单词 | farm out | ||
释义 | farmed out是farm out的过去式
第三人称单数:farms out 现在分词:farming out 过去式:farmed out
例句释义: 转交,移交,分包出任务 1. The couple's three cats have been farmed out to friends and neighbors, but Strong's dog, Pepper, is still with her. 这对伴侣的三只宠物猫已经送给了朋友和邻居。但是沙琳的那只名叫Peper的宠物狗仍然陪伴着她。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It is expected that, for any new European deals this year, the equity slice is likely to be farmed out to a parent company or bigger group. 对于今年欧洲任何可能出现的新交易而言,这部分股份都可能会被转给母公司或规模较大的公司。 www.bing.com 3. In typical assembly-line operations, design is farmed out to specialist outsiders or to a separate team of insides. 在典型流水线操作中,设计都被外包给外部专家或内部独立小组。 www.ecocn.org 4. That way, once you've got a zone farmed out, you can actually go back to it for longer to get some PvP gear out of it. 那个方式,一旦您有出租的区域,您可以实际上回到它长期的能使一些PvP齿轮脱离它。 bbs.ngacn.cc 5. Looking emaciated, he farmed out large parts of his speech, which is usually a big marketing and media event, to other presenters. 他看起来非常虚弱,大部分的演讲由其他同事代劳,然而通常他的演讲被视作重要的市场推广活动和媒体事件。 www.bing.com 6. While mother was sick, the children were farmed out to relatives. 母亲生病时,孩子就寄养在亲成家。 www.hotdic.com 7. But the sheer depth of funds means equity portfolio investment will account for some of the cash, possibly farmed out to asset managers. 但这些资金的金额之巨大,意味着一部分现金将投入股票组合投资,或许委托给资产管理公司。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Pacheco has yet to make the breakthrough at Anfield and could be farmed out for a season of SPL action. 目前帕切科仍未在利物浦迎来突破,下赛季租至苏超或许是个不错的锻炼机会。 www.lfcbbs.com 9. The files associated with an application are farmed out to each node in the cluster . 与应用程序有关的文件被农场化到集群中的每个节点。 www.bing.com 10. The prisoners of war were farmed out to work on a coffee plantation. 那些战俘被当作劳动力出租到咖啡种植园干活。 www.hotdic.com 1. The remaining capital was largely farmed out to other hedge fund managers. 剩下的大部分资金交给其他的对冲基金经理打理。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The woman was very kind to those children who were farmed out to her. 这个妇女对那些托养给她的孩子非常和善。 www.hotdic.com 3. The soil can be depleted, or "farmed out" . 土壤可以耗尽精力,或叫做“地力耗尽”。 4. To cut costs, they farmed out the manufacturing. 为了降低成本,他们转包生产。 www.bing.com 5. Global giants such as Procter & Gamble Co. have farmed out certain divisions from Japan to Singapore over the years. 过去几年来,宝洁(Procter&;GambleCo.)等全球巨头已经将某些部门从日本转移到新加坡。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Landlords in old China farmed out their land to their tenants and lived in luxury off the rents. 在旧中国地主把土地出租给佃农,靠收租过着奢侈的生活。 www.bing.com 7. We have basically farmed out the negotiations to technical people and most of them are at the limit of what we can agree to. 我们基本上把谈判交给了技术人员,而其中大多数谈判已经达到了我们所能同意的极限。 www.bing.com 8. This whole area has been farmed out, and no crops will grow there now. 这整个地区的地力已经耗尽,现在那儿长不出任何庄稼。 9. The whole area has been farmed out, and no crops will grow there now. 这一地区土地的地力都已耗尽,不能再种庄稼了。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Behavioral Problems of Farmed out Children in Wenzhou 温州地区托养儿童行为问题调查 |
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