单词 | free trade |
释义 |
例句释义: 自由贸易,自由贸易或自由交易,自由贸易地区,自由交流 1. EU antidumping measures also had been down in recent years, as the bloc moved to encourage free trade. 尽管在欧盟对自由贸易的鼓励的前提下,近几年其反倾销政策已经宽松了不少。 www.bing.com 2. The agreement with Columbia is the first of three free trade agreements the White House wants to see clear Congress this year. 与哥伦比亚的协定是白宫希望今年国会关注的三个自由贸易协定中的第一个。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. It was, as the authors explain, a "mercantilist world where unilateral free trade and a pacific stance were not viable options" . 就像两位作者解释的那样,这是个“单边自由贸易与和平贸易不可能存在的重商主义世界”。 ecocn.org 4. Should Barack Obama win, he is expected to call for a review of the North American Free Trade Agreement, on which Canada depends. 如果奥巴马获胜的话,他将重新审视北美自由贸易协定,而该协定对于加拿大来说不能一日或缺。 www.bing.com 5. The index ranks the policies of each country according to how much they encourage free trade, both internally and with other territories. 这个排行榜根据各国或地区对国内外自由贸易的鼓励程度将其经济政策进行排名。 www.ecocn.org 6. To the objection that such a policy would be protectionist, a violation of the principles of free trade, one reply is, So? 对于认为这种政策是一种贸易保护主义,是对自由贸易原则的践踏的反对声,回答是,那又怎么着? www.bing.com 7. It assumes the existence of a universal union and a state of perpetual peace, and deduces therefrom the great benefits of free trade. 它假定世界联盟与持久和平的形势是已经存在的,然后由此推定自由贸易的巨大利益。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. ``Free trade is always being attacked, '' Irwin said. ``The question is, how high is the threat level? '' “自由贸易一直受着各方攻击,”Irwin说,“但问题是,它带来的威胁究竟有多大。” www.bing.com 9. It had been planned that a free-trade agreement would cap a year of warming relations with South Korea. 按原计划,自由贸易协定可保证美韩两国今后一年的良好关系。 www.ecocn.org 10. The changing era requires the United States to be more insistent upon the need for free trade and an end to protectionism, he said. 他说,这个不断变化的时代要求美国更加坚持自由贸易的必要性,同时制止贸易保护主义。 www.america.gov 1. Most of those who reclaimed Republican seats campaigned against free trade, globalisation and any sort of moderate immigration policy. 他们多数人都反对自由贸易、全球化和任何一种温和的移民政策。 www.ftchinese.com 2. I think they were gearing up for the election, and appeasing the unions to elect Gore was more important than standing for free trade. 我认为,他们在为选举做调整,安抚工会,让他们支持戈尔比克林顿支持自由贸易更加重要。 www.dzxsw.com 3. However, the area has never been determined by ASEAN as a free trade area yet. There is no blue print dealing with the area. 然而,东盟还没有把这个地区确定为自由贸易区,还没有描绘这个地区的蓝图。 4. The economy continued to be mired in a long recession that many blamed on the free-trade agreement. 经济依然是陷入长期衰退,许多归咎于自由贸易协定。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Are the U. S. government and business community right to be worried about threats to free trade and intellectual property rights? 而美国的政界商界会为此在自由贸易与知识产权的问题上感到威胁吗? www.bing.com 6. And Panama, with which Costa Rica is wrapping up free-trade negotiations, has itself concluded a similar deal with the United States. 还有巴拿马,当哥斯达黎加还在总结跟这个国家的自由贸易谈判时,人家已经和美国达成了类似的交易。 www.ecocn.org 7. It seems to have concluded that the best response to high food prices is to move closer to agricultural autarky than to free trade. 他们似乎已得出结论,认为应对高粮价的最佳手段是更加趋向于农业上的自给自足,而不是自由贸易。 blog.ecocn.org 8. Free trade may not always be good for all participants, and in the long run trade with China may hold perils for the United States. 自由贸易对其参与者来说,也许不会一直那么顺利,而且从长远来看,中美贸易关系也许会对美国存有威胁。 www.bing.com 9. With that settled, there was a fresh desire to make progress towards a genuinely open free-trade block. 之后,欧盟才开始了一个迈向崭新的真正开放的自由贸易区的进程。 www.ecocn.org 10. If he wants my vote he'll have to take a stand on the question of free trade. 如果他要我投他的票,他就必须在自由贸易问题上采取坚定的立场。 www.kekenet.com 1. Mr. Obama said he would continue negotiations on a Korea-U. S. free trade agreement, which deadlocked Thursday. 奥巴马说,他将就上周四陷于僵局的韩国-美国自由贸易协定继续进行谈判。 c.wsj.com 2. Again, the anti-free-trade rhetoric doesn't seem to be enough to helpStrickland this election year. 而且,反自由贸易组织的虚夸的言辞看起来不足以帮助TedStrickland这一年的选举。 www.bing.com 3. These dangers to free trade do not add up to a repeat of the 1930s, but they all need watching. 这些自由贸易的危险不会相加成20世纪30年代的翻版,但它们都需要得到关注。 www.stnn.cc 4. Except in the sense that it is for free trade everywhere it is not specifically trying to spread the American way of life. 除了让自由贸易无处不在,它并没有特别地想要传播美国的生活方式。 www.bing.com 5. Mexicans hoped that NAFTA, the North American Free-Trade Agreement that came into force a decade and a half ago, would make them rich. 墨西哥曾希望十五年前生效的NAFTA(北美自由贸易协议)能使他们富裕。 www.ecocn.org 6. Nested on-line transactions for the company to meet financial requirements to open free trade customers. 嵌套网上交易,面向公司资金达到要求交易客户免费开通。 www.g36.com.cn 7. The implication was that free trade with Mexico would cause significant job losses in the United States. 其用意是暗示与墨西哥的自由贸易将导致美国流失大量的工作岗位。 www.bing.com 8. Indian Trade Minister Kamal Nath said New Delhi also hopes to work out the details of a free trade accord by the end of the year. 印度商工部长纳斯说,新德里还希望在年底之前敲定一个自由贸易协定的细节。 ept-cn.com 9. On the last day, there was a protest march against war in Iraq and against the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas. 在会议的最后一天,那里举行了示威游行,以抗议对伊开战和被提议的美洲自由贸易区。 tr.bab.la 10. His instinct for rational economics has turned him from a protectionist into a champion of free trade. 他对理性经济学的直觉使他从一个(贸易)保护主义者转变为自由贸易的拥护者。 www.ecocn.org 1. We don't say it all that often, but President Bush is right: Congress should pass the Colombian free-trade agreement now. 我们并没有那么经常地提到它,但布什总统是对的:议会应该马上通过哥伦比亚自由贸易协定。 www.elanso.com 2. He brings with him plans for a free trade deal between the nations, planned to come into force by 2010. 旨在签署一项两国间自由贸易协定,计划将于2010年生效。 www.bing.com 3. Mr Turner seems to feel that the problem is free trade, an idea it is not clear he understands. Turner先生似乎觉得问题在于自由贸易,他知道这个概念不够清晰。 www.ecocn.org 4. The proposal to turn Apec into a free trade area runs into insuperable political and technical difficulties. 将APEC转型为自由贸易区的提议,会在政治及技术层面遭遇无法克服的困难。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The truth of the matter is that free trade is alive and well among economists. 事实是,在经济学家中间,自由贸易还活得好好的。 www.ftchinese.com 6. This sort of double speak demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of free trade, economics and world history. 这种自欺欺人的理由向我们表明了他们对自由贸易、经济和世界历史的严重误解。 www.bing.com 7. You might conclude from all this that free trade has little to offer the world's poor, especially in Africa. That would be wrong. 你也许会得出结论,认为自由贸易对世界各地尤其是非洲地区的穷人帮助不大。 www.ecocn.org 8. President Bush is pushing a free-trade agreement with Colombia and he is trying to force Congress to back it. 布什总统正试图和哥伦比亚签订自由贸易协定,他正竭力让国会支持这项决定。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 9. Seizing the moment, George Bush decided to send the Colombian free-trade pact to Congress for approval. 在只争朝夕的时刻,布什决定决定争取美国国会批准同哥伦比亚的自由贸易协定。 www.ecocn.org 10. The Time is Now does not support a global free trade deal along current lines, as it would not help poor people. 乐施会的报告不支持全球贸易以目前的方式进行,因为这方式根本不能帮助贫穷人。 www.oxfam.org.hk 1. He says he thought ratifying the free trade deal was a "shortcut" to trigger the economic growth South Korea urgently needs. 他说,他认为批准这项自由贸易协议是刺激韩国急需的经济增长所需的一个“捷径”。 www.voanews.cn 2. He says the business community - one of the greatest proponents of free trade - has an obligation to educate the public. 他表示工商界(自由贸易的最大支持者之一)有义务对公众进行教育。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. We preach free trade to the poor while shutting their own goods out of our markets, or slapping prohibitive tariffs on them. 我们对穷国宣讲自由贸易,然而却不准他们的商品进入我们的市场,或对他们征收惩罚性关税。 www.bing.com 4. Besides, an exchange of journalists to cover Free Trade Area policies, or any other mode for the purpose, would also be desirable. 3. 此外,互派记者报道自由贸易区的政策,或者是进行其他形式的交流也是必要的; www.people.com.cn 5. To make that happen, Japan needs to do more to open up to foreign competition by forging free-trade agreements (FTAs). 要做到这一点,日本需要通过开放自由贸易协定(FTA)来与外国同行开展竞争。 www.ecocn.org 6. During the primaries he threatened to pull out of the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA) unless it was renegotiated. 在初选中他还威胁如果不重新谈判就推出北美自由贸易协定。 www.ecocn.org 7. Countries did not become advocates for free trade until their firms were secure in global technological leadership. 这些国家直到国内企业坐稳了全球技术革新前几把交椅之后才开始鼓吹自由贸易。 dongxi.net 8. Has the U. S. forever given up on the dream of a rules-based monetary order for a global economy dedicated to free trade? 难道美国已经永远放弃了为推动全球经济拥抱自由贸易而建立一个以规则为基础的货币秩序的理想吗? www.tvsou.com 9. But even for those who still identify themselves as supporters of free trade, Buy American is a difficult issue on which to take a stand. 但即使是对于那些仍旧将自己标榜为自由贸易支持者的人而言,“购买美国货”也是一个让他们不好选择立场的难题。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Mr Wen said he was a "staunch supporter of free trade" and deniedChina's currency, the yuan, was undervalued. 温总理自称是“自由贸易的铁杆支持者”,并否认中国的货币,元,被价值低估。 www.bing.com 1. The most prominent recent flare-up in this debate is over the North American Free Trade Agreement. 双方最显著的分歧体现在最近争论激烈的北美自由贸易协定上。 www.bing.com 2. He would like a loose free-trade zone instead of what he sees as a nascent superstate . 克劳斯想要的是一个宽松的自由贸易区,而不是一个新生超级大国(至少他是这么认为的)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Yet, whenever the economy goes through a difficult time, as it has in recent years, free trade comes under fire. 然而,不论何时经济度过一个困难时期,就象近年来,自由贸易都会受到攻击。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The only option for Mr Gaidar and his team was to abolish price regulation and allow free trade. 废除价格管制体系,允许自由贸易,是盖达尔等人唯一的选择。 www.ecocn.org 5. China's trying to rebrand itself as a champion of free trade. 国试图将自己重新包装为自由贸易的捍卫者。 www.bing.com 6. As a consequence, they cannot be used to determine whether bilateralism could lead to agricultural global free trade. 结果,它们也就不能用于决定双边主义能否为农产品贸易自由化带来进展。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Since 1992, it's been a free-trade area stretching from the banks of the Irrawaddy to the forests of New Guinea. 自1992年以来,其自己的自由贸易区,就已经从伊洛瓦底江岸,延伸到了新几内亚的雨林。 dongxi.net 8. He also said his country would push for a free trade deal with China to be in place by the second half of next year. 比尼西奥还表示,哥斯达黎加将力图在明年下半年前与中国达成一个自由贸易协定。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The debate over the North American Free Trade Agreement was conducted almost entirely in terms of supposed job creation or destruction. 围绕《北美自由贸易协定》的争论最后几乎是完全以假定的工作量创造或者破坏作为结论。 club.topsage.com 10. Related to Rules of Origin as the key to the success of a free trade agreement, its study is of great practical significance. 原产地制度作为关系到自由贸易协定成败的关键制度,对其进行研究具有重大的现实意义。 www.fabiao.net 1. That might be the cornerstone for an even bigger free-trade area eventually including China, the world's second-biggest economy. 这会为最终包含世界第二大经济体中国的更广泛的自由贸易区的形成奠定基础。 www.ecocn.org 2. Its free-trade zone, handling $19 billion of goods a year, presents plenty of laundering opportunities. 巴拿马自由贸易区每年处理190亿美元的货物,提供许多的洗钱机会。 www.ecocn.org 3. Later, as the United States trade representative for President George W. Bush, he was a vocal advocate of free trade. 后来,作为小布什总统的贸易代表,他努力倡导自由贸易。 dongxi.net 4. Despite lapses into protectionism, the U. S. has generally been both a promoter and a beneficiary of free trade. 虽然美国逐渐倾向保护主义,但大体说来它是自由贸易的推动者与受益者。 www.bing.com 5. Free trade with all and entangling alliances with none has always been the best policy in dealing with other countries on the world stage. 与所有国家维持自由的贸易往来且不与任何国家结盟总是世界舞台上最好的处理与其他国家关系的外交政策。 www.bing.com 6. A free trade agreement with South Korea came into effect this year and New Delhi is working on a similar agreement with Japan. 今年,印度与韩国的一项自由贸易协定生效,新德里方面也正与日本商讨达成类似协议。 c.wsj.com 7. The delegates did not complete the details of the South Asia Free Trade Agreement. 与会者们并没有完成《南亚自由贸易同盟》的细则。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Barack Obama recently signed a ground-breaking free-trade agreement (FTA) with South Korea, after years of Washington foot-dragging. 在经历了华盛顿多年磨洋工之后,奥巴马最近与韩国签署了一项突破性的自由贸易协定(FTA:Free-TradeAgreement)。 www.bing.com 9. IMPROVING relations between China and Taiwan will get another boost with the signing of a groundbreaking free-trade pact by the end of June. 6月底,大陆与台湾签署的突破性自由贸易协议使进展中的双边关系更进一步。 www.ecocn.org 10. This decision is not just a test of President Barack Obama's support for free trade. 这项决定不仅将考验巴拉克?奥巴马(BarackObama)总统对自由贸易的支持,还可能作为一个决定性时刻而被载入史册。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Human resources development and cooperation is one of the important contents of constructing China-ASEAN Free Trade Area. 人力资源开发与合作是中国-东盟自由贸易区建设的重要内容之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The footwear dispute has come to be seen as a litmus test for Europe's commitment to free trade in the midst of an economic crisis. 围绕鞋类产品的这场纠纷,已被外界视为在经济危机期间考验欧洲对自由贸易承诺的试金石。 www.ftchinese.com 3. From the free-trade zone set up in 2003 since the volume of bilateral trade has developed rapidly. 从2003年自由贸易区建立以来,双边贸易量发展很快。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Ever since the Brazilians have tended to view free trade with suspicion, despite their country's recent success as an exporter. 也许这两者共同阻碍了发展。自此以后,巴西人就对自由贸易持怀疑态度,尽管巴近来出口状况颇好。 www.ecocn.org 5. It also said the move would flout European human rights legislation and free trade rules. 它还说,这项举措藐视欧洲的人权法和自由贸易法。 www.tobaccochina.com 6. The United States and South Korea have failed to meet a self-imposed deadline to alter their stalled free trade agreement. 美国和韩国没能在双方自行设定的期限之前挽救陷于停顿的自由贸易协议谈判。 www.voanews.cn 7. A free-trade zone near the border with the Dominican Republic has attracted American apparel companies, creating thousands of jobs. 在海地与多米尼加共和国边境地区设立的自由贸易区吸引了多家美国服装公司,创造了数千个就业岗位。 web.worldbank.org 8. Indeed, fewer and fewer Republicans are letting their supposed belief in free trade interfere with an easy shot at the president. 事实上,越来越少的共和党人放过对总统轻易批评的机会,虽然他们本该相信自由贸易的。 www.bing.com 9. I believe that free trade will give a strong impetus to the effort to counter the financial crisis and promote global economic recovery. 我相信,自由贸易会给应对危机、经济复苏带来有力的推动力量。 bhygz2008.blog.163.com 10. They are trying to establish a free trade agreement between their countries. 两国正在设法缔结自由贸易协定。 www.bing.com 1. He said Congress could also advance free trade pacts with South Korea, Panama and Colombia. 他表示,国会还可以推进和韩国,巴拿马以及哥伦比亚的自由贸易协定。 www.hxen.com 2. When in Tokyo we reached a understanding for a feasibility study into the possibility of a Free Trade Agreement between Austrilia and Japan. 在日本,我们达成非正式协议,将对可能达成的《澳日自由贸易协议》进行可行性研究。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. With protectionist policies gaining dangerous traction everywhere, the global economy needs a strong champion of free trade. 随着保护主义政策到处危险地抬头,全球经济需要一个强大的自由贸易倡导者。 www.bing.com 4. The WTO says a free-trade agreement is possible by the end of next year. 世贸组织说,明年年底之前有望签署自由贸易协定。 www.ttxyy.com 5. In all six countries surveyed respondents preferred free trade to protectionism as a means of beating the recession. 在接受调查的全部6个国家中,作为应对此次衰退的办法,受访者更青睐于自由贸易,而非保护主义。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Globalization is coupled with an ideology of free markets and free trade and a decline in state intervention. 全球化的发展带来自由市场、自由贸易的意识形态,并使国家干预减少。 www.america.gov 7. He was inspiring as well as courageous, and his passion for free trade was allied to his passion for democracy. 他不但勇敢无畏,更使人倍受鼓舞,融合了对自由贸易的热情和对民主的激情。 www.bing.com 8. Korean troops for Iraq, and a free-trade accord with the United States in 2007, did little to soothe suspicions that he was anti-American. 即便南韩在2007同年派军至伊拉克为美国助阵、配合联合国的自由贸易协定,也无法减轻大家对于他反美的疑虑。 www.bing.com 9. Regulations banning the export of traditional products do not belong in a union founded on free trade. 禁止出口传统产品的法规不适合一个为了自由贸易而成立的联盟。 www.tobaccochina.com 10. A free-trade deal with the United States, expected to be approved soon by America's Congress, will make procurement more transparent. 一项涉及美国的自由贸易协定预计会很快获得美国国会的认可,这将使采购变得更为透明。 www.bing.com 1. All this will pave the way for the ultimate formulation of an East Asian Free Trade Area. 这些都将为最终形成东亚自由贸易区创造有利的条件。 www.kouyi.org 2. Free trade still benefits the world as a whole, even if not all of it all of the time. 自由贸易仍然会使整个世界受益,尽管不是每个地方,每个时候。 manage.org.cn 3. The creation of a free trade area between the 2 countries serves as a concrete action for both sides to combat trade protectionism. 建立中瑞自贸区是两国共同反对各种形式保护主义的具体行动。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Much of his speech focused on policy, free trade, low taxes, energy independence, and the Vietnam vets' strongest seat, foreign policy. 他的大部分演说关注政策、自由贸易、降低税收、能源独立以及这个越南老兵最强势的方面,外交政策。 qac.yappr.cn 5. So was the week in Washington a good or a bad one for free trade? That depends on whether you care about symbolism or substance. 对自由贸易来说,华盛顿上周采取的行动究竟是好事还是坏事?这个问题的答案取决于你看重象征意义还是看重本质。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Relations between China and Taiwan have been warming recently, with talk of a free-trade deal and friendly bilateral meetings. 借着自由贸易协议磋商与充满友好气氛的双边会谈,中国与台湾关系近期日益升温。 www.ecocn.org 7. Relations with Latin America have been getting closer since the signing of the North American Free-Trade Agreement with Mexico in 1992. 加拿大与拉丁美洲的关系自与墨西哥于1992年签订北美自由贸易条约后就日益紧密。 www.ecocn.org 8. If free trade is not ambitious enough, Mr Kan has set out to confront another taboo by June, with plans to raise the consumption tax. 倘若自由贸易目标不够远大,菅直人就准备于6月触及另一个禁忌,有计划地提高消费税。 www.ecocn.org 9. And the fate of the free trade pact the administration negotiated with the Colombian government will soon be decided in the U. S. Congress. 并且当局与哥伦比亚政府就自由贸易协议的谈判结果很快将由美国国会决定。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. The company can bring imported materials, parts and the finished product in to the free trade zone without payment of import duty. 公司可以不缴纳进口税而把进口的材料、零件以及成品带到保税区。 www.e-say.com.cn 1. Australia and China are undertaking a joint feasibility study into a possible Free Trade Agreement (FTA). 澳大利亚和中国正在开展一项联合可行性研究,成为一个可能的自由贸易协定(FTA)。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. But if he is to remain the new icon for those who oppose free trade, they have to be pretty desperate. 但如果他继续充当那些自由贸易反对者的新偶像,他们会绝望的。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The United States hopes to expand Pacific trade, and to finalize a framework for a Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free trade zone. 美国希望扩大太平洋地区的贸易,最后完成一项跨太平洋伙伴关系的框架协议,创建一个自由贸易区。 www.24en.com 4. At present the public appears ambivalent: polls suggest mixed feelings on both free trade and a higher consumption tax. 目前公众摇摆不定,选票指出支持自由贸易和高额消费税的情绪混合在一起。 www.ecocn.org 5. "We believe that barriers to free trade destroy wealth and benefit no one in the long run, " they said. 他们说:“我们相信自由贸易障碍会破坏经济,长此以往没有哪一个会有好果子吃。” blog.sina.com.cn 6. A day after the debt deal, Senate leaders reached a sort of pact on moving the free-trade agreements forward. 在债务协议颁布后的一天,参议院领导们就推进免费贸易协议达成共识。 www.ecocn.org 7. Not surprisingly, the Japanese public tends to back more free trade. 如此看来,日本公众选择支持自由贸易就不足为奇了。 www.bing.com 8. On trade, Mr Obama used to demand the renegotiation of NAFTA; now he stresses his dedication to the cause of free trade. 在贸易方面,奥巴马曾要求重新商议北美自由贸易协定;而如今,他则强调自己对此进程的贡献。 ecocn.org 9. The agreement is the largest such pact for the United States since the North American Free Trade Agreement of 1994. 这是美国自从1994年批准北美自由贸易协议以来和其它国家签署的最大的一项协议。 www.voanews.cn 10. The conviction and jail sentence comes just as Ukraine hopes to sign a free trade agreement with the European Union. 定罪和监禁时逢乌克兰希望与欧盟签署自由贸易协定。 www.englishtang.com 1. Mr. Hatoyama, who wants to deepen economic ties among the nations of East Asia, also called for talks on a free-trade agreement. 鸠山由纪夫希望加深与东亚各国的经济联系,他也呼吁进行自由贸易协定谈判。 www.bing.com 2. Salinas was deeply committed to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which he had negotiated with President Bush. 萨里纳斯全心全意致力于他与老布什总统通过谈判达成的《北美自由贸易协定》。 www.bing.com 3. Yet some parts of the commission have been the doughtiest fighters for both free trade and enlargement. 然而欧盟委员会的一些部门确如骁勇善战的武士一般,正为自由贸易和欧盟扩大而不懈奋斗。 www.bing.com 4. The North American Free-Trade Agreement turned the city into a booming industrial centre. 北美自由贸易协定使得这个城市变成繁荣的工业中心。 www.ecocn.org 5. That dilemma was symbolised by the battle to approve the Central American Free-Trade Agreement (CAFTA) with the United States. 这个困境象征着批准与美国的中美洲自由贸易协定(CAFTA)的一场战斗。 www.ecocn.org 6. The footwear case emerged as a closely-watched test of the EU's commitment to free trade in the middle of an economic recession. 围绕鞋类产品的纠纷,已成为对经济危机期间欧洲自由贸易承诺的考验,受到密切关注。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Similar self-interest in free trade did not save the Doha trade talks this year. 自由贸易层面类似的自利动机,并没有挽救今年的多哈贸易谈判。 www.ftchinese.com 8. As a candidate, Obama criticized the North America Free Trade Agreement and proposed a deal that would have lowered barriers with Colombia. 作为候选人,奥巴马批评《北美自由贸易协定》并提出一个可能降低对哥伦比亚贸易壁垒的协定。 www.bing.com 9. The two sides will advance their negotiations on free trade agreement in an "active, realistic, balanced and mutually beneficial" manner. 双方表示愿本着“积极、务实、平衡、互利”的精神推动中澳双边自由贸易协定谈判进程。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. Nonetheless, Obama "strongly supports" the general principles of free trade, they said. 但奥巴马“坚决支持”自由贸易的基本原则。 www.america.gov 1. Topics up for discussion include plans to lessen dependence on exports to the West by broadening regional free-trade agreements. 议题包括,讨论通过扩大地区性自由贸易协议、减少对西方出口依赖的各项计划。 www.bing.com 2. The New York Times has come out in favor of passage of the free trade agreement with Colombia. 《纽约时报》已经出面支持美国与哥伦比亚之间自由贸易协定的通过。 www.elanso.com 3. Thailand said it would push ahead with the building of a China-ASEAN free trade zone. 泰国表示要努力推进东盟与中国自由贸易区的建设。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. Sweeping talk of a free-trade area is one thing; negotiating a deal quite another, requiring an attack on entrenched lobbies. 关于自由贸易区的广泛商谈是一回事,达成协议完全是另一回事,这需要打击根深蒂固的说客势力。 www.ecocn.org 5. In the Senate, personnel changes also seem to favor the drive for free trade. 众议院内,人员变动似乎也倾向于推动自由贸易。 www.bing.com 6. During the meeting held in Brazil last month the supporters of free trade argued that these economic policies could benefit all nations. 支持者上个月在巴西召开自由贸易会议,他们辩称这些经济政策有利于所有的国家。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. In Brussels Mr Cameron tells the EU to beware of breaking up the single market, and stoutly defends free-trade rules that apply to all. 在布鲁塞尔,卡梅伦提醒欧盟当心单一市场的崩溃,并坚决拥护所有成员国都要遵守的自由贸易规则。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. Departing President Bush was unable to convince Congress to ratify free trade pacts with Colombia, Panama and South Korea. 前总统布什在离任前未能说服国会批准与哥伦比亚、巴拿马和韩国的自由贸易协定。 www.america.gov 9. The former command economies, when they were swept away, embraced the idea of a trading system with rules and free trade at its core. 过去的那些计划经济体在被肃清之时,接受了以规定和自由贸易为核心的贸易体系的观点。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Encompassing the many diverse agreements within a pan-Asian free trade area is the next big objective. 把许多不同的协议,纳入“泛亚自由贸易区”框架,是下一个重要目标。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The problem is not the Chinese, nor the British people, nor the Yanks. It's the grotesquely rich and their free trade mantra. 引起问题的不是中国人,不是英国人,也不是美国佬。而是这些荒唐的富人和他们的自由贸易口号。 www.tianyayidu.com 2. The government fears losing competitiveness if it is shut out of free-trade agreements that other countries sign with China. 当局担心如果忽视其他国家与大陆签订的此类自由贸易协定,台湾将会丧失竞争力。 www.ecocn.org 3. Russia has signed a free-trade deal with seven other former Soviet republics that will scrap export and import tariffs on a number of goods. 俄罗斯与七个前苏联国家签署了自由贸易协定,根据该协定,若干商品的进出口关税将被免除。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In contrast, Mr Ma insists that the proposed pact would make it easier for Taiwan to sign free-trade accords with third parties. 相反,马英九先生坚持说议程中的协定将会使台湾更加容易同第三方签订自由贸易协定。 www.bing.com 5. Ahead of the talks, Mr. Bush will visit a vegetable packing facility that benefits from free trade with the the United States. 在会谈之前,布希将参观一个从两国自由贸易中获益的蔬菜包装公司。 ept-cn.com 6. But Colombian officials are annoyed that the United States has failed to ratify a free-trade agreement concluded in 2006. 然而由于美国未批准2006年的自由贸易条约,哥伦比亚政府对此大为恼火。 www.ecocn.org 7. She has pledged to continue the pro-business policies of her predecessor by courting international investment and expanding free trade. 她承诺会利用国际投资和扩大免费贸易来继续她的前任的亲商政策。 www.bing.com 8. As a supplement to the multilateral negotiation, bilateral trade agreements are significant for the realization of free trade. 作为多边贸易谈判的一种补充,双边贸易协定是实现贸易自由化的一条重要途径。 www.fabiao.net 9. First, let me congratulate the launch of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area as scheduled. 首先,我要对中国-东盟自贸区如期建成表示祝贺。 www.kouyi.org 10. On Wednesday, the country's legislature suspended decrees that would implement a free-trade agreement with the U. S. 上周三,秘鲁立法机构暂停执行与美国达成自由贸易协定的法令。 www.cnnas.com 1. Start with country A. It boasts a free-trade policy to make it one of the world's most open economies. 从A国开始。该国自恃有自由贸易政策,使其成为全球最开放的经济体之一。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Setting out the principles of a free trade agreement will not ease the pressure on Mr Yanukovich. 亮明自由贸易协议的准则,不会减轻亚努科维奇身上的压力。 www.ftchinese.com 3. the legal address of the company : [ ? ] , waigaoqiao free trade zone , shanghai , prc. 公司法定地址:中国上海市外高桥保税区[?]。 www.ichacha.net 4. Free Trade Zone by the State Council approved the establishment of the Customs supervision of the implementation of special economic region. 保税区是经国务院批准设立的、海关实施特殊监管的经济区域。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Taiwan in the past has approached the U. S. , Japan and Singapore as well as other Southeast Asian countries about having free-trade pacts. 过去,台湾曾就自由贸易协定事宜接触过美国、日本和新加坡以及其他东南亚国家。 cn.wsj.com 6. Communication deepens understanding on commercial laws and investment policies between member countries of this free trade area. 通过围绕自贸区投资、经贸法律与政策的交流,增进了成员国之间对相关法律、政策等方面的了解。 www.eajiahua.com 7. Fairtrade gives its beneficiaries more of a lift than free trade does on its own. 相对于自由贸易,公平贸易给其受益者带来的更多是促进。 www.douban.com 8. Among those earning $75, 000 or more, 50% now say free-trade pacts have hurt the U. S. , up from 24% who said the same in 1999. 在年薪为75,000美元或以上的人群中,目前50%的人说自由贸易协定已经损害了美国的利益,高于1999年时24%的比率。 c.wsj.com 9. China - ASEAN Free Trade Area is at times against the background of gradually set up and developed. 中国-东盟自由贸易区正是在次背景下逐步建立和发展起来的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. According to statistics, bilateral trading growth had been accelerating since the Free Trade Area construction launched in 2002. 据统计,自2002年自贸区建设启动以来,中国与东盟双边贸易增长加快。 www.bing.com 1. Both candidates have threatened to pull America out of NAFTA, the free-trade deal with Mexico and Canada, unless it is rewritten. 但两位候选人仍然威胁,除非重新修改,要不然将会退出同加拿大和墨西哥签署的北美自由贸易协议。 www.ecocn.org 2. The American public, already skeptical of free trade, is becoming increasingly hostile to it. 本已对自由贸易持怀疑态度的美国公众越来越对自由贸易持反对意见了。 chinese.wsj.com 3. China and New Zealand signed a sweeping free trade agreement Monday, the rising economic giant's first such pact with a developed country. 中国和新西兰在周一签署了一份广泛的自由贸易协定,这是日益增强的经济巨人与发达国家的第一个此类协议。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. The European Parliament approved free-trade agreements between the European Union and Colombia, Peru and six Central American countries. 欧洲议会批准了欧盟与哥伦比亚、秘鲁及其他六个中美洲国家的自由贸易协定。 www.ecocn.org 5. The principal political concerns of international marketers are the stability of governments and their attitudes toward free trade. 国际营销人员首要的政治考虑是政府的稳定性和其对自由贸易的态度。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. On business matters, Kan told reporters the leaders agreed to accelerate preparations for a trilateral free trade agreement. 针对经贸问题,日本首相菅直人对记者说,三方领导人都同意加速准备尽快达成三边自由贸易协议。 www.voanews.cn 7. Australian officials are still confident of signing a free trade deal with the United States by December. 而澳大利亚官方却始终希望能和美国在今年的11月份签署自由贸易的协议。 learning.sohu.com 8. Uribe; ColombiaThe president criticized U. S. lawmakers for blocking a vote on a free trade deal with Colombia which he says is. 编辑点评:总统先生谴责了美国立法者对于和哥伦比亚自由贸易协定投票的否决。提示: www.hjenglish.com 9. Free trade and free movement of capital needed to be re-thought, participants insisted. Some even had ideas on what should replace it. 与会人坚持,自由贸易以及资本的自由运动需要反思,甚至有些人提出了替代方案。 www.ecocn.org 10. The United States has launched initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region to boost free trade, cultural and academic exchanges and security. 美国已在亚太地区发起了行动计划以加强自由贸易、文化和学术交流及安全事务。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 1. The White House denied any attempt by Mr. Bush to link aid for carmakers to passage of the free trade deal. 白宫否认布什总统试图把对汽车制造商提供援助与国会对这个自由贸易协定的批准联系在一起。 www.ebigear.com 2. His support for free trade has never been more than tepid. 他们对自由贸易的支持从来都是不温不火。 www.bing.com 3. We have begun negotiating a free trade agreement with Malaysia and a bilateral investment treaty with Vietnam. 我们已开始和马来西亚谈判自由贸易协定,与越南谈判双边投资协定。 bbs.21our.com 4. Gordon Brown said that protectionism was the road to ruin and reiterated the European Union's commitment to free trade. 戈登-布朗说,贸易保护主义是走向毁灭的必经之路,并重申了欧盟实行自由贸易的承诺。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Land areas used for planting fruits and vegetables has been influenced by free trade policy. 果树及蔬菜面积之增减受自由化政策所左右。 www.teps.com.cn 6. Finally, the core of any such agreement should be free trade. 最后,任何此类协定的核心都应该是自由贸易。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The mercantilist view began to yield, after the late 18th century, to a free trade view. 十八世纪末,重商主义的观点开始让位于自由贸易的观点。 www.kuenglish.info 8. I witnessed a sighing of an agreement to commence negotiations for a bilateral Free Trade Agreement between Austrilia and China. 我作为签署人和中方达成协议,双方将就《澳中自由贸易双边协议》开始进行谈判。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The Singapore FreePort, a free-trade zone dedicated to the storage of high-value art and collectibles, is scheduled to open in May. 致力于高价值的艺术和收藏品存储的新加坡自由港——一个自由贸易区——正计划在五月开业。 www.bing.com 10. enterprise and free trade, render a sound financial system and a robust monetary regime, practise prudent. 企业和促进自由贸易,维持完善的财政制度和稳健的金融机制,奉行审慎的。 huii.cn 1. The German leaders -- the German leaders reduced tariffs, expanded free trade, lowered taxes. 德国领导人削减关税,扩大自由贸易,降低税率。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. She says it is important because the agreement, or ECFA as it called, seeks to gradually transition Taiwan and China into a free trade zone. 她说,这是重要的,因为该协议,或ECFA,因为它呼吁,旨在逐步过渡到台湾与中国的自由贸易区。 bbs.5i5i.cn 3. Singapore has initiated Free Trade Agreement discussions with a number of countries. 新加坡已开始就自由贸易协议与许多国家进行谈判。 bfrboots.com 4. a free-trade agreement with Central American nations. Democrats say the plan weakens labor rights and would cost jobs in the United States. 美国总统布什要求国会批准中美洲国家自由贸易协议,可是民主党说,这个计划会削弱劳工权益,减少美国的就业机会。 dict.ebigear.com 5. The ratification of a free-trade deal with the United States is also at risk. 与美国之间自由贸易协议是否批准亦是未知的风险。 www.ecocn.org 6. A free-trade agreement between ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand is to be signed at the summit. 这次峰会将签署东盟同澳大利亚和新西兰之间的自由贸易协定。 www.ebigear.com 7. In January, Asean concluded a free-trade agreement with Beijing, giving Chinese companies preferential access to its market of 600m people. 今年1月,东盟与中国达成一项自由贸易协定,这让中国企业以优惠条件进入这个规模达6亿人的市场。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Talks are under way for a free-trade agreement, and an annual Australia-China Strategic Dialogue has been inaugurated. 目前两国正在就一项自由贸易协定进行磋商,并已经启动了一年一度的澳中战略对话。 www.bing.com 9. A Democratic Administration is apt to be particularly sensitive to union opposition to free-trade agreements. 在面对工会对自由贸易协议的反对时,民主党政府会更敏感些。 www.bing.com 10. Make great efforts in terms of improving its legal system, lowering import duty and promoting free trade. 为加入世贸组织,中国在完善法律法规、减免进口关税和推进自由贸易方面做出了巨大努力 www.neworiental.org 1. The president also proposed a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific as a long-term goal for the group. 总统还将对亚洲的和平自由贸易当作一个长远目标。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. A senior U. S. trade official recently called on Congress to quickly ratify the free trade agreement between South Korea and the U. S. 美国一位高级贸易官员最近呼吁国会尽快批准美国和韩国达成的自由贸易协定。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. For instance, is a "European model" based around open borders, free trade and generous welfare systems sustainable in a globalised world? 比如说,基于边界开放,自由贸易和慷慨的福利制度的“欧洲模式”在日益全球化的情况下能维持下去么? club.topsage.com 4. Demand preference of the same between countries should be mutual free trade policies and encourage the direct investment policy. 需求偏好相同的国家之间应互相实行自由贸易政策和鼓励性的直接投资政策。 www.51lunwen.com 5. China hopes to sign a free trade deal this week with Peru to obtain better access to its copper and iron deposits. 中国希望这周与秘鲁签订自由贸易协定,以更方便地购买该国的铜铁矿石。 www.bing.com 6. But some quietly hope that the TPP will serve as a "docking station" for an APEC-wide free-trade area. 但也有一些微弱的声音希望TPP能够为亚太经合组织建立更广阔的自由贸易区成为一个“转接站”。 www.bing.com 7. Free trade areas help member countries to trade their products at a lower tariff and in a more convenient manner. 建立自贸区可以让原产于成员国的货物以更低的关税和更便利的途径实现贸易往来。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. In South Korea, President Obama and President Lee Myung-bak discussed a free trade agreement signed by their governments two years ago. 在韩国,奥巴马总统和李明博总统商讨两国政府于两年前所签定的自由贸易协议。 www.unsv.com 9. Full specialization is only possible when completely free trade is permitted. 完全分工只有在完全自由贸易条件下才被允许。 www.bing.com 10. Thelibertarian answers, presumably to be elicited by Lord Townshend's questions, are, respectively: free trade, no, and no. 针对这些问题,汤森勋爵设想的自由意志主义回答分别是:自由贸易、不可以、没有。 www.bing.com 1. If it expects the emerging China to practise free trade, it must set the right example. 如果美国希望日益崛起的中国实行自由贸易,那么它就必须树立一个正确的典范。 www.ftchinese.com 2. S. economy. But here's how not to strengthen ties: tariffs on Brazilian steel and wavering on a free trade agreement with Colombia. 目前还存在一些削弱地区间联系的问题,比如对巴西钢材征收关税、与哥伦比亚签订自由贸易协定时犹豫不决。 dongxi.net 3. In July, the United States Congress narrowly ratified a free-trade agreement with Central America and the Dominican Republic. 7月份,美国国会勉强通过中美和多米共和国的自由贸易协议。 www.ecocn.org 4. Now, partly as a result of the North American Free Trade Agreement, traffic has grown dramatically. 部分由于北美自由贸易协定的关系,桥上的交通流量急剧增加。 www.voanews.com.cn 5. The strong performance of New Zealand exports to China has paralleled the entry into force of the New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement. 随着新中自由贸易协定的正式生效,新西兰对华出口表现强劲。 www.kouyi.org 6. To continue along the current path risks bringing down the free trade system that has served China so well. 如果继续当前的发展路径,就可能拖垮中国从中受益良多的自由贸易体系。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Russia is the only major economy that is still not a member of the global free trade club. 迄今为止,俄罗斯是唯一未加入世界自由贸易组织的经济大国。 putclub.com 8. Council of Ministers on how to achieve "the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Area" (FTAAP) concept of economic integration and negotiate. 部长会议将就如何实现“亚洲太平洋自由贸易区”(FTAAP)的经济整合构想展开磋商。 www.englishtang.com 9. said that the two sides would discuss a partial free-trade agreement during the talks and sign agreements to increase economic cooperation. 江丙坤在星期五发表的声明中说,双方将在会谈中讨论一项部分自由贸易协定,并签署增加经济合作的协定。 www.showxiu.com 10. abolished the male line system, allowing the British business with Chinese free trade. 废除公行制度,准许英商与华商自由贸易。 news.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Mr Hague suggests an offer by the European Union of a free trade area and, eventually, a customs union. 黑格建议由欧盟(EU)设置一个自由贸易区,并最终发展成一个关税同盟。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Free-trade agreements with the United States, the European Union and China place limits on economic change. 与美国、欧盟和中国的自由贸易协定对于经济变革将有所限制。 www.ecocn.org 3. At the Fifth China-ASEAN Summit, the two sides agreed to gradually establish a China-ASEAN free trade zone in the next 10 years. 在第五次中国-东盟领导人会议上,我国与东盟一致同意今后10年内逐步建立中国-东盟自由贸易区。 www.hotdic.com 4. Apec leaders said they would examine "options and prospects" for a US-backed proposal to create a Pacific-wide free-trade area. Apec领袖们表示,对于美国支持的创建太平洋自由贸易区的建议,他们将审视其“选项和前景”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Those laws helped lay the foundation for Jordan to join the World Trade Organization and sign a free-trade agreement with the United States. 这些法律为约旦加入世界贸易组织(WTO)以及与美国签署自由贸易协定发挥了奠基作用。 www.america.gov 6. The Asian free trade zone, almost free trade zone, that's emerging now has a greater trade volume than trade across the Pacific. 亚洲自由贸易区,几乎已经是自由贸易区了,正逐步显现。贸易额超过了跨太平洋的贸易额。 www.ted.com 7. The continent is being bound together by a strong spirit of free trade. 自由贸易的思想把亚洲国家捆绑在了一起。 www.bing.com 8. Some politicians are pushing for free trade between the U. S. And Japan. 一些政治家要求日美之间达成自由贸易协议。 bbs.maplesky.net 9. Free trade remains a powerful motor for economic growth, as well as an instrument of U. S. diplomacy. 自由贸易仍旧是经济增长强有力的发动机,就象美国的民主手段一样。 www.bing.com 10. In recent years, the U. S. Congress has approved free-trade deals with Central American nations and Peru. 近年来,美国国会批准了同中美洲国家以及秘鲁的自由贸易协议。 www.voanews.cn 1. Bill Clinton and his crowd believed in free trade and free markets. They were friendly to business and wary of unions. 比尔·克林顿和他的幕僚们支持自由贸易和自由市场,关心企业,警惕工会。 www.ecocn.org 2. Spurred by concern about China's growing economic might, Germany is considering a plan for a free-trade zone between Europe and the US. 由于担心中国的经济实力日益增强,德国正在考虑建立欧洲和美国自由贸易区的计划。 www.ftchinese.com 3. President Bush says campaigning for November elections should not block action on offshore oil drilling or new free trade agreements. 布什总统说,11月大选的竞选活动不应该妨碍近海油田的钻探或批准新的自由贸易协定。 www.ebigear.com 4. Second, it analyzes the current preferential tax policy for the domestic free trade zones and its legal issues. 其次,分析我国保税区当前的税收优惠政策及其存在的法律缺陷。 www.fabiao.net 5. Do not have bilateral free trade , do not realize sustained relative bilateral trade balance right away impossibly. 没有双边的自由贸易,就不可能实现双边贸易持续的相对平衡。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Our politicians have sold us in the name of free trade. . . all in Republican Southern States. 我们的政客在自由贸易的名义下把这些玩意卖给我们…所有南方州的共和党人。 www.bing.com 7. Some of them have been floating the idea of "free-trade zones" for data centres where common rules would apply. 一些人提出了有关数据中心“免税区”的概念,那个区域将适用统一的管制规则。 www.bing.com 8. Public support for free trade has been withering for a decade, tracking the decline in middle-class American manufacturing jobs. 10年来,伴随着中产阶级在制造业就业岗位的减少,公众对自由贸易的支持每况愈下。 www.bing.com 9. He then went on argue that persistently misaligned exchange rates create "genuine problems for free-trade apologetics. " 他接着说,坚持偏离的汇率“对自由贸易原则造成真正的问题。” www.bing.com 10. So the environmental protection and free trade are the common aims of the international community. 可以看出,环境保护和自由贸易是国际社会共同追求的目标。 www.13191.com 1. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an example of a preferential trading arrangement. 北美自由贸易协议(NAFTA)是优惠贸易协议之一个例子。 wzksw.com 2. Few measures that we could take would do more to promote the cause of freedom at home and abroad than complete free trade. 除了完全的自由贸易之外,我们几乎找不出其他措施可以促进自由在整个世界的更广泛传播。 www.bing.com 3. But the case will be closely watched as a gauge of Obama's free trade credentials and his willingness to protect markets. 但此事将受到各界密切关注,被看做是评估奥巴马自由贸易立场和他保护市场意愿的一把标尺。 www.bing.com 4. Tariffs on many goods exported to and imported from other nations have been eliminated by several regional free trade agreements. 通过几个区域性的自由贸易协定,其他国家削减了许多商品的进出口关税。 www.bing.com 5. The politician copped out on the issue of free trade. 那政客对自由贸易的问题只是一味逃避 dict.hjenglish.com 6. Goods are shipped to Turkey or the rest of the Middle East through the customs-free Greater Arab Free Trade Area agreement. 所生产商品通过免税的大阿拉伯自由贸易区协议,销往土耳其或其他中东国家。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Some regional diplomats see the Asean group as the kernel of a broader free-trade bloc spanning the Pacific. 该地区的一些外交人员将东盟视为整个太平洋区域更广泛的自由贸易集团的核心。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The North American Free Trade Agreement is an extension of the 1989 Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement. 北美自由贸易协议是在1989年美加自由贸易协定基础上的衍生。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. At the news conference, President Bush also said Congress should approve a free trade agreement with South Korea this year. 在新闻发布会上,布什总统还表示美国国会今年应该通过一个和韩国进行自由贸易的协议。 www.ebigear.com 10. Japan and South Korea have had bilateral free-trade discussions, but progress has been slow. 日本和韩国已经在进行双边自由贸易谈判,但进展缓慢。 www.bing.com 1. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is the trade agreement signed by the United States, Canada and Mexico in 1992. 《北美自由贸易协定》是美国、加拿大和墨西哥三国于1992年签订的贸易协定。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. CEPA 's form is that of a free trade agreement (FTA). 《安排》的形式属于自由贸易协议。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Chinese official said this week that China has not been asked to join the free trade partnership. 一名中国官员本周说,中国没有受邀加入贸易伙伴关系。 www.bing.com 4. And yet that is exactly what we risk doing if Congress fails to pass the U. S. -Colombia Free Trade Agreement. 然而,如果国会未能通过美国与哥伦比亚自由贸易协定,就会产生这种风险。 www.america.gov 5. At the technical level, the problem is compounded by the proliferation of bilateral free trade agreements that has now spread to Asia. 就技术层面来看,双边自由贸易协议的扩散,使问题更为复杂。这些协议目前已扩散至亚洲。 www.ftchinese.com 6. If the play to the functions of the existing free trade zone, can replace the interim role, offshore, "Day" will be significantly reduced. 如果现有的自由贸易区发挥作用,可以取代中间角色,通过海洋平台,大大降低运作周期。 www.queshao.com 7. And its government is well-off, getting revenue from an industrial free-trade zone sited in the middle of the rainforest. 何况巴西政府也是很富裕的,正从一个建立在热带雨林中的自由工业贸易区获得大笔的收入。 www.ecocn.org 8. With China - ASEAN Free Trade Area of the accelerated pace of the two fruits are worth looking forward to the prospects of trade. 随着中国—东盟自由贸易区建设步伐的加快,双方水果贸易的前景很值得期待。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. A free-trade pact with the mainland is the cornerstone of his cross-strait policies. 这项贸易协议可谓他两岸政策的奠基石。 www.ecocn.org 10. The Status and Opportunity of Chinese Xishuangbanna Area in the Developments of the "China-Southeast Community Free Trade Region" 西双版纳在建设“中国——东盟自由贸易区”中的地位与机会 www.ilib.cn 1. All the multilateral arrangements need to be examined for clauses that restrict the free trade. 所有各种多边安排都必须加以审查,以便研讨其中有无限制自由贸易条款。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. At present there is no country with free trade and every country has a commercial policy oriented towards liberalization or protectionism. 目前还没有一个国家的自由贸易和每个国家都有一个商业政策面向自由化或保护主义。 goabroad.wenda.sogou.com 3. Therefore, the "Prize income limit out" policy with the policy of free trade would be the same. 因而,“奖出限入”政策与自由贸易政策是殊途同归。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Australia and China, bilateral trade has grown rapidly, especially China and Australia Free Trade Agreement negotiations steadily. 澳洲和中国双边贸易增长迅速,特别是澳洲和中国自由贸易协定谈判稳步推进。 skill-labour.blog.163.com 5. Trollope's saga is set at a time when the Conservatives could govern only as a minority because of their split over Free Trade. 特罗洛普写作这些小说之际,保守党由于在自由贸易问题上的分歧只能作为少数派执政。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Agreements on agriculture reached in Vruguay Round are obviously defective and unfair although it sets the direction of free trade. 乌拉圭回合农业协议确立了自由贸易的方向,但其原则、制度明显存在缺陷和有失公允; www.ceps.com.tw 7. Mr. Bush said he will push hard for the principles of free trade. 布什说他将努力推行自由贸易原则。 www.voanews.cn 8. With the construction of free trade areas going on, the economic cooperation between two parties will rise to a higher level. 可以预见,随着自贸区建设进程的不断深入,双边经贸合作水平将进一步提高。 9. Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Shock absorber Limited company, is situated in on this fill rich free trade breath land. 广州华侨减振器有限公司,就坐落在这块充满浓郁自由贸易气息的土地上。 www.cr-expo.com 10. With its preferred instrument of Free Trade, ownership attempts to bring about the very crisis of over-production it once feared. 借助自由贸易这种它最偏爱的工具,它试图唤回曾一度给它带来恐惧的生产过剩的危机; bbs.cyuyan.com.cn |
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