单词 | fishing for | ||||
释义 | fishing for
例句释义: 拐弯抹角地打听,寻找 1. Like the win universal praise the story of the fisherman: a fisherman at sea fishing, fishing for a few received rod ready to go home. 就像那个脍炙人口的渔夫的故事:一位渔夫在海边钓鱼,钓了几条就收了杆准备回家。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Lionel asked me how things were going at work, but I suspect he was just fishing for information that might be helpful to his own company. 莱昂内尔问我工作情况如何,不过我怀疑他只是想探听一些可能对他自己公司有帮助的消息。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. As one of the most playful members of the Animal Kingdom, otters are often pictured fishing for food and interacting with one another. 水獭可谓是动物王国最可爱的动物之一,经常被拍到捕食和相互嬉戏的照片。 www.hxen.com 4. Was it a case of fishing for honour with Breton's silver hook, or indulging in Gay's luxury surpassing every other personal enjoyment? 是布雷顿所说的沽名钓誉,还是沉湎于盖伊所谓的“超越任何其它个人享乐的乐趣”? www.ftchinese.com 5. If you think you only need a business plan to go fishing for capital, you are sorely mistaken. 想开创自己的事业?在落笔写创业计划书之前,你可能需要看看这些建议 www.bing.com 6. Granville Island began life as nothing but barren sand, where nearby waters offered rich fishing for the local Indians. 格兰维尔岛最初只是一片贫瘠的沙地,它周边的海域为当地的印第安人提供了丰富的渔业资源。 wiki.jukuu.com 7. I don't hope you think that I'm fishing for a compliment, but have you had time to take a look at my new handwriting work? 我希望你不会我在求取赞赏,不过你有看一看我的新书法作品呢? www.ttxyy.com 8. Ben and a number of his friends were fishing for minnows at the edge of an inlet. 本和他的一些伙伴在一个小水湾边钓鲦鱼。 www.jukuu.com 9. I am now bound by money and power, just as fish fisherman fishing for fear of being the kind of fear of the Internet. 我现在被金钱与权力束缚着,就像鱼儿担心被渔夫捞上网的那种恐惧。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. " That's what I was fishing for, " replied the soldier as he threw down his gun, pocketed the discharge and immediately left camp. 士兵回答说:「这就是我要钓的东西。」他抛下枪,把退伍书放进口袋,马上离开军营。 forum.bomoo.com 1. And he has bought into a top-tier banking franchise, rather than bottom-fishing for distressed assets. 他入股了一家顶级银行,而没有抄底问题资产。 www.bing.com 2. There was a young man called Fisher who was fishing for fish in a fissure. 有一个叫费希尔的年轻人在一个裂缝中捞鱼。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Fishing for a decent apartment is so excruciating rimmed with a lot of uncertainties. 租房子是一件非常烦人的事情,会遇到各种各样的不确定。 word.hcbus.com 4. Though only limited dolphin fishing occurs today, they continue to be threatened by commercial fishing for other species. 虽然现在已经出台捕捉海豚限令,但是他们的生存环境仍受商业捕捞或者其他物种的威胁。 www.bing.com 5. Jessie played at fishing for her boyfriend's sake. 杰西为了男朋友假装对钓鱼有兴趣。 www.hotdic.com 6. She played at fishing for her boyfriend's sake. 她为男朋友假装对钓鱼有兴趣。 7. "Heck, we're going fishing for bass later today, " he told some of the others in the room, gesturing over to his teenage daughter. “嘿,我们打算晚些时候去钓鲈鱼,”他对房间里的其他人说,一边对十几岁的女儿打手势示意。 www.dic123.com 8. Of course there are others, including members of the French government, who profess that there is no downside to fishing for Chinese aid. 当然也有一些人,包括法国内阁成员,认为寻求中国的帮助没有有利无害。 bbs.m4.cn 9. When she showed me her new dress, I could tell she was fishing for a compliment. 当她给我看她的新裙子时,我看得出她是想要我夸奖她一番。 bazaari.bokee.com 10. Although retailers are constantly fishing for more customers, it seems that most of the in-store promotions they offer have little effect. 报道说,近年来英国零售商不断地试图吊起顾客的胃口,但多数商店店内打折促销的措施基本没什麽效果。 big5.cri.cn 1. It annoys me the way that new girl is always fishing for compliments when she talks to the men. 那个新来的姑娘同男子说话时总是想要别人恭维她,我感到讨厌。 www.hotdic.com 2. Fishing for flashcards use a fishing pole with a magnet and try to catch the flashcard called out by the teacher. 小朋友们把老师说出来的单词或短语用钓鱼杆把相应的图片钓起来。 www.jydoc.com 3. Then it would seem that the disciples went back to their fishing for a short period. 之后,门徒似乎有一段短时间回去作捕鱼的老本行。 blog.163.com 4. You've watched me fishing for three and a half hours. Why not try fishing yourself? 你看我钓鱼已经好几个小时了,为什么不试一试呢?。 www.ziran1.com 5. Spooked by media attention, the fishermen have been warned to dock their boats and stop fishing for bodies. 由于受到媒体关注所引发的惊吓,打捞者被纷纷警告将船只停靠在岸并停止搜寻尸体。 dongxi.net 6. Jerry was always fishing for an invitation to Bob's house. 杰里总是暗示他想被邀请到鲍伯的家去。 dict.hjenglish.com 7. Bridge has a couple of paragraphs on the family name to the seller soil brewing wine, fishing for a living. 桥旁有对姓段的夫妇,以卖家酿土酒,打鱼为生。 wenwen.soso.com 8. For 30 years, Warren Guidroz has been fishing for crab out of this town, nicknamed the end of the world. 30年来,一直是沃伦吉德罗斯螃蟹捕捞出这个城市,绰号是世界的末日。 bbs.5i5i.cn 9. I'm running the percentages, hitting 10 spots in three hours, fishing for the most aggressive fish on each of those spots. 我只是照着一定的比例,在三个小时内钓完10个标点,把每个标点里最活跃的(攻击性最强)鱼钓到。 www.freelure.cn 10. They waved the tickets high in the air, fishing for desperate foreigners with fat wallets. 票贩们在空中挥舞着门票,希望钓到钱包鼓鼓的迫切需要门票的外国人。 2008.qq.com 1. The upper channel line on the daily chart is too modest a target when you are fishing for an impulse move. 如果你是跟踪冲动波动,日线图上的通道上线是可靠的目标。 www.bing.com 2. You can swim with dolphins , gambol with newborn lambs , whale -watch at sea or go fishing for trout in pristine streams and rivers. 你可以与海豚同游、与新生羊羔嬉戏、在海上观鲸,或是在纯净旳溪流中垂钓鳟鱼。 zatan.huajiajie.com 3. the strip published on January 14, 2008 had a "roof fish" sitting on top of the panel fishing for the characters. 在2008年1月14日出版的漫画中,在漫画格子上方出现了“屋顶鱼”像钓鱼一样钓故事中的角色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. With over 150 illustrations and proven advice, Fly Fishing For Dummies is a great primer on fly fishing's essential elements. 逾150插图和证实忠告,捕捞假人飞蝇钓鱼是一个伟大的底漆的要素。 customersdeals.com 5. Don't keep saying your English is poor. Your English is really great ! I think you are just fishing for compliments ! 不要一直说你的英文很烂啦!你的英语真的很好,我想你只是在求取赞赏吧! www.bing.com 6. During the 1990s, commercial fishing for horseshoe crabs increased dramatically. 90年代,马蹄蟹的商业捕捞急剧增加了。 www.bing.com 7. The case of conventional fishing, fishing for big carp and even more so. 常规钓鱼如此,钓大鲫更应如此。恕不赘述。 tieba.baidu.com 8. I am minded to go fishing for trouble, with a heavyweight copyright lawyer. 我倒是有意带个著作权法权威的律师,悠悠哉哉的去找麻烦。 chihuahu.blogspot.com 9. Parents often are reaching for a credit card instead of fishing for dollars. 父母们经常使用信用卡,而不是现金进行支付。 www.bing.com 10. Go ice-fishing for a weekend, or find some strippers in Vegas. 周末去冰上钓鱼,或者去拉斯维加斯看脱衣舞演员。 www.elanso.com 1. Three years earlier Jane had observed chimps fishing for termites with plant stems. 三年前珍妮发现大猩猩用植物茎吊食白蚁。 www.bing.com 2. But when talks turns to limits on fishing for small, schooling fish, then resistance crops up. 但是,谈判转向限制小,鱼群,然后抵抗作物的捕捞。 www.maynet.cn 3. I've heard about fishing for fish only. This is my first time for me to hear about fishing for crabs. Where should we go for that? 我只听说过钓鱼。这可是我第一次听说钓蟹。那我们上哪儿去钓啊? club.pojaa.com 4. To avoid overfish, fishermen in this area stop fishing for one month every year. 为了避免过度捕捞,这个地区的渔民每年休渔一个月。 blog.ielts.com.cn 5. I hope you don't think I'm fishing for a compliment, but have you had a chance to read my new book? 我希望你不要以为我是要你恭维我。不过,你有没有看过我的新书? www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Residents of this coastal village depend on fishing for their livelihood. 这座沿海村庄的居民靠捕鱼维生。 www.bing.com 7. Even chimpanzees' imitation is limited to a small range of behaviors, such as methods of fishing for termites . 连黑猩猩的模仿都只发生在非常小的行为范畴中,例如以树枝钓白蚁吃的方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Agents went "fishing" for customers, mailing live checks to leads. 代理人寻找客户,给他们寄随时可用的支票。 www.bing.com 9. I hope you don`t think I`m fishing for a compliment, but have you had a chance to appreciate my new handwriting work? 我希望你不会认为我在求取赞赏,不过你有没有欣赏我的新书法作品呢?反映不错,我倒是想听听你的意见。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Island residents fishing for the industry. 岛上居民以捕捞为业。 qingdao.qite8.com 1. Puffin parents dig nesting burrows into the cliffs, and spend their days fishing for their families. 海雀父母们在悬崖峭壁上筑巢嵌穴,日复一日地捕鱼养家。 www.24en.com 2. Sometimes he goes fishing for the whole day but catches nothing. 有时候他钓一整天,但什么也没钓到。 www.qiyeku.com 3. Italy is to stop fishing for bluefin tuna for 12 months, Agence France-Presse said. 法新社称,意大利计划实行12个月的蓝鳍金枪鱼禁捕令。 hellolily490858009.blog.163.com 4. And when I wanted to go fishing for trout, have I ever hesitated to dismiss you? 当我想钓鳟鱼的时候,我不是随随便便就给你们放假吗? www.ebigear.com 5. After taking a closer look, this man was not fishing for fish, but for money. 走近一看才发现,这名男子不是钓鱼,而是「钓钱」。 www.ctcvn.org 6. Born in winter, they complete their growth in time for summer's ice breakup , when they go fishing for themselves. 它们在冬天出生,在夏季冰雪融化时及时成长,那时它们要开始自己出海捕鱼。 dict.kekenet.com 7. I think he was just fishing for compliments . 我认为他纯粹是为在博取他人对他的赞美。 www.bing.com 8. No eating fish or fishing for the month of November. Web site up soon. 在每个十一月不要垂钓或吃鱼。 www.chinadialogue.net 9. Jin is too yuan, Wuling people fishing for the industry. 东晋太元年间,有个武陵人以捕鱼作为职业。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Some people in Nanjing spend their days "fishing for cats, " often stealing pets, the report said. 报上称在南京有一些人专门花时间去到处逮猫有时候也会偷。 www.bing.com 1. He makes his living diving for urchins and fishing for lobster. 他让他的生活海胆和龙虾捕捞潜水。 www.maynet.cn 2. t gone fishing for two years. 我有两年没去钓鱼了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But heavy fishing for tuna and other predatory fish is allowing the squid to flourish. 过度捕捞金枪鱼和其它的食内鱼类造成了乌贼的泛滥。 www.elanso.com 4. He earns a living diving for urchins and fishing for lobster. 他赢得了海胆和龙虾捕捞潜水生活。 www.maynet.cn 5. They go fishing for a living . 他们靠打鱼为生。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Obsessing aloud, on the other hand, is a way of fishing for pity, a means of extorting attention. 然而,不断提起则是在捞取人们的同情,一种强取注意力的方式。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. "I was fishing for octopi, " explained Samphire. “我来这里是为了钓章鱼。”巴奇钦说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. You are fishing for very big fish, and you need plenty of room. 你在钓大鱼,你需要更多的空间。 www.bing.com 9. Is fishing for these giant catfish legal? 捕捞这些巨鲶合法么? www.bing.com 10. "These are the managers fishing for high alpha [strong returns] outside the deep, liquid markets of the US, " he says. “这些基金管理公司希望在深不可测、流动性强的美国市场以外,取得超高的alpha回报。”他表示。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Here is one fishing for pickerel with grown perch for bait. 这里有一位,是用大鲈鱼来钓梭鱼的。 www.for68.com 2. He planed to go fishing for salmonon Sunday. 他计划星期天去钓鲑鱼。 www.godict.com 3. He would go fishing for their genes. 他想要钓病毒基因。 www.bing.com 4. I'm fishing for an answer. 我正在搜索答案。 www.tjyz.org 5. On Tuesday, he goes fishing for a big salmon . 星期二,他去钓一条大鲑鱼。 www.hjenglish.com 6. I go fishing for about two hours every week. 我每周钓两个小时鱼。 wenwen.soso.com 7. herbert Hooer , 31st U. S. president , published more than 16 books , including one called Fishing for Fun-and to Wash Your Soul . 美国第31任总统赫伯特-胡佛共出版了至少16本书,其中一本名为《垂钓之乐——清洗你的灵魂》。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Simon went fishing for to catch a whale. 西蒙出外捕鲸鱼。 www.jukuu.com 9. I've been fishing for 20 years, all different fisheries. 我在不同的渔场捕龙虾已经有20个年头了。 www.24en.com 10. Note the egg fertilization at this time is over, and then fishing for species of fish from the hatchery containers. 说明此时卵子受精已经结束,再将种鱼捞离孵卵容器。 img3.zhubajie.com 1. I go fishing for pleasure . 快乐,娱乐,高兴 wenku.baidu.com 2. I think he's just fishing for compliments. 我想他不过是在沽名钓誉。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. He has been fishing for compliments. 他一直在沽名钓誉。 www.bing.com 4. Audience friends, if you have a chance to visit Panjin, you better have a try at the fun of fishing for crabs. 观众朋友们,您要是有机会来盘锦,一定要来体验一下钓螃蟹的乐趣。 club.pojaa.com 5. I am fishing for an answer. 我正在摸索答案。 bbs.bjzk.net 6. When I ask my friend if she likes my new dress, I was fishing for a compliment . 我问她是否喜欢我的新衣服时,其实是想让她夸我几句。 www.hxen.com 7. We won't go fishing for eels, for example, until wattles start flowering and the animals start moving, and the full moon comes. 我们不会去钓鳗鱼,比如,直到藤蔓开始开花,动物开始出来游动,满月出现。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Instead of fishing in the lake, I will give you the opportunity of fishing for men and helping them to believe in me. 不要再出海捕鱼,我会给你机会,让你得人如得鱼,带领他们相信我。 www.wheatseeds.org 9. Are you fishing for a compliment? 你是在引我夸你吗? www.24en.com 10. Even before I began playing the guitar, I had a great love of the outdoors, in particular, fly-fishing for trout. 还是在开始弹吉他以前,我有许多户外爱好,尤其是抛饵钓鱼。 bbs.guitarchina.com 1. Are you fishing for a compliment? 你是在引我夸你吗? www.24en.com 2. Even before I began playing the guitar, I had a great love of the outdoors, in particular, fly-fishing for trout. 还是在开始弹吉他以前,我有许多户外爱好,尤其是抛饵钓鱼。 bbs.guitarchina.com 3. Are you fishing for an interview? 你想采访我吗? q.sohu.com 4. I am a man fishing for more than 20 fish, of which there are a few catties heavy, I play very happy. 我是一个20多鱼,捕鱼人,其中有一重几斤,我发挥很高兴。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Technology of grinding and milling for down hole fish and fishing for downhole MWD instrument in slim hole horizontal wells 小井眼水平落鱼磨铣与MWD仪器打捞技术 www.ilib.cn 6. We went fishing, though fishing for a long time, but only caught a small fish 我们先去钓鱼,虽然钓了很长时间,只钓了一条小鱼。 wenwen.soso.com 7. you can go there fishing for the moon 你可以到那里捕鱼的月亮 wenwen.soso.com 8. Even in the afternoon You can go there fishing for the moon 在这里,你甚至可以在午后垂钓月光 zhidao.baidu.com |
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