单词 | furry |
释义 |
比较级:furrier 最高级:furriest adj. hairy,fuzzy,woolly,furred,downy 例句释义: 覆盖毛皮的,毛皮似的,毛一般的,毛茸茸的,似毛皮的,毛皮制的 1. Among the items on display are a pair of hot-pink furry handcuffs, a toy sailboat and a prosthetic leg. 在这些展品中,有一副毛茸茸的、色彩浓烈的粉红手铐,一艘玩具船和一只假腿。 www.bing.com 2. So the top curve shows the body weight of a genetically obese mouse that eats nonstop, until it turns fat like this furry tennis ball. 上面的曲线显示体重是一个有肥胖基因的老鼠不停的吃,直至它变得象这个毛茸茸的网球一样胖。 www.ted.com 3. You know you won't beat him. Your big furry friend over there, he has no idea what he's up against. Yeah, but neither does Gutt. 你知道你打不过它的.你的大个子伙伴虽然在这里,但他 www.kekenet.com 4. The presence of limb-like extensions on the body with furry bristles on them told the scientists that this creature was an annelid. 身体上延伸出那覆有毛发,如同四肢一般的部分告诉了科学家们,该生物是一种环节动物。 www.elanso.com 5. The mouse is a standard organism for such studies, but she did not like hurting furry animals. 老鼠很适用于这样的研究,但她不忍心伤害毛茸茸的小动物。 www.bing.com 6. Her limbs rejoiced to be outdoors again, out of her tiny cabin whose log walls had grown furry and overbearing during the long spring rains. 她的四肢为能再次到室外而充满喜悦,因为能远离她那原木小木屋的四壁,它们在漫长的春雨中,长满青苔,横行霸道。 www.bing.com 7. It could move its eyes in and out on stalks, it had big ears and its body was fat and round and furry. 它有一双伸缩自如的柄眼、一对大耳朵,身体又胖又圆,还毛绒绒的。 www.okread.net 8. "Poor bear, " said the mother. "Come in and lie down by the fire but take care that you do not burn your furry coat. " “可怜的熊,”母亲说道,“进来吧,躺在炉火边,不过要小心点,不要把你的毛皮外套给烧着了。” www.zftrans.com 9. The furry creature, which rests for up to 18 hours a day, was fast asleep in a tree when it was soaked by a gardener watering his trees. 毛茸茸的考拉据说每天要睡上18个小时,当时正在树上酣然入睡,结果被浇水的园丁没注意淋了它一身。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Her tears, raining down upon his furry head, worked to revive him, and he was able to open his eys and look at her. 神奇的事情发生了,她的泪水让野兽活了过来,他能睁开眼睛看着她了。 www.dreamkidland.cn 1. When you think of mind control, you know you dream of having furry cat ears of your own that you can control with your brainwaves. 提到思维控制,你一定在想一款属于自己猫耳吧?毛茸茸的,可以通过脑波控制。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 2. The little cat can be really cute, a furry face, set with a pair of black grapes like small eyes flashed. 这小猫咪可真可爱,一张毛茸茸的面孔上,嵌着一双黑葡萄似的小眼睛闪闪发亮。 www.268r.com 3. Some non-profits are trying to step in and encourage people not to abandon their furry friends at shelters in the first place. 一些非营利组织试着干预,鼓励人们不要一开始就遗弃他们的毛绒朋友。 www.ecocn.org 4. It's only part-time work at an amusement park, and I think I might have to wear one of those furry costumes. 那只是在游乐园打工,而且我想我可能还得穿上毛茸茸的道具服。 5. "So am I, " replied Wolstencroft and, although he tried very hard to stop it, a tear rolled down his furry cheek. “我也想知道,”Wolstencroft回答,虽然他很努力的控制,可是一滴泪珠还是滑过了他毛茸茸的脸颊。 www.hjenglish.com 6. He thought for certain that she had bought her furry furniture . 他想她肯定给自己买了皮毛家具。 www.24en.com 7. An elongated furry vest in a warm rust opened the show, playing with a strong color palette that included bright blue. 这场秀以一件温暖的铁锈色细长毛皮马甲开场,运用包括蔚蓝色在内硬朗色调。 www.bing.com 8. The creature is white, furry and bony. Scholars have written reams about this ermine's significance as an allegory of purity. 白色的小东西毛茸茸的,很是骨感,学者们写过大量文章论述貂代表着纯洁无瑕。 www.bing.com 9. Some buyers who go in for more than one are discovering what happens when their famously fecund furry friends go at it like rabbits. 那些买了不止一只兔子的人发现,这些毛茸茸的宠物,其繁殖能力是多么的强。 c.wsj.com 10. And just like any other parents, Pierre and Eliane relish the thought of their furry grandchildren. 和其他的父母一样,皮埃尔和依莲也很热衷于想象她们毛茸茸的孙子们是什么样。 dongxi.net 1. The judge and the Beefeater [the Queen's guard in London famed for the tall, furry hats (the beefeaters) they wear]. 法官和伦敦塔卫士(在伦敦的女王卫士,以他们所戴的高高的、羽毛装饰的帽子而著名(被称为吃牛肉的人))。 ebook.artron.net 2. But far from being an oddity, these friendly furry marsupials are in fact a type of possum known as a sugar glider. 但它们绝对不是怪胎,事实上,这些友好善良、毛茸茸的有袋动物叫做蜜袋鼯。 www.bing.com 3. This year there has been less of the usual footage of burly men bashing small furry skulls and of blood smeared across the ice floes. 今年少了平日那些魁梧的猎人猛击海豹毛皮稀少的头部以及鲜血流淌于冰川之间的场景。 www.ecocn.org 4. About 60ft away a furry brown face was peering up from a pile of rubbish that was piled by an empty house. The face belonged to a bear. 大约60英尺开外,一张毛茸茸的脸从一间空屋边的垃圾堆上朝我张望,那是一头熊的脸。 www.bing.com 5. In a symbolic move of "panda diplomacy, " Beijing marked warming cross-strait ties with the furry gifts, amid fanfare and a media frenzy. “熊猫外交”是一种象征性举动,在锣鼓喧天和媒体的疯狂之中,北京希望借这对毛茸茸的礼物暖化海峡两岸关系。 www.bing.com 6. He set his book bag beside Tim's and stepped among the crushed weeds. Furry ropes of poison sumac veined across the ground. 他把自己的书包和蒂姆的放在一起,接着沿着被蒂姆踩过的草地走了进去。 www.bing.com 7. Imperceptibly, will have only a small duck eggshells from escaping, pale yellow, let the furry, become more lovely. 不知不觉之中,会有一只只小野鸭从蛋壳中挣脱出来,淡淡的嫩黄,让毛绒绒的小家伙,变得更为可爱。 www.bing.com 8. It's got a thick, furry body with a flat, beaver-like tail and otter-like feet and we're cool with that because he's so damn fuzzy. 又厚又毛的身体上插着一条跟海狸一样扁的尾巴,还有水獭似的四肢,我们觉得这无伤大雅是因为他TM满身都是毛。 www.bing.com 9. It is estimated that the furry marsupials generate $1 billion a year to the Australian economy in tourism. 据估计,这种毛茸茸的袋类动物每年给澳大利亚的旅游经济带来10亿美元收入。 www.bing.com 10. If I were a reed, in these days of deep autumn, the girl of autumn changed my look and gave me a furry coat. 假如我是一支的芦苇,在这秋意浓浓的日子里,秋天姑娘改变了我的模样,给了我毛茸茸的外衣。 i.myechinese.com 1. Rabbit two long ears, feet two inches have half, inside layer is pink skin, outside furry, I think it must be very sensitive to the hearing. 白兔两只长长的耳朵,足有二寸半,里面一层是粉红色的皮,外面毛茸茸的,我想它的听觉一定很灵敏。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. In winter, the bare branches grow furry with frost. They sparkle in the sun, and you're afraid to touch them in case they shatter. 冬天的时候,光光的树枝附上了毛茸茸的一层霜,在太阳底下发着光,你都害怕一不小心碰到它们就散落一地。 www.bing.com 3. It's get a wide belt, and one of those thick furry collar that keep your ear warm. 腰带很宽,其中还有个厚厚的毛领使耳朵不受冻。 ezitong.com 4. Mark said using Christmas hats and props with his furry subjects was a challenge especially as most of the time they tried to eat them. 马克说用圣诞帽子和饰品来装扮这些毛茸茸的小动物是一项很大的挑战,尤其是很多时候它们都会想咬玩这些小道具。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. But since our furry friends don't walk and feed themselves, it's up to pet owners to watch their pets' waistlines. 但自从我们那毛茸茸的朋友不再自己散步觅食,宠物主人就得控制其体重了。 dongxi.net 6. About two visitations take place daily for a variety of furry and finned creatures including rabbits, goldfish, rats and lizards. 一天内基本举行两次对各类生物的探视,包括兔子、金鱼、老鼠和蜥蜴。 www.elanso.com 7. But they began to dig into the sand with their hands and suddenly they came to the brown furry body of the Psammead. 可他们还是开始用手挖沙子,忽然他们触到了赛米德褐色的、毛绒绒的身体。 www.okread.net 8. Then Tippy Toes stuffed his furry little paw into his mouth to keep from laughing out loud. 歪脚趾用毛茸茸的小爪子捂着嘴,免得笑出声。他。 www.dreamkidland.cn 9. Rambutan is an odd fruit that looks like a furry strawberry from the outside, and much like a lychee on the inside. 红毛丹是一种很有趣的水果,外表长的像长满毛的草莓,而果肉又和荔枝相似。 www.bing.com 10. Palate: The vanillin oak characters mingle enticingly through the blend with the texture of the wine weighted by soft and furry tannins. 口感:口感有香草橡木香味,柔软绒滑的单宁使酒体结构更佳。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. LIKE a small furry animal in the fast lane of a motorway, the lorry industry suffered a severe pounding in 2009. 就像一只小动物处在一条高速公路的快车道上的场景一样,2009年,卡车制造业遭受了一次严重的冲击。 www.ecocn.org 2. When stalking seals on the ice, a polar bear was once seen to cover up its black nose with its furry paw so that it could not be seen! 当北极熊在冰面上捕食海豹时,它会用白色的前爪遮住黑色的鼻子,以此避免因为颜色的差异而被发现! kid.sina.com.cn 3. Long before we could speak, we knew the comfort of our mother's warm body, the delightful feel of a furry toy. 早在我们会说话之前,我们就已经知道母亲温暖怀抱的舒适,毛绒玩具摸上去令人愉悦的感觉。 class.htu.cn 4. A little tail, a furry belly and a smart collar complete your cartoon dog. . . woof! 一个小尾巴,毛绒肚皮,一个舒适的衣领,你的卡通狗就算完成了! www.kekenet.com 5. A raccoon dog; a cunning animal. A small greyish-brown animal with black markings on its face and its thick furry tail. 狗浣熊,生性灵巧,身体细小,呈灰啡色,面上有黑色斑纹,有粗的毛尾。 www.weather.gov.hk 6. "You see a lot of people taking pictures or furry toys around Paris, " he says. "And a lot of them are not kids. " 他发现这样做的并非只有他一人,他说:“你能看到很多人在巴黎为他们的毛绒玩具照相,其中很大一部分人不是孩子了。” www.bing.com 7. Any of several furry, short-limbed, tailless burrowing rodents of the genus Spalax, found in eastern Europe and the Middle East. 一种毛皮的,短肢、无尾瞎鼠,科的打洞的啮齿动物之一,发现于东欧和中东。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. And certainly adult humans are not supposed to be drinking the mother's milk from a four-legged, furry animal. 当然成人人类不应该喝母乳从四条腿的,毛茸茸的动物。 www.bing.com 9. But beyond Splash's indiscriminate eating habits and love of tennis balls, he was little more than a furry mystery to me. 但是除了Splash胡吃海塞的坏习惯以及对网球的热爱之情之外,我对它的了解甚少,对于我来说,它就像是个毛茸茸的谜团。 www.bing.com 10. The rabbit was covered with furry white hair look like a regiment, cotton. 兔子浑身长满了毛茸茸的白毛,远远看去像一团棉花。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Beneath the furry luxuries, there lies a basic American belief: Pets have a right to be treated well. 在宠物奢华享受的背后,其实存在着美国人的一种基本信念:宠物有权受到善待。 www.24en.com 2. The rabit is furry. I hold it in my hand and look at it carefully. 这只兔子毛茸茸的。我把它放在手里仔细看了看。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. nocturnal rodent of Asia having furry folds of skin between forelegs and hind legs enabling it to move by gliding leaps. 亚洲夜间活动的啮齿动物,前腿和后腿间有能用于滑跳的带毛的皱皮。 www.hotdic.com 4. These wild hares are wreaking havoc on Milan's airport. The furry creatures made their home near the airport. 这些野兔在米兰机场进行报复性的破坏,它们在飞机场附近安置自己的家。 bbs.putclub.com 5. I actually went to Toys 'R' Us, got a little furry cat, ripped it apart and made this. 我实际上去到玩具反斗城,弄了一只小毛猫,拆开它并做了这个。 www.ted.com 6. Other finds included furry crustaceans (pictured above) and lobsters as long as a man's arm. 其它发现包括有毛的甲壳类(如题图所示)和体长与成年男子手臂相近的虾。 www.ecocn.org 7. (Bandit and Mark will also be attending the Furry Fun Run in the morning at UAlbany while I sleep in). (在早上我熟睡时,土匪和马克也会参加UAlbany的毛茸茸趣味跑)。 www.bing.com 8. By our door, broad furry green leaves polka-dotted with grey pressed up between the pavers. 在我们的门边,带着灰点的绿色阔叶丛在铺路材料间重重叠叠长了起来。 www.bing.com 9. They include a furry robot seal, sold as a pet substitute, that has proved a hit with lonely old folk. 毛茸茸的机器人海豹,作为一个宠物替代品出售,并已经证明受到孤独老人的喜爱。 www.showxiu.com 10. This member of the new Kiwaidae family of crabs, discovered near Easter Island, was named Kiwa hirsute because of its furry appearance. 这种在复活岛附近发现的螃蟹属于一种新的Kiwaidae种群,因其毛茸茸的外观,而被叫做Kiwahirsuta。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "Oh, what a big furry tail, " say the little rabbits. "One, two, three, cholse the door. " BANG! 嘿,一条毛茸茸的大尾巴。一、二、三,嘭,小兔子一使劲,把门关得紧紧的。 blog.163.com 2. Rabbits and squirrels are the furry, little people of the woods. 兔子和松鼠是森林中毛茸茸的小生灵 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The sand cat is found in the arid deserts of Asia and Africa and has particularly furry feet to protect them from the scorching sands. 在亚洲和非洲贫脊干旱的沙漠中就有砂猫的踪迹,这种猫长有特殊的爪子,爪子上覆有皮毛可以让其免于受到灼热砂子的伤害。 www.ecocn.org 4. Excessive, un balanced tannin can taste bitter and leaves the same drying, furry sensation in the mouth as very strong tea. 具有过量,不均衡单宁的葡萄酒尝起来如同浓茶一样会在口中留下相同的烘干,毛茸茸的感觉。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. His only companion was a small furry forest dweller, Teek. 他唯一的同伴是一个小毛皮森林居民——蒂克。 www.starwarschina.com 6. white furry-bodied European moth with a yellow tail tuft. 白色有毛的欧洲蛾子,尾部有黄色的簇毛。 huii.cn 7. She kissed the top of his furry head. 她亲了亲小狗毛茸茸的头顶说:“真乖!” www.easyreading.com.cn 8. Kami rolled over with a sharp yip of alarm, to find himself looking up at a ring of furry faces. 卡米警觉地尖叫一声,翻滚过身,只看到了一圈毛茸茸的脸蛋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Then, of course, we all opened that hamper and found it contained something small, furry and long dead. 当然,接下来我们打开篮子时会发现,它还装了一些微小但恼人、沉闷的东西。 bbs.qieerxi.com 10. Furry ropes of poison sumac veined across the ground. 毒漆树毛茸茸的藤条落得满地都是。 www.bing.com 1. Something furry grazed Spook 's calf as it shot between his legs. 一个毛茸茸的东西擦过斯布克的小腿,象是从他两腿之间跑过去了。 dict.veduchina.com 2. Letters and calls from loved ones, you might say, but something that's really effective is little furry pets. 也许你会说,爱人的一份家书或者一通电话。然而真正慰藉了战士的其实是这些小毛球们。 dongxi.net 3. Fill a sack with beans, give it furry ears, and name it something cute like Patti the Platypus or Splash the Whale. 用豆子装满袋子,再给袋子装两只毛茸茸的耳朵,然后给它起个可爱的名字,比如:帕蒂鸭嘴兽或飞溅的鲸鱼。 www.bing.com 4. Furry and feathery animals are a common trigger of asthma symptoms. 动物的毛发(包括羽毛)是一种常见的哮喘过敏原。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Not because I want to be a small child or a furry kitten. Because I want to enjoy that same sort of rest! 并不是说我想让自己变成一个胖嘟嘟的小孩或者毛茸茸的小猫,而是因为我也想好好享受一下这种沉睡的感觉。 www.bing.com 6. The girl of autumn changed the look of reeds and made them furry and lively. 秋改变了芦苇的模样,变得毛茸茸,生动。 i.myechinese.com 7. And as Marley matures into a senior citizen dog the Grogans learn important life lessons from their furry family member. 而当马利步入暮年,杰罗甘一家从这位毛茸茸的家庭成员身上学会了人生重要的一课。 www.china.org.cn 8. The basket was full of furry orange-and-black faces. 里面盛满了毛茸茸的橙黑相间的小脸。 www.bing.com 9. Kami is a furry yellow Muppet, who likes nature, telling stories and collecting stuff. Kami是一只毛茸茸的黄色布偶,她喜欢大自然、说故事、收集东西。 10. They wash and wax them, go on and on about them - some even adorn them with furry dice. 他们没完没了的为自己的车清洗、打蜡,有些人甚至用毛皮骰子装饰车子。 news.edu.hp009.com 1. Furry guests at Four Seasons Hotels can enjoy gourmet meals served on fine china and sleep in soft beds. 这些毛茸茸的客人可以在四季饭店里享受用精致瓷器盛装的美食,并在柔软的床上睡觉。 www.g12e.com 2. These five apps will help you take care of your best furry friend from dog training to first aid. 这里有5个应用程序,可以帮助你在多个方面照顾好你那个毛茸茸的至亲朋友,包括从训练到急救。 www.bing.com 3. The outer coat straight and harsh to the touch, the undercoat soft, furry and very close, so close as to almost hide the skin. 外层披毛直、触觉为粗硬。底毛柔软、浓厚、紧贴身体,以至于将皮肤隐藏起来。 www.yz666.net 4. Starting at $149, pet owners can send their furry friends on flights that provide a pre boarding walk and bathroom break. 起价149美元,养宠物的人就可以把他们的动物朋友送上飞机,附送登机前散步和洗澡一次。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Removing it , they found the contraband : several large, furry bear paws . 剥除胶布后,探员们发现了违禁品:数只毛茸茸的大熊掌。 www.bing.com 6. The furry creatures made their home near the airport. 这些兔子在机场附近做窝。 bbs.putclub.com 7. Another random encounter was with the "fortune rabbit" , a furry bunny who apparently possesses the ability to predict the future. 另外一件很偶然的事情是遇到了“幸运兔”,一只会算命的长毛兔子。 www.bing.com 8. To do "the Furry, " hundreds of local couples line up on the sidewalk, one behind the other in orderly fashion. 为了跳“欢庆舞”,数以百计的当地民众结成舞伴,一对一对整齐地排在人行道上。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. He acts like he can't quite believe his luck and is just waiting to have the rug pulled from under his four furry feet. 他好像无法相信自己的好运,静静等待有人将地毯从他毛茸茸的四肢下抽走。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The poorly reviewed family comedy 'Furry Vengeance' (Summit) earned $6. 5 million in its opening weekend. 遭到劣评的家庭喜剧片《动物复仇记》(FurryVengeance,顶峰影业(Summit)出品)上映首周末票房650万美元。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Use of avatars can be furry art, animals, or a personal pic of yourself. Use of anything else requires permission from a mod. 头像的使用可以是兽图,动物或您自己的个人照片。使用其他东西必须徵求版主同意。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Soft, furry , white feathers are visible around its belly when it flies. 飞行时腰部可见毛茸茸的白羽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The guitarist on stage at Beijing's Mao Lifehouse club wears an enormous furry Pac-Man mask. 北京MAOLivehouse台上这位吉他手戴着一个超大的毛绒吃豆小子面具。 www.douban.com 4. My mouth felt furry , for the scarf over it was wet and warm. 蒙在我嘴上的围巾,温温的湿湿的。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Americans love pets. And it's not just puppy love, either. Many pet owners treat their furry friends as part of the family. 美国人很爱宠物,而且不只是对小狗那样的爱,很多宠物主人把他们的动物朋友当作家庭的一分子。 q.sohu.com 6. Rovio now sells about one million of the furry birds and pigs a month, which run $13 and higher. Rovio公司在一个月当中卖出了一百万只毛绒绒得小鸟和猪,其中每一只的价格大约在13美元甚至更高。 www.bing.com 7. Made famous in fairy tales, the small and furry goblin is more mischievous than menacing. 小妖精因为童话故事而著名,他们体型娇小、覆有皮毛,与其说他们是险恶,不如说是淘气。 www.elanso.com 8. The four-footed furry creature, symbolising endurance, beauty, peace and hope, sits in fourth position on the Chinese calendar. 按照中国农历生肖,兔年排在第四。这只毛茸茸的四脚动物象征着持久、美丽、和平和希望。 gb.cri.cn 9. Give him a tuft of hair and furry eyebrows. 再画出它的一绺头发和毛茸茸的眉毛。 www.kekenet.com 10. Today, more pet owners than ever are foregoing the kennel in favor of bringing their furry friends along on vacation. 如今,更多的人选择将自己毛茸茸的伙伴从他们的小屋中解放出来,一起去度假。 www.bing.com 1. large-eyed arboreal prosimian having foxy faces and long furry tails. 大眼睛树栖的原猴,脸象狐狸脸,尾巴长而有毛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Flat farmland bordered by bald and furrowed hills so furry-brown I wanted to stroke them. 一马平川的农耕地延伸到起伏的秃山脚下,那山黄得像皮毛,我忍不住想去抚摸它们。 www.bing.com 3. added animated camera option with multiple furry torus. 新增动态镜头渲染的选项和多个圆环。 www.hkepc.com 4. So they've got these furry 160-pound dogs -- look like velociraptors, all named after Jane Austen characters. 于是他们买来那些一百六十磅的毛毛狗--看上去像迅猛龙,给它们取珍·奥丝汀书里的小说人名。 www.ted.com 5. Mouth The mouth and throat feel dry, furry and generally disgusting. 口口和喉咙都会感觉干燥,声音嘶哑,通常还有恶心感。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. All of the car wheels were now in little fragments; Mostly inside furry bear bellies. 所有的车轮现在都成了碎片;而且大多数碎片都进入了泰迪熊毛茸茸的肚子里了。 www.bing.com 7. If not, it's time to have a good chat with your furry friend. 如果你还不能做到,是时候和你的猫朋友谈谈了。 www.hxen.com 8. I also encountered a very large furry spider, which didn't survive it's head being bashed. 我看见了一只有毛的大蜘蛛,它不能生存下来因为它的头被撞击了。 www.bing.com 9. What softness and furry thickness of the tall pines about the shore! 两岸挺拔的松树多么柔和,多么浓密! www.baike.com 10. WUXI GOLDEN DRAGON MANMADE FURRY MACHINERY CO. , LTD. 无锡市金龙人造毛皮机械有限公司。 www.chinayarn.com 1. Small, furry creatures from Alpha Centauri? 毛茸茸小生物,来自半人马座α星? blog.sina.com.cn 2. Daisy like these furry little Pearl, in the autumn of slightly rolling on. 雏菊像是些毛茸茸的小珠儿,在微微的秋风中滚来滚去。 www.sogood.cn 3. This gives your furry friend someplace out of the way that they can hang out while you work. 能为你毛茸茸的动物朋友提供了一个与众不同的地方,在你工作的时候可以陪伴在你的身边。 www.elanso.com 4. Tearing talons and flapping wings tore into furry bodies. 撕裂爪和翅膀拍打着毛茸茸的身体撕碎。 www.youeredu.com 5. While he was there he met a beautiful lady rat who thought that he was very handsome. She especially admired his fine, furry tail. 在森林里,他遇到了一位可爱的老鼠女士,女士觉得他特别英俊,尤其是那条漂亮的毛茸茸的尾巴。 www.bing.com 6. In this game players rotate falling shapes so that they slot neatly together instead of saving self-destructive furry animals. 在这个游戏中,玩家改变下降方块的形状以使它们整齐地排在一块而不是去营救自残的长毛的动物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I noticed that furry rodents eat fresh grass and nude rodent eat dry food. 我发现,有毛的啮齿动物吃青草,裸大鼠吃干饲料。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The furry snow-flakes are swinging in the air, dancing for the coming spring, i think, which will be more splendid than ever. 绒毛毛的雪花在空中飞舞,似迎接春的来到。我想,这个春天一定比往年更是美丽。 www.5ahuwai.com 9. Many pet owners treat their furry friends as part of the family. 很多宠物主人把这些毛茸茸的朋友视为他们的家庭成员。 www.ryedu.net 10. The coat is double with the undercoat soft, furry and close. 有双层被毛,底毛柔软、厚实且紧密。 sbuhua.appspot.com 1. Dry, medium acidity, medium alcohol, medium furry tannins, sour cherry, cassis, medium length. 干,中等偏高酸度已经酒精度,中等单宁,酸樱桃、黑醋栗,中等长度回味。 www.wines-info.com 2. Dog owners now have a little help understanding their furry friends . 狗主人们现在有一点帮助理解这些毛茸茸的朋友。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 3. An ax and furry pink handcuffs are two of more than 100 artifacts currently on display at London's Tristane Bates Theatre. 一只斧头和一对毛茸茸的粉红色手铐是目前伦敦特里斯坦·贝兹剧院展出的100多件展品之一。 www.bing.com 4. Dan: I don't think so. blonde hair, yellow dress, black furry thing? 我不觉得,金色头发,黄色礼服,黑羽毛披肩。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Blonde hair, yellow dress, black furry thing? 金发黄礼服黑皮草披肩? www.tingclass.net 6. Five fine funny frogs frowned on furry furniture. 五只滑稽的青蛙在毛皮家具前皱眉了。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. Champ, a furry blue mascot wearing No. 26 (for the Yankees' 26 world championships), cavorts on the field. 冠军纪念品,一个毛绒蓝色吉祥物穿著26号(因为洋基26次世界大赛冠军),跳跃在球场上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Very soft and furry and full of energy. 毛又松又软,充满活力。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Instead, they rule their homes like furry kings and queens. They wait for their owners to serve them. 相反它们像穿着皮毛的皇帝和皇后统治着家庭,等待着主人们为它们服务。 learning.sohu.com 10. It is a rather gorgeous, rusty-brown coloured, 13-month-old Limousin cow, dark of eye and furry of coat, and tagged with the number 365. 这是一头相当漂亮,锈褐色的,13个月大的利木赞牛,深色的眼睛和毛茸茸的外皮,有一个365的号码标记。 www.bing.com 1. Great furry hat, all covered in belts of ammo and grenades. 戴着硕大的皮帽,浑身绑着子弹匣和手榴弹。 www.tingroom.com 2. For $149 each way , furry family mem bers will be flown in individual crates and checked on by attendants every 15 minutes. 只需花费149美元的单程票价,动物们就可拥有单独“座位”,服务人员每隔15分钟便会前往检查宠物状况。 www.showxiu.com 3. when in fact, I was being fed false data at the hands of lowitz, Koothrappali and your furry little boy toy. 但事实上我记录的数据是错的,是罗威茨和库撒帕里还有你这个小毛毛孩儿做出来的。 www.for68.com 4. Ah, the cute, cuddly furry Panda is a symbol of Pax Sinica. 这个可爱,毛茸茸的熊猫就是中国研究院的标志。 www.ltaaa.com 5. Concentrate on their faces and it's like watching furry handymen changing a plug. 看它们的脸就像是个干杂活的在换插头。 www.elanso.com 6. The furry black animals spread a fast-killing cancer when they bite each other's faces. 这种毛茸茸的黑色动物,彼此啃咬对方脸庞时,会传播一种速杀的癌症。 luckysevengogo.ning.com 7. Jasmine liked to rub and scratch his furry belly. 茉莉喜欢给它挠腹部的皮毛。 www.zww.cn 8. I should have bought her the furry furniture. 我应该给他买好一套外相家具的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. VI. Thou shalt not kill furry little animals. 不要杀毛茸茸的小动物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. She lives with 700 furry felines and is dubbed the crazy cat lady but Lynea Lattanzio has insisted: 'I'm not mad! ' 她与700只小猫一起,人们称之为“疯狂爱猫女”,但是LyneaLattanzio却一再强调:“我真的没疯!” kk.dongxi.net 1. If you don't want to, you must watch anyway: It's full of cute furry animals shaking in slow motion. 即使不想了解,你也一定要看喔,因为视频里面有可爱的毛茸茸的小动物甩水动作的慢放镜头。 www.bing.com 2. and pick up stitches to knit the furry soft collar! 再挑针织上凉凉软软毛毛的缘编就完成啰! tw.myblog.yahoo.com 3. Little Rosemary is green and furry, now. 现在小迷迭香是绿的和毛毛的。 www.24en.com 4. Learn how Microsoft Office Online can help you find a great pet and make it easier to take care of your furry (or scaly) friends. 了解MicrosoftOfficeOnline如何帮您找到最好的宠物,并使您轻松地照料带有毛毛(或鳞片)的朋友。 office.microsoft.com 5. She's going to take one look at his furry, cute little face and it'll seal the deal. 让她看一眼那个毛茸茸的,可爱的小脸蛋,事情就成了。 www.tianya.cn 6. So who invited the giant furry peanut ? 谁邀请的这个毛茸茸的花生怪物? www.hjenglish.com 7. A long time ago, Bear had a beautiful, long, furry tail. 很久以前,有一个美丽的熊,长,毛茸茸的尾巴。 www.youeredu.com 8. Hair on tail preferred furry . 尾部披毛最好丰厚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Your big furry friend over there? 你那个毛绒绒的大块头朋友? blog.sina.com.cn 10. The black bear is a furry mammal. 黑熊是一种毛茸茸的哺乳动物。 test.funshare.com.cn 1. Once a furry inmate acquires a taste for human flesh, the theory went, it can never be trusted again. 一旦这毛茸茸的家伙对人肉表现出兴趣,理论上说,再也不能相信它了。 www.ecocn.org 2. We'll just take our furry pinata and go. 我们只是把那个家伙戳爆我们就走 wenku.baidu.com 3. A circle of neck ruff and furry tail. 有整圈的颈毛和毛茸茸的尾部。 yantai.qite8.com 4. I'm allergic to furry animals. 我对毛茸茸的动物过敏。 www.alphayeng.cn 5. I am very large with a huge, furry body. 我有一个巨大的长着毛皮的身躯。 en.eol.cn 6. Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater was first produced in 1987. Hello Kitty's Paradise, above, ran from 1993 to 1994. 凯蒂猫的毛绒故事剧场于1987年首播,而凯蒂猫的天堂,上图,从1993年播放到1994年。 bbs.cnnas.com 7. The three furry balls of cuteness are on loan from China. 这三个可爱的毛茸茸的圆球可都是从中国借来的。 www.bing.com 8. They all have short furry limbs and they all like eating bamboos. 他们都有短毛绒四肢而且都喜欢吃竹子。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Our shoes have a wide range of kinds, such as slippers, sandals, single shoes, spring shoes and furry shoes. 我们的鞋有各式各样的类型,如拖鞋,凉鞋,单鞋,春鞋和毛皮鞋。 cn.tradekey.com 10. Thee are some of the images that may come to mind when we think of the large furry mammals called bears. 当我们想到一种叫做熊的毛茸茸的大哺乳动物时,这些就是我们脑海里可能呈现的一些形象。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I think he is quite polite. He doesn't show me his big jaws. He likes to give me his furry paws. 我觉得它很有礼貌,它不喜欢炫耀它的大嘴嘴而是喜欢让我们看它毛茸茸的小爪子。 wenwen.soso.com 2. For example, while 'mouse' is a small furry animal in a pharmaceutical lab, it is a pointing device in a computer lab. 例如,在药物实验室“鼠”是一种小的有毛动物,而在计算机实验室中,它却是一种定位设备。 www.ibm.com 3. The proper order for kissing is: Kiss me first, then smell your furry friend's butt. I can not stress this enough. 记住亲吻的正确次序:先亲我,然后再去嗅你猫狗朋友的屁股。对此我已经重申的够多的了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Many people picture polar bears as cute and furry. 很多人图片作为北极熊毛茸茸可爱。 www.ccebook.net 5. Small and furry animals, such as mice, rats, and squirrels are known. 小又多毛的动物,例如老鼠,松鼠都是众所周知的啮齿动物。 www.e-say.com.cn 6. They can't help you if you get those lovable cute furry things wet, though! 但是,如果您把这些可爱的、漂亮的东西弄湿了,那么它们可就帮不上您的忙了。 www.ibm.com 7. No, they're little furry elephants! What do you reckon? 不他们是愤怒的大象你以为是什么?。 www.douban.com 8. But furry forensic experts can make sure justice is served. 但是“法医们”能够确保公平。 www.bing.com 9. She loved her furry friend very much . 她爱她毛茸的朋友非常。 www.bing.com 10. Got it! This furry competitor clasps his paws around the disc, leaping over the heads of a woman and girl 接住飞盘!这只毛绒绒的猎犬用爪子抱住飞盘,跃过一个女人和她女儿的头顶。 www.bing.com 1. The furry animals got celebrity treatment, with live TV coverage of their China Southern cargo plane touching down at Hong Kong's airport. 这两只毛茸茸的小家伙得到了明星级的待遇,当装载它们的中国南方航空公司货机一降落到香港机场就开始了实时的电视新闻报道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. When a furry animal is confronted with sudden danger, a predator for example, it can make itself look more menacing by puffing up it's fur. 当一个毛绒动物面临突如其来的危险,“食肉动物”侦察机为例,它可以使自己看起来更威胁了它的皮毛以说明。 www.beiin.net 3. And i feel like i'm being eaten by a thousand million shivering furry holes 我感到正被千百万颤栗的毛孔吞噬 www.163er.com 4. Photographed against a clean, white, background, the pictures capture our furry companions in a host of loveable poses 图片以干净的白色衬底,抓拍到我们毛茸茸的玩伴儿各种可爱的动作和神态 www.bing.com 5. thank you , furry bunny , for a wonderful afternoon paperback 谢谢你毛毛兔,这个下午真好玩平装 www.ichacha.net 6. Furry (covered with a thick coat of fur; a bear) 毛皮丰厚的(身上的毛很厚:熊) cet.hjenglish.com 7. furry short- limbed tailless rodent resembling a true mole in habits and appearance; 体表有毛短腿无尾的啮齿动物,在习性和外表上象纯种鼹鼠; dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A Furry Synthetic Evaluation Model in Capital Structure Decisions 资本结构决策的模糊综合评判模型 www.ilib.cn 9. arborescent perennial shrub having palmately lobed furry leaves and showy red-purple flowers; 树木状的多年生的灌木,有叶状的有舌苔的叶子和艳丽的紫红色的花; dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Walking into the spacious indoor, taking off my heavy coat and the thick furry hat, 走进了宽阔的空间,脱掉厚重的大外套与毛绒绒的帽子, blog.sina.com.cn 1. encourage more designers to join anthro furry ' s creation 鼓励更多的设计师加入兽人的创作。 www.ichacha.net 2. I'm afraid our furry companion has gone and done something rather rash 恐怕我们的朋友准备要做件冒险的事 dict.ebigear.com 3. FURRY DANCE; FLORAL DANCE (ENGLAND) 五月花舞(英格兰) www.zftrans.com 4. ears are furry and droop sideways over skull; 听觉上有毛皮覆盖,在脑袋上弯曲下垂至一边; kantutao.com 5. Furry Creek Golf and Country Club 弗里溪高尔夫乡村俱乐部 www.hellobc.com.cn 6. How I miss your furry lips 我多么怀念你柔软的双唇 zhidao.baidu.com 7. My doggy has a furry neck, 我的小狗有很有趣的脖子 zhidao.baidu.com 8. For example, the feel of a soft, furry puppy, or a rabbit; 例如,感受一只柔软的、毛茸茸的小狗,或是一只兔子。 www.hxen.com |
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