单词 | formalist |
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复数:formalists 例句释义: 拘泥形式的人,形式主义者,形式主义的,形式法,形式论者,即为形式主义 1. In comics, I know that it results in sort of a formalist attitude towards trying to understand how it works. 在漫画界,我知道它促成了一种严谨的态度,引导我们尝试明白它的原理。 www.ted.com 2. Nan Hoover, an American-born artist who has been a Dutch citizen since 1975, produces formalist works that are highly sensual. 一位出生在美国,却在1975年成为荷兰公民的艺术家,致力于创作极具感性的形式主义作品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Previously, li Shimin occupies some girl countless, they desperately enduring, on the face like puppet strong show formalist laugh. 以前,李世民占有的少女不计其数,她们都拼命的忍耐,木偶般的脸上强露出死板的笑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. First, the system is exam, death is too formalist exams to dig books, the test books can find the answer. 首先是考试的制度问题,考试试题过于死板,死抠书本,让考试者翻书就可以找到答案。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The answer does not lie in pragmatic and formalist approaches but rather in hermeneutic language. 答案存在于诠释的语言而非现实和形式化的表达。 lib.cqvip.com 6. Such imaginative energies are at the origin of numerous symbols poorly explained as some vague formalist animism. 这样富有想像力的能源就是无数符号象徵的起源,却被忽略为某些语焉不详的形式上的泛灵论。 springhero.wordpress.com 7. Post-Impressionism perfectly exerted the formalist art for almost any subjects and contents. 后印象派将形式主义艺术发挥到极致,几乎不顾及任何题材和内容。 magazine.99ys.com 8. Mathematicians like to characterize things by being formalist . 数学家们喜欢用形式主义的方式来定义事物。 www.bing.com 9. But I need not throw the mood to make an organ true reduce a kind of formalist tool again, let life coma. 但我可以不再投入心情让器官真正沦为一种死板的工具,让生命麻木。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The Founder that the curve of gentle and lovely broke a room and formalist . 柔媚的曲线打破了房间的方正和死板。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Jin Xudong. "Formalist Criticism. " Seven Ways of Reading "The Square" . Seoul: Literature and Intellectuality Society, 2001. 150. 金旭东:“形式主义批评方法”,《〈广场〉的七种读法》。汉城:文学与知性社,2001年.150。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In the final analysis, I have just a formalist, you know. 说到底,我也只是个形式主义者,你是知道的。 zhishi.sohu.com 3. Do you consider yourself to be a formalist? 你认为你是一个形式主义者嘛? www.douban.com 4. CB: I remain a die-hard formalist . I think there are things specific to poetry that can only be done in poetry. 伯恩斯坦:我依然是一个顽固的形式主义者。我想诗歌中有些特别的东西,它们只能用于诗歌中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. on the other hand, accepted the formalist aesthetics of the Enlightenment and the aesthetic experience. 另一方面,接受了形式主义美学思想的启示,从现代派艺术成果中汲取审美经验。 www.fabiao.net 6. These things give a person a kind of icy and formalist sense. 这些东西给人一种冰凉死板的感觉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Philosophical conflict between cognitive linguistics and formalist linguistics 认知语言学与形式语言学的哲学冲突 service.ilib.cn 8. Principles of Architectural Formalist Aesthetics 建筑形式美的法则 bbs.gter.net 9. Philosophy on formalist in ideological work 关于当前思想政治工作形式主义的哲学思考 service.ilib.cn 10. Kant To Barthes-A survey of western formalist criticism 从康德到巴尔特:西方形式主义文论考察 www.ilib.cn |
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