单词 | family-run | ||
释义 | family-run
例句释义: 家庭经营的或是家族流传的 1. That competition among heating oil suppliers, which are often smaller and family-run, means better service and more options, he said. 这之间的竞争取暖用油的供应商,这往往是规模较小的家庭来说,意味着更好的服务和更多的选择,他说。 q.sohu.com 2. Their companies are growing larger and the old family-run management style is no longer suitable for the market-oriented business model. 他们的公司正处于扩大时期,旧的家族式管理模式不再适应目前以市场为导向的商业模式。 eamrs5211.blog.163.com 3. Xi'an Famous Foods is a family-run business with no outside investors and a secret spice mix and sauce that it holds under lock and key. “西安名吃”是个家族式小企业,没有外来投资者的参与,其秘制混合香料和酱汁的配方也由父子俩妥善保管。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The FAO believes one of the solutions to reverse the current food shortages is to boost small family run farms and self sufficiency. 粮食及农业组织认为其中一个方法,解决现今粮荒问题,是激励小家庭经营农场和自给。 www.newdaai.tv 5. For eight years, I've been a loyal manager at a small, family-run business. 8年来,我一直担任一家小型家庭企业的经理人,忠于企业。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But News Corporation is not a normal firm. It is a family-run public company, controlled by means of super-voting shares. 但是新闻集团并不是普通的公司,而是家族运营并控有表决权股份的上市公司。 www.ecocn.org 7. Both are family-run companies, and that should help them respect one another s traditions, says Bains Mr. Rouse. 贝恩顾问公司的洛斯说,这两家公司都是家族运营企业,这会有助于它们彼此尊重对方的传统。 www.tvsou.com 8. The scale of operation is usually small, mainly family-run or home shop. 经营规模通常为夫妻店、家庭店形式,规模一般都较小。 www.boshuo.net 9. Situated beside the river in Mainz, this family-run hotel features indoor and outdoor pools and a gym overlooking the Old Town. 这个家庭经营的酒店坐落在美因茨的河畔位置,设有室内和室外游泳池,还有一间可俯瞰古城区的健身房。 www.orangeway.cn 10. Foremost among the Fujian Tigers is Peak Sport Products, a family-run company that now ranks among China's best-known sportswear brands. “福建虎”中首屈一指的一家企业是匹克体育用品有限公司(PeakSportProducts),这家家族企业如今已跻身中国最知名运动鞋品牌之列。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The ideas were not stellar; one of the more creative, Goncalo says, involved a mafia family run by a young woman. 根据Goncalo的发现,他们的观点表达都不是很出色,但是比较起来,有一个比较有创意,它讲述的是一个年轻女子经营黑社会家族的事。 www.bing.com 2. As a family run business Brad-Pak takes pride in understanding what service means to a customer. 作为一个家族企业布拉德柏发生在理解什么是服务为荣的手段给客户。 www.a1pak.net.cn 3. But Steve Vasiliki, owner of a family run seafood wholesaler on Melbourne's outskirts, is less happy. 但在墨尔本郊外,家族运营的一家海鲜批发商的企业主史蒂夫?瓦西莉奇(SteveVasiliki)却没有那么高兴。 www.ftchinese.com 4. By staying in cheap hostels and eating at small family-run restaurants, he would give his money to those deserved to have. 通过住在廉价旅馆和小规模家庭经营的餐馆米西饭,他将他的钱给那些值得拥有些。 nuu8138.chinaw3.com 5. Historically, they have been associated with family-run companies, which wanted to raise money without surrendering control. 回顾历史,双重持股结构往往与家族企业联系紧密,目的是在筹资的同时避免交出控制权。 www.ecocn.org 6. Other Asian world-beaters also began as divisions of sprawling, family-run groups but eventually escaped their orbit sufficiently to thrive. 其它领先世界的亚洲企业一开始也是作为四处扩张、家族式管理的企业集团的分支,但是最终完全地摆脱了过去的轨道,走上繁荣的道路。 www.ecocn.org 7. The purchase will end more than 100 years of independence for the family-run Wrigley. 此次收购将结束家族企业箭牌100多年以来的独立地位。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Family-run and government-run businesses are less well managed and less productive than similar plants with professional managers. 与由专业经理人运营的工厂相比,家族和政府运营的同类企业管理更差、盈利能力更低。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The family-run Hotel Seebach provides spacious rooms and apartments with all modern amenities including free wireless internet access. 这个家族酒店Seebach提供宽敞的房间,所有的现代设施,包括免费的无线上网服务。 www.orangeway.cn 10. The industrial giants, often family-run, are responsible for the country's rise to prosperity and prominence over the past two decades. 此大多数时间处于家族式管理下的工业巨头为韩国过去20年的繁荣发展做出了巨大的贡献。 club.topsage.com 1. The sector has long been dominated by small, family-run businesses, making it hard for authorities to spot problems and enforce standards. 中国的农业一直由家庭经营的小企业所主导,令当局难以发现问题、实施标准。 cn.wsj.com 2. It is a family-run public company, controlled by means of super-voting shares. 它是一家由家族经营的上市公司,通过拥有超级投票权的股份加以控制。 www.bing.com 3. Your stay in this friendly country is hosted at Quinta do Barranco da Estrada, a small family-run hotel in a stunning lakeside location. 你在这个友好国家逗留在星期四举行做巴兰科达,一个小家庭埃斯特拉达,运行在一个惊人的湖畔酒店的位置。 ptyly.com 4. All parts of the country are studded with family-run country inns. 全国各地到处都有家庭经营的乡间旅店。 www.putclub.com 5. If it is a family run company, is the CEO part of the family? 如果这是一个家庭经营的公司,是公司首席执行官的一部分家庭? www.uzmart.com 6. Our present farmer's land collective possession, family-run system of farmer's land still possess small farmer economy's characteristics. 我国现行农地集体所有,家庭经营的农地制度仍具备小农经济的特质。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Vignoble Klur is an organic family-run winery offering wine tastings, cookery classes and herb walks in the vineyards. VignobleKlur是一家家庭经营的有机酒庄,提供品酒、烹饪班和葡萄园中的药草。 www.bing.com 8. Our philosophy is different than larger Spanish schools with big class sizes. We are a family run business. 我们的宗旨是不同于那些设有大班级的西班牙语学校,我们是一个经营事业的家庭。 studytoday.com 9. Near the small, southern city of Nhlangano, there is a family-run farm called Pasture Valley. 在南部小城恩赫兰加诺附近,有一个名为“牧场谷”的家庭农场。 dongxi.net 10. As a foreign-owned family-run company, Rondor has an advantage over its local competitors: access to capital. 作为一家外资家族制企业,华登相对于中国本土的竞争者们有一项优势:不差钱。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But one obvious place to find cheap labor is in family-owned, family-run Asian restaurants. 但是有一个显而易见的地方能找到廉价的劳力,那就是在家族拥有家族经营的亚洲餐厅里。 www.bing.com 2. Most books in India are still sold in small family-run shops, but book chains are moving into malls and airports. 在印度,大部分图书仍由私人经营的小书店售出,但购物中心和机场内开始出现连锁书店。 www.ecocn.org 3. Really good mood and brand, the new one-kai, family-run, backgammon and other supermarkets become recognized brand names. 的确和好心情品牌,在新一佳,家润多,步步高等超市成为大家认可的品牌。 www.tonke.cn 4. The niche industry employs tens of thousands of people, many of them in small, family-run workshops. 这个小生境行业雇佣了好几万工人,其中大多数都在家庭小作坊工作。 www.bing.com 5. Family-run businesses facing succession issues are another theme. 面临继承问题的家族企业是另一个投资重点。 www.ftchinese.com 6. a family-run hotel with a relaxed atmosphere. 家庭经营的旅店,气氛自由随便。 wenku.baidu.com 7. There are many private enterprises in WenZhou. most of them are small-scale, family-run shop or even several wage earners employed. 温州的民营企业非常多,绝大多数是规模非常小的,甚至只是夫妻店或只雇上几个打工仔。 www.showxiu.com 8. Yet currently 97% of Indian retailing is "unorganised" , in the form of 15m small, often family-run, stores. 而目前97%的印度零售业处于无序混乱的状态,大约有1500万家庭式的小商店。 www.ecocn.org 9. Our family-run business has many years' experience of overcoming mobility issues. 我们的家庭式经营的业务有多年的经验,许多问题的解决流动性。 bbs.canjiren.net 10. We didn't leave our hotel until 8: 45pm and we were driven by bus to a family run restaurant where they produced all the food and wine. 我们没有离开,直到下午8点45分我们的酒店时,我们被巴士送到一家家族经营的餐馆,他们生产的所有食物和葡萄酒。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Still, many small family-run dairy farms have failed in recent years. 尽管如此,近年来还是有很多家庭经营的小型牛奶场破产倒闭。 www.voanews.cn 2. On the fourth, he stopped at a small family-run hotel that cost 15 yuan for one night. 到了第四天,他在一个私人开的旅馆留宿,一晚上只花了15元。 www.rr365.com 3. Even if Mr Maklouf goes, his family run plenty of other businesses and his brother, Hafez, is Damascus's intelligence chief. 即便是马克鲁夫消失,他的家族仍经营大批其余的企业,而他的兄弟哈菲兹(Hafez)仍是大马士革的情报首长。 www.ecocn.org 4. What they end up doing is colluding with murderous family-run regimes. 但是它们最终却和凶残的家族政权勾结了起来。 www.bing.com 5. This is not unusual for a small, family-run business. 在家族企业里,这种现象是司空见惯了的。 www.bing.com 6. Most Chinese stores are tiny, family-run outfits. 大部分的中国商店都很小,属于个体企业。 www.ecocn.org 7. What kind of business does your cousin's family run? 你堂兄弟家经营什么生意? www.ruiwen.com 8. The London Dry Cleaning Company (LDCC) is a family run business, established for over 15 years. 伦敦的干洗公司(ldcc)是一个家庭经营的业务,建立了超过15年。 www.ganxi-ganxiji.cn 9. Why on earth can we in Britain, 5, 000 miles closer to Italy, not attract comparable quality, family-run enterprises to our airports? 而英国距离意大利近了5000英里,却没有吸引到相同品质的家族企业到我们的机场运营,这到底是为什么呢? www.ftchinese.com 10. The family-run, 4-star Hotel Birkenhof occupies a country-style, English cottage and offers a park-like garden. 这间家庭经营的四星级酒店HotelBirkenhof是一个具有乡村风格的英式别墅,设有一个类似公园的花园。 www.orangeway.cn 1. Kanglong Zheng Jun Jun companies are family-run of. 郑氏康隆钧窑是家族式的钧瓷公司。 www.tonke.cn 2. Along the route, family-run wineries, such as Vignoble Klur offer wine-tastings, guided tours and even cookery classes. 沿着该线路,有很多家庭经营酒庄,如VignobleKlur,它们提供品酒、导游,甚至烹饪班。 www.bing.com 3. One can easily find this popular dish anywhere in China, from high class hotels to family-run restaurants on the street. 不论是在高级酒店还是街边小摊,你都可以很容易的找到这道菜。 www.hjenglish.com 4. In 1991 Mr Tata assumed the reins of his family-run company. 塔塔在1991年开始掌控其家族企业。 www.ecocn.org 5. The theory of family-run, dual-class share structure companies such as News Corp is that they are good for their investors in the long run. 新闻集团之类由家族运营、并采取双级股权机构的公司总会摆出一个理论:即从长远来看,它们对投资者有利。 www.ftchinese.com 6. B He has a negative view of family-run businesses. B他对家族式企业有偏见。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Family run for office, face the computer every day is important to radio sources. 对办公族来说,每天都要面对的电脑是重要的电波辐射源。 www.feiai88.com 8. Hong Kong court last month awarded the whole of Ms Wang's fortune to the Chinachem Charitable Foundation , the family- run trust . 上月的一次香港庭审,将龚如心的全部财产判给了其家人运营的信托基金华懋基金。 www.bing.com 9. Governmental Behaviors and their Influence on Family-run Enterprises during the Process of Institutional Reformation 制度变迁过程中政府行为及其对家族企业的影响 www.ilib.cn 10. The Transformation of Wealth Creating Pattern in Family-run Enterprises 家族企业财富创造模式转型研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Private enterprise groups and family-run businesses: half of China's low voltage apparatus market 民营企业集团与家庭作坊:中国低压电器的半壁江山 ilib.cn 2. Construction on the Enterprise Culture for Family-run Enterprises of China Under New Economy 新经济背景下我国家族企业文化的构建 ilib.cn 3. Discussing on the Financing Issue of Family-Run Enterprises in Wuhan 对武汉家族制民营企业融资问题的探讨 beta.ilib.cn 4. Reflection on System Innovation of Private Capital in the Family - run Businesses 中国家族制私有资本制度创新的思考 ilib.cn 5. A Comparative Study on the Connotation of Family-run Business 家族企业内涵的比较研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Family Business and Family-run Management 家族企业与家族式管理辨析 www.ilib.cn 7. Informal System and Development of Family-Run Enterprises 非正式制度与家族企业的发展 www.ilib.cn 8. Analysis on the Choice of Management Modelsin the Family-run Businesses 论家族企业经营管理模式的选择分析 service.ilib.cn |
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