单词 | highest-priority |
释义 | 例句释义: 最高优先权 1. When a lock is released, the system chooses the thread from the front of the highest-priority queue of contenders to try to lock the object. 释放锁以后,系统从争用者的最高优先级队列的前端选择线程,以便试图锁定对象。 www.ibm.com 2. My highest priority as Treasury secretary is the long-term strength and competitiveness of the U. S. economy. 作为财政部长,我的第一要务是确保美国经济长期拥有实力和竞争力。 www.america.gov 3. Arrive at your office at least a half hour early and reserve this "quiet" time to work uninterrupted on your highest-priority task. 提前半小时到办公室,并利用这段“安静”的时间不受干扰的做最重要的工作。 www.kuenglish.info 4. Under some operating systems, the thread with the highest priority (of those threads that can be executed) is always scheduled to run first. 在某些操作系统下,具有最高优先级(相对于可执行线程而言)的线程经过调度后总是首先运行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. at any time, the thread running is the highest priority thread which is ready to run. 在任何时候,只要线程已经准备就绪,具有高优先权的线程总是首先运行。 blog.163.com 6. Reply immediately to the highest priority email, within 24 hours to less-urgent ones and within a week to all others. 马上回复最重要的邮件,对那些不那么焦急的邮件在24小时内回复,而所有其它的邮件在一周之内回复。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Inside that pair of parentheses, find the operator with highest priority. 在这对括号中,找出优先级最高的操作符。 www.ibm.com 8. But she was happy. Her family and their well? being were her highest priority . 可母亲是快乐的,家人和他们的幸福在她心目中是最重要的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The practical consideration is likely to be given highest priority in making any important decision. 在做任何重大决定的时候,人们可能优先考虑的总是较为实际的问题。能赚到钱吗? blog.sina.com.cn 10. So this needs to be their highest priority for the next few weeks. 所以这需要成为接下来几个星期首先得解决的问题。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. This confirms that Travel & Tourism will continue to grow in importance as one of the world's highest-priority sectors and employers. 这些数据证明,旅游业作为全球最应优先发展的产业和雇主,其重要性也会继续提高。 www.bing.com 2. The defense chief promised that the military's investigation into the killings would receive the Pentagon's 'highest-priority attention. ' 盖茨承诺,军方对此事的调查将获得五角大楼最高级别的重视。 www.tesoon.com 3. This may be necessary because there may be multiple linked records that satisfy the highest priority selection criteria, for a given field. 这可能是必需的,因为对于给定的字段,可能有多个链接的记录满足最高优先级选择标准。 www.ibm.com 4. Environmental groups, meanwhile, readily concede that mobilizing against meat eaters is not their highest priority. 同时,环保团体也承认动员反对肉食并不是他们首要考虑的事情。 www.bing.com 5. For the assignment of a new communication channel, the free and accessible physical channels with the highest priority are given precedence. 为了分配一个新的通信信道,把具有最高优先级的*的和可接入的物理信道定为优先。 www.bing.com 6. The very highest priority in personnel and material should be assigned to what may be called the radio sphere. 在人员和物质方面的最高优先权,应给予我们所说的无线电部门。 www.jukuu.com 7. The status of a publication is determined by the highest priority status of its subscriptions. 发布的状态由其订阅的最高优先级状态决定。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Understands and responds quickly to internal and external customers, assigns highest priority to achieve customer satisfaction. 倾听及迅速回应内部和外部客户的要求,顾客满意至上。 wenku.baidu.com 9. 'We will put our highest priority on the wishes of the victims, but I ask that people evacuate to safe areas, ' the governor said. 他又说,我们的当务之急是满足灾民的愿望,但我也劝说灾民撤离到安全地带。 c.wsj.com 10. You must, however, remember that the quality of your work must be your highest priority. 你们必须不过,记住,你必须是你的工作质量放在首位。 www.workhome.cn 1. A thread is dispatched from the front of the nonempty run-queue with the highest priority. 一个从非空运行队列的前端分派的线程具有最高的优先级。 www.ibm.com 2. During abortion, their needs for a safe abortion and physical care took up the highest priority. 堕胎过程则是安全堕胎的生理照护需求先于需要陪伴的心理及社会需求; www.ceps.com.tw 3. 'Our highest priority in Toronto must be to safeguard and strengthen the recovery, ' Obama wrote. 奥巴马在信中说,我们在多伦多的最大当务之急是保卫和强化经济复苏势头。 chinese.wsj.com 4. These vehicles recently have been identified as the highest priority acquisition by the Secretary of Defense. 目前,MRAP车在国防部中具有最高的采购优先权。 www.etiri.com.cn 5. Take a message that has the highest priority among all contained messages out of the message queue. 从消息队列取出所包含消息中具有最高优先级的消息。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. 优先级最高的是,通过早期和持续交付有价值的软件来满足客户。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Their recently unveiled plan is a stunning green-roofed eco-hotel that makes the surrounding environment its highest priority. 他们最近公布的计划是做一个绿化屋顶的生态旅馆,让周围的环境有最高优先权。 www.bing.com 8. The expeditious elimination of this scourge is the biggest challenge for such conferences and should constitute the highest priority. 要消除这种痛苦是最大的挑战,必须予以优先处理。 club.topsage.com 9. He says South Korea will place highest priority on activating domestic demand and will issue a supplementary budget as early as possible . 他说,韩国将把拉动内需作为重中之重,并尽早公布一项补充预算。 www.bing.com 10. safety has always been our highest priority. 安全一直是我们最重视的问题 www.bing.com 1. In short, in this system where bank employees, have the highest priority customers are the biggest beneficiaries of the program. 总之,在这个系统里银行、员工、有最高优先权的客户都是该方案的最大受益者。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Food and drinks processors should put public health as the highest priority at all stages of production. 在生产的所有阶段中,食物和饮料加工者都应当把公众健康放到第一位。 news.dxy.cn 3. Efficiency - The pig producer's demands for a well-designed stall is our highest priority when we develop products and interior solutions. 效率-当我们研发产品和提供内部方案时,满足生产者对完美设计猪栏的追求是我们的第一要义。 www.01hr.com 4. After all, Laos was then of the highest priority, and surely nothing short of victory would be acceptable. 毕竟在当时老挝是最最有重要意义的,美国急切渴望在这里获得胜利。 dongxi.net 5. The jobs and tax income brought by large corporations have always been the government's highest priority. 大型企业所带来的就业和税收,往往又是当今政府所最看重的。 www.chinadialogue.net 6. Whichever of these has highest priority is then chosen. 然后选择所找到的优先级最高的规则。 www.ibm.com 7. "The highest priority of the United States today is to create jobs for Americans and revitalize our economy, " Locke told the students. 骆家辉对学生们说:“美国现在的首要任务是为美国人民增加就业和振兴经济。” iipdigital.usembassy.gov 8. Lower industry in a matter of the highest priority for service standards are taken seriously enough. 降价成了业委会的头等大事,对于服务标准却重视不够。 www.robroad.com 9. We shall pursue political stability and economic growth as our highest priority. 我们将以追求政局稳定和经济增长为首要任务。 www.for68.com 10. When you are finished, the highest priority user stories should be small enough to implement. 完成操作后,最高优先级的用户情景应该足够小,以便能够实现。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Apologies for this; it's our highest priority to provide a reliable, stable service for everyone. 对此,我们很抱歉;对我们最重要的事是提供给大家一个可靠,稳定的服务。 www.bing.com 2. Failure to deliver highest priority stories 3 sprints in a row will constitute failure and project will be terminated at teams fault. 未交付最优先的故事,故事中连续3短跑项目将构成失败,将终止在团队的过错。 www.bing.com 3. The Agile Manifesto states that "Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer" . 敏捷开发宣言声明:“满足客户是我们最优先考虑的事。” www.douban.com 4. More accurate taxonomy will help to better identify the animals of highest priority for conservation. 更精准的分类可以帮助在动物保护方面更好的区分其优先性。 www.bing.com 5. Unfortunately, no ARFM policy currently exists that guarantees that the highest priority requests will never suffer rejection. 不幸的是,目前没有一项ARFM策略可以确保最高优先级请求永远不会被拒绝。 www.ibm.com 6. This event must be processed first and is the highest priority available. 这种事件必须最先处理,它的优先级最高。 www-128.ibm.com 7. When Labour won power in 1997, it did so on the promise that education would be its highest priority. 记得工党1997年登台的时候曾做出承诺,将发展教育视为其首要任务。 www.ecocn.org 8. Providing our customers safe, high quality products is our highest priority at Albertsons. 我们的客户提供安全,高质量的产品是我们的最高阿尔伯森优先。 bzxw.512121.com 9. Our highest priority is to ensure that there are no employee or contractor fatalities at our sit es. 我们首先要确保在我们的场所不发生任何员工或承包商的死亡事故。 word.hcbus.com 10. Cohen: We understand that the highest priority has to be a physically secure system. 科恩:我们深知,重中之重莫过于建立实体安全系统。 www.fortunechina.com 1. We have all chosen (and re-affirm daily) to reject God and to make our own joy and happiness our highest priority. 我们都选择(且每天重复确认)拒绝神,以我们自己的喜好和快乐为最高的优先。 www.51zanmei.net 2. You retrieve the highest-priority items that are assigned to you from your work item tracking database. 您会从工作项目追踪资料库撷取指派给您的最高优先顺序项目。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Web services intend to reconnect the fragmented middleware arena, making interoperability the highest priority. Web服务旨在将瓦解的中间件领域重新紧密连接在一起,使互操作性的重要性提升到首位。 www.ibm.com 4. Indicates that the SOAP extension reflector runs in the group of SOAP extension reflectors with the highest priority . 指示该SOAP扩展发送程序在SOAP扩展发送程序组中的运行优先级最高。 www.bing.com 5. These metrics were not our highest priority in our evaluations, but you should consider this information when looking at server performance. 这些指标在评估中并不具备最高的优先级,但是在研究服务器性能时应当加以考虑。 www.ibm.com 6. Which parts of the developing world will be the highest priority? 发展中世界的那一部分是最高优先事项? www.scidev.net 7. In this way, the standard listing command will show at the top the files with highest priority. 这样,标准的列表命令会将优先级最高的文件显示在顶部。 www.ibm.com 8. Family and home must be highest priority. 家人和家庭是最重要的。 www.chngirl.com 9. Such an addition would certainly be of the highest priority. 这样的添加当然可以拥有最高的优先级。 www-128.ibm.com 10. If the controller has sent a suspend signal to the device, this event gets processed with the highest priority. 如果控制器向设备发送了suspend信号,那么这个事件以最高优先级得到处理。 www.ibm.com 1. It is on this area that the Chinese place their highest priority and where we assess that the greatest risk lies. 正是在这一领域中发生的最优先地位,我们评估,最大的风险所在。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. When several threads are waiting to execute, Windows dispatches the thread with the highest priority. 当有多个线程等待执行时,Windows将分派优先级最高的线程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Make sufficient sleep your highest priority. 首先最重要的是保持充足的睡眠 www.bing.com 4. And group therapists place the highest priority on establishing group cohesiveness. 团体治疗师把建立团体内聚力放在首位。 www.douban.com 5. This method tests for a single filter match in the highest priority bucket of filters. 此方法对优先级最高的筛选器存储桶中的单个筛选器匹配进行测试。 technet.microsoft.com 6. This means that Microsoft developers and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) can apply resources to fix the highest priority issues first. 这表示Microsoft开发人员和独立软件供应商(ISV)可以将资源首先应用于修正优先级最高的问题。 office.microsoft.com 7. as grid machines become available to execute jobs , the jobs are taken from the highest priority queues first. 当网格计算机可以执行任务的时候,就从优先级最高的队列中取出第一个任务。 www.ichacha.net 8. The routine looking at the device will simply look at the device with the highest-priority first. 查看设备的程序将简化为首先查看优先权最高的设备。 www.dictall.com 9. The highest priority is reaching all children during SIAs in the four remaining endemic countries. 在剩余四个流行国家中,最高优先事项是在补充免疫活动(SIAs)期间使所有儿童接受免疫。 www.who.int 10. Such investigations should be given the highest priority. 这样的调查有最高的优先权。 zhuyujiao1972.blog.163.com 1. The highest priority was assigned to all forms of radar study and application. 我们对有关雷达的各种研究和应用给予最高的优先权。 www.jukuu.com 2. If some needs are not fulfilled, a human's physiological needs take the highest priority. 如果它们一些没有得到满足,人类的生理需要将具有最高优先级别。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. During any given layout decision point, only the snaplines that are active and have the highest priority are displayed. 在任何给定的布局决策点,仅显示活动且具有最高优先级的对线。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Recall that task nice values change the priority of a task (where -20 is the highest priority and 20 is the lowest). 回想一下任务精细值可以更改任务的优先级(这里-20是最高的优先级,而20是最低的)。 www.ibm.com 5. The following list is ordered from highest priority to lowest. 下面的列表按优先级从高到低的顺序排列。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Dynamic sorting: Sort and re-sort the backlog so the highest priority stories are on top, or the most current release is displayed first. 动态排序:对backlog进行排序和重排序,从而最高顺位的故事会位于顶部,或者最新的发布会显示在第一位。 www.infoq.com 7. Trimming the Excess - For all other goals in each area that are not your highest priority, do your best to cut them out. 裁剪掉多余。--对每个生活方面那些不属于最高优先的事情来说,尽量将它们裁剪。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. As we work through this period, our highest priority is limiting its impact on the real economy. 在这一时期,我们首先要做的是不让这些影响波及实体经济。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Work items are dispatched to the UI thread with the highest priority. 以最高优先级将工作项目调度到UI线程。 msdn.microsoft.com 10. China will spend $88 billion constructing intercity rail lines, the highest priority in the plan. 中国将投资880亿美元建设城际铁路,在方案中处于优先级。 www.bing.com 1. Sets priority for this file type. If more than one file type selects the same file, the one with the highest priority will be used. 设置文件类型的优先级。如果有多于一个文件类型选择了同一个文件,那么最高优先级的类型将会被使用。 translations.launchpad.net 2. Your content should be the highest priority. 你的内容应该是拥有最高优先级的。 www.bing.com 3. This is the highest priority runnable task on the system and is the task the scheduler will run. 这就是系统中优先级最高的可执行进程,也是马上会被调度执行的进程。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The defect task becomes the highest priority task for the team. 缺陷修复任务成为团队优先级最高的任务。 www.infoq.com 5. Threads from the highest priority nonempty pool are given CPU time. 非空最高优先级的池中的线程将获得cpu时间。 www.examw.com 6. This becomes the highest priority for all involved parties. 这成为所有相关团体最需要优先解决的部分。 www.ibm.com 7. Group Policy Objects higher in the list have the highest priority. 列表中较高位置的组策略对象具有最高的优先权。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 8. Figure 15: Clearly, usability is the highest priority for the customer. 图15:很明显,顾客关注度最高的是可用性 www.ibm.com 9. The most important and highest-priority items are implemented first. 最重要的、优先级最高的待办项会第一个被实现。 www.infoq.com 10. If you look at building long-term value, then generating cash isn't necessarily the highest priority. 如果你是在设法创造长期价值,那么获取现金未必就是最重要的优先事务。 bbs.i21st.cn 1. The array indices are stored in a 64-bit bitmap, and finding the highest priority task is very trivial. 数组的索引存储在一个64位的位图中,找到最高优先级的任务是很容易的。 www.ibm.com 2. The government will give the highest priority to the problem of energy conservation. 政府将优先考虑节约能源的问题。 www.xxdoc.com 3. Provision of safe water is the highest priority in controlling an outbreak of cholera. 供应安全的水是控制霍乱疫情的首要重点。 www.who.int 4. The job of the scheduler is simple: choose the task on the highest priority list to execute. 调度器的工作非常简单:它在优先级最高的队列中选择一个任务来执行。 www.ibm.com 5. Make the best use of available resources by applying to the highest priority projects. 通过应用最高优先级的项目来充分利用可用资源。 www.ibm.com 6. That means it's on a separate IDE channel from the hard drive, and it's the highest priority on that channel. 这意味着光驱连接在与硬盘不同的电缆上,并且是那条电缆上最优先的位置。 www.ci.gxnu.edu.cn 7. The keyed signal with the highest priority appears in front of all the others. 优先权最高的键控信号在所有其它的键之前出现。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Overall, the always value has the highest priority. always在所有值中优先级最高。 www.ibm.com 9. In our ethical expectation to Chinas health care reform, "The highest priority is justice, give attention to efficiency secondly" . 我们对中国医疗卫生体制改革的伦理学展望中,提倡一种“公平优先,兼顾效率”的价值观。 www.chemyq.com 10. Quality is our highest priority. It applies not only to production, but also to every aspect of our business. 质量第一。这一思想不只贯穿于生产过程中,更贯穿于每一业务发展过程始终。 www.dunham-bush.com.cn 1. THOSE that can provide a mock up will have the highest priority! 可提供模拟了具有最高的优先! www.bing.com 2. This is the highest priority of all threads, independent of the value of the associated ProcessPriorityClass. 这是所有线程中的最高优先级,与关联的ProcessPriorityClass的值无关。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. In this categorization - P1 is the highest priority, P2 is the next highest and so on. 在这个分类中-P1是最高优先级,P2是第二高优先级等等。 www.bing.com 4. The priority category that is equivalent to the highest priority of all the current snaplines. 等效于所有当前对线的最高优先级的优先级类别。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The topmost element is that with the highest priority. 顶端的元素具有最高优先级。 www.bing.com 6. This bit corresponds to the highest priority task that is runnable . 该位对应着优先级最高的可执行进程。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. This is your highest priority in this life area. 这就是你生活领域中具有“最高优先级别”的目标。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. What is the highest priority problem? Who is affected? 首要的问题是什么?谁被影响了? www.bing.com 9. This set is not exhaustive; rather, it is a subset of indicators that the initiative team deemed to be highest priority. It includes 然而这个组合并不是彻底详尽的,而是创始小组认为优先权极高的指示符子集。 www.ibm.com 10. That is my highest priority. 这是我最优先考虑的。 www.america.gov 1. Generate quality-attribute specific questions for highest priority quality attribute requirement 为高优先级的质量需求制定关于质量的问题 sunner.cn 2. Identify the approaches which pertain to the highest priority quality attribute requirements 确认可以满足高优先级的质量需求的方法 sunner.cn 3. Soil Conservation Tillage--The Highest Priority for Global Sustainable Agriculture 土壤保持耕作--全球农业可持续发展优先领域 www.ilib.cn 4. User requirements are prioritised and the highest priority requirements are included in early increments 用户需求被划分优先顺序,具有最高优先权的服务被首先交付 myweb.xxzsg.com 5. Summary: Brief description of the condition; this will be either OK or a textual string describing the highest-priority problem 总结:对条件的大致描述;或者是OK,或者是一个文本式的字符串来描述最高优先级的问题 www.ibm.com 6. Program Alert Phone No. Command 6 Second highest priority when alarmed 输入报警电话号码指令代码6报警时属第二部优先通知的号码 www.bjyamei.com 7. Program Alert Phone No. Command 7 Third highest priority when alarmed 输入报警电话号码指令代码7报警时属第三部优先通知的号码 www.bjyamei.com 8. The highest priority of the Guangzhou municipal government has been 广州市政府已优先考虑 www.englishtang.com 9. Give the highest priority to quality management of deliverables 最优先安排成果质量管理 www.cnpmi.com 10. Merleau-Ponty: Why does Sensation Enjoy the Highest Priority 梅洛-庞蒂:知觉何以具有首要地位 www.ilib.cn 1. the highest priority has been given to the problem of heavy traffic 已经优先考虑交通拥挤的问题 www.hxen.com |
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