单词 | beat it |
释义 | 例句释义: 跑掉,出去!,走开,避开,迈克尔杰克逊 1. an egg is to beat it up in a basin with a fork or machine. 搅打鸡蛋就是用叉子或机器在盆子中把它打起泡沫。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Noisy day in the city only a variety of light exposure, the flash, the pulse seems to beat it. 喧闹了一天的城市只有各种灯光在照射,在闪烁,似乎是它跳动的脉搏。 enwaimao.cn 3. She won't tell me the name of her boyfriend , so I have to beat it out of her . 她不肯告诉我她男朋友的名字,我只好想办法逼她说出来了。 www.bing.com 4. A few people have been back in three weeks and I know Duffer [Damien Duff] was one of them so hopefully I can match that or beat it. 有些人能在三周内恢复,我知道这当中包括达夫,所以我希望能和他一样,甚至超过他。 bbs.qieerxi.com 5. Index investing, which cuts costs by replicating an index rather than trying to beat it, has been gaining in popularity. 指数化投资通过复制、而非超越指数表现,降低了成本,正在变得日益流行。 www.ftchinese.com 6. These little battles seem to embody a deeper impatience with the passage of time, a perpetual desire to beat it, but for what? 这些微小的较量似乎正体现了萨科奇对时间消逝的难耐渴望,一种想要战胜时间的永久欲望,可为了什么呢? www.ecocn.org 7. In a speech at the United Nations, Khrushchev got so angry that he took off his shoe and beat it on a table. 赫鲁晓夫在联合国发表讲话,有这么生气,他脱下鞋,击败表。 www.maynet.cn 8. She wouldn't tell me the name of her new boyfriend , I practically had to beat it out of her . 她不肯告诉我她新男友的名字,我逼她说的。 www.meiguoliyu.com 9. To whip an egg is to beat it up in a basin with a fork or machine. 搅打鸡蛋就是用叉子或机器在盆里搅打它。 10. "Kid, you're going to talk your way right into a hospital room. I want your opinion, I'll have my sister beat it out of you. " “小子,你再这么说话,就快进医院的病房了。我要是想听你的看法,就算让我妹妹动手都能把你打得全招出来。” www.bing.com 1. I've been learning guitar for so many years, but i can't beat it, not even half, which frustrated me, but, after all, this is just a movie. 我学习吉他很多年却赶不上他的一半,这让人泄气,但毕竟这只是一部电影。 wenwen.soso.com 2. So he tried to|beat it out of him. 所以他试过把他揍出去。 www.engxue.com 3. Either you come clean or we beat it out of you. 要么你自己招供,要么我们拷问出来。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. But he described me instead, and then he listened and his face got red and he hung up and told me to beat it. 但他并没有那样形容我,后来他听了对方的话,脸色绯红,挂了电话,告诉我要战胜它。 www.bing.com 5. Beat it! I don't want to see you for the rest of my life. 滾开!我这辈子都不想再见到你了。 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 6. Let's say you beat it. what you think your cousin frank is gonna think? 我们说你躲过这次你想想你表哥弗兰克会怎么想?。 mysubtitle.appspot.com 7. He kept bothering me, and I finally told him to beat it. 他一直烦我,最后我教他滚开。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. A group of unidentified persons beat it repeatedly with a metal name Kyrgyz, the last that the man died in hospital. 一伙身份不明者用金属物多次击打这名吉尔吉斯斯坦人,最后这名男子在医院伤重不治。 www.englishtang.com 9. The journalist beat it to telephone to call in the news. 记者急步走到电话机前,打电话要求撒回那条新闻。 www.dictall.com 10. You kick at it, beat it, it'll never cover any of us. 你踢也好,打也好,它总是盖不住我们。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. he kept on bothering me , so i told him to beat it. 他继续不停地烦我,因此,我叫他走开。 www.ichacha.net 2. The dry grass caught fire, but we beat it out before it could spread. 枯草起火了,但我们在火势尚未蔓延开来时就将火扑灭。 wenwen.soso.com 3. You've got to beat the drum that makes you feel good when you beat it. 当你敲鼓时你得敲那个让你感觉好的鼓。 songtaowang.com 4. What you gotta do is figure out what you're afraid of, because when you put a face on it, you can beat it. 你需要做的就是要找到你害怕的是什么,因为一旦你勇于面对它,你就能战胜它。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. They put a piece of wet paper on top of the characters and beat it lightly . 他们再把一张潮湿的纸放在字的上面,并轻轻地拍打。 www.bing.com 6. The best minds in the world designed this security system, And you almost beat it. The frustration must be killing you. You blew it. 这是世上最聪明的人设计的安全系统,你差一丁点儿就破解了。现在懊恼得要死吧。可惜你搞砸了。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Yes, I'm pretty beat. It's been a long day. I really feel burned-out. 是啊,我好累。真是漫长的一天。我的确感到筋疲力尽。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. e. g. Beat it , you lot, go on, get out! 滚,你们所有的人,快点,出去! blog.sina.com.cn 9. The model of the diversified mining giant was Rio's but its upstart competitor beat it at its own game. 力拓开创了多样化矿产巨头的经营模式,但被BHP“暴发户”后来者居上,在自己的游戏中被人家打败。 www.ecocn.org 10. But this year, we have such a strong line-up , if not beat, it does not have any excuses. 但是今年,我们有这么强的阵容,如果打不好,那已经没有任何借口了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Get out and stay out 7. Take the money and beat it! 8. Hit the road! 滚出去,不要回来!7.拿了钱滚吧!8.你走远点儿! www.tingclass.net 2. Put all components to the shaker and beat it up until you get some foaming mass. 投入一切组分到振动器并且打它,直到您得到一些起泡沫的大量。 www.jianglt.com 3. She beat it with her wings, but it was too heavy. 她用翅膀击打水罐,但水罐太沉了,她推不动它。 my.chinese.cn 4. Dante : Sorry, but this is no place for a little girl. So beat it. 但丁:对不起,不过这里没有小女孩的位置。赶紧离开(无关人员请离开)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It has got the second highest overall rating in the world, and when it comes to friendliness no other hostel can beat it! 旅舍的综合评分为全球第二高,但是说到员工的友善程度,其他旅舍都无法与之媲美。 www.yhachina.com 6. He'd plant an oak and, instead of watering it every morning, he'd beat it with a rolled up newspaper. 他种一棵橡树,每天早上,他不是给它浇水,而是卷起一张报纸抽打它。 www.joyen.net 7. You heat it up, you beat it with high pressures, you use chemicals. OK. 加热,施加高压,再用化学药物处理。 www.ted.com 8. Sorry, but this is no place for a little girl. So beat it. 但丁:对不起,不过这里没有小女孩的位置。 news.sogou.com 9. The only way to beat it is to think like it. 战胜它的唯一方法是像它一样思考。 www.funshion.com 10. I think that human life almost reads like a poem. It has its own rhythm and beat. It has cycles of. 我认为人类的生命仿佛一首正在吟唱的诗。它有着自己的韵律和节奏。 bbs.24en.com 1. The hungry chicken see broken unhairing companions, all crazy, beat it pecked. 饿极了的鸡见了破皮脱毛的同伴,群起疯狂而上,活活将它啄吃掉。 www.bing.com 2. MTV, which had hitherto rarely aired black acts, seized on the album's singles such as Billie Jean and Beat It and played them to death. 对黑人表演关注甚少的MTV,抓住专辑中如《BillieJean》和《BeatIt》等单曲不厌其烦地播放。 www.bing.com 3. It doesn't stop spinning to let you off. . . so if you can't beat it, join it. 地球不会停止转动而对你格外“开恩”,所以如果你无法征服它就融入它。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He jumped from a dark alley and I beat it. 他从黑古隆冬的小巷里窜上来,但我逃之夭夭。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Samphire was upon it instantly and beat it to death with the oar. 巴奇钦跳到章鱼的背上,用船桨打死了它。 www.dreamkidland.cn 6. NO GUTS, NO GLORY! Do you finally begin to see just what you must do, or do I have to beat it into you? 没胆就没荣耀!你终于明白你要做的事,还是要我将他们塞进你的脑袋中? tera.komica3.net 7. me in the midnight, which made me up till I beat it ultimately. 半夜一只蚊子吵着我无法入睡直至我最终把它打死。 www.97bg.com 8. All I can say is: When the Red Army goes to town on Michael Jackson's "Beat It, " you are not going to want to miss the smoking erhu solo. 我能说的就是:当红军表示拿下迈克尔·杰克逊的“BeatIt”毫无压力时,你一定不愿错过当中那段超劲爆的二胡独奏。 www.bing.com 9. A little bird doesn't mope around because it isn't an eagle or because another bird beat it to a tasty seed. 小鸟不会因为自己不是雄鹰,或是因为别的小鸟发现了美食而闷闷不乐。 www.bing.com 10. We can try to beat it off, or we can decide that the thing presenting the challenge isn't worth the trouble and call it quits. 我们可以试着打了,或者我们会认为事情提出挑战不值得去麻烦一通而放弃。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Jung says she remembers songs like "Billie Jean" and "Beat It. " 她说,她十分喜欢“BillieJean”和“beatIt”这两首歌。 www.kekenet.com 2. go off . beat it , you old scoundrel , " harris said" . “走开。快滚,你这老骗子手,”哈里斯说。 www.ichacha.net 3. I watch, and I wait, and I beat it. 我观察它,我等待它,我打败它。 www.bing.com 4. Shouldn't we just beat it to death with a bat? 我们不能直接用棍子打死它吗?。 mysubtitle.appspot.com 5. Rooster: Beat it! I'm in a bad mood. 鸡:走开!我今天心情可不好。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Yet I feel my heart is aching. Though it doesn't beat, it's breaking. 我旳心仍然阵阵悸痛,虽早已不再跳动,但仍在心碎。 zatan.huajiajie.com 7. No job too small, no job too big, lifetime guarantee, how can you beat it? Send us these troubles. 没有太小的工作,没有太大的工作,寿命保证,你怎么还在犹豫?告诉我们你的麻烦吧。 www.kekenet.com 8. Would you like to try this one? -I. . . thought. . . I. . . told you to beat it! 你想要试试这个吗?-我…想…我…告诉过你要打它! qac.yappr.cn 9. Come to repeat once again demonstrate the rhythm of beat it! 快来重复拍打一遍演示的节奏吧! www.fishjava.com 10. Amy's Aunt: You aren't the head thug! Beat it! 阿美的姨娘:你不是贼头子,滚蛋吧! wobumingbai.typepad.com 1. I get the "human being. " beat it, Humphrey. 我看到人类了,走吧,汉弗瑞。 www.ebigear.com 2. How long should I beat it up, do you think? 你觉得,我应该搅拌多久? blog.sina.com.cn 3. The animals in the end how the Lobos beat it? 动物们到底是怎么战胜大灰狼的呢? zhidao.baidu.com 4. Okay, go away. Beat it. Hide beneath the wheels. 好,走开。立即滚开。藏在轮子下面。 video.2u4u.com.cn 5. I beat it, the same way that you did. 我赢了,和你一样赢的。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. B: Beat it! I'm in a bad mood. 走开!我今天心情可不好。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Beat it! I don't want to talk to you! 走开!我不想跟你说话啊! www.kekenet.com 8. On the government beat, it's critical for journalists to know how to read and interpret a budget and other financial statements. 报道政府事务的记者,务必懂得如何读解预算及报表等财务资讯。 www.america.gov 9. I can't even see it, so tell that bitch to beat it. 我什至不能看到它,所以告诉母狗战胜它。 zh.songcoleta.info 10. Don't do anything you might regret. 42. Beat it, or I'll call the cops. 不要做任何你会后悔的事.42.快滚,不然我就报警。 www.tingclass.net 1. The world film community is attuned to whatever beat it is. 世界电影界都为之调整,不管那是什么调子。 www.yanbaby.com 2. Beat it, you blasted idiot! 滚吧,你这个该死的白痴! blog.hjenglish.com 3. Even if you have glossophobia (fear of public speaking), don't worry--you can beat it. 哪怕你有演说恐惧症(害怕公开演讲),不要担心——你能够克服它。 www.bing.com 4. Beat it. You got nothing I need. 滚吧。你那没我想要的东西。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. Book here first -- if you find a lower rate on another site, we'll beat it! 首先在此订房--如果您在其它网站上发现IHG酒店的更低预订价格,我们将为您提供更优房价! www.ichotelsgroup.com 6. Test Stress, You Can Beat It! 战胜考试压力,你能做到! www.bing.com 7. Content farmers will need to beat it if they want to keep up business as usual. 内容民工们如果想像从前一样保住生意那就得想办法击败它。 dongxi.net 8. I telegraphed back at once and as soon as the dough arrived I beat it to the station. Not a word to M. le Proviseur or anyone. 我马上拍了回电,钱一寄到我就直奔火车站,跟勒普罗维西厄或其他人什么都没有说。 www.bing.com 9. Beat it! I m busy right now. 走开!我现在正忙着。 yingyu.eduu.com 10. Though it doesn't beat it's breaking. 即使它早已碎裂,不再跳动。 www.evermory.com 1. Beat it! I'm in bad mood. 走开!我心情不好。 www.gzubbs.com 2. Beat it, or I'll hit you! 滚开,要不我揍你! zhidao.baidu.com 3. I guess we should beat it before she comes back. 我觉得我们应该在她回来之前走。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Are you diggin' for something', mister? -Yeah! I'm diggin' for worms! Go on! Beat it! 你在挖什么东西吗,先生?-是的!我在挖虫子!继续!打它! qac.yappr.cn 5. The Fire's in their Eyes and their words are really clear, so beat It, just beat It 怒火在他们眼中升腾,话语也说得格外明白,那么就避开吧,避开 edu.163.com 6. Can you beat it? Can you imagine anything worse than that? 竟有这种事?难道还有什么比这更糟糕的吗? 7. Beat it out of somebody 屈打成招,逼谁说出来 blog.tfol.com 8. Tap dancin' all over the beat, it'll jump off the page and spit itself 节奏在跃动,它都能跳出纸张自己演唱出来 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Beat me out of me (beat it beat it) 痛打我一顿吧(逃跑逃跑) zhidao.baidu.com 10. She know I beat it up like the thriller in Manila 她知道我将会像马尼拉惊悚片那样暴打她 zhidao.baidu.com 1. I'ma hit it up beat it up latch on to it until tomorrow yeah 我是打它战胜它,直到明天是啊细读它 zhidao.baidu.com 2. What an amazing game "Batman Arkham City" . Just finished and beat it. Everyone who had a hand in creating it, I wanna say Thank You! #Gamer “蝙蝠侠:阿甘之城”真好玩。刚刚通关了。我想说:谢谢所有参与游戏制作的人! www.bing.com 3. Beat it They Told Him 他们告诉他 search.blogcn.com 4. So Beat It, But You Want to Be Bad 那么就避开吧,但你却偏要逞强 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Warm the Cream Cheese, beat it until smooth; 将奶油奶酪隔水加热,用蛋抽打至顺滑无颗粒; blog.sina.com.cn 6. Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it 刚刚击败它,战胜它,战胜它,战胜它,战胜它 wenwen.soso.com 7. You beat it beat ( rolling in the deep) 你打败(在深滚) zhidao.baidu.com 8. Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It 打败它,打败它,打败它,打败它 wenwen.soso.com 9. Get yourself an egg and beat it 给你打自己个蛋 zhidao.baidu.com 10. So beat it, but you wanna be bad 所以击败它,但是你是坏万 wenwen.soso.com 1. Just Beat It, Beat It & 就走开吧,走开 wenwen.soso.com 2. So beat it, just beat it 所以击败它,它刚刚击败 wenwen.soso.com |
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