单词 | for local | ||
释义 | for local
例句释义: 二十万港纸 1. As you can see, the plug-in life cycle for local, private plug-ins is identical to that of public plug-ins. 如您所见,本地、私有插件的生命周期和公共插件的相同。 www.ibm.com 2. First, while mobile use for local information seems to be growing, the trend is still a mile wide and an inch deep. 首先,虽然使用手机浏览信息的趋势有所上升,但整体形势仍然是只有宽度深度不够。 www.bing.com 3. Retro furnishings, slow-whirling ceiling fans and old mosaic tiles make it a favorite setting for local films. 复古的装潢,旋转缓慢的吊扇,仿古的马赛克瓷砖,使这里成了当地电影的一个最佳拍摄地。 www.bing.com 4. And, for that matter, a related form of bigotry has always driven the whole "local" model for local radio and newspaper coverage. 并且,就此而言,对于地方无线电广播和报纸报道,与此相关的一个因素——固执一直驱动着整个“地方”模式。 www.bing.com 5. For local governments building on arable land is often a money-spinner. Central-government efforts to curb this have not worked. 因为地方政府经常通过在耕地上建房来生财,中央政府限制占用耕地的努力并未奏效。 blog.ecocn.org 6. For local governments building on arable land is often a money-spinner. 对地方政府而言,可耕种土地上的建筑常常可以带来可观利润。 www.stnn.cc 7. It had to be cheap, have no English menu, perhaps in a run-down neighborhood and serve local dishes spiced for local tastes. 它一定要便宜,没有英语菜单,或许位于一个破破烂烂的街区,供应本地食物,按照本地人的口味调味。 cn.nytimes.com 8. I know he looks a bit of a rough diamond in his tattered jeans, but apparently he does a lot of good work for local charities. 我知道他穿着破烂的牛仔裤看上去有些浑金璞玉的样子,但清楚他是为当地的慈善事业做了许多有益的工作。 www.kekenet.com 9. For local politicians, reforming health care is something of a hobby. 对当地政客来说,推行医保改革就像是一种爱好。 www.ecocn.org 10. The outsourcing of law enforcement has also been something of a boon for local governments. 对于地方政府而言,执法的外包也是一种福音。 dongxi.net 1. Find the URL for each of these major television networks. Do they allow you to search for local news? Do they show current news headlines ? 找到这些陆军少校电视网中的每个的URL。他们允许你寻找地方新闻吗?他们显示当今的新闻标题吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In recent years, there has been a strong push for local and state governments to ban public smoking. 近年来,一直有强烈的要求敦促当地和国家政府在公共场所禁烟。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. Zhang Yimou used to be very sensitive to social concerns, and Feng Xiaogang has a magical hunch for local audience's interests. 张艺谋对社会关注点具有很强的敏感性,观众的兴趣是冯小刚不断追求。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Now we turn to the question of how we account for local hazard mitigation policy adoption at the different level. 现在我们转到的问题是如果我们占当地风险缓解政策选择在不同的等级。 ask.china-exam.com 5. You might be able to resolve this error by bypassing the proxy server for local Web requests, as described in the following procedure. 如果对本地Web请求不使用代理服务器,则有可能能够解决此错误,请见下述过程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. A year after opening, the wine shops make a feeble profit selling discounted bottles for local Communist Party banquets. 开张一年后,酒商只能通过为当地共产党宴会提供折扣红酒赚取微薄的利润。 www.bing.com 7. When it was signed into law in 2001, a number of states already had standards for local school districts, but many did not. 2001年该法案得以签署形成法律时,许多州已为当地学区设定了标准,但许多州还没有。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Windows cannot make a password reset disk for this account. A password reset disk can only be made for local accounts on this computer. Windows无法为此帐户制作密码复位磁盘。只能为此计算机上的本地帐户制作密码复位磁盘。 www.fan6.net 9. Most cities have localized websites that get a decent bit of traffic and rank well for local searches. 大多数城市都有一些本地网站,这些网站在本地搜索中占据相当多的流量和相对较高的排名。 www.chinavalue.net 10. Farrukhabad is famous for textile printing and over the last 200 years has been a source of livelihood for local craftsmen. 法鲁卡巴德县是著名的纺织印染基地,过去200多年来一直是当地工匠的生活来源。 www.silkcapital.com 1. You might be able to resolve this error by bypassing the proxy server for local requests. 通过跳过用于本地请求的代理服务器,可能可以解决此错误。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Kathy: This used to be one of the main roads for local people. 卡西:这原本是本地人的主要道路之一。 www.examw.com 3. As well as protecting the environment, such a system would also provide a new energy industry for local land-reclamation projects. 在保护生态的同时,也给地方的围填海带来“新能源产业”等多重好处。 www.360doc.com 4. A nice publicist for local tourism took me to dinner and tried valiantly to persuade me of the town's merits. 一位好客的本地旅游出版商请我吃晚饭,煞费苦心地向我介绍这里的好处。 www.bing.com 5. The PowerPC architecture has no notion of a stack for local storage. PowerPC体系结构没有关于本地存储器的栈的概念。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Can be later, my mother told me that it accounts for local father too, and pulled it. 可后来,妈妈告诉我,爸爸嫌它占地方,把它给拔了。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Back-room negotiations between parties have been ongoing, providing daily material for local news media since the polls were concluded. 有关政党之间的谈判已经在密室中进行,为当地新闻媒体每天提供了选后的报导素材。 www.voanews.cn 8. If it catches on, the product will solve a major headache for local authorities around the world. 如果这种口香糖上市,能为世界各地的政府解决一个大难题。 bloggermap.org 9. The Report Server WMI provider and Reporting Services command line utilities can be used for local and remote server configuration. 报表服务器WMI提供程序和ReportingServices命令行实用工具可用于本地和远程服务器配置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. We are looking for local or international codes prepared to work for wholesale rates on a contract basis. 我们正在寻找愿意为批发价格工作以合约形式本地或国际编码。 www.bing.com 1. Taiwan paraded launchers for local and U. S. -supplied missiles at the celebration as F-16 fighter jets streaked across the sky. 在庆典中,台湾展示了自己制造以及美国提供的导弹的发射装置,同时F-16战斗机在庆典上空飞过。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. FROM her remote farm in southern Kentucky, Lajuana Wilcher checks an online database for local ranchers demanding alfalfa. 偏远的肯塔基,拉久娜?维尔切在自家农场,用在线数据库核对当地大农场主需要的紫花苜蓿。 www.ecocn.org 3. For local governments such as San Francisco and Washington, D. C. , IBM is trying to reduce what's known as nonrevenue water. IBM现在正试图帮助一些地方政府如旧金山和华盛顿减少产销差水(Non-revenueWater)。 www.bing.com 4. For local governments, 'unless they get a political signal from Beijing, they're not going to stop' building new projects, Shih said. 史宗瀚说,地方政府除非接到北京方面的指示,否则不会停止上马新项目。 c.wsj.com 5. This coin, which equals one-tenth of a dollar, is used to pay for local calls made on public telephones, and for buying some newspapers. 这种硬币等于1美元的十分之一,在公用电话亭打当地电话以及买几份报纸时用。 www.jukuu.com 6. Globalisation needs to be stopped and a new emphasis placed on local trade and local production for local needs. 全球化需要被遏制,新的重心应该放在本地贸易和为了本地需要而进行的本地生产上。 www.chinadialogue.net 7. Since there is at least one in every city, it is a great source for local information. 因为在每座城市至少有一份当地报纸,所以报纸是了解当地信息最佳途径。 lib.bjut.edu.cn 8. That's why it's crucial for local communities to keep a close eye on what runs into their waterways, she said. 她还说,这就是为什么要让本地的社区去关注有哪些物质被排进了下水道。 www.bing.com 9. The floor of the playing field is covered with a printed, matte greyscale. See your national web site for local suppliers. 赛场地面由一层有灰阶的哑光印刷纸覆盖。欲知当地厂商详情,请浏览官方网站。 www.sycste.org 10. WARNING: user credentials cannot be used for local connections. 警告:用户凭据不能在本地连接使用。 www.fan6.net 1. For local results, the address, phone number (tap to call), and ratings are displayed just like with Google. 对于本地结果,地址,和电话号码和评分的显示都跟谷歌的应用很像。 www.bing.com 2. Gateway can be used either for wan interconnection, can also be used for local interconnect. 网关既可以用于广域网互连,也可以用于局域网互连。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Since 1988, the military began to use its limited internal special communications network for local customers with business services. 从1988年开始,军队开始利用其有限的内部特殊通信网络为地方客户提供商业服务。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Policy references can be used both for local policy expressions, as shown in Listing 3, and for external policy expressions. 策略引用可用于本地策略表达式,如清单3所示,也可用于外部策略表达式。 www.ibm.com 5. improper setting of curriculum and unable to take the initiative for local economic construction and development. 专业设置不合理,不能主动为地方经济建设发展服务等。 www.fabiao.net 6. Parents fret about the number of students dropping out of school to take dealer positions , which are reserved for local residents . 学生纷纷退学,到赌场担任专为本地人保留的发牌人职位,这令父母感到忧虑。 www.bing.com 7. She quit buying plastic ware for her kitchen. She shopped for local produce. 她没有为厨房添置塑料制品,只买当地生产的东西。 www.bing.com 8. Company vehicles, including those assigned to individuals should be used for local business travel. 公司班车,包括那些分配给个人的,应当用于当地的商务出差。 gatefanyi.com 9. Sexual lumbago, dampness is mainly caused by the wind cold invade waist pain, pain for local, expression is cold sore, YinYuTian heavier. 寒湿性腰痛,主要是腰部受风寒侵袭引起,痛感为局部疼痛,表现为冷痛,阴雨天加重。 xiangtan.liebiao.com 10. It is particularly important that the Bt trait is introduced into a variety suitable for local conditions. 特别重要的是把Bt性状引入到适合当地环境的作物品种中去。 www.scidev.net 1. These reluctant money-makers decided that Groupon should offer one deal a day, and that it should sell vouchers for local businesses. 这些不情愿赚钱的人决定,Groupon每天只做一单团购,而且只为当地企业推销优惠券。 www.bing.com 2. We decided not to move the location of the center just yet , but rather to beautify it , as an example of cleanliness for local residents . 我们决定目前还不搬到别的地方,而采取行动美化环境,为当地住家建立一个乾净清洁的榜样。 www.bing.com 3. Whey, hello. I didn't expect to see you in this place. Looking for local colour, I suppose? 喂,你好!没想到在这儿碰到你。你是出来寻找地方色彩的吧? www.ayste.com 4. The main stadiums in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban will most likely be used for local sports and cultural events. 约翰内斯堡、合恩角城和德班的主要体育馆最有可能用于当地的体育比赛和文化活动。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. For sole proprietors, check for local assumed names (also known as DBA ). In the U. 为成为唯一所有人,核对本地化名(亦称DBA)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Modular in design, this high quality product platform can be tailored for local climate conditions and is fit for local production. 模块化设计,高品质的产品平台,可以根据当地气候条件,适合当地生产的。 bbs.hasea.com 7. Others accuse the community of leaving little room for local businesses and collaborating to drive them out of the market. 其他人指责社区给当地商业留的空间太小并勾结起来将它们赶出了市场。 www.ecocn.org 8. It is a great resource for local journalists or Rotarians seeking quick information to help promote club activities. 这是当地记者或扶轮社员寻找快速的资讯以协助推广扶轮社活动时一个很大的资源。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. No banks in Manchuria were allowed to deal in foreign exchange and it was impossible for local firms to do any foreign trade. 满洲没有一家银行获准经营外汇,当地商行又都不准从事对外贸易。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 10. The event has attracted local business sponsorship and a collection will be held to raise funds for local charities run by the Lions Club. 此次活动吸引了当地的商业赞助,组办方将举行一次捐款活动为雄狮俱乐部经营的当地慈善机构筹集资金。 www.haolawyer.com 1. Introducing a property tax has other attractions, as it could help to create a more solid financial base for local governments. 引入房产税还有其他吸引人的地方,比如可以帮助地方政府创造更稳固的财政基础。 www.ftchinese.com 2. These machines are not to be shared with other applications competing for local CPU, memory and disk resources. 竞争本地CPU、内存和磁盘资源的其他应用程序不能共享这些机器。 www.ibm.com 3. His Guangxi Hong Yan Food enterprise now produces 300 tonnes of goose liver a year, all for local consumption. 他的广西鸿雁食品有限公司目前每年生产300吨鹅肝,全部用于当地消费。 www.ftchinese.com 4. For one thing, corruption is already a massive headache, both for local Sudanese and for would-be investors. 仅就一点而言,不管对当地苏丹人还是对那些潜在投资者来说,贪污腐败就是个令人头疼的巨大问题。 www.ecocn.org 5. Two checkpoints in the area had been removed in the last week to ease travel for local Palestinians. 对了方便当地巴勒斯坦人旅行,上星期该地区取消了两个检查站。 www.bing.com 6. This article is only for local Ethernet (LAN) topology discovery algorithm research and improvement. 本文仅进行局域以太网(LAN)的拓扑发现算法的研究与改进。 www.13191.com 7. Mr Webb's detractors sometimes portray him as a publicity hound, and for local journalists he is indeed a reliable quote machine. 韦布的批评者们有时会把他描绘成一个爱出风头的人,而对于当地记者而言,他实际上是一台可靠的股价预测机器。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The paper also puts forward some feasible ideas and methods for the construction of the subject database for local literature. 同时文章还对地方文献专题库的建立提出了一些可行的设想和方法。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 9. External irradiation combined with intracavitary radiotherapy and concomitant chemotherapy for local advanced esophageal carcinoma . 局部晚期食管癌体外放射联合腔内放疗同期化疗的随机研究。 www.bing.com 10. Our company urgently wants a certified accountant and is looking for local candidates for this position. Sincere applicants are welcome. 本公司急需一名注册会计师,面向全市公开招聘,欢迎有志者前来应聘。 www.tdict.com 1. Each state, in turn, has its own constitution which contains provisions for local governments within the state. 同时,各个州也都有州宪法;州宪法包含针对州内地方政府的条文。 www.america.gov 2. The fundamental task of a local normal university is mainly to cultivate qualified lower school teachers for local developments. 地方高师院校的根本任务,主要是为地方及社区建设培养合格的中小学教师,而实现这一任务的基本途径是教学。 www.dictall.com 3. Specifies whether to use the local system proxy settings to determine whether the proxy is bypassed for local resources. 指定是否使用本地系统代理设置来确定对于本地资源是否跳过代理。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. He and a group of fellow enthusiasts have formed what they call the Boxer Band. It performs at ceremonial send-offs for local army recruits. 他和一些拳迷组建了个义和团乐队,在当地人离乡入伍时演奏。 www.bing.com 5. Work performance evaluation (WPE) for local government is an effective management tool for evaluating and improving government work. 地方政府工作绩效评价是一种评价和改进政府工作的有效治理工具。 www.cpre.sdnu.edu.cn 6. In this paper, the system of innovation for local government problems, to explore the way forward out of options. 本文主要针对地方政府制度创新中存在的问题,探讨走出困境的路向选择。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. After the 17th century, Shoton developed from an exclusively religious observance into an all-out festival for local residents, he said. 他还说,从17世界以后,雪顿节就从一个纯宗教活动变成了一个全民的节日。 group.2u4u.com.cn 8. A disk is not required but can be used for local scratch or for swap. 不需要磁盘,但是可以使用磁盘执行本地操作或交换。 www.ibm.com 9. Last week, Beijing issued new rules that make it easier for local governments to approve sizeable investments by foreign companies. 上周,中国政府出台了一些新规,降低了地方政府对相当规模的外企投资的审批难度。 www.ftchinese.com 10. They were killed in clashes between supporters of two rival candidates for local elections later this year. 将在今年下半年当地选举中角逐的两名候选人的支持者之间发生冲突。 www.hxen.com 1. Internally, the tower will symbolize the advent of this important new urban development, provide a changing art display for local viewing. 对内,这座塔将标志着这一新城市开发的到来,提供一个面向当地的变换式艺术陈列。 www.abbs.com.cn 2. Both banks won key approvals for local joint ventures before regulators shut the door on other applicants in late 2005. 在2005年下半年监管机构对其它申请者关闭大门之前,这两家银行就获准在中国成立合资公司。 www.ebigear.com 3. Local glazing technology for local glazing process, usually the last thing you want to use teeth-unit and takes an offset for glazing. 局部上光工艺对于局部上光工艺,通常要用叼牙式过油机并采用胶版进行上光。 www.bing.com 4. Stress is likely to emerge for local governments that have borrowed heavily, especially if revenue from land sales falls. 对于那些大量举债的地方政府来说,财务压力预计将会出现,特别是如果卖地收入减少的话。 c.wsj.com 5. The China Banking Association shall conduct operational guidance and coordination for local banking associations that are members thereof. 中国银行业协会对作为其会员的地方银行业协会进行业务指导和协调。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. This would include the ownership or leasing of real property, the maintenance of a stock of goods for local sale, employees and the like. 所谓事实存在的形式包括在该州拥有或者租赁房地产,为当地的销售业务保持一定量的存货,在当地雇用员工等等。 www.examda.com 7. Even when an application is only for local use, write clean code, and have lots of instrumentation and debugging output available. 即使在应用程序只供本地使用的情况下,也应该编写干净的代码,并提供足够的测试和调试输出。 www.ibm.com 8. Higher benchmark interest rates make it more expensive for local governments to refinance or roll over these existing loans. 对地方政府来说,较高的基准利率意味着它们进行再融资或现有贷款滚转的成本更高了。 www.ftchinese.com 9. These instruments, though, were more basic instruments for local players rather than the great virtuosi he had previously supplied. 这些仪器,虽然,是为地方球员的更加基本的仪器而不是他早先供应了的了不起的艺术鉴赏家。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Steve and Big Tony handled distribution, renting safe houses to store the loads and carve them up for local dealers. Steve和大Tony负责销售,把货物储存在安全的房子里并将它们分批卖给当地的毒贩。 www.bing.com 1. The process of preparing new legislation will provide opportunities for local input and international ideas on policing to be discussed . 在制定新法令的过程中,有关方面会就本地及海外人士对警队服务的意见进行讨论。 www.bing.com 2. The aim of this study was to develop a fast test for local photoreceptor alignment. 本研究的目的是制定地方感光对齐快速测试的目的。 www.syyxw.com 3. Furthermore, Zhu Xi further concretely fulfilled this opinion in his administrative measures for local governance. 不仅如此,朱熹更将这套德礼政刑论述,具体落实在他治理地方的施政措置之中。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Mobile air conditioning: suitable for local refrigeration, can use in many occasions: the kitchen, sitting room, site, office, etc. 移动式空调:适用于局部制冷,可使用在许多场合:厨房、客厅、工地、办公室等。 www.bing.com 5. With less energy to fuel globalisation and mechanisation there should be increasing requirement for local production and manual labour. 随着可以用于促进全球化和机械化的能源不断减少,对本土生产和手工劳动的需求会增加。 www.bing.com 6. For local knowledge spillovers, the contemporary scholars set out the proceeding of path breaking study from the different research methods. 对于产业区内的知识外溢,当代学者从不同的研究方法出发进行了开创性研究。 www.rie.sdu.edu.cn 7. He spent the next years raising money for local Democrats and traversing the state with open ears. 接下来的几年里,他为当地的民主党筹集资金,还走遍该州听取民声。 www.ecocn.org 8. States tend to use federal money as a substitute for local spending, rather than to supplement or leverage it. 各州政府倾向于视联邦政府的资金为当地政府开支的替代品,而不是添加剂或者调节杠杆。 www.ecocn.org 9. With car-sharing, people rent cars by the hour, mostly for local errands, as an alternative to owning a car that sits idle most of the time. 通过这项服务,客户按小时付费,处理当地短途事务,不用再购买得需长期闲置的汽车。 www.bing.com 10. While animals who depend on the land may feel the pinch when it comes to food, for local residents, it's lost business. 说到食物的时候,依赖这片土地的动物可能都感到处境困难,对当地居民来说,他们失去了生意。 www.hxen.com 1. Having other applications also running that are unrelated to the testing introduces competition for local CPU, memory and disk resources. 运行与测试无关的其他应用程序将引入针对本地CPU、内存和磁盘资源的竞争。 www.ibm.com 2. When an Asian central bank buys dollars in exchange for local currency, the net result is an addition to the domestic money supply. 当一家亚洲央行用当地货币买进美元时,净结果就是国内货币供应量上升。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Indonesia says it is interested in Hungary's prototype human bird flu vaccine and is considering getting a license for local production. 印尼表示对匈牙利的人类禽流感疫苗的样品感兴趣,并考虑为在当地生产这种疫苗申请许可证。 www.xuancheng.org 4. And making that money conditional on security could provide a big incentive for local communities to turn against the Taliban. 制定安全条件补助计划会为当地社区提供翻塔利班的动力。 dongxi.net 5. However, even a reformed Indonesia remains a hard place to do business, both for local entrepreneurs and, especially, for foreign investors. 然而,即使印尼经过改革后重生了,在这里做生意还是举步维艰,对当地企业如此,尤其对外国投资者更是如此。 www.ecocn.org 6. FIXED RAILWAY EQUIPMENT. HALOGEN FREE CABLES FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS FOR LOCAL CUSTOMS USED IN UNDERGROUND RAILWAY NETSWORKS. 铁路固定设备.地下铁路线路局部使用的无卤素通信电缆 www.mapeng.net 7. The answer to this question includes an architectural overview for local and remote connections, including bandwidth and the protocols used. (回答这个问题需要了解本地和远程连接的体系结构概况,包括带宽和使用的协议)。 www.ibm.com 8. Reporting Services includes two predefined role assignments, which provide default security for local administrators. ReportingServices包括两个预定义的角色分配,它们为本地管理员提供默认安全性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Now working as a sports marketing consultant, serves for local sports good brand and national sports associations . 现从事体育营销顾问咨询,服务本土体育用品品牌及相关体育协会组织。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. FOXP3 was also a strong prognostic factor for distant metastases-free survival but not for local recurrence risk. FOXP3也是远处无转移生存期的一个很有价值的预测因子,但是不适用于局部复发风险的评估。 www.dxy.cn 1. To get better treatment for you in hospitals, in detention or in prison than is provided for local citizens. 不能协助你在住院治疗或在拘留、监禁期间获得比当地人更佳的待遇。 www.immd.gov.hk 2. The thesis presents a highly efficient processor architecture design methodology for local compute-intensive applications. 本文提出了一种针对局部计算密集型应用的一种高效处理器架构的设计方法。 www.boshuo.net 3. Offers valuable sponsorship opportunities for local and international organizations. 提供宝贵的赞助机会给中国国内及国际组织。 www.w3c.org.hk 4. OFTA invited Applications for Local Wireless Fixed Networks and External Telecommunications Facilities . 电讯管理局邀请营办商申请本地固定无线网络及对外电讯设施牌照。 www.bing.com 5. Using Active Directory based group policy settings does not nullify the need for local security policy settings. 使用基于ActiveDirectory的组安全策略设置替代不了本地安全策略设置的作用。 www.bing.com 6. Running 24 hours a day, the stacks turned life into a living hell for local residents. 每天运行24小时,燃烧堆使当地居民生活变成活地狱。 www.bing.com 7. Objective To investigate the prognostic factors for local-regional recurrence in patients treated with breast conservation surgery. 目的探讨影响乳腺癌保乳手术后局部复发的预后因素。 www.dictall.com 8. It proved to be a very busy year for local archaeologists. 对本地考古学家来说,一九九七年是极繁忙的一年。 www.hotdic.com 9. These and other configuration characteristics violate the constraint that applications should not compete for local resources. 这些配置特征和其他配置特征违反了“应用程序不应该参与本地资源的竞争”的约束。 www.ibm.com 10. Diversify U. S. efforts to foster political accommodation outside Baghdad (more flexibility for local commanders and civilian leaders). 从多方面促进巴格达以外地区的政治和解(给予地方指挥员和文职领导人更大的灵活性)。 www.america.gov 1. Opportunities for local volunteers was also expected to be made available, writes citizen journalist Luvuyo Gcule. 公民记者LuvuyoGcule提到,本来预期会有提供给当地义工的工作机会。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. The external Institutional Environment is not suitable for local college's diverse and special development. 地方院校所面临的外部制度化环境不利于其多样化、个性化发展。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Work with distributors in China to help solve technical issues and help on project start-up for local customers. 与中国地区经销商建立良好合作关系并解决其相关技术问题,帮助当地终端客户进行项目启动工作; www.gdyjs.com 4. The ratio of the cost to access foreign memory over that for local memory is called the NUMA ratio. 访问外部内存的开销与访问本地内存的开销比率称为NUMA比率。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Operational Continuity offers improved Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) over tape for local recovery. 操作连续性针对通过磁带进行的本地恢复提供了改进的恢复时间目标(RTO)和恢复点目标(RPO)。 www.microsoft.com 6. So in what was surely an unfair trial, the judges called for local children to stone the dog to death. 就这样,在一场注定不公平的审判之后,法官们呼吁当地的孩子用石头将这只狗砸死。 www.bing.com 7. Among them, the reconnaissance ant is responsible for local surveillance reconnaissance, and search ant is responsible for global search. 根据分工的不同将蚂蚁分为:侦察蚁、搜索蚁和工蚁,各种蚂蚁各司其职。 www.fabiao.net 8. The main business lines are agribusiness, handling cocoa, palm oil, coconut etc for local and Asia, Europe and America markets. 主要业务是综合农业,经营可可豆、棕榈油、椰子等,供应本地市场、亚洲、欧洲以及美国市场。 china.makepolo.com 9. After all the bloodshed in Northern Ireland, it may seem a mundane concern for local politicians. 在北爱历经多次流血事件后,这对于当地的政治家来说,似乎是一种现世关怀。 www.ecocn.org 10. Specifying the report determines whether the control is configured for local or remote processing. 指定报表确定将控件配置为本地处理还是远程处理。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. ALTIMETER SETTING, The adjustment of the altimeter to account for local variations in atmospheric pressure. 高度表设定,根据当地大气压力变化而对高度表所做的调整。 bbs.feeyo.com 2. The report recognizes that different marketization models could be good options for local authorities and co-exist. 本研究认为不同的市场化模式都可以供地方政府选择,而且不同模式可以共存。 siteresources.worldbank.org 3. Put simply, the barriers to entry can be prohibitively high for local Chinese banks to move overseas. 简单地说,对于希望进军海外的中国国内银行而言,进入的门槛可能高不可攀。 www.ftchinese.com 4. If you are a frequent restaurant diner, consider purchasing an Entertainment Book for local restaurants (see link in Resources). 如果你是经常在餐馆吃饭的人,考虑买本有关当地餐馆的《娱乐书》(请参阅参考资料中的链接)。 www.hxen.com 5. Result to identifying suitable the conservation tillage patterns for local promotion, and to provide technical support for food production. 以期找出适宜当地推广的保护性耕作模式,为粮食生产提供技术支持。 www.fabiao.net 6. The attachable indicator provides an ideal solution for local indication with simultaneous signal transmission. 附属显示器是现场显示同步传输信号的理想方案。 tecsis.de 7. Construction projects across the country are desperate for local liaisons. 遍布整个国家的工程项目都急需一批本地的联络人员。 dongxi.net 8. The project will enrich the quality of life for local residents by providing a wider range of excellent recreational facilities . 这项计划将会提供多项一流的康乐设施,令本港市民的生活更添姿采。 www.bing.com 9. Objective To explore comprehensive treatment options for local chronic ulcer with infection after the pacemaker implantation. 目的探讨起搏器植入术后并发局部慢性溃疡伴感染的综合治疗方法。 www.hxyxqk.com.cn 10. Small companies and entrepreneurs are the engines of job creation for local communities and regions. 小公司和企业家都是为当地社区和相关地区创造工作机会的发动机。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The concert was a rare occasion for local audiences to enjoy a mixture of music and Chinese calligraphy. 这场音乐会对当地观众来说一场难得一见的融合音乐与中国书法的表演。 www.jiyouku.com 2. Their aim is to tailor their skincare offerings for local consumption, particularly in emerging markets. 它们的目的就是根据当地、特别是新兴市场的消费,适当调整自己提供的护肤产品。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The countries will also set up a $500 million guarantee for local currency corporate bonds issued within the region. 这些国家还将设立一项5亿美元担保计划,为该地区发行的以当地货币计价的公司债提供担保。 cn.reuters.com 4. Global value chains theory is a new way of thinking to participate in global competition for local industrial clusters. 全球价值链这一理论工具,为地方产业集群参与全球竞争,提供了新的思路。 www.fabiao.net 5. However, China used the bonds are issued by the central government, for local government bonds is strictly prohibited. 然而我国目前所使用的公债都是中央政府之债——国债,对于地方政府公债,却是明令禁止的。 www.13191.com 6. The Locals and Temporaries area represents the stack space allocated for local variables and compiler-generated temporaries. 部分变量及暂时变质区代表为部分变质及编译器发生的暂时变量分配的栈空间 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Tulsa's Dfest started out in 2002 as a competition for local bands. 塔尔萨市的“Dfest”作为一当地乐团竞争赛始于2002年。 www.ecocn.org 8. Deployment requirements vary widely depending on the control type and whether your report is configured for local or remote processing. 根据控件类型以及报表是配置为本地处理还是远程处理,部署要求会有很大不同。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The sufficient and necessary conditions for local reachability and local controllability in the rectangle are presented. 给出了其在矩形区域上局部能达和局部能控的充分必要条件。 www.dictall.com 10. what are the implications of China's cultural strategies of regional development for local-level governance? 中国地方管理体系中文化区域发展策略的含义是什么? zhidao.baidu.com 1. That's enough for local aid groups to build more than 20 schools, and in the long run those schools probably do more to destroy the Taliban. 这笔钱足以让当地的援助团体建造二十多所学校,从长远看,这些学校或许更有助于摧毁塔利班。 dongxi.net 2. For local industrialists, among the proudest Indians, the buying binge indicates a renaissance, and not only in business. 对于最感自豪的印度企业家来说,这种“收购狂欢”预示了一种不仅仅发生在商界的复兴。 www.ecocn.org 3. This paper can offer a suit of theory foundation and assignment counter plan for local government engaging performance evaluation task. 为地方政府财政科技投入绩效评价工作的开展提供先期的理论准备,也为开展进一步实际评价提供前期工作预想。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Health Chief York Chow said that all public hospital obstetric services are expected to be reserved for local pregnant mothers in 2013. 香港卫生局局长周一岳说,2013年,所有公共医院的产科服务可能会预留给本地孕妇。 www.kekenet.com 5. Only in emerging countries can these species be caught in coastal waters, and even then it must be only for local consumption. 只有一些新兴国家可在其沿海捕获这些种类的鲨鱼兵器只能用于满足当地的消费。 www.bing.com 6. Locality and school all have the course decision right, so it provides policy support for local cloth to go into the handworking course. 地方和学校都有课程决策权,这就为土织布工艺融入手工课程提供了政策支持。 www.13191.com 7. Varieties grown for local consumption would also suffer, potentially causing mass starvation in tropical regions. 即便是那些仅供本地消费的品种也会感染,并可能引起热带地区的大饥荒。 www.yingyu.com 8. IMPORTANT: On all installations, inquire with governing authorities for local requirements. 重要:对于所有安装,咨询有关主管部门,了解当地有关要求。 www.h6688.com 9. Further, it is questionable if such an intervention is optimal and sustainable for local conditions. 而且,对于当地条件来说,这一干扰因素是否是最佳的和持续的,也同样值得怀疑的。 10. For local destination, a device manager (only one) needs to be chosen. 对于本地目标,需要选定一个设备管理器(仅一个)。 www.ibm.com 1. Relevant implications for local enterprise's technical capacity investment and upgrading are provided. 上述结果为促进本土企业技术能力投入与升级提供了启示。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Given the concern for local anesthetic toxicity, what are the safest choices for intrathecal use? 在关注局麻药毒性的同时,鞘内最安全的选择是什么? www.qiyeku.com 3. China also needs to create a central agency separate from the banks to work towards appropriate funding for local projects. 中国还需要建立一个独立于各银行的中央机构,负责为地方项目策划合适的资金支持。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Deep enough to the original color color, select the zone for local processing in order to improve our understanding of labour saving both. 而深原色色量不够时,再选定这一区域做局部加深处理,以拉开两者距离。 www.bing.com 5. Specify whether you want the HTTP Connection Manager to bypass the proxy server for local addresses. 指定是否希望HTTP连接管理器对于本地地址跳过代理服务器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. he appealed to the industry to offer more internship programmes , which were an effective learning tool , for local students. 他呼吁业界为学生提供更多实习计划,因为对学生来说这是有效的学习途径。 www.ichacha.net 7. I'm bothered by the inaccuracies in Mortenson's books, especially because there's a pattern of disrespect for local culture. 但摩顿森书中的不准确之处还是让我感到恼怒,尤其是那些对当地文化缺乏尊重的表现。 www.bing.com 8. The development of these enterprises has injected vitality into the US economy and created employment opportunities for local residents. 这些企业为美国经济发展注入了活力,给当地创造了就业机会。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. For local governments, the mandate is to use cash from sales of land to cover their share of the cost. 对于地方政府来说,要完成这个任务就得用出让土地的收入来承担它们所应担负的那部分成本。 c.wsj.com 10. INQUIRE WITH GOVERNING AUTHORITIES FOR LOCAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. 咨询主管部门,了解当地有关安装的要求。 www.h6688.com 1. Destructors for local objects are run; resources allocated by class-type objects ordinarily are freed by their destructor. 运行局部对象的析构函数,由类类型对象分配的资源通常由它们的析构函数释放。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Experiments were conducted to calculate the quantities of nozzles and natural evaporation by VETH chart for local climates in this study. 试验中并依当地气象条件建立VETH线图,用以推估室内自然蒸发散量及计算喷头个数。 www.teps.com.cn 3. And it is not possible for local departments and environmental protection agencies to take up cudgels against the higher authorities. 要当地环保部门和环保机构“动真格的”,去对抗更高的当权者简直是痴人说梦。 ssmun.blog.163.com 4. A public information campaign was developed as well as training courses for local health workers. 发起了大众信息宣传运动以及针对当地卫生工作者的培训班。 www.who.int 5. Stronger economies in the emerging markets are attracting capital from the developed world, pumping up demand for local currencies. 新兴市场中较强的经济体正在吸引发达国家的资本,从而推动了对本币的需求。 c.wsj.com 6. The main task of operating network is providing auxiliary power for local plant, starting up thermal power unit. 网络的主要任务就是快速向本地电厂提供厂用电,启动火电机组。 www.zidir.com 7. This article is divided into three chapters : chapter on Wenzhou local culture and the need for local curriculum development feasibility. 本文分为三章:第一章,阐述“温州本土文化”地方课程开发的必要性和可行性。 8. South Korean goods distribution for local network provide convenience shopping consumers. 韩国的货物配送为当地的网络购物消费者提供便利。 www.donghairen.com 9. Recreation Officers often find themselves working for local government authorities and local groups. 娱乐人员会发现他们是为当地政府部门和组织工作。 bbs.24en.com 10. If you are a frequent restaurant diner, consider purchasing an Entertainment Book for local restaurants. 如果你经常在饭店吃饭,考虑买本当地餐厅的娱乐杂志。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Such competition for local resources does affect the reliability of the measured responses. 这种对本地资源的竞争确实会影响被测量的响应的可靠性。 www.ibm.com 2. The authority of regional and national governments is generally limited, with some rights reserved for local institutions. 由于有些权利是属于地方机构的,所以,各个国家和地区政府的权威通常是有限的。 www.bing.com 3. You can, of course, still search for local businesses and view the results as a list or on a map. 当然,你还可以搜索当地商铺,然后通过列表或地图查看结果。 www.bing.com 4. And they control for local economic conditions at the time of construction of the opera house. 在建造那些歌剧院的时期,它们影响着当地的经济环境。 www.ecocn.org 5. But probably the only real remedy is for local people to have a say in their own fates: in other words, democracy. 但真正有效的“药方”是让当地百姓拥有决定自己命运的权利,用其他话来讲,就是施行民主。 blog.ecocn.org 6. On the country and state levels they organized alliances and leagues to work for local option and statewide prohibition. 在县和州一级,他们组成联盟和联合会,为地方专卖权和全州范围的禁酒工作进行活动。 7. It's all in hopes of bringing safety and a bountiful harvest for local people. 当地居民则期许着平安与丰收。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Job Responsibilities: Provide professional sales support for local partners and key accounts. 职位描述:为当地合作伙伴和关键客户提供专业销售支持。 www.tiaona.com 9. This photo story profiles a hospital's ART programme and its health benefits for local people. 本照片故事介绍一项医院抗逆转录病毒治疗规划及其给当地人民带来的健康好处。 www.who.int 10. It has a certain attraction for local retail trades for its simple operation. 操作简单,对当地零售业有一定的吸引力 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Lipid Infusion Resuscitation for Local Anesthetic Toxicity: Proof of Clinical Efficacy. 脂质输入能够复苏局麻药物的毒性反应:临床效果的证据。 www.rjmz.com 2. It is of great significance to bring these resources into full play to provide better services for local economy. 如何利用这一资源优势,更好地为常熟地方经济社会发展服务是值得思考的重大问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Shi instead shifted to manufacturing luggage for local China brands, hoping domestic sales could rescue his company. 史转而为国内品牌生产行李包,希望国内的销售可以挽救他的公司。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "Students, do you know the air do not account for local accounts? " Class when the teacher asked Wu. “同学们,你们知道空气占不占地方?”上课时,吴老师问。 www.bing.com 5. Develop module engineering specifications for local customers. 为当地顾客开发模块工程· www.shjob.cn 6. Direct taxation carries the power to destroy, so our forefathers insisted on direct taxation for local government. 直接税具有摧毁力,让我们的祖先执意直接税为地方政府。 customersdeals.com 7. This digital manometer is the ideal solution for local digital display independent of the mains. 此压力计是不依赖电力线路条件下进行局部压力测量的一种理想产品。 tecsis.de 8. S. there have been some preferences for local purchases in stimulus package projects. 他说,即使在美国,经济刺激方案的项目中也有优先针对本地企业进行采购的做法。 www.bing.com 9. Datus The strategy? Only with Japanese brands combined? Development strategy for local customers? Datus的策略是什么?只是与日本品牌结合?对本地客户的发展策略? zhidao.baidu.com 10. However, by default, the EMF code generator only generates mapping entries for global elements, not for local elements. 但是,默认的情况是,EMF代码生成器只为全局元素生成映射条目,而不为局部元素生成。 www.ibm.com 1. The plant's geo-film output should be mainly for local and nearby regional markets, not for long-distance export. 工厂的土工加筋薄膜产量应主要用于当地和附近的区域性市场,不是用于远距离的出口。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Many character images in her works displayed her deep love for the Chinese peasants and more hatred for local perniciousness . 作品中的许多人物形象体现着作者对中国农民深沉的爱与憎。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The orbit of the satellite constellation for local navigation system is discussed. 讨论了区域卫星导航系统卫星星座设计中所用卫星轨道类型。 www.ilib.cn 4. More important: Those jobs are working for local companies, not doing low-level engineering for big US multinationals. 更重要的是,这些工作完全可以本土化,不再是由大型跨国企业简单地外包出来。 kb.cnblogs.com 5. The fairs also provide a market for local producers of quality seeds and support local agricultural retail businesses. 展销会还为当地优质种子生产商提供了市场,同时也促进了当地农产品零售业。 www.fao.org 6. Wherever the fleet went, it traded products from China for local rarities and promoted official trading relations. 船队所到之处,都会用中国的货物和当地特产进行交换,促进官方商贸的发展。 www.hjenglish.com 7. It may still take some time for local expressways to raise the speed limit accordingly. 它可能仍然需要一定的时间,以提高当地的高速公路的限速因此。 q.sohu.com 8. "BrownPride" and "Tri-City Bombers " are among the many gangs competing for local turf. “布朗傲慢”和“三城轰炸机”等许多地方帮派争夺地盘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Quality of the product is quite adequate for local purposes. 这种产品的质量完全可以满足当地的需求; cet.ensalon.com 10. Greater fiscal autonomy for local government may not be top of Beijing's to-do list. 赋予地方政府更大的财政自主权,或许不是北京方面的首要任务之一。 www.ftchinese.com 1. He was a village leader in days gone by, and before that he ran a bank for local fishermen. 他曾当过村长,之前还开办了专为当地渔民服务的小银行。 woshao.com 2. Conclusion The method of US-guided microwave coagulation in liver tissue is safe and effective for local tissue ablation. 结论超声引导下微波凝固肝组织为局部组织融蚀的可靠方法。 h60790.taolunwen.com 3. They provide employment for unionized workers and financial support for local schools and hospitals. 它们为工会工人提供就业,为当地的学校和医院提供资金支持。 www.forbeschina.com 4. Providing adequate electricity, water, and housing to the city's 5. 4 million inhabitants remains an immense challenge for local officials. 为540万居民提供足够的电力、饮用水和住房对于城市的官员们依然是巨大的挑战。 www.bing.com 5. Several other foreign banks, including ABN Amro, are expected to soon apply for local incorporation. 预计包括荷兰银行(ABNAmro)在内的其它几家外资银行也将很快申请在中国注册。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Without fiscal freedom, it can be difficult for local government to operate and its development capacity is restricted. 如果没有财政自由,地方政府就很难运作,其发展能力就受到限制。 web.worldbank.org 7. Aquaculture for local community development programme. 当地社区发展计划水产养殖。 www.fao.org 8. Its superhighways are modeled after America's and major web portals are copycats of Western sites, tweaked for local users. 它的高速公路仿照美国,主要的门户网站仿效西方网站,只不过针对本地用户做了一些改动。 www.bing.com 9. Less than 150 years ago, vast areas of forest in New England were cleared for agricultural use and to supply timber for local development. 大约在不到150年前,新英格兰地区广袤的森林被砍伐殆尽,为当地的发展提供农产品和木材。 www.bing.com 10. Many of the solutions could be used to generate power and fertiliser for local communities. 不少解决方案还可以用来为地方社区发电以及提供肥料。 dongxi.net 1. Nix the traveler's checks unless you enjoy seemingly endless fees and difficulty exchanging them for local currency. 绝不要使用旅游支票,除非你想享受一下无穷无尽的手续费和兑换当地货币的困难。 www.bing.com 2. Farmers planted more of their best crops, or "cash crops, " for export. They planted fewer food crops for local use. 农民们更多地种植用于出口的“经济作物”,而减少了当地所需的粮食作物的种植。 www.51voa.com 3. These areas are the base for local small and medium-sized retailers and the property market's survival. 而这些地域,正是本土中小零售商起家的根据地和赖以生存的市场。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. to guide the local radio, film and TV reforms and review and approve major reform measures for local radio, film and television. 指导地方广播影视改革,审批地方广播影视重大改革措施。 www.prcgov.org 5. Specify the address and port number that match your network, and then select the Bypass proxy server for local addresses check box. 指定与您的网络匹配的地址和端口号,然后选中“对于本地地址不使用代理服务器”复选框。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Sorry, it's for long distance call, not for local call. Would you please use the public phone in the lobby? Thank you. 对不起,这是长途电话,不受理市内电话,请您使用大堂的公用电话好吗。 blog.veryeast.cn 7. It replaces the traditional polycultures, required for local self-sufficiency, with monocultures producing crops for export. 它将单一经营的出口农作物生产代替了传统的多元生农业,需要地方的自给自足。 www.postmodernchina.org 8. The following sections review the implementation of policies specific to preparing the environment for local mail replicas. 以下部分将讨论策略的实现,这些策略特定于本地邮件副本环境的准备。 www.ibm.com 9. However, promotions for local officials still depended in part on meeting population targets . 然而,地方官员的升迁仍然部分地取决于完成人口目标。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The incidents remain a sensitive subject for local miners and politicians in Zambia's Copperbelt, the country's industrial base. 但对赞比亚工业基地铜带省的当地矿工和政界人士来说,这些事件依然是个敏感话题。 www.bing.com 1. For local interprocess communications, pipes are the most efficient and flexible tool available in Windows. 对本地进程间通信,管道是windows平台上最高效和灵活的工具。 www.cnblogs.com 2. Ideally, the virtualization layer would provide an interface that is equal to the one used for local data file access. 在理想的情况下,虚拟化层提供的接口将等于访问本地数据文件时使用的接口。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Whether the proxy should be bypassed for local addresses. 对于本地地址是否应该不使用代理。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. While lowering prices, the shift has also facilitated the modification of western apparel for local tastes. 这一转变不仅降低了商品的价格,还为修改西式服装的版型以适应当地口味提供了便利。 www.ftchinese.com 5. For local unavailable event occurrences, the monitor file associated with the event is deleted. 对于本地的不可用事件发生,会删除与此事件相关联的监视器文件。 www.ibm.com 6. Google has announced a major change to the way that the search results are displayed for local based search queries. Google宣布对基于本地搜索的展示排序方式有一个重要的改变。 www.elanso.com 7. Ethernet is a family of frame-based computer networking technologies for local area networks (LANs). 以太网(Ethernet)是一种计算机局域网组网技术。 en.wikipedia.org 8. Alternatively, clients can choose to deliver components to their chosen assembler for local assembly, Shuttle noted. 另外,客户可以选择组件,以提供他们所选择的地方议会汇编,接送说。 benyouhui.it168.com 9. International debates say little about the potential for local, village development of 'appropriate' nanotechnologies. 国际辩论对于“适宜的”纳米技术在当地、农村开发的潜力几乎没有涉及。 www.scidev.net 10. Recent studies of myopia have shown the evidence for local ocular growth regulation axis on the occurrence of myopia. 近视研究显示:在近视发病中存在着眼局部生长调控。 www.chemyq.com 1. In this paper, the research contents and methods are useful for local hotels to build and implement their strategic balanced scorecard. 本文的研究内容、策略对国内酒店建立和实施战略性平衡记分卡具有一定的参考意义。 www.zidir.com 2. Community gardens are parcels of land divided into small plots for local residents to grow their own flowers, fruit and vegetables. 社区花园是指被划分成小块让当地居民自己种植花卉,水果和蔬菜的地块。 www.bing.com 3. Overfishing in some waters has immediate and dire consequences for local traditional fishers, as fish is part of their staple diet. 某些水域的过度捕捞,对把捕鱼作为生计一部分的当地传统渔民,已造成直接而可怕的后果。 8546.28844.com 4. Later, he found that his donation was used instead to supply cars for local government officials. 过后他发现,他的捐赠物被用来给当地政府官员配车了。 c.wsj.com 5. Student volunteers repair electronic appliances for local residents free of charge. 青年志愿者义务维修电器。 6. This would also deprive job opportunities for local domestic helpers who may readily take up part-time domestic work. 此举亦会剥夺本地家务助理的就业机会,因为本地家务助理可随时兼职执行料理家务的工作。 www.immd.gov.hk 7. Specifies whether search strings are highlighted within search results topics for local Help. 指定是否在本地帮助的搜索结果主题中突出显示搜索字符串。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. This principle is part of the XP philosophy (adapted for local conditions). 这个原则是XP哲学的一部分(适合我们的情况)。 www.ibm.com 9. we are also worried that real estate prices in the once - quiet area will shoot sky - high , creating economic troubles for local residents. 我们也担心这个一度沈寂地区的房价会飙涨,造成当地居民经济困难。 www.ichacha.net 10. In fact, more malicious software is the most commonly used operating system and its application for local objectives. 事实上,恶意软件多是以最常用的操作系统及其本地应用程序为目标的。 word.hcbus.com |
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