单词 | file-sharing |
释义 |
例句释义: 文件共用,文件共享,档案共享,档案分享,网上资源共享 1. Yet in Britain music file-sharing seems to be in decline even though a graduated-response law has yet to be introduced. 在英国,虽然《网络制裁法》还没有出台,但是音乐非法共享现象似乎已经开始减少。 www.ecocn.org 2. These features make it a very high practical value, and fit P2P file sharing system's feature of decentralization. 而且蚁群算法的这些特性正好与P2P文件共享系统的去中心化特性相适应。 www.fabiao.net 3. It is not the first time file-sharing software at Japan's police force has been used to compromise confidential information. 文件共享软件被违规用于处理机密信息这在日本警力系统已经不是第一次。 www.ecocn.org 4. Most worrying is the rise of a generation used to obtaining music illegally through file-sharing, particularly in Europe (see chart). 最大的忧虑是通过非法的文件共享方式获得音乐的人数正在上升,特别是在欧洲(见图表)。 www.ecocn.org 5. Because file-sharing systems are in a state of constant change, the various key parts eventually become inaccessible. 因为文件分享系统每天处在不断变换之中,密匙的各个部分终究会变得无法获取。 www.bing.com 6. The company is reputed to be working on a cloud-based file sharing system that may alleviate these omissions . 据称苹果公司正在开发一个云档共用系统,该系统可能会缓解这些问题。 www.bing.com 7. At the moment they view such upstarts as a handy way of weaning customers from illegal file-sharing websites. 目前唱片公司们将这些商业新贵视为一种改变用户从非法共享网站上获取习惯的快捷方式。 www.ecocn.org 8. Award-winning Mobile File Sharing application that allows you to share your pictures, music, videos with friends on your mobile phone! 屡获殊荣的移动文件共享应用,可让您分享您的图片,音乐,视频与朋友在您的手机上! www.sisdown.com 9. By default, simple file sharing is enabled on a Microsoft Windows XP-based computer if the computer is not a member of a domain. 默认情况下,如果基于MicrosoftWindowsXP的计算机不是域的成员,则该计算机上的简单文件共享为启用状态。 support.microsoft.com 10. But by reducing the money available to sign and tout new artists, file-sharing has made it harder for bands to become established. 通过减少签约或者追捧新艺人的费用,文件分享已经让新乐队变得难以建立。 www.ecocn.org 1. In two thousand seven, officials ordered Comcast to stop interfering with file-sharing programs used by its Internet customers. 在2007年,官方要求康卡斯特公司停止干涉其互联网用户使用文件共享项目。 www.unsv.com 2. Laws banning file-sharing are likely to prove as unpopular as the poll tax that helped bring down the Thatcher government. 事实将证明,禁止文件共享的法律很可能会像当年促成撒切尔(Thatcher)政府下台的人头税一样不受欢迎。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The bill targets file-sharing sites like the Pirate Bay that enable users to download movies without paying. 这项法案瞄准了文件分享网站,例如能够让用户免费下载电影的PirateBay。 www.bing.com 4. But as it involves the widespread appropriation of intellectual property without payment, file-sharing is better described as file-nicking. 但由于涉及广泛无偿占用知识产权,文件共享更准确地说是文件偷窃。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Efforts by governments and record companies to shut down file-sharing websites like the Pirate Bay fail. 政府和唱片公司联手剿灭海盗湾等共享网站的努力如此卓有成效,人们索性不再购买正版CD了。 www.bing.com 6. If you're a teen or tween interested in file-sharing, talk with your parents before downloading software or exchanging files. 如果你是个对文件共享有兴趣的年轻人,在下载软件或交换文件前与你的父母交流。 www.yiai.org.cn 7. Although streaming a song is not the same as owning it, Spotify has proved a compelling alternative to illegal file-sharing. 虽然听音乐不等同于拥有音乐,但Spotify提供了一个非法分享文件的强有力的替代方式。 www.ecocn.org 8. Share Send is very simple and easy to use file sharing website. ShareSend是非常简单便捷的文件分享网站。 www.bing.com 9. Where possible, do not use the domain controller as a file sharing server. 尽可能不要将域控制器作为文件共享服务器使用。 support.microsoft.com 10. In the decade since the Napster file-sharing site launched, compact disc sales have collapsed, wresting power from labels. Napster文件共享网站推出后的10年间,CD销量急剧下滑,唱片公司失去控制权。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Click the "View" tab. Do not check the box for "Use simple file sharing (recommended)" , then click "OK" 到「检视」页面,取消勾选「使用简易档案共用(建议使用)」,再按「确定」 www.nod32club.com 2. Meanwhile, file-sharing has decreased significantly since the Digital Britain Report consultation to address illicit P2P file sharing. 与此同时,《数字英国》报告刊登了应对非法P2P文件分享的讨论会报道之后(link),文件分享已经明显减少。 www.bing.com 3. Facing with the growing vast distribute files in mobile network, common file-sharing model is not suitable for dispersion characteristics. 面对新的计算环境,通用分布式文件共享模型无法满足移动网络的分散性,不稳定性等特点。 www.fabiao.net 4. Napster shut down in 2001, opening the file-sharing floodgates . 2001年,(旧版)Napster网站关闭,开启了文件共享之源。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. We recommend that you enable file sharing on multiple networks in the cluster to avoid a single point of failure for the quorum resource. 建议您在群集中的多个网络上启用文件共享,以避免仲裁资源发生单点故障。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Dissatisfied customers and a culture of copying created an ideal environment for file-sharing to grow. 顾客不满,加上复制风行,为文件共享发展创造了一个理想环境。 www.bing.com 7. To be sure your file-sharing program is closed, take the time to "exit" the program, rather than just clicking "X" or "closing" it. 确保你的文件共享软件已经关闭,花点时间“退出”程序,而不是仅仅点那个叉叉,或者关闭。 www.yiai.org.cn 8. Napster was an illegal file-sharing service that was shut down by the courts. Napster因涉嫌非法提供文件共享服务而被法院下令停业; www.ecocn.org 9. Google has, however, removed the 38 requested links at the behest of BPI, but many other file sharing site links remain among the results. Google已经在英国唱片协会的要求下删除了这38个链接,但用户还是可以发现来自其它文件分享网站的链接。 www.bing.com 10. Right now, the customers who can't even *see* why file sharing might be wrong are still young. 现在,那些还年轻的消费者还不能看清文件共享是错误的。 www.bing.com 1. It was in 2008 that Egnyte launched its cloud-based file sharing service, with a focus on small and medium-size businesses. Egnyte在2008年推出基于云端的文件共享服务,专注于中小型企业用户。 www.forbeschina.com 2. Napster popularizes music file-sharing and spawns successors that have permanently changed the recording industry. Napster普及了音乐文件共享,造就了永久地改变了唱片业的后来者。 www.bing.com 3. XML Paper Specification (XPS) XPS is an electronic file format that preserves document formatting and enables file sharing. XML纸张规范(XPS)XPS是一种电子文件格式,可以保留文档格式并允许文件共享。 office.microsoft.com 4. Registration is not required, but all downloads are hosted on external file sharing servers, like MegaUpload, Rapidshare, and such. 论坛不需要注册,不过搜有的下载都存储在外部的文件分享服务上,比如MegaUpload、Rapidshare等等。 www.bing.com 5. Install file-sharing software carefully, so that you know what's being shared. 谨慎安装文件共享软件,了解自己在共享什么。 www.yiai.org.cn 6. Some file-sharing programs automatically open every time you turn on your computer and continue to operate even when you "close" them. 某些文件共享软件随着开机自动启动,并持续运行即使你“关闭”了他们。 www.yiai.net.cn 7. For the moment, just be aware that Samba can do more than just file sharing. 目前,只需知道Samba可以做的不仅仅是文件共享。 www.ibm.com 8. For more details, consult the Samba documentation as well as other articles on developerWorks that discuss Linux file sharing. 有关更多详细信息,请参阅Samba文档以及developerWorks上讨论Linux文件共享的其他文章。 www.ibm.com 9. XML Paper Specification An XPS is an electronic file format that preserves document formatting and helps with file sharing. XML纸张规范XPS是一种电子文件格式,可以保留文档格式并支持文件共享。 office.microsoft.com 10. If it were, then under U. S. law, precedents such as those that resulted from the controversy over Napster and file-sharing could apply. 如果它要是那样,那么根据美国法律,以前关于Napster与文件共享的论战案例就可以援用。 www.bing.com 1. SEES is a concurrent file collaboration and version system provides file sharing, editing by multiple users in a network. 认为是一个并行文件的协作和版本系统提供文件共享,编辑,由多个用户在一个网络。 xtdownload.com 2. Table 1 provides a summary of the file sharing-related ports on which Samba daemons listen. 表1提供Samba守护进程监听的与文件共享相关的端口的汇总。 www.ibm.com 3. they often remain unaware of the damage their child could cause with freely available hacker programs or peer-to-peer file sharing software. 但他们却没有意识到自己的孩子凭借免费取得的黑客程序或点对点档案分享软件可能会造成的破坏。 www.jukuu.com 4. However, the percentage of web users who are file sharing has not grown for five years in Europe, according to a new study from Forrester. 但Forrester的最新研究显示,欧洲互联网用户中文件共享者的比例,最近5年未见增长。 www.ftchinese.com 5. No links from: torrent sites, file sharing forums, guest books, classifieds, dynamic links, link directories, articles submission. 无论是从链接:洪流网站,文件共享论坛,留言簿,分类,动态链接,链接目录,文章提交。 www.bing.com 6. Box. net is a SaaS collaboration and file-sharing platform that positions itself as a SharePoint alternative. net是一款SaaS(在线服务软件)协作和文件分享平台,自我标榜为SharePoint的替代选择。 www.bing.com 7. In recent years, peer-to-peer technology has been widely applied to many areas, including file sharing, networked TV, and instant messaging. 近年来,对等网路架构广泛的应用在许多领域,例如档案分享、网路电视和即时通讯等。 ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw 8. As Kroes has repeatedly stated, the only current European single market for digital music and film is based on unlawful file-sharing. 由于克罗斯曾多次表示,目前唯一的欧洲数字音乐和电影的单一市场的基础是非法的文件共享。 www.dob2c.com 9. File-sharing systems are extremely volatile in general and Soulseek is no exception. 文件共享系统总体来说是极不稳定的,Soulseek也不例外。 www.tianya.cn 10. The popular audio file sharing site, Sound Cloud, reduces noise by increasing productivity for A&R. 大家熟知的音频文件共享网站——SOUNGCLOUD,是通过提高A&R工作效率来减少噪音的。 kk.dongxi.net 1. XML Paper Specification ( XPS ) XPS is a fixed-layout electronic file format that preserves document formatting and enables file sharing . XML纸张规格(XPS)XPS是一种固定版式的电子文件格式,可以保留文档格式并支持文件共享。 www.bing.com 2. Its inability to cope with file-sharing led to the collapse of recorded-music sales and the growing dependence on live music. 他们没有做到资源共享,导致了唱片业务的失败,也愈发依赖现场音乐会。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Dropbox is an excellent online file sharing and storage tool, it works well and offers excellent convenience. Dropbox是一款优秀的在线文件共享和储存工具,兼具实用性和便利性。 www.forbeschina.com 4. A first service implemented on top of the networking layer allows anonymous censorship-resistant file-sharing. 在网络层上首次实现的服务是提供匿名、抗审查的档案分享。 www.bing.com 5. A court in Sweden has jailed four men behind The Pirate Bay (TPB), the world's most high-profile file-sharing website, in a landmark case. 在一次具有“里程碑意义”的案件审理当中,瑞典法庭判处“盗版湾”四人监禁,“盗版湾”是当前世界是最大的高品质文件共享网站 www.bing.com 6. Portable Document Format (PDF) PDF is a fixed-layout electronic file format that preserves document formatting and enables file sharing. 可移植文档格式(PDF)PDF是一种可以保留文档格式并允许文件共享的版式固定的电子文件格式。 office.microsoft.com 7. In this setup, the server acts as a centralized location for file sharing, backups, and probably printer sharing. 在此设置中,服务器充当用于共享文件、备份(可能包括打印机共享)的中央位置。 www.ibm.com 8. We have multiple websites in the categories of independent film, independent music, industrial construction, and file sharing. 我们在独立电影,独立音乐,工业建筑和文件共享类多个网站。 www.bing.com 9. If simple file sharing is enabled, you see the simple file sharing user interface appears instead of the Security and Sharing tabs. 如果启用简单文件共享,您将看到简单文件共享用户界面,而不是安全和共享选项卡。 support.microsoft.com 10. Peer-to-peer file-sharing is asynchronous; you spend hours downloading a movie or game that you'll watch or play later. 点对点文件分享是匿名的,开始看电影或者玩游戏前先得花费几个小时下载。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. What's more, some file-sharing programs automatically open every time you turn on your computer. 并且,有些文件共享程序会在你打开电脑时自动启动。 www.yiai.org 2. It might also contain a file sharing system for podcasts, videos, or other files. 它也可能会包含针对podcast、视频或其他文件的文件共享系统。 www.ibm.com 3. Extranet applications range from simple file sharing to critical business transactions among partners. 内扩网的应用包含从简单的文件共享到合作伙伴之间重要的业务交易处理。 www.hotdic.com 4. Book publishers face the same piratical threats from illegal file-sharing and copyright infringement as other media companies. 与其它媒体公司一样,图书出版商同样面临非法文件共享与侵犯版权这样的盗版威胁。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Music executives reckon people are moving from file-sharing networks to Spotify, though they may continue to download some music illegally. 据音乐权威人士预测,尽管人们还会继续非法的下载一些音乐,但趋势会是从文件共享网络转向Spotify。 www.ecocn.org 6. The latter is unique among the file sharing hosts mentioned in this article. 后面的几点在本文提到的托管商中是独一无二的。 www.bing.com 7. A file-sharing "message system" is provided, which does not require client software. 如果使用文件共享[消息系统],则不需要客户软件。 www.ianywhere.com 8. Another feature related to file sharing is the concept of browsing. 文件共享的另一个相关特性是概念浏览(browsing)。 www.ibm.com 9. The cross-platform FolderShare (original post) is more of a file syncing tool than it is a traditional file-sharing service. 跨平台的FolderShare已经超越了传统的文件共享服务的范畴,而更应该被看作是文件同步工具。 www.bing.com 10. Most obviously I mean social networks, internet services, and the transformation file sharing has on intellectual property. 说的直白点,就是社交网络、互联网服务以及突破知识产权的限制,享受文件共享的精神。 www.bing.com 1. No link from: torrent sites, file sharing forums, guest books, classifieds, dynamic links, link farms, link-exchange. 没有链接自:洪流网站,文件共享论坛,留言簿,分类,动态链接,链接农场,链接交换。 www.bing.com 2. Check the proper settings so that other users of the file-sharing network won't have access to your private files, folders, or sub-folders. 仔细检查设定,从而其他共享用户不会访问到你的私人文件、文件夹与子文件夹。 www.yiai.net.cn 3. As with any peer-to-peer file-sharing service, copyright infringement and piracy are immediately raised as primary concerns. 和所有P2P(点对点)文件分享网站一样,侵犯版权和隐私是该网站面临的主要问题。 www.bing.com 4. However, if simple file sharing is enabled, you cannot prevent specific users and groups from accessing your shared folders. 但是,如果启用了简单文件共享,则无法阻止特定用户和组访问您的共享文件夹。 support.microsoft.com 5. Chinese music fans were raised on knockoff CDs and are now accustomed to getting hold of music for nothing on file-sharing websites. 中国的音乐爱好者们成长于盗版CD的环境之中,已经习惯免费从分享网站上下载音乐。 www.bing.com 6. In some instances, closing the file-sharing program window does not actually close your connection to the network. 在某些情况下,关掉文件共享程序的窗口并未真正断开与网络的连接。 www.yiai.org.cn 7. eDonkey Turbo Accelerator is a powerful accelerator designed to speed up your eDonkey file sharing program. 电驴涡轮加速器,是一个有力的加速器设计,以加速你的电驴文件共享程序。 xtdownload.com 8. The Client Access server also accesses offline address book files on the Mailbox server through NetBIOS file sharing. 客户端访问服务器还可通过NetBIOS文件共享访问邮箱服务器上的脱机通讯簿文件。 technet.microsoft.com 9. TO A modern music executive a pirate is a teenager who illicitly downloads music from a file-sharing website. 对现代音乐主任来说,非法收听音乐者就是那些从文件共享网站上非法下载音乐的青少年。 www.ecocn.org 10. The latter endeavor usually meant foraying into the murky domains of file-sharing and piracy services. 后者通常意味着访问不安全的文件共享域或者盗版服务器。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Talking of file sharing on the network, does it mean that I can see what's on someone else's hard drive in another place? 说起网络文件共享,这是不是就是说我可以看到别处某一个人的硬盘上的内容? club.163.com 2. Although the term "file sharing" has all sorts of ugly connotations, it's not necessarily a bad thing. 虽然“文件共享”这个词有各种不好的含义,但它并不一定是件坏事。 www.bing.com 3. It's no secret that the Internet is awash with unlicensed, free digital copies of books on file-sharing websites. 互联网中充斥着文件共享网站上的无授权的免费电子书已不是什么秘密了。 www.rr365.com 4. Parker has been involved with several start-ups over the years, including the once-popular early 2000s music file-sharing service, Napster. 帕克多年来已参与创立了7家初创企业,包括21世纪初一度风行的音乐文件共享网站Napster。 www.fortunechina.com 5. Now the SaaS file-sharing and collaboration suite, which is going after SharePoint head on, has the added component of Web conferencing. 现在这款基于云端的文件分享和协作套件已经将网络会议组件添加进来了。Box.net目前正在迎面追赶SharePoint(中文link)。 www.bing.com 6. Launched earlier this month, Obayoo (pronounced oh-bio) is a private social network for microblogging and file sharing within your company. 这个月早些时候才面世的Obayoo是一款公司专用的微博和文件分享社交网络。 www.bing.com 7. With the application of GridFTP, we enable file sharing among virtual organizations. 通过GridFTP的应用,实现不同虚拟组织间的文件共享。 www.juhe8.com 8. Mr. Topolski discovered that Comcast was slowing a video file-sharing service called BitTorrent. 托波尔斯基先生发现Comcast延缓了称为BitTorrent的一种视频文件分享服务(的性能)。 www.bing.com 9. Illegal file-sharing had advanced from "geek to sleek, " Frederick Huntsberry, the studio's chief operating officer, told officials. 派拉蒙首席运营管弗雷德里克曾向有关官员表示,各种非法文件共享“十分猖獗”。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Many file-sharing websites have looked for new ways to host content following the recent piracy crackdown. 许多资源分享网站都在寻找新方法,以应对近来打击盗版之风。 www.putclub.com 1. But even if we do, file-sharing will probably alter the form of the works we do create. 但是如果这个问题解决了,文件共享也许会改变我们创作作品的形式。 www.bing.com 2. Or do you think it's an accident that file-sharing and free culture have roots in the free software community? 那么你想一想文件分享和自由文化是否是根植于自由软件文化的? www.bing.com 3. Lots of people suggest that it might lead to less file sharing, but that's not the same thing as getting people to pay for anything. 许多人认为“三振断网”能减少非法文件共享数量,但这并不等同于人们购买了娱乐产业产品。 www.bing.com 4. The Compact Disc is ranked fourth, followed by Napster the ground-breaking illegal file-sharing site. CD名列第四位,后面是Napster,史无前例的非法音乐下载网站。 www.bing.com 5. The fourth case study analyzes the Napster debate over file sharing and duplication of online music. 第四个案例研究分析了对文件共享和Napster的在线音乐重复辩论。 wenwen.soso.com 6. smbd is the server daemon that provides the file-sharing and printing services to Windows clients. smbd是服务器守护进程,它向Windows客户机提供文件共享和打印服务。 www.ibm.com 7. At the start of the app, you will be asked for a "file sharing code" . 在应用程序开始,你将被要求提供了“文件共享代码”。 www.opda.net.cn 8. Over the past week or so, we've encountered several sites that offer file-sharing services via Twitter. 过去一周,我们发现了一些提供通过Twitter共享文件服务的网站。 www.bing.com 9. Peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing allows users to share files online through an informal network of computers running the same software. P2P文件共享使得用户能够在网络上与运行相同软件的电脑间分享文件。 www.yiai.net.cn 10. Attempts to shut down file-sharing websites have merely encouraged the growth of others. 之前那些关闭下载网站的方法都反而助长了其他下载网站的发展势头。 www.bing.com 1. Perhaps the most basic file sharing protocol still in common use is the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). 在通常的使用中共享协定剧照的也许最基本的文件是文件传递协定(FTP)。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Among other things, Oberholzer-Gee and Strumpf argue that file sharing has done nothing to deter the production of books, music, and films. 此外,Oberholzer-Gee和Strumpf认为文件分享不会妨碍书籍,音乐和电影的制作。 www.bing.com 3. Some are users of illegal file-sharing networks who want to be harder to track down. 一些是非法文件共享网络用户-他们想要的就是监管者难以追查出其网上活动。 www.bing.com 4. If you turn off simple file sharing, you can permit specific users and groups to access a shared folder. 如果关闭简单文件共享,则可以允许特定用户和组访问共享文件夹。 support.microsoft.com 5. Strategy Nets integrates blogging, wikis, calendaring, email, file sharing, RSS output, tags and more. StrategyNets集成了博客,维基,日历,电子邮件,文件共享,RSS输出,标签等特色。 www.bing.com 6. Internet service providers bear no liability for illegal file sharing because the content is not hosted on their servers. 互联网服务提供商对非法文件共享不负责任因为这些东西并不存储在他们的服务器上。 www.bing.com 7. File sharing session helps resume download if the download is done half-way. 文件共享会议有助于恢复下载,如果下载完成一半。 www.sisdown.com 8. File sharing is enabled, but sharing properties on the folder or printer are not set. 启用了文件共享,但没有设置文件夹或打印机上的共享属性。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 9. File sharing has been paused temporarily on this server. 在这台服务器上文件共享临时中断。 www.fan6.net 10. Note You cannot turn off simple file sharing in Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition. 注意:不能关闭MicrosoftWindowsXPHomeEdition中的简单文件共享。 support.microsoft.com 1. Illegal file-sharing services are responsible for billions of dollars in lost sales, according to claims by major labels. 几家主要唱片公司声称,非法文件分享服务造成了几十亿美元的销售损失。 www.bing.com 2. Traditional mobile file sharing technology has restricts on transmission stability, using convenience flexibility and so on. 传统的智能终端文件共享环境具有针对性强,限制多,传输不稳定,使用不方便等限制。 www.fabiao.net 3. Add tools to support your team's evolving needs: file-sharing, discussions, meetings, business forms, and more. 添加工具来支持工作组不断发展的需要:文件共享、讨论、会议、业务表单等等。 office.microsoft.com 4. And some may conclude that it is in their own interests to restrain file-sharing. 有一些人也许觉得限制文件共享符合这些供应商自身的利益。 www.ecocn.org 5. It addresses issues like P2P file sharing, P2P application services, and collaborative distributed computing. 它解决了象P2P文件共享、P2P应用程序服务和协作的分布式计算之类的问题。 www.ibm.com 6. A new law, passed on February 15th, aims to shut down iffy file-sharing websites that carry lots of copyrighted material. 一条新的法律于2月15日通过了,旨在于关闭那些带有著作权资料的可疑的文件共享网站。 www.ecocn.org 7. File-sharing has made virtually all music available for nothing. 文件共享几乎使得所有音乐免费。 www.ecocn.org 8. This article describes how to turn off simple file sharing. 本文介绍了如何关闭简单文件共享。 support.microsoft.com 9. Some file-sharing software may install malware or adware, and some files may include unwanted content. 某些文件共享软件可能会安装恶意软件或广告软件,以及某些文件可能包含你不想要的内容。 wiki.yiai.org 10. While taking action against file-sharing, the government is offering a quid pro quo by moving to liberalize the rules on personal copying. 在采取行动反对文件分享的同时,政府通过转向拷贝规则自由化提供一系列赔偿。 www.bing.com 1. That helps explain why, in late 2008, the RIAA abandoned the idea of suing individuals for file-sharing. 这就有助于解释为什么在2008年年底,美国唱片产业协会打消了起诉用户非法资源共享的想法。 english.31931.cn 2. The basic operations in file sharing systems are analyzed. 对文件共享系统中的基本操作过程进行分析。 www.ecice06.com 3. After Napster's demise, a P2P application called Kazaa became the most popular service for music file sharing. 在Napster倒下之后,一个叫做Kazaa的P2P网站成为最受欢迎的音乐分享网站。 www.bing.com 4. In a British poll published in July, 17% of consumers said they used file-sharing services, down from 22% in December 2007. 英国7月公布的民意调查显示,17%的消费者坦言他们使用文件共享服务,该指标在2007年12月还是22%。 www.ecocn.org 5. There are other file-sharing and FTP apps out there, but Box. net is fast, is reliable, and has the right approach to collaboration. 市面上不乏文件分享和FTP应用程序,但Box.net快速、可靠,并提供了正确的协作方法。 www.bing.com 6. Program Controls - Control Instant Messengers, P2P File Sharing, and other harmful programs. 程式控制-控制即时信息,P2P文件共享,以及其他有害程序。 www.orderble.com 7. Skype was built on top of the infrastructure of P2P file-sharing system, Kazaa. Skype建立在Kazaa已有的P2P文件分享网络的基础之上。 www.bing.com 8. He left the IT firm and launched a startup based on peer-to-peer file sharing technology. 他选择离开那家IT公司,创立一个基于点对点文件共享技术的启动数据库。 www.bing.com 9. This is how instant messengers or file sharing programs work - the system keeps a list of users with their IP addresses. 这是IM和文件分享软件工作的原理–系统总是保存着包含着IP地址信息的用户列表。 www.bing.com 10. No link from: torrent sites, file sharing, articles. 无论是从链接:洪流网站,文件共享,文章。 www.bing.com 1. You may want to adjust the file-sharing program's controls so that it is not connected to the P2P network all the time. 你可能想调整文件共享软件的控制选项,使得它不用总是与P2P网络相连。 www.yiai.net.cn 2. File Sharing: A simple and safe way to share files directly from your computer. 文件共享:采取简单且安全的方式直接共享计算机上的文件。 www.infoq.com 3. More people than ever started file sharing and fewer people decided to buy music directly. 更多的人开始文件共享,很少有人直接购买唱片。 www.bing.com 4. It is advised to close all file sharing applications before calling. 它的咨询机构,以关闭所有文件共享应用程序之前调用。 blog.jianghu.taobao.com 5. It's different from classic file sharing because it uses web technology to be more compatible with today's Internet. 这是从经典的文件共享网站不同,因为它使用的技术,以更符合今天的互联网兼容。 www.pb86.net 6. We ended up talking about computers and file-sharing. 我们以谈论电脑和文件共享结束了话题。 elt.i21st.cn 7. On Windows systems, port 445 handles local printer and file sharing traffic. 在Windows系统中,445端口用于处理本地打印机和文件分享流量。 www.bing.com 8. The material was not put on a file-sharing site by our clients. 这些内容没有放在我们客户的文件分享网站上。 www.bing.com 9. Network Servers This chapter defines the requirements for various network servers, such as file sharing servers and WWW servers. 本章定义了各种网络服务器的要求,例如,文件共享服务器,WWW服务器。 www.okandok.cn 10. In recent years P2Ps have become vast file-sharing networks for information in all its forms. 近年来,P2Ps已成为规模庞大的文件共享网络,它面向所有信息形式。 www.bing.com 1. The Opera Unite File Sharing service is simply the easiest way to share files from your computer. 使用OperaUnite文件共享器共享文件是共享您的电脑中文件的最简单的方法。 www.bing.com 2. So what does that mean to the file-sharing community? 这对文件共享社区意味着什么? www.cnbeta.com 3. The watermarked footage was made available for download on BitTorrent file-sharing sites such as IsoHunt. com and thePirateBay. org. 这一段带水印的影片可从IsoHunt.com和thePirateBay.org等比特流(BitTorrent)文件分享网站下载。 c.wsj.com 4. Select File Sharing in the list, then click Options. 在列表中选择“文件共享”,然后点按“选项”。 docs.info.apple.com 5. Is there a solution that can allow file sharing and keep my files, my wife's files, and the backup files synced up? 有没有一种解决方案可以实现文件共享,让我的文件、我太太的文件和备份文件之间保持同步? www.bing.com 6. With simple file sharing, you can share folders with everyone on your workgroup or network and make folders in your user profile private. 利用简单文件共享,您可以与工作组或网络上的任何人共享文件夹,以及将您的用户配置文件中的文件夹设为专用。 support.microsoft.com 7. In this paper, we use P2P file-sharing system as the background to explore the P2P security. 本文以P2P网络中的文件共享领域的应用作为探讨的背景,探讨P2P安全问题。 www.fabiao.net 8. File sharing has been temporarily paused. 已暂停文件共享。 www.fan6.net 9. We write an initial letter to those suspected of illegal file sharing based on technical information received from our clients. 我们向那些涉嫌进行非法文件共享的人发出了第一份封信件,文件共享的技术信息是我们的客户提供的。 www.bing.com 10. In peer-to-peer sharing, you use a file-sharing software program, eMule, for example, to *locate computers that have the file you want. 所谓“点对点分享”指的是,使用一个像电驴这样的文件共享下载软件,然后在他人电脑上搜寻你所需要的文件资料。 www.hxen.com 1. File sharing: Upload and share your work with others in your group. 文件共享:向您的论坛上传文件并与其他成员分享工作成果。 groups.google.cz 2. Can anyone say file-sharing via Twitter? 这里有人会问一个问题:可以通过twitter进行文件分享吗? www.bing.com 3. In the past few years sales of CDs have been hammered by illegal file-sharing and digital downloading services such as Apple's iTunes. 在过去几年里,非法的音频文件共享与苹果公司iTunes之流所提供的数字下载服务令唱片销量锐减。 www.ecocn.org 4. It enabled file sharing over Bluetooth for up to 54 people - for example to trade files or play networked games. 它允许多达54人通过蓝牙分享文件–比如说交换文档或是玩网络游戏。 www.bing.com 5. By limiting the port access, it stops attacks on all the other services (such as file sharing) and FTP. 通过限制端口访问,可以阻止对其他所有服务(例如,文件共享)和FTP的攻击。 www.ibm.com 6. I talls su ort for file sharing and file locking. 安装文件共享和梦幻西游最低配置文件锁定的支持。 www.51yue.net 7. Edmodo also provides file sharing and file storage. Edmodo同样提供文件共享和存储。 www.bing.com 8. This Case not only reflects the use of P2P file-sharing technology has caused imbalance of interests in the area of copyright situation. 该案不仅反映出点对点数据传输技术应用在我国已经造成了著作权领域的利益失衡的局面。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. One of the most important applications of P2P computing is P2P file sharing system. P2P文件共享系统是对等计算最重要的应用之一。 www.juhe8.com 10. Meanwhile, we use the third-party secure package to maintain the security level in our file-sharing system. 采用了能提供更高安全强度的第三方包来增强文件共享过程中各个环节的安全性; www.fabiao.net 1. Although some P2P file-sharing applications have stopped because of legal issues, there is still a high demand in the industry. 尽管一些P2P文件分享程序(大名鼎鼎的Napster)被司法问题搞死鸟,人们对这个产业的需求并没有因此而止反而愈演愈烈。 www.bing.com 2. These sites allow people to learn in a social context through discussion, file sharing, and collaboration. 在这些网站上,人们可以通过讨论,分享文章,合作等方式学习。 m.yeeyan.org 3. Based on the discussion about the key technologies, a design of high available P2P file sharing system is given. 在研究基于元数据的搜索和数据冗余技术的基础上,给出了高可用性P2P文件共享系统的设计。 www.fabiao.net 4. You typically create a public drop folder on a file-sharing server so that your team can access outputs such as those from nightly builds. 您通常会在档案共用伺服器上建立公用置放资料夹,让小组可以存取输出,例如夜间组建的输出。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Scaring people about the trouble they might get into through file sharing has done nothing to get people to buy more. 威胁消费者共享文件将会有麻烦对于说服他们购买正版没有任何好处。 www.bing.com 6. Rob Wells of Universal Music reckons that 60-70% of Spotify users have resorted to file-sharing in the past. 环球音乐的RobWells估计,有60-70%的Spotify用户在过去会采取文件分享的方法。 www.bing.com 7. Easy File Sharing Web Serv. 网络共享。 www.dudu.com 8. In music, too, the young have drifted to illegal file-sharing and, more recently, to free streaming services such as Spotify. 音乐也同样如此,年轻人已转向了非法音乐下载,最近更是转向了免费流媒体,如Spotify。 www.ecocn.org 9. But file-sharing can have a number of risks. 但是,文件共享也存在不少风险。 wiki.yiai.org 10. Much pornographic content may simply have shifted from the web to peer-to-peer file-sharing networks, for example. 例如,许多色情内容可能只是从网络转移到点对点共享内网。 www.ecocn.org 1. Over the years the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has accused 18, 000 internet users of engaging in illegal file-sharing. 数年之中美国唱片业协会起诉了约18000名参与非法音乐共享服务的网民。 www.ecocn.org 2. On the other hand, merging existing NAS and SAN technologies is a highly realistic SAN file-sharing proposal. 另一方面,把现有的NAS和SAN技术结合起来,是非常现实的SAN文件共享方案。 www.etiri.com.cn 3. On the other hand, if the defendants win, the market for peer-to-peer file sharing software will probably boom. 另一方面,如果被告获胜,对等文件共享软件的市场将可能会兴隆起来。 www.24en.com 4. What do you mean? You're not using a file-sharing site, are you? 你是什么意思?你不使用文件共享网站,是吗? www.kekenet.com 5. The Present applications and the Discussions over the Outlet Development of the Peer-to-Peer File-sharing Software 对等网文件交换软件的应用现状与发展出路探讨 service.ilib.cn 6. Implementation of Security File Sharing Between Different System 异构系统间文件安全共享的实现 service.ilib.cn 7. Thirteen Hollywood production companies are suing the file-sharing Web site the Pirate Bay, 十三家好莱坞制片公司联合对文件共享网站海盗湾提出起诉。 www.360abc.com 8. Layer-7 filters that mistake nanoHUB connections for file sharing applications violating copyright laws 第7层的筛选器可能将nanoHUB连接误认为违反版权法的文件共享应用程序 www.ibm.com 9. Music file-sharing does not hurt CD sales: study 研究显示音乐共享并没有伤及CD销售 www.wwenglish.com 10. File sharing service monitoring technique based on protocol analysis in application layer 基于应用层协议分析的文件共享服务监听技术 ilib.cn 1. In June a poll of Swedish users of file-sharing software found that 60% had cut back or stopped using it; 六月瑞典一次针对文件共享软件用户的民意调查表明,60%的用户已经减少使用次数或者停止使用; www.ecocn.org 2. To disable simple file sharing, follow these steps 要禁用简单文件共享,请按照下列步骤操作 support.microsoft.com 3. file-sharing and video sharing websites (文件分享和视频分享网站)。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 4. Research on Owner-Centric Grid File Sharing 所有者为中心的网格文件共享研究 www.ilib.cn 5. File Sharing and Printer Sharing 文件和打印机共享 www.fan6.net 6. Design and implementation of secure file sharing service based on CORBA 基于CORBA的安全文件共享服务的设计与实现 ilib.cn 7. Grid File Sharing Model Based on Virtual Organizations 基于虚拟组织的网格文件资源共享模型 www.ilib.cn 8. Design of File Sharing Service Based on Mobile Phone's Position in IMS Network IMS中一种基于手机位置的文件共享类业务的设计 www.ilib.cn 9. the shutdown of file-sharing site Napster (2001) 文件共享网站Napster关闭(2001) www.bing.com 10. Anger at UK file-sharing policy 英国文件共享政策招不满 www.enread.com 1. File-sharing and the law 文件共享和相关法律 www.bing.com 2. File sharing, for example, deals with issues of copyright infringement and piracy, 共享方面的讨论,就涉及到版权侵权和盗版问题,因为, www.wipo.int 3. File sharing on the network is slower than expected in Windows Server 2003 SP1 在网络上共享文件是低于WindowsServer2003SP1中预期 support.microsoft.com |
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