单词 | fragrance |
释义 | fragrances是fragrance的复数
复数:fragrances n. smell,scent,perfume,bouquet,aroma 例句释义: 香水,香气,芳香剂,香水系列,化妆品用香料 1. Captured in essential oils, the fragrances pass directly to the nerve centers of our brain, where they produce a wide range of responses. 精油浓郁的香味可以直接传达到大脑的神经中枢,并在那里产生一系列的反应。 www.elanso.com 2. Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to help stabilize fragrances in personal care products as well as making plastics more pliable. 邻苯二甲酸是一组用来稳定用于个人护理产品中芳香剂的化学物质,而且还被用来软化塑料。 www.elanso.com 3. Speaking at the launch of a brand of fragrances in his native France; Cantona lavished praise upon the young Scotsman. 在一次参加法国某香水品牌的发布会时,Cantona对这个苏格兰新星极尽溢美之词。 www.bing.com 4. The fragrances were selected to test their ability to block underarm odour through a method known as olfactory cross-adaptation. 研究人员利用嗅觉交叉顺应的方法来测试他们辨别腋下气味的能力。 www.va1314.com 5. The stranger is wakened up in the dawn when the air is fulfilled with anonymous fragrances. 陌生人在破晓之时被唤醒了来,空气中满溢着奇异难辨的花香。 tieba.baidu.com 6. While it has a natural odor of its own, ambergris also enhances other fragrances by helping their scents to last longer. 因为龙涎香本身就散发出一种香气,它有助于别的香气持久不散。 www.bing.com 7. Customers will still be able to use the same stain treatments, bleaches and fragrances that they use with traditional laundry systems. 消费者将会继续使用传统的洗衣系统和相同的去污,漂白,芳香手段。 www.ecocn.org 8. This combination of delightful fragrances has been used by Provencal women for hundreds of years. 这种芬芳的组合已经被普罗旺斯的妇女沿用了很长时间。 www.24en.com 9. Truly, 100% Pure - here are no synthetic chemicals, artificial fragrances, chemical preservatives or any other toxins. 真的,100%纯粹—它不含人工合成化学物质,人工香料,化学防腐剂或任何其他毒素。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The product fragrances are inspired from all over the African continent, from Morocco to the Ivory Coast. 产品香水的灵感来自非洲大陆各地,从摩洛哥到象牙海岸。 www.gtn9.com 1. "Instantaneously generated fragrances or odors would match the scene shown on a TV, and that's the idea. It is quite doable. " He added. “即时生成的香味或气味会配合电视机里的场景,这就是它的理念,同时它的可行性也很强。”他补充说。 www.qeto.com 2. Objects seem limned by an unseen flame, and exotic fragrances hover at the edge of awareness. 像是被看不见的火焰描绘,并有奇特的香气徘徊在可察觉的边缘。 www.showxiu.com 3. When bergamot trees flower between March and May, the local groves are filled with one of nature's most overpowering fragrances. 每年3月至5月间,当香柠檬树开花时,当地的小树林里充斥着自然界中最香气袭人的一种味道。 www.ecocn.org 4. Conventional: Typically, synthetic fragrances are used in conventional shampoos, due to cost, performance, and variety. 常用香波:一般都是典型的合成香精,成本极低、性能优异、而且配方多变。 www.bing.com 5. B: If I close my eyes, I can imagine being there right now. . . I can even smell the fragrances! 巴德:如果闭上眼睛,我能想像我现在就在那儿……我还能闻到香味呢! edu.sina.com.cn 6. Having special cultural significance, the cultural connotations of tea are represented in its varying colors, fragrances, tastes and shapes. 作为一种特殊的文化载体,其文化含义已远远超出了茶本身的色、香、味、形的物质表现形式。 news.pinsou.com 7. These compounds included the infamous BPA, as well as phthalates, parabens, triclosan, glycol ethers, and certain chemical fragrances. 这些合成的化合物含有声名狼藉的双酚A,和邻苯二甲酰盐,对羟苯甲酸,三氯生,乙二醇醚和某些化学香料。 www.bing.com 8. The air is filled with vital fragrances for the fruits and vegetables piled high in the greengrocers ' creative layouts. 空气里充满着被蔬菜水果商有创意的高高堆起的水果和蔬菜的香味。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The fragrances of many natural substances comes from oils, and this oils may be used in manufacturing perfumes. 许多自然物质的香味来自油类,因此,这样的油可以用来生产香水。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Beware of reproductions, replicas and counterfeits when shopping for collectibles, jewelry, sunglasses, fragrances and handbags. 在买珠宝、太阳眼镜、香水、手提包此类商品时,谨防赝品、摹本和仿制品。 www.elanso.com 1. The twilight was softly fading, the air filled with the fragrances of the Quarter and the sweetness of spring. 暮色渐渐隐退,空气中充斥着下弦月夜的芬芳与春天的甘甜。 hi.baidu.com 2. Choose fragrances that make you smell like a grown-up, not a kid in a candy store. 选择让你闻起来像一个成年人的香味,而不是糖果铺的孩子。 www.bing.com 3. The air is filled with vital fragrances from the fruits and vegetables piled high in the greengrocers' creative layouts. 空气中满是水果和蔬菜的香味,这些水果和蔬菜被商贩们摆放得极具创意。 www.hjenglish.com 4. From jewelry to designer clothing, lavish fragrances to expensive confections , Chinese tourists overseas frequently go for quality brands. 从珠宝到时装,香水到甜点,中国游客在海外经常光顾质量高的品牌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. That's because retail products aren't required to list individual ingredients of fragrances, which are a common phthalate source. 那是因为零售商品通常不要求列出芳香剂的单独成分,那是邻苯二甲酸盐共同的源头。 www.foodmate.net 6. Rich in fragrances with a dominant note of exotic fruits, citrus and peach. Well-balanced with long finish. 该酒色泽优雅清新,酒体平衡,弥漫着浓郁的异域水果、柑橘及桃子的果香。 www.seraphim.cc 7. These three newly released fragrances are eye candy for your bureau, vanity or bathroom. 这三款刚上市的香水不管在你的写字台,梳妆桌还是浴室,都是个亮点哦。 www.bing.com 8. No artificial fragrances, colors or preservatives. No synthetic detergents. Biodegradable. 没有人工香味,色素或是防腐剂,无合成洗涤成分,生物分解。 www.gd-fzc.com 9. Only a fifth of the fragrances could cover up male odor. But half of the scents masked female odor. 只有五分之一的香水可以掩盖男性气味,但一半以上的香水可以掩盖女性气味。 www.healthweneed.com 10. The fragrances ideal for your personality have either a fruity or floral theme. The fragrance to suit your qualities is Chanel No. 5. 水果味或是带着植物芬芳的香水最能展示你的个性魅力,香奈儿五号就是不错的选择。 www.bing.com 1. Sculptures, Perfumes and Fragrances, Paperweights , Vases, Perfume Bottles. 采购产品雕刻,香水和芬芳,文镇,花瓶,香水瓶子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Yes, dry skin does not hold fragrances as long as oily skin and it should be reapplied more often throughout the day. 是的,干燥的皮肤保持香水的能力不如油性皮肤,在全天中需要重新用更多次香水。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. From harvesting to fermentation, all processes are conducted manually. Absolutely no artificial fragrances and sweets are added. 完全为手工摘采,手工搅拌控制发酵,完全不添加人工香料及甘味。 www.taiwantrade.com.tw 4. Favorite Perfume: Sporty colognes for the day while working. Exotic, oriental and woody fragrances for the evenings. 喜爱的香水:工作时白天用运动古龙水。晚上用具有异国情调的东方的树木香型的香水。 www.bokequn.cn 5. The Fragrance Division has three business units: Fine Fragrances, Consumer Products and Fragrance Ingredients. 奇华顿日用香精部有三个业务单位,其中有香水,日用消费品与香原料。 job.guolairen.com 6. No parabens, aluminum, propylene glycol, synthetic fragrances or harsh preservatives. 没有苯甲酸酯,铝,丙二醇,合成香料或防腐剂苛刻。 www.011011.com 7. Kenkay Zinc & Castor Oil Cream is manufactured from medicinal grade raw materials and does not contain any added colours or fragrances. 该产品原材料均为医药用品等级,和不含任何添加,无色或无香。 www.wujinggou.com 8. In 2011, the plan is to expand into Material Girl-branded fragrances as well. The collection will retail for between $12 and $40. 同时,该品牌还计划于2011年推出香水产品,零售价约为12-40美元。 www.bing.com 9. Avoid products with fragrances and lauryl sulfates, which can be irritating. 避免使用含有香料和硫酸月桂基酯,因为可能会引起激惹。 news.dxy.cn 10. Movements, fragrances and tastes are evoked by the dripping colours, palette knives and brush strokes of Boun. 伯恩通过滴水的颜色、调色刀和画笔调动我们活跃起来,并激活我们的嗅觉和味觉。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. A 71-year-old woman awoke one morning to find that she perceived all aromas, odors, and fragrances as smelling like burnt toast. 一名71岁女子有一天早上醒来发现,她认为所有的香味,气味,和香水的气味像被烧致祝酒辞。 www.syyxw.com 2. Phthalates are solvents that are often used in cosmetics because they help retain fragrances and help lotions penetrate the skin. 邻苯二甲酸酯是化妆品中经常使用的溶剂,它们有助于留住香水的气味或帮助乳液渗入皮肤。 www.bing.com 3. With reality shows, fragrances and fashion lines, the Kardashians embody the new celebrity entrepreneur. 凭借真人秀节目、香水和时装产品,卡戴珊家族成为了新一代名人企业家的代表。 www.forbeschina.com 4. lavender is a kind of fragrant purple flower with vast diversified colors , shapes , leaves , as well as fragrances with slight sweetness. 薰衣草是一种馥郁的紫色小花,花朵的颜色及形状、叶片形状、香味均非常多样式,具有香中带甜的芳香。 www.ichacha.net 5. Free from synthetic fragrances, colors, preservatives and raw materials derived from mineral oils. 不含合成香料、色素、防腐剂和从矿物学油中提炼的矿物油。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Our milk bath is free of artificial fragrances, colors, parabens, petroleum products, animal fats, and alcohols. 我们的牛奶浴液不含人工香料,色素,帕拉胶,石油产品,动物脂肪和酒精。有益宝宝,环保地球。 www.vvcha.cn 7. She says to look for pure oils and avoid unnatural fragrances, which can contain harsh chemicals. 她说,找纯油,避免非自然香水,它可以包含有害化学物质。 www.englishtang.com 8. The shelves were filled with fragrances, soaps, lotions: all sorts of handcrafted beauty products. 货架上摆满了香水、香皂和护肤液,以及琳琅满目的手工产品。 www.bing.com 9. The molecular family it concentrates on is the terpenes, which are used as fragrances and flavours. Some are very costly. 这些分子集中在可用于香精香料的萜烯中,有些是很昂贵的。 www.ecocn.org 10. British men are only beaten by their Italian counterparts in their desire to buy celebrity fragrances. 英国男人买名人香水的兴趣仅次于意大利男人。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The perfuming means allows for greater formulation flexibility with regard to fragrances. 所述加香部件允许对于芳香剂的更大制剂灵活性。 ip.com 2. It has a clear and mild texture and contains NO fragrances, pigments or mineral oil. 质感清新性质温顺,无香料,无色素及无矿物油成分添加。 www.g5g8.com 3. Inside her is the most splendid world filled with sights, sounds, and fragrances that will astound you! 里面的她是更加美丽壮观的世界,充满的声与美,会让你大吃一惊! dxlrxpfyk.blog.163.com 4. JSSHJYXH fragrances Co. , Ltd. is a company dedicated in the research , experimentation , development and sale of fragrances . 艾雅斯香精香料有限公司是一家致力于香精香料的研究、开发、生产、销售于一体的专业厂家。 www.stxiangjing.com 5. I spent hours in a fragrance factory in Manhattan watching Padma mix fragrances. 在曼哈顿的一家调味厂我几个小时都在在观看帕德玛调味。 www.bing.com 6. What of them? All the fragrances here are unique but the past, and there're endless unknown corners to wait for those advancing. 这一切又有什么关系,这里的花香虽然独特,但都已经过,生命里还有那无尽的未知角落,等待着人们执着地探索。 www.enfans.com 7. Strong fragrances are unadvisable in the presence of customers , along with garlic and cigarette breath , the code says . 见客户时香水不宜擦太浓,也要避免大蒜和香烟口气。 www.bing.com 8. A gold yellow and clear colour. Expressive floral nose with some roses hints, fragrances of apricot and tropical fruits. 纯净的金黄色,透着玫瑰花气息的花香、杏及热带水果的芬芳。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The company's new line of fragrances is very popular. 这家公司新出的香水系列非常受到欢迎。 hi.baidu.com 10. Microbia plans something similar, using Dr Church's MAGE technology, though its first products will be colourings rather than fragrances. Microbia公司也在计划着用切其博士的MAGE技术做类似的事,不过他们的首个产品将会是色素而不是香精。 www.ecocn.org 1. This databook is a detailed information resource covering all the key data points on Fragrances in Vietnam. 此本资料数据包含了越南香水市场的关键数据信息。 www.showxiu.com 2. For instance, he won't buy clothing or fragrances on the Internet, but electronics are another matter. 比如说,他不会在网上买衣服或香水,但会买电子产品。 www.bing.com 3. Egyptian history shows, fragrances and ointments, bath and shower for after. 埃及历史表明,香精和油膏,用于沐浴及沐浴后。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Subjects were then asked to rate odor strength when sniffing the sweat mixed one by one with 32 different fragrances. 然后科学家将汗水逐一与32种不同的香水混合之后再次让实验参与者们闻气味。 microcard2u.com 5. The nose reveals delicate fragrances of mayflower, iris and fresh apricot. 散发精细的五月花香气,鸢尾和新鲜杏子的芬芳。 www55fangcomse.929.com 6. Incense, Soaps, Candals, Body Oils, Lotions , Fragrances Incense and Agarbatti. 采购产品香,肥皂,,身体油,外用药水,芳香剂香和香脂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. However, not all fragrances that occur in nature are of natural origin. 但是,不是所有有大自然的气味都是属于自然界的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. IFF International Flavors and Fragrances Inc. 国际香料公司美国 wenwen.soso.com 9. Safe for use on babies too! No chemical preservatives or fragrances . 无任何化学防腐剂或芳香剂,因此也适用于婴幼儿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Sweet and pleasant fragrances of vanilla and dark chocolate. 还带有令人愉悦的香草与黑巧克力的芬芳。 jmclub.hk 1. Suited for fragrances, the bottles are available with both 15-mm crimp and Europa threaded neck finishes. 适于对香水的瓶子分别采用15毫米螺纹卷曲和欧洲颈部完成。 www.512121.com 2. Instead of repellent fragrances, the Mosquito Buster app uses sound to keep mosquitoes away. 不同于那些令人不悦的花露水,“驱蚊先生”使用声音赶走蚊子。 www.bing.com 3. The present invention relates to regiospecific Furan Compounds and Their Use in Fragrances. 本发明涉及区域专一的呋喃化合物及其在芳香剂中的用途。 ip.com 4. No other perfumes in the world compare to these special fragrances from France. 世界上任何香水都难以媲美这些独特的芳香。 www.joyen.net 5. It's possible that the fragrances from 2 different product lines interact but this is an extremely low probability. 两种不同产品线的香精是有可能互相反应的,但这样的概率是很低的。 www.elanso.com 6. The red Cotes du Rhone wines exude fragrances of cherry, blackcurrant, raspberry, a touch of liquorices and even a hint of cinnamon. 罗纳河谷山坡地红葡萄酒散发出樱桃、黑加仑、树莓、甘草、肉桂的芬芳。 blog.163.com 7. We have perfumes of different fragrances. 我们有各种不同香型的香水。 www.kekenet.com 8. He smelled like shampoo, cologne, and mint. A mix of fragrances that was so intoxicating it should be illegal. 他混合着香波,古龙水跟薄荷味的体香,闻起来像毒品一样让人迷醉。 www.3l0g.com 9. Note from Ellie: Floral fragrances link to spirit! 埃莉的笔记:植物的香气与精神链接! www.chinaufo.com 10. It is used as a fixative in perfumes and gives the lingering classic base notes in many expensive fragrances. 它被用作香水色剂,并给出了萦绕在许多昂贵的香水经典的基调研究。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. you're mile fragrances everywhere around me . 你是四周环绕著我的芳香。 www.readnovel.com 2. A more profitable way to avoid the regulators may be to make complicated high-price chemicals such as fragrances. 更有利可图的方法是回避监管机构可以制造如香精的复杂高价位化学品。 www.ecocn.org 3. The best moisturiser is a basic greasy one without extra ingredients or fragrances such as Vaseline. 最好的是那些不含其他成分或气味的碱性脂质,例如凡士林。 www.med66.com 4. We want to buy Perfumes and Fragrances, Sculptures, Tabletop, Perfumes, Miniatures, Paperweights , Marbles. 我们要采购香水和芳香剂,雕刻,桌面,香水,缩图,文镇,大理石。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The bath oil comes in various fragrances. 这种沐浴油有不同的香味。 www.kekenet.com 6. blanketing of materials that would degrade in air, such as vegetable oil, spices, and fragrances. 在空气中会降解的材料的覆盖,例如植物油、香料和香精。 www.pat365.com 7. My skin is very sensitive. I can't use a moisturizer that contain fragrances. 我的皮肤很敏感,不能用有香气的保湿霜。 www.e-say.com.cn 8. eg. The companys new line of fragrances is very popular. 这家公司新推出的香水系列非常受欢迎。 studioclassroom.net 9. We want to buy Chemicals-Additives, Textile and Textile Articles, Flavours and Food Additives, Perfumes and Fragrances. 我们要采购化学药品-添加剂,纺织品和纺织品文章,调味料和食物添加剂,香水和芳香剂。 easytrade.com 10. We want to buy Perfumes and Fragrances, Silk, Silk Fabric, Premiering Exquisite Bath, Beauty and Home Fragrances Products. 我们要采购香水和芳香剂,丝,丝织物,总理精致的沭浴,美容和家庭的香芬产品。 www.easytrade.com 1. We want to buy Chemicals-Additives, Textile and Textile Articles, Flavours and Food Additives, Perfumes and Fragrances. 我们要采购化学药品-添加剂,纺织品和纺织品文章,调味料和食物添加剂,香水和芳香剂。 easytrade.com 2. We want to buy Perfumes and Fragrances, Silk, Silk Fabric, Premiering Exquisite Bath, Beauty and Home Fragrances Products. 我们要采购香水和芳香剂,丝,丝织物,总理精致的沭浴,美容和家庭的香芬产品。 www.easytrade.com 3. We want to buy Personal Care and Health Care Products, Perfumes and Fragrances, Detergent, Cosmetic Accessories. 我们要采购个人护理和健康保健产品,香水和芳香剂,清洁剂,化妆品配件。 www.easytrade.com 4. Fragrances add style to men. 新闻中说香水让男士们时尚, en.chinabroadcast.cn 5. We want to buy Sculptures, Perfumes and Fragrances, Paperweights, Vases, Perfume Bottles. 我们要采购雕刻,香水和芬芳,文镇,花瓶,香水瓶子。 www.easytrade.com 6. Mahru can move its lips, eyebrows and even pupils freely to make faces and can emit two kinds of fragrances to match its emotions. 这个名叫Mahru的机器人能动嘴唇、眉毛和眼球来做出各种表情,并能根据它的心情变化释放出两种不同的香味。 www.bing.com 7. As both a designer and celebrity, rap star P. Diddy believes he can produce fragrances that last. 作为设计师和名人,饶舌歌星吹牛老爹(P.Diddy)认为,他能够生产出香味持久的香水。 www.ftchinese.com 8. We want to buy Cosmetic Accessories, Fine Chemicals, Perfumes and Fragrances. 我们要采购化妆品配件,化学药品,香水和芳香剂。 www.easytrade.com 9. We want to buy Perfumes and Fragrances, Personal Care and Health Care Products, Cosmetics. 我们要采购香水和芳香剂,个人护理和健康保健产品,化妆品。 www.easytrade.com 10. I love spring, I'm into her fragrances, I enjoy looking at the new blue of trees. and I like listening to the songs of birds. 我热爱春天,我喜欢闻到花儿的芳香,看到大树的新绿,听到小乌的欢唱。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. I love spring, I'm into her fragrances, I enjoy looking at the new blue of trees. and I like listening to the songs of birds. 我热爱春天,我喜欢闻到花儿的芳香,看到大树的新绿,听到小乌的欢唱。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Apparel is expected to rise by 6. 5 percent; followed by fragrances and cosmetics (4. 5%); and tableware (2%). 服装预计将增长6.5%,接着是香水和化妆品(4.5%)以及餐具(2%)。 www.forbeschina.com 3. We are an exclusive distributor of luxury cosmetics and fine fragrances in China, established in 1997. 我们是专业的国际知名化妆品香水品牌中国总代理。公司成立于1997年。 cbbs.chinaren.com 4. Givaudan, the world's biggest maker of flavors and fragrances, tumbled 1. 7 percent to 1, 015 francs. 全球最大的香水制造商奇华顿公司股价下跌1.7%,至1015法郎。 www.bing.com 5. This perfume is made in several fragrances. 这种香水是几种香料所制成的。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. So who is buying these star-endorsed fragrances? 那么到底是谁在买这些明星品牌香水?。 dos.nudeactressworld.com 7. Cosmetics and fragrances Cosmetics and fragrances 原文化妆品和香水 lhkyzbbs.5d6d.com 8. More than 120 natural raw material for fragrances, flavors, cosmetics and heath supplements 为日化、食用香料,化妆品和健康保健品提供超过120种的原料 wenku.baidu.com 9. The Actuality and Development Tend of Modern Flavors and Fragrances 香精香料工业现状及发展趋势 www.ilib.cn 10. International Congress of Essential oils, Fragrances and Flavors, ICEFF 国际精油、香料和香精会议 www.aromabbs.com 1. WESTERN AND ORIENTAL FRAGRANCES MEANT FOR THE MODERN MEN AND 西部及供应与现代男性的意思东方香水 zhidao.baidu.com 2. A major producer of natural extracts for fragrances 提取天然香味物质的主要生产商 wenku.baidu.com 3. US pesticide fragrances pilot scheme 美国开始农药香料成分试验计划 www.hcbusinessmedia.com 4. The Global Market for Flavors and Fragrances 全球气味及香味市场 www.giichinese.com.cn 5. Perfumes or colognes or fragrances 香水、科隆香水或香料 www.eavic.com.cn 6. No Artificial Fragrances or Dyes 不含人工色素或香料 blog.sina.com.cn 7. This soap is made in several fragrances 这种肥皂是以几种香味制成的 goabroad.wenda.sohu.com |
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