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释义 | famed for例句释义: 全部 1. But the gibs have persisted, perhaps because, as is often true in a country famed for sharp wit, the joking masks serious messages. 但讥笑声不断,或许是因为这个国家以这样的幽默方式(假正经)出名,用笑话来掩盖很严肃的信息。 www.ecolion.cn 2. But Mr Saleh, a former tank commander famed for his wily survival tactics, has continued to insist on his constitutional privileges. 身为坦克指挥官出身的萨利赫以善于运用狡诈的求生策略而闻名于世,现在他还在坚持宪法赋予他的特权。 www.ecocn.org 3. It's not known at this point whether Ryanair, famed for flying to out-of-town airports, plans on opening up a route to the new-born island. 此时此刻,不知道以飞外地小型机场闻名的爱尔兰瑞安航空是否计划在新出现的小岛上开设一条航线。 www.bing.com 4. Sprinter Usain Bolt is famed for his relaxed and confident approach to performing, as was 'the greatest' boxer Muhammad Ali. 短跑运动员尤塞恩*博尔特以其放松而自信的比赛状态著称,“最伟大的”拳击手穆罕默德*阿里也是这样。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The judge and the Beefeater [the Queen's guard in London famed for the tall, furry hats (the beefeaters) they wear]. 法官和伦敦塔卫士(在伦敦的女王卫士,以他们所戴的高高的、羽毛装饰的帽子而著名(被称为吃牛肉的人))。 ebook.artron.net 6. Mr Rajoy is famed for a trait of his native Galicia: leaving people guessing about his real intentions. Rajoy以其加利西亚本土特征而闻名:让人们猜测他的真正意图究竟是什么。 www.ecocn.org 7. Even Mr Cameron must find it hard to be optimistic about that prospect: Mr Putin is not famed for his openness. 甚至卡梅伦也必定很难对此事的前景感到乐观:普金并不以开明著称。 www.ecocn.org 8. Famed for his trickery and outstanding vision, Joe Cole has long been touted as the great hope of English football. 变化多端的假动作和非凡的想象力是他的特点,乔。科尔长久以来被冠以英格兰足球的希望。 bbs.qieerxi.com 9. Indeed, few are certain that Mr Saleh, famed for his guile, is sincere in promising to bow out for good. 确实如此,鲜少有人认为以狡诈著称的萨利赫是真心退出,改过向善。 www.ecocn.org 10. Halfan hour ago, I walked into a plush reception lobby on Harley Street - athoroughfare famed for its exclusive private medical practices. 半个小时之前,我走进以专营私人医疗业务著称的哈利街(HarleyStreet)的一个豪华接待大厅。 www.bing.com 1. Today the Blue Hole is famed for its sponges, barracuda, corals, angelfish -and a school of sharks often seen patrolling the hole's edge. 如今,蓝洞以海绵,梭鱼,珊瑚,天使鱼和一群常在洞边巡逻的鲨鱼而闻名。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. It was a warm pigment made from the bitumen used by ancient Egyptians to embalm their dead, famed for its preservative powers. 这是一个温暖的颜料,古埃及人用来embalm他们死了,防腐剂权力著名的沥青。 www.englishtang.com 3. The luxury real estate project is close to the eponymous Diaoyutai State Guest House to the east, famed for its reception of world leaders. 这一豪华地产项目的东边是以接待世界领导人而闻名的钓鱼台国宾馆。 gb.cri.cn 4. I find it strange that as a nation famed for being burdened with unpredictable weather, we seemed to cope so poorly with the snow. 作为一个以深受天气变化无常之累而著称的国家,我们在面对大雪时却显得如此束手无策,这让我感到奇怪。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Famed for its fighting ability, this military unit was known as the Sacred Band, and consisted of 150 homosexual couples. 那兵团名为神圣队,以善战知名,由一百五十对同性恋人组成。 forum.bomoo.com 6. Throngs of people fill Memphis' Beale Street, famed for its many bars and clubs frequented by some of the greatest names in blues music. 孟菲斯的贝尔街挤满了人群,这里的酒吧和俱乐部经常有蓝调音乐大师出现,整个街道也因此闻名。 www.bing.com 7. Tory distrust of Europe has injected zealotry into what was once a pro-business party famed for its pragmatism. 保守派不相信欧洲已经注入了狂热到曾经因它们的实用主义而闻名于世的亲企党中。 www.bing.com 8. Colchis was famed for the quality and abundance of its wine, which is believed to have been produced there as early as 8000BC. 科尔基斯曾以盛产佳酿闻名于世。人们认为这一地区早在公元前8000年就已经开始酿酒了。 www.ecocn.org 9. Buffett, for instance, is famed for his discipline and the hours he spends studying financial statements of potential investment targets. 例如,巴菲特就是以他自觉地,长时间地从事研究潜在的投资目标分析财务报表而出名。 www.ecocn.org 10. The award-winning music producer and singer has none of the street credibility hip-hop artists are famed for. 屡获殊荣的音乐制作人和歌手根本没有嘻哈艺术家那闻名的街头信誉 zhidao.baidu.com 1. As a result, the nation famed for its long-hours culture now works an average 33 hours a week, the lowest on record. 因此,这个曾以工作时间长而闻名的国家,如今每周平均工作时间仅为33小时,为历史最低水平。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Famed for its fine acoustic, City Halls is being developed as a major centre for music performance and education. 市政厅细声而闻名,是正在开发作为音乐表演和教育的主要中心。 www.ccitimes.com 3. In today's trip to the region famed for the ancient city of Loulan, we witness firsthand the urgency of desertification problem. 今天荒漠下的真相要带你到楼兰古城,证明沙漠化产生的首要问题。 www.newdaai.tv 4. Before he became a professional footballer - famed for his bicycle kicks - he too was involved in the glass industry. 在成为专业足球运动员前,他是一名出色的自行车手,同时他也干过玻璃制造业。 sports.cctv.com 5. The marvelous spectacle being famed for steep valley would be lost forever. 由陡峭峡谷而闻名的三峡奇观将永远失去了。 www.bing.com 6. Famed for creating politicised stencils on the walls of public buildings, Banksy's identity has never officially been revealed. 班克斯因在公共建筑物上创作涉及政治的作品而闻名,但他的真实身份从来没有被正式公开过。 bbs.ikaka.com 7. Finland may be famed for its long, dark winters, but it's also home to some of the brightest new ideas in mobile technology. 芬兰或许因其漫长而黑暗的冬季而闻名于世,但是它同样也是酝酿移动技术领域最具发展潜力新观点的沃土。 www.bing.com 8. Deep in Turkish Anatolia this little village was once the city of Saint Michael of Ten Thousand Angels famed for its fine churches. 位于土耳其的安纳托利亚的这个小村庄曾是天使长圣麦克尔之城,以其精致的教堂闻名于世。 www.bing.com 9. THE buzz among Green activists in Brighton, a southern seaside town famed for its pier and political conferences, is contagious. 绿党活动家在布赖顿营造的声势极富感染力。布赖顿是一座英国南部的海滨城市,以其码头和政治会议闻名。 club.topsage.com 10. Somewhere famed for the size and quantity of its tiger leeches. 那里以吸血虫的体积和数量著称。 www.rrting.com 1. Wilson is famed for his use of posed body movements, but in "The Threepenny Opera, " these movements are mechanical rather than elegant. 威尔逊一向擅长于运用人物们的动作姿态,但是在“三分钱歌剧”中,演员的动作并不那么优雅,反而是机械呆板的。 www.bing.com 2. Materazzi is famed for his many enemies in football, but insists he also has firm friends in the sport. 马特拉齐以在球场上树敌众多而闻名,但他强调自己在体育圈里依然有不少死党。 www.forza-azzurri.net 3. Yep Japan's northernmost island, famed for its snow, skiing and seafood, has attracted hordes of Asian investors this year. 是的,日本最北部的这个岛屿以降雪、滑雪及海鲜知名,今年吸引了大批亚洲投资者前来。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The secretive, paranoid and authoritarian regime in Pyongyang isn't exactly famed for playing well with others. 神秘、偏执、独裁的平壤政权在与其他国家合作方面名声不佳。 www.i21st.cn 5. The temple is famed for the dagoba which houses the Buddhist relics of Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. 该庙是著名的舍利塔的房屋佛教文物的释迦牟尼,佛教的创始人。 q.sohu.com 6. a television news program famed for the charisma of its anchors. 的魅力而闻名的一个电视新闻节目 www.baike.com 7. He is famed for being the most vocal financial economist to have perfectly predicted the crash. 他被认为是口头预测能力最准的经济学家之一,极其精准地预言了金融崩溃。 www.hjenglish.com 8. FAMED for its dismal climate, Britain is not an obvious pioneer of solar energy. 由于其闻名于世的阴雨天气,英国显然并非使用太阳能的先锋。 www.ecocn.org 9. Some Europeans have suggested that Mr Carstens' credentials from the Chicago school, famed for its orthodoxy, may count against him. 一些欧洲人提出,卡斯滕斯出身以正统理论而闻名的芝加哥学派,这些资历可能不利于他。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Monza, venue for this weekend's Italian Grand Prix, is famed for its immense speed. 这周末意大利大奖赛的举办地蒙扎赛道依他的高速著称。 www.milanchina.com 1. This building is famed for its poor working environment an high energy consumption. 这栋建筑以糟糕的工作环境和高能耗而著称。 www.topenergy.org 2. The ancient Greek Parthenon is famed for its beautiful sculpture in bas-relief. 这个古老的希腊帕台农神庙是因其美丽的雕塑在浅 www.bing.com 3. Bollywood films, known for their song and dance, are famed for shunning social realism as vehemently as on-screen kisses. 以歌舞闻名的宝莱坞电影,因像回避银幕吻戏一样激烈地回避社会现实而著名。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Druids are justly famed for their ability to restore life, cure poisonous wounds, and remove curses. 德鲁伊恢复生命,治疗毒创口,和驱散诅咒的能力非常有名。 bbs.ngacn.cc 5. Travis first performed in the legendary Broadway show famed for its elaborate costumes and dance routines in 1918 aged 14. 年特拉维斯在百老汇的首次传奇性演出就因其精美的服装和舞蹈动作而闻名,当时她年仅14岁。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. It is famed for its soup and utilizing soups in its dishes. 这是闻名的汤,汤中利用其菜肴。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. They are famed for their vast number of endemic species and are already a World Heritage Site. 作为世界遗产之一,以大量的特有物种而闻名。 www.bing.com 8. It is famed for the domes and minarets of its Naqsh-e Jahan square. 它是著名阿契美尼德国王广场,圆屋顶和清真寺尖塔的建筑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The Viola are famed for their youth policy, and coach Cesare Prandelli has a reputation for developing promising young players. 紫百合以他们的提拔年轻球员政策而闻名,球队主教练塞萨里。普兰德利也擅于培养有潜力的年轻球员。 www.juvechina.com 10. It comes from the French Aux Cayes, a port in Haiti famed for its rum. OK来源于法语AuxCayes,海地的一个港口名,以朗姆酒而闻名。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. The king was famed for his cruelty. 那个国王以残暴出名。 www.hxen.com 2. These birds are famed for their dazzling plumage and courtship displays. 极乐鸟因华丽耀眼的羽毛和求偶时的殷勤而闻名。 www.bing.com 3. This village is famed for its fresh seafood. 这座村庄以其新鲜的海产闻名。 www.forever.english.tw 4. They are famed for their epic voyages across the world's roughest oceans. 他们是以穿越世界各地的惊涛骇浪的长途旅行而闻名的。 www.bing.com 5. Hangchow is famed for its scenic spots. 杭州以风景优美为名。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The fountains of Rome are famed for their architectural beauty. 罗马的喷泉以其建筑之美而著称。 dict.netat.net 7. The city is famed for its scenic spots. 该市以风景优美著称。 www.hjenglish.com 8. and the French Riviera. It is a noted resort famed for its casino and luxurious hotels. Population, 11, 599. 蒙特卡洛摩纳哥公国一个城镇,位于地中海沿岸和法国里维埃拉。以其赌场和豪华酒店而闻名。人口11。 www.jukuu.com 9. all famed for their spectacular plumage. 全都因富丽的羽毛而出名 wenku.baidu.com 10. He is famed for his cruelty. 他以残忍出名。 dict.hjenglish.com 1. The park is famed for its ponds. 这公园以池塘著称 dict.hjenglish.com 2. Besides, Laoshan is famed for her granite, quarried for the Shanghai Museum and Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall; 不仅如此,崂山还因为其出产的花岗岩而闻名于世,上海博物馆,毛主席纪念堂所用花岗岩皆出自这里; bbs.qiuyang.com 3. Hong Kong, famed for its world-class horse racing culture, will host Olympic equestrian events in the August 2008 Games. 以世界级马术文化而闻名的香港将于2008年8月举办奥运马术比赛。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Famed for its glamorous horse riding shows, this summer the Hong Kong Jockey Club will play host to the Olympic equestrian events. 有著远近驰名的骑马表演,在这个暑假香港的赛马总会,将担任奥运马术活动的主办单位。 www.bing.com 5. They are famed for their courage 他们以勇敢而出名 blog.diandian.net |
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