单词 | fascicled | ||||
释义 | fascicled
例句释义: 簇生,簇生的 1. Flowers unisexual, monoecious, densely fascicled in terminal racemes, female in lower part, male in upper part, sometimes male throughout. 单性的花,雌雄同株,密簇生在顶生总状花序内,在下半部分内女性,在上半部分内男性,有时各部都有男性。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. Leaves opposite. Corymbs short pedunculate or sessile, axillary, often fascicled. 叶对生伞房花序短的有花序梗或者无柄,腋生,经常是簇生。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. Flowers fascicled in axil of upper leaves, bisexual but number of organs variable. 花簇生在上部的叶的腋部,两性,但是器官的数量易变。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. Flowers axillary, solitary or fascicled, often arranged into terminal racemes. 腋生的花,单生或簇生,通常排列成顶生的总状花序。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Racemes elongate, sparsely flowered, fascicled in axils. Flowers small. 总状花序拉长,稀少花,在腋内簇生。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. Rootstock swollen, with transverse air chambers, roots fascicled. 使膨胀的根茎,具横裂的气室,根簇生。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. Shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate; stipules absent. Flowers small, 2 to many fascicled and axillary, pedicellate or sessile. 灌木或乔木叶互生无托叶花小,2到多数簇生和腋生,有花梗或无梗。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. the unusual megastrobilus had a ability to accept pollen, and developed into fascicled small cone on the branches. 异常大孢子叶球具有接受花粉的能力,并在枝条上发育成为蔟状着生的小球果。 www.dictall.com 9. Leaves opposite, rarely fascicled or alternate, simple or compound; leaf or leaflet blades palmately veined. 叶对生,很少簇生或互生,单的或复合;叶或小叶叶片掌状脉。 word.hcbus.com 10. ovules numerous, with free central placentation, longitudinal 5-fascicled. 胚珠许多,具特立中央胎座式,纵裂5。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. Flowers solitary or nearly fascicled, rarely racemelike, axillary or rarely aggregated on twig tips. 花单生或近簇生,很少总状花序状,腋生的或很少在小枝端部上聚生的。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. Fruit single or in pairs, rarely 3- fascicled , sometimes dehiscent along abaxial suture. 果单个的或成对的,很少3簇生,沿着背面的缝有时开裂。 www.showxiu.com 3. branches arising singly from nodes and subtended by a leaf sheath and 2-keeled prophyll, often fascicled in bamboos. 枝条从节上发出,并被叶鞘和内稃包围,通常在竹子内簇生。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. Flowers in fascicled cymes from floral buds; leaf blade abaxially glabrous or pubescent on veins. 来自花芽的花生于簇生聚伞花序;叶片背面无毛或被短柔毛在脉上。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Male flowers: stamens 4-fascicled, fascicle stalk short, anthers 2-celled, cells longitudinally dehiscent. 雄花雄蕊4簇生,短的束簇柄,花药2室,室纵向开裂。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. Fruit a berry, single, in pairs, or 3-fascicled in each node of infructescence, indehiscent. 果浆果,单身,成对,或3簇生在每果序节内,不裂。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. Roots fleshy, fascicled. 肉质的根,簇生。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. Panicles lateral or axillary, 25-35 cm, fascicled toward ends of branches, pubescent or glabrescent. 圆锥花序侧生或腋生,25-35厘米,在枝末端簇生,被短柔毛或几无毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Cymes fascicled, terminal, less than 2 cm. Sepals ovate to triangular, 2-3 mm, pubescent. 聚伞花序簇生,末端,不到2厘米萼片卵形到三角形,2-3毫米,青春期。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Stems fascicled, ascending, sparsely branched, slender and long, 15-40 cm, furrowed. 茎簇生,上升,疏生分枝,纤细和长,15-40厘米,棱槽。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. Roots fibrous or fascicled. 根纤维状的或簇生。 www.flora.ac.cn 2. Male flowers few fascicled in leaf axils or 10-30-fascicled at lower part of branchlets, with rudimentary pistil. 花瓣宿存雄花很少簇生在叶腋或10-30簇生在小枝的下半部分,具不发育雌蕊。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. Flowers usually 3-4-fascicled, axillary, rarely solitary on stem. 通常的花3-4簇生,腋生,在茎上的很少单生。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. bracts orbicular, 0. 7-1 mm wide, peltate, abaxially glabrous, fascicled pubescent at insertion to rachis, stalk short. 苞片圆形,0.7-1毫米宽,,背面无毛,簇生插入的短柔毛与,柄短。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Rhizomes apically to 1. 2 cm in diam. Stems fascicled, hollow, sparsely hairy. 根状茎顶部给1.2厘米直径茎簇生,空,疏生毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 6. 2 (1) Leaves fascicled at top of stem, even-pinnate. 茎的叶簇生在顶端,偶数羽状。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. keel cucullate, apex with appendages 2-fascicled, 2- or 3-lobed. 龙骨瓣兜状,先端具2簇生的附属物,2或3裂。 www.flora.ac.cn 8. Calyx lobes oblanceolate, acute, 2-3 mm; inflorescences with cymes 2- or 3-fascicled. 萼裂片倒披针形,锐尖,毫米;花序具聚伞花序2或3簇生。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Stamens (3-)5(-20), free or fascicled when numerous. 雄蕊(3-)5(-20),离生或当多数时簇生。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Leaves variable, those on previous year's branches usually alternate, those on short branches approximate and often fascicled; 易变的叶,那些在通常互生的第二年分枝上,那些在短枝紧靠和通常簇生上; www.flora.ac.cn 1. Inflorescences axillary, racemose or paniculate, fascicled or very short and densely glomerate; 花序腋生,总状或圆锥状,和浓密团集的簇生或非常短; www.flora.ac.cn 2. Inflorescences polygamous, axillary in distal leaves, paniculiform, fascicled from many spikes; 花序杂性,在远轴叶上腋生,圆锥花序状,很多穗状花序簇生; www.flora.ac.cn 3. Male flowers 2 to few in leaf axils or on short shoots or fascicled in lower parts of annual branches; 雄花2对少数在叶腋或在短茎或者簇生在一年生枝的下半部分; www.flora.ac.cn 4. leaves often fascicled on short shoots, shoots never resembling pinnate leaves; 叶通常在短茎上簇生,嫩枝从未象羽状的叶; www.flora.ac.cn 5. Sepals free; stamens fascicled or united in central mass or sterile (female flowers); 萼片离生在中心的群众或不育的(雌花)里的雄蕊簇生或合生; www.flora.ac.cn 6. Male flowers fascicled to glomerulose, rarely solitary along axis; 雄花簇生到小球,很少沿着轴的单生; www.flora.ac.cn 7. Basal leaves fascicled, forming a rosette, sessile; 基生叶簇生,形成一莲座丛,无梗; www.flora.ac.cn 8. Female flowers few- to 10-fascicled at apices of short shoots or in leaf axils of lower part of long shoots; 在10簇生在短茎顶端或在长枝的下半部分的叶腋很少的雌花; www.flora.ac.cn 9. Fruits 3-fascicled capsules, peduncle dilated, exocarp grooved; 果3簇生的蒴果,花序梗扩大,具凹槽; www.flora.ac.cn 10. Leaves on short branchlets mostly fascicled, those on annual ones usually alternate; 叶在短小枝多数簇生,那些在通常互生的一年生草本上上; www.flora.ac.cn 1. Leaves opposite or subopposite, rarely alternate, or fascicled on short shoots; 叶对生或近对生,很少互生,或在短茎上簇生; www.flora.ac.cn 2. Leaves alternate to rarely subopposite, or fascicled at base of annual branches or on short shoots; 叶互生到很少近对生,或在一年生枝或在短嫩枝基部的; www.flora.ac.cn 3. Male flowers small, yellow, fascicled in axils of bracts; 雄花小,变黄,在苞片腋内簇生; www.flora.ac.cn 4. Male flowers in apical part of inflorescences, small, yellow, 5-9-fascicled in axil of bracts, with distinct pedicel; 雄花在花序的顶部生,小,黄,5-9簇生在苞片腋,具离生的花梗; www.flora.ac.cn 5. Female flowers few- to 10-fascicled at apices of short shoots, puberulent; 雌花少数到10朵簇生在短茎顶端,被微柔毛的; www.flora.ac.cn 6. Female flowers few- to 20-fascicled in leaf axils of long shoots or on short shoots; 雌花很少的到20簇生在长枝或短嫩枝上的叶腋里; www.flora.ac.cn 7. Leaves fascicled on short branchlets, alternate on long branchlets; 缺乏留下簇生在小枝上,长时间交替; www.flora.ac.cn 8. Stamens not or obscurely apparently 3-fascicled; 雄蕊表面上不或不清楚地3簇生; www.flora.ac.cn 9. Fruits commonly 3-fascicled capsules or degenerating into only 1 capsule; 通常的果3簇生的蒴果或退化为仅1蒴果; www.flora.ac.cn 10. Infructescences: 1-fruited cymes, few fascicled, rarely solitary, fascicles 2-fruited, axillary on current year's branchlets; 果序:1果聚伞花序,很少簇生,很少单生,束簇2果,在当年小枝上腋生; www.flora.ac.cn 1. Infructescences: 1-fruited cymes, solitary or few fascicled, fascicles 2-fruited, axillary on first to second year's branchlets; 果序:1果聚伞花序,单生或很少簇生,束簇2果,第1到第2年小枝上腋生; www.flora.ac.cn 2. Ovary ellipsoid, ca. 3. 5 mm, apex fascicled white sericeous; 椭圆形的子房,长约3.5毫米,先端簇生白色绢毛; www.flora.ac.cn 3. Leaves fascicled at branch apices, paripinnate, 9-12 cm; 叶在枝顶簇生,偶数羽状,9-12厘米; www.flora.ac.cn 4. Infructescences: 1-fruited cymes, solitary or few fascicled, fascicles 2- or 3-fruited, axillary on current year's branchlets; 果序:1果聚伞花序,单生或很少簇生,束簇2或3果,在当年小枝上腋生; www.flora.ac.cn 5. Umbels solitary or 2- or 3-fascicled, axillary, sometimes at leafless nodes, 2- or 3-flowered; 伞形花序单生或2或3簇生,腋生,有时在无叶的节,2或3花; www.flora.ac.cn |
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