单词 | first blow |
释义 | 例句释义: 初吹 1. As I leaned on the railing, trying to guess at the outline of the sierra, nostalgia's first blow caught me by surprise. 当我靠在栏杆上,试着看出锯齿山脊的轮廓时,思乡之情第一次油然而生。 forum.bomoo.com 2. Each night will be to attack the loneliness, with a ferocious mask, let me collapse at the first blow to the fragile heart to crumble. 每个深夜都会侵袭来的寂寞,带着狰狞的面具,让我本就脆弱到不堪一击的心彻底瓦解。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Ser Hosteen, assemble your knights and men-at-arms by the main gates. As you are so eager for battle, you shall strike our first blow. 霍斯汀爵士,召集你的骑士和武装到大门,既然你对战斗是如此的渴望,那么就充当前锋好了。 www.cndkc.net 4. The slander is like a hornet; if you cannot kill it deed the first blow, better not to strike it. ---Henry Shaw. 诽谤像大黄蜂,如果一拳无法打死,最好别惹它。----亨利。肖。 adayyx.blog.163.com 5. First blow up a balloon and tie it. Now try holding a flame against the balloon. What happens? 首先,吹一个气球,然后绑好,再用火烧气球,结果会怎样? www.taipeitimes.com 6. Should first blow dry in the shade, then put in the sunshine disinfection. Otherwise, stiff, deformation underwear easily. 应先在阴凉处吹干,再置于阳光下消毒。否则,内裤容易发硬、变形。 blog.rayli.com.cn 7. The first blow muddied his head. 头一击就把他打糊涂了。 dict.veduchina.com 8. The first blow put him on the floor. 第一击,将他砸倒在地上。 www.bing.com 9. The earthquake lets us think human's life is such base and low or small and weak, is such collapsing at the first blow. 地震让我们想到人的生命是那样的卑微或者弱小,是那样的不堪一击。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Indeed, the essence of self-defense is striking the first blow against your assailant. 事实上,正当防卫的本质就是对付攻击者要先发制人。 www.lawup.cn 1. The first blow would come -- not from Germany, however, but from Japan. 头炮打响,会来-而不是从德国,但是,但是来自日本。 www.maynet.cn 2. There are times when players attack each other [in game] simultaneously; the first blow might give an advantage to the player. 有很多次2个玩家同时打到对方,先出击的会有一定的优势。 bbs.duowan.com 3. First, blow twice so the chest rises. 第一,吹两口气,使婴儿胸隆起。 www.yappr.cn 4. The first blow makes the anger, but the second makes the fray . 第一次的击打让人愤怒,第二次则会引起冲突。 dict.kekenet.com 5. The first blow is half the battle. 头炮打响,等于半 blog.hjenglish.com 6. And the hero strikes the first blow. 英雄出了第一拳 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The first blow came with a bestseller, 第一次打击由一位销售冠军带来, www.bing.com |
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