单词 | francois | ||||||||||||||
释义 | francois
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 弗朗索瓦,法国建筑师佛兰考斯,法兰索瓦 1. Among party leaders Francois Lucian court's decision will be referred to as "the truth into a critical stage. " 中间党派领导人弗朗索瓦·白鲁则将法庭的决定称为“走进真相的关键阶段”。 www.englishtang.com 2. He saw Spitz run out his scarlet tongue in a way he had of laughing; and he saw Francois, swinging an axe, spring into the mess of dogs. 他看见Spitz吐着猩红色的舌头,一如他狂吠时那样,还看见Francois挥舞着斧头冲向那群狗。 www.bing.com 3. Due to the slow march of his artillery support, Francois did not cooperate with orders and only attacked halfheartedly. 然而,法兰克斯却不太情愿执行这一命令,因为他的炮兵还没有到达进攻位置。 qxwar.net 4. It was Francois, the keeper's son on his way home from school. He had seen the lion and had come running to him. 原来是动物园饲养员的儿子弗朗索瓦正好放学回家,他看到了狮子就跑了过来。 www.htcourt.cn 5. At Francois Mitterand's funeral, his wife, mistress and illegitimate daughter all publically mourned the President. 在法国总统密特朗的葬礼上,他的正室、妾侍、私生女,全都公开哀悼密特朗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Government spokesman Jean-Francois Cope said the results came as a disappointment, but not a surprise, for the conservatives. 政府发言人科佩表示,选举结果让人失望,但保守派对此并不感到意外。 www.voanews.com.cn 7. But when Francois called him to his old place in front of Dave, Buck refused. 而当弗朗索瓦斯站到戴夫前的老位子时,巴克却不情愿。 www.kekenet.com 8. Chief economist Francois Bourguignon says research at the bank is a complex process that requires compromises. 首席经济学家F.B。称,世行的研究工作是一复杂的需要妥协的过程。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. As the French man of letters Francois Mauriac quipped, "I love Germany so much I'm glad there are two of them. " 法国作家弗朗索瓦·莫里亚克(FrancoisMauriac)调侃地写道:“我如此喜欢德国,真高兴现在有了两个”。 www.america.gov 10. Other politicians, like French Finance Minister Francois Fillon, sought to put a positive spin on the news. 其他政治人物、比如法国总理弗朗索瓦·菲永寻求积极地看待这一消息。 www.bing.com 1. Then Francois went up to where Sol- leks stood and called to Buck. Buck laughed, as dogs laugh, yet kept his distance. 然后福楼沙走到索勒克斯站的地方唤巴克,巴克笑了,却仍离得远远的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Francois was angry. "Now, by Gar, I fix you! " He cried, coming back with a heavy club in his hand. 福楼沙火了,“妈的,看我来收拾你!”他拿了根棍子在手里走回来,喊道。 club.tsro.net 3. French Prime Minister Francois Fillon told parliament Greece must decide quickly, whether it wants to remain in the euro zone or not. 法国总理弗朗索瓦?菲永告诉议会,希腊必须快点决定是否想留在欧元区。 www.hxen.com 4. Artist Francois Robert, 63, created works out of skeletons to make a statement about the consequences of war, British media reported. 据英国媒体报道,63岁的艺术家弗朗索瓦·罗伯特用人体骨骼制作了一组作品,表达了自己对战争后果的看法。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Francois Couder, 43, began working at the age of 17 laying underground cable in hazardous conditions for state-run France Telecom. FrancoisCouder,43岁,从17岁时就开始为国有的法国电信工作:在比较危险的环境中铺设地下电缆。 www.bing.com 6. Nonsense, he says, but he appears to have lost the confidence of President Sarkozy and the Prime Minister Francois Fillon. 而特隆则称这是无稽之谈。但是萨科齐总统和菲永总理似乎对他失去了信心。 www.hxen.com 7. "International questions are an afterthought, " says Francois Godement, founder of the Asia Centre, a Paris-based think tank. “国际问题不过是锦上添花”,位于巴黎的一家智库,亚洲中心发起人弗朗西斯.高德曼认为。 www.bing.com 8. Nov. 4, 2010 -- It was among Henry VIII's grandest undertakings: a castle to outshine the castle of his rival, King Francois I of France. 2010年11月4日--这座城堡是亨利八世的壮业之一:它令国王劲敌,法兰西国王弗朗索瓦一世的城堡相形见绌。 www.bing.com 9. French President Francois Hollande got a hero's welcome Saturday in the liberated northern town of Timbuktu. 周六,在业已解放的北部城镇廷巴克图,法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德得到英雄般的欢迎。 www.bing.com 10. Q: During his visit to China, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said that he would pave the way for President Sarkozy's visit to China. 问:法国总理菲永访华期间曾表示,将为法总统萨科齐访华作铺垫。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. Prime Minister Francois Fillon said this week that he was determined that SocGen should remain a "great French bank" . 总理菲永本周称,确信兴业应该仍是一家“伟大的法国银行”。 cn.reuters.com 2. Another time, Spitz and the dogs in front fell through the ice -Buck and Dave and Francois at the sledge had to pull backwards. 又有一次,斯皮兹与前排的几只狗掉到水里,靠近雪橇的巴克、戴夫与弗朗索瓦只得拼命往后拉。 www.showxiu.com 3. The other dogs fought in their harnesses and Francois often had to stop the sledge. 其余的狗也套着挽具打架。弗朗索瓦斯经常要停下来, www.kekenet.com 4. Now Francois has used Jennifer Lopez, arguably another star somewhat past her prime, to create an extraordinary amount of buzz. 如今,弗朗索瓦故技重施,再次使用一位或许已经处于下坡路的明星——珍妮弗?洛佩兹,希望籍此制造话题。 www.fortunechina.com 5. Lyotard, Jean Francois. The State of Postmodernism. Trans. Dao Zi. Changsha: Hu'nan Fine Arts Publishing House, 1996. 利奥塔:《后现代状况》,岛子译。长沙:湖南美术出版社,1996年。 www.bing.com 6. Francois Leveque from the association says the explosion in prices is due to speculators and Chinese buyers. 该协会的FrancoisLeveque表示,价格飙升的原因是投机者和中国买家需求旺盛。 cn.reuters.com 7. Francois stood , holding his axe, and as Buck passed, the axe crashed down on Dolly's head. 弗朗索瓦斯站在那里,拿着斧头,当巴克跑过去之后,他用斧子一下子劈碎了多莉的脑壳。 www.kekenet.com 8. Francois Goffin utilizes both blur and focus to train our attention on the poetic details of the simple things in life. 弗朗索瓦·戈芬利用虚实让我们关注生活中简单事物充满诗意的细节。 www.ccarting.com 9. French Prime Minister Francois Fillon has announced that the country will not tax sporks and other plastic utensils after all. 法国总理弗朗索瓦·菲永宣布法国将不再对猪肉和其他塑料器具征税。 www.elanso.com 10. The Socialist party of President Francois Hollande enjoys a majority in parliament and should easily vote the bill through. 法国总统奥朗德的社会党在议会拥有多数席位,可以轻而易举地通过新的法律。 www.bing.com 1. The French President Francois Hollande has unveiled his new government. From Paris, Hugh Schofield has more. 法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德推出他的新政府。休·斯科菲尔德在巴黎报道。 www.tingroom.com 2. Then Francois put his arms around Buck's neck and said goodbye to him. 然后弗朗索瓦斯搂着巴克的脖子和他说再见。 www.kekenet.com 3. French President Francois Hollande has said his country will begin withdrawing troops from Mali next month. 法国总统奥朗德称,法国将在下个月从马里撤军。 www.enread.com 4. That's a challenge as the international community faces new threats in Africa, according to French President Francois Hollande. 法国总统奥朗德说,国际社会在非洲面临新的威胁和新的挑战,那就是如何减少贫困,促进发展。 www.bing.com 5. FRANCOIS I , crowned king of France in 1515, had ambitions. One was to become Holy Roman Emperor. 1515年加冕为法兰西国王的弗朗索瓦一世怀着种种雄心壮志,其中之一就是要成为神圣罗马帝国的皇帝。 www.ecocn.org 6. Francois Le Gall of the World Bank says climate change and the globalization of trade raise the risk of spreading animal diseases. 世界银行的FrancoisLeGall说气候改变以及全球化贸易使动物性疾病传播的危险增加。 www.hjenglish.com 7. I did want to follow up a little bit on Francois's question, which you partially answered by saying China is feeling stronger. 您刚才部分回答了Fran?ois的问题,说中国是自觉更强大了。 www.putclub.com 8. Later on, after Mr Francois had died, his widow had apparently insisted she should carry on getting a higher pension. 后来,弗朗克西斯故去后,其遗孀显然坚持是要继续拿到更高的抚恤金。 www.njschool.cn 9. The sixteenth century French buccaneer Francois le Clerc was nicknamed "Jambe de Bois" because of his wooden leg. 16世纪法国海盗弗朗索瓦·克莱尔因为他的木制腿而获得了“JambedeBois”的绰号。 www.bing.com 10. The idea for this application is based upon a demo created by Francois Orsini, presented at ApacheCon in December of 2005. 该应用程序的理念以FrancoisOrsini在2005年12月的ApacheCon上展示的一个Demo为基础。 www.ibm.com 1. Francois is looking for his spare pair. I'll see if the prescriptions match. 法兰西斯在找教授多的那副眼镜届时我看看是否符合 www.jukuu.com 2. Like other Fiat-Chrysler executives, Francois must divide his time between Turin and Detroit. 弗朗索瓦与其他菲亚特-克莱斯勒高管一样,必须在都灵和底特律之间往返奔波。 www.fortunechina.com 3. Since 1999, Francois Ozon has become a world-class director with a world-wide reputation. 自1999年开始,法兰索瓦奥桑已挤身世界级导演行列,获得世界各地一致赞赏。 www.hkdavc.com 4. French new president Francois Hollande holds a bouquet of roses after delivering his speech. 法国新总统奥朗德在获得胜利后手握玫瑰发表演讲。 www.kekenet.com 5. At Francois Mitterrand's graveside not along ago, the mistress mourned alongside the widow. 不久前,在密特朗的新坟边,他的情妇与寡妇并肩致哀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He succeeds Francois Bourguignon, who retired from the Bank Group last year to become Director of the Paris School of Economics. 他将接替去年从世行集团退休的弗朗索瓦布吉尼翁,后者离开世行后担任了巴黎经济学院院长。 bbs.cenet.org.cn 7. Unusually, the Garibaldi trophy has two "godfathers" ; Diego Dominguez of Italy and Jean Francois Tordo of France. 更不同寻常的是,加里波第奖杯有两个“教父”。他们是意大利的DiegoDominguez和法国的JeanFrancoisTordo。 www.bing.com 8. In 1955, French renowned economist Francois Perroux raised a new theory of economic growth and development, namely, Growth Pole Theory. 1955年,法国著名经济学家弗朗索瓦。佩鲁提出一种新的经济增长与发展理论-增长极理论。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Francois was right. Buck wanted to be lead-dog. 弗朗索瓦斯说对了,巴克想做一名头狗。 www.kekenet.com 10. "Three very good dogs, " Francois told Perrault. "Dat Buck, him pull like hell. I teach him quick as anything. " “三条顶呱呱的狗,”福楼沙对波瑞特说,“那个巴克拉起车来像魔鬼,他学起来非常快。” www.showxiu.com 1. Francois forgot the shoes one morning, and Buck refused to move. 一天早晨,弗朗索瓦斯忘记给他穿鞋子,巴克就四脚朝天地躺在地上拒绝动身, www.kekenet.com 2. So, Francois. What do you think are my chances? 那么,弗兰科西斯,你看我能获得这个职位吗? www.bing.com 3. He also learnt to stop and turn when Francois shouted. 他还学会了听从弗朗索瓦斯的指示停步和转弯。 www.kekenet.com 4. Earlier, French Finance Minister Francois Baroin had also stressed the need for Europe to act decisively. 早前,法国财长巴罗恩也强调,欧洲有必要就此事采取果断行动。 www.bing.com 5. For the example in the following illustration, you would click Francoise will write first draft of presentation. 对于下图中的示例,您将需要单击“Francois将起草演示文稿的第一份草稿”。 office.microsoft.com 6. To download Francois' demo, refer to the Resources section. 要下载Francois的demo,请参考参考资料小节。 www.ibm.com 7. Buck learnt quickly that Perrault and Francois were fair men, calm and honest. 巴克很快就了解佩诺特和费朗索瓦斯为人不错,沉稳可靠。 www.kekenet.com 8. In 1982, he rocketed to fame after designing the Elysee Palace in Paris for then President Francois Mitterrand. 1982年,他成名后飙升设计则在巴黎爱丽舍宫总统弗朗索瓦密特朗。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Francois put a harness on him. 弗朗索瓦斯把挽具套到他的身上。 www.kekenet.com 10. Speaking Monday, French finance minister Francois Baroin insisted the talks were on track. 但是,法国财政部长巴鲁安坚持说,会谈进行正常。 www.bing.com 1. 'Those three are very good dogs, 'Francois told Perrault. “这三条狗可真不赖,”弗朗索瓦斯告诉佩诺特, www.kekenet.com 2. of or relating to or characteristic of Francois Rabelais or his works. 属于或关于拉伯雷或其作品的,或有其特点的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Truffaut, Francois. The Four Hundred Blows. 楚浮,四百击。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. Francois Venter is a senior director in the Reproductive Health and HIV Research Unit at the University of Witwatersrand. 弗朗索·瓦文特尔(FrancoisVenter)是威特沃特斯兰德大学的生殖健康和艾滋病毒研究组的高级主管。 www.51voa.com 5. North Kivu's Justice Minister Francois Tuyihimbaze Rucogoza says most of the victims live deep in lawless rural areas. 北基伍省的司法部长FrancoisTuyihimbazeRucogoza说,大多数受害者居住在法律约束力低的农村地区。 www.hxen.com 6. Cattan advised President Francois Hollande on women's issues during his campaign. 在法国总统奥朗德竞选期间,卡坦曾经出任他的妇女问题顾问。 www.bing.com 7. If you're traveling by Batobus, get off at the Louvre stop, quai Francois Mitterrand. 如果你想坐游艇巴士去那里旅游的话,到密特朗码头上岸。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. but Buck was too clever for him and Francois never saw him actually starting a fight. 但是巴克非常聪明,弗朗索瓦斯从未抓住他挑起事端的时候。 www.kekenet.com 9. A Belgian doctor at St. Francois de Sales makes the decision - it is literally a matter of life and death. FrancoisdeSales工作的比利时的医生做出结论---这确实是生死攸关的大事。 www.hjenglish.com 10. That was fair of Francois, he decided, and the half-breed began his rise in Buck's estimation. 他认为福楼沙处理得很公正,这个混血儿在他心目中提升了位置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. French prime minister Francois Fillon has vowed the government's support in reinstating the country's formula one race. 法国总理弗朗索瓦菲永誓言政府的支持,恢复该国的一级方程式比赛。 usa.315che.com 2. Now, she is likely to go up against former party head Francois Hollande. 如今,奥布里可能会在初选中遭遇社会党前领袖奥朗德(FrancoisHollande)。 c.wsj.com 3. They ran half a kilometre, and then Buck heard Francois call to him. 他们追跑了半公里,巴克听见弗朗索瓦斯在叫他。 www.kekenet.com 4. Voodoo doctor Francois Duvalier is elected President in 1957. 1957年巫医出身的弗朗索瓦杜瓦利埃被选举为总统。 www.bing.com 5. Francois leashed the dogs and took them outside. 弗朗索瓦斯用绳子拴出狗,把他们带出船舱。 www.kekenet.com 6. 'Can anyone recall anything Francois Hollande has done in 30 years? ' 罗雅尔曾经嘲讽地问到:“有人能回忆起弗朗索瓦-奥朗德在这三十年里做过什么吗”? www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. He turned and ran towards the man, sure that Francois would save him. 他掉头向他跑去。他知道弗朗索瓦斯肯定是要救他。 www.kekenet.com 8. Francois started to harness the dogs. 弗朗索瓦斯开始给狗套挽具。 www.kekenet.com 9. Jullien, Francois. Circuitousness and Access. Trans. Du Xiaozhen. Beijing: TheJoint Publishing Company Ltd. , 1998. 弗朗索瓦·于连:《迂回与进入》,杜小真译。北京:三联书店,1998年。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. This is what that charming Saint Francois de Sales calls somewhere "les pretres blancs-bees, " callow priests. 这种人正是可爱的圣方济各·撒肋在某处所说的那些“白口教士”。 bbs.ycwb.com 1. The Gulf states have mostly free markets but not free elections, according to Jean-Francois Seznec. 塞内克说,海湾国家建立了基本上自由的市场,但却没有自由选举。 www.america.gov 2. sorry , i don ' t have a card . my name is francois perrin. 抱歉,我没有名片,我的名字叫弗朗索瓦。皮瑞。 www.ichacha.net 3. Francois had put Buck between Dave and Sol-leks because they could teach him the work. 弗朗索瓦斯把巴克放到戴夫和索拉克斯之间,因为他们能教他如何工作。 www.kekenet.com 4. Joe Francois, for example, has estimated that an RMB revaluation against the USD would cost the US jobs on net. 例如,乔弗朗索瓦估计,人民币兑美元升值会减少美国的净岗位数。 www.ecocn.org 5. Francois Mauriac (88-970), a renowned French writer in 0th century, acquired Nobel literary prize in 9. 弗郎索瓦·莫里亚克(88—970)是法国二十世纪著名作家,9年的诺贝尔文学奖获得者。 dict.bioon.com 6. The world record is held by French couple Francois Fernandez, then 96, and Madeleine Francineau, then 94, who married in 2002. 世界纪录是有法国夫妇弗朗索瓦。费尔南德斯创造的,他当时96岁,玛德琳94岁,他们于2002年结婚。 bbs.24en.com 7. Francois La Rochefoucauld, French writer 法国作家拉罗什富科。 www.24en.com 8. Glass negative boxes once used by Auguste Francois 苏雅使用过的玻璃底片盒 downshow.longhoo.net 9. At first, he was afraid that Thornton was going to disappear, like Perrault and Francois, 起初,他很害怕桑顿也会像佩诺特和弗朗索瓦斯一样消失, www.kekenet.com 10. He kept Francois busy, for Francois now lived in fear of the life-and-death struggle between the two dogs; 弗朗索瓦被他弄得招架不住,因为他时时提心吊胆,怕这两条狗之间的一场殊死搏斗。 www.wumichu.com |
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