单词 | board with |
释义 | 例句释义: 寄宿于 1. It's hard to see how Kerry and Lieberman can bring oil-state Democrats and any Republicans at all on board with that language. 看克里和利伯曼如何用这样的言辞把所有产油州的民主、共和党人都说服上他们的船吧,难。 www.bing.com 2. Seized with the joyful curiosity of an overgrown boy , he pried off the board with the corner of his fire- shovel . 他心里喜洋洋的滋生一股大孩子的好奇心,用一把煤铲的角把木板撬起。 www.bing.com 3. Indeed, it seems something of a model board, with an independent chairman and a good mix of long-serving and new directors. 确实,雅虎董事会似乎是一个模范董事会,有独立的主席、长期董事和新聘董事的良好融合。 www.ecocn.org 4. It has no negative function of the traditional wall type switch board with fluorescence in human body and the environment. 它没有传统带萤光的壁式开关板对人体和环境的负面作用。 ip.com 5. If a passenger has not renewed the monthly pass at the beginning of a month, it is still possible to board with the old pass. 有些“粗心”的乘客没有及时更换月票,在月初的头几天拿出旧票,司机大都手一挥,让你过去。 6. Those can all be very important in a crisis, when everybody needs to be on board with a plan. 在发危机中大家共同执行一项计划时,它很重要。 www.kekenet.com 7. So I persuaded one of my friends to put me in a barrel and send me on board with the salt beef. 所以我说服了我的一个朋友,把我装到桶里边,和咸牛肉一起送到船上。 www.jukuu.com 8. The utility model is composed of a double-hole panel, screws and a printed board with elements, and a second distributer circuit is adopted. 本实用新型是由双孔面板、带元件的印制板和螺钉构成,采用的是二分配器电路。 ip.com 9. The president, he said, was on board with the assessment. 他表示,总统赞同这一看法。 www.bing.com 10. If you re lucky, the chimpanzees will be drawing on poster board with crayons. Some of their works have been shown in galleries. 如果你有幸还能看到黑猩猩用蜡笔在广告板上画画,其中有些作品孩子美术馆展出过呢。 usachinesenews.com 1. a board with pegs and regularly spaced holes for holding the pegs; used for keeping the score in a game of cribbage. 这是一种纸牌戏,二人、三人或四人游戏,用木钉及有孔的木板记分。 www.jukuu.com 2. Newly established foreign-invested enterprises may also have to establish a supervisory board with a third of members elected by employees. 当地新成立的外资企业可能还必须成立监事会,其中三分之一的成员要由雇员选举产生。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Financials were leading gains across the board, with banks in peripheral sovereign markets and the U. K. pushing higher. 金融板块领涨欧洲股市,欧洲各国的银行个股保持上涨势头。 www.bing.com 4. As the team grows, it would be nice to have a bulletin board with our growing organization chart which includes everyone's picture. 作为球队的增长,这将是很好,有一个公告板,与我们不断扩大的组织结构图,其中包括每个人的图片。 translate.google.com 5. We were on the frontier and on Christmas morning we stuck up a board with "A Merry Christmas" on it. B我们已经到了边界,在圣诞节早上我们竖起了一面板,板上写着“圣诞快乐”。 m.anoah.com 6. Safeguard procedures must be set around the equipment and use dry board with thickness of 30mm to make working horse block. 在设备周围必须设置安全防护措施,用30mm厚的干燥木板做工作踏台。 www.366translation.com 7. Now you may go on board with your hand baggage, you other suitcases will be carried by the porters. 现在您可以提着手提行李上船了,其他的行李箱搬运工会帮您搬的。 www.e-say.com.cn 8. Chairman of the Board with all the staff sincerely welcome all garment factories, cloth and trading companies came to negotiate cooperation! 公司董事长携全体员工竭诚欢迎各界服装厂,布商及贸易公司前来洽谈,合作! www.tonke.cn 9. Obama urged the U. S. Congress to "get on board" with an infrastructure program. 奥巴马呼吁美国国会参与制订美国的基础建设计划。 www.voanews.cn 10. The invention provides a formula and a method for synthesizing wood-plastic composite board with waste PE cable sheaths. 本发明废旧PE电缆外皮合成木塑复合板材的配方及其制造方法。 ip.com 1. Democrats and the White House have hopes of bringing congressional Republicans on board with the rescue effort. 民主党人和白宫希望国会的共和党人能参与到这一救助行动中来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Mr. Smith rapped on the board with his pointer to call the class to order . 史密斯先生用教鞭敲着黑板要求全班安静。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Jiaxing, near the most to do, "Indian board Tang Gao, " Indian board with mahogany, gingko trees carved to peach, carp, Beas as patterns. 嘉兴附近大多做“印板糖糕”,印板用桃木、银杏木雕刻而成,以寿桃、鲤鱼、双鱼为图案。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Three wheeled vehicle. The BS2 micro-controller is mounted on a very handy prototyping board with a prototyping area. 三轮车。BS2微控制器装在一块非常便捷的原型板的原型区域上。 www2.myoops.org 5. Also considering the system's anti-interference ability, the wiring is special considered in the design of PCB board with copper pour. 考虑到系统的抗干扰性能,在PCB板子设计中对布线进行了特别设计并覆铜。 www.boshuo.net 6. Each 12-battery module contains a PC board with an LTC6802, a microcontroller, a CAN interface, and a galvanic isolation transformer. 每个由12个电池组成的模块都含有一个PC板,板上有1个LTC6802、1个微控制器、1个CAN接口和1个电流隔离变压器。 baike.eccn.com 7. Commodity prices fell across the board, with oil sliding below $70 a barrel and copper falling to a three-week low. 大宗商品价格全面下跌。油价跌破每桶70美元,铜价跌至三周新低。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Even many Tea Party conservatives are not on board with Mr. Paul's beliefs about scaling back the United States military worldwide. 即使许多茶党中的保守派也不同意Paul议员关于缩小美国全球军事规模的主张。 dongxi.net 9. With Michelle on board, with Axelrod and Gibbs getting ready, with Democrats across the country thrilled over Obama, the decision was made. 米歇尔全力支持,阿克斯罗德和吉布斯做好准备,全国的民主党人都为奥巴马感到激动,这样就做出了决定。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. At the same time on board with a set of high-quality, marine experienced pilots, engineers management professional and technical personnel. 同时船上配备一套具有高素质,航海经验丰富的驾驶员、轮机管理专业技术人员。 www.tonke.cn 1. We're definitely on board with you that it's a process. 我们完全赞同你的话,它是一个过程。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In contrast Mr McCain is now reported to be on board with Mr Obama's plan. 然而相反的是,据报导说麦凯恩现在赞成奥巴马的撤军计划。 www.ecocn.org 3. Aligns the nose of the board with the front of the machine. 用于调整板材前端与机器前面对齐。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. In fact, it puts Mr. Paulson himself under much-needed adult supervision, calling for an oversight board "with cease and desist authority. " 事实上,通过要求设立一个享有“停止和中止权力”的监管委员会,它将保尔森先生置于十分必要的“成人看护”之下。 www.bing.com 5. W system. This will cause a wrong reading in the measuring unit allowing oil contaminated water to be purmped over board with no warning. 系统中将系统的压力保持在一个样本压力,这样会导致计量单位的误计数,使得能油污水从船外排放,并不会产生报警。 www.6m.com 6. Daily check the Reorder board with the Red- Yellow line and determine the shipping quantity from supplier as a ship signal. 每天根据红黄线管理看板卡片,并确定每日物料需订购数量。 www.alsox.com 7. On Christmas morning we stuck up a board with "A Merry Christmas" on it. 圣诞节那天早晨,我们竖起了一块牌子,上面写着“圣诞快乐”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. On board with her were her baby boy and a maid. 在机上和她是她的男婴和一个少女。 www.adminvc.com 9. This essay explore the making processing of this composite board with melamine resin under lab conditions. 本文是在实验室条件下,探索三聚氰胺树脂胶胶结此种复合板工艺的工艺技术。 cn.wood.info 10. To prevent corrosion, I sprayed the bottom of the board with clear lacquer. 以防止腐蚀,我喷涂底部的董事会明确的漆器。 www.tech-domain.com 1. If you want to drive change in your organisation, approach the board with a proposal whereby you run your group. 如果你想在你的机构中推行改革,那就向董事会提交一份关于你将如何运营你团队的方案。 www.ftchinese.com 2. We don't like passive play, so we're nerfing all heals across the board, with little positive compensation. 我们不喜欢被动的玩法,所以我们和谐掉所有治疗,同时给一点点小补偿。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Moreover, the head of SAFE sits on the CIC board, with access to sensitive information about its planned investments. 此外,国家外汇管理局负责人同时在中投公司董事会任职,可获得中投拟议投资项目的敏感信息。 www.ftchinese.com 4. a small writing board with a clip at the top for holding papers. 一个很小的书写板,顶部有一个夹子,可用来夹纸。 www.jukuu.com 5. The prospect of the local newspaper getting on board with a location-based social network is very exciting. 当地报纸搭载基于定位的社交网络的前景是非常令人兴奋。 www.bing.com 6. Another is that risk premiums are likely to rise across the board, with adverse consequences for economic activity in many countries. 另一个原因是,风险溢价可能全面上升,许多国家的经济活动将受到负面影响。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Faraj, described by Portsmouth as a "respected property investor in the Middle East" , will join the board with his associate Mark Jacob. 法拉吉被朴茨茅斯誉为“值得尊敬的中东投资者”,他将与同事马克·雅各布一道进入董事会。 www.bing.com 8. A small writing board with a spring clip at the top for holding papers or a writing pad. 写字夹板一种小的写字板,顶部有一个弹簧夹,可以夹纸或书写笺 dict.bioon.com 9. If not, head back to the drawing board with your management team. 如果不能,不妨与你的管理团队重回白板前再讨论讨论。 www.fortunechina.com 10. The ways to use a plane: Check the plane firstly. Then plane the board with it. Make the board smooth and flat. 使用刨子的方法:先检查刨子是否有问题,然后均匀用力去刨,力求把木块刨的平整、光滑。 www.gdcgs.sdnet.gd.cn 1. we are confident that the board with the new membership will continue to successfully lead kcrc to meet the challenges ahead . 我们深信,在新成员履任后,管理局定能继续带领九铁迎接未来的挑战。 www.ichacha.net 2. And art supplies and a painting board with green and yellow colors mixed on it. 旁边还有一些画画用的东西以及着了绿黄颜色的一张画板。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. a square board with a handle; used by masons to hold or carry mortar. 一种有把手的方板;泥瓦匠可以用它来托运水泥。 www.showxiu.com 4. using of polystyrene foam sandwich and single board with insulation wool, the effects of insulation and soundproof are improved. 采用了聚苯乙烯泡沫夹心板或单板加保温棉等措施后,使保温、隔热和隔音等效果良好。 www.shengyidi.com 5. Rakowski writes 12 items on the board with a black dry-erase marker. The first is "State of the Release. " Rakowski用黑色马克笔在白板上写了12条,第一条是“发布状态”。 www.bing.com 6. Machine body adopts weld bend steel board , with the advantage of large weight and steady running . 机身采用钢板折弯件焊接,重量大,运转稳定; www.bing.com 7. They celebrated on board with champagne, then went to small reception at a local hotel - with a bigger event planned for more guests. 他们在潜艇上举行了短暂的庆祝仪式后,又来到当地一家旅馆,在那里举行了一个规模更大的晚会。 www.ycwb.com 8. The pirates use fast-moving skiffs to pull alongside their prey and scamper on board with ladders or sometimes even rusty grappling hooks. 海盗们通常驾驶机动性很强的快艇迅速接近目标,利用梯子——有时候甚至用锈迹斑斑的锚钩——爬上甲板。 www.bing.com 9. Wang shows her students a white board with a poem written in Chinese characters. 王老师展示一块白板,上面用汉字写了一首诗歌。 www.bing.com 10. Furthermore, the proposed section 39G(4) only provides the chairperson of the Assessment Board with a casting vote. 此外,建议的第39G(4)条只规定评核委员会主席有权投决定票。 www.showxiu.com 1. They bored a hole through a board with a drill. 他们在板上钻了一个孔。 bbs.tranbbs.com 2. And do I need once more to write it on the board with my little bars? 我需要再一次用我表示阉割的小小横槓,书写在黑板上吗? springhero.wordpress.com 3. or treating seamless steel tube guide board with nitrogen firstly, then injecting tungsten ion and carbon ion together. 或者首先将穿无缝钢管机组导板进行气体软氮化处理后,再进行金属钨离子和碳离子的双离子高能注入。 ip.com 4. He had to pound the nails into the board with a stone. 他只好用石块将钉子敲进木板。 www.1stenglish.com 5. Pinsky served on a board with a Starbucks executive. 平斯基在一家星巴克店担任执行董事。 dongxi.net 6. Spring contributors, authors, and users alike pack the message board with outstanding content. Spring贡献者、创始人和用户都以杰出的内容填满了留言板。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Each 12-battery module contains a PC board with an LTC6802 and a digital isolator. 每个由12节电池组成的模块都含有一个PC板,板上有一个LTC6802和一个数字隔离器。 baike.eccn.com 8. for printer wiring convenience, we offer additional printing board with maintenance port on back panel. 为了打印机接线方便,我们在(装置)后面板上提供额外的具有维护口的打印插件。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 9. The trick, then, is to identify such trendsetting subscribers and keep them on board with special discounts and promotions. 那么一种方法就是识别出这种创新风的客户,然后用优惠和打折来吸引他们留下来。 www.ecocn.org 10. How is China getting 17 nations on board with such an ambitious -- and expensive -- project? 中国为何要对周边17个国家大动干戈,开展如此声势浩大且耗费巨资的项目呢? www.elanso.com 1. Review Board with Fast Response Meeting Leader : dates, red status items, internal vs external, etc. 和会议主持着回顾:日期、状态为红色的项目、内外部的问题、等等。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Figure 6 shows the display of the game board with an X now populating the center square. 图6显示了中心方格填充X之后的游戏面板。 www.ibm.com 3. Too often, captains of industry are brought on board with fanfare, then ditched with embarrassment. 有太多时候,企业领袖走马上任时声势浩大,后来却带着尴尬灰溜溜地下台。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Once the marshmallow has completely set, dust the work surface or a board with the remaining icing sugar and cornflour mixture. 待棉花糖完全冷却凝固,在面板上撒上剩余的糖粉和玉米粉。 gb.cri.cn 5. Skate board narrow board with roller skate wheels fixed to it. 滑板就是一个狭窄的板子上按上带轴的轮子。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. There's also an option for setting up the board with situations. 也有一种选择设立董事会的情况。 xtdownload.com 7. P. C. B is made of epoxy resin board with excellent insulation properties. 板材采用绝缘性能优良的环氧树脂板; bbs.fobshanghai.com 8. Be sure to use a circuit board with a built-in ground plane, and to accommodate room for mounting 2 or 3 of the gauges. 一定要使用电路板带有内置接地面,可容纳的空间,安装2或3的仪表。 alphaworks.dyndns.org 9. Former U. S. President Bill Clinton in on board with the holistic health advice we've been promoting at NaturalNews, it seems. 看来,前美国总统比尔·克林顿最终采取天然新闻(NaturalNews)一直主张的整体健康建议。 www.bing.com 10. He scored the board with a pencil and ruler before sawing it. 他在下料之前先用铅笔和尺在木板上划好了线。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Application designers: share the story board with others to ensure the design is meeting consumers' needs. 应用设计者:把故事图板给其他人阅读,保证设计满足了用户的需求。 tr.bab.la 2. Copy to the watercolor paper and stick it to the drawing board with sellotape. 拷贝到水彩纸上的线稿并用透明胶纸固定在画板上。 www.showxiu.com 3. The decline hit companies across the board, with power utility Reliance Energy Ltd. falling 16. 4 percent. 下降浪潮席卷了整个大陆。动力能源类相关企业下跌16. blog.sina.com.cn 4. The architect shares responsibilities n the governance board with business and IT representatives. 架构师要和业务与IT代表分享治理委员会的职责。 www.infoq.com 5. A white board with the changes of temperature, humidity, size expansion. 白纸不活随着温、干量的保留,尺寸伸缩。 www.bing.com 6. We just need some Republican politicians to get on board with where the country is. 我们只是需要一些共和党的政治家们与这个国家站一起,休戚与共。 www.bing.com 7. During GM's bankruptcy, the Treasury stocked the GM board with industry outsiders. 破产期间,美国财政部将行业外部人士安插进了通用汽车的董事会。 c.wsj.com 8. Eventually he helped bring my Mom on board with the idea, albeit somewhat reluctantly. 他帮助说服母亲同意了我的想法,尽管她有些不情愿。 app.fortunechina.com 9. Printed Circuit Board with Integrated Inductor. 具有集成电感器的印刷电路板。 www.hgpf114.com 10. If you are married or in a committed relationship, you will have a much smoother journey if they are on board with what you are doing. 如果你已婚或者正处于一段牢固的恋爱关系中,而他们对你正在做的事情有所帮助,那么你的写博之路会更加顺畅。 www.juexiang.com 1. The shell stretch-formed by quality Al-alloy board with plastic-sprayed surface. 外壳采用优质铝合金板拉伸成形,表面喷塑。 people.b2b.hc360.com 2. The carpenter evened a board with a plane . 那位木工用刨刨平一块木板。 dict.wenguo.com 3. At your arrival of Wuhan airport, you will be met by our staff holding a board with both the workshop's English name and your name. 本人到达中国武汉市出机场后请注意当地接站人员手持标有英文会议名称及被接人员姓名的牌示。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. One victory claimed by Mr. Lewis on Wednesday was his re-election to the board with 67. 3% of the vote. 刘易斯获得的一个胜利是在周三的董事继任选举中获得67.3%的支持票。 www.bing.com 5. She likes to be open and above board with others. 她喜欢开诚布公地对待别人。 test.2u4u.com.cn 6. Eight: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs. 第八,速度并不能总是占优势。蜗牛也会和猎豹搭船同行。 www.bing.com 7. Forbid prize the valve board with the hard stick entering the valve cavity. 杜绝用硬棒伸入阀腔撬阀板。 www.ch1718.cn 8. I pressed the thumbtacks into the board with my thumb. 我有用大拇指将图钉钉在板上。 dict.hjenglish.com 9. Please look for the pick-up board with "Tourism College of Zhejiang" 出站后请寻找“浙江旅游职业学院”接站牌 www.study-in-china.org 10. However, the Transportation Security Administration is on-board with the test. 不过,美国交通安全管理局开始着手测试该系统的安全性能。 www.bing.com 1. Board Sailing is a surf board with a sail. 风浪板就是有帆的冲浪板。 www.12edu.cn 2. You still see a menu board with all the information on it. 大家会看到上面有所有资讯的菜单页。 www.chinapost.com.tw 3. He can't afford paper and pen, use charcoal in writing on the board, with sticks in the word. 他买不起纸和笔,就用木炭在木板上写字,用小木棍在地上练字。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The first component is a simple and cheap development board with C8051F320. 首先是一个C8051F320的简易而且便宜的开发板。 www.bing.com 5. It dropped onto the board with a clatter . 那东西啪地掉在棋盘上。 www.bing.com 6. Fourteen tiny parts were attached to the board with bits of fine wire . 有十四个小零件用一些极细的铜丝连在这块板上。 www.jukuu.com 7. Bacteria can hide in a cutting board with lots of knife-cut indentations2. 细菌可能会隐藏在切菜板上菜刀切破的凹口里。 gb.cri.cn 8. He will stay on board with the Expedition 14 crew through the end of the year. 他将与“远航14队”宇航员一起工作,直至年底。 www.america.gov 9. Fascia 300mm(H) standard fascia board with booth number and exhibitor's name in both Chinese and English. 公司招牌参展商中英文名称及摊位号码招牌。 www.hkedcity.net 10. Hollywood restaurateur named Dan Tana is also on board with the project. 一位叫DanTana的好莱坞餐馆老板也参加了这个项目。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. I can write on the board with it. 我能用它在黑板上写字。 www.bing.com 2. He pressed the tacks into the board with his thumb. 他用大拇指将图钉钉在木板上。 www.peilian365.com 3. Gap has jumped on board with the Check In to Check Out consumer trend. 盖璞如今已经从检入转向检出的消费趋势。 www.bing.com 4. Place the chicken breast on cutting board, with one sheet of plastic film under it, and cover it with another sheet. 将鸡胸肉放置在砧板上,上下各铺一张保鲜膜。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Hollywood restauranteur named DT is also on board with the project. 一名叫做DT的好莱坞参观老板也参与了这项活动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Be open and above board with me. 请坦诚待我。 www.ebigear.com 7. Of course, not everyone is on board with this rather bearish thesis. 当然不是所有人都赞同这种相当看空的假说。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The magical-sounding perfume tablets are still very much on the drawing board, with no product launch date yet planned. 这种魔力香水胶囊目前还只是在纸上谈兵的阶段,没有任何产品发布计划。 www.kekenet.com 9. And Thomas Fynan floods a bulletin board with huge messages from fake users. 而ThomasFynan则用假用户的巨大信息量淹没电子公告板。 www.bing.com 10. While I'm not sure I am going to completely jump on board with this theory, I do think it's better to be safe than sorry. 虽然我不知道自己是不是该马上认同这种理论,但我想防范于未然还是好的。 www.joyen.net 1. today i in art lesson, teacher tells us to clean the drawing board with the rubber. 今天我在美术课,要用橡皮擦画板因为老师说要擦的。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 2. It is played on a wooden board with holes for beads or stones. 它是制作一个具有珠子或石头洞木板。 www.baike.com 3. Kingsley will become deputy CORA director and sit on the management board with effect from 1 January, 2012. 从2012年1月1日起,金斯利将担任公司和法律事务处副主任,并加入管理委员会。 www.yn-tobacco.com 4. Please redesign on the exhibition board with determined sizes and pay more attention to the details. 请在最后确定的某尺寸的展板上再次规划设计,对细微部分进行斟酌。 ourtra.netat.net 5. What we do first, we have our board here. We're gonna sprinkle it with flour. Prepare our board with flour. 我们第一步应该做的是,把板子放在这。我们在上面撒一些面粉。准备好撒满面粉的砧板。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Make sure you get your superiors on board with the idea. 确保你得到你得到同行的主意。 www.bing.com 7. Will your new manager be on board with the idea? 你的新上司能主意吗? www.ttxyy.com 8. Jim prefers to board with Mrs. Smith. 吉姆更愿意在史密斯太太那儿搭伙。 www.1stenglish.com 9. You're getting on board with Barney's idea? 你竟然同意巴尼的主意?。 mysubtitle.appspot.com 10. I'm not filling the board with check boxes. 我不会用些条条框框来筛选人填充董事会。 www.bing.com 1. the surface of the front baffle can be provided with a cleaning board with two holes adapting to the combined flue; 前挡板面上可装清洁板,其上有两个与组合烟道相适应的孔; ip.com 2. Then nail the bag and the front side of card board with stapler. 然后把袋子和卡板的正面用订书机钉在一起。 knowledge.yahoo.com.cn 3. At that time, larger marine fog, vision is not good, but Koizumi is on board with a telescope on the islands was observed. 由于当时海上雾较大,视野并不好,不过小泉还是在船上用望远镜对这些岛屿进行了观察。 www.englishtang.com 4. I am not on board with cats. They'll scratch and bite you! 我不喜欢猫,它们会抓和咬你。 www.bing.com 5. It can be difficult to get your family on board with frugality. 能邀得家人一起合作省钱是不容易的。 www.elanso.com 6. the increase in hong kong dollar deposits was across - the - board , with demand , savings and time deposits all registering a rise. 各类港元存款均告上升,往来存款储蓄存款和定期存款均录得增长。 www.ichacha.net 7. So in the end, Dean is on really on board with making this happen for the first time. 因此,在最后,Dean终于开始第一次想要让这件事发生。 www.bing.com 8. Sumatra is huge so we can look forward to 12-hour days on board with no fidgeting. 苏门答腊地方很大,所以我们要捱过12小时乘在车上手脚不能动弹的日子。 www.bing.com 9. We also have an active Board with which we work every day. 世行集团拥有一个活跃的董事会,我们每天都一起共事。 web.worldbank.org 10. And they asked the subjects to guess, by pointing to the board with their other hand, where their hidden knuckles and fingertips lay. 然后让这个志愿者用另外一只手指着板,猜测被隐藏的手的指节和指尖的位置。 www.bing.com 1. It can make many kinds of compound steel or clad board with simple design and operation. 该发明采用多个模具可以生产多种复合钢、复合板,其设计简单,操作方便。 ip.com 2. Patient arm out on arm-board with identification band coming off his wrist 病人手臂上的标识腕带松脱 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But you expect me to jump up on board with you 你期待我跳上你乘坐的船 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The heat-analysis and calculation for the board with installed instruments in the spacecraft 航天器内仪器安装板的热分析计算 www.ilib.cn 5. A High Speed Data Acquisition Board with a Great Deal Data Coming 一种处理海量数据的高速数据采集卡 ilib.cn 6. Study of thermal distribution characteristic of circuit board with method of infrared ray imaging 红外热成像法研究电路板热分布特性 service.ilib.cn 7. The Design and Realizaiton of a Simple Communication Board with Modem and Ethernet Interface 一种具有Modem和以太网接口的简易通信板设计和实现 www.ilib.cn 8. Optimum of Technology Parameters about Lamination of Flexible Multilayer Printed Board with Orthogonal Experiment 用正交试验法优化挠性多层板层压工艺参数 www.ilib.cn 9. Controlling the Reinforced Concrete Double Board with the Crack and its Width Calculation 钢筋砼双板的裂缝控制和宽度计算 www.ilib.cn 10. Name list of the legal representatives of the Foreign-funded enterprises (or the directors of the board) (with one original); 外资企业法定代表人(或者董事会人选)名单(原件1份); www.bing.com 1. Study of Dynamic Stress Concentration of Bar Board With Hole Under Axial Impact Load 带孔板条在轴向冲击载荷下的动态应力集中研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Prevention of split on the top of oblique cross pre-stress concrete hollow board with back-extensive method 后张法斜交预应力混凝土空心板端部裂缝防治 www.ilib.cn 3. Research on Simulation of Static Compression Performance of Corrugated Board with Nonlinear Finite Element 基于非线性有限元的瓦楞纸板静态压缩性能仿真研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Surface decorated particle board with paper impregnated thermosetting resins 浸泽胶膜纸饰面刨花板 info.ewood.cn 5. Research on the Effects of Delaminates on Natural Frequency of the Lamination Board With Fixed Ends 脱层对两端固支层合板固有频率影响的研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Study on cable-beam support technology of big section area roof board with weathering and flabbiness character 大断面风化顶板锚梁喷支护技术的试验研究 service.ilib.cn 7. Libya : A rebel shoots at an oil company advertisement board with a portrait of Muammar Gaddafi 利比亚拉斯拉努夫:一叛军举枪射向印有卡扎菲画像的石油公司的广告牌。 www.bing.com 8. The Design and Application of Multi-channel Data Collection Board with USB on Medical Instrumentation 基于USB接口的多通道数据采集卡的设计及其在医疗仪器上的应用 www.ilib.cn 9. Research on Simulation of Dynamic Response of Corrugated Board with Nonlinear Finite Element 基于非线性有限元的瓦楞纸板动态冲击响应的仿真研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Application of Plastic Drain Board with Earthwork Grid in Abutment Backwall of Soft Foundation 塑料排水板加土工格栅在软土地基桥台台后中的应用 ilib.cn 1. Convening of promotion board with revised arrangements, if necessary 召开晋升选拔委员会如有需要,作出修订安排 2. Analysis on economy of interior partition board with prefabricated metal frame 预制轻钢龙骨内隔墙板的经济性分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Light concrete wall board with glass fiber reinforcement in NorthAmerica 北美玻纤增强轻质混凝土墙板 service.ilib.cn 4. MX27 as the core device and forms the main board with peripheral hardware circuit; MX27作为核心器件,配合外围硬件电路构成嵌入式核心板; www.fabiao.net 5. Vacuum Melting of Composition Graining Board with Spinning Nozzle 喷丝头组合花板的真空熔炼 www.ilib.cn 6. Multiple items that can be stacked (Tupperware has finally come on board with this! ) 把各种衣物整齐地放成一堆(塑料制品终于也能整齐地放置了!) www.bing.com 7. Design and fabrication of a ceramic circuit board with 28 layers 实用化28层陶瓷基板的设计与制作 www.ilib.com.cn 8. Aluminous PCB is a kind of insulated metal-based copper board with high thermal diffusivity. Its characteristics are as below: 铝基板是一种散热性能良好的绝缘金属基敷铜板,其特点在于: wenku.baidu.com 9. I am eager to twine the board with lines and needles once more 多想再缠一回妈妈的针线板呦 net2.web1.lhaobo.com 10. Producing White Coating Board with Bleaching Waste Paper Pulp 用漂白废纸浆生产涂布白纸板 www.ilib.cn 1. he had a boogie board with the union jack on it 他有一块刻着米字旗的冲浪板 www.ichacha.net 2. Optimization of Dyeing of Liner Board with Liquid Dyestuffs 牛皮箱纸板液体直接染料染色的优化实验 www.ilib.cn 3. Producing Homogenized Board with Wheat Straw 麦秸均质板生产 www.ymsxd.org 4. Manufacture of High Quality Kraft Liner Board with Cotton Stalk 全棉秆制优等挂面牛皮箱纸板的研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Development of the automobile interior lining board with jute 黄麻汽车内饰衬板的研制 www.ilib.cn 6. Forecast of Tropical Cyclones in Landing in China Southeast Sea-board with A Gray Prediction Mode GM 试用灰色建模作登陆我国东南沿海的热带气旋预报 www.ilib.cn 7. Bowling on the Board With Nails and Pseudorandom Numbers 钉板投球和伪随机数 www.ilib.cn 8. The Modelling of Printed Circuit Board with PCB Data in UG Platform 利用PCB文件在UG中完成印制板组装件的建模方法 www.ilib.cn 9. Microwave Oven Board with Supply of Delicious Soups 供应美味热汤微波炉 www.citybestcoffee.com 10. Development of Super Thin Multilayer Board with Ink Jet Technology 应用喷墨技术的超薄型多层板的开发 www.ilib.cn 1. Study on Production of CTMP and Liner Board with Acacia Auriculiformis Wood 大叶相思制CTMP及配抄箱纸板 www.ilib.cn 2. Analysis on Stress Field of Aeolotropy Board with Circular Orifices 含圆孔各向异性板的应力场分析 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Molded in-plant board with Inserting slot 注塑万能带插槽隔板 www.sanwei-antistatic.com 4. to even a board with a plane 用刨子将一块木板刨平 wenwen.soso.com 5. Development of Out Wall Out-insulation of PS Foam Board with Thin Render 聚苯板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统的研制 www.ilib.cn 6. Single Board With Right Opening Door 右开门单格柜 www.dh-jmtc.com 7. COATED MANILA PAPER BOARD WITH GREY BACK 覆层灰底马尼拉白纸板 zhidao.baidu.com 8. coated duplex board with white back 白底白板纸 www.bing.com 9. coated duplex board with grey back 灰底白板纸 www.foodmate.net 10. Hung board with wooden frame 木边框白板 www.bj-huaerda.com 1. ASL board with Pulse Billing 计费脉冲用户板 www.hxen.com 2. Mounted by board with PVC sheet 以胶片及纸咭板装裱 www.ichacha.net |
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