单词 | fraying |
释义 |
例句释义: 织物磨损后落下的碎片,擦伤,须边法,被磨损边缘 1. That consensus is fraying. Just as it has on the wisdom of more fiscal stimulus, opinion is starting to polarise on monetary policy. 仅仅就像是否应该有更多的财政刺激上的共识正在瓦解一样,关于货币政策的意见也正在开始分化。 www.ecocn.org 2. As a young man in Novosasitli remarks: "There is no future for Dagestan inside Russia now because Russia itself is fraying at the seams. " 正如诺沃萨斯特里的一名年轻人评价到,“达吉斯坦在俄罗斯治下没有前途,因为俄罗斯自己都摇摇欲坠了。” www.ecocn.org 3. The political consensus cultivated by the king during his more than six decades on the throne is fraying in the twilight of his reign. 国王60多年培育起来的政治共识在其统治日渐衰落之际也正一点点消耗殆尽。 kk.dongxi.net 4. The U. S. is depicted as a fraying empire of obesity, ignorance, debt, gridlock, stagnation, and mindless war. 美国被描述为破落的帝国,那里充斥着肥胖、愚昧、债务、交通阻塞、萧条和盲目的战争。 www.bing.com 5. Their handmade wooden boats began to sit abandoned on the beach, paint chipping, nets fraying. 他们手工做的木船开始在海岸边废弃不用了,(船上的)油漆开始脱落,鱼网开始破损。 etc.bjut.edu.cn 6. Each time a cell replicates itself (as it does before it dies), the telomeres shorten, like plastic tips fraying on the end of shoelaces. 细胞每复制自己一次(细胞在死亡之前都会如此),其端粒就会缩短,就像鞋带的塑料头会磨损一样。 www.bing.com 7. Clean the switchgear , rubbing down insulating parts with a clean , soft, non- fraying and dry cloth . Remove greasy or adhesive dirt. 清洁开关柜,用干净、柔软、干燥的布檫去绝缘件上的油脂或灰尘; www.bing.com 8. Serious fraying has occurred of the consensus that trade liberalisation's benefits for the many should be coupled with aid for the few. 在是否同意贸易自由化给多数人带来福利的同时也需要对少数因其受损的人提供援助这一点上,分歧严重。 www.ecocn.org 9. Part of the difference is geography: Chechnya is on Russia's fraying Caucasian edge, which made it more susceptible to foreign extremism. 部分差异在于地理:车臣位于令俄罗斯倍感头疼的高加索边缘,这使它更容易受到外国极端主义的影响。 www.ecocn.org 10. The length of the queues is not just fraying drivers' nerves but also generating pollution, damaging health and raising businesses' costs. 长长的塞车队伍不仅折磨着司机们的精神,而且还滋生污染、损害健康并增加商业成本。 www.ecocn.org 1. Textiles. Testing of fabrics. Determination of resistance to fraying during washing using test pieces with different types of seams. 纺织.织物试验.各种接缝的试样在洗涤时抗磨损强度的测定 www.mapeng.net 2. To increase the reliability of the fabric ends (reduce fraying), sew a zigzag pattern on all the fabric seam edges. 为了提高织物的两端可靠性(减少磨损),缝一缝边缘的锯齿模式对所有织物。 www.tech-domain.com 3. The detention follows months of fraying relations between the two countries. 拘留事件发生之前,两国关系已在数月里多有摩擦。 www.bing.com 4. But as the West debated, Col. Gadhafi marched, his bombs and troops pushing eastward and fraying rebel forces. 而在西方争论不休之际,卡扎菲在向前推进,他的炸弹和军队向东推进,消磨着反抗武装部队的精锐。 chinese.wsj.com 5. But as Greece's economy shrinks, its society is fraying, raising questions about how long Greeks will be able to take the strain. 但在希腊经济萎缩的时候,它的社会也在经受折磨,让人怀疑希腊人能够承受多久的压力。 cn.wsj.com 6. Amid rising social unrest and fraying support in parliament, Mr. Papandreou proposed a referendum on the expanded bailout. 在社会动荡升级、议会支持率下降之际,帕潘德里欧提出对扩大后的救援计划举行全民公投。 www.qeto.com 7. It has been only two-and-a-half months since Mr Obama was elected, but his "Yes, We Can" coalition is already fraying at the edges. 在“Yes,WeCan”口号下,奥巴马组织起了一支盟军;选战获胜才刚刚过去两个半月,这个同盟的边缘人物已经开始逐渐流失。 club.topsage.com 8. "Loneliness can be a signal for when that social connection is fraying, " says Cacioppo. “孤单可也看做社会连接剥落的迹象,”Cacioppo说。 www.bing.com 9. Subtle fraying at the collar, armbands and hem for a timeworn look. 微妙的磨损在衣领,臂章为老化的外观和褶边。 www.ttbuy168.com 10. Or perhaps conditions and fraying nerves will lead to a very violent, very bad denouement. 或许,天气状况和紧张情绪将导致极端暴力的、非常糟糕的结局。 www.fortunechina.com 1. Textiles. Testing of fabrics. Determination of resistance to fraying during washing. 纺织.织物试验.洗涤时抗磨损强度的测定 www.mapeng.net 2. As political elites return to the fore, the unity of purpose that joined them regardless of sect or ideology is fraying. 随着政治精英重新回到台前,超越派别和意识形态,将青年人联合在一起的共同目标,已经出现松动。 www.ftchinese.com 3. It's vital if you're to survive this brilliant but demanding year without exhausting yourself and fraying your nerves. 至关重要的是,如果你要在这光辉灿烂和劳心劳力的一年里过好,请不要耗尽自己,折磨你的神经。 www.douban.com 4. A second Silicon Valley friendship has also shown signs of fraying for Google this week. 上周,硅谷第二桩伙伴联盟事件也显示出谷歌关系的紧张。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The Pick-Up is operated by a wire not a cord eliminating fraying or stretching. 取机是由电线不是线消除磨损或伸展。 bbs.canjiren.net 6. Every time a cell divides, the telomeres shorten, like plastic tips fraying on a shoelace. 细胞每次分裂时,端粒会缩短,就像鞋带两端的塑料头会被磨损一样。 www.bing.com 7. A ring or collar of rope used to hoist spars or prevent fraying . 索环一环或一圈绳子,用来升起桅杆或防止磨损。 www.bing.com 8. US-Pakistani relations have been fraying for some time. 美国与巴基斯坦关系不睦已有一段时间。 www.12edu.cn 9. Textiles. Testing of fabrics. Determination of resistance to fraying. Dry test. 纺织.织物试验.抗磨损强度的测定.干试验 www.mapeng.net 10. As a result, the linking state of individual yarns (21-23) can be maintained to thereby prevent fraying of the yarns. 由此,各线(21~23)的连接状态被维持,能够防止线的绽线。 ip.com 1. Even at $170 to more than $300, the designer dungarees represent a sacrifice she's willing to make despite the fraying economy. 设计师说,尽管现在处于可怕的经济危机当中,他仍然愿意承担设计170至300美元牛仔的风险。 www.showxiu.com 2. As the weeks grind on, relations between BP and the federal government are fraying. 几星期的时间消磨掉了,而BP和联邦政府之间的关系也越发恶化。 www.ecocn.org 3. Next, use masking tape to tape thee edges of your material to prevent fraying. 接下来,使用胶带到磁带上你的材料的边缘,以防止磨损。 www.soszx.com 4. But the custom is rapidly fraying as children struggle with the logistical and financial burdens of caring for their aged parents. 但是,在照顾年迈的父母方面,子女们在生活中和经济上都不堪重负,这个传统正在快速地消亡。 cn.nytimes.com 5. The electric wire is fraying and could be dangerous to handle . 电线快磨破了,使用起来可能有危险。 www.bing.com 6. Sally Spencer-Thomas also suspects that fraying social ties may play a role. 萨莉·斯潘塞·托马斯还怀疑零落的社会联系也扮演着角色。 www.bing.com 7. A fraying sense of social solidarity may harden attitudes to minorities such as Roma (gypsies), notes Mr Krastev. Krastev指出一种越来越强烈的社会孤立感可能会使对少数民族,如罗马(吉普赛人),的态度变得更加强硬。 www.ecocn.org 8. Braided leather has been treated extremely soft. There is no need to worry about fraying clothes. 编织皮革被处理的极为柔软,完全不用担心磨损衣服。 wwww.chris-tina.com 9. The ceasefire with Israel may be fraying. 与以色列的停火也许会失败。 www.ecocn.org 10. But these exceptions apart, the state is weak and fraying. 但除了这些例外,整个政府表现软弱,内讧不断。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Support for the leader was fraying at the edges. 对这位领导人的支持已经开始瓦解。 www.hxen.com 2. A lace knitted fabric, and process for producing the same, capable of not only suppressing disfiguration but also preventing yarn fraying. 本发明的目的是提供一种花边编织物,能抑制美观的降低并能够防止线的绽线。 ip.com 3. Her home now is a precarious lean-to made from a couple of stained, fraying sheets tied to some sticks. 她现在的家是用几块脏兮兮的破床单绑上砖头搭建成的斜顶帐篷,摇摇欲坠。 www.ecocn.org 4. The effect has been to shake up an old and fraying order dominated by cautious western donors and former colonial powers. 其结果就是,由谨慎的西方捐赠者与前殖民霸权所主导的千疮百孔的旧秩序开始动摇。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The fraying state of a distant land in which the West seems increasingly bogged down 在这个紧张冲突的遥远国度中,西方国家看来是越陷越深了。 www.ecocn.org 6. Test Research on the Load Characteristic of the Sleeve Fraying of Oil Film Bearing in Large Strip Rolling Mills 大型板带轧机油膜轴承锥套载荷特性实验研究 service.ilib.cn |
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