单词 | full bloom |
释义 | 例句释义: 盛开,花漾盛开,绽放,怒放 1. What's more, the hair on her tail curls to her back which looks like a bouquet of flowers in full bloom. 而且,在她的尾巴卷到身后的时候,看起来就好像一束鲜花怒放着。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Has never been a flower in full bloom, China in geometry? 一朵从未盛开的花,华年在几何? www.jiaoyou8.com 3. She had never been the best singer but tonight she was like a flower in full bloom, singing with great passion and intensity. 她以前从不是最好的歌手,但今晚,她就像一朵盛开的花,歌声中充满了激情和力量。 am774.rbc.cn 4. Then spray with an insecticide like Malathion after the flower petals are at full bloom, and about a week later, as they are falling. 然后花花瓣喷洒杀虫剂马拉硫磷后,都喜欢在盛开,大约一个星期后,因为他们正在下降。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. In this early morning quiet of such a beautiful picture, I feel as if the layers of flowers in full bloom, bloom. 在这宁静的清晨有这样一幅美丽的画面,我的心情如鲜花般层层盛开、绽放。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. As you dream with floral, quietly coming to your line of sight, for your four seasons in full bloom the fragrance inside. 跟随着你梦里的花香,悄悄的来到你的视线,为你怒放四季里的芬芳。 www.bing.com 7. And now that Orlando's career is in full bloom too, we'll no doubt be seeing more of this handsome young star. 如今奥兰多的事业亦如日中天,毫无疑问地,我们将看到这位年轻俊美的男星更多的作品。 www.beelink.com 8. I'v got to be prepared, Peter, since all my people want our network to go back to its full bloom ASAP. 我必须得有备而来,因为我的人都希望网络尽快恢复最佳运转状态。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. One spring evening, my parents gave a dinner to guests in the garden, in which a myriad of flowers were in full bloom. 一个春天的夜晚,花园里群花绽放,父母在花园里宴请宾客。 bbs.putclub.com 10. The garden was bright with flowers in full bloom, which shed a sweet odour all round, and had a charming and elegant appearance. 园子里鲜花似锦,香气喷溢,显出一种迷人又优雅的样子。 www.jukuu.com 1. Anyone who does not need to watch it, read it, what is needed is in full bloom at the time of its own emotion. 不需要任何人去观赏它、读懂它,需要的是它自己绽放时的情感。 bookapp.book.qq.com 2. Several old plum trees in full bloom were braving the snow as if oblivious of the(depth of winter). 几株老梅竟斗雪开着满树的繁花,仿佛毫不以深冬为意。 blog.163.com 3. It had been nearly three monthssince I began working there. Spring was in full bloom. 我在那里工作了将近三个月了,已经是个春意盎然的季节了。 www.bing.com 4. Had spring's sowing seeds only then to have that fresh flower to be in full bloom, grain bumper crop, people's lighting up with pleasure. 有了春天的播种才有那鲜花盛开,粮食的大丰收,人民的喜笑颜开。 www.dota123.com 5. Story is also in full bloom, though they do not have beautiful flowers in spring, autumn, given the addition of a few angry. 秋菊也绽放了,虽然它们没有春天的百花艳丽,却给秋天增添了几分生气。 www.tradeask.com 6. Last spring flowers in full bloom, elegant state Xiangxie Double Butterfly, Zhao spent Star River, the wind from blowing over shirt tears. 去年春雨花烂漫,双蝶相携态翩翩,今朝星空花月夜,风起吹落泪满衫。 www.jiaoyou8.com 7. When spring came, the plant appeared in full bloom: a more beautiful object than any other plant in the forest. 当春天来了,工厂开出花来:在森林里比任何其它植物更美好的对象。 www.youeredu.com 8. This unique clock, made entirely of growing flowers, is always in full bloom during the Edinburgh Festival. 这种独特的时钟,使完全成长的花朵,是永远盛开在爱丁堡艺术节。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Flame trees are in full bloom and the air is clean, seaweed is drying on the side of the road and narrow tracks lead to fishermen's beaches. 出了城巴厘岛还是很美丽的,凤凰树上的花朵正盛开,空气清新,路边和通向渔村的小道边晾晒着海草。 www.bing.com 10. Happy is the season of the Epiphyllum, or wither and die in full bloom, flowering in the moment of induction. 而快乐是季节的昙花,盛开或凋谢,都在感应花期的一刹那。 www.bing.com 1. The same seems to be a sad autumn afternoon, waiting for me, and so on under the withered flowers in full bloom, a decline in full bloom. 而似乎有一个同样忧伤的秋日午后在等待着我,等月下的花儿盛放了凋零,凋零了盛放。 www.baihuoyw.com 2. April. The magnolia is in full bloom, the willow leaves are so fine, the green in the air is so young, so light. 早春,杨柳青青江水平,闻郎江上放歌声的时节。木兰在盛开,柳树在发芽,一切都那么青,那么轻。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 3. In fact, we covered a lot in the location of foreign tourists, Do not you sometimes feel that you own in full bloom in the landscape you? 其实我们身处的位置布满很多外来游客,难道你不觉得你自己有时就盛开在风景中么? www.bing.com 4. There once was a small town in Germany where acacia flowers were in full bloom, and apple and pear trees bore fruit in autumn. 在德国曾有个小镇,那里槐花处处盛开,秋天苹果梨子挂满枝头。 www.chnxs.com 5. The peony was in full bloom and I was just delighting in its beauty. But not long after, it suddenly wilted completely. 这麽盛开的牡丹花,刚才看到才很开心,但是才不久的时间,忽然间整个凋谢了。 marksheu.wordpress.com 6. The flowers in full bloom with the rain shower in the girls like straight so that the dog's tail grass to stoop his head to compliment it. 雨中盛开着的花儿就像沐浴中的少女楚楚动人,直让那些狗尾巴草去点头哈腰地为之恭维。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Youth originally like flowers, the essence of a whole life in full bloom, then wane. 青春本来就像花儿般,用尽一生的精髓怒放,然后凋零。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The fresh flower which here everywhere all has which create shades the green tree, the thick fragrant grass and is in full bloom. 这里到处都有成荫的绿树、浓密的芳草和盛开的鲜花。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Qualified battery body, plate and serve the system automatically installed by the automatic check in full bloom. 合格的电池体,由自动装盘系统自动装取盛放。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Another one, some several strings to squeeze onto the small pieces together with beads, the flowers in full bloom like a flower, snow-white. 又来了一个,有的好几串小碎珠一起挤上来,像一朵怒放的花朵,雪白… wenwen.soso.com 1. Our factory is now producing coke and chemical production recovery, gas power generation, coal tar processing full bloom. 我们的工厂目前生产的焦炭,化工生产的恢复,天然气发电,煤焦油加工盛开。 www.qiyeku.com 2. When this species is in full bloom, the flowers typically occur in bright red clusters (panicles) at the ends of the branches. 当这个物种是全面开花,花通常发生在明亮的穗)红群(在各分店的两端。 hi.baidu.com 3. With a move for the heart, for the spring in full bloom, dream sing! 用一颗动的心脏,为春怒放,为梦歌唱! www.fc0531.com 4. They are innocent, they are in full bloom, they would find the joy of life, they do not care about those seemingly misery. 他们天真,他们烂漫,他们乐于寻找生活的乐趣,他们不在意那些看似深重的苦难。 www.bing.com 5. long floating clouds and green bamboo fence , yong splendor of your peony in full bloom , the scent flavorful aroma yi people. 朗月浮云,青竹篱笆,雍荣华贵的牡丹花怒放,花香浓郁,香气溢人。 www.ichacha.net 6. In full bloom at the moment, dazzling it will attract all the attention. 在盛开的一刹那,灿烂夺目的它会吸引所有的视线。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. when the peony in full bloom, swallows flying; legitimate Rose Michelia, Cherry cooked, the best time of year! 正当芍药盛开,燕子飞来;正当玫瑰含笑,樱桃熟了,一年中最好的时节! www.ebigear.com 8. Life is an opportunity. It is the soil for the rose of love to be in full bloom. 生命是一种机遇:它是爱之玫瑰盛开的土壤。 bbs.wwenglish.org 9. Gradually, the increasingly large petals stretch like a chrysanthemum in full bloom, beautiful to watch. 渐渐的,花瓣舒展得越来越大,犹如盛开的菊花,美丽动人。 www.bing.com 10. Our inner lives are eternal, which is to say our spirits are as youthful and vigorous as when we were in full bloom. 我们的精神存在是永恒的,也就是说我们心灵永葆青春活力,它与我们处于花样年华时并无二致。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Feelings of loneliness and silence as the blue lotus, a silent in full bloom, in full bloom in this long silence of the night Liao. 寂寞的情感就象蓝荷花默然、无声的盛开,盛开在这漫长寂廖的夜里。 bookapp.book.qq.com 2. Suddenly, a beautiful forest of peach trees with flowers in full bloom caught his eyes. 忽然,一片美丽的桃花林出现在他眼前。 www.3us.com 3. "Look, gentian flowers are in full bloom. It's quite autumn now. " said Campanella , pointing out of the window. “你看,龙胆花都开了!已经深秋了啊!”康潘艾拉指着窗外说道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In full bloom, an ornamental cherry tree branch extends out over a moat at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan. 樱花开放图片。完美的花开放,一种观赏性植物樱花树分枝想完延伸越过护城河在日本东京的皇帝的宫殿。 i.cn.yahoo.com 5. Lies are like flower in full bloom; they look beautiful but do not last long. 谎话像盛开的鲜花,外表美丽,生命短暂。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It was in the early spring, when the crocus and the snowdrop were in full bloom. 这正是初春的时候,番红花和雪形花正在盛开。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. Between 31 and 35, a woman is like India: sensual, relaxed, in full bloom, aware of her beauty. 31到35岁的女人是南亚次大陆:充满着不受拘束的色欲,花开四地,熟知自己的魅力。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The fish tanks are no longer an ordinary full bloom containers, it has become a scenic 24-line at home. 而鱼缸也不再是一件普通的盛放器皿,它已成为点缀家居的一道风景线。 www.100shop.com 9. In one picture, a flower grows in a greenhouse and is in full bloom in spite of the outside rain. 在第一幅画中,一朵花在温室中生长,尽管外面下着雨,它却盛开着。 www.tesoon.com 10. Is not the buds, not bud, but the peach blossoms in full bloom despite Chunyang, opened at the time being! 已不是花蕾,更不是花苞、而是迎着春阳绽放的桃花,开得正当时! www.bing.com 1. in the face of rain, carding a full bloom, looking like a Bathing beauty. 在雨中梳理着盛开的容颜,恰似一个出浴的美人。 www.bing.com 2. Spring, peach blossom the trees in full bloom when looking from afar like a glorious morning glow. 春天,树上开满了桃花,远远望去,像一片灿烂的朝霞。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In the centre of the garden there is a rose-bush in full bloom. And under the rose-bush there is a snail. 在花园中心有一丛盛开的玫瑰花。在玫瑰花丛的下面有一只蜗牛。 www.jiejieleyuan.bb.iyaya.com 4. Today, when we think of Washington, D. C. , in the springtime, one of the first images that comes to mind is the cherry trees in full bloom. 现在当我们想到华盛顿特区的春天时,第一个出现在脑海里的图象应该是花朵盛开的樱花树。 www.24en.com 5. You see, not only a variety of chrysanthemum in full bloom, camellias also ek-sistent beautiful patterns. 你看,不光有各种菊花盛开,山茶花也绽出美丽的图案。 www.tradeask.com 6. With the always-popular Chelsea Flower Show in full bloom (ha! ), hotel availability was already at a premium. 随着著名的切尔西花卉展正处高潮,合适的宾馆基本已经溢满。 www.bing.com 7. The next morning, I was amazed to find the withered flowers in full bloom, the drooping petals having straightened up. 第二天早上,我赫然发现那束乾燥的花全都盛开了,下垂著的花朵挺直了起来。 sm2000.org 8. On a July second, when 'Mr. Lincoln' was in full bloom, my own Abe died. 有一年的七月二日,当“林肯先生”正在盛开的时候,我丈夫埃比去世了。 bbs.qinen.net 9. They are widely eaten fresh, cooked, or baked in pastries. In full bloom, plum trees are covered with densely packed, showy flower clusters. 广泛用于鲜食、烹煮或烘烤酥皮糕点之用。花朵盛开时,李树被艳丽的团团花簇所覆盖。 www.tdict.com 10. Arguably, this quintet was never better than they are here, when all their strengths are in full bloom. 有十足的理由相信,这个五重奏的表现从来没有这麽好过,力量的花朵得到完全的绽放。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 1. The Red Cosmos flower, shown here in full bloom at a public garden in New Delhi, India, belongs to the sunflower family. 红色波斯菊,示盛放在印度新德里的一个花园里,波斯菊属于向日葵族。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Autumn is the season of city in full bloom, yang cheng lake city on the sky, scenery is very attractive. 深秋正是芦花盛开的季节,阳澄湖畔芦花漫天,景色十分迷人。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Bringing a bright moon hung high, Magnolia flower is still in full bloom, looked silently, and some desolate. 皎洁的明月高悬,玉兰花依旧盛开,四下无声,有些荒凉。 www.enwaimao.cn 4. Autumn has come, at last Like a small life in full bloom. 秋也来了,小生命也终于含苞盛放。 www.bing.com 5. lower body with a storage box, items may be required in full bloom. 车身下配有储物框,可盛放所需物品。 china.53trade.com 6. cover with lid, put a box of strawberries in full bloom in the cold in the refrigerator for half an hour. 盖上盒盖,把盛放草莓的盒子放到冰箱里冷藏半小时。 baike.baidu.com 7. A woman takes a photograph of illuminated cherry blossoms in full bloom along the Chidorigafuchi moats in Tokyo, April 9, 2012. 2012.4.9.一位女子在东京的千鸟渊边拍摄被灯照亮的樱花盛开的景象 www.bing.com 8. The apple trees are in full bloom at the moment. 目前苹果树开满了花。 chaya.blogchina.com 9. Thus, try to find the "rose" within yourself and you will also be in full bloom. 因此,努力去寻找自己身上的“玫瑰”吧,你也同样拥有全盛的花期。 www.gtvod.com 10. No flower could be in full bloom in all seasons, but each flower makes the world more fantastic when it 's blooming. 花不能四季常开,但是每次开放都带来了绚丽的天! ks.cn.yahoo.com 1. Summer flowers in full bloom season, met you. Just like a fairy tale dream summer. 夏花盛放的季节,遇见你。就像是一场盛夏童话之梦。 blog.163.com 2. A honeysuckle hung forth from the hedge, in full bloom; but there were so many girls like her, with long faces and sallow complexions. 金银花悬在篱笆上。像她这样的女子,数目还不少;她们都板平面孔,皮肤发黄。 www.crazyenglish.org 3. There is no point in full bloom of her voice, because it awakened the sleeping for fear of people, for fear of alarming their dream scratch. 她的绽放没有一点声音,因为它生怕惊醒了熟睡的人们,怕惊挠了他们的美梦。 www.tradeask.com 4. Youth flourishing , can't have lonely like being a leaf , having being in full bloom , also, having withering , having. 青春就像是树叶,有盛开,也有凋零,有繁华,也有孤独。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. In length, the longest of the Okanagan have half-bloom, but still not in full bloom! 有长有短,最长的那根都半开花了,但还是没有完全绽放! www.enwaimao.cn 6. Picks a beautiful sunset glow, lets it be in full bloom in the horizon, my heart is melted the dream to arrive. 摘朵美丽的晚霞,让它盛开在天涯,我的心被融化梦想就会到达。 www.dota123.com 7. I am right chrysanthemum is another favorite, because only chrysanthemums, in the rest of the season things alone in full bloom. 而我对菊花又是另一种偏爱,因为只有菊花,在万物休息的季节里独自盛开着。 enwaimao.cn 8. Alice at the edges with planting, in full bloom, the red and yellow form a contrast, even more Chunyiangran. 于边翘搭配种植,盛开时,红黄相映,更显春意盎然。 www.tradeask.com 9. We passed through many tunnels and tiny villages surrounded by lush green countryside with flowers in full bloom. 我们穿过许多隧道和郁郁葱葱的绿色中盛开的鲜花包围的小村庄的农村。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. These pass the childhood, is in bud the flower, proudly was already in full bloom. 这些通过童年,是在芽花,骄傲地已经在盛开。 tieba.baidu.com 1. By the 16th century, English was in full bloom, both in literature as well as in science. 到了16世纪时,英语在文学与科学上的使用均达到了巅峰。 mysearch.100e.com 2. a festival, though not in the spring, but spring. Teacher, your holiday best, this day, your garden's flowers are in full bloom! 一个节日,虽然不在春天,却春意盎然。老师,您的节日最美,这一天,满园的百花都为您盛开! zhidao.baidu.com 3. EX: See a quiet smile in full bloom, buried in a hurry in the plain of dust matter. 看到的是安静中怒放的笑靥,掩埋的是匆忙中平淡的尘事。 www.bwbd.info 4. Gardens are in full bloom, the citrus crops ripen, and balmy weather invites outdoor recreation. 花园里百花盛开,柑果黄熟,温和的气候吸引着人们到户外进行娱乐活动。 www.jukuu.com 5. Green, red, pink just like a spring garden in full bloom in skirt-like. 绿色、红色、粉色就像春天花园般盛开在短裙上。 zysd.cc 6. Spring has finally come, a small cellular also busy bees from the flowers in full bloom in the collection of honey. 春天终于来了,蜂巢里的小蜜蜂们也忙碌的从盛开的鲜花里采集蜂蜜。 www.fishjava.com 7. Flowers were in full bloom. Butterflies were flying from flowers to flowers in the spring sunshine. 花儿尽情绽放,蝴蝶在春日的花丛间欢快地飞舞。 www.ebigear.com 8. All the time, he savoured the gillyflowers in full bloom under my windows. 他一直闻着盛开在我窗下的紫罗兰花香气。 www.jukuu.com 9. I see the flowers in full bloom at the moment, but unusually calm. 可我在看到鲜花盛放的那一刻,却异乎寻常地平静。 www.tradeask.com 10. Both has the fertile soil fertile farmland, bumper grain harvest, and has the broad prairie, a hundred flowers in full bloom. 既有沃土良田,五谷丰登,又有广阔草原,百花盛开。 www.panoramio.com 1. This is not just a flower in full bloom in the season, but also to fragrance filled in the memory, this is the posture of flowers. 这样的花不只是绽放在季节里,也把芬芳弥漫在记忆里,这才是花开的姿态。 www.bing.com 2. The mum flowers in our old garden would be in full bloom again this autumn. 这个秋季,那些菊花将在我们的旧花园里再次尽情绽放。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. With proper temperature, moisture and fertilizer, the flower is growing in full bloom. 有适当的温度、湿度和肥料,花儿正在绽放。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Plants tidy, purple color, beautiful purple-red leaves, pink flowers in full bloom lovely. 植株整齐,叶色紫红,紫红色叶片美丽诱人,粉红色花朵烂漫可爱。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Full bloom the life, in age of our youth. 绽放生命吧,趁我们还年轻。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Introducing Citron, a seductively sweet mixture of beauty and braun carefully cultivated to send your senses into full bloom. 介绍柚子,一个美丽而诱人甜美的混合物布劳恩精心培育发送到盛开你的感官。 www.ttbuy168.com 7. They say that the flowers in Beihai Park are in full bloom now. 听说北海的花儿都开了,我推你去走走。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The indoor has the man-made apricot tree which two numerous flowers are in full bloom, is symbolizing "propitiously lucky" . 室内有两棵繁花盛开的人造杏树,象征着“吉祥幸运”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. One townhouse has a front yard full of pottery objects under white hibiscus trees in full bloom. 在一栋连排别墅的前院,木槿树盛开着白色的花朵,树下放满了陶器。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Calyx canthus can be in full bloom even in winter. 腊梅在寒冬依然开花。 www.kekenet.com 1. Rush through the years, never mind in full bloom of the flower! 岁月匆匆走过,心灵之花却永远盛开着! www.tradeask.com 2. Friends is very precious, very important, and we should cherish him and let the flowers of friendship is always in full bloom. 朋友很珍贵、很重要,我们要珍惜他,让友谊的花朵永远盛开。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. At perfumes heart the notes of Turkish rose, jasmine, geranium and peony are in full bloom. 中调为土耳其玫瑰,茉莉,天竺葵和牡丹。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. We all like summer flowers in full bloom, right ah, my name is: flowers, very simple but beautiful. 我们都如盛夏绽放的花朵,对啊,我的名字就是:花朵,很简单却又美好。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Love is flower. Where it is in full bloom, everything is prosperous there. 爱情是花朵,它在哪盛开,那儿万物一派生机。 my.putclub.com 6. The fairy holds the vision of the flower in full bloom and the flower grows into that shape. 仙女拥有洞察力,花完整繁盛和花成长进入定形。 www.cnufo.com 7. Today, still in full bloom, morning glory, is just outside the times it has changed. 如今牵牛花仍然盛放,只不过是外面时代有所变迁罢了。 www.bing.com 8. Miserable in this one, the plum blossom in full bloom in the winter to bring a little warmth and welcome. 就在这一片凄凉中,梅花的盛开给这个冬天带来了一点温暖和欣慰。 www.bing.com 9. window, the scent of lilies Several windows at the outdated in full bloom. 窗内,几株馨香的百合正对着窗外的清秋不合时宜的怒放。 www.bing.com 10. A family looks at pictures on their camera as they stand under cherry blossoms in full bloom in Tokyo, Japan on April 4, 2010. 看来,一个家庭,他们的立场下樱花盛开的东京,于2010年4月4日在日本就其相机拍照。 08062788.blog.163.com 1. Stay in touch, is not forgotten, in full bloom later regret. 停留在原处,是不愿碰触的遗忘,在盛开之后的遗憾。 www.qqgag.com 2. Full bloom colors noodle soup, beef soup, seafood soup, chicken soup. 盛放米粉的各色高汤,有牛肉汤、海鲜汤、鸡肉汤等。 xc.gan51.com 3. Dutch Pavilion is like a tulip in full bloom. 荷兰馆犹如一朵盛开的郁金香。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. if love, it makes a mountain flowers in full bloom, so fragrant love the four seasons. 若爱,便作一朵怒放的山花,让爱恋芬芳四季。 enwaimao.cn 5. Our inner lives are eternal, which is to say our spirits remains as useful and vigorous as when we are in full bloom. 我们的内在是永恒的,也就是说,我们的灵魂始终像年轻时一样生机勃勃。 movie.douban.com 6. Then, after the road is in full bloom, or thorns? 那么,以后地路是繁花盛开,还是荆棘丛生? www.bing.com 7. love, the Rose Festival is not beautiful in full bloom. 爱,更不是节日的玫瑰盛开的娇艳。 www.bing.com 8. Before and after the Chinese luoyang peony gu yu, are in full bloom jiaodong fishermen to offering the sea, sea peace, hope yourselves. 谷雨前后中国洛阳的牡丹正盛开,胶东的渔民们要祭海,希望出海平安,满载而归。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Whose light language, fiddle corner flower, a flower in full bloom? 谁的轻语,拨弄墙角花,盛开一朵一朵? www.bing.com 10. It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry blossom is in full bloom . 在樱花完全绽放的时候,经常容易遇到阴天或多风天。 www.jukuu.com 1. Delivers your rose which I used to like watering. I hope you will protect her. You are the rose which is full bloom forever in my heart. 送你的玫瑰花是我用爱浇灌出来的,希望你用心去呵护她,你是我心中永远盛开的玫瑰。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Only when the PDO with lower cost be developed, along with the excellent performances of PTT, did the PTT fiber period of full bloom come. 只有开发出较低成本的PDO,加之PTT的优异性能,PTT纤维才能迎来真正的全盛时代。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Rhododendrons are in full bloom, white like snow, such as cotton, tea, such as fiery red, decorated in a between Bamboo trees. 杜鹃正盛开,白的如棉如雪,红的如火如茶,一丛丛点缀在绿树翠竹之间。 www.enwaimao.cn 4. However, she has a unique style of living alone in full bloom, quiet and elegant, delicate and pretty refrain. 然而她却以特有的风格独居盛开,宁静而高雅,清秀而悠然。 www.bing.com 5. The flowers in full bloom are there just for us, Your ignorant children, who are so happy blossoming in Your ocean of love. 原来这些盛开的花朵正代表我们这群无知的孩儿,我们是多么幸福地在妈妈的爱海里绽放着。 sm2000.org 6. In addition, cherry blossoms also act as friendly ambassadors of the Japanese people, and they are in full bloom in many parts of the world. 另外,樱花还作为日本人民的友好使者,已经盛开在世界许多地方。 zhishi.sohu.com 7. Huan Yang bird is called when there is a wild flower in full bloom, and we put it there, called the yang bird flower. 阳雀正叫的欢的时候,有一种野花盛开了,我们那儿就把它叫阳雀花。 www.bing.com 8. Like a bright flower in full bloom. 就像一株灿烂盛开的花。 www.tradeask.com 9. Lotus in full bloom with their beautiful clothes, beautiful dance of the jump. 荷花怒放着自己美丽的衣衫,跳起了优美的舞蹈。 www.tradeask.com 10. early in the morning , xiangyanghua open infested scent , some bud , some in full bloom and vitality. 清晨的早上,向阳花开放,清香扑鼻,有的含苞,有的怒放,生机勃勃。 www.ichacha.net 1. Recently, her second spring came, everything in the fall of the Depression, mood, such as blossoming spring flower in full bloom. 最近,她的第二春来了,在这万物萧条的秋天,心情却如朵朵春花怒放。 www.dota123.com 2. Flowers are in full bloom outside the diamond-shape windows, and the Arabian carpet shines in the sunshine. 菱形窗外鲜花怒放,阳光照射在阿拉伯地毯上。 ngmchina.com.cn 3. Attendant with a clean basket full bloom hygiene products, cleaning the room. 服务员用清洁篮盛放卫生用品,打扫房间。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Camellia Sasanqua, you said that his garden has Camellia in full bloom. 山茶花你说他的家开满山茶花。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Nose: In full bloom, with blackcurrant and ripe fruit. 味道:香气芬芳,混合着黑醋栗和成熟水果的芳香。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Fill the cup will overflow, flowers in full bloom would fade. 杯注满了就会溢出,花盛开了就会凋谢。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Bamboo and shady trees set each other off to advantage and flowers are in full bloom. 竹,树影婆娑,建立彼此的优势,把花盛开。 www.cstgw.com 8. In October the chrysanthemums are in full bloom. 十月菊花开得正旺。 www.nciku.cn 9. Many trees, the East West cluster of clusters decorated with flowers in full bloom in every corner of the park. 绿树众中,东一簇西一簇盛开的鲜花装点着公园的每一个角落。 www.bing.com 10. Now so many flowers of life are in full bloom before my eyes. 在我的眼前开放着这么多的人生的花朵了。 www.bing.com 1. There once was a rose bush in full bloom in a big garden. 从前有一丛玫瑰在一个大花园里瑰盛开着。 www.chnxs.com 2. Proudly in the fall chrysanthemums in full bloom. 秋天里的菊花傲然怒放。 www.hbzxr.com 3. flowers are in full bloom , our life are in full bloom , too. 鲜花在怒放,我们的生命也在怒放。 www.ichacha.net 4. smile on your child, immediately, you feel like you have a flower in full bloom brilliant, a touch of pure holy moonlight in flashing. 孩子对你笑着,登时,你感觉有一朵花灿烂的在绽放,一抹纯净圣洁的月光在闪动。 www.bing.com 5. Reveal fragrant flowers in May, a vast land of China Angran, the joy in everyone's face in full bloom. 五月的鲜花吐露芬芳,神州大地一片昂然,喜悦在每个人的脸上绽放。 www.tradeask.com 6. summer, flowers are Zhengyan, which a large a large and in full bloom, and summer and more beautiful because of it. 炎炎夏日,百花争艳,它一大片一大片地盛开着,夏天因它而更美丽。 www.bing.com 7. Bit by bit aid, friendship, flowers in full bloom. 点滴相助,友谊之花盛开。 bbs.24en.com 8. the life is the fireworks which meets is in full bloom, also perhaps meets sandstorm. 生活不过是一场接一场盛开的烟花,亦或是一场接一场的风沙。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Lotus flowers are in full bloom in the pond in summer. 夏季的水塘中,芙蓉盛开。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The cherry tree is pink with flowers in full bloom. 樱树盛开著粉红色的花朵。 www.twowin.com.tw 1. Set up rather county ten thousand mu lotus in full bloom, see the lotus seed is big running. 建宁县万亩莲花怒放,眼看莲子又是大歉收。 tv.360mp3.com 2. West Lake on a summer in full bloom lotus. 一到夏天西湖就开满了荷花。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 3. There the Peach Blossom are in Full Bloom. 在那桃花盛开的地方。 dic.so.163.com 4. In full bloom, being the earth charming bride. 当花蕾盛开最美的时候,成为大地妩媚的新娘。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. In this month, the climate is warm, flowers are in full bloom, the nature like a garden filled with fresh flowers and air . 我是这么幸运的生在万物开始新鲜、美丽五月,这个月,气候温暖,百花盛开,大自然像花园一样到处开满了鲜花,充满了洁净的空气。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Downfall of the US such as hemochromatosis Bianhua full bloom Like a Dream, Ruhuan. Full of sad memories. 堕落,华美如彼岸花血色的怒放,如梦,如幻。充满悲伤的回忆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The peach trees are in full bloom in spring. 春天桃花盛开。 www.bing.com 8. Just outside the windows kapok flowers glowed red in full bloom. 窗外的木棉树上开着耀眼的红花。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Large temple peach (Bai) to make the world in April Fangfei, Temple Peach Blossom in full bloom before. 大林寺桃花(白居易)人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开.长恨春归无觅处,不知转入此中来。 wenwen.soso.com 10. I saw red flowers in full bloom. 我看见盛开盛开着的红色花朵。盛开 wenku.baidu.com 1. By summer 1971, aninternational monetary crisis was in full bloom. 直到1971年夏季,一场国际货币危机盛行。 www.pay4.cn 2. Now, the one to fall, I can see the bright and chrysanthemums in full bloom with the. 现在,一到秋天,我又可以看到那灿烂而怒放着的菊花了。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Flowers are lovely while they are in full bloom. 花盛开着的时候很招人爱。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Their garden was in full bloom. 他们的花园里鲜花盛开。 www.hjenglish.com 5. The peonies are in full bloom now. 现在牡丹花正盛开。 dict.ebigear.com 6. The flowers are in full bloom. 花正盛开着。 52english55.xinwen520.net 7. In my Rose Garden, only a rose, have grown for many years, but never in full bloom, that time until I met you. 在我的玫瑰园里,只有一株玫瑰,生长了好多年,却一直没有盛开,直到我遇见你的那一刻。 www.94493.com 8. Yamahana stay in full bloom, he laughed in the leaves. 待到山花烂漫时,他却在丛中笑。 www.bing.com 9. It is the month of May and the flowers are in full bloom. 现在是五月,鲜花盛开。 www.englishcat.cn 10. It is the tears of the eartistic creationh that keep here smiles in full bloom. 是大地的泪点,对比一下修改。使她的含笑维系着青春不谢。 bbs.chifan5.com 1. Days in the run, and the flowers are still blooming, and blooming flowers, a glorious, but also a brilliant chapter in full bloom. 日子在奔跑着,花儿还在绽放着,绽放出灿烂的花朵,也绽放出绚丽的篇章。 www.bing.com 2. Our songs like flowers in full bloom, Dangqi a sea of joy! 我们的歌声像怒放的花朵,荡起一片欢乐的海洋! wenku.baidu.com 3. The roses are in full bloom now. 玫瑰现在正盛开。 club.163.com 4. So I see a land of flowers in full bloom. 于是我看到一地的繁花盛放。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Spring was in full bloom. 现在的春天已是百花怒放。 www.bing.com 6. Bana in full bloom in this place. 在这彼岸花盛开的地方。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Sophorae when in full bloom, I hometown. 当槐花盛开时,我回了趟久别的故乡。 www.tradeask.com 8. Is it, in full bloom with the fragrant grass withered, the people are brought to you melancholy? 难道,芳草的绽放与凋零间,带给人的皆是惆怅吗? www.bing.com 9. The roses are in full bloom. 玫瑰花盛开了。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. The young prince saw a rose garden rose garden in full bloom, he is very sad. 玫瑰园小王子看到一座盛开的玫瑰园时,他非常伤心。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The roses in full bloom. 玫瑰花剩开了。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. 17-18 century was a full bloom period of Mercantilism. 17-18世纪是重商主义盛行时期,重商主义成了英国的国策。 www.lsfyw.net 3. But my mother doesn't come back, my mother has become a flower in full bloom, in heaven, where flower. 可是妈妈再也回不来了,妈妈已经变成一朵花,在遥远的天堂盛开着,在那里开着花。 www.bing.com 4. I have seen your smiling face, in full bloom in the mouth. 写给远方的玮柏:梦里面我见过你的笑脸,在嘴角绽放。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Each a flower. She has in full bloom. 每一朵鲜花.都有她盛开的理由。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Flowers in full bloom are seen anywhere in the park. 在公园里盛开的花朵随处可见。 dict.ebigear.com 7. It is in full bloom? Open how long? 它开得很久吗?是谁摘下来的。 www.douban.com 8. With the spring rain, many kinds of flowers are in full bloom in May . 随着春雨的到来,许多种类的花在五月绽放。 www.ok06.com 9. back even pick strawberries, I have lost the care of the mother in childhood, who is going to wash my crock strawberries in full bloom? 即使摘回了草莓,可我已失去了呵护童年的母亲,谁来为我洗净瓦罐盛放草莓? www.bing.com 10. The peonies are in full bloom in the park. If you go to see them, I will accompany you. 公园里牡丹盛开,如果你去赏花,我愿意陪你去。 enjoyit08.blog.163.com 1. I am a summer lotus in full bloom. 我,是一朵盛开的夏荷。 www.zftrans.com 2. Do not have a friend like you, like rain, like the peach blossoms in full bloom. 没有一个朋友象你一样喜欢细雨、喜欢盛开的桃花。 www.bing.com 3. I like to play on the river bank, I like it everywhere, lush, a picture of a vigorous, I prefer river bank side of rape in full bloom. 我喜欢到江堤上去玩,我喜欢它到处郁郁葱葱、一片生机昂然的景象,我更喜欢江堤边盛开的油菜花。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 4. You have you, I have me, is in full bloom. You suit you, I suit me, hangs the defeat. 你拥有你的,我拥有我的,盛开。你适合你的,我适合我的,垂败。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. On the south side of the garden with herbaceous and perennial flowers mainly spring, summer, autumn flowers in full bloom, colorful scene; 南侧花园以草本和宿根花卉为主,春、夏、秋三季繁花盛开,五彩纷呈; wenwen.soso.com 6. summer, Lin Ling, pampas grass swaying in the wind, full bloom lotus lake, the lake little white sail, makes summer Italian Dunxiao; 夏季,莲菱蒲苇随风摇曳,满淀荷花盛开,湖内白帆点点,使人暑意顿消; www.showxiu.com 7. Flowers in full bloom perfuming the spring air of the campus. 例17.a)春天校园里鲜花盛开,空气中弥漫着芳香。 www.51lunwen.org 8. life of the flowers in full bloom, it was a beautiful shine, stretch, beautiful and more funding; 生命是盛开的花朵,它绽放得美丽,舒展,绚丽多资; goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Eagle acquired in a strong wind and rain in the wings, the plum blossom in full bloom in the cold weather 雄鹰在暴风雨中得到强健的双翅,紫色的花儿在寒冷的天气依然怒放, wenwen.soso.com 10. Plum only in the winter, "Han-ling open on its own" , by the autumn, and only in the Chrysanthemum proudly in full bloom; 冬天只有梅花在“凌寒独自开”,到了秋天,也只有菊花在傲然怒放; www.hbzxr.com 1. White flowers in full bloom during spring and summer when their Zhengyan Lamei never, it is always unknown; 每逢春夏白花盛开之时,腊梅从不与其争艳,它总是默默无闻; www.tradeask.com 2. Wild chrysanthemum in full bloom, I like to play the slopes. 野菊花盛开时,我最喜欢到山坡上玩。 www.bing.com 3. Each season here has its own beauty : bright flowers in full bloom covering the green slopes in spring ; 这里的每个季节盛开自己的美丽:明亮的春天的花朵覆盖在绿色的斜坡; wenwen.soso.com 4. On the left, when in the greenhouse, the flower is in full bloom despite the raging storm outside; 左边,当处于温室中时,尽管外面狂风暴雨,这朵花却尽情开放; blog.sina.com.cn 5. Phrase now Sparse cross fall, subtle fragrance of plum blossoms floating snow bucket Haner always welcome in full bloom; 疏影横斜、暗香浮动的梅花总是迎雪斗寒而盛开; www.ccmedu.com 6. In the yard, in an arbour formed by lilac bushes in full bloom, stood an open coffin; 但在院子里,在一个开满了花的紫丁香组成的凉亭下,停着一口敞着的棺材。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. One in full bloom with the right desire to City 一个盛放着欲望的权利之城 zhidao.baidu.com 8. the evolution and topes of the full - bloom tang - dynasty frontier poems 论初盛唐边塞诗的演进和类型 www.ichacha.net 9. the slopes of the beam bundle of flowers in full bloom, aromatic and pleasant; 山坡上怒放的束束鲜花,芳香宜人; www.bing.com 10. In spring, bright flowers in full bloom covering the green grassy slope; 春天,绿茵茵的山坡上,争奇斗艳的花朵到处可见。 www.fane.cn 1. If there is no snow in the winter, there will be no growth of plum, plum Like so in full bloom; 如果没有冬日的大雪,就不会有梅花的成长,所以梅花含苞怒放; www.bing.com 2. Effect of Different Type Leaves on Cotton Yield in Full-Bloom Stage 棉花盛花期不同类型叶对产量的影响 www.ilib.cn 3. Looking at the moon through the flowers in full Bloom 透过开满鲜花的月亮 www.fifid.com 4. See, I head home Zanhua, in full bloom along the way all the way 请看我头置簪花,一路走来一路盛开 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Flowers will be in full bloom beautifully 花儿才开得美丽 bbs.wwenglish.org 6. With sin in full bloom, my gloom booms by the full moon 罪恶萌发,我的阴暗在满月的照耀下更加弥漫。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. ROSE (SINGLE FULL BLOOM) - I Love You, I Still Love You 玫瑰(单枝全开的)-我爱你,我依然爱你 wenwen.soso.com 8. My love will climb on the windowsill in full bloom 我的爱会攀上窗台盛放 zhidao.baidu.com 9. In spring, the lilac reaches full bloom 春日里,紫丁香已经开满漫山遍野 i.mop.com 10. When Sakura In Its Full Bloom 樱花盛开的时候 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Beauty in its full bloom; 青春年少时的美丽; cb.kingsoft.com 2. cherry blossoms are in full bloom 因为此时正值樱花盛开的时节 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Roses in full bloom are just like your smile 盛开的蔷薇宛如你的微笑 wenwen.soso.com 4. Spring in its full bloom 春天花盛开 www.pen123.com 5. I see your untried passions come into full bloom; 我看见你们那初放的激情开出了花朵; dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Look, the flame is the youth in full bloom 看,跳动的火焰正是青春的怒放 zhidao.baidu.com 7. carnations are in full bloom in may 五月是康乃馨盛开的季节。 www.ichacha.net 8. Lilacs cover hill in full bloom 紫丁香盛开整个山岗 blog.sina.com.cn 9. all flowers are in full bloom 所有的花都盛开 wenku.baidu.com 10. The rosebush in full bloom 关于盛开的蔷薇 blog.sina.com.cn 1. There is a tree with the flowers in full bloom 路上有开满鲜花的树 zhidao.baidu.com 2. When the lily in full bloom River, 当百合花开满了河畔, zhidao.baidu.com 3. Every day we go to school, everyone is still laughing so brilliant, there are 10 million brush like flowers in full bloom at the same time. 我们每天上学,每个人依然笑得那么灿烂,仿拂有千万朵鲜花同时绽放。 www.bing.com |
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