单词 | false start |
释义 | false starts是false start的复数 例句释义: 错误的起步,慌张失措的开始,错误的开始,起句失误,错误表达 1. Throughout the pseudo project, there have been a number of interesting false starts, strange bugs, and other learning experiences. 在整个pseudo项目中,有许多有趣的错误、奇怪的bug以及其他学习经验。 www.ibm.com 2. The investigation was delayed because there had been a number of false starts. 这个调查受到阻延是由于开始时有多项失误。 paper.wenweipo.com 3. manage to After a few false starts, we managed to get the company off the ground . . . 开始阶段出了一些纰漏,在这之后,我们总算使公司走上了顺利运营的轨道…… blog.hjenglish.com 4. After nearly a decade of setbacks and false starts, stem-cell sciencefinally seems to be hitting its stride. 在经历了将近一百年的挫折和错误的开始,干细胞科学最终踏步有声。 www.suiniyi.com 5. He predicted setbacks and false starts, but said he is confident the problems can be tackled. 他预言会有一些挫折,还有开头不顺的问题,但是他说,他相信这些问题能够解决。 www.voanews.cn 6. Indeed, false starts are more the norm than the exception in the case of banking crises, for both high- and middle-low-income countries. 事实上,无论是在高收入国家还是中低收入国家,就银行业危机而言,危机结束的假象是正常现象,而非特例。 cei.lib.whu.edu.cn 7. Just as evolution is a series of trial-and-error experiments, life is full of false starts and inevitable stumbling. 正如同演化是一连串尝试和错误的实验一样,每个人在人生的跑道上也不免偶尔会偷跑或跌跌撞撞。 feedproxy.google.com 8. Since it was their first time mounting such an elaborate home beauty salon, there were false starts and several "Oops! " 由于这是他们第一次安排一个如此精心设计的“家庭美容院”,当然免不了犯错,浴室里不时传来“糟糕,得再来一次”的声音。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. After a few false starts, football has established a permanent niche in the US with Major League Soccer. 经历了几次不顺的开局后,足球终于凭借美国足球大联盟在美国建立起一个永久基地了。 www.bing.com 10. Now, after several false starts, she's pocketing $3, 000 in a good month, turning tricks as a self-employed Taipei street-walker. 现在,经过几次失败的尝试,她作为一个自由经营的站街女接客,行情好的时候一个月能赚到3000美金。 www.bing.com 1. After a few false starts, he created an app that let people send points and "kisses" to friends. 几次尝试失败后,他设计了一个给朋友发送点数和“吻”的程序。 www.bing.com 2. After completing my studies, I had a number of false starts. 在结束学业后,我有一串错误的开始。 www.bing.com 3. After a few false starts, housing prices have slid further. 经过几次不光彩的开始,美国的房价开始进一步下滑。 www.bing.com 4. Governing, conversely , is a labyrinth of red tape that often reeks of failures and false starts. 相反地,政府的运作则是官僚的迷宫,充满失败与错误起步的恶臭味。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. When pair programming, your false starts and early mistakes are visible to others. 而结对编程时,不顺利的开始和早期犯的错误都会被别人看到。 www.infoq.com 6. Those that hone in exactly on the correct answer without any false starts are generators. 那些磨练完全正确的答案没有任何错误的开始是发电机。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. My view is that you have to be a participant with the government and go through the agony of missteps and false starts. 我的看法是,你必须和政府一起参与进来,经历多次失误和失败的痛苦。 www.bing.com 8. After a few false starts in my tests, Skype video worked well. 测试过程中,经过几次失败之后,TouchPad终于可以流畅地播放Skype视频。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Modern metal starting blocks contain micro-controllers to prevent false starts. 而现代金属起跑架内置了微型控制器,防止运动员起跑过早。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Hollywood has been making false starts and false promises about 3D since the 1950s. 从20世纪50年代开始,好莱坞一直在3D上屡屡做出错误的示范和错误的承诺。 www.joyen.net 1. Dances without purpose have false starts and stops. 舞蹈缺乏构思,开始和停止都是错误。 www.chinadance.com 2. If you slip up, don't give up! Major changes sometimes have false starts. 如果你遇到一些挫折,请不要就此放弃有时候一些重大的改变始于错误的开始。 www.bing.com 3. It also improves the time it takes to bring products to market and reduces the risk of false starts. 它还可以改进产品上市的时间,减少不良开端带来的风险。 www-128.ibm.com 4. If anything, I hope my false starts and problems will help you avoid the same situation. 如果有什么不同的话,我希望我错误的开始和遇到的问题将帮助您避免同样的情况。 www.ibm.com 5. the process includes a series of different attempts and several false starts. 这一过和包括一系列不同的尝试和错误的开头。 www.tingroom.com 6. the process includes a series of differ- ent attempts and several false starts. 这个过程包括一系列不同的尝试和一些错误的开端。 www.bing.com 7. After a couple of false starts (as previously mentioned), he hired Brian Fox to write it. 几个失败的开端(如前所述)之后,他聘请布赖恩·福克斯编写Bash。 www.bing.com 8. There may be some false starts and setbacks, but we can learn from experience and be back on the right track. 开始时可能会遇到一些问题或挫折,但是我们可以汲取经验,重回正轨。 paper.wenweipo.com 9. After several false starts, she became a successful journalist. 她开始时遇到几次挫折,后来成为能干的记者 zhidao.baidu.com 10. As with thinking outside the box, the process includes a series of different attempts and several false starts. 正如突破常规思考一样,这个换个角度看问题的过程涉及到一系列不同的尝试和一些错误的开端。 360edu.com 1. As with thinking outside the box, the process involves a series of different attempts and several false starts. 就突破常规思考而言,这个过程涉及一系列的不同尝试及多个错误的开端。 www.xiwik.com 2. First round group match, France upset 1-3 away loss to Austria, and false starts. 小组赛首轮,法国就爆冷1-3客场输给奥地利,出师不利。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 3. After many false starts under their predecessors, Pre- sident Barack Obama and Mr Geith-ner had one chance to show this time was different. 在他们的前任多次启动失误后,巴拉克·奥巴马(BarackObama)总统和盖特纳只有一个机会展示这一次有所不同。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Therefore, given these timings, they finally set out at 7 am, but first they make three false starts because they have forgotten things. 因此,考虑到这些时间安排,他们最终在早上7点出发,但是首先因为忘了东西,他们白走了三次。 www.hoolee8.com 5. And if you have a choice of questions, avoid false starts. 如果你的问题有选择,那么要避免错误的开始。 www.bing.com 6. These are false starts, and they're often the root of bad days. 这就是错误的开始,而且这往往是坏日子的根源。 www.bing.com 7. And that is why, even though there will be setbacks and false starts and tough days, I will not waver in my pursuit of peace. (Applause. ) 正因为如此,尽管会面临挫折、出师不利的局面和艰难的时期,我都会毫不动摇地寻求和平。 hxen.com |
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