单词 | fast one |
释义 | 例句释义: 欺诈行为,黄色笑话,一搭就上的 1. The buyer pulled a fast one when he said he wanted a bigger discount, or no deal. 买主说折扣要再打多些,否则免谈,其实只是在耍花招! jwc.lmu.cn 2. "They seem like idiots for doing this. I feel like you'd be worse off for trying to pull a fast one. " “他们这么做看起来挺蠢。我感觉,想要搞欺骗那一套只会把情况弄得更糟糕。” www.bing.com 3. As the raid leader, you better know that the best decision is not always required, but a fast one does. 作为团队指挥,你要明白并不是任何时候都需要你做出最好的决定,但是你必须做出一个很快的决定。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. When he was driving very fast , one of the wheels of his wagon flew off . 他正把车开得飞快,一只轮子突然脱落了。 www.bing.com 5. He tried to pull a fast one on us, but we caught on before he got away with it. 他想欺骗我们,但在他阴谋得逞前就被我们逮到了。 bbs.zzsy.com 6. A fast one has no effect at all on sales. Slow music can increase receipts by 38%. 节奏快的音乐对销售不产生任何影响,而慢音乐可增加38%的销售额。 www.en369.cn 7. When he heard that they were about to give us a big order , he rushed down there and pulled a fast one by obtaining the order for himself . 当他听说他们要向我们订一大批货物时,他赶忙到那里去,抢先自己拿到订单。 www.bing.com 8. Across much of the Muslim world, Ramadan began on Thursday, although Libyans and Nigerians began the fast one day before. 在穆斯林世界,斋月是周四开始的,利比亚和尼日利亚则提前一天开始入斋。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Know a couple of days ago, it was found that fast one minute, days, clocking my work but directly linked with economic interests. 哪知道前两天一对时,发现快了1分钟,天,我上下班打卡可是直接与经济利益挂钩的。 nulung.com 10. I fast one day a week for spiritual reasons. 为了属灵的原因,我每星期禁食一次。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Everyone thinks the salesmen is always pulling a fast one on them. 每个人都认为推销员在欺骗他们。 dongxi.net 2. Here is where the company has pulled a fast one on its employees. 其实在这个问题上员工被公司迷惑了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He's very good at pulling a fast one on people. Just keep your eyes out for everything suspicious. 他很善于捉弄人.你得留心观察任何可疑的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Later, Liu Bei, after they say, "hey, so nice, fast one pie fall from the sky, how can you not take it? " 后来刘备出来以后人家就说,“哎,这么好的事,天上掉下一快馅饼,你怎么不接呀?” bookapp.book.qq.com 5. The last set position so that our goods back no later than a fast one month, the electricity bills of lading also put wrong. 上次订仓让我们的货退迟个快一个月,这次电放提单又做错了。 wenwen.soso.com 6. And then they pulled a fast one: For half the volunteers, they called "time's up" when only five minutes had passed. 在其中,他们搞了个把戏:对一半志愿者,五分钟刚过,心理学家们就宣布时间已到; www.bing.com 7. I fast one day a week. 每周绝食一天。 learning.sohu.com 8. Back in 2001, former President George W. Bush pulled a fast one. 2001年,前任美国总统乔治?布什做了一件欺骗民众的事情。 www.bing.com 9. This'll have to be a fast one. 这次得是滑得最快的一次。 www.zftrans.com 10. In other words, a slow long run with walk breaks gives you the same distance conditioning as a fast one, when both cover the same distance. 换言之,长距离慢跑 步行休息带给您的距离跑耐力,相当于同等距离连续快跑。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The script was written by someone who would never pull a fast one on you, Dr. Lucy Tse. 这个脚本是由从不会捉弄人的露西伊斯博士撰写。 www.remword.cn 2. Passage 1 How Fast One Travels in 2000 The earth also seems smaller because travel is now very quick. 在2000年人的旅行速度有多快由于当今交通工具的快捷,地球也显得更小了。 resource.sne.snnu.edu.cn 3. So if the neutrinos are pulling this fast one on Einstein, how can it happen? 那么如果中微子有这么快,它又是怎么发生的呢? www.bing.com 4. They were very exciting, because they move very fast. One minute they were there, and the next minute I couldn't see them. 真令人惊奇,它们游得快极了,一会在那儿,一会又不见了。 www.iamlk.cn 5. You have a start-up company in which picking a productive technology is much more important than picking a fast one. 公司正在起步阶段,选择一个生产效率高的技术要比选择一个运行快的技术更加重要。 www.ibm.com 6. You can't count on nathalie. She'll pull a fast one on you. 你不能指望娜塔莉,她会捣鬼的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Oh, you're a fast one! -Oh, yeah? Watch me pack. 哦,你真是快耶!-哦,是么?看我怎么打包。 zhaidou.com 8. They felt the bankers had pulled a fast one. 他们感觉这些银行家们在耍花招。 www.bing.com 9. For instance, the government can give loans at cheaper rates of interest for dairies so they can develop really fast, one thing they can do. 例如,政府能做的一件事是可以为奶牛场提高贷款利率更低的利息,这样他们的发展速度将会加快。 www.kekenet.com 10. This is more important to a slow network than to a fast one. 相对快速网络,在慢速网络中这一点更为重要。 www.infoq.com 1. No matter what kind of line hook, line T in the process, we should Bingzhuhuxi, not too fast, one go. 无论勾哪一种线,在行笔的过程中,都要摒住呼吸,不要太快,一气呵成。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 2. thought you could pull a fast one on me , huh 你是不是还欠我点东西,嗯 www.ichacha.net 3. pull a fast one on. . : deceive somebody 捣鬼;欺骗;例如: www.hxen.com 4. Baby, let's take it slow, no pulling fast one 宝贝,我们慢慢来吧!不要耍花样了 zhidao.baidu.com 5. A fast one, a slow one 一种快速的,一个缓慢的 wenku.baidu.com 6. pull a fast one on us 把我们当傻子耍 www.360abc.com |
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