单词 | fight with |
释义 | 例句释义: 和…战斗,与…打架,与……作战,和……打架 1. A. The general challenged the enemy leader to fight. B. The enemy leader was challenged to fight with the general. 这位将军向敌人首领挑战,要决一高下。 resource.hkedu.sh.cn 2. One young woman I know had a fight with her mother just before her mother committed suicide. 我知道的一个年轻女孩,她跟自己的母亲吵了一架,之后母亲就自杀了。 www.bing.com 3. "She had a fight with a man who says he's her husband, " explained a girl at my elbow. “她刚才跟一个男人吵了一架,那个家伙自称是她的丈夫。”我身旁的一个姑娘解释说。 4. They were very active in the second century also, and then people like Augustine would later have to sort of fight with these people. 他们在二世纪也非常活跃,后来奥古斯丁这样的人,要和这些人作斗争。 open.163.com 5. It was probably not the best time to pick a fight with Egypt, whose government, though authoritarian, was at least somewhat friendly. 这时候和埃及撕破脸肯定不是时候,尽管有个专制的政府,他们多少还比较友好。 www.ecocn.org 6. Wayne: Yes. So I don't want her to be hurt or sad and fight with her parents. 是的,所以我不想她受伤或者伤心,不想她跟父母对抗。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Then he looked at the men and encouraged them all not to lose heart and to fight with all that they had. 然后看着并鼓励他们不要灰心,要全力以赴。 www.bing.com 8. He has to realize that no one is trying to fight with him, and that his reaction is out of proportion to the situation. 他必须认识谁也不想和他打架,他的反应和情景不成比例。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. It is the only place to entrust her spirit, and the only weapon for her to fight with the reality. 这是她精神上唯一寄托的地方,也是她与现实抗争的唯一武器。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. That reminds me that the other mom is in a fight with you. 这又让我想起另外一个妈妈还在和你冷战。 www.bing.com 1. One night in prison, he got into a fight with his roommate, and with a knife, he uncontrollably felt impelled to kill him. 有一天晚上,他在狱中与室友发生打斗,当时他手上有一把刀,他不由自主地有杀害对方的冲动。 sm2000.org 2. A family friend said he died due to problems resulting from his long fight with pancreatic cancer. 一位家族朋友说,他是死于长期对抗的胰脏癌所衍伸的问题。 www.ctcvn.org 3. But though those talks continue in private, a fight with Alibaba and its founder Jack Ma has played out in an embarrassingly public way. 虽然关于雅虎日本的谈判是在私下展开,但雅虎与阿里巴巴及其创始人马云的争吵却以令人难堪的方式呈现在公众面前。 www.ftchinese.com 4. When she didn't take notice at me, I got into a fight with another child, and I defeated him and made him cry. 当她没注意时,菜和另一个小孩子打起架来,并把他打哭了。 hi.baidu.com 5. Your real hysteria! This is just a reason because you must think of like this. . . . . . . You jointly fight with it otherwise right away! 您真歇斯底里!这不过是因为您一定要这样想的缘故。……不然您就会同它搏斗的! wenku.baidu.com 6. If I won my fight with sir Sagramor, other knights would have the right to call me out. 这回跟撒格拉摩爵士战斗,我要是得了胜,别的骑士就有来点名叫阵的权利。 7. After a fight with her mother last night, the 13-year-old girl leave home without telling anyone and got on a down train. 那个13岁的女孩昨晚跟妈妈吵了一架,于是便擅自离家,上了一辆南下的火车。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. And it's exciting to be zoning like celebrity coming out to support you and help, fight with you. 那是很令人兴奋的,就像名人出来支持和帮助你,与你并肩作战。 www.kekenet.com 9. BTW - I'm not trying to attack or fight with you whatsoever, just stating what I think. 顺便说一句,我不想与你争辩,仅仅只是表述我的看法。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Vernon zhong: Do not think you are a woman, and i dare not to fight with you. Do not shout. Do not act, please. 仲天骐:不要以为你是女人,我就不敢对你动手。不要吵啦,你不要动啊。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In his comments, Jerry Yang said the fight with Microsoft had helped to unite the company. 杨致远在讲话中表示,与微软的斗争促进了公司的团结。 www.ftchinese.com 2. She told him she had just had a fight with her husband, a police officer, and needed to get out of the house for a while. 这女人是约翰以前的同事,她告诉约翰,自己刚刚跟当警察的丈夫吵了一架,出来透透气。 www.bing.com 3. Two declined to comment on Mr. Hendry, saying they did not want to "get into a fight" with him. 有两位投资者拒绝评论亨德利先生,说他们不希望与他“发生争执”。 dongxi.net 4. Tom is going to call me out, but I really want to to fight with him. 汤姆要跟我决斗,但是我真的不想和他打架。 www.bing.com 5. If you force your enemy into a desperate situation, he would fight with all his got. 如果把敌人逼的无路可走,他就会拼命反扑。 www.italki.com 6. After she had given birth to a baby, her maternal instinct caused her to fight with the couple for its custody. 事成之后,代母的母性大发,与该对夫妇争夺女儿的抚养权。 life.mingpao.com 7. Going back home with a few bruises on his face from a fight with David, Jack was determined to have it out with him some day. 和戴维打架后,杰克脸上伤痕累累地回家时,他下定决心,总有一天要和戴维算账。 www.59edu.com 8. The soldiers took their cue from the general and began to fight with great bravery. 士兵们按照将军的指示,开始勇敢地进行战斗。 wenwen.soso.com 9. I've actually had a chance one time to fight with him in a charity event in Paris and I would like to have another go! 在巴黎的慈善活动中,我实际上有一次和他一起比赛的机会,但我希望还能有另外的机会。 f1.sports.sohu.com 10. After a fight with her parents about her future plans, her mother falls quite ill and Helena is convinced that it is all her fault. 在她跟父母就自己的未来安排产生争执之后,她妈妈重病不起,让海伦娜觉得这一切都是自己的错。 www.kankan.com.cn 1. It would be happier to live all by my self than fight with a man for one same thing all the rest of my life. 自己一个人生活比用尽余生和一个人为同一个目标奋斗来的更为开心,快乐。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The old man and the sea ", the protagonist fight with sharks, harpoon is sharks away, he took a knife in the OARS. " 《老人与海》中,主人公与鲨鱼搏斗,鱼叉被鲨鱼带走了,他就把小刀绑在桨把上。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. I had a little fight with Sir Alex Ferguson, but I also had some great moments with him too. 我和弗格森爵士有过一些小争执,不过我亦同样和他有过一些美好的时刻。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Nevertheless, she never quitted the fight with darkness and death with the support of love until the last breath of her life. 但是直到最后一刻,爱情都在支撑她与黑暗和死亡抗争。 www.1x1y.com.cn 5. Since it could be a formidable task, after a while the other directors were disinclined to pick a fight with him. 自从他变成了一个难缠的对手,不久其他的董事便不再与他展开争斗。 www.bing.com 6. Julio Cobos, the vice-president, who turned on her during a 2008 tax fight with farmers, has said he will not run. 在2008年与农民的税款斗争中反对她的副总统JulioCobos,表示自己不会参选。 www.ecocn.org 7. That bouncer is so buff. Don't get into a fight with him. 那个保镖好壮,可别跟他打架。 bbs.englishcn.com 8. If I had to start a fight with one of them, I know which it would be. 如果我必须与其中一位开战的话,我知道自己的对手会是谁。 www.ftchinese.com 9. This would be a great fight if Cotto's promoter Bob Arum would allow him to take the fight with Martinez. 如果库托的推广人鲍勃?阿鲁姆允许他同马丁内兹比赛,这将会是一场伟大的比赛! www.qjhm.net 10. You think I wanna fight with you. 你以为我愿意和你吵架。 wenku.baidu.com 1. But Thecla asked the governor that she might remain pure until she was to fight with the beast. 但特格拉要求总督,她要保持洁净,直到与野兽搏斗 open.163.com 2. The peaceful meting ended when the company sent out a group of angry men armed with sticks to fight with the citizens. 和平会议在工厂送出一队拿着棍棒的愤怒的人和市民打起来中结束了。 www.xici.net 3. Prince Harry hit the headlines as he was involved in a fight with a photographer outside a London nightclub. 英国哈里王子因在伦敦一家夜总会外与记者发生冲突而成为媒体的头条。 bbs.enfamily.cn 4. The peaceful meeting ended when the company set out a group of angry men armed with stick to fight with the citizens. 当该公司派出一帮气势汹汹、手抡大棒的大汉与市民搏斗时,平静的会议结束了。 www.hicoo.net 5. He came only once, in white knickerbockers , and had a fight with a bum named Etty in the garden. 他只来过一次,穿着一条白灯笼裤,还在花园里跟一个姓艾蒂的二流子干了一架。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Today as you face your spiritual battle, may you be confident in His protection, to fight with His power and prevail in His strength. 今天当我们面临属灵的争战,愿神保守我们的信心,用他的权能去争战,满有他的力量。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I'll fight with everything I've got to stop those who would gamble your Social Security on Wall Street. 我将继续与任何将社会保障交给华尔街的赌博行径和人进行斗争。 www.bing.com 8. Many Lebanese fear that, in advance of any possible fight with Iran, Israel will try to remove the threat of Hizbullah's retaliation. 许多黎巴嫩人担心,一旦以色列与伊朗爆发战争,以色列会先铲除真主党这个威胁,以防其报复。 www.ecocn.org 9. If Manny Pacquiao really wanted a fight with me, all he got to do is say it. 倘若帕奎奥真想和我打一场,他只消开开口。 boxingclub.net.cn 10. A man named Harry Potter child, not an ordinary child, born with a bad guy fight with Voldemort symbol, a shaped like a lightning scar. 一个名叫哈利波特的小孩,一个不平凡的小孩,一出生便拥有了一个要与坏蛋伏地魔作斗争的标志,一道形如闪电的疤痕。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Recently, a few members of the "Ci Ma" film production crew were involved in a fist fight with local villagers over a traffic accident. 《刺马》剧组和当地的村民因为一点交通意外发生了冲突,甚至打架。 alive.tom.com 2. After discussing with Mo, we decided to be healthy finally. We do not want to fight with money anymore. . . . . . 和阿莫讨论后的结果是,我们决定要健康而不要为钱伤神。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. And it's worse than ever now, for I'm dying to go and fight with Papa. And I can only stay home and knit, like a poky old woman! 做不成男孩真让我止不住失望,可现在比以往任何时候都要糟,因为我是那么想跟爸爸一起参加战斗,却只能呆坐在家中做女工,像个死气沉沉的老太太! www.kekenet.com 4. Then they took all the men, and went to fight with Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and found him by the great waters that are in Gibeon. 就带领众人前往、要和尼探雅的儿子以实玛利争战、在基遍的大水旁〔或作大水池旁〕遇见他。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I have to admit that I envy C that she got someone to fight with, which shows that they do care about each other. 我必须承认我很羡慕C有个人可以跟她吵架,那表示他们是彼此关心著对方。 blog.roodo.com 6. Any warrior who can fight with speed and accuracy, should be able to dance grace as well. 一个精准、快速、善战的勇者,必然也能优雅地起舞。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The lowest point of her life came when, after the fight with Ms Shetty, she was evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother house. 在和Shetty女士的争斗发生后,洁德被驱逐出了娱乐明星老大哥秀的公寓,这成为了她生命中的最低点。 www.ecocn.org 8. Two thugs tried to pick a fight with the youth, but Obi-Wan Kenobi intervened, dispatching the bruts with a quick swing of his lightsaber. 在两个恶棍试图向路克挑臖的当下,欧比旺适时地介入调停,恶棍也在当场在欧比旺光剑的快速挥舞之下身首异处。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. "If our athletes fight with all their might on the field, then our ordinary people will be satisfied even if they lose, " he said. “如果我们的运动员在赛场上发扬了顽强拼搏的精神,即使输了,中国老百姓也会满意,”他表示。 www.ftchinese.com 10. We are passive in such a situation: either we are forced to accept the reality of inferiority, or to fight with the Government. 我们被动于这样一个境地:要么我们被迫接受低人一等的现实,要么跟政府作斗争 zhidao.baidu.com 1. That's my impression after C told me the big fight with her hubby last evening, or should I say yesterday morning to her. 听了昨天晚上,或说是C昨天早上与她老公的吵架事件后,我有这样的体认。 blog.roodo.com 2. When your Aries dad is poking fun or picking a fight with you, believe it or not, he is saying that he loves you. 当你的白羊座父亲取笑你或向你挑刺时,信不信由你,他是在向你表达他爱你。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He advised Laertes to have a friendly sword fight with Hamlet at the hall of the castle the next day. 国王建议莱尔提斯隔天在城堡的大厅跟哈姆雷特举行一场击剑友谊赛。 en.eol.cn 4. The president knows that France and Britain are capable of starting a fight with Muammer Gaddafi, but may not be capable of finishing it. 奥巴马知道,法国和英国有能力发动对穆阿迈尔?卡扎菲(MuammerGaddafi)的打击,但可能没有能力打到底。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It was foolish of you to pick a fight with a heavyweightboxing champion! 你傻了,竟敢和重量级的拳击冠军寻衅闹事! zhidao.baidu.com 6. Now Gilraen is assembling a new army so that Agrael will have to fight with him again soon. It will be a decisive battle for sure. 现在吉尔里恩正在集合一伙新的部队,看来阿格雷尔与其决战沙场在所难免,这将是一场决定性的战斗。 hi.baidu.com 7. It has also diverted hundreds of millions to pay for weapons unrelated to its fight with the insurgents. 同时还需要投入成千上万美元用以支付与打击基地武装分子无关的活动中去。 www.bing.com 8. One day, he was called by the county to lead the soldiers to fight with the enemy in the battle. 突然有一天,国家需要他带兵出征,和强大的敌军交锋打仗。 www.chinese.cn 9. When he entered a courtroom it was to fight with every legal and dramatic weapon he had learned to use. 他一进法庭,总是运用他学会使用的每一项法理与戏剧性的步骤从事斗争。 www.jukuu.com 10. Hao Xiaozi did not disappoint him in the end, that is really a fight with. 好小子到底没令他失望,果然一打即着。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. He than began to fight with those crafty insurance companies, helped his friend to get what they should be compensated. 他比开始争取与这些狡猾的保险公司,帮助他的朋友,得到他们应该得到补偿。 scarlettme.blog.163.com 2. The Boy stood bravely in the arena as the animals were let out, grasping the thick piece of wood he had been given to fight with. 野兽被放出来了,男孩勇敢地站在竞技场里,手持着别人给的用来与野兽搏斗的一根粗木棍。 www.ebigear.com 3. 20 cobblestones: In a fight with her boyfriend, a woman from China swallowed more than 20 cobblestones. 在和男友吵架后,一名中国女子吞下了20多粒鹅卵石。 www.hjenglish.com 4. She is so sad because she had a fight with her husband yesterday. She has to spill all the details to her mom. 她很伤心,因为昨天和她丈夫吵了一架,所以她要找她妈妈倾诉所有的细节。 enpf.chinabroadcast.cn 5. Think of yourself as a winner, not a loser in life. As a winner you can definitely win the fight with your temptations. 把自己想成生活的赢家而不是输家。作为赢家,你一定可以打赢诱惑。 www.bing.com 6. the game was over, Harry got mixed up in a fight with another player. 比赛结束之后,哈利被卷进了与另一位球员斗殴的事件中。 www.jukuu.com 7. Lee Jeong-led everyone in a bayonet fight with the enemy. 李贞带领大家同敌人拼刺刀。 wenda.tianya.cn 8. Angela used to fight with her parents and sneak smokes in the toolshed behind her house. 安杰拉过去经常与父母争吵,在屋后的工具房里偷偷吸烟。 www.bing.com 9. Bruce Lee ended a fight with one of Vic Damone's security staff with a side kick to the jaw. 结束了李小龙与维克达莫内的保安人员之一,侧踢的下巴斗争。 tieba.baidu.com 10. She would comfort us, with her native feelings of life invigorating us to know toleration and content, not to fight with others. 她会安慰我们,以她朴素的生活感受激励我们懂得忍受或满足,不要与人争斗。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He said that he wouldn't fight with her any more. 他说他不再和她打架了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The Chinese government engaged in a vicious fight with Google over the search giant's attempt to prevent it from spying on its customers. 搜索引擎巨头谷歌试图阻止中国政府监视用户信息,而中国政府却进行了恶性斗争。 www.ecocn.org 3. Hey, sir, now I do not want a fight with others. However, life is such a heavy --- it is a heavy burden you. 哎,先生,现在我不想跟人家斗了。但是,生活还是如此沉重———它真是一副重重的担子呀。 www.bing.com 4. Rural Credit Cooperative fight with on banking reforming tiding innovation of inside controlling mechanism to be already imperative. 农信社搏击于银行业改革浪潮之中内控机制创新已是势在必行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. A good fight with your spouse could be good for your health, says a new study. 一项最新研究发现,夫妻双方在必要时斗斗嘴有益于身体健康。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Do executives fight with one another openly, or are the battles less obvious? 主管们是否公开互相反对,或者争论是否不太明显? www.ibm.com 7. Now the king of Aram had ordered his chariot commanders, 'Do not fight with anyone, small or great, except the king of Israel. ' 先是亚兰王吩咐车兵长说,他们的兵将,无论大小,你们都不可与他们争战,只要与以色列王争战。 www.ebigear.com 8. It's time for me to fight now, as a pharaoh, I hope you can stay here and fight with me. 现在到了我战斗的时候了,作为一个法老。我希望你能留下来和我一起战斗。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. When John's brother got the new bicycle, the green-eyed monster made John fight with him. 约翰的哥哥买了一辆新自行车,约翰出于嫉妒而同哥哥争吵一场。 www.pep.com.cn 10. I miss you so much. That I'm going to pick a fight with you, just so we can have an intense experience. 太想你。找茬与你吵架的原因是让我们有点激烈的经历。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 1. If it weren't for marriage, men and women would have to fight with total strangers. 如果不是有婚姻,男人和女人将会与陌生人战斗。 post.baidu.com 2. She had a fight with her family and moved out. 她跟家人大吵一架就搬出去住。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 3. I'm proud in what I've accomplished in the football world, I had to fight with own strength to get where I'm at today. 我对我在足球这个世界里完成的一切非常自豪,我是凭借自己的力量达到了今天的位置。 bbs.argstorm.com 4. The American Council for the Blind has won another round in its six-year legal fight with the Treasury Department. 美国国会与财政部在经历了6年的合法斗争,又再一次取得了胜利。 bbs.putclub.com 5. How did you get into a fight with him? 你是怎么会和他打架的? wenwen.soso.com 6. He used to fight with me, now he respects me. Now he talks nicely to me and keeps me happy. 他过去跟我打架,但现在很尊重我。现在我跟我说话很温柔,总是让我开心。 www.bing.com 7. Eg. Why do you have a chip on your shoulder tonight? I'm not trying to start a fight with you. 今晚你为什么那样气势汹汹?我又不是来和你打架的。 hf.edulife.com.cn 8. This, in its turn, has provoked a series of counter- blockades, brawls, vandalism, and a fight with golf balls and stones. 于是乎,已激起了一系列反阻塞、争吵、故意破坏以及用高尔夫球和石子互斗等事件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Damage = moving the challenge towards the damage dealers is the prototypical "tank and spank" fight with a tight enrage timer. 伤害输出=将挑战放到伤害输出者身上,这种战斗是典型的有严格时限的“木桩战”。 www.bing.com 10. This will be because Uranus, ruling unpredictable events, is about to pick a fight with Mercury, planet of agreements and transportation. 这将是因为天王星,执政不可预知的事件,是关于选择一个与水星,地球和运输协议的斗争。 www.chinatarot.com 1. What were you doing trying to pick a fight with them? 你搞什么搞,要和他们干一仗啊? www.info56.cn 2. But our classmate did not help each other, but the fight with each other, at others. 而我们的同学却不是互相帮助的,而是互相打架,嘲笑他人。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Miranda, l know you. And l know why you picked a fight with me. 米兰达我知道你为什么会跟我吵 www.tingclass.net 4. Obama campaigned amid fresh signs that he is picking up momentum in his fight with Senator Clinton to nail down the Democratic nomination. 在奥巴马竞选拉票的当儿﹐可以看出新迹象﹕在与克林顿争夺民主党提名的竞争中﹐奥巴马的气势越越旺。 bbs.wwenglish.org 5. fight with me crusaders! spill the blood of heathens! there is no shame. their souls are already lost! 跟我一起战斗,十字军!这些令人蛋疼的异教徒没有分别!他们早已失去了灵魂! www.17woo.com 6. It is thought that this constellation represents the crab which is attacking Hercules during his fight with the water snake, Hydra. 据说,巨蟹座代表了攻击大力士赫尔克里士的螃蟹,当时赫尔克里士正与水蛇海德拉决斗。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Why have a fight with your spouse over an outfit when it's so much easier to just say "you look great, honey" ? 如果你只需要简单的说句“亲爱的,你看起来很漂亮”,那么为什么你还要为一套衣服而和配偶争吵吗? www.bing.com 8. Maitake does not kill cancer cells directly. It stimulates the activity of immune-competent cells and lets them fight with cancer cells. 舞茸是通过激活体内免疫细胞的活性来抑制或杀灭肿瘤细胞的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Then I realized I'd rather fight with you than make love with anyone else. 之后我发现我宁愿和你打架也不愿和其他任何人做爱。 www.tingroom.com 10. The rooster lost one of his plumes in the fight with the cat. 公鸡失去了与他的战斗猫羽之一。 blog.163.com 1. fight with me crusaders! spill the blood of heathens! there is no shame. their souls are already lost! 跟我一起战斗,十字军!这些令人蛋疼的异教徒没有分别!他们早已失去了灵魂! www.17woo.com 2. In former times, people used to fight with swords . Now we fight with guns, dangerous chemicals, and atomic bombs. 在过去,人们用刀剑进行战斗。如今打仗用的是枪、危险化学品和原子弹。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Maitake does not kill cancer cells directly. It stimulates the activity of immune-competent cells and lets them fight with cancer cells. 舞茸是通过激活体内免疫细胞的活性来抑制或杀灭肿瘤细胞的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The tail of Scorpio shall generate lightning, and Cancer will fight with the Sun. 天蝎座的故事会产生闪电,癌症会与太阳搏斗。 www.chinaufo.com 5. Then I realized I'd rather fight with you than make love with anyone else. 之后我发现我宁愿和你打架也不愿和其他任何人做爱。 www.tingroom.com 6. The rooster lost one of his plumes in the fight with the cat. 公鸡失去了与他的战斗猫羽之一。 blog.163.com 7. After a fight with Theresa, Lorraine goes to a party on her own. 经过打击特丽萨,洛林都到了她自己的党。 lwdx123.com 8. Jason: Yes, I agree with Nick utterly. It's normal to get in a fight with your siblings. 杰森:恩,我完全同意尼克的观点。和你们的兄弟姐妹斗嘴都是鸡毛蒜皮的事,不用计较。 www.yzcc.com 9. I had a fight with him yesterday. 昨天我和他打架了。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. She does not fight with other flowers, Yan Zheng-chun, but choose to open in the cold wind. 她不与其他花朵争春斗艳,而是选择在寒风中开放。 www.bing.com 1. Maitake does not kill cancer cells directly. It stimulates the activity of immune-competent cells and lets them fight with cancer cells. 舞茸是通过激活体内免疫细胞的活性来抑制或杀灭肿瘤细胞的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Then I realized I'd rather fight with you than make love with anyone else. 之后我发现我宁愿和你打架也不愿和其他任何人做爱。 www.tingroom.com 3. The rooster lost one of his plumes in the fight with the cat. 公鸡失去了与他的战斗猫羽之一。 blog.163.com 4. This time we were not quick enough to fight with Red Bull so we need to be realistic about what we did. 这次我们不够快与红牛作战,所以我们对我们的表现要实际一点。 www.tiyuxiu.com 5. After a fight with Theresa, Lorraine goes to a party on her own. 经过打击特丽萨,洛林都到了她自己的党。 lwdx123.com 6. Jason: Yes, I agree with Nick utterly. It's normal to get in a fight with your siblings. 杰森:恩,我完全同意尼克的观点。和你们的兄弟姐妹斗嘴都是鸡毛蒜皮的事,不用计较。 www.yzcc.com 7. So if I had been able to do the third lap then perhaps I was able to fight with them. 如果我可以跑第三圈的话,或许我就可以和他们一较高下。 ferrari-china.com 8. I had a fight with him yesterday. 昨天我和他打架了。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. She does not fight with other flowers, Yan Zheng-chun, but choose to open in the cold wind. 她不与其他花朵争春斗艳,而是选择在寒风中开放。 www.bing.com 10. Below are five ways to help keep that connection strong and avoid a food fight with the fruit cake. 以下是帮助你保持良好关系,避免因水果蛋糕而发生争执的五种方法。 www.bing.com 1. The rooster lost one of his plumes in the fight with the cat. 公鸡失去了与他的战斗猫羽之一。 blog.163.com 2. This time we were not quick enough to fight with Red Bull so we need to be realistic about what we did. 这次我们不够快与红牛作战,所以我们对我们的表现要实际一点。 www.tiyuxiu.com 3. After a fight with Theresa, Lorraine goes to a party on her own. 经过打击特丽萨,洛林都到了她自己的党。 lwdx123.com 4. Jason: Yes, I agree with Nick utterly. It's normal to get in a fight with your siblings. 杰森:恩,我完全同意尼克的观点。和你们的兄弟姐妹斗嘴都是鸡毛蒜皮的事,不用计较。 www.yzcc.com 5. So if I had been able to do the third lap then perhaps I was able to fight with them. 如果我可以跑第三圈的话,或许我就可以和他们一较高下。 ferrari-china.com 6. I had a fight with him yesterday. 昨天我和他打架了。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. She does not fight with other flowers, Yan Zheng-chun, but choose to open in the cold wind. 她不与其他花朵争春斗艳,而是选择在寒风中开放。 www.bing.com 8. Below are five ways to help keep that connection strong and avoid a food fight with the fruit cake. 以下是帮助你保持良好关系,避免因水果蛋糕而发生争执的五种方法。 www.bing.com 9. For instance, he is able to fight with sharks using only his knife and oars and every attack is fast and accurate. 例如,他可以只用小刀和浆同鲨鱼做战而且每一次的攻击又快又准。 legendjack.hnhc.blog.163.com 10. Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 苏丹近卫戟兵精通多种武器,但主要以长戟作战,身穿链甲。 www.totalwar.honga.net 1. In Brobdingnag, he turns into a toy of the giants and has to fight with giant flies and wasps. 在巨人国里,他变成了巨人们的玩偶,被玩弄于手掌间,并与苍蝇和蜂子展开斗争; www.waiwenfanyi.com 2. There will be days when you don't feel well, your kids are stressing you out, and you've had a bad day at work or a fight with your partner. 有一些日子,你会感觉很不好,你的小孩让你觉得压力很大,工作没有精神而且还经常和伴侣吵架。 www.douban.com 3. The fight with Adobe has always been about making developers play by Apple's rules. 与Adobe的斗争几乎使那些开发人员都按苹果的规则走了。 dongxi.net 4. Mount a strike when they are in doubts. Attack when they are unprepared so they are not able to fight with full strength. 在敌人犹豫不决的时候打击它,乘敌人仓卒无备的时候选攻它,使敌人战斗力无法施展。 chinese-wiki.com 5. During the first fight with Wesker, damage him a set number of times. 在与威斯卡旳首次战斗中,给予一定旳伤害次数! www.wodegame.com 6. The quarrel led to a fight, with the nine heads pecking each other. Feathers scatted everywhere. 吵到最后它们打了起来,九个头互相啄得头破血流,羽毛乱飞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Shifu, exhausted but alive after his fight with Tai Lung, is finally at peace with himself now that peace has returned to the valley. 和太郎激斗之后,师傅筋疲力尽,但是还活着。他从内心里获得了平静,和平村也重新回归了平静。 www.chuanxiedu.com 8. Don't contradict their mother in front of them, don't fight with her in front of them, and most definitely don't ever abuse her. 不要在他们面前和母亲争执、打架,最重要的是永远不要虐待她。 www.bing.com 9. Hopefully, caregivers will understand patient's "weird" behaviors, show their cares to the patient and fight with the disease together. 希望家属能够体谅患者的一些“不正当”的行为,去关怀他们,并同他们一起去面对此病症。 q.sohu.com 10. DAVID SAGER told the crowd that he once saw a rattlesnake get in a fight with a roadrunner. 大卫.塞奇对人们说,他曾经见过响尾蛇斗走鹃。 www.ecocn.org 1. We should learn to fight with the enemy in an overt and covert way. 我们应学会同敌人作公开的和隐蔽的斗争。 www.bing.com 2. To see the players climb in the stands to fight with the fans is incredible. 看到球员跑到观众席上跟球迷打起来真是匪夷所思。 www.chinaspurs.com 3. There can be only one. Make allies, but in the end you may need to fight with your friends for first place. 战神只有一个。你需要结盟,但是,最后为了争第一,你可能需要向朋友开战。 www.bing.com 4. Then we fought really closely for turn three, but as always when I fight with Jenson I had no problems at all. 接着我们在第三个弯道进行了非常激烈的竞争,但当我和简森较量时,我总是没有任何问题。 f1.sports.sohu.com 5. I told him not to fight with them no matter what happened. 我告诉他不论发生什么情况都不要同他们打架。 www.lujia.cn 6. But tonight is not the night to pick a fight with me. 但是今晚不是向我挑战的时候。 www.hjenglish.com 7. But Democrats expressed remarkably few reservations about Obama despite his tough nomination fight with Hillary Clinton. . . 但民主党人对奥巴马令人惊奇地很少保留,尽管他艰难战胜希拉里?克林顿获得提名… qac.yappr.cn 8. There is a possibility of a three - cornered fight, with two Democratic presidential candidates and one Republican . 可能会形成一个三足鼎立(三雄称霸)的局面,两名民主党和一名共和党总统候选人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It showed different species had different drought-resistance mechanisms to accommodate and fight with the drought condition. 可以看出不同物种在抵御和适应干旱胁迫下的机制是不一样的。 www.fabiao.net 10. Fierce and wild warriors from the Scottish Highlands fight with little to no armour and are equipped with an axe. 高地斧兵是来自苏格兰高地,尽管自身盔甲简陋,依然挥动战斧盾牌奋勇搏杀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The Air Force and Navy excel at delivering the joint force into theater and shaping the fight with overwhelming fires. 空军和海军在将联合作战力量投送到战场并且用压倒性的火力支配战斗方面做的很出色。 blog.116.com.cn 2. The dark caused them to fight with each other and many ended up serving the dark, even if they didn't know it. 黑暗导致他们兄弟相争,许多人最终服务黑暗,尽管他们自己不知道。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Ever notice how we don't fight with our male friends? That's why we get so frustrated when we fight with you. 就连我们和男性朋友吵架都注意了?那就是为什么当我和你们吵架的时候,会感到如此受挫。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. witnesses say gunmen stopped a car , got into a gun fight with syrian guards , then blew up their car. 目击者称持枪人拦截了一辆轿车与叙利亚警方陷入火拼,随后炸掉了他们的车。 www.ichacha.net 5. The Hashashim are a semi-religious sect of stealthy assassins. On the battlefield they fight with sword and shield. 哈萨辛为半宗教性质刺客团体,精擅潜伏和暗杀,在战场上以长剑和盾牌作战。 www.clanlong.com 6. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds . 因为我们作战所用的兵器,不是属于这世界的,而是在神面前有能力的,可以攻陷坚固的堡垒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. To get a fight with Pacquiao, Marquez has to take a much bigger risk against a much tougher opponent, says Arum. 要想与帕奎奥比赛,马奎兹必须冒更大的危险对阵更强壮的对手。 www.qjhm.net 8. Even so, Mr Minc has already picked a fight with Blairo Maggi, the governor of Mato Grosso and one of the world's largest soya farmers. 尽管如此,Minc先生已经挑起了与BlairoMaggi(马托格罗索州州长及世界上最大的大豆农场主)的一场战斗。 www.ecocn.org 9. It will be a lot harder to get any of the "coalition of the willing" to fight with us again. 而要寻求一个“真心诚意的联盟”与我们并肩作战将会是难上加难。 www.bing.com 10. The complete end is in sight, soon there will be no one to fight, with me. 最后的终结就要到来,很快就不会再有人跟你战斗,与我战斗。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Picking a fight with the other may also suit, because each is in trouble at home. 向对方开战可能有好处,因为他们在自己的国内都碰到了麻烦。 www.ecocn.org 2. I fight with him and am upset now. Tomorrow i will submit the resignation. 我很不开心,和他闹翻了,准备明天递交辞职信。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Or gone to sleep after a big fight with your significant other and then had a dream where you were being chased? 你有和爱人大吵一架,然后梦见自己在梦里被追打的经历吗? www.bing.com 4. Did you see that guy picking a fight with the policeman? 你看到那个向警察挑衅的家伙吗? www.rrting.com 5. They fight with all that is physical- they have not one iota of cosmic or spiritual strength. 他们用所有物质的东西加以反抗—他们没有一丝的宇宙和灵性力量。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Unlike cattle and sheep can be a long time to fight with the angle and the predators, the only way, to rely on running to escape predators. 它不像牛羊可久以用角与敌害作斗争,唯一的办法,只能靠奔跑来逃避敌害。 www.xiami360.com 7. A man called Bur ton was starting a fight with another man in a bar. 在酒吧里,一个叫伯顿的人同另一个人动手打了起来。 www.kekenet.com 8. WHY DO I FIGHT WITH MY PARENTS SO MUCH? Why do I fight with my parents so much? 我为什么如此频繁的和父母闹矛盾? wenku.baidu.com 9. Here in the Bahamas, these two bottlenose are picking a fight with this spotted dolphin, probably just to establish their dominance. 在巴哈马,这两只宽吻海豚在与这只斑点海豚打斗,可能想要建立自己的领地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Lord Tywin had always held the Free Cities in contempt. They fight with coins instead of swords, he used to say. 泰温大人总是轻视自由城邦,总是称他们用钱而非剑打仗。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. And there can be genuine business consequences to picking a fight with Beijing. 而且,挑起与北京的争端,会有种种切实的商业后果。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Ever see that little Swiss Army knife they have to fight with? 看过他们拿着那小瑞士军刀打战没? www.ted.com 3. And the Philistine said: I have defied the bands of Israel this day: Give me a man, and let him fight with me hand to hand. 那培肋舍特人还说:「今天我向以色列骂阵,你们给我派个人来,让我们彼此决斗。」 wiki.ccreadbible.org 4. They fight with the government, they do not fight with Yellow, so they do not do something bad to the Yellow. 他们与政府的斗争中,他们不打了黄色,所以他们不会做坏事的黄色。 bbs.5i5i.cn 5. Allen Iverson is having one last fight with the Philadelphia 76ers as he leaves town. 阿伦-艾佛生,在他离开市区的时候,还和费城76人队有一个最后的过节。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Trading company is the business unit obtaining commissions from manufacturer. They cooperate and fight with each other for benefit. “商家”指赚取制造商代理佣金的商业单位,商家与厂家为了利益的获取而和而斗。 www.1x1y.com.cn 7. Swimming was the basic skill to survive in the fight with other people or beasts. 在人与人或人与兽战争格斗时,为求生存,游泳是最基本的技能。 www.yuloo.com 8. Smart Sentences Tears are always my home run swing whenever I fight with my boyfriend. 我跟男朋友吵架的时候,眼泪总是最好的武器。 www.joyen.net 9. In romance, the Monkey will be quite emotional and easily fight with a loved one over trivial matters. This may lead to separation. 属猴的应在情绪上平静化,易于爱的人在琐碎的事情上发生争吵而导致分手。 www.zhongsou.net 10. After the umpteenth furious fight with Giulia, Mark is seduced by a new schoolmate: the malicious blonde Serena Cursi. 在无数次痛打朱利亚后,马克受不怀好意的金发新同学塞莉娜·克西勾引。 www.foxku.com 1. The water will flow away, the fire will be quenched, but women and love can fight with the fate. 水会流失,火会熄灭,而女人和爱情却能和命运抗衡。 www.pub3g.com 2. Throwing of a fight with Qingshi made Tongsuo shape of the stone, cast iron replaced later by the stone. 掷子是用青石打制成古铜锁形状的石器,以后由石质改为铸铁。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. He urged the automakers to "go down to Washington and fight with us" for federal benefits. 他敦促各个汽车制造商“直奔华盛顿,为了争取联邦福利和我们共同斗争”。 www.bing.com 4. Fight with me, you failed most of the times when fighting with me. 和我对抗,当和我对抗的时候,你失败了大部份次。 club.noahedu.com 5. It was a foolish thing to pick a fight with his neighbour. 和他的邻居找碴儿打架是一件蠢事。 www.bing.com 6. I got in a fight with my girlfriend, I'd appreciate it if you just left. 我刚刚跟女朋友吵架了,如果你现在走我会很感激你的。 www.eoezone.com 7. I fight with him against her. 我和他并肩对付她。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Gingrich framed his budget fight with Bill Clinton as a grand matter of American renewal. 金里奇框架作为一个复兴美国的大问题他与克林顿的预算斗争。 www.englishtang.com 9. Fight with others not hard like with ourselves. Do you know who I fight for? 与别人战斗不困难于与自己战斗,你知不知道我为了谁而战斗?。 post.baidu.com 10. Aigo has also started a fight with Toshiba over the same issue, according to court documents seen by the Financial Times. 此外,据英国《金融时报》记者看到的法庭文件,爱国者也以同样的缘由与日本东芝(Toshiba)打起了官司。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Ginseng is sessional , ma Long still the hand is holding notebook computer in both hands, "Fight with the hacker " . 参会期间,马龙依然手捧着笔记本电脑,“与黑客作战”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. STEVE EMBER: Alan Shepard died on July twenty-first, nineteen ninety-eight after a two-year fight with the blood disease leukemia. 史蒂夫恩伯:艾伦谢泼德于七月死亡第二十一,一九九八年后,随血液病白血病两年的斗争。 www.maynet.cn 3. While eating don't fight with your younger sister and don't watch TV; these are the rules of our house. 吃饭的时候你别跟你妹妹吵架且不要看电视,这是我们家庭的规矩。 thinkingchinese.com 4. My dad's hopes for senior years filled with golf and travel were displaced by a long fight with multiple sclerosis. 我父亲希望晚年能在打高尔夫和旅游中度过,但最终却是在与多发性硬化症的长期斗争中度过。 chinese.wsj.com 5. King ALFRED Of England once led his army to fight with another army and was beaten. 英格兰国王阿尔弗雷德华氏一度率军打另一个军队和被殴打。 www.yxad.com 6. The cartoon vividly illustrates a gang of youngster, holding axes in their hands, are rushing to fight with others. 这幅漫画生动描述了一群年轻人手持斧头,正在跑去群殴。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. You will just be picking a fight with the Rails environment if you try to force other file and code organizations. 如果您试图强行使用其他文件和代码组织方式,那么您可能得付出努力去修改Rails环境。 www.ibm.com 8. Logan: Fight with you! Join the team? Be an X-Man? Who the hell do you think you are? You're a mutant. 和你一路战斗?加入你们?成为一个x战警?你认为你是谁啊?托付,你是一个变种人。 www.75737.com 9. Poorly trained, but well equipped cavalry who fight with a sword. 商队骑马民兵以长剑作战,他们装备精良,但训练较差。 www.clanlong.com 10. Police violence is not restricted to the fight with the Islamists, either. 警方对伊斯兰教徒使用暴力也并不受限制。 www.ecocn.org 1. When everyone thought that Celtic would encounter big disaster, after 3 minutes, he went back to the court to fight with Lakers. 当大家都以为凯尔特人可能遇到大灾难的时候,3分钟后,他神奇地回到场上继续屠宰湖人。 www.elanso.com 2. in the Gaza Strip Saturday night with officials saying they expected a lengthy fight with Hamas militants in the territory. 以色列坦克部队于本周六晚间对加沙地带展开地面进攻,以官方称将与哈马斯武装分子长期作战。 www.ttxyy.com 3. It makes economic sense and does not involve picking a needless fight with Russia. 这不仅有利于经济发展,而且不会引发同俄罗斯之间毫无必要的战争。 www.ecocn.org 4. This is considered to give up the fight with the bourgeoisie for the revolutionary leadership. 这被认为是他主动放弃了与资产阶级争夺革命领导权。 www.fabiao.net 5. Wang's large-scale photographs and video works fight with the contradictions of contemporary China. 他的大型照片和录像作品展现当代中国的矛盾。 www.woaidong.com 6. Stay and fight. I'll fight with you. 我会留下来和你一起战斗。 t.qq.com 7. KeSPA, Korea e-Sports regulator got in a fight with Blizzard over control of the future StarCraft II scene in South Korea. 韩国电子竞技调节者卷入了一场(与暴雪)关于未来星际争霸在韩国的控制权的争斗。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Don't fight with it, don't try to smile and hide it. 不要和它争斗,不要试着微笑,不要隐藏它。 p0w3.spaces.live.com 9. The problem is US will not pick a fight with any country that have nukes, the J20is not really an issue at China's hand. 这只是由于美国不想和有核国度停战,所以J20在中国手上才不是一个成绩。 www.yp51888.com 10. You _shound not fight with_ your best friend. 你不应该和你最好的朋友打架。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. I sounded you have been having fight after fight with your husband, which makes you look pale and blue and black in your body. 听来好像你和你丈夫最近一直打个不停,你瞧,你现在气色不佳,而且身上青一块紫一块的。 www.jer8.com 2. So if you are willing to join with me, and fight with me, and yes - do some community organizing with me. . . 所以如果你们愿意加入我的行列,与我并肩战斗,是的–和我一起发动社区… www.yappr.cn 3. Rat's hair still smelled like blueberry after two showers. Rat was determined to fight with the cat. 尽管洗了两次澡,但老鼠的头发闻起来还像个蓝莓派。 blog.xmnn.cn 4. "We are ready for a fight with the iPhone, " said Liu Chuanzhi, Lenovo chairman. 联想集团董事局主席柳传志表示:“我们准备与iPhone背水一战。” www.ftchinese.com 5. But first the British firm faces a fight with Mr Fridman. 不过它首先面临着与弗里德曼先生的战斗。 www.ecocn.org 6. US military said it was engaged in fire fight with insurgents at the time. 美军称当时他们正在和叛乱者进行激烈的枪战。 www.kekenet.com 7. Muslims anywhere can become radicalised and join the fight, with little or no involvement from al-Qaeda's leaders. 通过这些网站,基地组织领导不会吹灰之力就使世界各地的穆斯林人变得激进好战。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. This story illustrates, geography and nature often give people the courage to fight with the strong. 这故事说明,地利与天机常常给人勇气去与强者抗争。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Over the years he has picked many a fight with founders of luxury firms, or their heirs, who were unwilling to sell. 这些年来,他和那些不愿出售其奢侈品公司的创始人或者继承人进行了多次对抗。 www.bing.com 10. mad, Don't fight with him, he is a mad man. 别跟他打架,他是疯子。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Expressing ? Be faithful and smooth. ? She is very pregnant. ? Gonna fight with me? Tell'em I'm ready for it. I'm always ready for it. 她怀孕好几个月了。她快要临产了。?想和我打架,告诉他们我奉陪,我随时奉陪。 wenku.baidu.com 2. In Homer's epic "Iliad, " where as a female god of war Athena, the Greek heroes inspire, and fight with them. 在荷马史诗《伊利亚特》里作为女战神的雅典娜激励希腊英雄,并同他们一起战斗。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 3. you drive the aeroplane and fight with the various aeroplane which come towards you. 你驾驶飞机在宇宙中与迎面而来的各种飞机战斗。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 4. He had helped noble, barefoot warriors to fight with something more than knives and stones. 他帮助那些高尚的,赤脚的勇士,使他们得以使用刀子及石块以外的方式进行战斗。 www.ecocn.org 5. "He won't fight with me, " Rudolph said confidently. “他不会同我争吵的,”鲁道夫很有把握地说。 6. A bully tried to start a fight with Jack, but he backed down when Jack's friends showed up. 一个恶棍试图向杰克挑衅,要和他打架,但是当杰克的朋友一齣现,他就打了退堂鼓。 www.weihai.gov.cn:82 7. Poorly trained, these units fight with a spear and sword. 希腊骑马民兵训练不佳,装备轻型链甲和长矛。 www.clanlong.com 8. It is useless to fight with him. 和他抵抗是没有用的。 dict.hjenglish.com 9. She suggests that "it is more honourable to fight with a sword, somehow. " 她认为“不知何故,手持刀剑战斗更加光荣”。 www.ecocn.org 10. Rebels send large convoy to Zawiyah To fight with Greenresistance. many Rebels Retreated outside of city waiting for reinforcements. 否决派增派了大量车队前去扎维亚与绿色抵抗战斗,否决派士兵多退到城外等待增援。 www.sdhxkj.com 1. On the battlefield they fight with sword and shield, as opposed to the daggers of their trade. 在战场上他们以长剑和盾牌作战,而非平时刺杀中惯用的短刃。 www.totalwar.honga.net 2. Snowball fight with us, throwing snowballs hands are frozen, but always encouraged us joy. 我们一起打雪仗、掷雪球,手都冻僵了,但欢乐总在鼓舞我们。 wenwen.soso.com 3. One day, I remember, I had a fight with my boyfriend (let's call him Andrew) and at that time I was staying in London. 一天,我记得,我和我男朋友(我们可以叫他Andrew)吵架了,当时我住在伦敦。 www.bing.com 4. She gained fame in TV's Charlie's Angels and shared her long cancer fight with the public. 她曾因主演电视剧“霹雳娇娃”而闻名,并与公众分享自己长期的抗癌经历。 www.suiniyi.com 5. If you are in a fight with a regular person, then you can do natural things and they won't get you into much trouble. 如果你跟一个普通人较量,那么你可以很自然地做事情,他们也不会找你麻烦。 www.bing.com 6. what kind of animals are there in the wild hills , forests , grasslands, lakes and rivers ? will they fight with each other when they meet? 野外大草原野外的山丘、森林、草原与湖泊河流,会有哪些动物呢?它们遇到会不会打架呢? wenwen.soso.com 7. Q: What happened when the nail had a fight with the tire? A: The nail knocked it flat. 当钉子和轮胎打架时会出现什么情况呢?回答一语双关。 club.beiwaionline.com 8. Debby: You find your trouble, you dare fight with me. 黛比:你找麻烦,竟敢打我。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I picked a fight with a friend over, well, nothing at all, simply because it was easier to be mad than sad. 我和一个朋友吵了一架,呃,没甚麽的,只是很简单地因为失控比表达悲伤更容易。 www.bing.com 10. Ms. Samar writes: I always fight with people when they say human rights are a Western value. 萨玛女士写道:每当人们说人权只是西方的概念时,我总是奋起反抗。 www.bing.com |
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