单词 | fuld | ||||||
释义 | fuld
例句释义: 富德,富尔德,富尔达 1. In a parallel universe, no doubt, another Mr Fuld might have made a serious effort to sell Lehman. 毫无疑问,在一个平行空间里,富尔德或许会竭尽全力出售雷曼。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Suppose further that Richard Fuld, the firm's chief executive officer, was one of the perps. 那么进一步假设,该公司的首席执行官理查德.福尔德就是犯罪人之一。 www.bing.com 3. Hintz said he is confident the company has enough capital or that Fuld "would be selling his office furniture on eBay if he had to. " Hintz称他仍然相信这家公司拥有足够的资金,否则Fuld将不得不在Ebay上出售他的办公用具。 www.bing.com 4. Mr. Fuld's comment that he wasn't aware of the repo transactions was seized on by lawmakers who pressed Mr. Valukas about the matter. 国会议员们紧紧抓住富尔德称自己不清楚回购交易的说法,就该事宜向审查员沃鲁卡斯施压。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The verdict on Mr Fuld, that he was driven not by greed but by "an overpowering desire to preserve the firm he loved" , seems too gentle. 在写到富尔德的判决时,说富尔德犯罪不是因为贪婪,而是因为“保护自己所钟爱的公司的强烈的愿望”,这似乎过于温和了。 www.ecocn.org 6. Maybe, as a former Goldman Sachs chief executive, he did let his prejudice against Fuld get the better of him. 或许,作为高盛(GoldmanSachs)前首席执行官,他未能克制住自己对富尔德的偏见。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Staff at Lehman stuck pins in a picture of him, along with their reviled boss, Richard Fuld. 雷曼员工把大头针扎在保尔森的照片上,还有他们遭人唾骂的老板理查德-富尔德(RichardFuld)。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Analysts yesterday said it was not clear whether the moves by Lehman would be enough to relieve the pressure on Dick Fuld, chief executive. 分析师们昨日表示,目前尚不清楚,雷曼上述举措是否足以消除首席执行官迪克-富尔德(DickFuld)所面临的压力。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Mr Fuld was one of a number of witnesses testifying in a Senate hearing room on Capitol Hill. 富尔德是在国会出席参议院听证会的众多证人之一。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, questioning Lehman Brothers CEO Richard Fuld over the bank's. 雷曼兄弟CEO理查德·富尔德在国会众议院过堂听审时,众议院监督委员会主席亨利·韦克斯曼这样问他。 qjwb.zjol.com.cn 1. Unless Dick Fuld, Lehman's boss, can right the ship pronto, that temptation might be hard to resist. 除非雷曼的老板迪克-富尔德(DickFuld)能尽快校正前进方向,否则合并诱惑将很难抗拒。 www.ftchinese.com 2. A former bond trader known as "the Gorilla" , Fuld had been with Lehman for decades and steered it through tough times. 绰号“大猩猩”,Fuld作为一名前证券交易员,在雷曼工作了几十年,并曾引导公司走过艰苦的岁月。 www.bing.com 3. She writes that a lawyer for Dick Fuld, the Lehman chief executive, would not permit him to speak to her. 她写道,雷曼首席执行官迪克?富尔德(DickFuld)的律师不允许富尔德接受她的采访。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Ms Ward's account is engaging enough, though it suffers from the fact that both Mr Fuld and Mr Gregory refused to co-operate with her. 虽然沃尔德女士的叙述很吸引人,但这在富尔德先生和格里高利都拒绝与她合作这个事实面前有些站不住脚。 www.ecocn.org 5. "They are getting rid of the risk positions and keeping the company together because Dick Fuld knows his franchise is good, " Hintz said. “他们不得不取缔一些危险或不安全的职位,使得这家公司跟更为团结,因为DickFuld知道他的权利还完好无损。” www.bing.com 6. Dick Fuld, chief executive, said he was "very disappointed" with the results. 雷曼首席执行官迪克?富尔德(DickFuld)表示,他对业绩感到“非常失望”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. That left Lehman without anyone in a position to challenge Fuld and Gregory on the risks they were taking, particularly in real estate. 这导致雷曼没有一个人拥有足够高的职位,来挑战富尔德与格雷戈里所承担的风险,尤其是在房地产业务上。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The already pummelled shares of Lehman Brothers, led by the pugnacious Dick Fuld, lost more than half their value in two days. 已连遭重击的雷曼兄弟股票,在好斗的DickFuld执掌下,超过一半的市值在两天内化为乌有。 www.ecocn.org 9. In September 2008 the final head of Lehman, Dick Fuld, had no such alternatives as he waited for destruction to close in. 而2008年9月,雷曼最后一位掌门人迪克?富尔德(DickFuld)在等待毁灭来临之时,却没有这样的退路。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Mr Fuld liked his staff, especially his executives, to be married and faithful and clothed in a suit and tie. 福德先生喜欢他自己的员工,特别是他的经理,一个结过婚的、信仰虔诚的、总是穿着西服打着领带的人。 www.bing.com 1. By blaming the short sellers, Mr Fuld echoed the testimony of a fellow victim of the credit crisis earlier this year. 富尔德对卖空者的指责,与今年早些时候另一位信贷危机受害者的证词如出一辙。 bbs.med66.com 2. "I don't expect you to feel sorry for me, " Mr Fuld testified in front of Congress last October. “我并不指望你们会同情我,”富尔德去年10月在国会作证时表示。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Fuld encouraged risk-taking and Lehman was still investing heavily in property at the top of the market. Fuld鼓励承担风险,而雷曼仍然在房地产市场投资巨大。 www.bing.com 4. Mr Fuld did not attend the March 28 meeting because he had other calls to make. 富尔德没有出席3月28日的会议,因为他有其它电话要打。 www.ftchinese.com 5. When presented with the internal June 8 memo on Capitol Hill last week, Mr Fuld said: "This document does not look familiar to me. " 在美国国会,当6月8日的那份备忘录呈现在富尔德眼前时,他的回答是;“这份文件看上去不眼熟。” www.ftchinese.com 6. Mr. Paulson, by then, had become frustrated with what he perceived as Mr. Fuld's foot-dragging. 到那时,福尔德的迟疑不决已经让保尔森不再对其抱有幻想了。 www.bing.com 7. "And frankly after having watched [Mr Fuld's testimony to the committee], I'd have done the same too. " “坦率的说,看了富尔德先生在国会的听证后,我也很想这样做。” www.bing.com 8. "I expect everyone at the firm to be a risk manager, " Mr Fuld declared. “我希望公司的每个人都成为风险管理者,”他宣称。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Fuld also is one of the most respected and popular bankers on Wall Street. Fuld也是华尔街最受尊敬且最受欢迎的一个银行家。 www.bing.com 10. "We remain committed to examining all strategic alternatives to maximize shareholder value, " Fuld said on a conference call. 在一次电话会议上,Fuld称“我们让将坚持实施所有的战略方案,以保证我们股东利益的最大化。” www.bing.com 1. Joe Gregory, Mr Fuld's deputy, was criticised by some colleagues for reinforcing rather reining in his leader's excesses. 富尔德的副手乔-格雷戈里(JoeGregory)因助长、而非牵制其上司的过度行为,而饱受部分同事的指责。 www.ftchinese.com 2. One year on from the fall of Lehman Brothers, the face of Dick Fuld, former chief executive, has been back on our television screens. 雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)破产一年后,前首席执行官迪克?富尔德(DickFuld)又重新在电视上露面。 www.ftchinese.com 3. On October 6, Richard Fuld testified before congressmen about the collapse of his bank, Lehman Brothers. 10月6日,理查德-福尔德在美国国会就雷曼兄弟的破产作证。 www.ftchinese.com 4. As Richard Fuld, Lehman Brothers chairman and chief executive, put it: "Nothing stuns me, nothing surprises me these days. " 如雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)董事长兼首席执行官理查德-富尔德(RichardFuld)所说:“如今,没什么事情会吓到我,也没什么会让我吃惊了。” www.ftchinese.com 5. LIFE must seem terribly unfair right now for Dick Fuld, who headed Lehman Brothers when it filed for bankruptcy last month. 世道如此不公,上月申请破产的雷曼兄弟执行长迪克·福尔德(DickFuld)如今对此应深有体会。 www.bing.com 6. In a sign of the times, many of the financial elite present at past sessions won't be coming this year. Richard Fuld Jr. 反映眼下形势的一个迹象是,以往数次出席论坛的许多金融精英今年都不会前来了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. By contrast, Lehman's Mr Fuld talked of "protecting mother" but was drawn to the glister of leveraged deals. 相反,雷曼的Fuld先生一面侈谈“保护资产负债表”,一面却被杠杆交易的光芒所吸引。 www.ecocn.org 8. Mr. Fuld wanted to know whether Mr. Buffett would inject about $4 billion into the investment bank to stanch losses. 福尔德想知道巴菲特是否会给这家投行注资约40亿美元,以止住其亏损。 c.wsj.com 9. Facing a grilling on Capitol Hill, he was asked whether it was fair that he earned $500m over eight years. 面对来自国会山的拷问,Fuld被问及在8年里他挣得5亿美元是否公平。 www.bing.com 10. Fuld looks healthy and, at least when I met him, he wasn't living large. 富尔德看起来很健康,生活也不奢侈,至少我见到他的时候是如此。 cn.reuters.com 1. Mr. Fuld managed to persuade Mr. Black to settle for $3 billion right away, leaving the prior $5 billion request unresolved. 福尔德说服布莱克将价码降到30亿美元,而此前50亿美元的要求仍然悬而未决。 www.bing.com 2. It's even become a place for former Lehman CEO Richard Fuld to informally hang his hat. 它甚至成了前雷曼兄弟首席执行长福尔德(RichardFuld)非正式的就职机构。 www.bing.com 3. Lehman Brothers went down with Richard Fuld, but the estimated $480m he was paid while in charge continues to rankle. 雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)破产后,理查德?富尔德(RichardFuld)也跟着倒了霉,但对于他在执掌公司时获得的约4.8亿美元薪酬,民众至今怨恨难消。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Dick Fuld was afraid to find out because he knew that at 10 cents, Lehman likely was bankrupt anyway. 雷曼老总富尔德不敢正视事实,因为他知道如果一折甩卖这些资产,雷曼兄弟可能也同样摆脱不了破产的厄运。 www.bing.com 5. A person who answered the phone at Legend said no one at the firm would comment on Mr. Fuld. Legend公司接听我们电话的那位员工表示,公司上下都不能针对福尔德置评。 chinese.wsj.com 6. It expresses the anger that many former Lehman employees still feel toward Mr Fuld. 它表达了许多前雷曼员工对Fuld依旧愤懑难平。 www.ecocn.org 7. Then Gregory and some of Pettit's oldest friends conspired with Fuld to push Pettit out instead. 接着,格雷戈里、佩蒂的一些老朋友与富尔德密谋,将佩蒂驱逐出了雷曼。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Mr Fuld sponsored a room of Rothkos and other works in the Museum of Modern Art shortly before Lehman Brothers went under. 就在雷曼兄弟倒闭前不久,富尔德向现代艺术博物馆(MuseumofModernArt)一个展示Rothkos和其它作品的展厅提供了资助。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In recent months, Lehman CEO Dick Fuld and Merrill CEO John Thain had both said they could weather the storm. 在最近数月,雷曼执行长DickFuld和美林执行长塞恩(JohnThain)都曾表示,他们能够度过此次风暴。 cn.reuters.com 10. Former Lehman Chief Executive Richard Fuld is also due to appear. 前雷曼集团总裁RichardFuld也将如期出现。 www.bing.com 1. 'I can't help but compare Dick Fuld [the Lehman boss] and John Thain of Merrill Lynch. 我情不自禁地将迪克·福尔德(雷曼的老板)和美林证券的约翰·塞恩做比较。 www.bing.com 2. Others such as Richard Fuld, the former head of Lehman Brothers, also appear to have escaped prosecution. 雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)前首席执行官理查德?富尔德(RichardFuld)等其他人似乎也已逃脱了起诉。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Mr. Fuld, I salute your own employee who knocked you out cold in your own gym. 福尔德先生,你自己的雇员在你自己的健身房将你打昏,我要向他致敬。 big5.ce.cn 4. Others are portrayed less flatteringly, such as the publicity-seeking Chris Dodd, a key lawmaker, and Dick Fuld, Lehman's delusional boss. 其他人就得不到布什的这种礼遇了,比如他说主要立法者多德是寻求曝光率,迪克福德是雷曼的妄想家老板。 www.ecocn.org 5. Mr McDade also recalled that he had recommended to Mr Fuld that the use of Repo 105 be curbed. 麦克达德还回忆称,他曾建议富尔德对回购105的使用加以限制。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Was letting Mr Fuld's firm fail Mr Paulson's big mistake? 任由福尔德先生的公司破产是鲍尔森先生的重大错误吗? www.ecocn.org 7. Hungary is a gao fuld country, so the first go to the visa will require bought a high amount of insurance, about 3 million euros or so. 匈牙利是个高福利国家,所以第一次去签证都会要求买好一份保额比较高的保险,大概3万欧元左右。 en.cnxianzai.com 8. The executive said that Mr Fuld asked him: "Is it doable? Is it necessary? If so . . . go do it, " according to the report. 报告提到,这位雷曼前高管称富尔德问他:“这么做是否可行、是否有必要?如果是的话……那就去做吧。” www.ftchinese.com 9. If all else fails, Fuld left open the option of selling the company. 如果所有的计划都失败,Fuld将只能选择出售整个公司。 www.bing.com 10. In total, Mr Fuld stands to earn more than $50m for last year when cash bonus and other payments are disclosed next year. 等到该公司明年公布现金奖金和其它款项,富尔德过去一年的总收入将会超过5000万美元。 www.ftchinese.com |
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