单词 | far down | ||
释义 | far down
例句释义: 爱尔兰北部人 1. So how did we know how much to offset the text or how far down from the top to place it? 那么,我们如何知道文本应该偏移多少,应该放置在距离顶部多远的位置? www.ibm.com 2. Bottom Elevation - Defines how far down the camera is allowed to see . 底部高度-定义摄像机向下的视角。 www.bing.com 3. He had seen a picture of a girl who was able to push her foot so far down her back that her foot reached her buttocks. 他曾看到一张图片的一个女孩谁能够把她的脚,至今下跌她回到她的脚达成她的臀部。 www.ruanti.org 4. In Word, formatting always seems to involve drilling so far down into the dialogs that you forget your original purpose. word里面格式化总是看起来淹没在对话框的里面,使你总会很容易忘记了最初的目的。 www.bing.com 5. Perhaps he knew, as I did not, that the Earth was made round so that we would not see too far down the road. 可能他知道,但是我不知道,地球之所以是圆的是为了不让我们在路上看得更远。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Try as he would, he could get no water, for it was too far down in the pitcher. 无论他怎么想办法,他都喝不到水,因为水在罐子底部,太深了。 www.ebigear.com 7. Then a dog began to howl somewhere in a farm house far down the road--a long, agonized wailing, as if from fear . 接着,路尽头一所农舍附近响起狗的汪汪声,那是一声长长的哀鸣,似乎是因恐惧而发出的声音。 www.bing.com 8. I'm too far down the proverbial rabbit hole to be able to turn back, so part of me knows this is a permanent shift of some sort. 我已经沿着众所周知的路越走越远,直至难以回头,部分自我告诉自己这只是某种程度上的永久性转移。 www.bing.com 9. Whether it's far down a country road or deep in the heart of the city, the Irish pub is as unique to Ireland as a fingerprint. 无论你在乡间的路上还是在城市的中心,爱尔兰酒吧像指纹一样都是那么独一无二。 www.dltcedu.org 10. "We're not very far down the road, " he said. "That gives you an idea about the glide path for this program. " “我们离目标不是太远”,这名发言人说道:“这些描述只是让你对这项计划接下来要进行的方向有个大致的了解。” dongxi.net 1. by this time he was far down meadow lane , and the bell for school to " take up " tinkled faintly upon his ear. 此刻他已快走到草坪巷的尽头,学校的上课铃声隐隐在耳边震响。 www.ichacha.net 2. Far down at the foot of his bed was a familiar shape and Woltz struggled up on his elbows to get a clearer look. 在他的床的远端是一个很熟悉的形态,沃尔兹挣扎着用手撑起来好看清楚一点。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He lit a cigarette off the head of one whose filter I could smell burning, he'd smoked it so far down. 他点燃了一支已经吸过了的香烟,我甚至能闻到过滤嘴被烧着了的糊味儿。他抽烟总是这么狠。 www.bing.com 4. First-quarter earnings beat expectations, but were still far down from a year earlier. 第一季度收益超出了预期,但仍远低于上年同期。 www.bing.com 5. Far down the road the sun glared cruelly against a tin sign nailed to a barn. 沿路而下,只见太阳猛烈地照射在一个谷仓门上的白铁招牌上。 www.kuenglish.info 6. "We're too far down the road to go back to the gold standard, " Galvez said. "This will move us toward an alternative currency. " 贾尔维说,“我们已经回不到金本位时期了,我们将走上使用替代性货币的道路。” www.bing.com 7. How far down the rabbit hole you choose to go is purely a function of your innate function and drive. 至于你想进入这个兔子洞的深度,就取决于你自身的能力和欲望了。 www.bing.com 8. At least it was making the Tiresians more tractable and grateful, and they, too, would have their uses, not far down the line. 不过有些事情是没法挽回的。至少这能让泰雷西亚人听话感恩,他们将来会有用处的,而时机也不会太过遥远。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. No one can say for sure; much of the payoff from leadership development is far down the road. 没人能做出肯定回答,因为领导力开发的好处要经过很长一段时间才能显现。 www.fortunechina.com 10. Thinking of how a chair looks comes pretty far down on the list of things I worry about when designing. 椅子最后会是什麽样子,那是我设计上几乎到最后才会考虑到的问题。 blog.roodo.com 1. So many that McGrady makes a good point when he argues that switching to the new offense is far down the list of challenges. 这些问题多到麦迪说起火箭能否适应新的进攻体系时指出,【实际上这个问题并不是火箭的当务之急】。 www.tianya.cn 2. The bank has done well enough and gone too far down its path for the former, while the latter have dissipated. 巴克莱在前者上已经做得足够好,甚至已走得太远;而后一种担忧已然消散。 www.ftchinese.com 3. My path never took me too far down the Perl road, but I taught myself Python using the excellent and free online book, Dive into Python. 我的学习道路一直没离开Perll太远,我自学Python使用的是这本优秀的在线免费书DiveintoPython。 kb.cnblogs.com 4. Even the lamp in the west living room window, a beacon I could see far down the road when driving home late at night, still shines. 甚至在起居室西窗上安的灯还在闪耀,那时是我晚上开车回家时从远处的路上就能看见的灯塔。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If such development continues at this pace, a future with cordless electric cars may not be too far down the road. 如果以这样的速度发展下去,公路上跑着无线充电汽车的日子就离我们不远了。 www.bing.com 6. By the time you hear they're in the market, they're often already too far down the road with someone else. 到时候你听说他们是在市场,他们往往已经走得太远了与人的其他道路。 www.b2c-seo.com 7. The clock, far down in the hall, struck two. 远在楼下大厅里的钟敲响了两点。 open.xsrtvu.com 8. For the same reasons, we prefer to value stocks and the overall market as "far down" the income statement as possible. 鉴于同样的理由,我们更喜欢尽可能地“深入”到收入报表里,去确定各种股票和整个市场的价值化。 9. Before we go too far down the road of explaining our terms, let's review some Web service terminology. 在进一步解释术语之前,先回顾一下与公开和使用Web服务相关的一些定义。 www.ibm.com 10. Far down in the water there are beautiful trees and plants. 水底深处有美丽的树木和植物。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. We still need to know how large this consumer market was and how far down the social scale the consumer demand for luxury goods penetrated. 我们仍然需要知道这种消费市场到底有多大,以及消费者对奢侈商品的需求向下渗透到社会的什么层次。 kaoyan.kswchina.com 2. Far down in the valley below them, they could see the lights of their old village. 向山谷深处望下去,他们可以看见他们那古老村庄的灯火。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 3. Banks know, too, that tougher capital requirements are coming not too far down the road. 银行也都知道,更严酷的资本需求就等在前面不远的路上。 www.bing.com 4. I don't want to be sinking too far down when you're not kicking as hard sometime. So you'll have the tendency to to do that. 我不希望在踢腿不够用力时下沉得太多,因此你只能尽量这样做。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. There stirred far down within him the ghost of warmth, as from sparks lingering beneath a mound of flaky ash. 他的内心深处涌起了一阵残余的温情,就象一堆灰烬里遗留的火星一样。 6. Far down the bay a string of ducks went by, etched against the sunrise. 海湾远处一群野鸭正在日出的衬托下飞过。 www.jukuu.com 7. Far down within the dim West, the good and the bad and the worst and the best have gone to their eternal rest. 在西方朦胧深处,善、恶、至恶、至善都已长眠。 www.jukuu.com 8. So that we would not see too far down the road. 就是为了不让我们看到远方的路。 aviliv.com 9. What continues to baffle me is how these things get this far down the path. 让我感到不解的是这种事情为何会发展到如此地步。 www.bing.com 10. We have not gone as far down the road to entitlements, but we are catching up. 虽然按目前的发展,我们在未来还不至于变成福利社会,但我们也在朝这个目标“努力追赶”。 chinese.wsj.com 1. So, you have to know, for a given value of theta, how far down does your solid extend? 你需要知道,在给定θ的情况下,立体往下延伸到哪? open.163.com 2. If the rose plant is too low and you've dug too far down, then you need to add some dirt back into the hole. 如果玫瑰种植过低您挖太远了,那么你需要补充一些泥土带回洞。 www.kuenglish.info 3. Now he was far down the bazaar, riding furiously. 此时他已经飞也似地骑到远远的集市区去了。 www.kekenet.com 4. On some important issues, such as the rules governing business, it is already far down the right track. 在一些重要问题上,比如制定商业管理条例方面,这个王国已经远远偏离了“正道”。 www.ecocn.org 5. We already walked too far , down to we had forgotten why embarked. 我们已经走得太远,以至于忘记了 wenwen.soso.com 6. He has been out walking in the woods and comes to two roads, and he stands looking as far down each one as he can see. 他已经缺席了在树林中散步,来这儿两条道路,和他站)看着远在楼下每一个都能看见。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. we are too far down the construction path to change anything now without delaying the start up of the AL. 这个建设项目已经开始太久了,现在无法做出任何改变,否则会拖延AL的开工时间。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. There is an upside to having fallen so far down; we have a lot of upside potential. 下跌时间长了,就该反弹。我们有足够的反弹潜力。 c.wsj.com 9. If you peer over the edge, you will see how far down the water is. 如果你从旁边望过去,就会明白水往下流得有多远。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Some desert plants have very long roots. The roots grow far down into the ground so they can find water. 有些沙漠植物的根很长,深深的扎入地下,以汲取水分。 store.funshare.com.cn 1. How far down does that lift go? 那电梯能下几层 www.kekenet.com 2. I was pretty far down on the low, sandy spit that encloses the anchorage to the east, and is joined at half----water to Skeleton Island; 眼下我所处的地方是向东环抱锚地、伸入海中相当远的一个沙尖嘴,它半没人水中与骷髅岛相连。 www.tmhxx.com 3. how far down does the water persist beneath the surface 水存在于地表下多深的范围 blog.sina.com.cn 4. There are two little stars That play bo-peep With two little fish Far down in the deep; 有两颗小星星,他们玩躲猫猫和两条小鱼儿远在深海里; www.jiazhang100.com 5. To as far down as the lowest plane 下至最低层 cnc.juzhai.com 6. And we've been so far down 我们已变得如此沉沦 wenwen.soso.com |
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