单词 | board up |
释义 | boarded up是board up的过去式
第三人称单数:boards up 现在分词:boarding up 过去式:boarded up 例句释义: 用板钉上〔围上〕,登上行动,用木板封住的 1. I don't know what I expected to see, but the place was all boarded-up and there were shutters over the windows. 我也不知道自己希望看到什么,但是那个地方已经全部装上了挡板,窗户也挂起百叶窗帘。 www.ebigear.com 2. Shops were boarded up, banks warned employees to dress down and police responded to reports of a suspicious package at the Bank. 店家给商店上了铺板,银行警告员工不要穿着时髦,而警察也对英国央行报告的可疑包裹加以处置。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The old log pavilion was an eyesore, with boarded-up windows, a trash-strewn kitchen, and cobwebs in every dusty corner. 破旧的原木凉亭是难看的,用木板钉死的窗户,遍地垃圾的厨房并且每处肮脏的角落都有蜘蛛网的存在。 www.ecocn.org 4. It was a tall, red brick building with windows boarded up on every side of the building. 校舍很高,用红砖砌成,每面窗户都用木板封住了。 ienglish.eol.cn 5. "Exactly. " He walked over to one of the boarded up windows. “正是。”他向一扇被封住的窗户走去。 www.examda.com 6. Storefronts for exporters that have gone out of business are boarded up. 出口商的店面因为停业已经用木板封住。 www.bing.com 7. In a once-busy tourist area close to the border, well over half the shops are boarded up. 在边境附近一个曾经游客众多的地区,半数以上的商店如今都关门大吉。 www.ecocn.org 8. The hotel across the street was boarded up and inhabited by vagrants. 街道对面的旅店里挤满了流浪汉,旅店也被他们用木板围了个水泄不通。 www.ecocn.org 9. One or two houses on each street have been boarded up and abandoned. 在每条街道上都有一两所房子被封或者被遗弃。 www.ecocn.org 10. The basement was littered with debris and the walls were boarded up where the water had coursed through and taken out one side of the house. 地下室到处是垃圾碎屑,墙面用木板封上了,就在那里,洪水涌了进来,夺走了一个生命。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The area has never fully recovered. Boarded-up buildings, drug dealers and, recently, foreclosures have mushroomed. 这个地区一直没有完全恢复,到处是木板阻隔的建筑,毒品贩子,最近次贷危机中丧失赎回权的市区房子的人大量出现。 www.bing.com 2. The house, cold, empty and boarded up, was a wooden Dutch Colonial at the edge of the water. 那座房子阴冷,空旷,与世隔绝,是座临水的木质荷兰殖民建筑。 blog.ecocn.org 3. Four cranes block out the skyline, but the foreground is row upon row of boarded-up houses and shuttered storefronts. 四架起重机架起了天际线,其下却是一排排的板房和门窗紧锁的店面。 www.ecocn.org 4. Around the square, windows are still boarded up. 广场周围的窗户扔被木板封住。 www.ecocn.org 5. have repurposed boarded-up malls as mixed-use developments with retail stores, offices and apartments. 加利福尼亚已经重新规划了商场,让它多方面发展,设有零售商店、办公室和住宅。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. We boarded up the hole in the wall. 我们用木板把墙上的洞封起来了。 www.jukuu.com 7. Even seemingly stable neighbourhoods have boarded up houses. 甚至看起来稳定的区域房子也被钉上了木板封起来了。 www.ecocn.org 8. The clockmaker stood in front of a boarded-up body shop, and the gritty sidewalk was deserted. 钟表匠站在一家用木板围起来的车身修理厂前面,沙土人行道上没有任何其他人。 www.bing.com 9. The last guests have been pushed out and the windows boarded up. 最后一批客人被推出了门外,酒店窗户也被钉上了木板。 www.ecocn.org 10. The house has been boarded up. The windows, the doors, everything. 屋子被用木板钉住了。窗户,门,所有的。 engxue.com 1. We were near Llangollen in Wales and we turned up at a street of boarded-up and derelict houses. 我们来到位于威尔士兰戈伦附近的一条街上,那里都是废弃的木屋。 www.bing.com 2. Municipal taxes go unpaid, and boarded-up homes invite looting, drugs and other criminal activity. 市政税无人交付,仅用木板一封了事的空房子引来了抢劫、吸毒和其它犯罪活动。 www.ecocn.org 3. There is no door here, and all the windows are boarded up. 那边没门,并且所有的窗户都用木板封了起来。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. In Marcus Hook, a much less affluent area, several shop fronts are boarded up. 在条件更为不富裕的马库斯胡克,一些商店已经关门大吉了。 www.ecocn.org 5. Shopkeepers boarded up their stores for fear of looters . 店主因为害怕被抢劫而封住他们的商店。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. and of course the house was boarded up. 而且,房子显然用木板封住了。 kk.dongxi.net 7. Younis has been barred from the camp and the apartment where she taught the 13-member Strings of Freedom orchestra has been boarded up. 尤妮丝已被禁止进入杰宁,她原本指导「自由弦乐团」13名成员练习的公寓也被封闭。 suyage.com:8080 8. There are whole streets of mansions boarded up, and palaces for pigeons. 有些地方整条街上都是大宅,还有很多鸽舍。 www.bing.com 9. He boarded up the windows. 他用木板将窗钉上。 www.jukuu.com 10. The school is located in a rundown area of Mansfield and boarded-up houses line the street around it. 这所学校座落在曼斯菲尔德的一个旧城区,周边都是用木板封着的房子。 www.bing.com 1. No more boarded up windows so now you can see the turn up landscape all around you. 不再使用带框架的窗口,玩家将能对周遭地形一览无余。 bbs.a9vg.com 2. The question was, did he die before the house was boarded up or afterwards? 问题是,他是在屋子被封闭前死亡的,还是在封闭后死亡的呢? www.2r2y.com 3. We can safely conclude that in fact he did die some time after the house was boarded up. 我们可以有把握地下结论,事实上,他确实是在房屋被封闭之后,过了一段时间死亡的。 www.2r2y.com 4. At the back of the room there is a boarded up doorway. 房间的后面有个用模板隔开的门道。 www.nciku.cn 5. During last year's crunch in Wenzhou, for example, some bankrupt bosses simply boarded up their factories and fled town. 例如,在去年温州发生民间债务危机期间,一些破产的企业主干脆把工厂一关,逃之夭夭。 www.bing.com 6. Its windows are boarded up, its pale pink facade crumbling away; 它的窗口用木板覆盖上,淡粉红的门面破碎了; zhidao.baidu.com 7. The entrance of the cavern was boarded up 山洞的入口被封死了。 www.jukuu.com 8. Henley, UK: A painting of a dog is seen on a boarded up window in a house 英国,亨里:从一座房子封上的窗里看到的一副狗的画面 www.bing.com 9. You've boarded up every door 你把每扇门都关闭 zhidao.baidu.com |
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