单词 | gurney |
释义 |
复数:gurneys 例句释义: 轮床,葛尼,格尼,古尔内 1. There's also the motorcycle rider, decapitated in an accident, who arrives on a gurney with his head riding shotgun. 还有一些摩托车骑手因为在事故中断了头,所以只能身首分离的到来。 www.ecocn.org 2. So he made his own type of transportation, something akin to a motorized gurney. 所以,他发明了自己的交通工具,一辆近似于摩托车的轮床。 club.topsage.com 3. They do not get up: they eat propped on an elbow, use bedpans and shower lying down on a waterproof gurney. 志愿者不能起来,他们吃放在肘上的食物,使用便盆,躺上防水翼布上洗澡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. If you were more than a few minutes late, the other person would have visions of you lying on a gurney with a toe tag. 那时候,如果你晚了仅仅几分钟,对方就该想象你脚上挂着标签躺在轮床上的情景了。 chinese.wsj.com 5. As the young man began to push his gurney along the corridor, the patient heard him humming an ancient Irish hymn, "Be Thou My Vision. " 就在病床行经走廊时,他听见这位护理员哼著爱尔兰圣诗「主是我万有」。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Through chattering teeth, she told her that she was cold, that she wanted a sheet for her gurney. 她问,能不能给她个床单。她太冷了,牙齿都冷的一直在打架。 www.bing.com 7. Here we observe the Miro lounging on what appears to be a gurney. The Miro is dressed in what is known as an "away kit" . 这里,我们可以看到米洛懒洋洋地躺在一个貌似是担架的东西上。米洛穿着一身“客场球衣”。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Her huber, Bill, standing nervously nearby as IT were transferred since the gurney to the hospital bed. 把她从轮床抬上病床时,她的丈夫比尔焦虑不安地站在旁边。 www.ffenglish.com 9. Her husband, Bill, stood nervously nearby as she was transferred from the gurney to the hospital bed. 把她从轮床抬上病床时,她的丈妇比尔焦炙不安地站在中间。 www.qiyaclub.com 10. The EVO's trademark roof-mounted "Vortex Generator" and a rear wing that incorporates a gurney strip are also part of the visual package. 在能捷演化的商标屋顶安装“涡发生器”和尾翼,包含了担架地带也部分视觉软件包。 usa.315che.com 1. A beautiful young woman about to undergo a minor operation is lying on a gurney in a hospital corridor awaiting the medical staff. 一个即将做小手术的美女躺在医院走廊的担架床上,等待着医务人员。 listserv.cn99.com 2. As we arrived, we were grabbed by orderlies and rushed into emergency rooms to see people on gurney s. 当我们到达时,我们被抓住勤务兵并送往急诊室看到轮床的人。 www.englishtang.com 3. gurney: A metal stretcher with wheeled legs, used for transporting patients. 行刑椅,即一种轮架的金属担架,通常用来运输病人。 www.tianya.cn 4. Garnett will play tonight if they have to wheel him out on a gurney . 加内特今晚将参赛,假如他们从医院将他推出来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The orderlies and nurses wheeled the gurney against my hospital bed, then started to move me. That was when I became half-awake. 护工和护士把轮椅床推倒我的病床边,然后开始移动我,这时我已经清醒了一半。 www.dxyer.cn 6. An officer wheels in a gurney for one of the bodies. REYES and DOGGETT turn away. 一个警官为其中一个尸体推进来一个担架车。REYES和DOGGETT躲开。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Televised images of Egypt's former President Hosni Mubarak lying on a gurney in a courtroom cage transfixed viewers in the Middle East. 埃及前总统穆巴拉克(HosniMubarak)在法庭囚笼中躺在轮床上的电视画面让中东地区的电视观众们惊呆了。 chinese.wsj.com 8. All hospitals used available equipment to transport patients (blankets, backboards, and gurney s) rather than specialized devices. 所有医院都使用可获得的而不是专门的设备来运送病人(毯子、背板、轮椅)。 news.dxy.cn 9. By 2007, Taylor's movie career had dried up, but she gave a one-off performance in AR Gurney's Love Letters, to benefit her Aids charity. 2007年,泰勒的电影事业已经宣告终结,但为了援助自己的慈善基金,她仍坚持在影片《情书》中露了一面。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The department's gurney s could not adequately support the patients' weight, and the department had to pay a private ambulance company. 消防部门的轮床已不能充分承受病人重量,使得他们不得不向私人的救护公司支付一定费用以寻求帮助。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. If you try to play Wall Street's new game on Wall Street's terms, you will probably come off the field on a gurney. 如果你遵照华尔街的条件去玩华尔街的新游戏,很可能会下场惨淡。 chinese.wsj.com 2. the nurses shouted as they rolled the Gurney down the hall. 护士们大叫着,好像在滚动轮床经过大厅似的。 www.bing.com 3. I lie on a gurney in an examination room where I am hooked to monitors and given supplemental oxygen. 我躺在检查室的病床上,连着几台监控器,输着氧。 www.bing.com 4. Good memories last longer, Ms. Gurney notes, when not trammeled by large credit-card bills. 葛尼强调说,在没有高昂的信用卡帐单束缚时,美好的回忆会更长久。 www.tvsou.com 5. The nurses wheeled the gurney into the elevator, to bring their patient to the Surgical Intensive Care Unit. 护士推着担架床进了电梯,准备将病人送入外科重症监护病房。 www.bing.com 6. Hospital personnel place GIBSON PRAISE on a gurney . 医院工作人员将基普森普雷兹放在一辆推车上。 www.bing.com 7. Flipping through catalogs and going to the mall will make you feel like you need things, Ms. Gurney notes. 葛尼强调说,浏览购物目录、逛商场都会让你觉得自己需要买东西。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Table manners . . . food is served on gurney s and operating tables. 餐桌礼仪…食物摆在轮床和手术台上。 q.163.com 9. Thanks to Matt Gurney and National Post for covering this material. 由于这种材料覆盖到马特格尼和国家邮报。 bbs.my0511.com 10. Later as I waited on a gurney outside the operating room , I wept with fear. 后来,我在手术室外面的轮床上等候时,因为恐惧而哭泣。 dict.v.wenguo.com 1. They slid the frozen body onto a stainless steel gurney. 他们将那个冰冻的身躯滑移至不锈钢轮床上。 www.bing.com 2. Blinking, Jake slowly sits up on the gurney. 闪回杰克慢慢地从病床上坐起来。 www.bing.com 3. With this new shape, the vertical gurney flap (2) has been reduced. 与新的改动相配套,垂直gurney襟翼(2)缩小了。 www.bing.com 4. so Cathy recommended me and boom! I'm dying on a gurney! 所以凯西就推荐我上场我会死在担架上 www.bing.com 5. "An internal sense of righteousness dwindles into an external concern for reputation" (A. R. Gurney, Jr. ) “内心的正义缩小而转成外在对声誉的关心”(小A.R。格尼) iask.sina.com.cn 6. Investigation on application of Gurney flap to triplane configuration aircraft lift-enhancement Gurney襟翼增升技术在三翼面布局飞机模型上应用的实验研究 ilib.cn 7. Experimental Investigation on Aerodynamic Performance of Serrated Gurney Flap 锯齿形格尼襟翼气动性能的实验研究 www.ilib.cn 8. An investigation of increasing lift on large transport by using Gurney flap positioned at the trailing-edge 格尼襟翼对某运输机翼型的增升试验研究 service.ilib.cn 9. Calculation of First Velocity of the Unsymmetrical Warhead'Fragment Based on Gurney Hypothesis 基于Gurney假设的一种非对称型战斗部破片初速计算 www.ilib.cn 10. Effect of Gurney flaps on aerodynamical characters of single airfoil Gurney襟翼对单段翼型动态气动特性的影响 service.ilib.cn 1. A Gurney Model for the High Velocity Launch of Laser-Driven Foil Plate 一个描述强激光驱动飞片高速运动的Gurney模型 www.ilib.cn 2. An Alternative Method for Estimation of Gurney Velocity Based on Assumed Detonation Products 基于不同爆轰产物的格尼速度估算新方法 service.ilib.cn |
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