单词 | by noon | ||||||||||||||
释义 | by noon
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 到中午为止,到中午时,在中午之前 1. By noon of the next day, the story was all over Tarrytown. 到第二天中午,故事便传遍了整个塔利镇。 big5.cri.cn 2. When he told me the difficult job had to be finished by noon, it was the straw that breaks the camel's back. 他告诉我这件困难的工作要在中午前完成,这可实在让人难以承受。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But why are we prepared to give up on the day by noon while pending work mounts, and there is so much more to generally go through? 但是,当紧迫的工作在增加,有很多事需要去处理时,我们为什么要在一天的中午就放弃呢? www.santaihu.com 4. C. By noon the letters were in an airport in Oregon. Mail trucks then took them to post offices. One of these was in Dave's town. 当天中午这些信件就抵达了俄勒冈的机场,然后邮政车把它们运往当地邮局,其中一些信就是发往戴夫所在的城市。 www.hjenglish.com 5. By noon, half of the children are crying, including the birthday girl, who throws herself onto the ground and refuses to get up. 到中午的时候,一半的小孩哭起来了,包括小寿星,在地上打滚就是不起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The day was hot and clear in the morning, but by noon the clouds had pushed up out of the west rolling a little sultry air before them. 那天,早晨的时候还烈日炎炎,晴空万里。到了中午,云层就从西方堆积翻滚而来,空气变得潮湿闷热。 www.ebigear.com 7. The airport was closed Saturday morning and at least one flight was canceled. It was expected to resume operations as normal by noon. 机场在周六早上被关闭,至少有一家航班被取消,有望在中午恢复正常运营。 www.bing.com 8. By noon, the soldiers soaked clothes, the march was also slow down the pace, several soldiers had collapsed and the weak side of the road. 到了中午时分,士兵的衣服都湿透了,行军的速度也慢下来,有几个体弱的士兵竟晕倒在路边。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 9. It's likely that this meeting won't last long. It should be over by noon. 很有可能会议不会持续太久。中午的时候应该结束了。 www.crazyenglish.com 10. They were rushed to a military field hospital and were out of danger by noon. 这些居民在中午时分赶到战地医院,脱离了毒气的危险。 www.ourtra.com 1. Jennilyn Utkov, a spokeswoman for LeBonheur, said the hospital received about 100 doses. By noon, the supply had been depleted. LeBonheur的一位发言人乌彼特夫说,到中午时,医院所收到的100剂量疫苗以使用一空。 www.bing.com 2. The snug professional blouses that fit my bust in the morning did not fit by noon. 早晨穿着舒适合体的职业装到中午就不像样了。 www.bing.com 3. It was a journey of only twenty-four miles, and they began it so early as to be in Gracechurch-street by noon. 这段旅程不过二十四英里路,他们启程很早,为的是要在正午赶到天恩寺街。 www.ebigear.com 4. Waking up by noon, excessive internet surfing, even your posture may be contributing to your apathy. 睡到中午才起来,上网时间过度,甚至你自己的仪态都会让你越来越心灰意冷。 www.bing.com 5. Some trains were delayed yesterday due to the accident, but traffic had resumed by noon, a ministry spokesman said. 由于这场车祸,昨日部分列车被延误,但到中午时交通恢复正常。一个政府发言人说道。 www.elanso.com 6. The results were due to be announced by noon on Monday, but that deadline has been missed. 预计结果将于周一中午宣布,但已经超过了这一期限。 www.tingclass.com 7. If we receive your laundry before 3pm, we will get it back to you by noon the next day. 如果您的衣服是下午3点送洗的,我们将在第二天中午前把您的衣服送回给您。 www.bing.com 8. By noon each day, I had already had so many cups of tea and so many chocolate biscuits that I hardly felt like lunch at all. 每天不到中午,我就喝下了无数杯茶,吃了无数饼干,根本不想吃中饭了。 bbs.newacad.com 9. There is no doubt that he will arrive by noon. 毫无疑问,他中午前一定会到达。 wenku.baidu.com 10. I'll get you to the airport by noon, come hell and high water. 不管有多大困难,我都会让你在中午时到达机场。 www.1stenglish.com 1. More than 680 residents had been rescued by noon and the water level in the county seat had started to retreat. 截止到当日中午,680多人已经被救,水位也有所下降。 group.2u4u.com.cn 2. Critiques and assignments should be completed by noon, the day before class meets. 评论和作业应在下次课前一天中午以前完成。 www.myoops.org 3. Joseph Needham gets to his office by noon and still works a five-hour day. 李约瑟每天十二点准时来到办公室,仍然维持一天五小时的工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. We were required to complete the whole job by noon yesterday, but we couldn't make it. 我们被要求在昨天中午以前,完成这整个工作,但我们做不到。 5. Tony: The printing shop said they'd be in by noon, but my hands are tied on the second batch until I get the campaign slogan from Tina. 托尼:印刷店说他们中午前可以印好,但是没有蒂娜给我的竞选口号,这事没法做。 www.bing.com 6. By noon he was far beyond the little bayou , farther into the new and alien country than he had ever been . 中午时他早已过了小河,深入了他从来未到过的新鲜而生疏的地方。 www.bing.com 7. Guests should check out of their rooms by noon. 客人必须在中午以前办理退房手续。 www.eol.cn 8. By noon, ate lunch, and ultimately, coupled with a cup of tea. 到了中午,吃了午餐之后,少不了配上一杯奶茶。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The guy whaled into the logs and had a nice woodpile by noon. 那小子干劲真大,到中午时就劈了一大堆柴禾。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 10. Yes, just handwrite a list. And give it to me by noon tomorrow. 是的,手写一份就行。明天中午以前给我。 bbs.xmfish.com 1. Well, guess what, the kids and I wanna have some fun, too, so unless you call me back by noon, we are getting on a plane and joining you. 你看…孩子们和我也要出去玩玩了,除非你中午之前给我回电话,否则我们会坐飞机过来找你。 www.qzmama.org 2. By noon on Tuesday, the pavement on Soledad Avenue was lined with vehicles in both directions. 上周二中午,在索勒达大街路面内衬有两个方向的车辆。 www.englishtang.com 3. By noon, the scene overflow with thousand who have come to buy and come to browse at this craze carnival of wonders and wares. 到了中午,这里就成了一个大卖场:成千上万的人涌到这里浏览和购物。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. By noon, the scene overflow with thousand who have come to buy and come to browse at this crazy carnival of wonders and wares. 到了中午,这里便是另一副景色:几千人来此参加疯狂的嘉年华,购买和参观这些惊奇的商品和小玩意。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Don't bother me. I'm working against the clock to finish this project by noon. 别烦我,我在赶时间呢,这个项目必须在中午以前完成。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. It doesn't matter, I'm sure they are OK. Take a rest if you feel tired. . . I think we shall leave by noon. . . 没关系。他们肯定没事。如果你累了就休息一下吧,我想我们中午前就该走了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. By noon on Tuesday, more than 12 hours after the blockage began, the frustration and anxiety were mounting. 到了周二中午,在塞了超过12个钟头后,被困人员变得越来越沮丧和焦虑。 dongxi.net 8. By noon, because the sun father so happy, so bright in the sun even more. 到了中午,因为太阳公公太高兴了,所以阳光就更明媚了。 www.tradeask.com 9. The work will have been finished by noon. 到中午的时候,工作就会完成了。 www.labahua.com 10. A: Well, we have to be there by noon. Don't you have anything earlier? 嗯,我们中午前要到那里,你们没有早一点的吗? 22eng.com 1. That momentum will carry you throughout the day so by noon you've already got your most important tasks done. 而且这种动量会伴你一整天,通常你一天中最重要的任务就会在前半天完成。 www.foodmate.net 2. We should be able to reach our destination by noon. 我们应该可以在中午之前到达目的地。 hiscore0607.wordpress.com 3. Locke! I told you I need those TPS reports done by noon today. Locke! 我告诉过你我在今天中午前需要这些TPS报告。 www.tingclass.net 4. By noon that day we reached an abandoned zinc mine where we had hidden more water. 那天中午,我们抵达了一个废弃的锌矿,在那儿我们藏有更多的水。 wiki.jukuu.com 5. He reasoned that we would arrive at the town by noon if we started off immediately. 他推测如果我们立即出发就会在中午时分到达那个小镇。 k8edu.com 6. Some people who felt well in the morning became sick by noon and were dead by nightfall. 有些人早上感觉还不错,到中午病倒,傍晚就死了。 www.kekenet.com 7. You can come tomorrow. They should be ready by noon. 明天中午前按理应该准备好了。 www.smxs.com.cn 8. With an early start he should be here by noon. 动身得早,他中午就该到这里了。 www.ebigear.com 9. He reasoned that if we started at dawn , we would be there by noon. 他推断,我们要是黎明出发,中午就能到。 www.hjenglish.com 10. The work have been finished by noon. 到中午的时候,工作就完成了。 video.etiantian.com 1. By noon, the soldiers were walking slower and slower. 到了中午,士兵们走得越来越慢。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. By noon, it is generally easier to fall asleep, especially those who are quitting smoking. 到了中午,一般人都容易犯困,正在戒烟的人更是如此。 www.xiami360.com 3. Less common Fine, I can be ready by noon. 好的,到中午时我会准备就绪。 www.5yhua.org 4. She pitched into the work and had the house cleaned up by noon. 她拼命地干,到中午前后便把房子打扫干净了。 www.bing.com 5. The results sent Blackstone shares down 7 per cent to $22. 57 by noon in New York, delivering a blow to the buy-out group's management. 上述业绩使得百仕通股价截止纽约市场交易午盘下跌7%至22.57美元,对这家收购集团的管理层构成了打击。 www.ftchinese.com 6. They would be there by noon. 他们中午就能到。 52english.diy.myrice.com 7. You can finish the job by noon if you put your back to it. 如果你真使劲的话,中午前你就能完成这项工作。 www.bing.com 8. The letter will have been mailed by noon. 这封信在中午以前可以寄出去。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. That baby will have slept for five hours by noon. 那婴儿再继续睡到中午就睡了五个小时。 www.bing.com 10. By noon, we came to the canteen, we eat in the cafeteria for lunch. 到了中午,我们又来到食堂,我们在食堂吃午饭。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. The books should be in your hands by noon. 这些书应在中午之前交到你手上。 www.kekenet.com 2. Departing guests are asked to check out by noon. 离开旅馆的宾客须在中午前办理结账手续。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The notices state that all residents must vacate the area by noon on September 19. 所有居民在九月十九日中午之前必须离开这个地区。 www.hrw.org 4. By noon he was far into the alien country. 中午他已经深入了这个陌生的国度的腹地。 www.kekenet.com 5. Will you be able to finish your work by noon? 你可以在中午之前做完工作吗? www.hxen.com 6. You must be at the airport by noon at the latest. 你最晚得在中午前抵达机场。 flc.zjgsu.edu.cn 7. The storm clouds had dispersed by noon. 暴风云到了中午便消散了。 former.livid.cn 8. A: Good, I need this information by noon. 好极了,中午前我就要这个资料。 www.kekenet.com 9. Do you think the rain will stop by noon ? 你认为中午前这雨会停吗? www.wdjyzx.com 10. Morning-glories upfold their flowers by noon. 牵牛花在中午时就合上了。 1. We will have the work completed by noon tomorrow. 到明天中午我们将把工作做完。 www.teachercn.com 2. Your laundry will be back by noon on Thursday. 您星期四中午来拿洗好的衣服。 dict.hjenglish.com 3. Gvie it to me by noon tomorrow. 明天中午之前给我。 bbs.kooaoo.com 4. She went shopping. She'll be back by noon. 她去买东西去了。她中午前回来。 www.hxen.com 5. eg. --Do you think it'll stop by noon? 你认为中午之前雨会停吗? zhidao.baidu.com 6. I must get away from Beijing by noon. 我必须在中午以前离开北京。 bbs.enfamily.cn 7. It rained heavily this morning, but it cleared up by noon. 今天早上雨下得很大,不过到中午就放晴了。 e.3edu.net 8. Get your work finished by noon. 在午饭之前把你的工作做完。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. We should plan on being done with things by noon, our flight out is at 4pm. 我们最好能在中午前把所有的事都搞定,下午四点,我们就要坐飞机离开了。 www.loveunix.net 10. I have complete determination to finish this project by noon. 我完全有决心在中午之前完成这个项目。 www.putclub.com 1. Do you think it'll stop by noon? 你认为它会在中午停止吗? www.lgfz.com.cn 2. I'll get through this work by noon. 我会在中午以前完成这项工作。 z.tougao98.com 3. I'll have arrived there by noon. 在中午前我就会到那里了。 wenku.baidu.com 4. I was they would get me in by noon. 我以为他们在中午时就可以接待我们。 weike.taskcn.com 5. Have your work done by noon. 正午之前要把你的工作做完。 hao.3kmux.com 6. You are to finish the work by noon. 你必须在中午以前完成工作。 forum.com-edu.cn 7. Can you contrive to be at the station by noon? 你能设法在中午前赶到车站吗?。 ltlt198018.blog.163.com 8. I must get the work finished by noon. 我必须在中午前把这份工作做完。 files.eduu.com 9. By noon, more than 147, 000 people had "Liked" the post. 很快,就有十四万七千多人“喜欢”了这一内容。 kk.dongxi.net 10. Laundry received before 10 am will be returned by 6 pm the same day; if received before 3 pm, by noon the following day. 上午10点之前收到的衣服,当天下午6点送回;如果是下午3点前收到的,第二天中午送回。 www.englishint.com 1. By noon this day, you will be dead man. 到今日中午,你就是一个死人了。 www.mynit.net 2. Laundry received before 10 am will be returned by 6 pm the same day; if received before 3 pm, by noon the following day. 上午10点之前收到的衣服,当天下午6点送回;如果是下午3点前收到的,第二天中午送回。 www.englishint.com 3. To get back by noon. 中午就回来。 wuzhenjun.com 4. She'll be back by noon. 她中午回来。 www.ebigear.com 5. The policy at every hotel in China is that you check out by noon to avoid being charged extra. 在中国,每家旅店规定在中午前结账,否则旅客就得多交费。 www.51jy.com.cn 6. I don't think I can make it by noon. 我想我中午赶不上了 blog.hjenglish.com 7. I need it by noon. 我中午之前要。 www.5ibooks.com 8. Do I have to get it done by noon? 我必须在中午以前做完吗? z.tougao98.com 9. By noon, two people are hungry and can not on the road, how do? 到了中午,两个人都饿了,可路上没有饭铺,怎么办呢? www.bing.com 10. A: I'm afraid not sir. We can have it ready by noon. 甲:先生,我想不行,我们可在中午完成。 my.putclub.com 1. A: I'm afraid not sir. We can have it ready by noon. 甲:先生,我想不行,我们可在中午完成。 my.putclub.com 2. e. g. I will be back by noon. 我将在中午之前回来。 wenku.baidu.com 3. By noon you raise a sea of stars 一片比以前更黄更灿烂的星海 wenwen.soso.com 4. He has to finish the work by noon. by 他必须在中午之前完成工作。他必须在中午之前完成工作。 wenku.baidu.com |
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