到北京去。 www.diyifanwen.com 2. Fresh food is more nutrition than cans and packaged foods. 新鲜食物比罐头和包装食品有营养。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Laba porridge is eight kinds of fresh food and then harvested fruits boiled, usually for the sweet porridge. 腊八粥是用八种当年收获的新鲜粮食和瓜果煮成,一般都为甜味粥。 wenda.tianya.cn 4. Fresh food is also more flavorful, so you will feel more satisfied. 生鲜食品也更加美味,会使你觉得更满意。 www.bing.com 5. Still, it does seem reasonable that making it easier to buy fresh food would improve what people eat. 但是,那并不意味着人们购买新鲜食物以改善饮食水平就变得方便了。 bbs.ecocn.org 6. Suanla garlic and fresh food can not and will not, not Chi Feirou, steamed and red around the food, Jishi animal offal. 蒜及酸辣食品一概不食,更不吃肥肉、清蒸和红绕食品,忌食动物内脏。 baike.china.alibaba.com 7. Finally, soldiers were given a salary increase of 20, 000 kyat [US $27] and given an allowance for fresh food. 最后,战士们增加了2万缅币(27美元)的薪俸,并得到了一个福利——新鲜食品。 www.bing.com 8. At retail level, large quantities of fresh food is wasted because of the way it looks. 在零售层面,大量的新鲜食品由于外观不好而被浪费掉。 www.bing.com 9. In dietary instruction, give them fresh food which is easy to digest and nutritious. 饮食应给予易消化、营养丰富的清淡的、新鲜食物; www.dictall.com 10. Mongolian Traditional Fresh food is divided into two kinds of parasites and red. 蒙古族的传统食品分为白食和红食两种。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. We want to buy Food Stuff ( Rice, Sugar, Spices, Dry Fruits, Edible Oil )Frozen and Fresh Food , Metal Scrap. 我们要采购食物(大米,糖,药料,干水果,可食用的油)冷冻和新鲜的食物,金属废料。 easytrade.com 2. There is fresh air and fresh food in the country. 这个乡村有著新鲜的空气和食物。 www.carreviews.cn 3. Breakfast served in the room - lovely and fresh food but nowhere to sit and have it properly . 早餐在房间提供-可爱和新鲜食品,但无处可坐,没有适当的地方可坐。 weike.taskcn.com 4. Vacuum fresh food sweet corn both sweet and crisp. Turn on the bag then edible, if heats up a 4-6 minute taste to be more delicious e. 真空鲜食甜玉米既甜又脆,打开袋子即可食用,如果加热4-6分钟味儿更美。 www.zgny.com.cn 5. One reason for this is that in some poorer neighbourhoods there may be little fresh food on sale. 对此的一个解释是,在一些比较贫穷的地区可能很少有新鲜食品出售。 www.ecocn.org 6. Our restaurant is also very comfortable environment, every day to provide you with delicious fresh food. 我们的餐厅环境也十分舒适,每天为您提供新鲜美味的食物。 www.tostudy.com 7. And we who live in the city can enjoy the good taste of all kinds of fresh food. 而我们这些生活在城市中的人们也可以品味着各种美味的新鲜食物。 hao.luckylvyou.com 8. If you tell the big people to buy fresh food, not frozen food category, we can save more energy, but also on more animals really. 如果告诉大人们购买新鲜的食物,而不是速冻食类,我们就可以省下更多的能源,还能真就更多的动物。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Efficient Planting Technology of the Direct Seeding Hot Pepper Covered with the Mulching Plastic and Multiple Cropping Corn as Fresh Food 地膜覆盖直播辣椒复种鲜食玉米高效栽培技术 www.ilib.cn 10. Improving the advantage of competition of fresh food business in supermarkets by the background of food safe and unpolluted 以绿色安全提升超市生鲜经营的竞争优势 service.ilib.cn 1. Breeding of Good-quality White Waxy Maize-Bailu No. 4 as Fresh Food and Processed and its Cultivation Technique 优质鲜食加工型白糯玉米石糯4号的选育及栽培技术 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on the Genetic Law of Main Nutritional Quality of the Sweet-waxy Maize as Fresh Food 鲜食甜糯玉米主要营养品质的遗传规律研究 www.ilib.cn 3. to ensure hygienic , efficient and orderly marketing and distribution of fresh food produce to retail outlets ; and 确保鲜活食品能在符合卫生的情况下,有效率和有秩序地分发至各零售点;及 www.ichacha.net 4. Correlation and Path Analysis on the Main Nutritional Quality Traits of Sweet-waxy Maize for Fresh Food 鲜食甜糯玉米营养品质性状的相关分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Consumer Behavior Mode of Fresh Food--Comparison of Supermarket and Free Market of Agricultural Products 生鲜食品消费行为模式--超市与农贸市场的比较 www.ilib.cn 6. Study on the Cultivation Technology of Good-quality Corn as Fresh Food 保持鲜食型玉米优良品质性状的栽培技术研究 service.ilib.cn 7. Study on Breeding and Suitable Sowing-time of Fresh-food Com Variety 鲜食型玉米品种的筛选与播期探讨 www.ilib.cn 8. Study on No Social Effects of Pollution Standardization Production Technique of Fresh Food Wax Corn 鲜食糯玉米无公害标准化生产技术 service.ilib.cn 9. Study on the Cultivation Pattern of Maize as Fresh Food in Northwestern Anhui and Southern Henan Province 皖西北·豫南地区鲜食玉米模式化栽培研究 www.ilib.cn 10. three important things for a long old life: fresh air, fresh food, simple life 长寿的三要素:新鲜空气、新鲜食物、简单生活 www.exam8.com 1. Research Progress of Good-quality Maize as Fresh Food 优质食用玉米的研究进展 www.ilib.cn 2. Screening and Application of Fresh Food and Forage Dual-purpose Broad Bean Varieties 鲜食饲草兼用型蚕豆的品种筛选及应用 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Grey Correlative Degree Analysis of Main Agronomic Traits for Fresh-food Waxy Maize 糯玉米主要农艺性状与产量的灰色关联度分析 scholar.ilib.cn 4. A Tactical Study on the Marketing of the Fresh Food in Inland Supermarkets 我国超市生鲜市场的营销策略研究 ilib.cn 5. Management of government fresh food wholesale markets 政府新鲜副食品批发市场的管理 www.info.gov.hk 6. High-yielding Cultivation Technique of Early-maturity Maize as Fresh Food 鲜食玉米育苗移栽早熟高产栽培技术 www.ilib.cn 7. The Thinking about Scientific Management of Fresh Food Delivery 关于科学管理生鲜配送的思考 www.ilib.cn 8. Effect of Fertilizing Potassium on Water-solubility Sugar and Yield of Fresh-food Sweet Corn 施钾对鲜食甜玉米水溶性糖及产量的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. Continuous Location Model of Fresh Food Process Distribution Centers based on Improved Genetic Algorithm 基于改进遗传算法的生鲜加工配送中心连续选址模型 service.ilib.cn 10. The Risk Management of the Chain Fresh Food Supermarket 连锁生鲜超市的风险管理 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Facilities Culture Technique on Mature Early fresh Food Maize 鲜食玉米设施栽培 www.ichacha.net 2. Evaluation of Fresh Food Corn Varieties and Quality Standards 鲜食玉米品种品质评价及标准的探讨 service.ilib.cn 3. Good-quality and High-efficiency Cultivation of Maize as Fresh Food 果蔬型鲜食玉米优质高效栽培技术 service.ilib.cn 4. the configuration of distribution center of fresh food chain supermarket based on baumol - wolfe method 法连锁生鲜超市配送中心的布局 www.ichacha.net 5. The Profit Analysis of JIT Distribution in the Fresh Food Logistics 生鲜物流JIT配送效益分析 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Fresh food with a longer shelf life 更长保质期的新鲜食物 www.ccag.com.cn 7. Breeding and Selection of Fresh - food Waxy Corn Variety 沿江地区早熟优质高产鲜食糯玉米品种的筛选 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Compared Experiment in the Maize Varieties as Fresh Food 秋播鲜食糯玉米品种比较试验 www.ilib.cn 9. Primary study on comparison test of fresh - food waxy maize 鲜食糯玉米品种比较试验 www.ichacha.net 10. Planting Technique of Non-polluted Maize as Fresh Food 无公害鲜食玉米种植技术 service.ilib.cn 1. Poor access to fresh food is a solvable health problem 难于接近新鲜食品是一个可以解决的健康问题 www.hxen.com 2. The aspect and changing of consumption of fresh food 生鲜消费方式的变化及其影响 service.ilib.cn 3. Fresh food management in H. K. Supermarkets 香港超市的生鲜经营 service.ilib.cn 4. Business Processes of Fresh Food Check 生鲜商品盘点的流程 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Fresh food distribution center of JingKeLong 京客隆生鲜食品配送中心 service.ilib.cn 6. Report on the Bi-annual Planting of Peanut as Fresh Food 鲜食花生一年两作研究简报 www.ilib.cn 7. New ideas of management in fresh food section 生鲜部门的管理创新 service.ilib.cn 8. The Experiment in Waxy Corn for Fresh Food 鲜食糯玉米双交种应用试验 www.ichacha.net 9. Breeding Report on the Hybrid Waxy Maize-Fengluo 2004 as Fresh Food 鲜食糯玉米杂交种凤糯2004的选育报告 service.ilib.cn 10. The Current Situation and the Trends of the Fresh Food Wholesale Market in Japan 日本生鲜食品批发市场的现状与动态 www.commerce.sh.cn |
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