单词 | forebrain |
释义 |
复数:forebrains 例句释义: 前脑,段部脑 1. The medial forebrain bundle of rats was transected with a wire knife to set up a model of chronic degeneration of dopaminergic neurons. 采用线刀切断大鼠内侧前脑束造成多巴胺能神经元的慢性退行性改变。 www.dictall.com 2. Researchers have speculated that skimpy forebrain myelin is one reason that teenagers do not have adult decision-making abilities. 研究人员推测,青少年的前脑髓鞘不成熟,是他们缺乏成人决策能力的原因之一。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 3. It turns out to have a forebrain one-fifteenth the size of a human. 它的前脑容量只有人类的十五分之一。 www.ted.com 4. We discuss neuronal-network and regional forebrain activity during sleep, and its consequences for consciousness and cognition. 我们讨论神经网络和区域前活动在睡眠期间,其后果的意识和认知。 www.syyxw.com 5. How well you stick to your diet could depend on the activity of a small region in your forebrain according to a new study on self -control. 根据一项有关自我控制的新研究,一个人对自己规定的饮食坚持得如何,可能取决于前脑上一片小区域的活动。 www.showxiu.com 6. Conclusion Progesterone is neuroprotective on the hippocampal neurons of gerbil following transient forebrain ischemia. 结论孕酮对脑缺血所引起的神经元损伤具有明显的神经保护作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Hyde of McGill University has found that white matter is reduced in a specific fiber bundle in the right forebrain of tone-deaf individuals. 发现,音痴的人右前脑特定神经纤维束的白质比一般人少。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 8. The segment of the adult brain that develops from the embryonic forebrain and includes the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus. 前脑部分成人大脑的一部分,由前脑胚胎发育而成,包括大脑、下丘脑及丘脑 www.jukuu.com 9. Objective To establish a experimental model for evaluating the remedy for denatured neurons after forebrain ischemia reperfusion. 目的:探索以变性神经元为观察对象,适用于脑缺血再灌注后干预实验的动物模型。 www.dictall.com 10. Exactly. A protein that may reactivate. That will. That will reactivate human brain cells stored in the forebrain of the shark. 完全正确,那些蛋白质也许可以活化。,一定可以的。能活化人脑细胞的蛋白质,就储存在鲨鱼的前脑中。 www.bing.com 1. Listening to a song also activates many genes in their auditory centers, also located in the bird's forebrain. 听一首歌的同时,也同样激活了许多围绕在听觉中心的基因。而他们的听觉中心也是位于前脑处。 www.bing.com 2. Conclusion: Impairment of basal forebrain alone is sufficient for amnesia and spontaneous confabulation. 结论:仅仅基底前脑损伤就可以导致自发性虚构。 www.bing.com 3. The midbraIn, a major sensory Integration centre In other vertebrates, serves primarily to lInk the hIndbraIn and forebraIn In mammals. 在其它脊椎动物是主要感觉统合中心的中脑,在哺乳动物则主司联系后脑和前脑的作用。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Several areas in the forebrain show activity when a person makes tough choices, yet scientists disagree on how these regions work together. 然而在这些区域如何协调工作方面,科学家们还没有达成一致意见。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 5. It has been considered that basal forebrain cholinergic system has affinity with learning and memory. 基底前脑胆碱能系统一直被认为与动物的学习记忆能力密切相关。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Effects of Isoflurane Versus Fentanyl - Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia on Long- term Outcome from Severe Forebrain Ischemia in the Rat . 不同持续时间亚低温对缺血新生鼠脑的保护作用。 www.bing.com 7. Many research has indicated that it is crucial for its functions in forebrain, pancreases and testes development. 研究发现Arx对前脑,胰腺和睾丸的发育起重要作用。 www.73202.com 8. These results support the idea that in the human fetal forebrain axonal PSA-NCAM expression is inversely related to primary myelination . 这些结果支持人的胎儿前脑轴突中PSA-NCAM的表达反而与最初的髓鞘形成有关的观点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The limbic forebrain plays an importent role in regulation of emotion and stress, water- and electrolyte-balance. 边缘前脑内很多区参与情绪反应,水和电解质平衡失调引起的血流动力学变化。 www.fx120.net 10. These neurons connect to the forebrain and other brain structures that regulate mood and behaviour. 这些神经元连接了前脑以及脑部其他控制情绪和行为的结构。 www.bing.com 1. The forebrain is the largest and most complex part of the brain. 前脑是脑中最大、最复杂的部分。 www.bing.com 2. As we perceive predators getting closer, our brains normally make the switch from the forebrain to the midbrain regions. 当我们察觉到危险临近,大脑的活跃区域通常会自前脑转至中脑。 www.bing.com 3. A film about architecture could leave a forebrain stifled. 建筑的影片可能会让人窒闷难耐。 store.pchome.com.tw 4. The brain is made up of three main sections: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain. 大脑由前脑、中脑和后脑三个主要部分组成。 www.bing.com 5. NKX2-1 mainly expresses in the lung, thyroid epithelial cells and widely distributes in the ventral forebrain. NKX2-1主要表达于肺组织、甲状腺上皮细胞并广泛分布于前脑腹侧。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 6. So it is with the forebrain's myelination during the late teens and early 20s. 因此,前脑的绝缘化是在青少年晚期和二十岁初期完成的。 www.bing.com 7. The third group was composed of patients without amnesia who had damage in places other than the temporal lobe or basal forebrain. 第三组是脑部受创、但受创部位不在颞叶也不在基底前脑,而且没有失忆症的患者。 tr.bab.la 8. Experimental study of the protective effect of endotoxin pretreatment on hippocampal neurons in rat forebrain following ischemia-reperfusion 内毒素预处理对大鼠前脑缺血再灌注后海马神经元保护效应的研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Estrogen Provides Neuroprotection in Transient Forebrain Ischemia Through Perfusion-Independent Mechanisms in Rats 雌激素在短暂性前脑缺血大鼠中具有神经保护作用-评论 www.bhli.org.cn 10. Correlation between the repair of oxidative DNA damage and the neuroprotection in mice after forebrain ischemia 小鼠脑缺血后氧化DNA损伤的早期修复与神经保护的相关性研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Neuroprotection of Progesterone on the Hippocampal Neurons of Gerbil Following Transient Forebrain Ischemia 孕酮对前脑缺血沙土鼠海马神经元的保护作用 www.ilib.cn 2. A Pathological Survey of the Neuroprotective Effect of Preconditioning with Lithium on the Gerbil Forebrain Ischemia 氯化锂预处理对沙土鼠前脑缺血保护作用的病理观察 www.ilib.cn 3. Changes of astrocytes in rat forebrain after unilateral irradiation of nucleus caudate putamen with different single doses of gamma knife 刀不同剂量一次单侧照射大鼠尾壳核后前脑星形胶质细胞的变化 www.ilib.cn 4. Estrogen Provides Neuroprotection in Transient Forebrain ischemia 雌激素在短暂性前脑缺血中的保护作用 www.ilib.cn 5. Retrograde Degeneration of Cholinergic Neurons of Basal Forebrain Induced by Frontal Cortexes Injuries is Prevented by NGF in Rats NGF预防大鼠额叶皮质损伤后基底前脑胆碱能神经元变性 service.ilib.cn 6. Effects of hypothermia combined with erigeron on reperfusion injury following forebrain ischemia in gerbils 亚低温复合灯盏花素对沙土鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. The NOS neurons mature, shape as same as host basal forebrain, varicosity regular, some neurons extend their process into hippocampus NOS神经元发育成熟,形态与宿主基底前脑的一样,膨体规则,部分突起延伸入海马 www.wanfangdata.com.cn 8. Effects of Transient Forebrain Ischemia-reperfusion on Levels of the Arterial Blood Gas and Blood Lactate in Rats 短暂性全脑缺血再灌注对大鼠动脉血气和乳酸的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. Protective effects of penehyclidine hydrochloride on transient forebrain ischemia reperfusion injury in gerbils 盐酸戊乙奎醚对沙土鼠前脑缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用 www.ilib.cn 10. The change of glial fibrillary acidic protein in white matter regions following repeated forebrain ischemia in rats 反复前脑缺血大鼠脑白质区胶质纤维酸性蛋白表达变化 www.ilib.cn 1. Effects of pinealectomy on the learning and memory abilities of rats and on the cholinergic nerve system in basal forebrain 摘除松果体对大鼠学习记忆及基底前脑胆碱能系统的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Influence of cholinergic neurons in basal forebrain after two different types of brain concussion 不同类型脑震荡对基底前脑胆碱能神经元的影响 www.ilib.cn 3. Relationship Between FOS Protein Expression in Rat Forebrain Structures and Types of Seizure 大鼠前脑结构FOS蛋白表达与惊厥类型的关系 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Effects of NSCs transplantation on cholinergic neurons of basal forebrain and abilities of learning and memory in AD rats NSCs移植对AD鼠基底前脑胆碱能神经元和学习记忆能力的影响 www.ilib.cn 5. Effect of melatonin on the content of forebrain Dopa and its metabolic in Parkinson's disease rats 褪黑激素对实验性帕金森病大鼠行为及大脑多巴胺代谢的影响 www.ilib.cn 6. Protection of estradiol benzoate on chronic forebrain ischemia in ovariectomized rats 苯甲酸雌二醇对去卵巢大鼠慢性前脑缺血脑保护作用的研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Study on distribution of NOS positive neurons and FOS expression following cerebral ischemia in rat forebrain 脑缺血后大鼠前脑NOS神经元与FOS蛋白表达的研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Effects of genistein on nitric oxide synthase positive neurons of basal forebrain in ovariectomized rats 金雀异黄酮对去卵巢大鼠基底前脑一氧化氮合酶神经元的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. Alterations of somatostatin neurons in the rat forebrain during experimental gastric ulcer 实验性胃溃疡大鼠前脑生长抑素神经元的变化 www.ilib.cn 10. Effects of breviscapin on hydroxyl radical levels following forebrain ischemia in gerbils 黄芩素苷对脑缺血后海马羟自由基含量的影响 service.ilib.cn 1. Regionalization of the Embryonic Midbrain and Forebrain 胚胎中脑和前脑的区域化 bbs.ebigear.com 2. Effects of nicotine on the growth and the TrkA expression of cultured primitive rat basal forebrain cholinergic neurons 尼古丁对培养大鼠基底前脑胆碱能神经元生长存活及TrkA表达的影响 www.ilib.cn 3. Neuronal reperfusion damage after forebrain ischemia in rats at different intervals 大鼠前脑缺血再灌注不同时间神经元损伤情况 www.ilib.cn 4. The changes of neurogranin level in rat hippocampus and forebrain after chronic cold water swimming stress 慢性冷水游泳应激对大鼠海马、前脑皮层神经颗粒素含量的影响 www.ilib.cn 5. Differential expression of genes in the pigeon forebrain after removal of the left retina 单眼视网膜摘除后鸽左右前脑基因的差异表达 service.ilib.cn 6. Nerve growth factor prevents basal forebrain neuronal degeneration in aged monkeys 神经生长因子对猴基底前脑神经元的保护作用 www.ilib.cn 7. Distribution of apoptotic cells in forebrain of chick embryo during early stage of development 鸡胚发育过程中端脑神经元凋亡的分布 8. Effect of phytoestrogen on cholinergic neurons in basal forebrain of ovariectomized rats 植物雌激素对去卵巢大鼠基底前脑胆碱能神经元的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. Cloning of the Full-length cDNA of the Differentially Expressed Gene in Left Forebrain of Pigeons With Their Left-retina Removed 左侧视网膜剥夺鸽左前脑差异表达基因全长cDNA的克隆 scholar.ilib.cn 10. Effects of NOS-positive Neurons of Basal Forebrain of AD Rat after Neural Stem Cells Transplantation 神经干细胞移植对AD鼠基底前脑NOS阳性神经元的影响 www.ilib.cn 1. The effect of lithium chloride on neuronal apoptosis and expression of Phospho-Akt protein after forebrain ischemia in gerbils 氯化锂对沙土鼠前脑缺血后神经细胞凋亡及磷酸化Akt蛋白表达的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Effects of ginkgolide on the apoptosis of cultured neurons in the rat embryonic basal forebrain 银杏内酯对体外培养的大鼠胚基底前脑神经元凋亡的影响 www.ilib.cn 3. Effects of frontal cortexes injuries on cholinergic neurons of basal forebrain in rats 额叶皮质损伤对大鼠基底前脑胆碱能神经元的影响 ilib.cn 4. Effect of Forebrain Ischemia and Reperfusion on Changes of Neuron Apoptosis in Rat Hippocampus 前脑缺血及再灌流对大鼠海马神经元凋亡的影响 www.ilib.cn 5. Influence of unilateral molarless on basal forebrain cholinergic system in learning and memory deficit aged rats 单侧磨牙缺失对老年学习记忆减退大鼠基底前脑胆碱能系统的影响 www.ilib.cn 6. magnocellular nucleus of the basal forebrain 前脑基底大细胞核 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Study on beta amyloid protein enhancing the sensibility of primary cultured basal forebrain neuron to glutamic acid 淀粉样蛋白增加基底前脑神经元对谷氨酸的易感性 service.ilib.cn 8. Role of Melatonin in the forebrain striatum apoptosis in rat models of Parkinson disease 褪黑激素影响帕金森病模型大鼠前脑纹状体细胞的凋亡 www.ilib.cn 9. Effects of ovariectomy and aging on cholinergic neurons in rat basal forebrain 卵巢切除和衰老对基底前脑的胆碱能神经元的影响 www.ilib.cn 10. The effect of post hyperbaric oxygen treatment on acute forebrain ischemia reperfusion injury 高压氧治疗对海马区急性脑缺血再灌注损伤的远期疗效 www.ilib.cn 1. Effects of Intercellular Adhesion Molecules-1 on Forebrain Ischemia-Reperfusion Damage in Rats 胞间粘附分子1对大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤的作用 www.ilib.cn 2. Changes in protein expression of bcl-2 family in rat hippocampus following transient forebrain ischemia 短暂性前脑缺血后大鼠海马各区域bcl-2家族表达变化的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. The Distribution Of Forebrain Cholinergic Neuron in Tree Shrew 树基底前脑的胆碱能神经元分布 www.ilib.cn 4. Culture and identification of neural stem cells from the forebrain of human embryo 人胚胎神经干细胞的分离培养及鉴定 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on neuronal apoptosis and Bcl-2 gene expression after forebrain ischemia-reperfusion in rats 大鼠前脑缺血再灌注后海马神经元细胞凋亡及Bcl-2表达研究 www.cnki.com.cn 6. The expression of neurotrophin-3 in forebrain cortex neurons of morphine dependent mice 吗啡依赖小鼠前脑皮质神经元神经营养因子-3的表达 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Changes of NOS positive neurons of basal forebrain of ovariectomized rats and the effect of estrogen 去卵巢后大鼠基底前脑NOS阳性神经元的变化及雌激素的作用 www.ilib.cn 8. Effects of ginkgolides on development of rat basal forebrain neurons in vitro 银杏内酯对大鼠基底前脑神经元生长发育的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. The Effect of Colchicine on the Nestin-IR Neurons in the Rat Basal Forebrain 秋水仙素对大鼠基底前脑Nestin阳性神经元的影响 www.ilib.cn |
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