单词 | freeze | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
过去式:froze 过去分词:frozen 现在分词:freezing 第三人称单数:freezes freeze -out 显示所有例句 结冰become ice
管子;锁;机器of pipe/lock/machine
天气of weather
很冷be very cold
停住stop moving
现金账;银行账户money/bank account
IDM freeze your blood|make your blood freeze 使人恐怖万分;令人毛骨悚然to make you extremely frightened or shocked 工资;价格of wages/prices
停止stopping sth
寒冷天气cold weather
例句释义: 冻结,停止,霜冻,冰冻期,结冰,冰冻,冷藏,严寒,凝固,冷冻,使结冰 1. Mannitol is usually used as a cryoprotectant and an excipient during pharmaceutical freeze-drying. 甘露醇是药品冷冻干燥中常用的低温保护剂和赋形剂。 www.lw23.com 2. Store nuts in the shell until you are ready to use them. Refrigerate or freeze any that you plan to keep for more than three months. 除非食用,坚果不要预先去壳。冷冻、冷藏起来可以保存三个月以上。 www.yingyu.com 3. The body is freeze-dried in liquid nitrogen, then vibrated so that it dissolves into a fine powder. (在这种技术中,)遗体在液氮中被冷冻干燥,之后通过振动化为齑粉。 www.ecocn.org 4. That's why I've submitted to Congress a plan for a three-year budget freeze, and I'm prepared to offer additional savings. 这正是我向国会提交一个冻结三年预算计划的原因,而且我还有进一步类似的计划。 www.bing.com 5. Dr Stone to1d Linda that he would freeze her cat with an injection. "Then you won't feel any pain afterwards, " he said. 大夫告诉琳达,他要用药先把伤口麻醉了,“过一会儿你就不会感觉疼了。” www.haotushu.com 6. In front of the deep-freeze they found a small pool of water, and a wet cat, busily licking itself. 他们在冰柜前发现了一小滩水,一只湿透的猫正忙忙碌碌舐着自己。 blog.163.com 7. Yesterday, it put the financial cost of those recalls and a related sales and production freeze at up to Y180bn ($1. 98bn). 丰田昨日估算,这些召回事件及由此造成的销售和生产停滞将带来1800亿日元(合19.8亿美元)的财务成本。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Armed with his arsenal of shrink rays, freeze rays, and battle-ready vehicles for land and air, he vanquishes all who stand in his way. 他兴奋地进行着准备工作,为这个计划装备了一支看起来很强大的军队,他们装备了收缩射线,冰冻射线,以及陆战、空战设备。 anada2009.blog.163.com 9. Sodium montmorillonite can be freeze-dried into a spongelike material known as an aerogel. 蒙脱土可以被冷冻干燥成一种叫做气凝胶的海绵状材料。 www.ecocn.org 10. The statement said the EU travel ban and asset freeze on sanctions list of new officers and a pro-Gaddafi, the Libyan airline. 声明中说,欧盟将在旅行限制及资产冻结的制裁名单中新增一名亲卡扎菲人员及利比亚一家航空公司。 www.englishtang.com 1. Mr. Netanyahu did not comment on the settlement freeze but added a demand of his own. 内塔尼亚胡没有就冻结定居点建设一事发表评论,但又添加了他自己的一项要求。 www.voanews.com.cn 2. Russia has run current-account surpluses for many years, yet it has also been badly hit by an outflow of capital and a credit freeze. 俄罗斯很多年一直是储蓄过剩,但是,它的经济也是受到了资本外流和存款减少的打击。 yixiao5211.spaces.live.com 3. You're expecting her to maybe pull away, or at least to freeze in place. 你想她可能就此转身逃开,或者至少会被吓得僵在原地。 blog.163.com 4. This liquidity injection was designed to ensure that money markets continued to function and did not succumb to a credit freeze. 欧洲央行此次向市场注入流动性,目的是确保货币市场的正常运转,不会出现信贷冻结的情况。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The company is oriented to be a world leader in fermentor, freeze drying, speed vacuum concentrator and centrifuge technology. 公司的目标是生产世界一流的发酵罐、冷干机、真空浓缩仪和离心机,领导本行业的发展。 www.labbase.net 6. The embassy in Brussels is still trying to get a similar freeze on its accounts lifted. 驻比利时大使馆仍在尝试取消对于其银行账户的类似冻结。 www.ecocn.org 7. In brief, a Mrs. Fred C. Graham missed her pet cat on the same day that she put a good deal of food down in her home deep-freeze unit. 简言之,有位弗雷德·C·格雷厄姆太太,把一大堆食品放进了家用冰柜,就在同一天,她的宠物猫失踪了。 sdnuhyl.blog.163.com 8. The way you win in the late game is by using the Stasis Field support power on enemy Avatars to freeze them up for you to break through. 在游戏后期你取胜的方式是在你进攻的时候,在对方的圣灵上使用静力场支援能力来冻住它们。 www.bing.com 9. Sodium montmorillonite can be freeze-dried into a spongelike material known as an aerogel. Aerogels are famously fragile. 钠蒙脱石能被冷冻干燥成气凝胶——类似海绵状的物质。 www.bing.com 10. After a first day of interviews, the company told her it had a freeze on global hiring. 但在一天的面试之后,公司告诉她:公司的全球招聘工作已全部冻结。 cn.reuters.com 1. What he really wanted was to dive off the bridge, smash through the ice and sink down to the bottom to freeze there like a dead fish. 他真想一下子跳下去,头朝下,砸破了冰,沉下去,像个死鱼似的冻在冰里。 dict.wenguo.com 2. One of the cubes ended up in my vagina. It was like having a really, really bad brain freeze between my legs. 有一块冰滑入了我的阴道,我觉得基本上两腿之间要冻残了。 www.bing.com 3. He also called for a three-year freeze on some federal spending. And he set a goal to double American exports over the next five years. 他同时呼吁对一些联邦开支冻结三年。并且他设定了今后五年出口翻番的目标。 www.ieltschn.com 4. He said the 10-month construction freeze will end on schedule on September 26th, according to a previous decision of the Israeli Cabinet. 他说,根据以色列内阁先前的决定,冻结定居点建设10个月的决定将按计划在9月26日结束。 www.voanews.com.cn 5. Dual monitoring is still natively supported and a Freeze'n'Free Cam Mode can be used to take impressive screenshots. 双显示器依然是原生支持的,新的“冻结解冻”摄影机可以用来保存令人印象深刻的截图。 www.zhihuiguan.com 6. When you hold on to your resentment, you freeze yourself in a victim's role, freezing some of your emotional energy as well. 如果你执着于自己的愤怒,便是将自己冻结在受害者的角色上,也会冰冻了你的情绪能量。 blog.groups.tianya.cn 7. Dennis glanced toward the bar and saw a young woman freeze as she stepped out of the rest room, a horrified look on her face. 丹尼斯扫视了一下酒吧,看到一个年轻女子从厕所走出时僵立在那儿,满脸惊骇。 www.bing.com 8. I understand your proposal, but can we just freeze for a minute and go over the last part again. 我理解你的建议,但是我们能不能先停一下,然后把最后一部分再看一遍? www.ebigear.com 9. The results are serialized ( "freeze dried" ) UI objects that are ready to be used in an application. 其结果是序列化的(“冻干的”)UI对象,可以直接用于应用程序中。 www.ibm.com 10. Sodium montmorillonite can be freeze-dried into a spongelike matecurdrial known as an aerogel. 钠微晶高岭石可以冻干成海绵状的气凝胶。 www.ecocn.org 1. He said: "This is a program of the U. S. sanctions since the largest amount of an asset freeze. " 他说:“这是美国实施制裁方案以来数额最大的一次资产冻结。” www.englishtang.com 2. She hoped that this would bring the Palestinians back to negotiations, which they had quit after the end of a previous freeze. 在前期的冻结行动结束后,巴勒斯坦人退出了谈判,希拉里希望这些措施能够使巴勒斯坦人重回谈判。 www.ecocn.org 3. If you find yourself out of ice, a good tip is to put warm water in the ice tray and pop it in the freezer, as it will freeze quicker. 如果你的冰块用完了,教你一个好办法:在制冰盘中倒入温水,放入冷冻室,冰块结冰的速度会更快。 www.voa365.com 4. After all, a decrease in solar output known as the Maunder Minimum helped freeze Europe for a few centuries. 毕竟,被称之为蒙德极小期(MaunderMinimum)的太阳活动减少导致了欧洲几个世纪的低温气候。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. What I think Microsoft is trying to do is to freeze the market. 我以为Microsoft想要做的是冻结这个市场。 www.infoq.com 6. A rat with damage to the amygdala, the primitive part of the brain that handles fear, will not freeze at all--even if it encounters a cat. 一只扁桃体(负责处理恐惧的原始大脑的一部分)受损的老鼠,就不会冻住——甚至遇到猫。 www.bing.com 7. Rely on throwing the snowball to freeze enemies , and promote the snowball to make it break and destroy the enemy . 靠扔雪球来冻结敌人,再推动雪球使之破裂而消灭敌人。 www.bing.com 8. So, during the past few weeks, the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve have been desperately trying to fight that freeze. 所以财政部和美联储才在过去的几周里不遗余力地想改变这种状况。 www.bing.com 9. His envoy said in Washington this week he is even ready to drop his precondition of a settlement freeze. 他的代表本月初在华盛顿表示,阿巴斯甚至愿意抛弃冻结定居点建设这一前提条件。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Spring covers autumn to freeze, old comes to have no disease; Spring does not reduce clothing, do not add hat in autumn. 春捂秋冻,老来无病;春不减衣,秋不加帽。 www.szbbxx.com 1. He also cites the settlers' raucous resistance even to a partial freeze. His own right wing, he notes, is in ferment over the issue. 他同时指出,即使这个部分冻结的建议的也遭到定居者的强烈抵制,他所在的右翼联盟也因这一问题出现了动荡。 www.ecocn.org 2. He would win the first set and than in his head he'd keep saying "I can't lose, I can't lose" Well, he would freeze and lose. 他能赢下第一盘,然后,在他脑子里就会不断地对自己说“我不能输,我不能输”。 www.tennis.com.cn 3. Six of these individuals, including Qadafi himself and his immediate family members, are also subject to a freeze of their assets. 这六个人,包括Qadafi他自己和直系亲属,也受到了他们的资产冻结。 bbs.t56.net 4. Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced the freeze today (Monday), at a joint news conference in London with U. S. President George Bush. 布朗首相今天(星期一)在伦敦与美国总统布什举行的联合记者会上宣布了冻结决定。 kantianya.com 5. Palestinian officials accused Mr. Netanyahu of trying to divert attention from the settlement freeze. 巴勒斯坦官员谴责内塔尼亚胡试图转移对冻结定居点建设的注意。 www.voanews.cn 6. The person said the freeze was part of a continuing fraud investigation. 该知情人士说,账户冻结是目前正在进行的欺诈调查的一部分。 c.wsj.com 7. The memo, sent by Dow Jones Chief Executive Les Hinton and obtained by Reuters, said the one-year freeze is part of efforts to save money. 路透获得的这份备忘录由道琼首席执行官LesHinton签发.备忘录称,为期一年的不调薪计划只是节流举措之一。 cn.reuters.com 8. Winter came and was very cold, the nonconformist bird had never felt such cold weather and was afraid that he might freeze to death. 冬天来了,非常冷,这只不墨守常规的鸟从未经历过这么冷的天气,他怕他会冻死。 www.bing.com 9. She can tell you full of tender feelings, but a stab dignity words is enough to freeze all passion. 她会告诉你充满柔情,而是一种尊严的话刺足以冻结所有的激情。 www.97616.net 10. One of their odder arguments is that, since the teachers' pay freeze will not plug the entire budget gap, it should not happen at all. 论据之一是,即使冻结教师们的工资也不会堵住整个预算的缺口,并且这项决议根本就不该被提出来。 www.ecocn.org 1. However, there was no sign that ammonium distribution coefficient increased with more freeze-thaw cycles. 但是,氨氮的分配系数没有随着冻融次数增加逐渐升高。 www.aes.org.cn 2. Now we know those cold craters are more like an old deep freeze that's in the basement. 现在我们知道,那些冰冷的陨石坑更像是一个长年累月深埋于地下室内的大冰库。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. Approaching girls on the street is something many guys are just going to freeze if they have to do it, but it is possible. 在街上慢慢接近女孩这个举动会让许多男孩手足无措,但这并不是无法办到的事。 www.bing.com 4. Any time the ball came to me I'd freeze, the indecisiveness that still haunts me today attacking me at the worst moment. 每当球向我飞来时,我就僵住了。这种犹豫不决至今萦绕着我,在我最糟糕时使我招架不住。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 5. carrying out sucking and freeze-drying treatment to the solid nano solution ice cake to obtain the surface-modified nano particles. 对固态纳米溶液冰块进行抽吸冻干处理,制备得到表面改性纳米颗粒。 ip.com 6. The action would freeze for a moment until the audience had a chance to read the dialogue, then would continue. 在播放的时候,动作会停住一会给观众阅读对话的时间,然后画面再继续。 7vchina.com 7. Wall Street's troubles came as a freeze-up in credit markets threatened to clog the global financial system. 华尔街的问题源于可能危机全球金融系统的信贷紧缩。 www.bing.com 8. Based on this, it would be necessary to carry out relevant theoretical study on the freeze-thaw durability of concrete. 因此,针对混凝土抗冻耐久性问题,开展相应的理论研究和定量分析极为必要。 www.boshuo.net 9. Finally, freeze concentration was compared with other concentrations, to verify the the feasibility of the application of that in green tea. 最后将冷冻浓缩与其他浓缩方式进行了比较,验证冷冻浓缩在绿茶茶汤中应用的可行性。 www.fabiao.net 10. Doha may have been taken out of the cryogenic deep freeze, but whether it will come to life once it has thawed remains unclear. 多哈谈判也许已经脱离了深度低温冷冻,但在解冻后能否复活,仍是个未知数。 www.ftchinese.com 1. After savoring the scent of each other, the partners press noses against eachother's cheeks and freeze for a minute of two. 在感遭到彼此的气息以后,他们还会用鼻子摩擦彼此的脸颊一段时间。 www.it-020.com 2. An earlier ten-month freeze ran out in late September, just weeks after the long-stalled talks had finally resumed. 在长期中断的会谈终于重启之后,没过几周,上次10个月的停建协议就于9月底到期了。 www.ecocn.org 3. Put some tadpole and young golden fishes into a long rubber glove, then freeze it to a be a hand sculpture. 把那种长到肘部的橡胶手套里面装一些蝌蚪,小金鱼和水,冰冻起来做成一尊手的雕塑。 www.fqart.com 4. laurance--How much anti-freeze do you put in your car then? laurance--那你在车里加了多少防冻油? www.crazyenglish.org 5. This suggests scope for a real cut in public pay of around 5%, which could be delivered through a two-year pay freeze. 这意味着真正可以缩减的公共支出约有5%,这可以解决两年的工资冻结问题。 www.ecocn.org 6. A set of experiment of banana pulp designed by the orthogonal method was carried out on a vacuum freeze dryer. 对香蕉浆的真空冷冻干燥进行了两因素三水平的正交实验研究。 www.chemyq.com 7. Some of Northern Ireland's most vulnerable pensioners have had to endure the recent freeze without their cold weather payments. 在北爱尔兰一些处于最脆弱状态的老年人已经等到天长地久才收到他们所谓的“寒冷天气的补助金”。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Be prepared to come cover early planting plantings during the night . If if there is still a risk of freeze, black mushroom . 如果在晚上仍有可能结冰,可以准备给早期的作物覆盖一层膜。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The compound bone peptide preparation of the invention can be produced to be small capacity injection and freeze-dried powder injection. 本发明复方骨肽制剂可以制成小容量注射剂和冻干粉针剂。 ip.com 10. The old building made a really stark contrast to the morden girls of today, which let the photos be like a science fiction freeze frame. 陈旧的建筑和现代人服装的强烈对比,把照片显得很有科幻感。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It is enough to make some longer-term investors freeze, or at least not make major moves. 这种局面足以令一些较长期投资者暂时按兵不动,至少不会进行大的仓位操作。 cn.reuters.com 2. Over time, the creatures learned to associate the sound with the shock, and hearing the noise alone was enough to make them freeze. 一段时间后,光是听到噪音就足以让这些小动物们害怕到“僵住”。 www.kekenet.com 3. He said they will not accept anything less than what the recently expired freeze provided. 他说,如果不恢复最近到期的定居点冻结,他们不会接受任何条件。 bbs.koolearn.com 4. Scientists are trying to develop a method to freeze the cells that produce insulin. 科学家们正在努力探索一种方法以冷冻那些制造胰岛素的细胞。 bbs.gter.net 5. Without the air to hold some of the sun's heat, the earth at night would freeze. 如果不是空气保存了一些太阳的热量,在夜间地球就会冻冰。 zhuhongyan8112.blog.163.com 6. U. S. -brokered peace talks stalled last month when Israel did not extend a freeze on most West Bank settlement activity. 由于以色列拒绝延长西岸定居点建设的冻结期,美国支持的和谈上个月被搁置,没出现任何进展。 www.voanews.cn 7. If the nuclear freeze lasts for a year, it will cut GDP by an estimated 3. 6% and destroy almost 200, 000 jobs. 倘若到明年3月,核能仍未能重启的话,据预计,GDP将会因此下滑3.6%,20万工作岗位也会随之灰飞烟灭。 www.ecocn.org 8. "And of course, mostly, my wonderful wife, ah. . . . " Yes, Rick Perry has joined an illustrious club of those who suffer from brain freeze. “当然,最重要的是,我可爱的妻子,哎…。”是的,里克·佩里也加入了这种病症的行列。 www.kekenet.com 9. When the ball bounces off the boards or basket and Garnett is positioned underneath, everybody appears to freeze. 当球从篮板或者篮筐上弹下时,加内特会就在下面,其他人看起来都冻住了一样。 club.sohu.com 10. Be prepared to cover early plantings during the night if there is still a risk of freeze. Black plastic mulch can help keep them warm. 如果晚上还会结冰,要准备好给早期的幼苗覆盖一层保护物,黑色塑料膜可以帮助保暖。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. This freeze will bring this type of spending to its lowest level as a share of the economy since Dwight Eisenhower was president. 这项冻结计划将该项支出在经济中所占比例降低到自德怀特·艾森豪威尔任总统以来的最低水平。 edu.sparke.cn 2. Excellent grade, a product, two products , . . . I believe this kind of "freeze-frame" will tell you our products, the existence of content! 优级品、一级品、二级品、…相信这样的定格会告诉您我们产品所存在的内涵! www.231tao.com 3. The U. N. action will require all of its members to implement an assets freeze, a travel ban and an arms embargo against these individuals. 联合国的这一行动要求所有会员国对这两个人实施资产冻结、禁止过境和武器禁运。 www.america.gov 4. Yeah, I thought to myself, you don't hate ice. You just think the cold war was a literal attempt to freeze you. 我心想,是啊,你不讨厌“冰”,你们只是觉得所谓“冷战”是种让你们心寒的文字把戏。 dongxi.net 5. Impact of the general recruitment freeze for the civil service on disciplined services departments. 暂停招聘公务员对纪律部队的影响。 www.legco.gov.hk 6. It should be kept in mind when Palestinian leaders unwisely turn an end-of-September deadline for a settlement freeze into an ultimatum. 更应该记得,巴勒斯坦领导人不明智地把停建定居点在9月底的最后期限转为最后通牒。 www.bing.com 7. If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground, you can grow and harvest carrots the same way as during the summer months. 如果冬天不是太冷,土壤没有结冰,那么种植和收获胡萝卜的方式和夏季一样。 www.unsv.com 8. Palestine: Middle East peace talks have more often been more ice than thaw over the last decade. But these days, they're in a deep freeze. 巴勒斯坦:过去十年中中东和平谈判经常是冷冻多于缓和,但这些日子他们陷入了深度冻结。 www.bing.com 9. The next stage is to run the agent on the server and wait for the server to freeze the agents execution. 下一阶段是在服务器上运行代理,并等待服务器冻结代理的执行。 www-128.ibm.com 10. The tip of a catheter is then used to apply energy (either radiofrequency to heat or liquid nitrogen to freeze) at these locations. 然后,使用导管的尖端在这些位置上施加能量(用于加热的射频或者用于冻结的液氮)。 pat365.com 1. The tip of a catheter is then used to apply energy (either radiofrequency to heat or liquid nitrogen to freeze) at these locations. 然后,使用导管的尖端在这些位置上施加能量(用于加热的射频或者用于冻结的液氮)。 pat365.com 2. Freeze Dried Fruit : We're not talking dried fruit here, which is highly caloric and easy to consume a lot of, with plenty of calories. 冷冻水果干:我们这里说的不是风干的水果,那些东西热量高,而且很容易一下子吃很多。 www.elanso.com 3. Accounting and law firms are expected to freeze hiring of juniors as fallout from the bank sector ripples out. 由于银行业务的损失,会计和律师事务所预计停止招募新人。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Dr. Gregory L. Freeze, a professor of history at Brandeis, was direct. 'They don't have the smoking gun, ' he said. 格利高里·弗雷泽博士,一个布兰德斯的历史学教授曾直截了当地说:“他们没有确凿的证据。” blog.sina.com.cn 5. A freeze in consumer spending, abysmal same-store sales, and a swath of retail bankruptcies have taken a serious toll on your local mall. 消费者支出几乎冻结,同店销售额急剧下滑,零售企业纷纷破产,相信这些因素也严重影响到了你们当地的各大购物中心。 www.hxen.com 6. The Panel also discussed the up-to-date progress of reducing the civil service establishment and general recruitment freeze. 事务委员会亦讨论缩减公务员编制及全面暂定招聘公务员的最新进展。 www.legco.gov.hk 7. This was done to make room for it as a prerequisite for Searing Freeze. The talent itself has remained unchanged. 目的是为了做为灼热冻结(注:冰系新天赋)前置天赋,天赋本身无变化。 post.baidu.com 8. Until this mess can be sorted out, a freeze has been put out at the very highest levels of the global financial system. 全球金融系统开始在很大程度上冻结,直到这烂摊子被清理干净。 www.cfjkshbdw.com 9. Choose a poem or story that you know well and create a series of freeze frames to represent the story. 选择你知道的一首好的诗或故事,而且创作了一系列凝固的画面来表达这个故事。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. These firms are to hold the money until the Treasury lifts the freeze, allowing a new Libyan government to claim the funds. 这些公司将继续持有这些资产,直到财政部解除冻结令,美国允许利比亚新政府认领这笔资产。 c.wsj.com 1. To prevent damage from repeated freeze-thaw cycles, the bottom of the foundation must be below the frost line. 为了防止反复冰冻解冻循环的损害,地基的底部必须在霜线以下(此处的土壤不受地表冰冻的影响)。 www.tdict.com 2. Israel has rejected a call by the United States for a total freeze on settlement expansion in the occupied territories. 以色列拒绝美国关于冻结在被占领土地上扩建定居点的要求。 www.tingroom.com 3. The gauge has lost close to 27% since Dubai World asked for a debt freeze late last month and stands in negative territory for the year. 自迪拜世界上月末要求冻结债务以来,该指数已经跌了近27%,今年收盘点位将低于去年。 c.wsj.com 4. Will the US authorities step into the markets and act as the dealer or financier of last resort, if parts of the market freeze up? 如果部分市场冻结,美国相关部门是否会入场充当最后交易商或融资人? www.ftchinese.com 5. Since the country depends on nuclear power for 29% of its electricity, the nuclear freeze threatened to cast Japan into darkness. 由于日本有29%的电能需求依靠核能供应,核冻结威胁着将要把日本推入无尽的黑暗。 xiaozu.renren.com 6. Iceland is broke, but it's got geothermal heating, so at least no one will freeze to death. 冰岛破产,但至少没人会被冻死,因为他们有地热可供取暖。 www.bing.com 7. But patient's family asked if we were able to freeze such a large tumor thoroughly? 病人家属讲,这么大个肿瘤你们冷冻到了吗? www.orienttumor.com 8. Even if your interview for the job of a lifetime went well, don't freeze your job hunt while you wait to hear back. 即便你面试的工作是个千载难逢的好机会,也不要在等待回音的时候停止寻找工作。 www.bing.com 9. Everyone understands, says a senior Israeli minister, that this is the core issue behind the row over the freeze. 一名以色列高级部长说,每个人都理解,这是停建争吵背后的核心问题。 www.ecocn.org 10. Our snow is wet and heavy, awkward to deal with and our rivers and lakes only occasionally freeze reliably enough to support human weight. 我们的雪又湿又重,不好对付,而大多数情况下,我们的河流和湖泊结成的冰层都不足以承受人体的重量。 www.ftchinese.com 1. This took less than twenty seconds. Yet, his fingers began to freeze. 这些动作耗时还不到20秒,但是他的手指已经开始被冻住了。 www.bing.com 2. The heat is transferred to a heat-transfer liquid (water, anti-freeze or oil) that flows through tubes on the collectors. 热能传送到一种能导热的液体中,通过管道流进集热器中。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Flash forward to the winter freeze, when the frigid temperature has turned the mud and sticks into a secure shelter for the beavers. 冬季结冰时间飞逝而来,寒冷的天气已经将泥巴和木棍变成海狸的安全庇护所。 www.yappr.cn 4. Now that the economy is worsen the company I work for has put a hire freeze on all departments. 现在,经济恶化,公司对我工作已经租冻结所有部门。 www.showxiu.com 5. A rainy day fund of such dimensions helps Colonel Qaddafi withstand economic sanctions and a freeze on Libyan government assets abroad. 在经济遭到制裁、利比亚政府海外资产遭冻结的时候,如此庞大的一笔“雨天基金”(rainydayfund)能帮助卡扎菲上校度过危机。 dongxi.net 6. Public employees have staged frequent protests over unpaid salaries, worsening conditions and a virtual freeze on collective bargaining. 公职人员因讨薪,越显苛刻的条件和无实际意义的集体谈判而频繁举行抗议活动。 www.ecocn.org 7. Freeze-drying is one of the most effective methods. Many researches have been performed to improve the effect of freeze-drying method. 冷冻干燥保藏法是菌种保藏最有效的方法之一,为进一步提高菌种保藏质量人们进行了大量的研究。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. They asked everyone to freeze, threatening to shoot if anyone moves, " she said. " 他们下令每一个人不许动,并且警告说,有人动就开枪。 www.bing.com 9. The more solar energy the ocean absorbs during the summer, the longer it takes in the fall for the water to cool down enough to freeze. 因此,海洋在夏季吸收越多的太阳能量,那么在秋季就需要更长的时间来冷却海水,使它结冰。 www.bing.com 10. They would be provided if the 90-day freeze were agreed but irrespective of a final signed deal with the Palestinians. 一旦90天冻结期方案通过,无论是否和巴勒斯坦签订最后协议,此项承诺就将会兑现。 bbs.ecocn.org 1. Your stats and subscriber count seems to freeze, producing the same results day-in, day out. 你的账户和订购者数量好像冻结了一样,日收入与支出相持平。 www.elanso.com 2. Mr Netanyahu is refusing, after a ten-month freeze, to stop Israelis building settlements on the West Bank, the core of a Palestinian state. 在十个月的冻结期过后,内塔尼亚胡拒绝停止约旦河西岸的定居点建设,而那里正是巴勒斯坦某省的核心地带。 www.ecocn.org 3. Some scientists have suggested that Toba caused the deep freeze and that perhaps such an event happening today could bring on a new ice age. 一些科学家们提出:是多巴火山引起了地球的深层冻结,如果当今有这样的火山爆发,或许会引起一个新的冰河时代。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 4. Care must be taken to avoid splashing anti-freeze on the vehicle paintwork, since some of the chemicals can soften the paint. 注意不要把冷却液喷溅在车的漆皮上,因为一些化学制品能软化漆皮。 www.cartech8.com 5. After using a blow torch to de-freeze the engine, we drove out on to frozen Lake Baikal. 我们用一支火把给引擎解了冻,驱车前往冰封的贝加尔湖。 www.bing.com 6. First he tried to line up congressional support for a two-year freeze on government regulations. 他先是力图说服国会议员支持他的请求,把政府一些规章的实施冻结两年。 dict.veduchina.com 7. Previous work showed freeze-dried strawberries were able to significantly inhibit tumor development in rats. 以往的研究显示,经冷冻干燥处理的草莓能够明显抑制老鼠体内肿瘤的生长。 c.wsj.com 8. He tried to make news by making the radical suggestion for a freeze on all government spending. 他提出冻结所有政府支出的建议,试图借此吸引注意力。 www.bing.com 9. A man should live with his superiors as he does with his fire; not too near , lest he burn , nor too far off , lest he freeze . 同上司相处如同与火相处,不要太近,以免被烧伤;也不要太远,以免被冻僵。 www.bing.com 10. Yogurt pops - fill paper cups with your favorite non-fat or low-fat yogurt and put a popsicle stick in each cup. Freeze and enjoy! 酸奶汽水——用纸杯装上你最喜欢的无脂或低脂的酸奶然后在每个纸杯里放一只冰棍下面你就可以好好的享受一下冰凉了。 www.bing.com 1. But freeze to death in the icy water, rose did not fail jack's expectations, strong survived. 自己却冻死在冰冷的海水中,罗丝也没有辜负杰克的期望,坚强的活了下来。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Denise sees the fleece , Denise sees the fleas . At least Denise could sneeze and feed and freeze the fleas . 丹尼斯看到了羊毛,丹尼斯看到了跳蚤。至少丹尼斯可以打喷嚏,喂养、冷冻跳蚤。 www.bing.com 3. The company operates quick-freeze food, freeze-dry food, dehydration vegetable, health care beverage. 公司的经营范围是速冻食品、冻干食品、脱水蔬菜、保健饮料。 www.jl.gov.cn 4. The odd result of this is that if, by some magic, you were to touch the corona, you would freeze rather than fry. 如此炙热和稀薄将会产生一种很奇特的结果,如果有种魔法让你能接触到日冕的话,你会被“低温”的太阳“冻住”,而不是被烤干。 www.bing.com 5. But small amount anti-freeze was added to it. And that seem to solve the problem. 但是加入了一些防冻剂,这貌似可以解决这个问题了。 bbs.xiaoma.com 6. Methods We grow the cartilage cells on the surface of freeze-dried bone and PLGA chaff and observe the propagating course. 方法获取幼兔关节软骨细胞,种植于两种材料表面,培养观察细胞生长情况。 www.chemyq.com 7. Be prepare prepared to cover early plantings during the night if there is still a risk of freeze. 如果仍有霜冻的风险,则需在夜间对早期的栽培育苗进行覆盖保暖。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Mr. Abbas has said the negotiations will be called off if Israel fails to extend the freeze. 巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯说,届时以色列不延长冻结令,就将停止谈判。 www.ttxyy.com 9. If the rectifiers fail and the line shuts down, the molten aluminum will "freeze" within hours, at a cost of $100 million or more. 倘若整流器出了故障导致整个生产线停工,那些熔化的铝将在几个小时之内冷却下来,代价将是1亿美元甚至更多。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Use either a store-bought cold pack or simply freeze a wet towel before going out on a run. 在跑步之前用商场买的冰袋或者简易的冰冻的湿毛巾冰敷。 www.bing.com 1. And South Korea's policy to freeze the price, or control the price, of 52 commodities seems to get the opposite result. 南韩的政策是对52种日用品冻结价格,或控制价格,似乎进入了相反的结果。 blog.gxsky.com 2. I buy ripe marked down bananas, slice them, freeze on cookie sheet, then place in bag. 我买香蕉成熟的下调,切片他们,就冻结饼干片,然后放在袋子。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. Samples of his body tissue looked almost recent in origin and certain bacterial stains collected had even survived the big freeze. 他体内组织的标本看上去跟刚死去的人差不多,而且某些细菌感染处历经严寒后依然存在。 www.nibiye.com 4. To freeze(food) by a process sufficiently rapid to retain natural flavor, nutritional value, or other properties. 使食品速冻通过一种充分地快速的加工方法,使(食物)冷冻,而能保持原有风味、营养价值或其他特性 www.jukuu.com 5. But you may not know that it has the same effect on your ability to not freeze to death. 不过你可能不知道,在能不能让自己冻死上,酒精也会起到这样的作用。 www.bing.com 6. Some argue that even the DPJ's plans to freeze spending at 2010 levels may be too austere for such a fragile economy. 一些人甚至认为尽管日本民主党计划在2010年冻结支出,但这种紧缩水平可能对脆弱经济来说也是太过。 www.ecocn.org 7. Everything from prawn powder to carrot chunks comes out of the freeze-dryer (6), a clever way of concentrating flavor without heating food. 从虾粉到胡萝卜块,所有食材都从冷冻干燥机中取出。一项不用加热食物就能浓缩其风味的巧妙技术。 dongxi.net 8. Needless to say that along with our partners in the EU we call for a freeze to settlement. 不用说,随着我们对在欧盟以冻结定居点的呼吁我们的合作伙伴。 www.sdsky.com 9. Most companies in the midst of a buyout completely freeze, ceasing any big moves lest they become a hinderance to the buyout process. 多数公司在被收购期间都丝毫不敢动弹,它们会停止一切重大举措,生恐这些会成为并购中的不利因素。 www.bing.com 10. Either way, what is clear is that the decision by the European Commission to freeze funds for Bulgaria was not just a technical measure. 然而无论如何,欧洲委员会冻结保加利亚的资金都不仅仅是出于技术考虑,还有着更深刻的政治层面意义。 www.ecocn.org 1. Can be temporarily removed for replacement of the backflow preventer without the need for replacement of freeze protection services . 可以暂时性拆卸,在不需要更换防冻装置的情况下,便于更换防回流阀。 www.bing.com 2. It does not cover unionized staff, but the company is also seeking a freeze for those employees, the memo said. 备忘录还显示,这项计划不包括属于工会组织的员工,但公司正想办法对这部分员工采取类似措施。 cn.reuters.com 3. But as the ecosystem recovered after the freeze, it expanded, with land plants becoming common over the course of the Silurian period. 但在冰封之后,随着生态系统的复原,其范围也随之扩大,其结果是在Silurian期陆生植物变得更为普遍。 www.bing.com 4. Many mountain lakes freeze over during winter and are used for curling, horse and dog racing, particularly around St. Moritz. 许多山区的湖泊冬天全部结冰,为掷石,骑马和塞狗提供场所,特别是圣莫里茨地区(St.Moritz)比较流行。 www.ebigear.com 5. Former staff revealed Mr Rudd would freeze out anyone who disagreed with him. 前工作人员透露,陆克文将冻结了与他的人谁不同意。 zjzhng.blog.163.com 6. The finer the weather, the greener the algae will be. On account of the green spirit, the water can't bear to freeze. 天儿越情,水藻越绿,就凭这些绿的精神,水也不忍得冻上; blog.sina.com.cn 7. It said safeguards were also needed to ensure the animals, usually found in Africa, do not freeze in cold German winters. 此外,为了确保这种通常生活在非洲的动物不在寒冷的德国冬天挨冻,还应该采取一些措施。 www.edu114.cn 8. Washington contributes nearly a quarter of UNESCO's annual budget, and its funding freeze has left the agency strapped for cash. 华盛顿提供近四分之一的联合国教科文组织的年度预算,由于已经冻结资金,该组织将过上拮据的日子。 www.kekenet.com 9. Netanyahu was offering a partial freeze, not including new settlements in East Jerusalem, the desired capital of a future Palestinian state. 内塔尼亚胡同意部分冻结,但不包括未来巴勒斯坦国计划定首的东耶路撒冷。 www.bing.com 10. What the hell happened? If you could freeze the exact moment of a 5 car pile up, what would you see? 到底发生了什么?如果你能冻结了5车堆精确的时刻了,你会怎么看? www.movingshop.org 1. of technologies that accomplish liquid concentration includes evaporation, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, and freeze concentration. 通常例举的液体浓缩技术包括蒸发、反渗透、超滤和冷冻浓缩。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Feelings can transfer, marriage can always freeze, passion can be overdrawn , and love of good price and sell. 感情可以转帐,婚姻可以随时冻结,激情可以透支,爱情善价而沽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. I direct you to report back to me within 30 days with recommendations for actions to implement this freeze. 我指示你们在30天内向我汇报实施冻结工资的行动建议。 q.sohu.com 4. Yesterday, the British government used anti-terror laws to freeze the assets of those banks. 昨天,英国政府利用反恐怖法冻结了那些银行的资产。 www.kekenet.com 5. You might be surprised at what you can freeze, and what tastes good frozen. 也许你会纳闷你要冻什么,或是冻个什么味儿的。 www.bing.com 6. Obama criticized McCain for a proposal to freeze government spending, saying it would hurt many social programs. 奥巴马还批评麦凯恩参议员建议冻结政府开支。奥巴马指出,这种作法将损害许多社会福利计划。 www.voanews.cn 7. The passage of time, recording the moment in the freeze frame, a special gift way around, finally got the tread. 时光在流逝,记录的瞬间在定格,一份特别的礼物途径辗转,终于拿到了,欣喜若狂。 www.bing.com 8. The heat and mass transport properties for the dried layer of beef undergoing freeze drying are investigated. 建立了冷冻升华干燥过程中物料干燥层导热系数和质扩散系数的数学模型。 www.chemyq.com 9. So tonight I feel proposing thduring the st gooding this year we freeze annual domestic spending for the next five years. 所以此日早晨,我创议从本年先导,解冻异日五年局限年度国际项目支出。 www.mdmspdt.com 10. It would freeze solid and that would be the end of life. 河流会被冻成固体,这就是生命的终结。 open.163.com 1. What Titian has done is to insert a moment, or, more like, a freeze-frame, into Ovid 's account. 提香所做的,就是把奥维德描述的某一,或者某几个场景定格。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Therefore, vacuum freeze-drying method were used to dehydrate water from microcapsule, which were separated from water phase. 因此,本文选用回收率较高的真空冷冻干燥作为复凝聚法制备微胶囊的脱水方式。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. The freeze would not apply to Congress, which sets salaries for itself and its employees. 冻薪计划不适用于国会,国会议员和国会雇员的工资都由国会自己决定。 chinese.wsj.com 4. An astronaut would go and get a freeze-dried package of seed microbes, add a little moisture, and stick it in the sensor. 一位宇航员就可取出一袋冻干的种子微生物,加入一些水,再把它送入敏感器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Microsoft says that they'll be just like the Apple stores, except the staff will freeze when you ask them a question. 微软公司表示,的店铺将会像苹果公司的店铺一模一样,嗯,除了当你向店员提问的时候,店员会像Windows那样…突然卡住。 www.ttxyy.com 6. Pay freeze : When a company stops implementing increases in salary for employees, typically due to financial constraints. 工资冻结:指公司停止给雇员加薪的做法,通常是因为受财务状况的限制。 www.ftchinese.com 7. In training, he asked if we do not get his consent, then even if it is wrong moves, similar to Freeze. 在训练时,他要求我们如果没有得到他的同意,那么哪怕是做错了动作,也不许动。 www.dota123.com 8. It isn't either big enough or interconnected enough to cause global financial markets to freeze up the way they did in 2008. 一方面,希腊问题的严重程度以及与其它方面关联程度不足以导致2008年那样的全球金融市场冻结。 blog.163.com 9. On September 16th the trust proposed to freeze it for the next two years. 9月16日BBC托管会提议冻结接下来两年的收视费收取。 www.ecocn.org 10. She lifted the little ice-encased body out of the deep-freeze and set it on the floor. 她把被冰裹着的小躯体拎出冰柜,放在地板上; www.8875.org 1. Put less food on your plate. Freeze your credit card into a block of ice. 放少一点的食物在你的盘子里,把你的信用卡冻结成一块冰。 www.bing.com 2. Writes that initialize final fields will not be reordered with operations following the freeze associated with the constructor. 初始化final字段的写将不会与构造函数关联的冻结后面的操作一起重新排序。 www.ibm.com 3. Put the tender ox twist sinew into a rectangle basin, add sauce in. Freeze until solid. 将煮好的粘牛筋放入一长方盆内,加汁,冻至凝结,取出切件。 www.hudong.com 4. Once frozen, the material was placed in a freeze-dryer that removed all the water from it over the course of four days. 一旦冷冻,把材料放在冷冻干燥器里四天,除去水分。 www.ecocn.org 5. The Americans and Palestinians want the Israelis to extend a freeze on settlement-building that expires at the end of this month. 暂缓以色列修建犹太人定居点的计划,将在本月底到期,美国人和巴勒斯坦人都希望以色列延长这一计划。 www.ecocn.org 6. Most substance contract when them freeze so those the density of a substance's solid is digit than the density of its liquid. 大多数物质遇冷收缩,所以她们的稠密程度在固态时高于液态。 www.bing.com 7. That is the net result of a freeze in basic pay combined with a slashing of allowances. 那是糅合了固定基本报酬和削减了的津贴的最终结果。 www.ecocn.org 8. Also part of the worst case scenario is a messy collapse of the euro and a Europe-wide credit freeze. 最糟糕的情况还包括欧元崩溃和欧洲范围内的信用紧缩。 www.bing.com 9. In the same volume content, anti-freeze properties of the steel fiber concrete is a little superior to the organic steel fiber concrete. 同等体积掺量下,钢纤维混凝土的抗冻融性能要优于有机钢纤维混凝土,但两者相差不大。 www.fabiao.net 10. Speak up in your community. Call radio shows and write newspapers, insist that America freeze CO2 emissions. 在社区讨论环保议题,呼叫电台或写信给报社,要求政府(这里指美国政府)管制二氧化碳排放量。 movie.douban.com 1. In Florida, as temperatures fell to record lows, citrus growers sprayed water on their trees to help prevent freeze damage. 在佛罗里达州,当温度跌破最低纪录时,柑橘种植者在他们的树上喷水来防止冰冻灾害。 www.unsv.com 2. Kuwait's Investment Dar said it signed an agreement with creditors and investors to freeze claims and give more time to thrash out a deal. 科威特投资机构InvestmentDar(简称TID)称已经和债权人与投资者签订协议冻结索赔,努力为达成交易争取更多时间。 www.bing.com 3. The reason to love winter days is the cold air leading to sober mind, only if it's not so chilly as to freeze eyebrows to fall down. 喜欢冬天的理由是冷空气能使人神清气爽,只要不是冷到把眉毛都冻掉了就行。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Having seen what happened with Lehman's default, the main worry would be a freeze in the markets. 目睹了雷曼兄弟违约所产生的后果影响,人们的主要忧虑将集中于市场的冻结。 bbs.ecocn.org 5. Be prepare prepared to cover ealy early plantings during during the night if there is still a risk of freeze. 如果还是存在冰冻的危险,则在晚上为幼苗准备遮盖物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The low temperature freeze injuries have done several harm to the plant survival and caused great losses to many crops yields. 低温冻害使许多植物生存受到严重危害,全球每年因低温冻害造成的农作物损失高达数千亿元。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Still, a freeze in annual domestic spending is just a start. 然而,冻结年度国内开支仅仅是个开始。 www.tingroom.com 8. And if the water were to freeze in the ground, it would expand and crack the road. 而且如果土壤因水被冻结起来,那么道路就会膨胀裂开。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. To determine the validity of the shake test for detecting freeze damage in aluminium-based, adsorbed, freeze-sensitive vaccines. 确定震荡试验对检测冷冻对铝瓶装吸附冷冻敏感型疫苗的损害上的有效性。 www.who.int 10. The medicine containing cordycepin in the form of freeze dried powder, injection, coated tablet and drip pill is disclosed. 该发明还公开了含有虫草素的药用制剂,如冻干粉剂,针剂,糖衣片和滴丸。 ip.com 1. Doing so allows you to freeze the file system to take a snapshot for backup purposes. 这样您就可以冻结文件系统来为备份创建一个快照。 www.ibm.com 2. They have also noticed that snakes come out of the ground to freeze to death and that dogs bark a lot, even normally quiet dogs. 他们还注意到,蛇会爬出地穴而冻死,狗会狂吠不已,甚至那些平常很安静的狗也会叫个不停。 www.tingclass.com 3. A snowflake is born when several molecules of water vapor in a could land on a speck of dust and freeze to form a simple crystal. 云里的水蒸气分子集结在尘埃上,冷凝形成简单的晶体,此时,雪花就诞生了。 cnc.wesiedu.com 4. Man will not roast or freeze, during rotation stoppage, as the atmosphere and oceans spread heating and cooling. 在地球停转期间,人类不会被烤焦,也不会被冻僵,因为大气层和海洋会散发热量,冷却温度。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. And any day now, the river might freeze, making it possible for the British force to cross into Pennsylvania. 现在,任何一天,河流会冰冻,使英国部队穿越宾州。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Photo Tip: The best and most common practice for producing dynamic movement in a picture is to freeze the action. 拍摄提示:让照片产生动感的最好和最常用办法就是捕捉动作的瞬间。 edun.hzcnc.com 7. Caution: To avoid freeze damage to the test kit, it should be stored in a dry, warm area when not in use . 警告:为了避免冰冻对于检测组件的破坏,在闲置时,应该把检测组件存放在干燥、温暖的地方。 www.jukuu.com 8. Furthermore, a eurozone financial freeze-up will almost certainly lead to a double-dip recession in the US, as well. 再者,欧元的财政冻结将几乎一定会导致美国经济的二次衰退。 www.bing.com 9. Third, she called for heightened coordination among the multinational naval operation andnewefforts to track and freeze pirate assets. 第三,她呼吁加强多国海军行动中的协调,并且呼吁进一步的努力以追踪及冻结海盗的资产。 www.bing.com 10. Though most of the ice "will disappear during summer, " much of it will re-freeze in the winter. 虽然大部分的冰盖“在夏天会消失,”但到了冬天又会重新冻结。 www.bing.com 1. Meanwhile, the new president announced a pay freeze for senior White House staff and stricter lobbying rules. 同时,新总统宣布冻结白宫高级职员的薪酬发放,并颁布更严格的游说规定。 bbs.cnr.cn 2. In return, Pyongyang would agree to freeze its plutonium reactor as the first stage of a process that would lead to complete disarmament. 作为回报,朝鲜也应同意冻结其钚反应堆,作为其实现核裁军的第一步。 www.ftchinese.com 3. GE's union at its plant in Louisville had to agree to a wage freeze until 2011 and to let new employees start for just $13 an hour. 通用电气联盟在位于Louisville的工厂同意将工资冻结至2011年和新雇员每小时工薪13美元。 www.ecocn.org 4. The biggest improvement has been the end of a liquidity freeze, especially in short-term repurchase ( "repo" ) markets. 最大的改善来自于流动性冻结的结束,尤其是在短期的回购市场。 www.ecocn.org 5. DO NOT freeze the sample before shipping. It will not freeze when packed as described here. 在运输前不要冷冻血样。如上包装的话,它不会冷冻的。 www.chinapet.net 6. There was a suggestion to move the oil spill to the arctic so that it could freeze up there and be no more dangerous. 有个提议说将石油泄漏转移到北极,这样就会冻结而不再有危险。 haohz-lhp.blog.163.com 7. Please help freeze Pakistan's debt to ensure the country's poorest people are able to recover from the devastating floods. 请协助冻结巴基斯坦的债务,以确保该国最贫穷的人民能够恢复的毁灭性洪灾。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Supernatant from freeze thawing haemocytes was applied for the tests of immunoprecipitation, bacteriostasis, and phagocytosis. 取冻融的血淋巴细胞上清进行免疫沉淀、抑菌、吞噬杀菌实验。 www.jsczz.cn:8080 9. The tales of his "spumona" foams, his freeze-dried powdered meats, and scientific "molecular" cooking techniques sounded gimmicky. 他做的“意式冰激凌”泡沫、冻干肉粉,以及科学的“分子”烹饪技艺听上去噱头十足。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Doing so will freeze your application until the long-running task completes. 冻结您的应用程序直至长期运行任务完成。 www.ibm.com 1. At such chilly temperatures the water molecules slow down enough to freeze spontaneously. 唯这样的低温状态下,水分子速度才能减缓至足以自行结冰。 www.yousoon.net 2. At this time of year, the waters around the elvish island of Vori freeze. 一年里的这个时期,凡里岛的周围水域都结冰了。 bbs2.ustc.edu.cn 3. The Palestinians also are demanding a freeze on Israeli settlement construction on land the Palestinians want for a future state. 巴勒斯坦方面还要求以色列冻结在巴勒斯坦计划未来建国的土地上修建定居点的工程。 www.voa365.com 4. These days, pulling the hulking smartphone from its charging perch makes me wince--will it freeze on me today? 如今,从充电底座取出这部庞大笨重的智能手机让我直皱眉头——现在我只能用它吗? bbs.translators.com.cn 5. The British were waiting for the Delaware River to freeze so that they could move easily and wipe out the American forces. 英军等待著德拉威河结冰,这样他们就能轻易地渡河,然后铲除美军。 wenwen.soso.com 6. He may be the king of the silver screen but it seems not even Steven Spielberg can thaw the freeze in credit markets. 斯蒂文?斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg)或许是银幕之王,但看起来,即使是他也无法让信贷市场解冻。 www.ftchinese.com 7. A popular tactic at the summit was to freeze enemy units with the special power and then carpet bomb them so they all die. 最高阶的常规战术是先用特殊能力冰冻敌人,然后地毯式轰炸送他们回家。 game.ali213.net 8. Even when they freeze his character and re-thaw him in the future, he's still the baddest man on the planet. 就算他们把他冰冻并在未来解冻之后,他还是这个星球上最生猛的家伙。 www.bing.com 9. The cell condition before freeze-drying had a significant influence to physiological damage, survival rate and cell activity. 冷冻干燥前菌体状态也是影响冻干对细胞生理损伤及存活率和菌体活力的重要因素。 www.13191.com 10. The looming expiry at the end of the month of Israel's freeze on building settlements had soured the atmosphere. 以色列停止建造定居点的约定即将在本月末期满,这更加剧了谈判的紧张局势。 www.ecocn.org 1. Or are the relationship between you and your lover entering the freeze-up? 你与另一半的关系已经快进入冰冻期了吗? www.yuloo.com 2. I hmm how the whole world seems to freeze. When I look at you, I lose all feeling in my knees. 我哎这世界似乎都要冰结了。当我看注目著你,让我都快站不住脚了。 revo-create.com 3. With the vacuum freeze-drying technology, it has longer quality-guaranteed period and better edible convenience. 冷冻干燥工艺提高了产品的保质期,而且食用方便。 www.bimag.com.cn 4. The United States and Iran broke a 27-year diplomatic freeze Monday with a four-hour meeting about Iraqi security. 周一,随着长达四小时的关于伊拉克安全会议的召开,美国和伊朗打破27年的外交冻结。 www.eoezone.com 5. It's okay to do this from a worker since you are not on the main UI thread, and this is not going to freeze up the application. 在worker中这么做是可以的,因为没有处于主UI线程,并且不会冻结整个应用程序。 www.ibm.com 6. The previous administration decided to freeze the price of oil and electricity. 前政府决定冻结油、电价格。 blog.gxsky.com 7. The main attack of the Cryocopter is the Freeze beam, which will literally freeze all types of units after a certain number of shots. 冰冻直升机的主攻技能是冰冻光束,它可以在几次攻击后逐渐冰冻任何的单位。 a.kk55.net 8. With instructions to recognize no one; and in fact he did freeze his face up when an old acquaintance hailed him. 他奉命不得与任何人相识,所以当一个老相识向他打招呼时,他确实就绷着脸毫无表情。 www.jukuu.com 9. At the end of the trailer is a lovely freeze frame of Messi and Torres, who both feature heavily in this latest batch of media released. 在预告片的最后是一个梅西和托雷斯的凝固的画面,他们两个在这段最新公布的视频中扮演重要角色。 www.jczqw.com 10. These sanctions could include a freeze on the assets of Syrian government officials as well as a ban on US business ties. 这些制裁可能包括冻结叙利亚政府官员资产,以及禁止与美国商业取得关系。 www.bing.com 1. The main physical geographical processes are freeze-thaw action and fluviation at the small watershed of the Xinfenggou village. 冻融作用和流水作用是新丰沟小流域中最明显的自然地理过程。 www.dictall.com 2. by the court or the administrative department to store closed, ordered or improper operation, the franchisor's assets freeze or seizure. 由法院或行政部分命令使门店暂停停业,或有不妥运营、特许运营商的资产被冻结或查封。 www.laikg.com 3. Freezer Burn: Provide enemies with freeze-up shots of each of your taunts. 冰冻燃烧:用你挑衅中的冰冻摄影技巧冻结敌人。 www.playhl.com 4. If the money move trend deepened in the near future , The world's stock markets may be stayed in rapid freeze . 如果未来资金搬家的趋势进一步延续的话,全球股市极有可能继续“速冻”。 www.suiniyi.com 5. No registration of pledge of equities that have been frozen by the people's court shall be applied for before the lifting of the freeze. 对于已经被人民法院冻结的股权,在解除冻结之前,不得申请办理股权出质登记。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. About that pay freeze: the president likes to talk about "teachable moments. " 关于这个冻薪法案:总统喜欢强调“现在是改革的关键时刻。” www.bing.com 7. One multinational beverage producer immediately retaliated with threats of an investment freeze. 一家跨国饮料商立即予以反击,威胁将冻结投资。 www.who.int 8. In Florida, as temperatures fell to recognized record lows, sycitrus growers sprayed water on their trees to help prevent freeze damage. 在佛罗里达,当温度跌倒历史最低,柑橘种植者给树洒水,以帮助抵御霜冻破坏。 www.showxiu.com 9. Night embroidered picture frames out of that freeze-frame, so that the palm in the moonlight at dawn to sleep quietly. 夜绣出那定格的画框,在月光下让棕榈在黎明前悄悄睡去。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The invention also relates to a preparation method of the Ganciclovir freeze-dry preparation for injection. 本发明还涉及该注射用更昔洛韦冻干制剂的制备方法。 ip.com |
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