单词 | favour with | ||||||||
释义 | favour with
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 给,支持,赐与 1. The assertion that your right should take precedence over mine is unlikely to find favour with me if it is put in the form of a demand. 如果你要求将你的权利摆在我的权利之前,我一定不会答应。 hkhrm.org.hk 2. The Dutch striker is looking to leave Old Trafford after falling out of favour with Sir Alex Ferguson towards the end of last season. 荷兰射手期待离开老特拉福德,自从上赛季末失去阿莱克斯·弗格森爵士的信任之后。 hi.baidu.com 3. As you know, the little cat is in favour with Aunt Mary. 要知道,这只猫是深受玛丽大婶的宠爱。 dict.veduchina.com 4. She was more or less abandoned by Western governments keen to curry favour with Mr Meles. 西方国家正热衷于讨好梅莱斯先生,几乎已经把她忘了。 www.ecocn.org 5. Tom is trying to curry favour with the boss to get a promotion. 为了升迁,汤姆在竭力讨好他的上司。 wenwen.soso.com 6. I think we are out of favour with them; we have not been asked to any of their parties this year. 我觉得他们已经不喜欢我们了,他们今年请客没有请过我们。 www.kuenglish.info 7. As it happens, if the chancellor thought her stand would curry favour with peaceniks at home she was mistaken. 实际上,如果默克尔认为她这种立场能够讨好国内的反战分子,那就错了。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Protesters on Syria's streets say that the better-known internal dissidents spend too much time currying favour with diplomats in Damascus. 叙利亚大街上的示威者则说国内有名的异见分子同样也花了大把时间给驻大马士革的外交官溜须拍马。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Club's youth philosophy has added new life to a competition that has recently fallen out of favour with England's biggest clubs. 这家俱乐部的年轻化足球哲学给联赛杯增添了新鲜的力量,这项杯赛在最近几年成为英格兰豪门俱乐部的鸡肋。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. India extends large, soft loans to curry favour with a friendly regime in Bangladesh and is paying for post-war reconstruction in Sri Lanka. 印度为讨好孟加拉国的一友好政权)为其提供巨额(借款国可用本国软货币偿还的)软贷款,并出资援助斯里兰卡的战后重建。 www.ecocn.org 1. There was often some crawling sneak who would not scruple to curry favour with Misery by reporting the crime. 有些野心勃勃的卑鄙小人,为了巴结瘟神会昧着良心告密。 2. Cerulli notes plain-vanilla equities funds are falling out of favour, with investors flocking to aggressive bond and guaranteed funds. Cerulli指出,普通股票型基金日益失宠,投资者现在青睐进取型债券基金和保本型基金。 www.ftchinese.com 3. He hasn't started more than 17 league games in a season since his first and he's fallen out of favour with the Brazilian national side. 第一个赛季后,他每个赛季首发没有超过17场联赛,巴西国家队的位置也丢了。 3g.xplus.com 4. The law should be applied without fear or favour, with only cold reason and the facts of the case determining what happens to the accused. 也就是说应用法律应该毫无畏惧和偏袒之心,只有冷静的推理和案件事实才能决定如何处理被告。 www.kekenet.com 5. The action caused the value of our stock to plummet, and it is still out of favour with investors. 这一行动造成本公司股票价格剧跌,使投资者无意问津。 6. Yet his "sunshine policy" toward North Korea is out of favour with the current South Korean government. 然而,他对朝鲜的“阳光政策”却未能得到韩国当前政府的青睐。 www.ecocn.org 7. But for those seeking the perfect gift to curry favour with Chinese officials, moutai is indispensable at this time of year. 但对那些寻找完美礼物讨好中国官员的人而言,茅台是每年这个时刻必不可少的东西。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Joseph had one final word for the cupbearer: 'When you are back in favour with Pharaoh, please mention my case to him. 约瑟替酒政解梦的时候,最后曾恳请他:「你再次得到法老恩宠时,请向他提及我的案子。」 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The faction that captures the target first will of course gain considerable prestige and wealth as well as win favour with the Pope. 第一个占领目标的势力显然会获得名誉、声望以及教皇的宠爱。 www.clanlong.com 10. This was obviously a reasonable suggestion; it didn't, however, find favour with your employer. 很明显,这是一个合情合理的建议,但是你的雇主却没有接受。 www.bing.com 1. For payment, please arrange for an irrevocable letter of credit, valid until June 30, to be opened in our favour with the ABC Bank. 关于付款,请安排由ABC银行开立以我方为受益人,有效期至6月30日截止的不可撤销的信用证。 www.sdzkw.com 2. To curry favour with the West, he released political prisoners, allowed some opposition campaigning and invited foreigners to watch. 为了取悦西方,卢卡申科释放了政治犯,允许进行一些反对活动并且邀请外国人前来参观。 www.ecocn.org 3. It was meant to win favour with you. 那时我想得到你的恩惠而准备的。 www.fuzhuang.com.cn 4. Political candidates often portray themselves as the sweet dad or sweet mom to curry favour with the voters. 政治候选人常常把自己说成是可爱的父母,以获取选民的好感。 www.joyen.net 5. Credit rating agencies have fallen out of favour with top investors. 信用评级机构失去了顶级投资家们的宠爱。 www.bing.com 6. Not to boast of my former beauty, or strength, or favour with ladies, & c. 不夸自己以前如何英俊,如何强壮,如何得到小姐太太们的青睐,种种。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. product of china peaceful illume gains the support that got broad client and favour with best quality , steady performance , rich design. 华泰照明产品以最优的质量、稳定的性能、丰富的款式赢得到了广大客户的支持与青睐。 www.ichacha.net 8. The dress in slim, elegant, full and flowing style has found the greatest favour with young ladies. 款式苗条、优雅,线条丰满而且流畅的服装,最受年轻女性的青睐。 www.dictall.com 9. And on style, Mr Obama is already criticised by some as being too Clintonesque in his eagerness to curry favour with the media. 奥那马先生的风格已经被有些人批评太过于克林顿化了,因为他热衷于讨好媒体。 www.ecocn.org 10. Over the past few years, the policy of promoting zones has found favour with the government of India as well. 在过去的几年里,促进地区发展的政策得到印度政府很好支持。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. It seems that Tim is back in favour with his boss. 看来蒂姆又赢得了老板的好感。 www.ncneedu.cn 2. He did everything to Curry favour with his superiors in the hope of getting promoted. 他竭力巴结他的上司,希望得到提升。 dict.ebigear.com 3. It is in hiddenness that we, like Jesus, can increase "in wisdom, in stature, and in favour with God and with people" (Luke 2: 51). 是在隐居的生活中,像耶稣那样,我们可以”在智慧和身量上,并在天主和人前的恩爱上“渐渐地增长(路加福音2:51)。 www.bing.com 4. When it comes to currying favour with the Kremlin, he has scarcely put a foot wrong. 在跟克里姆林宫方面打交道的时候,他几乎从没有犯过任何一步错误。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Protesters decry what they see as attempts by politicians, including Barack Obama, to curry favour with them. 他们谴责包括奥巴马在内的政客们试图讨好他们的做法。 www.ecocn.org 6. He seized every opportunity to curry favour with influential people. 他不放过任何一个谄媚权贵的机会。 www.360abc.com 7. Our plan is not in favour with the authority. 兰局并不重视我们的方案。 www.24en.com 8. Sir Walter is out of favour with the king. 沃尔特爵士已失宠于国王。 www.tooben.com 9. Yet until now Mr Aliev has always bounced back into favour with his father-in-law. 然而到现在,阿利耶夫先生已经卷土重来,并在讨好着自己的岳父。 www.bing.com 10. Jinlong decides to show favour with Shufang as he suspects that Jiahui is his biological daughter. 金龙怀疑佳慧是他的亲生女儿,决定撤销对佳慧的提控。 entertainment.xin.msn.com 1. And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. 天使对他说,马利亚不要怕。你在神面前已经蒙恩了。 www.ebigear.com 2. Oliver works hard so he is in favour with his boss. 奥利弗工作努力所以很得老板的欢心。 www.ruiwen.com 3. Good students are always in favour with their teachers. 好学生总是得到老师的喜爱。 blog.sohu.com 4. He worked himself into favour with his boss. 他巴结老板,得到了老板的青睐。 bbs.5432.net 5. He is out of favour with the boss. 他已不得老板的垂青。 6. Praising God, and having favour with all the people. 赞美神,得众民的喜爱。 www.ebigear.com 7. She bought favour with flattery. 她以阿谀奉承博得宠幸。 wenwen.soso.com 8. But he is also careful to curry favour with the Communist Party . 但他仍然小心地处理和共产党的关系。 dict.veduchina.com 9. This textbook quickly found favour with the students. 这本教科书很快获得了学生的好评。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 10. Currying favour with the Chinese is both sensible and necessary if you are serious about growing in a nation with 1. 3 billion people. 如果重视在这个拥有十三亿人口的国家里发展,投其所好不仅明智,而且必然。 www.bing.com 1. The government has lost favour with the voters. 政府失去了选民的支持。 2. We can give to win favour with God. We can think it will give us a great reputation for our generosity. 我们捐献,可以是为了讨神的喜悦,但也可以是为了赢得好的名声。 www.seewant.org 3. If we do this we will be like the man of verse 4 who is in favour with God and man. 如果我们这样做,我们将像第4节中的人那样,在神和世人眼前蒙恩。 dict.bioon.com 4. They do so in order to curry favour with local officialdom. 他们之所以这样做是为了讨好当地的官员。 www.bing.com 5. We can easily have wrong motives. We can give to win favour with God. 保罗谈及捐献的动机,因为我们很容易会有错误的动机。 www.wheatseeds.org 6. But this is heavily tilted in China's favour, with the deficit more than doubling to $9. 17bn in the past fiscal year. 但两国之间的贸易天平明显偏向中国,在过去一个财年,印度对华贸易逆差增长逾一倍,达到91.7亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The president delivers a meaty speech to Congress that will not find much favour with the Republicans 总统的国会演讲内容翔实,但无法得到共和党的大力支持 www.ecocn.org 8. He found favour with his boss 他赢得上司好感。 www.putclub.com 9. He is trying his BEST to curry favour with his boss 他竭力讨好他的老板。 dict.ebigear.com |
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