单词 | filling-out | ||||||
释义 | filling-out
例句释义: 填写,填充,填表 1. So, it was I who had the pleasure of filling out all of my college applications and then trying to figure out how financial aid worked. 所以,我的压力在于填写所有的大学申请表并试着计算出多少经济补助才够,然后进入了实习期。 2. The user experience of filling out a form in a browser is similar to that of filling out a form in InfoPath. 用户在Web浏览器中填写表单的过程类似于在InfoPath中填写表单的过程。 office.microsoft.com 3. I explained the importance of being truthful on the application, and he began filling out his paper work. 我解释了填申请时诚实的重要性,他就开始填表格。 www.7781.org 4. Dot Matrix Pilot is form filler software designed for filling out preprinted forms (of any type) with a dot-matrix (impact) printer. 点阵试验是填表而设计的软件,填写预先印制的表格(任何类型)与点阵(影响)印表机。 xtdownload.com 5. Registering entails filling out a consent form and having a small amount of blood taken to be tested for its HLA (bone marrow) type. 报名包括填写一张意向表,抽少量的血来检测HLA(骨髓)的类型。 www.nwcsny.org 6. Recall that when you're filling out your table, you can sometimes get a maximum score in a cell from more than one of the previous cells. 回想一下,在填充表格的时候,单元格的最大值有些时候可能来自多个单元格。 www.ibm.com 7. Just a moment, sir. We have to finish filling out the forms. 请稍候,我们必须先填完这些表格。 talk.oralpractice.com 8. My executive duties included filling out a form to register the club and remembering to bring the ball. 我的管理职责包括填写一张表格登记俱乐部的名字以及记着带上足球。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Also, for those of you who plan on filling out your bookshelves with some of these, here is a handy chart on how to open a new book. 同时,对于你想用来填充你书架的那些书,这里有一个方便的图表来说明如何打开一本新书。 www.bing.com 10. When placing an order, the customer needs to fill out a PO form or give the same information to the operator for filling out the form. 下订单时,客户需要填写PO表单,或向操作员提供相同的信息,以便填写此表单。 www.ibm.com 1. It can be referred to in filling out standard application blanks and is extremely helpful in personal interviews. 它被涉及到填写空白的申请标准和非常有帮助的个人面试。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Then again, unless you're filling out an online form that requires your salary history, a sin of omission just to get in the door is fine. 其次,除非你填写的是那种要求详细说明薪资历史的在线表格,否则就只要在简历中略带提及,能够让你得到面试机会就可以了。 www.hjenglish.com 3. In the past, people could report ground shaking in their neighborhood only by going to the USGS Web site and filling out a questionnaire. 过去,人们只能通过进入USGS网站填写可以问卷问卷才能在邻近地区报告地震。 www.suiniyi.com 4. Thus, if the rules say that every action must be preceded by filling out a required form in triplicate, then that is what everyone must do. 因此,如果规则说,每一个行动都必须填写一份表格,在此之前须一式三份,那就是每个人都必须做的。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. You will obtain the membership right after filling out a form, and when you buy things you will enjoy some price off as a member. 你只需填写一张表格就取得了会员资格,它可以使你在买东西时享受打折的优惠。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Each person, after filling out a survey paper, is submitted to dental and haematological investigations. 每个人,在填写完调查文件,提交给牙医和血液学调查。 www.syyxw.com 7. For each of the past 11 years, Yusuf has gone to an internet cafe where he gets help filling out his online lottery registration form. 过去11年中的每一年,玉素夫都要去一家网吧,他在那里可以得到帮助,帮他在线填写抽签登记表格。 www.voanews.cn 8. Suppose one of your customers has a question while filling out the claim form. 假设您的客户在填写这份索赔表单时遇到一个问题。 www.ibm.com 9. The user may have clicked this URL or submitted it as the result of filling out an HTML form. 用户可能已经点击这个URL,或者已将它提交为填充HTML表单的结果。 www.ibm.com 10. The Federal Reserve System is analyzed, and advanced students are coached in the proper method of filling out a deposit slip. 分析联邦储备体系,高级学员得到指导如何正确填写一张存款单。 www.douban.com 1. Applications can use forms for anything from entering a stock ticker symbol to filling out a loan application . 从输入股票代号到填写贷款申请,所有这些应用程序都可以使用表单来完成。 www.bing.com 2. Please read the important notes on the last page carefully before filling out the form. Please complete the form in Chinese or English. 请申请人认真阅读本表第三页的填表说明,用中文或英文填写此表格。 chinesewang.myfreeforum.org 3. Scene: Jerry's apartment. A policeman is filling out a report. Jerry and Elaine are there. 场景:杰瑞住处,警察在写报告,杰瑞和依莲在场。 yangwenzhan.spaces.live.com 4. Instead of you filling out each line, a small box will pop up allowing you to choose what will go in. 你再也不用一行行地填写,你可以从弹出框中选择填写内容。 www.bing.com 5. The police are busy in filling out a variety of forms on the accident. 这些警察正忙于填写各种关于这场事故的表格。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. When filling out the application form for college, she insisted to choose universities far from home in northeast China. 考大学填报志愿的时候,她执意填了远在东北的高校。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Participants will be rewarded with a $10 Amazon. com Gift Card for filling out a short survey after their stay. 参与者在住店后,只需要填写一份简单的调查问卷便可以获得10美元的亚马逊礼券。 www.bing.com 8. Please read CAREFULLY the IMPORTANT NOTES at the END of this application before filling out the form . 请申请人认真阅读本表最后一页的注意事项后再填写下列各项。 www.bing.com 9. While recording, generate code from the recorder after filling out a form, but before submitting it. 在记录期间,将在填写窗体之后、提交窗体之前从记录器生成代码。 technet.microsoft.com 10. When filling out a hospital shift report, you sometimes resort to the policy of "Don't ask, don't tell. " 6当要填好一个医院单报告时,你有时会以政治术语中的“不要问,不会说”作为最后的手段。 www.bing.com 1. For both girls and guys, this means filling out a little more so that they look more like adults and less like teens. 对少男少女而言,这意味他们会再长大一点,看起来更像成年人,而不是青少年。 www.bing.com 2. Most employees at the company are getting a $25 cash reward for filling out the assessment. Med3000大多数员工只要填写评估表,就会得到25美元的现金奖励。 www.ebigear.com 3. Those who spend five minutes filling out a questionnaire online get five more minutes. 如果再花五分钟填写网上问卷表就又可以得到五分钟的通话时间。 club.topsage.com 4. XMLsitemaps have replaced the older method of "submitting to search engines" by filling out a form on the search engine's submission page. XML的网站已经取代了旧法“提交给搜索引擎”通过填写表格搜索引擎的提交页面。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Today, I joined a dating website and spent all day filling out and improving my profile. 今天,我加入了一个网上交友网站并且用了一天的时间填写了我的个人资料。 club.chinaren.com 6. Location enterprise tax authorities received the application, should be audited and unambiguous timely filling out business cards made. 所在地税务机关接到企业申请后,经审核无误应及时填发外出经营证。 www.showxiu.com 7. The trees in the Embankment garden stood bulky, leaves filling out although it was only March, against the incandescent sky-line. 河堤花园里的树木背衬着灯光燃炽的夜空巍巍屹立,虽然还只是三月时分,叶子却已经日见丰满。 www.kuenglish.info 8. Be sure that the time that you spend filling out the form is not included in the timer. 请确定花费在填写表单的时间不包含在计时器中。 technet.microsoft.com 9. But brand labeling is a low cost, low risk approach to filling out a product portfolio. 但是,品牌贴标是填补产品组合的一个低成本、低风险的办法。 www.compressor.cn 10. Documentation continues throughout the DNA analysis from labeling tubes to meticulously filling out forms at each phase of the process. 从试管的标记到细致的表格填写,文档材料贯穿于DNA分析过程的每一项。 str.ausbio.com 1. It's tempting to "fudge" or stretch the truth a little when filling out medical forms. 这是很有诱惑力的。填写医疗表格时,“捏造”一点点真相。 www.bing.com 2. After filling out the form, you are done shopping, the store will deliver the merchandise to the address that you entered. 填了这个表格就完成了购物,商家会把东西送到你填写的地址那里。 imandarinpod.com 3. They essentially try to verify whether a user filling out a text form is human or a bot. 这一系统试图分辨尝试验证的用户是人类或机器人。 www.bing.com 4. maintenance standards for civil aircraft . unit 1 : maintenance management specification . part 9 : filling out of maintenance records. 民用航空器维修标准。第1单元:维修管理规范。第9部分:民用航空器维修记录的填写。 www.ichacha.net 5. Consider the situation where a user started filling out a claim form but could not locate their policy number. 考虑下面这种情况:一个用户开始填写一个索赔表单,但不能定位他们的保单编号。 www.ibm.com 6. As a rule, people don't enjoy filling out large forms with a lot of input fields, so keep the count down as much as possible. 一项准则就是,人们不喜欢填写带大量输入字段的大型表单,所以应尽可能减少输入字段的数量。 www.ibm.com 7. Please read the IMPORTANT NOTES carefully before filling out the Form (The Form can be copied). 请您认真阅读本表的注意事项后再填写下列各项(申请表可复印使用)。 www.admissions.cn 8. To become a financial member you must register your details by filling out the registration form provided on this website. 要成为金融会员您需要在这网站提供的注册表格注册您的资料。 www.dublinbet.com 9. After filling out the forms, users can submit them to a form library so that the competitive data is stored in the same, shared location. 填写表单后,用户就可以将其提交到表单库,以便竞争对手数据存储在相同的共享位置。 office.microsoft.com 10. They get up every morning, spend the entire day filling out applications and sending out resumes, and are usually told 'no. 他们每天起来,花一整天的时间填写申请,发出简历,得到的答复通常是“不”。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In addition to filling out the suggested values on the form, the user can click one of the try it links. 除了填写表单上的建议值之外,用户还可以单击其中的一个tryit链接。 www.ibm.com 2. Howard: OK. Excuse me, could I interest you in filling out a survey? 霍华:好吧。不好意思,我能请您帮我填问卷吗? www.59edu.com 3. Enterprises can choose different ways to deploy Intelligent Documents for filling out forms and interacting with processes. 企业可以选择不同的方法部署用于填写表单和与进程交互的智能文档。 www.ibm.com 4. Please let us know how we can help you get the most out of your software by filling out the form below. 请填写下面的表格,让我们知道如何帮助您最大程度地使用软件。 www.lingoware.com 5. Bill: Thank you. In addition to filling out the "Application for Deregistration" , any other things to be done? 比尔:谢谢!除了填写《注销登记申请书》之外,还有其它要求吗? www.hdbbs.net 6. Tips In Use . . . could I interest you in filling out a survey? 我能请您帮我填问卷吗? www.360abc.com 7. If you're filling out an application, put dashes in the box for salary history, indicating that you saw it, he says. 他建议说,在你填写申请表的时候,在薪资栏划上破折号,这样做代表你看到了这个选项。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Processing dental insurance is illustrated by filling out insurance forms with many case examples to reinforce concepts. 处理牙科保险说明了填写保险的形式有许多案例,以加强概念。 www.ecally.com 9. From that day on, Gilbert ate with Johnson, three meals a day, soon filling out from all the rich food. 从那天起,吉尔伯特就和约翰森一起吃饭——一日三餐,他很快就饱尝了营地里的各种美食。 www.bing.com 10. Delays also result if end users must manually supply basic, repetitive information when filling out multiple forms. 如果终端用户在填写表单时必须手动提供基础的重复的信息,那么会出现延迟。 www.ibm.com 1. You start by filling out the instance variables, constructor, and some helper methods that are not specific to Lotus Sametime. 首先需要填充实例变量、构造器和一些帮助器方法,这些内容并非特定于LotusSametime。 www.ibm.com 2. They also focus on the ease of filling out the form, the anonymity of responses, and the inclusion of non-citizens in the count. 他们还集中在填写表格的安逸,不愿透露姓名的回应,以及非公民在数列入。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. What they don't realise is that you have to walk around the city, picking up clothes in garment bags and filling out insurance forms. 他们所不了解的是,从事时尚工作意味著你得在城市中奔走,取走服装袋包著的衣服,填写保险单。 big5.cri.cn 4. However, auditors should never forget to spend their time auditing, not filling out checklists or taking notes. 但是审核员绝不应当忘记他们的时间是用来审核的,而不是用来填写检查表或者做笔记的。 www.docin.com 5. This paper needs filling out. Can you see to it while I'm gone next week? 这份文件需要填写。下星期我不在时,你可否注意一下? www.weihai.gov.cn 6. Leo: Fine. I'll just print up your invoices. While you're waiting, would you mind filling out this client satisfaction survey? 利奥:没问题,我先把您的帐单打印出来。与此同时,可不可以请您先填写一下我们酒店的顾客满意程度调查表呢? www.tingroom.com 7. If you have the time, take a few minutes and get in touch by filling out the form below. 如果你有时间,花几分钟帮忙填下下面的表格。 www.bing.com 8. Unless they go past the time limit, users can finish filling out forms without losing the data that they have already entered. 只要不超过时间限制,用户就可以完成表单填写,同时不会丢失已经输入的数据。 office.microsoft.com 9. Teaching effects of all students were compared by carrying out skills test and filling out students teaching questionnaire. 采用操作考试和学生教学评价问卷调查比较两组的教学效果。 www.yixue360.com 10. Filling out the switching-operation sheet is an important and tedious work in in every power plant and transformer substation. 编写倒闸操作票是各电厂、变电站工作中一项重要而又繁琐的工作。 www.fabiao.net 1. You must tell RFC_READ_TABLE which fields from table PA0006 that you want data from, and by filling out input table FIELDS, you can do this. 必须告诉RFC_READ_TABLE要从表PA0006中的哪一个字段读数据,可以通过填写输入表FIELDS来完成。 www.ibm.com 2. Method: Nurses were investigated by filling out nurses on support scale of parents of illness infants. 应用护士对患儿父母支持量表进行问卷调查。 www.chemyq.com 3. Customers now have two weeks to vote for their favorite " chippy " by filling out nomination forms in one of over 900 participating shops. 消费者有两周的时间在参赛店填写提名表格来为自己最喜欢的炸鱼薯条店投票; dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Execute pass down system at own position, filling out inspection record sheet and flow chart as required. 执行本岗位交接班制度,按要求填写目检记录单和流程卡。 www.haoqiantu.cn 5. Method: A total of 60 heroin-dependent patients and their spouse were evaluated by filling out marital quality questionnaires. 采用婚姻质量问卷对60例海洛因依赖病人及配偶进行测评。 www.chemyq.com 6. Please read carefully the important notes before filling out the form . 填写申请表前,请仔细阅读填表说明。 www.bing.com 7. Select the When filling out forms , save AutoRecover information every check box . 选中“填写表单时每隔”复选框。 www.bing.com 8. Methods: A total of 126 diabetes mellitus patients were selected and investigated by filling out self-rating depression scale. 选取126例糖尿病病人,采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)对病人进行调查。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 9. Method: 300 nurses from wards and intensive care units were investigated via filling out self-designed questionnaire. 方法:采用自制调查表对300名病区和重症监护室护士进行调查。 www.chemyq.com 10. This enables users to finish filling out their forms without losing the data that they have already entered. 这样用户便完成其表单填写,而不会丢失已经输入的数据。 office.microsoft.com 1. Figure 5 shows the results of filling out the text fields with incorrect values and the results of clicking the Submit button. 图5展示了使用不正确的值填写文本字段所得到的结果以及单击Submit按钮所得到的结果。 www.ibm.com 2. Methods: A total of 78 breast cancer patients were investigated on their anxiety state by filling out self-rating anxiety scale (SAS). 采用问卷调查法,应用焦虑自评量表(SAS)对78例乳腺癌根治术病人的焦虑状态进行调查分析。 journal.shouxi.net 3. Users can insert and remove optional sections when filling out the form. 填写表单时,用户可插入和删除可选节。 office.microsoft.com 4. Yes. This paper needs filling out. Can you see to it when I'm away. 是的.這份材料需要填寫.我不在期間,你能關照一下嗎? www.qeto.com 5. the day i finished filling out my tax forms , i abandoned the short story i was writing and started on my next novel. 我填完报税单的那一天,我放弃了短篇故事的写作,开始了我的下一部小说。 www.ichacha.net 6. Stop wasting time filling out forms, and install this extension instead. 不要再浪费时间填写表单了! www.bing.com 7. Ask the recipient to send another reply after filling out the form. 请让收件人在填写表单后发送另一答复邮件。 office.microsoft.com 8. According to a 2004 Darpa survey, US military officers believe that humanoid robots will begin filling out infantry units as early as 2025. 根据美国国防先进研究项目局2004年的一项调查,美国军方官员相信,类人机器人最早将在2025年编入美军步兵单位。 dongxi.net 9. Before filling out this form, read the instructions on the attached sheet. 在填写这张表格之前,请先阅读附件上的指示说明。 www.360doc.com 10. Sara is sitting at her desk, filling out paper work. Sara坐在办公桌后,正填写文书工作。 www.bing.com 1. Please read CAREFULLY the NOTE before filling out the form. 请申请人认真阅读注意事项后再填写下列各项。 studyheu.hrbeu.edu.cn 2. You've completed the FadingTooltip constructor, and can continue filling out its prototype. 我们已经完成了FadingTooltip构造方法,可以继续填充它的原型。 www.ibm.com 3. So how easy is it going to be filling out forms in the next web? 因此,在下一代网页里填写表单将会有多简单呢? www.bing.com 4. The police are busy filling out forms about the accident. 警察们正忙着填写关于这场事故的各种表格。 ruoshuizizhu.blog.hexun.com 5. Participants stood with either a light or heavy clipboard cradled intheir arm, filling out surveys. 参与者手持一个或轻或重的剪贴板站着填写调查问卷。 www.bing.com 6. But in practice what happens is the team hates filling out data for use by other people. 但实际出现的是,团队痛恨填写为其他人所用的数据。 www.ibm.com 7. By filling out the registration form you are applying to receive a service. 藉由填充出登记形成你正在申请接受一个服务。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 8. Users can insert multiple rows when filling out the form. 用户在填写表单时可以插入多个行。 office.microsoft.com 9. Please read the NOTES on BFA official website before filling out this form. 填写前请认真阅读博鳌亚洲论坛官方网站有关注意事项。 www.boaoforum.com 10. Would you mind filling out this registration form, please? 请您填一下入住登记表好吗? www.21ask.com 1. Methods: a total of 93 nurses were investigated randomly via filling out questionnaire. 方法:采用随机抽样的方法对93名护士进行问卷调查。 www.chemyq.com 2. Method: A total of 487nursing staffs were surveyed by filling out self-made questionnaires. 采用自行设计的问卷对487名护理人员进行调查分析。 www.chemyq.com 3. Please go and filling out, stating the amount you want to withdraw, date. 请您去填写一份,说明你要取多少,日期。 www.tingroom.com 4. Almost Sir. We just need to finish filling out the registration card. 差不多了,长官。我们只需填写好注册信息就行了。 www.xpboy.com 5. "We don't want people filling out more forms on the lab bench, " says Mayer. “我们不要人们在实验室的工作台上填写更多的表格”。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Your baby's features and limbs are lengthening and filling out. 婴儿的面部和四肢加长,变得丰满。 www.bing.com 7. What entrepreneur wants to spend 119 days filling out forms to start a business in Angola? 哪位企业家会愿意在安哥拉花费119天填写表格获取商业许可呢? www.bing.com 8. Haveyou finished filling out your declarations? 你填完申报表了吗? www.17u.com 9. So, remove clutter such as banners and unnecessary navigation that might distract users from filling out the form. 因此,去除诸如banner和不必要的导航之类的杂乱信息,避免让用户分心。 www.bing.com 10. You can then use the information that Qlockwork provides for invoicing, filling out timesheets, or analyzing how you are spending your time. 这样你可以利用Qlockwork提供的信息计算费用、填制表格或分析你是怎样花掉你的时间的。 dongxi.net 1. Please read the Notes before filling out this form. 注意事项:填表前请参阅注意事项。 www.wenduo.net 2. Why am I filling out more paperwork instead of actually doing the work? 为什么我还埋头于越来越多的文书工作中而不是在真正做事情? www.bing.com 3. I need help filling out this complicated tax form. 我需要帮助才能填写这张复杂的税务表。 wordnet.sparke.cn 4. You can also create print views that specify custom print settings for users filling out and printing the finished form. 您还可以创建打印视图,为填写并打印表单的用户指定自定义打印设置。 office.microsoft.com 5. Would you mind filling out the form? 请填一下这张表好吗? www.bing.com 6. Reduce time spent filling out forms. 减少填写表单所用的时间。 office.microsoft.com 7. Would you mind filling out this form? 您请把表填一下吧。 www.ebigear.com 8. Your baby is rapidly filling out and gaining muscle tone. 婴儿迅速的变丰满并获得了肌张力。 www.bing.com 9. I am an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church (by filling out an online form). 我是一位被国际神学院任命的牧师(通过在线填表的形式)。 www.dltcedu.org 10. It is also needed when filling out the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest (Figure II-6, page II-41). 这也是需要时,填写统一的危险废物清单(图二-6,页次二-41)。 www.ganxi-ganxiji.cn 1. He starts filling out that form (Figure 5). 开始填写该表单(图5)。 www.ibm.com 2. You can also download the form, print it and send it to us after filling out. 你也可以下载和列印此表,填好后寄给我们。 www.who.int 3. I've finished filling out this form. what shall I do next? 我已填好这张表格,下面我该做什么? dec3.jlu.edu.cn 4. When filling out job applications, don't be negative, but, do be honest and don't lie, because it will come back to haunt you. 在申请工作职位的时候,不要太过于消极,但是也要诚实不说谎,因为这些谎言最后困扰的是你自己。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Find a hotel you like and become a frequent guest. You can eliminate filling out redundant information each time you check in. 找一个你喜欢的酒店并且成为那里的常客,你就可以在每次登记入住的时候节约掉填写冗余信息的时间。 mamadeshahaizi.blog.hexun.com 6. Nor should the Diamondbacks lose sight of how lucky they are to have a model of patience filling out their lineup card every day. 希望响尾蛇队的球员们也别忘记他们有多幸运…他们有耐心排出每天先发名单的模範教练。 www.jukuu.com 7. John stopped growing taller last year, and now he's filling out. 约翰去年不再长高了,而现在正在长胖。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. An applicant was filling out a job application. When he came to the question, "Have you ever been arrested? " he wrote, "No. " 一个求职者遇到一个求职机会,他正在填写问题,“你有没有没逮捕过?”他回答说:“没有” bbs.hxen.com 9. Be sure to use a pen when filling out the immigration forms. 填入境表格一定要用钢笔。 wenku.baidu.com 10. A man was filling out a job application when he came to the question "Have you ever been arrested? " 求职表格上有个问题:「你曾经被逮捕过吗?」 www.ymnl.org 1. So, for example, when you go to a doctor, we're still filling out forms in triplicate on paper. 举个例子,假如你要去看医生,我们要填个一式三份的表格。 www.bing.com 2. A significant and ever-increasing amount of data is accessible only by filling out HTML forms to query an underlying Web data source. 大量不断更新的数据只能通过填写HTML页面的查询接口对后台的数据进行查询得到。 epub.cnki.net 3. Quality control report's filling out in expressway construction 浅谈高速公路建设中质检资料的填报 www.ilib.cn 4. Switch from designing a form template to filling out a form 从设计表单模板切换到填写表单 office.microsoft.com 5. Filling out the New Mold Repairing Discussion Form and the NG Dimensions Modifying Form 填寫新模修模檢討表,與NG寸法型修單 wenku.baidu.com 6. Supplemented information form and instruction on form filling out 补充信息表和填表须知 7. They never take input and never receive the focus when the user is filling out the form. There are two styles of labels in Workplace Forms 当用户正在填写表单时,标签既不接受输入,也不接收聚焦。 www.ibm.com 8. Please read the IMPORTANT NOTES on page 3 carefully before filling out the form 请申请人认真阅读本表第3页的注意事项后再填写下列诸项 www.wenkoo.cn 9. Filling out of waist of heart 心腰部膨出 www.powerdict.com 10. Please register by filling out the form below 请填写下面的注册表 www.equn.com 1. After filling out the fields, click 在填写完各字段内容之后,点击 www-128.ibm.com 2. A survey of filling out bedside card diagnosis and some proposals 对床头卡填写疾病诊断的调查与建议 www.ilib.cn 3. Do the following when you are filling out a form in Office InfoPath 2007 在OfficeInfoPath2007中填写表单时,请执行下列操作 office.microsoft.com 4. Requirement for filling out the item 6, 7 and 8 申报表第6、7和8项的填写要求 www.crc-sepa.org.cn 5. When you finish filling out new pages, go to Step 8 做好新的内容页了以后,请转到第8步。 www.bing.com 6. For example, do you spend every day in a cubicle filling out useless forms because the job is safe and secure or are you chasing your dream? 举个例子,你是否每天都呆在工作隔间里填写无用的表格?因为这样的工作安全无风险;你在追逐自己的梦想吗? blog.sina.com.cn |
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