单词 | fuel injection |
释义 |
例句释义: 燃料喷射装置,燃油喷射,汽油喷射系统,燃油喷注 1. A fuel injection control device for an engine including a cylinder injector and an air intake passage injector is provided. 提供了一种用于发动机的燃料喷射控制设备,该发动机包括气缸喷射器和进气道喷射器。 www.bing.com 2. The company has injection workshop, fuel injection workshop, the mechanization of the wooden box factory. 公司拥有注塑车间、喷油车间、机械化的木箱制造厂。 www.tonke.cn 3. The fault of electronically controlled fuel injection system is one of common vehicle fault which seriously reduces engine performance. 电控汽油机喷油器故障是常见汽车故障之一,严重影响发动机性能。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. Electronically controlled fuel injection is one of important research directions in the diesel engine field. 电控燃油喷射系统也成为目前柴油机领域的重要发展方向之一。 www.juhe8.com 5. All fuel injection systems consist basically of a fuel pump, supply lines, fuel filter, injectors, pressure regulator, and return line. 完整的燃油喷射系统基本上由燃油泵、输油管、燃油滤清器、喷油器、油压调节器和回油管组成。 www.52jxs.com 6. The distance between an injection nozzle of the fuel injection device and a suction valve opening is set smaller. 燃料喷射装置的喷嘴和进气门开口之间的距离设定得很短。 ip.com 7. In some cases, diagnosis of the fuel injection system may lead you to suspect that there is something wrong with the fuel injectors. 在某些情况下,燃油喷射系统的诊断可能使你怀疑燃油喷射器有点问题。 www.52jxs.com 8. closed for the differential oil for lubrication, fuel injection, cooling and capacity-driven adjustment of the slide-valve piston movement. 封闭式为差压供油进行润滑、喷油、冷却和驱动滑阀容量调节之活塞移动。 wenda.tianya.cn 9. The subject offers the basic calculation mathematic models for the fuel injection system with two-spring injectors . 本课题详细推导出双弹簧喷油器喷射系统的计算数学模型。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Engine test with pure biodiesel proved that the fuel injection nozzle was somewhat plugged, and many deposits were formed on its surface. 发动机实验也证明使用纯生物柴油存在喷油嘴堵塞情况,并有大量沉积物产生。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. If the car does not shake but the shift heat flow, and the amount of fuel injection nozzle may be uneven, needs testing, cleaning. 如果热车不抖动但换挡不顺,则有可能是喷油嘴喷油量不匀,需要检测、清洗。 www.xiami360.com 2. Today, almost all cars, trucks and SUVs on the road use some form of electronic fuel injection. 今天,几乎所有的汽车,卡车和越野车在道路上使用某种形式的电子燃油喷射。 club.kdnet.net 3. The non-turbo Boxer features Subaru's i-Active variable valve lift system, sequential electronic fuel injection and is PZEV certified. 非涡轮增压车型配备斯巴鲁电子主动可变气门系统,电子燃油喷射。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The fuel injection timing is delayed as the fuel pressure increases until the optimum fuel injection timing is reached. 随着燃料压力的增加,燃料喷射定时被延迟,直到达到最佳的燃料喷射定时。 www.patent114.com 5. Electronic control of the vehicle engine includes electronic fuel injection, electronic spark control and idle speed control. 发动机电子控制主要包括喷油控制、点火控制以及怠速控制等。 www.boshuo.net 6. The collected information is assessed by a microcomputer which then regulates the ignition and fuel injection accordingly. 采集到的信息被传送到车载微电脑,然后,由微电脑对点火和燃油喷射进行相应的调节处理。 www.tdict.com 7. A method for the measurement and analysis of fuel injection rate of diesel engines using microcomputer is proposed. 提出了应用微机测试分析柴油机喷油规律的方法。 www.dictall.com 8. Twin-screw refrigeration compressor is an adjustable fuel injection compressor energy. 双螺杆制冷压缩机是一种能量可调式喷油压缩机。 wenda.tianya.cn 9. Changed the fuel injection performance by adding thickener of different proportions, determined the most suitable injection ignition fuel. 通过对喷射油料添加不同比例的稠化剂来改变油料的喷射性能,确定了一种最适用的喷射点火燃料。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 10. High-pressure common rail fuel injection system can effectively improve diesel performance and reduce the diesel emission pollution. 高压共轨燃油喷射系统能有效地提高柴油机整体性能、降低排放。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. This model also marks the addition of a fuel-injection system Suzuki uses on their motorcycles. 这一模式也标志着另外一个燃油喷射系统的铃木使用他们的电单车。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The simulation results of high-pressure fuel injection pressure are in relatively good agreement with the experimental ones. 高压油管压力的仿真结果与柴油机台架试验结果基本相符。 www.fabiao.net 3. fuel injection system, electric fuel pump by the air flow meter or computer controlled. 燃油喷射系统的电动燃油泵受空气流量计或电脑控制的。 www.xiami360.com 4. The main task of Electronic Fuel Injection System is to control the fuel injection quantity. 电控燃油喷射系统的主要任务是控制喷油量。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. In this paper, the injection characteristics of the fuel injection system with two-spring injector were discussed. 探讨了带双弹簧喷油器燃油系统的喷射特性。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. A fuel injection control apparatus includes a detecting section and an injection control section. 燃油喷射控制设备包括一个探测部分和一个喷射控制部分。 www.bing.com 7. In engines with spark ignition, fuel-injection pumps are often used instead of conventional carburetors. 在火花点火式发动机中,有时用燃油喷射泵代替普通的化油器。 www.jukuu.com 8. The fuel supply system and the fuel injection system deal with the delivery and injection of the oil. 燃油供给系统和燃油喷射系统负责燃油的输送和喷射。 bbs.cnss.com.cn 9. The characteristics of electronic unit pump(EUP) fuel injection system were studied when matching tangent cam profile. 研究了电控单体泵燃油系统特性在匹配切线凸轮型线下的燃油特性。 www.dictall.com 10. The monitor-control system for the common-rail fuel injection system equipped on DME powered engine were c developed. 开发了二甲醚发动机共轨燃油喷射系统的监控系统。 www.juhe8.com 1. The same goes for the seven-speed dual-clutch transmission, multi-link rear suspension, and direct fuel injection. 也是如此的7速双离合器变速器,多连杆后悬挂,直接燃油喷射。 usa.315che.com 2. The principle how the computer controls fuel injection according to the throttle opening signal and idling signal is also narrated. 简单叙述了电子计算机如何根据节气门开度信号及怠速信号控制燃油喷射的原理。 www.aojauto.com 3. Piezo Actuators are key components of piezoelectric fuel injection systems in diesel and gasoline engines. 压电致动器是在柴油和汽油发动机中压电燃料注入系统的重要元件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Finally fatigue coefficient of fuel injection pump camshaft was calculated by FEA results, and the conclusion . . . 最后利用有限元结果计算喷油泵凸轮轴疲劳安全系数,可以得到该喷油泵凸轮轴是安全可靠的。 epub.cnki.net 5. The high pressure common rail fuel injection system is the development direction of fuel injection system for modern diesel engine. 高压共轨燃油喷射系统是现代柴油发动机喷油系统的主要发展方向,具有控制可靠性和灵活性等特点。 www.dictall.com 6. The experimental results proved the rationality of the initial fuel injection MAP. 装机实验结果表明,所建立的初始基本MAP比较合理。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Inject the fuel - Fuel injection allows very precise metering of fuel to each cylinder. This improves performance and fuel economy. 控制注入燃料——控制燃料注射使燃料能够精确地注入每个气缸。这能提升引擎的性能和节省燃料。 hcj4584.spaces.live.com 8. The flow status in the nozzle and fuel injection significantly influence the emission and economy of diesel engines. 喷油嘴内的流动状态以及燃油喷射情况在很大程度上影响柴油机的排放和经济性能。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. FUEL INJECTION EQUIPMENT. VOCABULARY. FUEL INJECTORS. 注油设备.词汇.注油器 www.mapeng.net 10. The repair and adjustment of the fuel injection pump is important in the diesel engine fuel feeding system. 因此在柴油机燃油供给系统的维修中,喷油泵的维修调试是个重要环节。 www.juhe8.com 1. Direct fuel injection sprays the fuel into the combustion chamber ata much higher pressure. 直接燃油喷射的燃油喷射到燃烧室在高得多的压力。 www3.t1.hk 2. The fuel injection device according to the invention is characterized by a particularly low-noise construction. 根据本发明的燃料喷射装置的特征在于特殊的低噪声结构。 ip.com 3. Differential and fuel injection system are introduced in this lesson, with other components presented in the following lessons. 本课介绍了差速器和燃油喷射系统,其他零部件将在后续几课中介绍。 www.mapeng.net 4. The fuel injection system has direct and decisive influence on the combustion and emission of diesel engine. 柴油机的燃油喷射系统对柴油机的燃烧过程及排放有着直接和决定性的影响。 www.fabiao.net 5. In this paper, a frequency spectrum analysis method for study the cavitations in fuel injection system of diesel engine is introduced. 介绍了一种研究柴油机喷油系统中汽泡的新方法——频谱分析法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. To confirm the product appearance, color contrast, and familiar with the fuel injection, silk screen, printing and other. 能够对产品外观确认,颜色对比,以及熟悉喷油,丝印,移印等。 beidu.org 7. 16V240ZJB diesel engines as an example, the fuel injection pump cam curve geometry, derived cam lift of the equation. 本文以16V240ZJB型柴油机为例,通过对喷油泵凸轮轮廓曲线进行几何分析,进行从动件升程段运动方程建立的研究。 www.dictall.com 8. The fuel-air equivalence ratio and fuel injection location affect the configuration of flame. 火焰结构受燃料喷射位置和油气当量比的影响。 stae.com.cn 9. The message refers to whether ECU acquires gas injection signal and fuel injection signal and also used as feedback in recoving validation. 这信息可以作为ECU是否采集到燃油喷射信号和燃气喷射信号参考,也可作为故障恢复时的反馈验证信息。 wenku.baidu.com 10. More power, better fuel economy and better engine control make direct fuel injection the way of the future for gasoline engines. 更多的权力,更好的燃油经济性和更好的发动机控制直接燃油喷射的方式为未来的汽油发动机。 www3.t1.hk 1. ROAD VEHICLES. END-MOUNTING FLANGES FOR FUEL INJECTION PUMPS. DIMENSIONS. 道路车辆。喷油泵用安装法兰。尺寸。 info.pv.hc360.com 2. As viewed from laterally of a vehicle, the intake pipe (40) is laid to bypass above the fuel injection valve (17). 从车辆侧向观察,进气管(40)放置成旁通燃料喷射阀(17)的上方。 ip.com 3. Road vehicles. Fuel injection equipment testing. Part 1 : calibrating nozzle and holder assemblies. 道路车辆.燃料喷射设备的试验.第1部分:喷嘴检验及支架装置 www.mapeng.net 4. When the fuel pressure is low, the fuel injection timing injects fuel in the first half of the compression stroke. 当燃料压力低时,燃料喷射定时在压缩冲程的第一半喷射燃料。 www.patent114.com 5. cylinder, in line, 4- stroke , water-cooled, double overhead camshaft, electronic-fuel injection. 直列4缸,4冲程,水冷,双顶置凸轮轴,电子喷油。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Especially, the precision proofing problem of PT series fuel injection nozzle is the key element. 特别是PT系列喷油器喷射精度的校对问题是关键所在。 www.fabiao.net 7. Road vehicles. Fuel injection pumps. High-pressure pipes for testing. 道路车辆.燃油喷射泵.试验用高压管 www.mapeng.net 8. Fuel injection equipment - Vocabulary - Part 4 : high-pressure pipes end-connections. 喷油装置.词汇.第4部分:高压管端连接 www.mapeng.net 9. Early fuel injection systems could be grouped into two types: portand throttle body. 早期燃油喷射系统,可分为两种类型:港口和节气门体。 www3.t1.hk 10. Many delivery valves have good result in improving fuel injection. 许多出油阀在改善喷油特性上具有独特的效果。 www.dictall.com 1. A test bench for electronic unit pump(EUP) fuel injection system was designed. 设计了电控组合单体泵燃油喷射系统试验台。 www.dictall.com 2. Fuel injection equipment - Vocabulary - Part 1 : fuel injection pumps. 喷油装置。词汇。第1部分:喷油泵。 www.asiapump.cn 3. Diesel engines. Fuel injection pumps. Tapers for shaft ends and hubs. 柴油发动机.燃油注入泵.轴端和衬套楔梢 www.mapeng.net 4. Fuel injection equipment - Vocabulary - Part 3 : unit injectors. 喷油装置.词汇.第3部分:整体式喷油器 www.mapeng.net 5. Fuel injection equipment - Vocabulary - Part 2 : fuel injectors. 喷油装置.词汇.第2部分:喷油器 www.mapeng.net 6. ROAD VEHICLES. FUEL INJECTION PUMP TESTING. PART 3 : APPLICATION AND TEST PROCEDURES. 道路车辆.燃油喷射泵试验.第3部分:产品应用和试验 www.mapeng.net 7. The diesel and the pump factory have carried out enough research on the theory and design of the A-type fuel injection pump. 内燃机行业和油泵生产厂家对A型喷油泵的理论、设计与制造工艺早己进行了充分的研究。 www.juhe8.com 8. Fuel injection equipment - Vocabulary - Part 1 : fuel injection pump. 燃料注入设备.词汇.第1部分:燃料注入泵 www.mapeng.net 9. the fuel injection law is an ideal wedge shape. 喷油规律为较理想的楔型。 ip.com 10. ROAD VEHICLES. BASE MOUNTED IN-LINE FUEL INJECTION PUMPS. 道路车辆。平面底座直线固定喷油泵。 info.pv.hc360.com 1. WUXI EUROPE ASIA DIESEL FUEL INJECTION CO. , LTD. 无锡欧亚柴油喷射有限公司。 www.jf-8.com 2. Fuel injection pump testing. Part 1 : dynamic conditions. 道路车辆。柴油泵试验。第1部分:动力条件。 www.asiapump.cn 3. There are many factors influencing the performance of diesel engine, and fuel injection system is undoubtedly the most important one. 影响柴油机性能的因素较多,喷油系统无疑是最重要的环节。 www.jsks.net.cn 4. Use of VE-based distribution-type fuel injection pump. 采用了VE型分配式喷油泵。 www.bokee.net 5. A fuel injection valve (17) is mounted to an upper surface of the cylinder head (20). 燃料喷射阀(17)安装到气缸盖(20)的上表面。 ip.com 6. In order to raise the efficiency of the machine, some improvement must be made in the fuel injection system. 为了提高机器的工作效率,必须对燃油喷射系统做一些改进。 www.tiantianbt.com 7. Development and Parameter Matching Study of Electronic Fuel Injection System for a CNG Car CNG汽车发动机电控系统开发及匹配研究 www.ilib.cn 8. A Research on Fuel Injection and Combustion Characteristics of a Automobile Diesel Engine during Accelerating Process 车用柴油机加速工况时喷油与燃烧特性的研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Investigation on the working characteristics of pulse detonation engine with changing the time of fuel injection 供油时间改变对脉冲爆震发动机工作特性的影响 scholar.ilib.cn 10. A Research on a Driving Method for the High Speed Solenoid Valve Used in Electronically Controlled Fuel Injection System 电控燃油喷射用高速电磁阀驱动方式研究 ilib.cn 1. Combustion Characteristics of a Direct Injection Natural Gas Engine under Various Fuel Injection Timings 不同喷射时刻下缸内直喷天然气发动机的燃烧特性 ilib.cn 2. The High Efficient Machining Technology for the Distributing Cam plate of the Fuel Injection System of a Light Vehicle 轻型汽车燃油喷射系统分配凸轮盘的高效加工技术 ilib.cn 3. Investigation of Electronic Fuel Injection System Matching Technology and Its Developing System for Motorcycles 摩托车电喷系统的匹配技术及其开发系统的研究 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Experimental Research on Air Fuel Ratio Dynamic Characteristics for an Electronic Fuel Injection Spark Ignition Engine 电控燃油喷射汽油机动态空燃比特性实验研究 ilib.cn 5. Influences of Structural Parameters of Delivery Valve on Fuel Injection Delivery of a Small Diesel Engine 出油阀结构参数对小型柴油机喷油量影响的研究 ilib.cn 6. The present invention relates to a fuel-injection valve for an internal combustion engine, including a nozzle (1) with a hole (2); 一种用于内燃机的燃料喷射阀,带有:带有孔(2)的喷嘴体(1); ip.com 7. Measurement and Analysis of Fuel Injection Characteristics of a Direct Injection Diesel Engine 直喷式柴油机喷油特性的测试分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Fluid-structure Coupled Simulation Research on High Pressure Fluid Flow of Fuel Injection System in Diesel Engine 柴油机喷射系统高压油路的流固耦合仿真 ilib.cn 9. Applied Research on Dynamic Characteristics of a Conventional Fuel Injection Piping 常规燃油喷射系统管路动态特性的应用研究 service.ilib.cn 10. The Design and Study of the Annular Combustion Chamber with Centrifugal Fuel Injection 微涡喷发动机离心甩油盘环形折流燃烧室的设计与实验研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Mathematical Simulation of Fuel Injector Electromagnetic System Used in High Pressure Common Rail Fuel Injection System of Diesel Engines 柴油机高压共轨电控系统喷油器电磁系统仿真研究 ilib.cn 2. Comprehensive comparison among various electronically controlled fuel injection systems with high injection pressure 各种电控高压喷油系统的综合比较 computer121.anyp.cn 3. Application of Improved Genetic Algorithms to the Electronically Controlled Pressure-accumulation Fuel Injection System 改进的遗传算法应用于电控蓄压式喷油系统 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Development and Application of the Electronically Controlled Accumulator Type Fuel Injection System for Diesel Engines 柴油机电控蓄压式喷油系统的开发与应用 ilib.cn 5. Industry: Truck; Semitrailer tractor; Fuel injection device; Tyres; Crankshaft, camshaft; Automotive Filters; 所属行业:货车;半挂牵引车;燃油喷射装置;汽车轮胎;曲轴、凸轮轴;汽车滤清器;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 6. Effects of Fuel Injection System on Performance and Exhaust Emissions of a Direct Injection Diesel Engine 喷油压力对直喷式柴油机性能和排放的影响 ilib.cn 7. Application Technique of Electronic Fuel Injection Engine Used in Hybrid Electrical Vehicles 电喷发动机在混合动力电动车中的应用技术 www.ilib.cn 8. Cavitation Prevention of the Fuel Injection System for a Highly-uprated Diesel Engine 高强化柴油机燃油喷射系统防穴蚀研究 www.ilib.cn 9. The Algorithm Research on an Electronic Controlled High Pressure Common Rail Fuel Injection System 高压共轨电控喷油系统控制算法研究 ilib.cn 10. Experimental and Numerical Study of LPG Fuel Injection Process in Direct Injection Diesel Engine 液化石油气发动机燃油喷射过程的数值模拟及其试验研究 ilib.cn 1. Personalized Fault-checking Method of the Air Delivery System on Electronic Fuel Injection Engines 电喷发动机空气供给系统故障的就车检查法 www.ilib.cn 2. Comparison of technical performance among electronically controlled fuel injection systems with high injection pressure 各种电控高压喷油系统技术指标比较 computer121.anyp.cn 3. Industry: Pumps, nozzles; Powertrain; Fuel injection device; Fuel System; Auto Parts & Accessories Agents; Auto Parts Processing; 所属行业:油泵、油嘴;发动机总成;燃油喷射装置;燃油系统;汽摩及配件代理;汽摩配件加工;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 4. Effects of Fuel Injection Scheme on the Mixing and Combustion Efficiency of a Scramjet Combustor 燃料引射方式对超燃冲压燃烧室混合及燃烧效率的影响 www.ilib.cn 5. Industry: Powertrain; Automotive Filters; Piston, piston ring, piston pin; Carburettor; Fuel injection device; Fuel System; 所属行业:发动机总成;汽车滤清器;活塞、活塞环、活塞销;化油器;燃油喷射装置;燃油系统;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 6. Test and Study on Combustion and Emission Character of Hybrid Diesel-LPG Fuel Used in Direct Fuel Injection Diesel Engine 直喷式柴油机燃用柴油—LPG双燃料燃烧与排放特性的试验研究 ilib.cn 7. Automatic Identification of Pressure Waveform Characteristics of Circulating Fuel Injection System 循环式燃油系统压力波形特征的自动识别 www.ilib.cn 8. Investigation of Structure Parameter Configuration Method of Accumulator-Booster Type Electronic Control Fuel Injection System 电控蓄压增压式燃油喷射系统结构参数配置算法研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Industry: Body and accessories; Auto Parts & Accessories Agents; Motorcycle; Fuel injection device; Axle; Marine Hardware; 所属行业:车身及附件;汽摩及配件代理;摩托车;燃油喷射装置;车轴;船用五金配件;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 10. Industry: Car locks; Hydraulic brake pump; Brake Assembly; Fuel injection device; Booster, booster pump; Auto Parts & Accessories Agents; 所属行业:汽车锁;液压制动泵;制动器总成;燃油喷射装置;助力器、助力泵;汽摩及配件代理;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 1. Ordinary Maintenance of the Electrical Appliances on Electronic Fuel Injection Automobiles 电喷汽车电器检修的一般方法 service.ilib.cn 2. Study on time-frequency characteristics of pressure wave of fuel injection system under condition of two-phase flow 两相流条件下的喷油系统中压力波时频特性的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Influence of Return Pressure of Fuel Injection Pump on Testing Precision of Engine Oil Consumption and Its Solution 喷油泵回油压力对油耗测试精度的影响及解决方法 ilib.cn 4. Industry: Passenger Cars; Bus; Truck; Other commercial vehicles; Fuel injection device; Three catalytic converters; 所属行业:乘用车;客车;货车;其他商用车;燃油喷射装置;三元催化器;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 5. Reliability Study of Constant Pressure Delivery Valve in Fuel Injection System 燃油喷射系统等压出油阀偶件可靠性研究 ilib.cn 6. Measurement and Control of Fuel Injection Timing of Electronically Controlled Accumulator Type Fuel Injection System for Diesel Engines 电控蓄压式喷油系统喷油定时的测试与控制 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Industry: Test; Detector; Auto Test Equipment; Complete automated control system; Fuel injection device; Damping system; 所属行业:试验台;检测仪;汽车试验设备;自动化成套控制系统;燃油喷射装置;减震系统;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 8. Experimental Investigation of Hybrid Combustion System with DME HCCI and Diesel Fuel Injection in a DI Diesel Engine 二甲醚均质压燃、柴油补燃混合燃烧模式的试验研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Compression ignition engines - Steel tubes for high pressure fuel injection pipes - Requirements for seamless cold drawn single wall tubes 压燃式发动机.高压喷射燃油管用的钢管.无缝冷拔单壁管的要求 www.mapeng.net 10. Industry: Car wax, brightener; Antifreeze; Fuel injection device; Auto cleaning agents; Other protective skin care products; 所属行业:车蜡、光亮剂;防冻液;燃油喷射装置;汽摩用清洗剂;其他防护保养品;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 1. Study on Fuel Injection Timing of the Common Rail Pressure Accumulating Type Electronic Control Fuel Injection System 共轨蓄压式电控喷油系统的喷油正时研究 ilib.cn 2. Industry: Fuel injection device; Passenger Cars; Bus; Truck; Other commercial vehicles; Power supply, ignition system; 所属行业:燃油喷射装置;乘用车;客车;货车;其他商用车;电源、点火系统;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 3. electronic control fuel injection system; fuel pump; control circuit; working principle; maintenance; 电控燃油喷射系统;燃油泵;控制电路;原理;检修; www.aojauto.com 4. Industry: Pumps, nozzles; Fuel System; Fuel injection device; Truck; Gasket components, oil seals; Turbocharger; 所属行业:油泵、油嘴;燃油系统;燃油喷射装置;货车;密封垫组件、油封;增压器;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 5. Industry: Pumps, nozzles; Fuel injection device; Seats and Accessories; Cushion, seat cover; Cushion, pillow, pad; Car antenna; 所属行业:油泵、油嘴;燃油喷射装置;座椅及附件;座垫、座套;靠垫、抱枕、脚垫;汽车天线;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 6. Analysis of the Main Components Characteristics of Common Rail Fuel Injection System 高压共轨燃油系统主要部件特性分析 service.ilib.cn 7. Industry: Clutch; Reducer Assembly; Sub-actuator; Transmission; Fuel injection device; Flywheel ring gear; 所属行业:离合器;减速器总成;分动器;变速器;燃油喷射装置;飞轮、齿圈;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 8. Experimental Research of Fuel Injection Matching for Electronically Controlled Gasoline Engine 电控汽油机燃油喷射匹配的试验研究 ilib.cn 9. Diesel engines - Procedure for checking the dynamic timing of diesel fuel injection equipment - Preconditioning 柴油发动机.柴油喷注设备动态计时的检验规程.预调节 www.mapeng.net 10. Simulation Calculation of the Matching of Fuel Injection System and Diesel Engine on Speed Characteristics 在速度特性上喷油调节系统与柴油机匹配的模拟计算 www.ilib.cn 1. Diesel engines - High-pressure fuel injection pipe assemblies - General requirements and dimensions 柴油发动机.高压燃料喷射管组件.一般要求和尺寸 www.mapeng.net 2. Calculating equation's deduction of the relative angle in the leakage test of plunger and barrel assembly for fuel injection pump 喷油泵柱塞偶件密封性试验相对角度计算式推导 ilib.cn 3. Application Status of Electronically Controlled High Pressure Common Rail Fuel Injection System in Marine Diesel Engines 柴油机电控高压共轨喷油系统的应用 ilib.cn 4. Industry: Passenger Cars; Powertrain; Fuel tank, water tank; Fuel injection device; Carburettor; Clutch; 所属行业:乘用车;发动机总成;油箱、水箱;燃油喷射装置;化油器;离合器;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 5. Measures to prolong life time of fuel injection nozzle couple parts for diesel engine 延长柴油机喷油嘴偶件使用寿命的措施 www.ilib.cn 6. Modeling and Simulation of Fuel-Injection and Ignition Control of Electronically Controlled Motorcycle Engine 电控摩托车发动机喷油及点火控制建模与仿真 service.ilib.cn 7. Variance Analysis of Fuel Injection Characteristics of Diesel Engine Electronic Control Fuel Injection System 柴油机电控燃油喷射系统喷油特性的方差分析 8. Improving the Fuel Injection System in the Diesel Engine of a Shunting Locomotive 调车机车用柴油机燃油喷射系统的改进 ilib.cn 9. Electronically controlled fuel injection system; Solenoid Valve; Diesel engine; 电控喷射系统;电磁阀;柴油机; www.aojauto.com 10. The Experimental Study of Delivery Valves in Diesel Fuel Injection System 柴油机燃油喷射系统出油阀偶件的试验研究 ilib.cn 1. Industry: Passenger Cars; Other commercial vehicles; Water pump, fan, radiator; Fuel injection device; 所属行业:乘用车;其他商用车;水泵、风扇、散热器;燃油喷射装置;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 2. Numerical Simulation of Furnace-Flow Properties Effected by Fuel Injection in High Temperature Air Combustion Furnace 燃气喷射对高温空气燃烧室内流动影响的数值研究 www.ilib.cn 3. One-dimensional Coupled Simulation of an Electronic Unit Pump Fuel Injection System 电控单体泵燃油喷射系统一维耦合仿真 www.ilib.cn 4. Experimental Investigation on High Speed Electromagnet Property of Electronic-Controlled Fuel Injection System of Diesel Engine 柴油机电喷系统中高速电磁铁特性的实验研究 service.ilib.cn 5. Application and Maintenance of Electronically Controlled Fuel Injection Engine 电喷发动机使用与维修 service.ilib.cn 6. Degradation Factor Analysis and Solutions of Carbon Deposition in Electronic Fuel Injection Gasoline Engine 电喷汽油发动机积碳现象的成因分析与对策 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis on performance improvement of the high pressure common-rail fuel injection system for diesel engine 高压共轨喷油系统改善柴油机排放性能的分析 ilib.cn 8. Analysis on Electronic Control Fuel Injection System Overmatching Carburetor Supply System 电子控制燃油喷射系统优于化油器供给系统的剖析 www.ilib.cn 9. Industry: Fuel tank, water tank; Fuel System; Fuel injection device; Brake Assembly; Steering assembly; Other tires; 所属行业:油箱、水箱;燃油系统;燃油喷射装置;制动器总成;转向机总成;其他轮胎;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 10. Industry: Powertrain; Bus; Fuel tank, water tank; Carburettor; Fuel injection device; Brake Assembly; 所属行业:发动机总成;客车;油箱、水箱;化油器;燃油喷射装置;制动器总成;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 1. Mathematical Model and Parameter Optimization of Solenoid-Controlled Jerk-Pump Fuel Injection Systems 电磁阀溢流控制式脉动喷油系统的数理模型与参数优化 ilib.cn 2. Simulator Study on Electronic Controlled Accumulative Pressure Type Fuel Injection System in Diesel Engine 柴油机电控蓄压式喷油系统的仿真计算研究 ilib.cn 3. A Study of Ethanol Fuel Application on the Electronic Fuel Injection SI Engine 电控喷射乙醇燃料在火花点燃式发动机的应用研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Application of Electronic Fuel Injection to Chinese-made Motorcycles and Formulation of Related Standards 我国摩托车电喷技术应用及相关标准的制定说明 www.ilib.cn 5. Analyze Practicability of Emission Analysis Method to Fault Diagnosis of Electronic Fuel Injection Engine 排放分析法诊断电喷发动机故障的实用性分析 ilib.cn 6. Application of High-pressure Common-rail Electronically Controlled Fuel Injection System in Diesel Engine 高压共轨式电控喷油系统在柴油机上的应用 ilib.cn 7. Simulation and Analysis of Fuel Pressure of Electronic Controlled Hight-pressure Common-Rail Fuel Injection System 高压共轨电控柴油机稳态油压模拟计算及分析 ilib.cn 8. Application of the Real-time Communication Technology to the Electronic Fuel Injection Simulation of Gasoline Engine 实时通信技术在汽油机电喷仿真中的应用 www.ilib.cn 9. Characteristics of Natural Gas Direct Injection Combustion Under Various Fuel Injection Timing 不同喷射时刻缸内直喷天然气燃烧特性 ilib.cn 10. Study on the Control Method of Injection Pressure of Electronically Controlled High-Pressure Common Rail Fuel Injection System 高压共轨式电控柴油机共轨压力的控制方法 www.ilib.cn 1. Industry: Pumps, nozzles; Fuel injection device; Auto Parts Processing; Valve tappet, push, spring; 所属行业:油泵、油嘴;燃油喷射装置;汽摩配件加工;气门挺柱、推杆、弹簧;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 2. Development Status of Electronically Controlled Fuel Injection System for Diesel Engines 柴油机电控喷射系统发展现状 www.ilib.cn 3. Research on Electronically Controlled High Pressure Common Rail Fuel Injection System for Diesel Engines 柴油机高压共轨燃油喷射——电控系统开发研究 ilib.cn 4. A Study on Electronic Control System for Variable Pre-stroke Fuel Injection Pump of Automotive Direct Injection Diesel Engine 车用直喷式柴油机可变预行程泵电控系统研究 ilib.cn 5. Trouble-shooting of the Electronic Controlled Fuel Injection System on SHENLONG FUKANG Car 神龙富康轿车电控燃油喷射系统的故障检修 www.ilib.cn 6. Matching and Calculation Model of the Common Rail Electronic Control Fuel Injection System 柴油机共轨喷油系统匹配与计算模型 service.ilib.cn 7. The Experiment Study of Top Clearance Pump Element in Fuel Injection Pump 喷油泵顶隙式柱塞偶件性能试验研究 ilib.cn 8. Industry: Lubricants (grease); Pumps, nozzles; Fuel injection device; Fuel System; Motor oil; 所属行业:润滑油(脂);油泵、油嘴;燃油喷射装置;燃油系统;车用润滑油;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 9. Experimental study on diesel engine by electronically controlled common rail fuel injection system 电控共轨喷油系统柴油机性能的研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Experimental research on guiding fuel injection to improve performance of single cylinder diesel engine 引导喷射燃烧改善单缸柴油机性能的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Industry: Passenger Cars; Fuel injection device; Car hang decoration; Car refrigerator; 所属行业:乘用车;燃油喷射装置;汽车挂摆饰;车载冰箱;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 2. Adjustment of Fuel Supply Characteristics of Plunger Type Fuel Injection Pump and Analysis of Fuel Injection Process 柱塞泵性能的液力调整和喷油过程的分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Industry: Fuel System; Cooling System; Fuel injection device; Automotive Filters; 所属行业:燃油系统;冷却系统;燃油喷射装置;汽车滤清器;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 4. Influence of Injection Parameters on the Performance of a DI Diesel Engine with GD-1 Fuel Injection System GD-1燃油喷射系统喷油参数对发动机性能的影响 ilib.cn 5. a clean fuel injection lines and a clean silk screen | printing; 一条无尘喷油线和一条无尘丝印|移印线; www.tonke.cn 6. Diesel engines - Procedure for checking the dynamic timing of diesel fuel injection equipment - Test method 柴油机.柴油机喷油系统动态定时的检验程序.试验方法 www.mapeng.net 7. Semi-simulation Calculation for Fuel Injection Process under Diesel Engine Running Condition 柴油机运转条件下喷油过程的半模拟计算方法 ilib.cn 8. Effect of Fuel Injection Timings and Hydrogen Fraction on Combustion Characteristics of Direct-Injection Engine 喷射时刻和掺氢比对直喷发动机燃烧特性的影响 ilib.cn 9. Industry: Fuel System; Pumps, nozzles; Fuel injection device; Motorcycle with (with) pieces; 所属行业:燃油系统;油泵、油嘴;燃油喷射装置;摩托车配(附)件;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 10. Research on Fuel Consumption Measurement Method with Crystal Bulb for Electronic Fuel Injection Engine 电喷发动机玻璃球泡油耗测量方法研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Simulation Calculation for Influence of High-pressure Oil Pipe Diameter on Performance of Fuel Injection System 高压油管直径对燃油喷射系统性能影响的模拟计算分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on Tolerance Clearance of Precise Fitting Pieces Assembly in Common Rail Fuel Injection System for Diesel Engines 柴油机共轨式喷油系统精密偶件配合间隙研究 ilib.cn 3. Technical Research on Common Rail Pressure-Control of High-Pressure Common Rail Fuel Injection System for Diesel Engine 柴油机高压共轨燃油喷射系统共轨压力控制技术研究 ilib.cn 4. The research result shows that the smoke emissions reduce when the fuel injection angle increase appropriately; 结果表明,供油提前角适当增大,烟度降低; www.ceps.com.tw 5. Classification and servicing of the automobile fuel injection system 汽车燃油喷射系统的分类与维修 service.ilib.cn 6. Simulation Analyses of the Fuel Injection System with Two-Spring Injector for Diesel Engines 柴油机双弹簧喷油器喷油系统的模拟计算与分析 service.ilib.cn 7. Performances of electronic fuel injection engine fueled with methanol-gasoline blended fuel 电喷汽油机燃用甲醇-汽油混合燃料的性能 www.ilib.cn 8. Factors affecting the testing data of the fuel injection pump for locomotive and the countermeasures 影响机车喷油泵试验数据的原因及解决措施 www.ilib.cn 9. Application of Uniform Design to Optimize Fuel Injection System of a D. I. Diesel Engine 用均匀试验设计法优化直喷式柴油机喷油系统 ilib.cn 10. Application of Oxygen Sensor Wave-Shape Analysis in Trouble Diagnosis of Electronic Fuel Injection Engine 氧传感器波形分析在电喷发动机故障诊断中的应用 ilib.cn 1. Simulation of Common-Rail Fuel Injection Pressure in Vehicle Diesel Engine and Strategy for Its Fuel Pressure Control 车用电控柴油机共轨油压模拟及其控制策略分析 ilib.cn 2. Effects of Fuel Injection Design Parameters on Diesel Engine Emission Characteristics 喷油器参数对柴油机排放性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 3. Design of an Electronic Fuel Injection System for Motorcycle Engines 摩托车发动机电控燃油喷射系统的设计 ilib.cn 4. Design of Cam Profile for an Electronic Control Fuel Injection Pump Common Rail 一种共轨式电控高压供油泵凸轮型线的设计 www.ilib.cn 5. Fuel injection equipment - Vocabulary - High-pressure pipes and end-connections 燃料喷射设备.词汇.高压管和端部接头 www.mapeng.net 6. Diesel engines - Cleanliness assessment of fuel injection equipment 柴油发动机。燃料喷射设备的清洁度评定 www.std168.com 7. Fuel Consumption Measurement Method for Electronic Fuel Injection Engines 电子燃油喷射发动机机油耗测量方法研究 ilib.cn 8. Diesel engines - Fuel injection pump testing - Calibration fuel injectors 柴油发动机.燃料喷射泵试验.校正燃料喷射器 www.mapeng.net 9. Diesel engines - Fuel injection pump testing - Calibrating fuel injectors 柴油发动机.燃料喷射泵试验.燃料喷嘴的校正 www.mapeng.net 10. Ignition and lean blow out performance of trapped vortex combustor with evaporating tubes fuel injection 采用蒸发管供油的驻涡燃烧室点火及贫油熄火特性 www.ilib.cn 1. Application and Points for Attention of Fault Self-diagnosis System on Electronic Fuel Injection Vehicle 电喷车故障自诊断系统的运用及注意事项 www.ilib.cn 2. Fuzzy Self-Adjusting of Digital Governor PID Parameters for Diesel Engine with Common-Rail Fuel Injection System 共轨柴油机调速器的PID参数模糊自整定控制 ilib.cn 3. Studies on Fuel Injection Improvement and EGR for Reducing Exhaust Emissions in Swirl Chamber Diesel Engines 改善涡流室柴油机供油系统和利用废气再循环降低排放研究 ilib.cn 4. Configuration Software in Real-Time Monitoring Systems for Automobile Fuel Injection 汽车燃油喷射中的组态软件监控系统 ilib.cn 5. The experiment and modeling of dimethyl ether fuel injection process in compression ignition engine 二甲醚发动机燃油喷射过程的实验与数值模拟 ilib.cn 6. Research on Emissions of Electronic Control Fuel Injection Gasoline Engine During Cold-Start Period 电控燃油喷射汽油机冷起动过程的排放研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Calculation for High-Speed Electromagnet Property of Electronic-controlled Fuel Injection System of Diesel Engine 柴油机电喷系统中高速电磁铁特性计算 www.ilib.cn 8. Computer simulation of high pressure common rail type electronic-control fuel injection system 高压共轨式电控燃油喷射系统的计算机仿真 ilib.cn 9. A novel electronically controlled common rail fuel injection system for alternative fuels 一种新型的多燃料电控共轨式喷射系统 www.ilib.cn 10. technical specifications for calibrating fuel injection pump 标准喷油泵.技术条件 www.ichacha.net 1. CYL DFI DI DIFF DLC DLI Cylinder Direct fuel injection Distributor ignition Differential Data link connector Distributorless ignition 气缸直接燃油喷射分电器点火差速器数据传递插接器无分电器点火 wenku.baidu.com 2. Surface Technologies for Improving Wear Resistance of Fuel Injection Equipment 应用表面改性技术提高油泵油嘴产品耐磨性初探 www.ilib.cn 3. Analysis of the Design Feature of Common Rail Fuel Injection System for Marine Diesel Engines 船用柴油机高压共轨系统结构特性 ilib.cn 4. The Influence of the Electric Control Fuel Injection System on the Emission of the Diesel Engine 柴油发动机电控燃油喷射系统对排放的影响 ilib.cn 5. Experimental Research and Optimum Designing of Construct Coefficients of Fuel Injection System of Micro Diesel Engine 微型柴油机喷油系统结构参数优化和试验研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Study on the Intelligent-Switch Fuzzy-PID Control for the Fuel Injection Pressure of Diesel Engines 柴油机喷油压力的智能开关型模糊PID复合控制 www.ilib.cn 7. Principle and Maintenance of Fuel Pump Control Circuit of Electronic Control Fuel Injection System 电控燃油喷射系统燃油泵控制电路的原理及检修 www.ilib.cn 8. Study on Using Electronic Controlled Fuel Injection to Improve the Power Performance of LPG Fueled Engine 电控喷射改善燃用LPG发动机动力性研究 service.ilib.cn 9. Application of Fuzzy Control Algorithm in Motor Governing System of the Testing Bench for Fuel Injection Pumps 模糊控制算法在喷油泵试验台电机调速系统中的应用 ilib.cn 10. A Study on Strategies of Motorcycle Electronically Controlled Fuel Injection System 摩托车电控汽油喷射系统控制策略的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Fault inspection of Electronic-controlled Fuel Injection System on Guangzhou ACCORD 广州本田雅阁轿车电控燃油喷射系统的故障检修 ilib.cn 2. Technical specification of fuel injection pump plunger and barrel assembly for diesel engines 柴油机喷油泵柱塞偶件技术条件 www.bing.com 3. A Trouble Mechanism Analysis of Diagnosing Electronic Fuel Injection Engine with Vacuum Gauge 利用真空表诊断电控汽油喷射发动机故障机理的分析 ilib.cn 4. Examining and Maintaining Troubles of Electronic Fuel Injection System for Petrol Engine 汽油机电控喷射系统故障的检查与维修 www.ilib.cn 5. Research and Control of the Electromagnetic Actuator In line Fuel-injection Pump 直列式喷油泵中电磁执行器的研究与控制 ilib.cn 6. Experimental Study on the Effects of Twice Fuel Injection Process on Performance of Lean Burn Gasoline Engine 二次喷油过程对稀燃汽油机性能影响的试验研究 ilib.cn 7. Road vehicles - Fuel injection pump testing - Application and test procedures 道路车辆.喷油泵试验.应用和试验程序 www.mapeng.net 8. Industry: Pumps, nozzles; PM; Bus; Fuel injection device; Fuel System; Iron ore; Marine Hardware; 所属行业:油泵、油嘴;粉末冶金;客车;燃油喷射装置;燃油系统;铁矿;船用五金配件;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 9. Effects of Delivery Valve Spring Rigidity and Opening Pressure on Bubbles in Diesel Fuel Injection System 出油阀弹簧刚度及开启压力对柴油机喷油系统中汽泡影响的研究 service.ilib.cn 10. Modeling and analysis of pipe laying of the common rail accumulator type fuel injection system of diesel engines 柴油机共轨蓄压式燃油喷射系统输油管道的建模分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Design and Realization of Microcomputer Control System for Fuel Injection Pump Testing Bench 喷油泵试验台微机控制系统的设计与实现 ilib.cn 2. Diesel engines - Cradle mounted in-line fuel injection pumps - Mounting dimensions 柴油发动机.托架安装直列柱塞燃料泵.安装尺寸 www.mapeng.net 3. A Comprehensive Discussion on Fuel Injection Pumps of Engines on Construction Machinery 工程机械用柴油机燃油泵综述 www.ilib.cn 4. Effects of Fuel-Injection Pump Cam Designing on the Injection Process of Single Cylinder Direct Injection Diesel Engine 油泵凸轮设计对单缸直喷柴油机喷油过程的影响 ilib.cn 5. Research on Piezoelectric Ceramic Valve Using for Fuel Injection System of Electronic-controlled Diesel Engine 柴油机电控喷油系统用压电陶瓷阀研究 ilib.cn 6. Failure Code Diagnosing Method of Electronical Controlled Fuel Injection System 电控燃油喷射系统的故障码诊断法 www.ilib.cn 7. The restrictions on fuel injection pump smoke the failure in the engine, accelerated sharply when also can smoke; 喷油泵上的冒烟限制器失效,在发动机急剧加速时也会冒黑烟; www.hblszq.com 8. Second, high pressure common rail fuel injection system on the main components 二,高压共轨燃油喷射系统的主要组成部分 wenku.baidu.com 9. Development and Analysis of the Simulation Calculation of Fuel Injection System of the Diesel Engine 柴油机燃油喷射系统模拟计算的发展与分析 ilib.cn 10. A Study on the Categories of Cavitation in the Fuel Injection System of a Diesel Engine 柴油机供油系统汽泡类型的研究 ilib.cn 1. Influence of Fuel Injection Timing on Combustion and Emission in Direct Injection Natural Gas Engine 燃油喷射正时对直喷式天然气发动机性能的影响 ilib.cn 2. A squeeze damping film analysis of solenoid valve for electronic control unit pump fuel injection system 电控单体泵电磁阀内阻尼油膜的挤压流动分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Fault and Diagnosis of Generator Electronic-controlled Fuel Injection System 发动机电子控制燃油喷射系统的故障及诊断 www.ilib.cn 4. Experimental Research on Vibration Diagnosis of Diesel Fuel Injection System 柴油机燃油喷射系统故障振动诊断的试验研究 ilib.cn 5. Industry: Fuel System; Power supply, ignition system; Fuel injection device; 所属行业:燃油系统;电源、点火系统;燃油喷射装置;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 6. Analysis and design of the electronic fuel injection control software 汽车电喷系统喷油控制分析与软件设计 7. Modeling and Simulation of Fuel-injection MAP of Electronically Controlled Engine 电控发动机喷油控制MAP的建模与仿真 service.ilib.cn 8. Industry: Fuel injection device; Wiper; Lights; Car audio; Alarm; Parking sensor; 所属行业:燃油喷射装置;雨刮器;车灯;汽车影音;防盗器;倒车雷达;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 9. Simulation of structural parameters of high-pressure common-rail fuel injection system 高压共轨燃油喷射系统结构参数影响的仿真研究 ilib.cn 10. Common Troubles Shooting of Electrical Control Fuel - injection System 电控燃油喷射系统的常见故障诊断 www.ilib.cn |
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