单词 | for now |
释义 |
例句释义: 眼下,目前,暂时,现在 1. For now, the USC team is busy trying to broaden Bandit's social skills and enhance its ability to read and react to a child's mood. 目前,南加州大学团队正忙于拓宽班迪特的社交技能,提高其阅读能力和对孩子情绪的应对能力。 www.bing.com 2. But the issue seems to be on the back burner, at least for now. 但是这个问题似乎暂时被搁置一旁,至少目前是这样。 bbs.koolearn.com 3. "Well, it's too much, anyhow, " said Carrie. "I ought't to be made to pay for it. I've got more than I can pay for now. " “可是,不管怎么说,这数目太大了,”嘉莉说,“不该要我付这笔帐的。现在我已经是入不敷出了。” www.bing.com 4. One of our problems is that WS-BPEL is WSDL 1. 1 only, at least for now (and I'm not aware of any effort to update it for WSDL 2. 0). 我们的一个问题是WS-BPEL只支持WSDL1.1,至少迄今为止还是这样(而且我没听到任何关于要把它升级到WSDL2.0的消息)。 www.infoq.com 5. Cut back on your spending in any way you can, at least for now as you try to get out of debt. 尽量用任何方式减少你的开销,至少现在就开始尝试摆脱债务。 www.bing.com 6. But for now, she said, replacing sugary, high-calorie drinks with water would be a good idea for anyone. 但现在,她说,水取代含糖,高热量的饮料,对任何人都将是一个好主意。 bbs.tnbz.com 7. We leave the store with the cold medicine and a box of American Kleenex. At least for now you can still blow your nose without China. 买了一盒感冒药和美国产的面巾纸,我们离开了百货店。至少现在擤鼻可不用中国制造。 www.24en.com 8. for now my only aim is to take juventus back into serie a , if i cannot achieve this then i won ' t be here next season . 现在,我唯一的目标是将尤文带回甲级,如果我不能完成任务,下赛季我将不会留在这。 www.ichacha.net 9. It seemed as if he thought a while, for now he arose and turned the gas out, standing calmly in the blackness, hidden from view. 看样子他好像思考了一会儿,因为这时他又爬了起来,关掉了煤气灯,镇静地站在黑暗之中,谁也看不见他。 www.bing.com 10. "For now, the data suggest that Chinese growth has stabilised but is not, so far at least, on the rebound. " “目前而言,数据表明,中国的经济增长已经稳定下来,但至少到目前为止,还未开始反弹。” www.ftchinese.com 1. i thought it was just for the blizzcon show, but it's how th egame is in full, at least for now. 我觉得这好像是为嘉年华特殊设定的,但起码到目前为止是这样的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Try to put the rest of the clutter out of your mind for now and just deal with the task at hand. 试着暂且忘掉其他的杂乱,只处理手头的工作就好。 www.bing.com 3. For now, however, China's GDP is still less than half that of America's. 但是,就目前而言,中国的GDP仍然不足美国的一半。 www.stnn.cc 4. For now, however, Dandong is where North Korea meets the world; in so far as such a closed country cares to meet it at all. 而单就现在来说,丹东仍是朝鲜面对世界的窗口,也是这个封闭的国家与外界的唯一接触。 www.bing.com 5. For now, at least, the Gulf states -- and their economies -- seem to have dodged a bullet. 至少到目前为止,海湾各国和他们的经济似乎已经躲过了一劫。 dongxi.net 6. For now, the episode appeared to take its place in a long series of provocations South Koreans have gotten used to. 目前来看,这段波折跟韩国已经习惯的一系列挑衅似乎没有什么两样。 c.wsj.com 7. I wish I could say something optimistic at this point. But at least for now, I don't see any light at the end of this tunnel. 在这一点上但愿能说一些乐观的事情。但是至少现在,我看不到这条隧道图端头的任何光亮。 blog.163.com 8. But for now, he says, 'it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, so we'll call it a duck until proven otherwise. ' 但对于目前,他说,既然它走起来像只鸭子,叫起来也像只鸭子,那么在证明它不是鸭子之前,我们就把它当作鸭子好了。 chinese.wsj.com 9. One is the fact that it will rely, at least for now, on manufacturing by other companies, reducing its ability to drive down costs. 第一,至少现在,戴尔还将依赖其它公司的生产,这削弱了戴尔降低成本的能力。 blog.163.com 10. It would have the major advantage that it would not require any changes to the European Treaties, at least not for now. 它最大的优点是,不必对各项欧洲条约进行任何修改,至少就眼下来说不用。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The change and write permissions are quite well handled in Microsoft Active Directory, so please do not worry about this for now. 写入和修改权限的问题在MSAD中很好的解决了,所以现在不用为这个烦恼了。 www.bing.com 2. For now we do not know exactly what happened there on Wednesday night and are unlikely to find out for another 48 hours. 到现在为止,我们都不知道周三晚上到底发生了什么,估计再过48小时我们也搞不清楚。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I will try to bring some more in the coming weeks but for now if you know of any please feel free to share the link with the rest of us. 在接下来的几周里我会带来更多。而此刻我希望您能在悦目之余抽暇将此链接与他人共享! treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Mr. Rose didn't rule that out, but said the company had no current plans to do so and was focused on virtual goods for now. 罗斯并未排除这一可能性,但他说,眼下Facebook并无此计划,目前该公司的重点放在虚拟商品上。 c.wsj.com 5. For now, Google's algorithm reigns supreme. But it is still too early to tell if it will be a permanent fixture. 目前,谷歌的算法仍占据绝对优势。但若就此断定这种格局将长期存在,还为时过早。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Some in this camp are far more circumspect and argue that administrative reform might be the best route, for now at least. 有些右派人士更为谨慎,他们认为,至少对现在而言,行政机构改革可能是最好的一条路径。 www.bing.com 7. For now, the world's diplomats will have to get used to shaking hands with a wanted war criminal when they deal with the president of Sudan. 目前而言,当和苏丹总统打交道的时候,世界上的外交家们得要适应同一个被通缉的战争犯握手。 www.ecocn.org 8. If it's hard to know where the Britney carnival is headed, at least for now there's a glint of self-consciousness to go with all her antics. 如果这是你很难知道那里布兰妮嘉年华为首的是,至少在目前有一个闪烁的自我意识去与她所有滑稽的动作。 tieba.baidu.com 9. "Honey, let Mom and Brian take care of him for now, " I said. “宝贝儿,现在让妈妈和布赖恩去照料他。”我说。 www.24en.com 10. Reddit's Edberg said the company is sticking with Amazon for now, but "we always have our eyes open for something that's superior. " Reddit的Edberg说,公司现在还在和亚马逊一起坚持,但是”我们总是关注着,看是否有比亚马逊更好的产品“。 www.bing.com 1. Though the Next Levels and Westwinds may be the face of the future, for now, they're just a quirky minority. 尽管新水平和西风教堂可能是未来发展趋势的代表,不过现在,他们还只是古怪的少数派。 www.bing.com 2. But for now analysts work with a snapshot of that genome, represented by an arbitrary number of markers spaced along it. 但目前为止,分析人员都是使用基因快照做鉴定,即在基因中任意选取几个标记点做分析。 club.topsage.com 3. One would have hoped that rising wealth would have an impact on these decisions, but for now things actually seem to be getting worse. 人们以前认为逐渐富裕的生活也许会改变人们这种倾向,然而实际上现在情况似乎越变越糟。 www.bing.com 4. For now we have to keep working on the system, settle down as a team, get things right and just try to win the next game. 现在我们要在教练的体系下努力训练,尽快完成磨合,让一切回归正轨,赢下这场比赛。 www.ept-team.com 5. So I think it is worth it to postpone it for now for a few years of my career to give a few years of my life to the children's life. 因此,我觉得把自己的事业往后推迟几年,把我生命中的几个年头给予我的孩子是值得的。 www.zftrans.com 6. While the technology remains in limited use for now, advertising industry analysts say it is finally beginning to live up to its promise. 尽管该技术目前仍处于有限的应用当中,但广告业的分析人士认为它最终将会达到预期的目标。 www.bing.com 7. Continental is the only major U. S. airline not charging for meals in coach and Southwest has shunned a la carte pricing, at least for now. 大陆航空是不收取餐费的惟一一家美国主要航空公司,而西南航空也废除了定价收费,至少目前如此。 www.bing.com 8. Despite their plan's gaps, Mr Rudd and Penny Wong, his climate-change minister, seem to have got the politics right, for now. 尽管陆克文和他的气候变化部长PennyWong的计划之间存在差距,但是到现在他们在政治方向是对的。 www.ecocn.org 9. For now do I persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I would not be a servant of Christ. 我现在是要得人的心呢?还是要得神的心呢?我岂是讨人的喜欢吗?若仍旧讨人的喜欢,我就不是基督的仆人了。 www.occca.net 10. With details scarce for now, analysts struggle to understand Google's move into a highly competitive business in which it has no experience. 由于目前还未获悉细节,分析人士难以理解:谷歌为何要进军一个竞争异常激烈而自身毫无经验的市场。 cn.reuters.com 1. We are likely to see this thing wind down, for now, although that could be proven wrong as well. 我们很希望看到局势缓和,尽管有可能会被证明是错的。 www.bing.com 2. For now, Microsoft seems to be staring down the Google threat, especially with large business customers. 目前,微软看来还未把谷歌的威胁放在心上,特别是它拥有巨大的商业客户基础。 c.wsj.com 3. And, for now at least, China's banks are delivering growth for the economy and a return for investors. 至少目前来看,中资银行正为国民经济带来增长,为投资者带来回报。 chinese.wsj.com 4. "But for now, I'd love to work in an air-conditioned office, " he said. 张说:“但是对于现在来说,我更希望能在一间有空调的办公室里工作。” www.bing.com 5. Triumph said it had sought a patent for the eco-bra, although it has no plans for now to put it on general sale. 黛安芬公司说,公司已为这款环保文胸申请了专利,但目前还不准备在市场上销售。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. For now, however, Beijing seems to be enjoying the fruit of its impressive re-branding campaign. 现在,北京正享受这场令人印象深刻的运动带来的果实。 big5.china.com 7. At least for now you have to treat this as just a dangerous gig you have to get through safely and efficiently. 至少在目前的情况下,你就像是正碰上一辆危险的两轮马车,你得安全巧妙地避开它。 www.bing.com 8. But don't be, as impossible as it may seem to you, for now. 但是不要这么觉得,不管这对你现在来说有多难做到。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. For now, a spate of rough weather in the southern Mediterranean seems to have slowed the rate of new arrivals. 现在,一个在地中海南部恶劣天气一连串似乎减缓了新移民率。 www.englishtang.com 10. She did not press charges at the time, and her lawyer says she will not do so, for now. Tristane当时没有起诉他,同时她的律师说,目前为止,她不准备起诉。 www.ecocn.org 1. His invitation has so far not been accepted, so for now the Mona Lisa will no doubt continue to smile enigmatically. 他的邀约尚未被接受,蒙娜丽莎就继续保持她或者他神秘的微笑吧。 www.hjenglish.com 2. But his bottom line was that, for now, the top priority would be fighting a recession rather than fighting inflation. 但是就目前而言,他的底线在于,现在最首要的任务是遏制经济衰退,而非通货膨胀。 www.tianya.cn 3. For now, he said, he's holding out for a salary of at least $300 a month. 他在用一杯热巧克力焐手。目前他在等待至少300美元月薪的机会。 www.bing.com 4. The junta seemed confident it had beaten the life out of the protests, for now at least. 缅甸军政府似乎相信它已平息了抗议活动,至少目前如此。 www.ecocn.org 5. For now, however, the bank's capital markets business is not contributing much to that fee income, but this is a factor of the market. 然而目前,该银行的资本市场业务并未对手续费收入有大的贡献,这其中有市场本身的因素。 www.bing.com 6. For now, rejected by her mother, the palm-size primate is making do with a warm quilt instead of her mum's belly and chest. 眼下,这只被妈妈抛弃的手掌大小的灵长目动物正将就着在一个温暖的被窝里而不是在她妈妈的胸怀里。 bbs.putclub.com 7. Fortunately, we don't need them, so it's unlikely that this will be a problem, at least for now. 幸运的是,我们不需要它们,所以至少现在没有问题。 www.ibm.com 8. Although the crisis seems to have abated for now, it's just one episode of a period of intense political turmoil for Thailand, a key U. 尽管这场危机现在似乎已经过去,但它仅仅是泰国这个美国反恐及贩毒战争的盟友经历的一段激烈政治动荡中的一个插曲。 www.bing.com 9. At least for now, that is a little bit of evidence that these problems are solvable and markets could move higher. 至少就目前而言,这说明问题是可以解决的,而市场有望走升。 cn.reuters.com 10. Bertha was astonished that he should wish to see her, and a little annoyed, for now of all times his presence would be importunate. 伯莎为他居然会想看望她而吃惊,并且有点儿气恼,因为他的出现如今较之任何时候都更令她憎厌。 www.bing.com 1. But for now, avidly embracing the digital frontier is the best prospect the U. S. has for generating the kind of growth that creates jobs. 但是目前,对于产生能创造就业的增长来说,去热情拥抱数字前沿是美国最好的前途。 www.bing.com 2. Shopping for anything expensive would not be a good idea just yet, so for now, put off the acquisition of expensive items for June. 但是购买任何昂贵的东西仍旧不是个好主意,至少目前是这样,推迟这些采购到6月份吧。 www.hjenglish.com 3. For now, however, I'd complete the Subject property as if it were a meta description. 但就目前而言,我完全就好像它是一个元描述的主体属性。 www.b2c-seo.com 4. Bryant left Staples Center as he entered it -- a member of the Lakers for now and for the foreseeable future. KOBE还是如他踏入斯台普斯中心一样离开——作为湖人的一员以及可以预见的将来。 www.bing.com 5. So far, the relationship with the colleagues in the office is all right, since for now no one has the direct benefit connection with me. 至于与办公室的同事关系,到目前为止一切正常,毕竟现在还不会有谁跟我有些什么利益冲突。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The great rebel advance of the weekend appears to have been halted in its track for now at least. 叛军的周末大进攻目前似乎已经被停止了。 bbs.koolearn.com 7. After seeing the water cut-off notice, everyone began to stock water. For now, the reserved water is enough to meet need for a whole week. 看到停水通知后大家都开始储水,目前贮备已经够一个星期使用了。 www.websaru.com 8. Bird and swine flu might have receded for now, but the top candidate for a global pandemic remains: a novel strain of flu. 禽流感和猪流感可能暂时退去了,但全球范围传染病爆发的头号候选依然是:新的流感株。 www.bing.com 9. His dream: to one day run a factory of his own. "But for now, I'd love to work in an air-conditioned office, " he said. 他的梦想是有一天能够拥有一家属于自己的工厂,“但是现在,我更希望能在一间有冷气的办公室里工作”,他说。 www.bing.com 10. But for now, DSC manufacturers' job is still to pick a spot, find a growth opportunity, flesh it out and define it a new fault line. 而对数码相机制造商来说,眼前要务是选好一个立足点、找到一个成长机会,并想办法将之扩大、定义出一个新的市场分界线。 www.tiantianbt.com 1. But for now just being able to take her to the track seems enough. 但现在看来,她能回到赛场已足够令人满意了。 2004.sina.com.cn 2. At least for now, I don't have to worry so much, " he said. " I just have to show up to work and make sure I do well. 他说:“至少现在,我不必担心这么多了,我只需要上班,并确保我干得好。” www.bing.com 3. They maintained a lot of gorse, at least for now, and I think it's going to be the best of the four courses. 他们保留了很多的金雀花,至少现在有,而且我觉得这是四个球场中最好的一个球场。 www.igolfyou.cn 4. For now she saw herself in the autumn of her life, while it was spring for her son. 现在她觉得自己的人生到了秋天,儿子的人生则正在春天。 bbs.3gbbs.com 5. It is up to you to live your dreams. For now I'm going to continue to plan my round the world trip and continue to follow my dream. 追寻你的梦想完全取决于你自己。对我来说,我会继续计划并追寻我的环游世界之梦。 www.bing.com 6. For now, say senior European officials, this is just a precautionary step, to be ready to act quickly should it be needed. 到现在,欧洲高级政府官员说,这仅仅是预防性的一步,为迅速行动做好准备,这些是有必要的。 www.ecocn.org 7. Yet, at least for now, China implicitly relies on the U. S. Navy to guarantee the sea-lanes along which that oil is shipped. 但至少目前为止,中国还完全依靠美国海军来保证该国进口石油所经航道的安全。 chinese.wsj.com 8. After several weeks of scandal and fury, Nashi seems to have been called off by its masters, at least for now. 丑闻和暴动发生后的几个星期,Nashi的活动看来被其首脑叫停,最起码暂时是这样的。 www.ecocn.org 9. For now, Google is actually asking users not to download Chrome for the Mac and Linux just yet, unless they are ready to be disappointed. 目前,谷歌实际上也希望用户不要急于下载这个Mac和Linux版本的Chrome浏览器,除非他们已经做好面对失望打击的心理准备了。 www.bing.com 10. For now, he's trying to mortgage property to help pay for the refunds. 现在,他只能试着靠财产抵押来偿还。 www.ecocn.org 1. But for now Rio appears committed to Chinalco and is not able to prepare investors for a "Plan B" , even if it has one. 但目前看来,力拓对中铝忠心未改,即便有一套“B方案”,也无法让投资者为此做好准备。 www.ftchinese.com 2. For now, at least, all Middle East roads seem to lead through China. 至少到目前为止,似乎所有中东路线都通向中国。 www.bing.com 3. We have seen this cycle before, and for now it looks as if it will repeat. 以前也出现过这样的循环,现在看起来这种情况似乎会重演。 www.bing.com 4. For now, you can think of it as a way to run shell commands, as long as you remember that you'll only see standard output. 现在您可以将它看作运行shell命令的一种方法,但要记住您只能看到标准输出。 www.ibm.com 5. One option would be to run a wider auction process, and another would be to put any plans to sell the business on ice for now. 一个方案是进行更大范围的拍卖程序,另一个方案是将出售该业务的计划目前暂时搁置。 chinese.wsj.com 6. For now, what matters is how much trouble the president is in after November. 就眼下而言,重要的是11月过后,总统先生会遇上多大的麻烦。 www.ftchinese.com 7. "For people to have a sense of peace and hope and quiet they need trust, " he said. "For now there is no trust and hope. " “对民众而言,和平与希望乃建立在信任的基础之上,”他说,“可是现在既没有信任也难见希望。” www.bing.com 8. For now, Russo's doctor has advised her to stay on the medicine. And she has a checkup scheduled in a few weeks. 从现在开始,Russo的医生建议她停止使用这个药物,在几周内给她进行一次预约检查。 www.med66.com 9. Domestic products are just beginning to gain a foothold --for now, they are unable to compete in volume or price with imported brands. 才刚起步的本土咖啡业,在产量和价位上一时还无法与进口咖啡相比。 enews.url.com.tw 10. The parties will meet again in the coming days, but Inzaghi isn't ready to budge, at least not for now. 在未来的几天内他们将继续谈判,但小因似乎不准备做出更大的牺牲,至少是现在。 dict.bioon.com 1. Domestic products are just beginning to gain a foothold --for now, they are unable to compete in volume or price with imported brands. 才刚起步的本土咖啡业,在产量和价位上一时还无法与进口咖啡相比。 enews.url.com.tw 2. The parties will meet again in the coming days, but Inzaghi isn't ready to budge, at least not for now. 在未来的几天内他们将继续谈判,但小因似乎不准备做出更大的牺牲,至少是现在。 dict.bioon.com 3. He said: "There was an approach from Arsenal, but for now nothing is concrete. " 巴松说:“阿森纳提出了一个方案,不过到目前还不是具体的。” groups.tianya.cn 4. Hugely popular on leaving office in 2006, any ambition he might have to win the presidency again in 2009 looks stalled, for now at least. 2006年,辞职广为流,至少目前看来,他在2009年再获任期的任何企图都不得不作罢。 www.ecocn.org 5. For now, you don't have to prepare too much for it, but it would be good to daydream a little about what you hope will happen. 现在,你不必对此考虑太多,但是对于将要发生的事情稍稍来一点意淫也不错。 www.motie.com 6. Such a possibility appears to have been averted for now, but inklings of further trouble are not far from the horizon. 现在似乎已经消除了这种可能性,但发生更多问题的迹象依然隐约可见。 cn.reuters.com 7. Here at Nakuru, they have found a place with food and a new harmony; at least, for now. 在那库鲁,它们发现了一个充满食物和全新和谐的地方,至少现在是。 qac.yappr.cn 8. He may be waving a big stick at Albany, but he is speaking softly and, for now, seems to be avoiding Mr Spitzer's propensity to arrogance. 他也许会对阿尔巴尼的政客们挥舞大棒,但是他态度婉转,旨在避免重蹈施皮策傲慢的覆辙。 www.ecocn.org 9. Reassuringly, at least in its relations with America, China for now seems to be guided more by pragmatism than by competition. 令人放心的是,中国目前至少在其与美国的关系上的指导思想是实用主义而不是竞争对抗。 www.ecocn.org 10. For now, feel free to browse and view what Taylor has experienced in just a few years while having fun singing and yodeling. 现在,免费浏览什么看法和感受泰勒在经历短短几年玩乐而唱聊。 www.hgnu.com 1. For now, feel free to browse and view what Taylor has experienced in just a few years while having fun singing and yodeling. 现在,免费浏览什么看法和感受泰勒在经历短短几年玩乐而唱聊。 www.hgnu.com 2. For now, just as he commands the confidence of his people, the new president inspires admiration worldwide. 目前,正如他赢得了美国人民的信心一样,这位新总统也博得了全世界的赞美。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Indeed we are and happy to be conversing with you once again. We have moved into a HIGHER place of residence for now. 我们当然在,而且很高兴与你再次的交流。现在我们已经走入一个更为高阶的居住地。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. For now, Kremlin critics say, the government appears to be trying to disrupt opposition Internet postings, rather than block them. 批评克林姆林宫的人士说,目前来看,俄罗斯政府似乎只是试图对反对派在网上发布消息进行干扰,而不是把他们屏蔽掉。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Japanese stocks are back in vogue, at least for now, despite lingering worries over dismal economic prospects and the strong yen. 日本股市重新受到欢迎,至少目前是如此,尽管对黯淡经济前景和日圆走强的担忧依然存在。 chinese.wsj.com 6. For now, at least, the opponents of harsh sentencing seem to have struck out. 至少现在,反对严判的人们似乎已经出局了。 www.jukuu.com 7. For now, in any case, the two exchanges will slug it out--across the Irish Sea as well as across the Atlantic. 现在,无论如何,这两家交易所都要放手一搏---战场横跨爱尔兰海洋和大西洋。 www.hzmba.net 8. Editor's Note: For now, we will have to ask you to trust that these calculations are correct. 编者注:到现在,我们必须请你相信这些计算是正确的。 www.bing.com 9. But at least for now, I'm sticking with print books. There, I said it. 但至少现在,我还是比较爱纸质印刷的书本,说真的。 www.bing.com 10. This moment my former notions of deliverance darted into my thoughts, for now I found I was like to have a little ship at my command. 这时候,我那争取解放的老念头,突然又出现在我的脑子里,因为我觉得我现在已经有一只小船可以随我支配了。 1. This moment my former notions of deliverance darted into my thoughts, for now I found I was like to have a little ship at my command. 这时候,我那争取解放的老念头,突然又出现在我的脑子里,因为我觉得我现在已经有一只小船可以随我支配了。 2. For now, the only inter-governmental body with a say over the region is the Arctic Council: its mandate is narrowly environmental. 眼下,唯一对该地区具有发言权的政府间机构就是“北极理事会”(ArcticCouncil):其职权仅仅在于环境方面。 www.ecocn.org 3. My office is also in the ballroom, and while I would love to be able to move my studio out of my house, for now this is a great set-up. 我的工作室也在这个舞厅里,尽管我希望能把办公地点搬到别处去,这里布置的还是很舒心。 www.bing.com 4. After the second austerity vote was passed in Greece, market fears about a possible default have been put to bed for now. 希腊通过第二轮财政紧缩计划之后,有关其违约的忧虑已暂时平息下来。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. [font=Verdana]For now, most of the top brass at the global car firms are just watching and waiting to see whether Tata can pull it off. [font=Verdana]就目前来说,大部分跨国汽车公司的高层仍然持观望态度,看塔塔是否能从荆棘中脱出。 www.ecocn.org 6. For now I need to establish if he is truly committed to the programme, and so far all seems to be well. 因为我需要确定他是否确实到了这个阶段,迄今似乎一切都还不错。 www.ftchinese.com 7. For now, at least, the group has the attention of the White House, party leaders and the media. The dogs are having their day. 至少此刻,白宫、党派领导和媒体都聚焦于他们,昔日默默无闻的蓝狗正风光无限。 www.ecocn.org 8. In the future I'm hoping I can get her to a local track to do these workouts, but for now the treadmill will be a good training tool. 在将来我希望我能让她去当地的田径场上进行这些训练,但是现在跑步机是一个很好的训练工具。 www.bing.com 9. Anything that I clearly and distinctly perceive to be true is true or at least so it seems for now. 任何我清楚明白感知到将是真实的事物,都是正确的,至少目前看来似乎是这样。 open.163.com 10. And he said, For now Jehovah hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land. 他说:「耶和华现在给我们宽阔之地,我们必在这地昌盛。」 www.spring4life.org 1. For now, anyway, the stock market seems to be confident that the economy will revive. 目前来看,无论如何股市似乎对经济将复苏充满信心。 www.bing.com 2. For now, it appears that the dream might have to wait for his great-grandchildren. 现在看来,这一梦想只有等他的重孙辈去实现了。 dongxi.net 3. There's too much vested in the system, intellectually, financially, for Europe to abandon it, at least for now. 这个机制内部有太多的既得利益,情报上的,也财政上的,欧洲至少在现阶段要放弃这些利益。 www.bing.com 4. But for now , recession risks are enough to trump the allure of cheaper money , at least as far as equity traders are concerned . 但就目前而言,衰退的风险足以胜过资金成本下降的吸引力,至少对股市交易员是如此。 www.bing.com 5. for now shall I sleep in the dust; and thou shalt seek me in the morning, but I shall not be. 我现今要躺卧在尘土中。你要殷勤地寻梢我,我却不在了。 www.ebigear.com 6. Application bottlenecks aside for now, scaling the application's hardware is usually described as being done horizontally or vertically. 现在先不考虑应用程序瓶颈。扩展应用程序的硬件通常有两种方式:水平扩展和垂直扩展。 www.ibm.com 7. And while for now most Chinese citizens are not ready to challenge the government openly, many are happy to be onlookers. 眼下,尽管大部分中国网民还不打算公开挑战政府,许多却乐意做个围观者。 www.ftchinese.com 8. 'We are still awaiting this guidance, ' Mr. Davis said in a statement announcing that the bank would retain its dividend level for now. 戴维斯说,我们仍在等待这方面的指导。他宣布银行会暂时维持当前的股息水平。 chinese.wsj.com 9. For now, museums seem to be presenting their permanent collections with pride. 从现在开始,博物馆似乎以展出他们自己的永久性收藏为荣。 www.bing.com 10. I'm gonna TRY, (and I'm sure I won't be perfect) but yes I'll try to live a hint more in the moment for now. 我会去尝试,(我确信那不会是完美的)但是的,我会尽力生活在此刻。 evan-taubenfeld.5d6d.com 1. For now, take a look and let us know what you think. 现在,简单了解一下并让我们知道你的想法。 www.bing.com 2. For now, it seems as if the repatriates are in seclusion while intelligence officials question them. 就目前来看,在情报机关对这些归国间谍问询期间,他们将处于隔离状态。 dongxi.net 3. For now, let's make it a simple array. 现在,让我们把单词列表制作成一个简单的数组。 www.ibm.com 4. For now, Caterpillar and the other proponents of quiet diplomacy seem to have the upper hand. 目前,卡特彼勒及其他安静外交的支持者似乎占据着上风。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Currently the programme is in stage 1. For now only a few pieces of kit have been installed in Jerez Black, the colour of the exterior. 目前节目在阶段1。成套工具仅一些个片断在赫雷斯黑色暂时被安装了,外部的颜色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. For now, the conservative opponents seem to be winning; a local court has called the current plan incompatible with the surroundings. 目前,保守的反对者似乎要获得胜利;当地法庭已经宣称当前的计划同周边环境不相宜。 www.ecocn.org 7. But for now, Liverpool will go into the next couple of weeks thinking of what could have been. 但现在,利物浦必须开始思考在接下来的几周里球队该怎么调整。 www.jczqw.com 8. He said more research was needed, but for now, "I think the market is running way out in front of the science. " 他说需要更多的研究,但不是现在。“我想市场正抢在科学前。” www.bing.com 9. Aha, pay notice to be sent to right wing of the hotel - for now its the only one renovated. 哈哈,最好能分到右侧的客房-目前为止,只有这一侧的客房装修过。 weike.taskcn.com 10. But he said for now, fighting inflation remained the top priority in most of the developing world. 但他称,就目前而言,遏制通胀仍是多数发展中国家的头等大事。 www.ftchinese.com 1. So for now at least, Bashar appears to have opted for a crackdown over change. 因此,至少在目前,巴沙尔似乎已选择了镇压而不是变化。 www.bing.com 2. SAP officials were cagey about positioning SAP Enterprise Search as a standalone enterprise search tool -- for now at least. 至少在目前,SAP官方很谨慎地把SAP企业搜索作为一个独立的企业搜索工具。 www.mynetweaver.cn 3. For now, it has got approved, and is bound to be great impact when it is carried out in 2008. 我国内、外资企业所得税率差异很大,两税合并目前已经获得通过,2008年具体实施后将会对企业利润造成较大影响。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. For now, he and other scientists said, the new work is valuable for showing that stem cells can be produced through cloning in monkeys. 对于现在,他和其他科学家说,新工作对表明通过克隆猴子来得到干细胞是很有价值的。 www.bing.com 5. Regional experts say while that may solidify his path to succeed his father, for now there is no doubt that Kim Jong Il remains in charge. 有关专家说,尽管这可能为金正银稳固接班铺平道路,但目前金正日毫无疑问地仍在掌控全局。 www.voanews.com.cn 6. For now, commodity producers are the winners from the developed world's attempt to escape the follies of its financial system. 目前看来,在发达国家试图逃避自身金融体系“蠢行”的过程中,大宗商品出口国成了赢家。 www.ftchinese.com 7. But at least for now the Tripolitans are not cheering all that much. 但至少现在,的黎波里人不会太高兴。 www.bing.com 8. For now, the president seems to have the upper hand. 就目前而言,吴登盛似乎占据着上风。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But for now you can follow in the footsteps of Morgan Freeman, who walked through the market in the latest Batman movie "The Dark Knight" . 但你可以暂时跟随摩根弗里曼的足迹,他在最新的蝙蝠侠系列电影《黑暗骑士》中就穿行过这个街市。 www.bing.com 10. Digital cameras still have the upper hand in terms of image quality, at least for now. 就图像质量而言,数码相机仍然具有优势,至少目前的情况如此。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Yet strong sales are backing up the hype--at least for now--suggesting something about the devices has caught on with consumers. 强势的销售还在支持着炒作-至少目前-可能有关的设备已经吸引了一些消费者。 www2.17bdc.com 2. For now, her son has on his father's blue coat. 'I thought I would wear it for a while, ' he says. 眼下陈镜云就穿着一件父亲的蓝色外衣,他说,我想我将会继续穿一阵子。 www.bing.com 3. For now, the pattern of China's overseas oil dependency is complementary to that of the US. 眼下,中国的海外石油依赖模式与美国模式互补。 www.ftchinese.com 4. For now, do not buy any expensive electronics, appliances, gadgets, furniture, jewelry, or other pricey things in May. 现在开始,不要买任何贵重的电子产品…家俬、珠宝,或者其他昂贵的东西,直至五月完结。 www.hjenglish.com 5. At least for now, the deal has calmed fears of a system-wide financial crisis in Europe. 至少从眼前来看,方案平息了投资者对欧洲发生系统性金融危机的担忧。 chinese.wsj.com 6. For now, it could help navies struggling to police the vast area of the Gulf of Aden and along the rest of the Somali coast. The U. 眼下,中国海军可能会给在亚丁湾及索马里广阔水域吃力维持秩序的国际力量助以一臂之力。 www.xici.net 7. For now, Sadr is undoubtedly pleased by his opportunity to have a key vote in who becomes the next prime minister. 现在,萨德尔无疑对自己握着下届总理选举的关键一票而高兴。 www.bing.com 8. Google and Apple are definitely growing apart as they continue to compete, but with the iPad, at least for now, they seem cool. Google和苹果之间的竞争越来越激烈,但iPad,至少在目前来看,让两家公司看上去保持克制。 dongxi.net 9. For now, all I could do was encourage him and say the rest of the IMF money would be available as soon as it could make a difference. 那时,我能做的只是给他鼓劲,说只要俄罗斯情况有所改变,国际货币基金组织的其余贷款就会到位。 www.bing.com 10. But there is no sign for now that either the Palestinians or the Israelis are ready to compromise on their position. 但是现在没有任何迹象表明巴勒斯坦或者以色列准备对其立场作出妥协。 www.englishtang.com 1. But there is no sign for now that either the Palestinians or the Israelis are ready to compromise on their position. 但是现在没有任何迹象表明巴勒斯坦或者以色列准备对其立场作出妥协。 www.englishtang.com 2. For now, at least some of its neighbors appear willing to accept a larger Japanese military presence. 到目前为止,至少其部分邻国似乎愿意接受更大的日本军事存在。 dongxi.net 3. That is all for now, we leave, but we will connect with you again as the calendar once again starts to unspool the new year. 这就是所有我们想说的,我们要离开了,但我们会再次与你联系,就像日历再次开始展现新的一年。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But regardless whether the number is fact or fiction, China's people are living it as a reality and with no end in sight for now. 但是不管怎么样,无论数字是真是假,中国老百姓只能面对现实,永无止境地等待。 www.bing.com 5. Mrs Merkel's allies are not satisfied but, for now at least, are probably stuck with her. 尽管默克尔的联盟并不满意这样的结果,但至少现在,他们仍跟随着默克尔。 www.ecocn.org 6. Most analysts argue that, for now, both sides need each other, but no one is ruling out a time when the NOCs may hold the upper hand. 大多数分析师认为,眼下双方彼此需要,但没人排除有朝一日国有石油公司有可能占据上风。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. But for now at least we did not matter anymore. 但是至少目前大家都没事情了。 wenwen.soso.com 8. "No, we have to be really careful with the trophies and for now we have to keep this [one] away from Sergio Ramos, " laughs Arbeloa. “不,我们真的需要小心的保存这些奖杯,现在我们需要让这个(大力神杯)离拉莫斯远点--。”阿韦洛亚大笑。 www.lfcbbs.com 9. Just as US economic prestige has dwindled, its political appeal, at least for now, is on the ascendant. 就在美国经济威望低落时,其政治影响力却不断上升,至少眼下是这样。 www.ftchinese.com 10. For now, there is no reason to believe a default is imminent or that the banks would be unable to handle the Greek storm. 眼下,没有理由相信违约的风险已经迫在眉睫,或者说银行业一定无力应对希腊风暴。 www.fortunechina.com 1. For now, there is no reason to believe a default is imminent or that the banks would be unable to handle the Greek storm. 眼下,没有理由相信违约的风险已经迫在眉睫,或者说银行业一定无力应对希腊风暴。 www.fortunechina.com 2. The South Korean government seems to be more intent for now on bailing out its shipping and building industries. 韩国政府似乎更倾向于救援其轮船业和建筑业。 club.topsage.com 3. For now, Mr Yang's school is holding out, with a diesel generator and cans of water supplied by well-wishers. 现在,杨校长的学校正靠柴油发电机和热心人士提供的桶装水维持着。 club.topsage.com 4. Like I said, I'll be famous one day, but for now I'm stuck in middle school with a bunch of morons. 正如我刚才所说,我总有一天会飞黄腾达,不过现在呢,我却身陷中学之中,周围还有一群白痴。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The company years ago decided that building a separate dealership was too expensive, at least for now. 多年前该公司就认为开辟新的品牌经销商成本太高,至少现在仍是如此。 www.bing.com 6. Who dares wins. At least for now, that has summed up the year's results for investment banks. 者无敌,至少目前来看,这是对今年投资银行业绩状况的最好归纳。 www.bing.com 7. But the data, at least for now, support Toyota's assertion that electronic defects in its cars aren't behind the incidents. 不过,至少在目前,数据支持了丰田此前做出的有关汽车电子系统缺陷并非事故原因的说法。 chinese.wsj.com 8. For now, China's buoyant market is strong enough to help the industry weather traditional seasonal downturns. 眼下来看,中国市场足够强劲,能够帮助汽车行业经受住传统的季节性低迷。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But for now, it is enough that the worst of the nightmare seems to be over. 但对目前来说,该行业最糟糕的恶梦似乎要结束了就已足够。 www.ecocn.org 10. For now, many of Beijing's young professionals will have to put up with cramped accommodations and a shortage of personal space. 现在,许多年轻的北漂不得不在适应狭小的蜗居生活之余,面对缺少个人空间的窘境。 dongxi.net 1. Even many who proposed taking a more assertive stance against America often argued that such a posture was not for now. 即使是在建议对美国采取更强硬立场的阵营中,也有许多人经常主张,现在还不是采取这种姿态的时候。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Mom: I forgive you for now. But none of that chocolate till next Halloween! 妈妈:我暂时原谅你们,但是你们得等到下次万圣节才可以吃那个巧克力! www.hjenglish.com 3. Still, if it is a major purchase, research or negotiate for now and delay until end of the month when Mercury retrograde will be over. 但如果是大宗消费,目前就先调研和讨论,把它推迟到月底的水逆结束之后。 horoscopes.blogbus.com 4. For now, the crescent phase of Venus remains easy to enjoy with binoculars in November's dawn skies. 目前,在11月的黎明天空中,你都可以轻易通过双目望远镜看到金星月牙形的相。 www.bing.com 5. For now, suffice it to say that an instance interceptor creates a proxy to filter incoming calls directed at the intercepted instance. 现在,一句话说明,实例侦听器创建一个代理来筛选针对已截获实例传入的调用。 msdn.microsoft.com 6. The bust has at least produced cheaper housing, as well as (for now) curing the Irish of their property obsession. 银行破产至少推出了价格低廉的住房,以及(就现在来说)治愈了对其房地产痴迷的爱尔兰人。 www.ecocn.org 7. This bill is the best we're going to get for now because the corruption of public life in the United States has not been addressed. 这份法案已经是目前我们所能得到的最好结果,因为美国公共生活中的腐败问题还没有得到解决。 www.bing.com 8. For now, few governments in Asia seem ready to issue inflation-linked securities. 目前,似乎很少有亚洲政府准备发行通胀挂钩证券。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In any case, for now PC makers still seem to be off the hook. 不管怎样,电脑厂商目前似乎暂时摆脱了困境。 www.bing.com 10. Two of the patients in the trial underwent a full recovery, at least for now, and one patient showed significant improvement. 至少到现在为止,接受研究病人中有两位完全恢复,另一位病情有明显改善。 www.bing.com 1. At least for now, the needs of most firms are simple: making sure that data are collected regularly and can be audited. 至少在目前,大部分公司的需求很简单:确认能够收据数据和经常检查数据。 www.ecocn.org 2. For now, Haiti is at least benefiting from the international attention. 目前而言,海地至少正在从国际关注中获益。 dongxi.net 3. This compromise will do for now, especially given the general public's acceptance of the corner shop approach. 这个方法在眼下行得通,特别是考虑到公众普遍接受街角小商店式的财政管理方法。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Corporate bonds are still priced for an extremely nasty recession, but the Armageddon trade is off, for now at least. 公司债仍在消化极为严重的经济衰退带来的影响,但却已走出低谷,至少目前是这样。 www.bing.com 5. As I said before, for now we'll ignore the possibility that the goal keeper could stay put. 正如之前所说的,现在我们先不考虑,门将可能选择留在中路的情况。 www.bing.com 6. But for now, the dapper 31-year-old Harvard graduate and former Goldman Sachs banker is not sitting on his hands. 但在目前,这位现年31岁、干净利落的哈佛大学(Harvard)毕业生、前高盛(GoldmanSachs)银行家并不是无所事事。 chinese.wsj.com 7. For now, concern about the loonie is muted, because most companies adapted to a stronger exchange rate during its previous run-up in 2007. 现在,对加元的关注是温和的,因为大多数公司先前适应了2007年的时候更坚挺的汇率。 www.ecocn.org 8. For now, default worries still seem to be confined to the CDS market. 眼下,对美国违约的担忧似乎仍然局限在CDS市场。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Each one of these is an interesting property, but for now you are interested in the qualifier property. 这些属性都是可能用得到的,但暂时只介绍qualifier属性。 www.ibm.com 10. For now, I'd like to share with you some blogs from real women who have chosen to be gestational surrogates. 现在,我要给你看一些博客,上面有一些真实女人,供人挑选提供替人怀孕的服务。 www.elanso.com 1. This name is only a fiction for now, since BRP does not store any configuration information in this file. 这个名字现在只是虚构的,因为BRP没有在该文件中保存任何配置信息。 www.ibm.com 2. The rising threat from the National Front's Marine Le Pen seems, at least for now, to have reached a plateau. 来自于国家前线党领导人的不断上升的威胁看起来也显得停滞了,至少现在看起来是这样。 www.ecocn.org 3. But numbers are grim across the retail sector, and for now, it seems like consumers with money to spend are drawn to a little color. 但整个零售行业的销售数据都显示形势严峻,而就目前来说,有钱购物的人们似乎都被吸引到了颜色稍稍亮丽的购物场所。 www.fortunechina.com 4. For now, my kid is happy enough to dance down supermarket aisles by herself or with her friends and cousins. 至今为止,我的孩子乐于独自在超市通道里跳个不停,或者和她的朋友,和她的堂兄弟姐妹。 www.bing.com 5. For now, let me just say, I thank you for your tremendous effort and hard work. 眼下,我只想说,我感谢你们付出的巨大努力和辛勤工作。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Political considerations would seem to preclude that for now, even with new governments in both countries. 虽然两个国家都是新政府上台,但由于政治上的顾虑,全面合并暂时似乎行不通。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Prosecutors decided Friday to release the captain without taking further legal action against him for now. 日本检方周五决定释放船长,暂不对其采取进一步的法律行动。 c.wsj.com 8. Good intentions are rewarded with plenty of Nile perch (for now) but a degraded ecosystem in the long run. 于是回报当初人们的美好愿景的是,大量的尼罗河鲈鱼和指日可待的环境退化。 www.bing.com 9. But for now, as he approaches retirement age, Jarrett faces a common ranching predicament: His children can't afford to keep the land. 但是现在,在他快到退休的年龄时,Jarrett遇到了一个牧场普遍存在的困境:他的孩子负担不起土地的费用。 www.bing.com 10. For now, most rechargeable batteries, made of lithium, provide portable computers about four or five hours before they need to be recharged. 现在,大多数可充电电池是由锂制作的,它能为便携式电脑提供大约4或5小时电源,然后才需要再充电。 www.jp345.com 1. "For now, policy seems well positioned to promote moderate growth and price stability over time, " he said. 他表示:“目前的政策似乎足以确保逐渐实现适度增长和物价稳定。” www.ftchinese.com 2. The risk to a mild interest rate outlook is inflation, which for now, at least, remains under control. 未来利率水平保持稳定所面临的主要风险是通货膨胀。但至少就目前而言,该指标仍在控制范围之内。 www.ftchinese.com 3. If only in this respect, the scale of Japan's slump benefits Mr Aso for now, since it has stilled such a rebellion. 如果仅仅是这方面的问题,那对于麻生来说至少目前他是经济衰退的“受益者”,因为他一直在迎难而上。 www.ecocn.org 4. You can leave these as-is for now - but if you fancy more of a challenge, you can up the number of balls and reduce the delay. 保持当前值就可以了,当然如果你想挑战更高难度的话可以相应的增加numballs和减小delay的值。 wiki.fcctt.org 5. In St. Cloud, though, all that red ink from the states dimmed the hopes for more federally financed green jobs, for now. 可是现在,在圣克劳德,所有州政府的红字使得创造更多由联邦资金融资的绿色岗位的希望变得暗淡。 www.bing.com 6. All this could mean new opportunities for foreign companies interested in Burma. But for now, most of them are simply watching and waiting. 对于那些对缅甸感兴趣的外国公司而言,上述变动都意味着新的机遇。但眼下,其中大部分公司还只是在观望和等待。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Vicky Redwood, UK economist at consultancy Capital Economics, said, "for now at least, retail sales are still holding up pretty well" . 就职于咨询公司资本经济的英国经济学家维姬·雷德伍德说:“至少到目前为止,零售额还维持的蛮不错。” www.bing.com 8. The compound is called P7C3 for now, and the researchers have already started tweaking it to make it more effective. 这一化合物暂名为P7C3,研究人员已经开始调整成分,使其更有效。 www.bing.com 9. For now, it suffices to say that many mappings are possible between an XML schema and a UML model. 现在,只要指出在XML模式和UML模型之间可以建立多种映射就足够了。 www.ibm.com 10. This is how the credit industry perpetuates its game; for now it has lots of dream to give out in exchange for the use of the credit card. 这就是信用卡行业怎样把相关游戏生生不息玩下去的过程,因为现在它就有很多梦想用来跟信用卡的使用来交换。 www.360doc.com 1. The bigots haven't disappeared, but for now at least, they no longer represent mainstream America. 偏执狂并没有消失,但至少现在他们不再代表美国的主流。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. But, for now, he seems to be the candidate of choice among Arabs. 但是,目前,奥巴马似乎是阿拉伯世界推崇的候选人。 www.ecocn.org 3. One more time around is all I ask for now, a star to steer by, wind to take me home again. 多一次我现在问,带领由一个明星,风带我回家一次。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org 4. But for now the company is wary of relocating due to political instability and lack of skilled workers in Vietnam and Indonesia. 但目前公司对工厂搬迁问题比较谨慎,因为越南和印尼政局不稳,且缺乏熟练工人。 c.wsj.com 5. At least for now the United States economy presents a relative growth momentum. 至少现在美国经济呈现出相对的增长势头。 www.bing.com 6. For now, compliance can only be inferred rather than conclusively proven in the absence of our ability to measure therapeutic levels. 目前,由于我们没有能力测量治疗的水平,因此只能对依从性进行推测,而不能最终的确定。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. 'I took a photo and sent it to Sheree, and she said it was definitely Jessie, ' said Jenn Humby, who, for now, is looking after Jessie. 珍告诉记者:“我给猫照了张相,发给了谢瑞,她说这绝对就是杰西。”珍现在正照料着杰西。 www.bing.com 8. For now, though, he is too busy cramming for the exams that will allow him, at last, to call himself an architect in the United States. 虽然现在他正在忙于应付考试,通过这种考试,起码在美国他可以自称为建筑师。 www.bing.com 9. Rising inflation is not as worrisome as it appears, at least for now. 通胀没有看上去那么可怕,至少现在如此。 www.kekenet.com 10. For now, Janson is working out with his teammates, but is sitting on the sidelines during their games. 目前,杰森和他的队友们一起训练,但他们比赛时只能坐在边线上。 www.kekenet.com 1. The dollar is, for now at least, the world's reserve currency, meaning non-U. S. central banks will have to keep buying Treasurys. 美元至少眼下还是世界储备货币,这就意味着其他国家的央行不得不继续购买美国国债。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The lesson Mr Putin drew from the Yeltsin era was that, for now, liberal freedoms in Russia equate to chaos and collapse. 普京从叶利钦时代得出的教训就是,如果俄罗斯现在实行自由主义,就会导致混乱与崩溃。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Rhee's leadership team will remain until the end of the school year. Her deputy, Kaya Henderson, is taking her place, at least for now. 李女士的团队将保留到学年末,李女士的副手卡亚·汉德森(KayaHenderson)接手她的职位,至少目前是这样。 www.51voa.com 4. For now, at least, the technology and media industries are looking at the brighter side. 至少在目前,高科技和媒体产业均抱有乐观的态度。 www.bing.com 5. Inkster says right-wing extremists may use the Internet to share ideas but, at least for now, not apparently for coordinating violence. 殷克斯特说,尽管右翼极端分子可能使用互联网交流观点,但至少在目前,他们通过这种手段策划暴力的迹象还不太明显。 www.tingroom.com 6. But at least for now I gotta go on my own way. 但是至少我暂时得到独自地去方式。 bbs.360.cn 7. Now, rerun the transformation and check out the generated schema -- just the top of the file for now -- as shown in Listing 2. 现在,重新运行转换并检查产生的模式——现在只需要看文件的最前面就可以了——如列表2所示。 www.ibm.com 8. The rising price seems to be fuelling the gold mania in what is, for now, a self-sustaining cycle. 不断上涨的金价似乎正在助长这波黄金热,目前这已经变成了一个自我维系的循环。 www.ftchinese.com 9. WikiLeaks was holding those back for now, presumably to see how this venture with the establishment media worked out. 维基解密现在还攥在手里没拿出来,可能是想先看看这次和媒体合作效果如何。 www.bing.com 10. But Friday's jobs report, at least for now, has put some of those concerns aside. 但周五的非农就业报告已暂时打消这些担忧,至少目前是如此。 cn.reuters.com 1. For now, with Chinese banks offering so much credit to companies, turning to private equity is less of a priority for China Inc. 对中国企业而言,由于它们目前能从中资银行获得充足的贷款,因此并不怎么急着去使用私募股权资金。 www.bing.com 2. For now, Japan has no trouble raising funds to meet its debts, and interest rates on government bonds are barely above 1%. 目前,日本在筹集资金偿还债务方面尚未遇到困难,政府债券利率也仅勉强高过1%。 www.ecocn.org 3. For now, investors are "sitting on the sidelines to see what the regulators are going to find and what they're going to do. " 现在,投资者都“坐在一旁,观望监管机构会发现些什么,看看他们会采取什么行动。” dongxi.net 4. And it looks like the restructuring is finally working -- at least for now. 这项计划似乎终于开始奏效了——至少现在看来是这样。 www.fortunechina.com 5. This is (at least for now) still pretty much just vanilla Sense UI 32A ROM with just some minor adjustments to be more to my liking. 这是(起码此刻是),仍然几近只是喷鼻草意识界面32A条,只需稍作调剂,光碟,我更喜好。 www.h2ofans.com 6. For now, lets just keep things simple. Read Part 4 of the series to see how the forms are implemented. 现在,我们一切从简,你可以阅读本系列教程的第四部分,了解表单是如何实现的。 bbs.phpchina.com 7. Given the trouble the EU had introducing even a watered-down savings directive, broader tax co-ordination seems out of the question for now. 假如欧盟连一个大打折扣的储蓄指令都无法落实,眼下来协调更广范围的税务问题则是天方夜谭谈了。 www.ecocn.org 8. For now, there continues to be a niche for some small farms like the Beatty's. 目前,对一些象贝蒂老奶奶家的小型牧场来说,仍然有些发展的空间。 www.24en.com 9. "All daydreams, at least for now, " says Shada Islam of the European Policy Centre, a Brussels think-tank. 布鲁塞尔智库欧洲政策中心的沙拉?伊斯兰姆说:“白日做梦,至少就现在来说是这样。” www.bing.com 10. Fracking may begin later this summer, and for now, the size of Poland's shale gas reserves can only be guessed at. 液压开采可能从今年夏天晚些时候开始。目前,波兰页岩气的储藏只能猜测。 www.voanews.cn |
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