单词 | billion-plus |
释义 | billion-plus例句释义: 全部 1. This earmarks a lump sum of $8 billion, plus $1 billion a year, to help construct fast rail corridors around America (see map). 一次性到位的80亿美元专用资金,加上每年10亿美元的后续款项用来建造全美快速铁路通道。(见图)。 www.ecocn.org 2. Mr Liveris says he is considering several $1 billion-plus deals, but has no intention of buying businesses if he harbours doubts about them. 利伟诚先生说他正考虑几个价值10多亿美元的交易项目,但若心存疑虑则无意进行并购。 www.ecocn.org 3. In reality, the so-called stimulus package was actually just a deferred tax increase of $787 billion plus interest. 实际上,所谓的经济刺激计划就是推迟增收价值达7870亿美元的税收及利息。 www.bing.com 4. These may be the only two nations with billion-plus populations, but there are remarkable differences in their compositions. 中印可能是世界上仅有的两个人口逾10亿的国家,但其人口结构上却存在显著差异。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Fewer distractions, for one. It also means no big acquisitions like the $10 billion-plus purchase of enterprise software maker Autonomy. 其一,便是减少混乱;另外,也预示惠普将不会再进行大宗收购,斥资100多亿美元收购企业软件制造公司Autonomy这样的交易可能将成为绝响。 www.fortunechina.com 6. Because of their billion-plus populations, China and India are the most studied about this practice. 由于他们人口十多亿,中国和印度对这种做法是研究最多的。 www.bing.com 7. The company expects revenue of $14 billion, plus or minus $500 million, for the coming quarter. 公司预计下一季度的收入为140亿美元,增减幅度500万美元。 www.bing.com 8. High-yield seeds and ample fertilizer allow China to feed its billion-plus people on less than 10 percent of the Earth's arable land. 高产的种子和充足的肥料使中国能够在不到地球10%的可耕土地上养活十多亿人口。 www.bing.com 9. Still, he added that his $300 billion-plus investment fund would continue to invest in Europe, citing infrastructure as one promising area. 但他补充说有逾3000亿美元投资基金的中投公司将继续在欧洲投资,因为那里的基础设施领域前途看好。 chinese.wsj.com 10. And in India, an agrarian country with a billion-plus people, land is dreadfully scarce. 而且在印度这样一个拥有十几亿人口的农业国家,土地资源也极其稀缺。 www.bing.com 1. And, in a country where two-thirds of the billion-plus population is under 30, the number of marriages is on the rise. 而且印度十几亿人口中有三分之二在30岁以下,结婚率正在持续上升。 www.24en.com 2. With its one-billion-plus population, India already is a blunt geographic wedge in China's zone of influence in Asia. 拥有10亿以上人口的印度给中国在亚洲的势力范围插上了一把迟钝的地理楔子。 www.bing.com 3. They could even work on the environmental problems affecting the billion-plus permanent residents. 他们甚至可能对数以亿计当地居民的环境问题产生影响。 www.bing.com 4. The asset sales are small change compared to the $100 billion plus paid to AIG's counterparties. 比起AIG付给对手公司的一千多万,资产销售部分可谓是九牛一毛。 www.bing.com 5. Fees at California's community colleges are up 30 percent this year and $1 billion plus is being cut from the state's university system. 今年,加利福尼亚社区学院的费用上涨了30%,州政府大学体系预算减少了10亿美元。 bbs.koolearn.com 6. It took nearly $4 billion plus five years to get Chongqing Iron & Steel Group to move. 它花费了40亿美元和五年的时间去移动重庆钢铁集团。 7. Yet for BT, the expected decline in sales this year of 4-5% will eat up much of the £ 1 billion-plus it plans in savings. BT今年的销量将下降4-5%,这将使它的计划存款的10亿多英镑被吞噬掉。 www.ecocn.org 8. The world's billion-plus Muslims are back to eating when they like. 世界上10亿多的穆斯林终于可以在他们想吃的时候吃了。 www.ecocn.org 9. At six billion plus today, the earth's human population will reach more than nine billion by 2050, according to estimates. 据估计,到2050年,地球总人口将在如今六十亿的基础上增加到九十亿。 www.bing.com 10. Higher prices would partly reflect greater demand from the billion-plus people in the world who are still poorly nourished. 涨价在一定程度上反映出,全球逾十亿营养不良人口的需求有所提升。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Founder Zuckerberg first 20-something worth $10 billion-plus. 创始人扎克伯格成为20多岁就价值100亿美元的第一人。 www.bing.com 2. His offer of $5 billion plus $600m in debt for Dow Jones seemed generous three years ago. 他的出价是50亿美元外加6亿道琼斯债务,这在三年前可说是很慷慨了。 www.ecocn.org 3. Conservatives don't want to cut the $700 billion-plus we spend on defense. 保守派人士不想削减美国用在国防方面的7,000多亿美元支出。 c.wsj.com 4. For instance, MTN, a mobile-phone company invested $1. 5 billion-plus in Iran in 2007-08 to provide coverage for more than 40% of Iranians. 通迅公司MTN在2007-2008年提供了1.5亿美元的投资使手机服务范围覆盖了伊朗全国的40%。 www.ecocn.org 5. Last year Iran spent $13 billion-plus on subsidising petrol. 去年伊朗在汽油补贴方面花费了130亿美圆。 www.ecocn.org 6. That's in addition to the US$165 billion-plus per year needed to provide electricity in developing countries. 这还不算为发展中国家提供电力每年所需要的另外1650多亿美元的投资。 web.worldbank.org |
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