单词 | fly | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
过去式:flew flown 过去式:flew 第三人称单数:flies 现在分词:flying 过去分词:flown v. n. fly plane,fly flag,aircraft fly,fly glass,fly helicopter adj. n. fly fishing,fly wing adv. v. away fly flied 显示所有例句 鸟;昆虫of bird/insect
快速╱突然移动move quickly/suddenly
时间of time
自由移动move freely
故事;传闻of stories/rumours
计划of plan
棒球in baseball
IDM fly the coop (informal) 逃走to escape from a place fly high 成功to be successful
fly in the face of sth 悍然不顾;公然违抗;与…相悖to oppose or be the opposite of sth that is usual or expected
fly into a rage, temper, etc. 勃然大怒to become suddenly very angry (go) fly a/your kite (informal) 走开;别烦人;别插手used to tell sb to go away and stop annoying you or interfering fly the nest 羽翼已丰可离巢to become able to fly and leave its nest (informal) 另立门户to leave home and live somewhere else fly off the handle (informal) 大发雷霆to suddenly become very angry
go flying (informal) 跌倒;(尤指)绊了一跤to fall, especially as a result of not seeing sth under your feet
let fly (at sb/sth) (with sth) (用…)打;(向某人)大发雷霆to attack sb by hitting them or speaking angrily to them
钓鱼in fishing
裤子on trousers/pants
帐篷on tent
die/fall/drop like flies (informal) 大批死亡;大批倒下to die or fall down in very large numbers
a/the fly in the ointment 扫兴的人;煞风景的事物a person or thing that spoils a situation or an occasion that is fine in all other ways
a fly on the wall 不为人觉察的观察者a person who watches others without being noticed
(there are) no flies on sb (informal) 某人精明得不会上当the person mentioned is clever and not easily tricked not harm/hurt a fly 连一只苍蝇都不肯伤害;心地善良to be kind and gentle and unwilling to cause unhappiness on the fly (informal) 赶紧地;匆忙中if you do sthon the fly , you do it quickly while sth else is happening, and without thinking about it very much 例句释义: 飞,飞翔,飞行,飞逝,苍蝇,假蝇,前裆开口,门帘,机灵的,机警的,不会上当的,时髦迷人的,高飞球,飞行的,打出高飞球 1. Luckily, I know how to access internet now. Those days as you flied on the sky and I jump to pursue you on earth have gone with the wind. 还好,我学会了上网,以前那种你在天上飞啊飞,我在地上追啊追的日子将一去不复返了。 www.zftrans.com 2. They were so cute, they even flied up to my hand, it tickles when the pigeon was on your hand. 它们好可爱,它还飞到我的手上,它站在你手上的时候,你的手感觉有点痒痒的。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The scout 's crew took a photograph of this flyer and said it "hovering soundlessly" around them followed by flied away. 据称,当时机组人员拍下了这个飞行物的照片,并称当时它就在侦察机附近“无声地盘旋”,然后飞走了。 home.ebigear.com 4. He flied towards his sweetheart without cease. But the scene which greeted him was that a tall and handsome man was standing by the girl. 然而,她那熟悉的身影旁站着一个高大而英俊的男人,那一刹那,蜻蜓几乎快从半空中坠落下来。 bbs.newacad.com 5. The children panicked when the plans flied over the city. 当飞机飞过城市的上空,孩子们惊慌失措。 wenku.baidu.com 6. it seems ur winter holiday is going to be over , time flied . i also hope it can be faster , then in june , i can meet u in wuhan . 转眼寒假就要过去了,时光飞逝。不过我也希望时光流逝得更快些,然后六月份我可以在武汉见你。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. Should not have flied in wrong lane does not mean did not fly in wrong lane. 应该不会飞错不等于没有飞错。 www.zaobao.com.sg 8. However, only your deathless soul flied back to me unexpectedly a month and a half later. 然而,谁又能料想得到,一个半月后,飞回来的,只是你那不灭的灵魂。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The flow flied and velocity distributions around the propulsion model were simulated by Finite Volume means. 基于这种方法,数值模拟了电磁流体表面推进模型周边流场的速度与压力分布。 www.fabiao.net 10. A: It seems as if something flied away over us. 好象有东西飞过去了。 hi.baidu.com 1. The arrow flied out and shot the target to the point. It was expected that the water in the cup didn't spill. 箭射出去正中靶心并不稀奇,杯水不外泄是意料中的事; blog.sina.com.cn 2. When the girl set the thread longer and longer, the kite flied higher and higher, and it's never been so excited before! 随着女孩把线愈放愈长,风筝也愈飞愈高,它从来都没像此刻这样兴奋! www.bing.com 3. The male eagle had already flied for one whole day, yet hunting nothing. . . Time changed back to the day before. 雄鹰已经整整飞了一天,可还是没有任何收获……时间倒回一天前。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I forget that today is the mid-autumn day, when the news flied into my ears, I had to say "wahoo~" . 我竟然忘了今天是中秋节,当消息传入我的耳中,我情不自禁地喊了声“哇唔~”。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. During talking, suddenly a flock of crows flied across the low sky with sounds of their chirp ceaselessly. 说话间,忽有一批乌鸦在低空飞过,叫声不绝。 www.bing.com 6. At day-break lots of birds flied down to the roof of the trailer, pecking the crumb. Not long after chatters of birds awoke Bill and Fred. 天一亮,许多鸟就飞下来到活动房子的顶上来啄面包屑,他们的叫声马上把比尔和弗雷德吵醒了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The researching achievement is significant to the research of acoustic propagation and acoustic flied prediction in shallow water. 研究成果对浅海声传播和浅海声场预报研究有一定的参考意义。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. scattered in the wind and flied in vapor. 散落在风中的已蒸发 blog.hjenglish.com 9. One day, the little crow was very thirsty on her way home. She flied beside a big pitcher. 一天,小乌鸦回家的途中口渴得要命,她飞到一只大水罐旁。 www.1363.cn 10. Then it struggled to break loose and flied higher and higher regardless of the girl's imploration in tears . 于是,它奋力挣脱,不顾女孩流着泪苦苦哀求,愈飞愈高。 www.bing.com 1. They flied beautifully even as they fought the restriction of the string. 及时与牵引线奋斗着,它们依然在美丽地飞翔。 www.docin.com 2. A beautiful butterfly flied here, she untied her waistband and quickly brought the thumb girl away from the area. 一只美丽的蝴蝶飞了过来,她解开了腰带,带着拇指姑娘很快地飞离了这个地方。 dict.bioon.com 3. He just flied into rage at such a peccadillo! 这样的一个小过失就让他恼羞成怒。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. 3D object recognition across multiple views is an important problem in the flied of computer vision and pattern recognition. 多个视角下三维物体的识别一直是计算机视觉和模式识别领域的重要研究方向。 www.biodic.cn 5. Theory and application of Lattice Gas Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Method in fluid flied is discussed in detail. 本文详细叙述了格子气自动机和格子波尔兹曼方法的基本原理以及其在流体力学中的应用。 www.magsci.org 6. Those heady days of my youth flied away like a bird. 我那些年轻时使人陶醉的日子像一只小鸟一样飞走了。 bbs.wwenglish.org 7. Time flied quickly away and it would be time for diner soon when I suddenly thought that today was my husband's birthday! ! ! 时间过得飞快,一会儿又该是晚饭时间了,这时候我突然想起来今天是我家先生的生日!!! blog.163.com 8. You flied or are flying over before my eyes, i am grateful to you for your tough-minded appearance, you gave me the hope i needed! 你像一条丝带从我眼前飘过,我感谢你,是你让我看到了希望! blog.sina.com.cn 9. All of the sudden, a paper plane flied through the circles and blew them away. 突然间,一只纸飞机,又快又准的,飘穿那烟圈,把它冲散了。 hi.baidu.com 10. Remember weeks ago we talk about an astro that flied by the earth, today is the day. 还记得几周以前我们谈论的一个掠过地球的天体吗?今天就是这一天。 www.kekenet.com 1. There are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has flied a way. 天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而鸟儿已飞过 wenku.baidu.com 2. After I have flied away, the sky had no mark! 天空中没有翅膀的痕迹,但我已经飞过! brian84812678.blog.hexun.com 3. In the flied of garden art, Islamic gardening art plays an important role with the unique charm in the world. 伊斯兰庭园造园艺术以其独特的魅力在世界园林艺术领域中占有重要位置。 www.abbs.com.cn 4. In the flied of garden art, Islamic gardening art ploys an important role with the unique charm in the world. 伊新兰庭园造园艺术以其独特的魅力在世界园林艺术领域中占有重要位置。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. She flied to the nose of calf, kissed down gently, then lingered proudly. 她飞到小牛的鼻子上,轻轻地亲了下,得意地盘旋! q.sohu.com 6. I sprinkled salt over the flied shoes of steamed bun. 我把炸馒头干撒上了盐。 www.1stenglish.com 7. My life these days was somewhat blank and time flied away without any trace in my mind. 这些天,我的生活有点空白,时间一晃而过不留痕迹在我的脑海。 www.flamesky.com 8. Cars on the street passed fast, the people walked hurried. There are moved city , hurried people, flied life in the city in the cold winter. 马路上汽车的队列飞速地驶过,身边的行人行色匆匆。涌动的城市、匆忙的人群,飞逝的生活,寒冷的冬日。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. She flied to the eye of kitty, kissed down gently, then escaped smartly. 她飞到小猫的眼睛上,轻轻地亲了下,美美地溜走! q.sohu.com 10. She flied to the ear of puppy, kissed down gently, then flied away smartly. 她飞到小狗的耳朵上,轻轻地亲了下,潇洒地飞走! q.sohu.com 1. He flied non-stop from Beijing to Nanjing to attend an informal dinner party. 他从北京直飞南京就是为了参加一个非正式的晚宴。 www.trgroup.com.cn 2. Time flied quickly. Earthworm parents became old and then died. 时光流逝,蚯蚓父母们逐渐变老而后死去。 q.sohu.com 3. After a long flying, the dorbeetle left the thumb girl at an unfamiliar place and flied away. 飞了很久,金龟子把拇指姑娘放在了一个陌生的地方,就飞走了。 dict.bioon.com 4. From then on, Two magic birds often flied in my dreams, Where I ever invited the moonbeam to dance with them. 从此以后,两只美妙的鸟儿常飞入我梦里,那里我曾邀月光一起轻歌曼舞。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 5. His friend flied from Harbin to Beijing yesterday. 他的朋友昨天从哈尔滨飞到北京。 www.hotdic.com 6. At last, she flied to the mouth of little boy, kissed down warmly. 最后,她飞到了小男孩的嘴巴上,热情洋溢地亲了下去! q.sohu.com 7. I flied a kite there and took pictures with my parents. 我在那儿放风筝,还和爸爸妈妈照相。 wenwen.soso.com 8. We flied kites last Saturday afternoon. 上星期六下午我们放风筝 zhidao.baidu.com 9. A linear multi-regression model as thus made in the end, the authors flied to predict the current and quantity of the farmland change. 并在此基础上,建立多元线性回归模型,对安徽省耕地变化的趋势进行科学的预测。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The thumb girl floated on the water for a long time. A dorbeetle flied towards her, using his strong thigh to bring the thumb girl away. 拇指姑娘在水上漂了好久,金龟子飞了过来,用他那粗壮的大腿把拇指姑娘带走了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. And one day she flied to "Fragrance Country" . 有一天她飞的“飞龙国”。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. To attain the leading role, he flied all the way to America from London and competed among 5000 excellent actors. 他一路从伦敦千里迢迢飞往美国,从5000名优秀演员中脱颖而出得到了出演那部电影主角的机会。 www.kekenet.com 3. A violent earthquake occurred in Tandshan city; soldiers flied to the reacue. 唐山发生强烈地震时,战士们都飞速前往救助。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. the pigeons have flied over many towns and villages within 3 days. 那些鸽子在3天内飞越了很多城镇和村庄。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. He flied to london from pairs last month. 上个月他从巴黎飞往伦敦。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The Toms flied to Beijing last month. 汤姆一家上个月乘飞机去了北京。 learning.wenda.sogou.com 7. We flied to get over that area many times. 我们已多次飞越过那区域。 www.hotdic.com 8. He then flied to Bolivia to play for his country at the Copa America 1997. 后来,他又飞到玻利维亚,为本国争夺1997年美洲杯出。 www.bing.com 9. Time flied he and she became tired. 时间久了,大家都开始累了。 bbs.x52.cn 10. A flock of birds flied to the North. 一大群鸟向北飞去。 hotdic.com 1. How time flied. Death god came to Ali. 时光飞逝,知道死神的到来。 www.promottweets.com 2. the plane flied over the mountain by 400 feet. 飞机离山头400英尺时飞过这个山头。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. One day, the winter wind told him she flied towards him in, let him wait 冬天的某一天,风告诉他,她在朝着他飞来,叫他在这等着。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Anne open the window, the bird flied in her room, then flied to Anne's desk, put a thing on the desk and flied away. 安妮打开窗户,鸟儿飞进她的房间里,又飞到安妮的书桌,把一件什么东西放在桌上,然后飞走了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Numerical Simulation and New Understanding of the Hydrocyclone Flow Flied by Computational Fluid Dynamics 旋流器流场的数值模拟及对流场特性的分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Have you ever flied a kite? 你曾经放过风筝吗? wenwen.soso.com 7. flied away from ground to the sky 呼的一声飞得老远老远 zhidao.baidu.com 8. High taxes: financial enterprises flied to the southeast 高税赋困扰金融企业 www.ilib.cn 9. I flied as a falcon over the square of Mekka; 我像一只飞鹰盘桓在麦加广场的上空; bbs.yzs.com 10. The phoenix is not here, the phoenix has flied away 凤凰不在,凤凰飞走了 e.3edu.net 1. Pretreatment of Flied and Image Spectra Data 地面、图像光谱数据的预处理 service.ilib.cn 2. REP Originally Posted by Minghegy Flied with domestic engine 用的是国产引擎。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. you flied to Shanghai last summer 去年夏天你们坐飞机去上海了 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Beef flied with Bamboo Shoots 冬笋炒牛肉 forum.cn-dot.com |
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